sindocan · 7 years
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This file is ridiculously huge but its currency for @shoo5h and i’s collective oc world
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sindocan · 8 years
note to myself about gods:
gods are seperated by departments  mra, yr, yan, ura, ran and nox are in the realms department theres probably a department for many other things but i am a tired man right now B)
another thing: nox is the only one who doesn’t have godbeings of the creator type
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sindocan · 8 years
MORE IMPORTANT LUXO FUNFACTS: he has so many fake IDs....... at 16 he was already going into bars to pick up rex and drive him back home. had a fake driver’s ID ifmfcmngjd
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sindocan · 8 years
funfacts about sophia
- has a big fear of thunder - is always very nervous about physical intimacy, whether it’s holding hands, hugging, etc etc - used to have a book club constituing of two members: her, and her dad - prefers when her hair is long, but has to cut it all the time for practicality - is very passionate and self-sacrificing with friendship, will die for her friends - her favorite animal: the bunny - is uncomfortable with high heights  - holds the family’s biggest record of times she accidentally saw mom and dad doing shit she shouldn’t see............. 5-6 times probably. she doesn’t want to think about that gjfdnfjdhg - so bad at cards game - honestly doesn’t give much shit about the stanotan culture or magic - doesn’t have a good handwriting 
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sindocan · 8 years
funfacts about luxo
- his name is actually luxord. doesn’t like the ‘luxo’ nickname very much but knows he can’t ESCAPE IT - is the only lucky survivor of rex’s accidentally destructive behavior. there used to be 6 other siblings, rip - used to have very good eyesight which was ruined by 1) rex 2) rex with a laser, rip - has no life drain antennas like the other frexians because 1) rex 2) rex with scissors, rip - can speak so many languages he wouldn’t actually need a translator to communicate with other species around his planet, but he still uses one for good measure - his specialty is to look like he doesn’t have much money so nobody asks him for anything................ - ................. is actually FULL OF CASH HE’S SAVED FOR YEARS - surprisingly flexible but doesn’t like to show it off because “it’s embarrassing” - favorite food ever: cricket chips - doesn’t like to be out in big crowds - was already working at the age of 16. did jobs such as: transcriptionist, translator, assistant, psychologist, ‘agent of peace’............ somehow that eventually lead to emperor - has bachelor’s degree in translation, later got phd in psychology - obviously has performance anxiety lmao - hasn’t slept a full night of 7 hours since he’s been 14 ok. he lives off 5 hours for sure
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sindocan · 8 years
funfacts about merlin
- doesn’t really like men, doesn’t like to be associated with men. doesn’t see much good in men unless proven otherwise - considers himself non-binary, but doesn’t really feel the need to talk about it with others because that seems too complicated to do - a huge pessimist. would rather die than try - started working as a healer at a very young age to work so he could help his mom with money issues - often speaks to his dead mom out loud, when no one is around - smokes many different herbs, considers it medicine. would vote yes for legalizing marijuana gjfdng - is technically ambidexttrous, but only since he’s lost an arm  - is the one who cooks in family dinners. is especially good at making pies and soup - doesn’t consider himself strong nor useful despite his past accomplishments - becomes very selfish and rude when put under stress - i dont wanna say this last funfact but i gotta i gotta because its the funniest merlin funfact i possess and i hate myself for thishgfdhfjdggfddg - gODD DAMITMRT - really has an exaggeratedly big di
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sindocan · 8 years
funfacts about richelda
- lost her mother in a brigand attack, which encouraged her to become a figure of authority that could protect the weak - has never been very good at makeup and outfit-matching - it’s a thing that evaristo showed her when they lived together as kids - doesn’t enjoy long hair that much, but feels obligated to keep hers long anyway - doesn’t find herself pretty at all. has low self-confidence about her physique and face - she didn’t develop any magic abilities until she was around 11-13 years old. her parens first thought she was born magicless (still a blessing in this time). the aptitude was actually only triggered because of evaristo’s numerous attacks - is constantly sure that men want to hurt her. will not trust any men whatsoever. despises men - suffers from anxiety. often has panic attacks - learned to draw half thanks to her mother, half to evaristo  - is very close to her dad, whom she considers is the only person she can trust - her favorite dessert............................ vanilla pudding - has a vague belief of The Master only because she considers herself so unlucky, she thinks there MUST be some god out there trying to ruin her lmao - awkward with words, merciless with a sword
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sindocan · 8 years
i love to think about hiwa and amira so much............. have funfacts about them
- it is physically impossible for hiwa to NOT say amira’s full name - it’s very difficult for amira to say hiwa’s name at all, and says ‘human’ instead - hiwa is more attracted (platonically and romantically) to older looking people while amira tends to distrust and despise them which tbh often leads in failed flirt attempts lmao - amira has been self aware since hiwa’s birth so it’s practically gotten a full human education just by existing, cool shit - amira finds eating digusting and prefers to ‘disconnect’ whenever hiwa does it (on that note, hiwa’s favorite food are pastries) - as a kid, hiwa was able to cope with his emotions easier since, indirectly, amira was always around to influence his thoughts into wiser, happier ways to see things  - though they share the same body/space, it is impossible for hiwa to directly communicate with amira..... because honestly his magic aptitude is low and he sucks A WAY HE CAN DO IT HOWEVER: write on a paper. switch to amira who answers on the paper. switch back to hiwa, and so on. a long process - amira is like a very aggressive sjw it’s amazing - both of them share a love for small birds
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sindocan · 8 years
what i also gotta think about: why and when did daryn leave??????? the fuck
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sindocan · 8 years
kinda looking at my ocs kinda thinking I SHOULD REVAMP THEM ! ! ! ! !!
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sindocan · 8 years
i JUST realized how OLD cassius is, compared to anette
like when she was 16 he was already 23......................... EW............... GOTTA CHANGE THAT
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sindocan · 8 years
a godbeing suggestion blog and its only posts like reminders to work and to devote yourself to gods 
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sindocan · 9 years
it doesnt make sense that there would be a whole godlike hierarchy in the human world but none in stanota, considering the fact that stanotans are like, humans’ cold neighbors and that there are portals connecting the two worlds maybe there are human gods and stanotan gods. in that case i haVE WHOLE NEW GODLIKE CREATURES TO MAKE 
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sindocan · 9 years
since its christmas eve, christmas funfacts
in leraime christmas doesnt exist, but people can celebrate the First Fall or something which is like, when the first snow falls people celebrate and give each other gifts. it’s because back then snow was seen as very beautiful and miraculous, and though now its not as much a lot of people still celebrate it
certain parts of the Master religion don’t believe in celebrating the first snow fall because they see it as a way the Master is punishing them, or getting rid of them. in this sense the first snow fall can actually be seen as a disaster rather than something to celebrate
stanotans have no christmas either but they take a whole month to prepare to celeberate the new year, then the festivities continue for about 4-5 days. they receive many offerings and sing and dance a lot. its an extremely important holiday and not doing it kinda makes you suspicious 
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sindocan · 9 years
i already knew that richelda and evaristo lived together as children for a while but it never occured to me that caden probably met evaristo as a kid too. eva’s mother being super important, it’s s o possible caden’s family worked for her???
if we go there, then we can wonder how evaristo got caden’s trust. that means he never hurt him in ANY way. which could make sense, i mean, since caden was already capable of destroying everything he touched, eva probably saw something very interesting in him, like “i could hurt him..... OR i could assist him in hurting others” which seemed less boring since it was a long-term objective rather than a short ‘’feel the thrill’’ act
then the trust can easily be built as eva acts calm and friendly while caden is extremely scared and troubled and only wants someone he can trust and get support from. eva can notice that and take on that role and in that way both of them get what they want
when its said like this it probably sounds like a one-sided friendship, and it’ll probably look like it i guess???? but i mean in my mind it’s not like eva DOESN’T like caden or sees him as an enemy later on as they’re older he even helps caden with this unrealistic goal of his, provides him men, power, shelter, contacts, etc etc........................ i mean, i guess eva doesn’t consider caden a friend but he doesn’t consider him an enemy and does enjoy his company sometimes. it’s like. colleagues, , , , ,
i have no idea what thE F UC K THEY ARE
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sindocan · 9 years
it occured to me this morning that like. the acceptable minimum of kids in stanotan being like 4-5, and with j and haude loving kids SO MUCH, why the fuck did they settle for 3 kids????????????? they should AT LEAST have 4????????????
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sindocan · 9 years
itd be very interesting to have a story arc in which leon and his people decide to take over the human world i think itd be great and much better than what i have now for the reincarnation arc i gotta think about that
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