Opera Humor: Pretty Much Every Verdi Opera Explained
I recently saw a thing where people used generic formulas to explain almost all of a composer's operatic output, but they didn't do Verdi!!! Here's my attempt to remedy this (Note that this excludes the two comedies, and of course there are slight variations for each opera.) 
Tenor and soprano fall in love
The mezzo/contralto role usually comes in about here and either tries to help soprano or becomes her worst nightmare or just annoys everyone
Baritone gets ticked off about tenor and soprano falling in love
Baritone and/or soprano's tenor boyfriend think soprano has done something very bad (aka crime of passion or infidelity) and plots revenge (usually but not always on soprano) and sings awesome revenge aria
REVENGE (or politics, or tuberculosis)
Soprano/tenor/baritone-who's-a-title-character dies
Everyone who's still alive feels really bad about it
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