sinnamoncupcakes · 5 years
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I just spent 4+ hours on this it is now 5am. This was a simple sketch that just... mmmmm... I had to finish. 👀
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sinnamoncupcakes · 6 years
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Please consider the following
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sinnamoncupcakes · 6 years
NSFW Bakugo/Reader OBA
give her a read over here: Need
If y’all want more, or want headcannons, let me know ;) This was a fun little one shot. I’m a sucker for these kinds of things. 1.9K words
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sinnamoncupcakes · 6 years
Back when Suicide squad was popular, (the movie) I remember that I made an absolute crack pairing, and... I wrote it well enough that people wanted more of it. But it’s a one hit wonder and there’s no way that couple would actually work out. Y’all would know if you read the fic on my AO3. 
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sinnamoncupcakes · 6 years
Also, I’m figuring out how to make it accessible to Mobile, but I do have a “What will I write/ what fandoms” page along with a Get to Know me! Right now, here are the links! 
Whatsupguuuuurl (GTKM)
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sinnamoncupcakes · 6 years
Can I request a Zen HC where MC doesn’t want to have a baby? She didn’t tell him bc she thinks he will leave her because of it. But he keeps commenting about having babies and it makes her uncomfortable, and eventually starts crying because she doesn’t want to lose him? Boi I love angst
A/N: oooh! Hopefully this is what you were looking for… You said you desired angst, so I didn’t give it too fluffy of an ending if that’s okay! 
Zen always had dreams about having a family. Always. A little princess that he could spoil rotten, a little boy who would grow up just like him? he often fantasized and day dreamed about these things. 
It wasn’t until you finally just burst out into tears, crying out “I just don’t want kids..!” 
he was pretty… shocked. To him, this never seemed to be a problem previously, so why was his beloved s/o now shaking, crying when he was just.. talking about his fantasies for the future? 
One time though, it just caught you in the wrong light, and you burst out with it. You couldn’t hold back. It was just miserable knowing that you didn’t want too grant him the one thing he really seemed to desire. 
“(y/n) What’s wrong??” He’d still immediately drop the talk to address you. Did something happen? were you worried about something specifically? 
He sat you down with a glass of water, talking it over at the table. You were a nervous, shaking mess. He was super calm about talking it over with you. 
however, when it came out that you just.. didn’t want kids. He couldn’t lie and say he wasn’t disappointed. A part of him always desired children, and that was a huge thing to him that you hid. However, he would never be mad. It would be your body after all… 
“(Y/n) I would never ask you to do something you were uncomfortable with.. it’s absolutely your decision.. I won’t lie, I do feel disappointed.. I wish you would have told me sooner so I knew, but I’m glad you finally decided to tell me. I wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” 
After the conversation, there would still be a twinge in his heart when he saw other couples with kids, and there was still a very small hope that you would change your mind- however, he would never ask you to change your desires for him. He loved you, through and through. 
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sinnamoncupcakes · 6 years
RFA+Saeran HC
RFA + SAERAN HC { HC where they watch MC dance around with a baby in their arms while babysitting }
You dragged Jumin along when your friend needed someone to look after their 7 month old in an emergency
Jumin didn’t really like kids, but he didn’t necessarily hate them
“MC can’t we just hire someone..?”
No you’re the god parent of this baby and you haven’t seen your little munchkin in forever
You’re quick to pick up the baby, smiling as you place them on their hip, introducing Jumin to your friend before they hurried out, apologizing for the late notice.
The moment you place the child in Jumin’s arms, they start crying and making a huge fuss.
You quickly go to the bathroom and return, a very very flustered Jumin trying to do his best to parent.
You swoop the kid up into your arms, giggling as you started baby talking, just swaying and humming to some songs stuck in your head
Oh.. oh man. He’s starting to recognize the appeal of kids
You get the baby down easily, nervous of the attachment issues, you simply lay on the couch as the infant snoozes on your chest.
Jumin looks over to you, eyes sincere, as if his thoughts were just spilling out hie mouth.
“I want… I want a kid… no. We’re gonna have a kid.”
Oh no his mind is made up. Oh dear. Oh no.
Sexy times ensue and he’s D E T E R M I N E D
Rip your legs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Zen is calling you when you missed a practice performance, as you NEVER miss them!
As soon as you pick up?? There’s… crying in the background? Mc are you okay?
You explain that there was an emergency with your best friend, who needed someone to look after her baby for a while. You apologized profusely, but the kid has just been a handful.
Zen asks for the address, wanting to help out.
As soon as he arrives, he comes in, seeing you in the kitchen with your back to him, a baby in a dinosaur onesie on your hip, singing along to the radio with the child laughing at your over
Oh god this is too cute. He’s forgotten to announce himself and is SPAMMING photos of you and this kid in the chat.
He coughs when he’s done, “Jagiya~ I’m here~”
You turn, smiling “zen! How was practice dear?”
He gets hit with domesticity. He.. this all feels right. He comes over and talks about his day, taking the kid into his arms
Everything is just playful, and everything feels right.
Zen just… he falls hard, his acting skills help him be super silly and get the kid laughing.
As soon as you guys leave, he feels empty.
When you get home? You get pushed against the wall,
Beast is riled up in a more… sentimental way.
“Let’s have a kid of our own, Jagi..”
•707/ Saeyoung
Saeyoung never had experience with little kids, they kind of freak him out. (So much responsibility… yikes)
He doesn’t think having a kid is at all responsible especially with him in the agency..
But when you offered to baby sit for a family member, he asked to tag along, something edging on his nerves that day.
He just witnessed you go into parent mode. Hot damn. Okay.
You’re dancing around with this toddler squealing in laughter, gripping on to you
It’s like.. a dream for him??
He tries to join in but is a little… to excited. It ends with the toddler being over stimulated, crying for his mama.
Mom mode A C T I V A T E
You whip into action and get that kid calmed down, getting him settled with a movie and some juice.
Saeyoung kinda… wants a child now.
It isn’t until you and the kid nap together on the couch that he starts rethinking about the whole kid thing.
He talks about it with you, because unfortunately it IS a lot to consider with Saeran in the house.
You two decide on maybe trying once things are settled
College is.. expensive. And you loved kids. You figured it’d be a smart idea to have a babysitting service.
A mom dropped off her child at her place, the 10 month old being pretty complacent, just watching the TV in their jumper chair.
You were typing your midterm essay on the couch next to the kid, before Yoosung came home.
The door hit kind of hard, startling the kid.
You sprung up and were bouncing the kid on your hip, talking in silly voices to get the kid back to a calm state.
Yoosung came in and was just.. in awe
So responsible
So beautiful
He wants to try too. So he offers to take him off your hands just to give you more time with your essay.
He keeps looking to you for reassurance, wanting to make sure that he was doing it right
As soon as the mom picked him up, Yoosung looked to you.
“I… I want a kid.”
“N-n-not right now!!” He was SO FLUSTERED OH GOSH.
She thinks it’s sweet that you’re looking after a customers child?? Out of nowhere?
The mom left her wallet in the car, and you just SPRUNG INTO ACTION.
You stayed put, bouncing the kid in your arms.
Jaehee can’t keep her eyes off of you, smiling
One day that might be your child on your hip
The thought makes her heart swell happily
It was always planned for you guys to have kids later on, as it was a wish of yours specifically
The mom returned, and the thought of you interacting with the child stuck in her mind all day
She can’t wait for the day to come where her family is a little bigger.
Saeran wants a normal life with you
There’s a lot that he still struggles with but seeing old videos of you babysitting your cousins sets a fire in him
He found them on accident on your laptop
He.. saved them all to his phone
And constantly played the one where you and the kid were laughing in pure bliss.
“I… I want to try for a family Mc.” He watches your reaction flush up as he explains where it came from
You agree that you also want a couple of kids with him, but you’re nervous about the timing.
He’s reassuring. He knows that he’s with the best partner.
Sex after that is as loving and passionate as the kisses you two shared once everything was over.
You find that he’s a little more clingy in the morning, hands wrapped over your waist and just pressing kisses to your head.
Saeran can’t wait to see you interact with his kids one day.
Edit: This was taken from an old blog of mine, so if it seems familiar, this is why! That blog is being taken down but I like these posts.
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sinnamoncupcakes · 6 years
Midorya handling his s/o being depressed
Midoriya is… The floofiest boi…. Just know you can always reach out to me Anon! 
God, he’s heatbroken knowing you’re suffering. He just wants you to be happy and carefree. Not upset or depressed.. 
He DESPERATELY just wants to make you cheer up. Maybe that means he’d bring over some of your favorite snacks, maybe he’d spend the day next to you just watching movies. 
He’d probably ask Toshinori for advice if i’m honest. It’d bug him that he wasn’t prepared to handle it. 
During a really bad episode, he’d be like a personal cheerleader. He would encourage you to take care of yourself. (brush your teeth, take a shower) he’d even offer to clean up your room… but would even do it if you asked him not to. (Take out trash, clothes in the hamper, those kinds of things). 
Midoriya would always encourage you to do things you like, and would not stand for anybody talking down to you. He just.. wouldn’t. 
He’d be a big cuddly dog essentially- blankets, snuggles, you name it, he’s there. 
Constantly worried about you. Always checking up on things you need. He’s ecstatic when you get out of the house with him, even if it’s just for a little bit!! 
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sinnamoncupcakes · 6 years
Oh! All OC’s are welcome on this blog by the by. I hate the feeling of needing to keep Oc’s private. I personally ship my OC for BNHA with Bakugo, but thats just me! :) 
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sinnamoncupcakes · 6 years
Bakugo+ Trans (Reader) S/O HC
Bakugo, oh Bakugo. He really wouldn’t get it at first. I figure he’s kind of in his own world, so the whole concept is just?? Uhh, explain?? 
However, possibly after a very frustrating conversation, he would get it and try and help.. in very unconventional ways. 
He’s trying his best. You’d have to establish if you wanted others to know before hand, otherwise BOI CANNOT KEEP HIS MOUTH SHUT. 
By that, I mean, he is consistently correcting others with your name and pronouns. Teachers, strangers, he don’t care. Don’t fuck with his s/o.
You want his clothes?? Baggy Sweatpants?? Fuck he’d even offer to cut your hair if you weren’t allowed and just “blame it on a villain that suddenly decided to cut your hair!” Would you rather he take you out shopping?? He don’t care. 
If you were in a shop and.. with no way to know. (this is for my mtf girls specifically,) He would absolutely try on the clothes with you. You’ve been uncomfortable your whole life, what’s 5 minutes for him. 
He’s still just... Overprotective. He always is. Kinda helpful when you’re being picked on by strangers, as he just gives off the aura of “do not fucking TOUCH them.”
Sorry if that was short, it was just a quick HC that popped into my mind! Feel free to drop me any H/C requests! 
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sinnamoncupcakes · 7 years
doot doot
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