sishengwang-blog · 6 years
Movie: Memento
In the 1990s, there was a very sensational case in the United States. In 1990, Irene Franklin accused her father George Franklin of murdering his friend more than two decades ago. Eileen claimed that she witnessed her father’s murderous process. The reason why he filed the accusation more than 20 years ago is that this memory is too cruel. Therefore, her psychological protection mechanism suppresses this memory in the deepest part of consciousness. It was not until adulthood that she received psychotherapy that her innermost memory was awakened. The jury fully believed Irene's testimony and George Franklin was found guilty of first-degree murder.
However, is "repressed childhood memory" really reliable? At least Freud and his followers think it is. Freud's psychoanalytic theory there is a very important concept called "repression." In Freud's opinion, in order to protect our current feelings and reduce anxiety, we may suppress the memory of pain. On the surface, we will forget these memories, but they may be extracted because of some clues. Therefore, many therapists believe that those childhood traumatic memories can be restored through hypnosis and other suggestive therapies. These memories that were restored during hypnosis were once used as credible evidence in judicial proceedings in the United States. In addition to this bizarre case, there have also been many cases in which adults have suddenly recalled childhood parental abusive childhood treatment and then filed a complaint against their parents.
However, later studies found that the truthfulness and accuracy of these "re-awakened" memories are suspicious. Hypnosis in psychotherapy can not only improve the accuracy of memory extraction but also lead to false memories. In fact, in the process of hypnosis, the therapist intentionally or unintentionally induces the patient, making it easier for them to construct memory with their own imagination. Psychologist Schacht believes that hypnosis makes it easier for people to think of inner experiences as memories than usual, and to show great confidence in these false memories, so as to confuse reality and imagination. More and more researchers believe that the so-called "reduced childhood memories" are rare even if they exist.
Based on such new research evidence, the Franklin case was finally overturned in 1996. Since then, memory recovered from psychotherapy has become more and more cautious when used as judicial evidence. After all, who can guarantee that these “recovered” memories are not the parties’ own imagination? They are probably all just false memories that were constructed.
With the above two "theoretical foundations", I can try to interpret the plot of "memory fragmentation." I made this assumption: If Leonard, the actor of Memories, regained his memory years later, how would he describe the experience in the film? The following is a confession written by my father Leonard. Of course, what is said is not exactly the information directly presented by the film. It contains an analysis of my plot. Many years later, I restored my memory. This is my confession - I'm Leonard, my wife likes to call me Lenny, but I don't like people calling me like this. I can still remember the good times that I had with my wife. Although they are only pieces of memory, I put it together and I feel like she is back to me. The fragments were enough for me to feel how much I missed her and enough to let me know how much I hated the murderer who took it all away.
Before that incident occurred, I was originally an insurance company employee and my job was to screen the company for insurance fraud. I am very competent in this job because I am very good at identifying lies. The biggest challenge in my career came from the case of Sammy Jankis. Sammy was slightly injured in a car accident, but no new memories can be formed from then on. Any experience after a car accident can only be kept in his mind for a few minutes. I know that this condition is called "anterograde amnesia." Some patients who experience traumatic brain injury may indeed have the disease, but it is extremely rare. Sammy did a brain imaging examination and found no obvious brain damage. My intuition told me that he was just a liar who was ill-prepared. I started to talk to Sammy, but I couldn't find any proof of illness. How can I allow such a superb acting fox to show flaws?
I remembered that I had seen a case report from Swiss doctor Claparède. A female patient with amnesia described by Claparède cannot recall from where she was on the day of illness, and she can't even remember the name of the doctor who treats her every day. Once, Claparède hid a needle between his fingers and reached out to the patient's hand and stabbed her. The patient's hand reflexively retracted, but she soon forgot about it. Soon after, when Claparède's hand approached the patient again, she found that she unconsciously retracted her hand and asked why. She said she didn't know, and urged her to explain that she said, "Sometimes the needle is hidden in the human hand." This case gave me a lot of inspiration: people's memory is divided into two levels. On the conscious level, patients with amnesia cannot form new memories. On the unconscious level, patients with amnesia actually have an impression on experience. Although not directly extracted by them, it will affect their behavioral responses. In other words, forgetting this matter is sometimes physically and mentally separated - and Sammy Jankis may not understand this.
I decided to let Sammy go to the hospital to do a test. We placed a few metal ornaments in front of him and asked him to pick up one of them according to the instructions. One of the ornaments is powered. Sammy took the power-up ornament and got an electric shock. He was angry, but he seemed to forget it soon. After a while, we let him do the same test again. If Sammy is really amnesiac, he will refuse to pick up the energized ornament like the patient of Claparède, because although his consciousness does not remember, the impression of being shocked will prevent his body from picking it up. In fact, Sammy once again looked at it with no worries, once again got an electric shock, and once again showed angrily. Sure enough, Sammy didn't know that memories at different levels would separate the matter. He thought oblivion was a complete oblivion, and his drama was overplayed. I seized the tail of the fox. Sammy’s identity as a scammer was thus revealed. I was victorious. At that time, what would I expect, Sammy will actually merge with myself in the future?
The accident happened shortly after the Sammy case. That night, the two punks sneaked into my house. They thought that my wife was only at home and brutally raped her. After I woke up, I shot one of the gangsters and was hit by another gangster. It was probably destiny, that is, from that time on, I became the person Sammy Jankis tried hard to play—brain damage made me a real amnesiac patient, and I can no longer create any new memories. Although my wife recovered from this change sooner than I, I still vowed to take revenge for me and my wife. The police did not believe that there was a second culprit. They would not believe the testimony of an amnesiac, even if I told them that I had remained intact in memory before the change. Only one policeman believed me. He said he was Teddy. He helped me with a police investigation file and gave me the opportunity to investigate the murderer himself.
I don't remember. I don't know where I am. I don't even feel the passage of time. How do I revenge like this? The criminals took away the ability to survive. I needed a "system" that allowed me to survive. I began to paint the important clues that were investigated. I always use Polaroid to take pictures, let me know where I am, and know that the people around me are friends or friends. Soon my body was full of tattoos, but I deliberately left a blank space on the left chest, waiting for me to kill the murderer, and I was here to stab my declaration of victory.
Revenge is far better than I expected. Teddy and I soon discovered that the abbreviated name of the murderer was John G. We followed the clue to find the bastard. I killed him. I was filled with the joy of the big hatred. I pointed to my left chest and Teddy took me a photo to commemorate the success of revenge. I stabbed "I've done it" on the left chest to remind myself that the mission is over. It is time to return to my wife.
My wife does not believe that my memory can never be restored. She uses every possible method to try to get me better. For example, she hides all food and forces me to memorize the place of the collection. Otherwise, she will starve. Unfortunately, in vain. She always hopes that I am completely psychological, and always hopes that there will be ways to make me recover from it. What she wanted was not the monster in front of the past and the future. She wanted to let that past my return to her side.
At that time, I did not feel that my wife was getting desperate. My ignorance of the time, it is impossible to capture the subtle emotional changes of people around me, even if it is my most loved one. The wife decided to make her final bet with her own life, hoping to awaken my memory with my love for her. My wife has diabetes and I inject her insulin every day. On that day, she gave me three injections. It was a fatal dose. She thought that if I still love her and still care about her life, I must be aware of something and stop. However, I did not have any impression of every injection before. So she looked at me and killed her with her own hands.
After my wife died, I seemed to be indifferent, because soon I couldn't think of my wife's death. I lived in a sanatorium for a long time. The past was blank and the future no longer makes any sense. I became a prisoner of the moment, a dead animal.
But I can not be reconciled, I know, just like Claparède's patients are afraid of needles, everything in the past must have left something in my head. Occasionally, the sporadic memory of her wife in the past will come to me like a piece of debris. But what I feel in my heart is no longer warm, but inexpressible guilt and misery. I know that some subconscious mind in my heart actually remembers that I killed my own wife. However, I do not want to believe it. I do not accept this cruel reality. Not me, it's John G. Kill her! I am not a freak without the past and the future. I do not want to be a ghost who wanders around the world. I want to go back to my life.
I remembered other information I saw when investigating the Sammy Jankis case. Those sources tell me that memory not only has different levels, but it can also be forged. People have many false memories. Psychologists have done such an experiment: They ask children every week: “Do you remember the experience you had lost in the mall before?” Even though children have never been lost in the mall, they have been asked this way. So they In the mind, following this question, a memory of lost oneself was constructed. When the psychologist asked the children again several weeks later, the children actually “remembered” their lost experiences and even described various details vividly.
As long as one thing is constantly built in the brain, it may become false and it will truly become your memory. For me, Sammy is an excellent material for building false memories. In the subconscious, I grafted my experience on Sammy, telling myself over and over again about this constructed imagination and letting myself believe it is true. I succeeded, and later I really believed that it was Sammy who murdered his wife by mistake because of amnesia, and my wife died at the hands of John G.
This not only freed me from subconsciously guilty of killing my wife but more importantly, it made my life meaningful again. Revenge, this is my purpose for continuing to live. I was liberated from the cage of the moment. I wiped out the tattoo of I've done it on my chest and tore off Twelve's 12 pages from my police file. I painted the remaining content and created a mystery for myself. Following this mystery has become the full meaning of my life.
I remixed with Teddy. Although he helped me, he was not a good policeman. It was his survival to steal money. Teddy looked at everything: "Aren't you looking for enemies? Okay, then I'll make an enemy kill you." He packed his goal into John G. so that my fictional puzzle appeared. Mystery. He made a fortune, and I thought I was enemies. In a sense, we are simply the best partner.
Teddy unveiled everything to me after that and told me that Sammy had no wife and that my diabetes was actually my wife. For a moment, the world that I constructed with utmost pains seems to have collapsed again. What I was searching for was only an illusion that did not exist. However, no, I can't accept it. I want to believe that the world is not what I imagined. I have to believe that what I do still makes sense, even if I do not remember what I did.
What Teddy should not do most is to tell me that his real name is John Gammell. It turned out that he could also be a John G. There are too many John G. in the world waiting for me to kill, so my illusions will never be shattered. Teddy is the next one. I wrote, "Don't believe his lie" behind Teddy's photo. I also used Teddy's license plate as a feature of John G. This can be said to be a trap I set for me later. This trap tempted me later to chase after the "truth" of "Teddy is John G." Many movies love to take multiple personalities. In those movies, two souls can live in one person's body at the same time. Looking back now, amnesia has separated me from each other at different times. In the future, I live in one of my past scripts. This can be said to be another kind of multiple personalities.
After Teddy died, it was the next John G. After that, there was the next one... There will always be John G. who is not killed in the world, and my search will never stop. So I was caught in a strange reincarnation. Many horror stories like to treat such reincarnation as a punishment imposed on guilty people. Can it be a punishment for me? I remember in a book that the so-called happy life is a balance between the present happiness and the future. Ironically, as a person without memory, I will always live in the moment, and revenge forever will make my future full of meaning forever. It seems that I was a happy person then? Yes, a broken soul finds happiness in this twisted way.
I want to confess to my wife: In those days, I was madly chasing a phantom that didn't exist, but actually, I didn't want to revenge for you. What I was obsessed with was just the process of pursuing it because it allowed My life has become meaningful again. All I did was just for myself.
The illusion that does not exist makes me think that I am still alive.
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sishengwang-blog · 6 years
After watch TED TALK: Zeynep Tufekci.
Today we disseminate information so quickly that just one email may launch a world-wide awareness campaign, such as Occupy Wall Street. As science and technology sociologist Zeynep Tufekci shows: In the long run, the easy participation of social media can actually inflict social change. In her speech, she showed how today's social movements will lose the benefits of the previously difficult and slow movement.
The speaker starts with advertising. The AI technology that is relished by major Internet companies has been widely used in online advertising promotion technology. If you check out at a supermarket, you will be sure to put a variety of sweets next to the checkout counter. This is done through a well-designed arrangement in which children are asked to buy a box of chocolates at the last minute. This “persuasion architecture” is still established in the online world. However, with AI technology, this persuasive architecture is no longer static but is “private custom”. Large Internet service providers customize the advertising services that are most likely to be clicked and purchased based on the collected user data. There has even been a special data broker that deals in the sale of online user behavior data. This behavior is strictly prohibited in Europe, but it is legal in the United States.
However, it is not such smart push that people are afraid of. In fact, this is convenient for users in some angles. What is really scary is that technology companies use deep learning or big data technology to process thousands of data and come to a conclusion. This process is not supervised, or the process is like a black box, data in and data out. The middle process is not transparent. Perhaps the algorithm tells you that the result is A, but we cannot know why it is A. Although AI technology does not guarantee that the results are always correct, more and more facts prove that it is becoming stronger.
Not only in the field of Internet advertising, push functionality of AI technology is constantly affecting our lives. Once you click on a page on the web, your behavior data will be recorded, the recommendation of relevant content will appear on the right recommendation bar, and when you continue to click, these content will strengthen your view of something. The algorithm will Continue to recommend more and more extreme content for you to meet your needs. In this process, people's ideas will be continuously strengthened and become more extreme, because you only see what you are willing to see.
The most terrifying application of this phenomenon may be terrorism, religious extremists or ethnic discrimination.
On the other hand, as long as the AI system is doing a bit of trickery in the information you push, you may be manipulated invisibly. The speaker gave an example of Trump running for president. Its campaign team sent Facebook information to African-Americans suggesting not to vote.
Whether on social networks or on shopping websites or video websites, everyone sees different things. You can't tell when you were affected or implanted some kind of thought.
The most worrying thing is that when AI technology is applied to citizens by authoritarians, all humans will be under surveillance. Mankind became a clearly priced commodity and was auctioned by major wealthy owners. Although the R&D personnel of major technology giants is all developing good technologies and technological pursuits, any technology that lacks effective supervision will become a hazard. And the amazing potential will bring astonishing risks.
Technology has increased the efficiency of people's communication, and also reduced the steps people need to organize their activities. This has led to the organization becoming more and more simple. However, this kind of activity may be more because of people’s temporary ideas. Persistence is not sufficient. At the same time, due to the rapid formation of groups, the individual goals are not very clear or the goals are not exactly the same, and the process of seeking common ground while reserving differences within the group is lacking. This leads to unclear group goals and is not conducive to activities that are expected to be resolved. The solution to the problem.
The development of the Internet age brings the explosion of information. It is difficult for people to maintain long-term attention on a matter of interest. This requires people with common interests and the same view of a certain thing to communicate with each other and communicate with each other. China maintains its commanding heights of interest and adheres to and believes in the same goal as its peers. Therefore, in such an era, changing politics, the public, and the society needs people to constantly remind and inspire. This is what we need to do, and only in this way can we To achieve our own goals, we can achieve what we hope for.
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sishengwang-blog · 6 years
Weibo and me.
It may be difficult for us to define what generation it is. But sure, this is a fast generation. The advent of Internet technology drastically restructured our world. With a simple communication device, through instant messaging software such as Weibo, we can achieve space in major events around the world even if they are “absent”. The leaps and bounds will eventually gain the right to be present.
Weibo is the most popular online platform in China, the Chinese version of Twitter. (Twitter is banned in China)
The emergence of Weibo further stimulated the degree of separation between space and time. The impact it exerted is obviously monumental: As individuals are removed from the original social relations, this makes everyone on Weibo accept it. Information still exerts influence, and inherent authority tends to collapse: Weibo has built a brand-new world based on information equality. It is based on this characteristic that the “home campaign” in the fitness field will be introduced into the category of social movement and become a new form of social movement. In an era of rapid globalization, from receiving information to watching incidents to protests, the space-based location was shifted from the original square and street to Weibo. Starting today, the "home campaign" is no longer hazy, but has gradually become a reality.
Weibo has changed the face of the Internet, just as the Internet has changed the face of the world. In March 2006, Twitter, the world's first microblogging site, came out. After a tumultuous year in the past year, Twitter has ushered in the growth of users and continues to this day. According to statistics, as of October 2010, the number of Twitter users worldwide has reached 175 million, an increase of 200% compared with the same period of last year. At the same time, Twitter's market value has exceeded the "New York Times." Experts predict that according to this growth momentum, the total number of Twitter users is expected to exceed 200 million by the end of this year.
Since the Twitter site was not accessible in mainland China, it did not develop a Chinese version. Therefore, the use of Twitter's Chinese users is extremely disproportionate to the total number of 420 million Internet users in China. According to statistics, it is still less than 200,000. However, it is precisely because of the existence of barriers to access that the Chinese micro-blog has retained a huge market and rare opportunities.
An important feature of Weibo is that it can spread across time and space, and it can spread out things happening anytime and anywhere. Because of its small number of words, it is easy to write and it can be written immediately. As a receiver, you can also receive it anytime and anywhere. As long as you have a mobile phone, you can watch it while you are in a car, a meeting or a break. It is very convenient and quick. Moreover, it is a delivery service. If you add attention, the other party's new dynamic will be sent to you on your own initiative. This is an instant experience.
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sishengwang-blog · 6 years
The drama called its “virtual reality” technology “computer-human brain interface”, which is what I call the human brain API above. Its function is to send instructions directly to the human brain through the computer. Then we all know that all of our senses are ultimately transformed into signals that the brain can recognize. Eventually we “feel”, then if we “research thoroughly” this process, then Actually, we can indeed "feel" what is in the broad sense "absence".
The story is also simple to say, the man participated in a "terrorist game experiment with the latest technology", the final test failed the man died. But behind the entire test show, people can think of a lot.
First of all, the play is not conservative than Pirates of Dream Space. Its “Latest Technology” dilutes the concept of time in “Dream”. Although the male master made a "long" dream, "reality" only 0.04 seconds. Although the company has implemented a full range of simulation technology, it is still from the beginning to pretend that only a sense of AR capabilities will be introduced to the protagonist step by step (a horror game, "accident" is very important), but in fact from the beginning of all, the protagonist is "Dream" (Isn't I never know how to get to that state of dream?)
There are some details here. In the deep “ghost house”, the male owner feels “stupid”, but this “feeling” is actually on the upper level. This depiction is very real. In terms of disguise, in the dream, the logical thinking function will be very weak. You will not infer the reasonableness. Your doing and your own feelings are like a third person. Just like inside, even if it became a fool inside, it immediately accepted the setting. It's like you never had to hesitate to jump the cliff in your dreams. It may be that the logic control loses its function. This feeling is difficult to describe, but the screenwriter really does take this “feeling” out of it and admires it very much.
Someone talked about AR in the comments section of the play, but the technology here has actually far surpassed AR. I like to call it “trick the brain” for “virtual reality,” and there are actually several layers of brains in VR AR ASMR. The science that comes after studying our peripherals (organs). The reason they can “work” is that our senses are very scientific in principle, and as long as they “understand” its principles, it is very likely to create “illusions”. However, the current "virtualization" at this level is full of limitations and the effect has not been "real" enough.
And we understand why today’s technology can “work” deeper into a layer of imagination. Although all of our “feelings” are different in reality, “signals” are different, but in the brain, they may even be unified into one kind. The difference in signal, "feeling", may only be that a "sign" of this unified signal is different. (Do you find out what the problem is, in the end, what is "real"?) And if we can "understand" the principle of this, then you can feel the "true-false". The technique in the drama reaches about this level (although the entire "process" is in a dream, it may be that the writer's assumption assumes this ability in the "dream" state).
The main line of the story is a "horror game" from "virtual" to "infinite reality." But if we assume that the technology is actually completed, we will find that we can "do" anything that we want to do now. A technology will completely change our lives.
After this technology is really completed, what will we do? In the beginning, we might tease our brains to meet our primitive nature (for example, the original male escapist to "do something they haven't done before" is to travel around the world). However, over time, it may eventually come to our mind that since all the "feelings" we can forge, then what are we pursuing? Is it to tease the senses (to make us feel "joy" through audio and video) and tease the emotional layer (directly to the brain to unconditionally release "joy" stimuli)? Where will eventually go?
The wealth and happiness we pursue in our lives are based entirely on the perception of the brain. So such a "science and technology" can completely change lives. Then what is our current pursuit of "meaning"? This can be extended to everything else. It is worth thinking for everyone.
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sishengwang-blog · 6 years
The Matrix: "What is "real"? How do you define "real"?"
In fact, Zion is also a virtual system, I call it Zion world or Zion system. Not what real world is. If you look closely at the dialogue between Neo and creator Architect, you will find that the director has clearly explained this fact. Neo started to doubt the authenticity of Zion’s world from one-handed squid, so he first asked Prophet Oracle’s first question to ask how the squid was going. Oracle asked him to go to Key maker to meet with Architect. Architect told Neo that he designed the Matrix world and failed several times. Later, a “human intuition detection program” - that is, Oracle proposed another program, that is, the program is now adopted, that is, let 99% of people still live in Matrix, these people have no doubt about the world, and even do not realize They can also choose to run. These people only run the code written by the system and have human characteristics. They have no sense of autonomy. The other 1% have stronger self-awareness and are always suspicious of Matrix. Therefore, the system kernel Source builds Zion. The world, let this 1% people live in it. People in the Zion world are always trying to rescue people who are skeptical of Matrix from the Matrix world. It is actually helping the system to remove instability from the Matrix. The savior is produced at regular intervals - The One, The One is a program written by Source that can run on both Matrix and Zion. He is responsible for collecting those bugs and exceptions and concentrating them on Zion. Then The One saw Architect under the guidance of Oracle. Architects routinely gave him two choices. The first five saviours chose to reconstruct Zion out of compassionate feelings. Zion was destroyed and the system was stabilized while the savior led from. Matrix selected 16 men and 7 women to rebuild Zion. By the way, the love between Neo and Trinity was also arranged by the prophet, so she told Trinity that she would love the Savior. The design of the prophetic adventure took advantage of the unknown power of love to upgrade the system. The prophet said that Architect is nothing more than a systematic balancer. He always hopes that the system can return to its initial stable state, and continues to use Zion to eliminate bugs and anomalies. Rebuilding Zion; Prophet Oracle is just the opposite of Architect. The prophet always tries to break this balance and let the system gain new sources in the unknown confusion and complete the system upgrade. The creator is always patching, and the prophet wants to upgrade, so the third final act creator comes up and asks the prophet whether or not the game is too dangerous to play with him. Neo, because of the difference between love and the last five saviors, Smith The crazy copy of the virus and the spread of the Matrix and Zion systems. If Neo can’t beat Smith, then the virus will completely invade the system, the system will crash, and of course everyone will die - of course, Smith and Neo are just two manifestations of the same program. Neo understands the above facts and gains superpowers in the Zion world (Zion world is a world that is modeled by the real world and is the middle layer between the real world and the Matrix world. In the first Neo, Neo understands the core essence of the Matrix world. In order to get the superpower in the Matrix world, and in the third part of the deal with the system core Source, to help the system kill Smith while saving the Zion world without destroying it. In the end, Neo and Smith together died and the system was successfully upgraded. The Prophet won. As for the new system there is no the one program is not known. But the system will keep its promise to keep the world of Zion, while giving those who want to go out, “freedom”—people who want to leave Matrix and who want to leave Zion. Of course, no one except Neo will understand the nature of Zion world. By the way, Neo has a dual identity. On the one hand, he is indeed a person. At this point, Architect told him. On the other hand, he runs the one program on the carrier of his person. When the one program and the virus program collapsed together and collapsed, Neo’s consciousness in the Zion world ceased to exist, but his flesh was still alive. I think this movie is not really a fight between humans and machines, but a process of evolution and upgrading of machine civilization. Smith repeatedly said that the beginning and end of any event, human civilization has ended and now is the machine civilization, and it is evolving. In the end, the creators asked the prophet how long the stable peace lasted - referring to the new system after the escalation. The film was bright and sunny. The prophet replied that the longer the better. In fact, this is only a good wish of the prophet. Those who have been installed know that the system will have a very good time after reinstalling or upgrading. However, as time goes by, system bugs will become more and more buggy and the speed will increase. The slower it will be infected with Trojans or something. It is certain that the new system will eventually fall into the problem. Of course, according to the beginning and end of Smith’s talk, machine civilization certainly has its end. If I come to shoot a sequel, I will take the end of machine civilization and the birth of a new civilization.
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sishengwang-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
After watching the fight club, I did not hesitate to list this movie as one of my favorite movies. Here I talk about where I resonate with this movie. First of all, I have insomnia. Insomnia means pain, and pain needs to be covered up, life has to continue, but life is so boring, no passion. People are burdened with life, and there are so many rules that cannot be broken. Just like Jack's pursuit of furniture styles, is it not a beautiful self-restraint? The more we have, the more we fear losing. A line in the film deeply touched me "lose all hope was freedom". If you want to rebel when you are depressed, you want to destroy it. Taylor is a model that Jack is longing for and wants to say what he wants to do. When Jack was Taylor, it was time to release himself. Taylor's power is getting stronger and stronger, and the Inquirer said how his men's execution is so strong. I think this is a storyline need. This is not the point. Watching movies cannot always be thought of using everyday logic. Later, Jack realized that he was Le. He wanted to stop it. As for why Jack was aware of this, why he wanted to stop because of Mara. "The movie has a saying." If I do have a tumor, I will call it marla.marla. If only you can stop talking, small scratches on your mouth will heal, but you can't "remember Mara's feeling is like the rotten mouth, if you don't go, you won't get worse, but there's no way you can't go Jack had been unaware that Mara could not extricate himself, Mara lived free and uncaringly, but Marla's poverty and deprivation, and so on, made Jake simply not want to admit that she fell in love with her. Tyler’s fuse, when it was Taylor, Jack could love it without fear, and later, Jack realized that everything was also because of Mara, he didn’t want Marah to be destroyed. At the end of the film, four high-rise buildings collapsed, Jack and Mara finally stayed together, and in my eyes, it was Jack who wanted to have a passion in this boring world with a hysterical heart. He later found out that it was Mara.
It reminds me of a quote from The Detective: “I think human consciousness was a tragic misstep in evolution, we became too self-aware. Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself. We are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when, in fact, everybody’s nobody. I think the honorable thing for species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal, I tell myself I bear witness, but the real answer is that it’s obviously my programming, and I lack the constitution for suicide.”
An unusual story, coupled with an unusual performance, presents a seemingly unusual view. However, fighting clubs are not designed to address freedom but self-destruction. Freedom is more like a pie in the sermon. This scene of self-destructive use in a film can be well expressed. Taylor pointed a gun at an Asian man pulled out of a grocery store and asked him what he wanted to do. He gave him a deadline and threatened him that he could not finish and he collapsed. Completely destroying the life of a warm boiled frog can usher in a new vision that really belongs to us. "Self-improvement is masturbation. Now, self-destruction..." Taylor's contempt for self-improvement is the best illustration of this movie. But in fact Taylor's idea is extreme, anti-free, fascist. However, his opinion of this kind of film has gained so many clusters both in movies and outside movies.
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sishengwang-blog · 6 years
Jean Baudrillard: Simulacra and Simulations
First, Baudrillard discusses the simulacra of the first period of capitalist development, namely, the period from the Renaissance to the industrial revolution and the imitation of the natural laws of value. He gave an overly esthetic title for this section: "Imitation marble angels." In fact, this "mimicry" is obviously ad hoc, because in the historical process of human social production before the feudal society, the production of labor tools was mostly imitation of natural materials or creatures. However, Baudrillard here refers to the counterfeit sector as a special Bourgeois. He said that the imitation was born with the Renaissance. A very important demarcation is that the presence of a counterfeit happens to be the deconstruction of feudal order at the same time. This seems to have some truth.
In the first aspect, imitation occurs at the level of symbols. This is due to the fact that in the past feudal hierarchy and caste society, the sign refers to being protected by taboos: “Each symbol has no ambiguity to point to a status.” It is similar to the ancient Chinese kings, ministers, and people. Symbolic symbol. Everyone knew at that time that the yellow robes and horses were not worn by ordinary people. There can be no "mimicry" between symbols in feudal ceremonies, and confusion is punished. Therefore, we can find that Baudrillard’s imitation here mainly refers to a symbolic relationship.
One of the first things that happened when Bracciano was on the stage of history was the liberalization of symbols. The structure of the mandatory symbol of the feudal one-on-one signifier and the signified relationship ends, "all classes can begin to play symbols without distinction." As the rising bourgeoisie changes with its own status, the symbol appears liberated and floats. This is the first history of imitation.
People shift from the restricted order of symbols (a kind of taboo in the "free" production of combat symbols) to the on-demand proliferation of symbols. But the sign of such proliferation no longer has anything to do with the mandatory symbol of limited transmission: the former is a counterfeit of the latter, but this kind of imitation is not the transformation of the “prototype” but the extension of the material. The full clarity of the game comes from the kind of restrictions that strike it.
I think the logic of this paragraph is fairly clear. Here, Baudrillard illustrates the history of counterfeiting in the symbolic relationship as first-level simulacra. Symbolic imitation is the elimination of the kind of mandatory symbol in feudal society, especially the symbolic excess of the bourgeoisie's positional change in the early capitalist society. This symbolic transgression often manifests itself as a taboo over the original compulsory symbol. It escapes taboos and "fakes" new symbolic signs in accordance with their own status requirements. This is a symbol of liberation. The liberation of the signifier from the oppression of rigidity refers to the conversion of feudal symbolic objectivity to the arbitrariness of freedom. I don't know if Baudrillard here has the intention of finding the historical basis for Saussure's symbolic arbitrariness theoretical logic. If so, Baudrillard's argument here should be very profound and have an important historical significance. Baudrillard said that with the emergence of Bourgeois, "the modern symbol is indiscriminate (it has only been competitive), it is free from all constraints and can be used universally, but it is still simulating inevitability, and it is connected with the world. Looks like." This is a very evocative statement.
In the second aspect, counterfeiting refers to the simulacrum of nature in the early production of capitalism. Baudrillard said, “This is a system of problems of 'nature' and metaphysics of reality and appearance: this will be the entire bourgeois metaphysics since the Renaissance, the mirror of the bourgeois symbols, the mirror of classical symbols”. I think this statement is quite profound. The philosophical logic of Western experimental science and the modern dualistic model, and even the historical occurrence of the entire natural ideology of Bourgeois are obviously related to this. This is the so-called "Mirror of Classical Symbols." I have noticed that while Baudrillard spoke out against Marx, his own analysis here is somewhat of a historical materialist approach. This is probably only a deep theoretical unconsciousness.
Baudrillard said that the imitation was "along with nature" during the Renaissance. The nature that has just emerged here is clearly the “capitalized” nature of Heidegger’s claim to the person who has become the object of human industrial production, rather than the natural material existence in the general sense. The things he cited here are "pseudo vests, imitation marble interiors, huge Baroque stage installations." In Baudrillard here, it seems particularly important to imitate marble and Baroque art, especially the former.
Baudrillard’s judgment is correct and profound. In his view, the Promethean ambition of the bourgeoisie began with the imitation of nature before it entered production. For counterfeit marbles, Baudrillard made the following figurative description: "In teaching and palaces, imitation marble is suitable for various forms and imitates various materials: velvet curtains, wood ornaments, plump flesh." It is this artificial new mixture that “became the general equivalent of other substances” and becomes the mirror of everything else. I think this metaphysics has been overdrawn.
According to the definition he has previously explained, what has played a dominant role at this time is the so-called "natural law of value." The natural law of value already mentioned above means that the existence of natural objects is forcibly included in the utility value system of people. However, Baudrillard's judgment is still good. He believes that it is in the imitation of the first level simulacra that already contains the same assumption of general control and universal hegemony of Bourgeois later, which confirms a social program where the internal consistency of the system has been deeply Effected." The "inner consistency" here is the sameness that Adorno said. The control of nature is bound to dominate social life; the liberation force of enlightenment must inevitably lead to deeper self-enslavement.
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sishengwang-blog · 6 years
Monster Culture
The human nature of human beings will not disappear with the social civilization and changes of the times. Man's animal nature has hidden and dominant distinctions. In these two forms of expression, the explicit animal nature is exposed and unscrupulous. Whether this dominant animality is group or individual. For example, in World War II, Nazi Germany slaughtered the bloody history of the Jewish people; in the actions of the Japanese aggressors in Nanjing, China, 300,000 Chinese compatriots were cruelly put on the rope of “death” so that every one of them The next time he enters Nanjing, he will hate the Japanese, and at the same time he is afraid of the gloom of the city. Of course, the dominant animal nature is still in every corner of the world to kill lives, homicides, violent events, terrorist attacks... The slaughter has been going on, it is in the clear, and sometimes it makes people's defenses hard to defend. The hidden animality, which is always like a beast lurking in the darkness, will always wait for a chance to attack nightwalkers or cursed people. People often can't see its body, and sometimes it's sharp jags and eyes. The fierce lights refer to street signs and lights.
The hidden animality is even more terrible than the dominant animal nature. It is even more frightening. Its threat and danger are even more unparalleled. If the offender needs motives and facts before he can be called a crime, then for the human nature of the person. I believe that if we open up criminals and remove them from the trial, then this hidden brewing animality is more conclusive than the crime. It is the source of all evil. Therefore, the above-mentioned acts of the slaughter of similar kinds must be attributed to The brutality of human nature. Of course, the human nature of human beings is not only the word "criticism", but also because of corruption, possession, desire, and selfishness. From Lev Tolstoy's statement, "From the embarrassed to the millionaire, one thousand people can't find it. To a person who is satisfied with his property...to buy a coat and matching shoes today; tomorrow to buy a watch and a necklace; the day after tomorrow must install a sofa and a bronze lamp in the apartment; Carpeting... Then there is a house, a deluxe carriage..." In this remark, it can be seen that the greed of human nature is endless. In general, the corruption of corrupt officials and the growth of corrupt officials come from the corruption in humanity.
However, animal nature is certain in principle, that is, it is in accordance with the laws of nature. Animals have animal nature, but animalism has a certain purpose, such as: competing for land, fighting for food, fighting for spouses, etc. Animal animal nature is generally only satisfied with temporary needs, rather than aimless slaughter. Different from animals, human beings kill and kill in the same way generally not only the outbreak of animal nature, but also contend for the rights and interests under the complex consciousness of human beings, satisfying desires, etc., and the drive of human beings to desire may destroy their biggest cause. Therefore, human killing addiction is not only animal nature, but is a metamorphic behavior under the complex ideology of human beings. In contrast, animals do not appear psychologically abnormal. It can be said that this is also a negative impact on the development of human consciousness.
The attention to family education in the modern society has gradually begun to increase, but the social supervision mechanism is still not perfect, and the society can not release the children in family misfortune from that kind of environment. The development of society is also faced with more tests of human nature. In recent years, revenge on society has witnessed more and more frequent juvenile delinquency, and they all appear in the form of extermination and other heavy cases. It must be said that if society does not attract enough attention to family education, it is not surprising that this kind of incident has occurred.
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sishengwang-blog · 6 years
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The understanding of music video “7월 7일” by red velvet.
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sishengwang-blog · 6 years
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The understanding of music video “7월 7일” by red velvet.
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sishengwang-blog · 6 years
You Say You Want A Devolution?
The third world countries in the modern transition period failed because the political development lags behind the economic and social development. The state needs authority to control the possible political insecurity, so as to firmly promote economic construction and social reforms. . This constitutes a set of internal contradictions: attempts to modernize will bring about social shocks, but modernization itself needs a stable political framework. There are not many countries that can do this.
The exploration of Tocqueville's problem. The relationship between political modernization, political participation and political institutionalization. Modernization and corruption issues. The three models of modernization in Europe, the United Kingdom, and the United States point out that the United States has retained more of the features of traditional decentralized systems than Britain. Concentration and diversification play different roles in the initial organization and further expansion of political participation. The social group on which the revolution or reform relies and its role. Lenin's contribution to modern political organization theory; the necessity of political parties in modernization.
Therefore, the key to distinguishing a modern polity from traditional polities is its political awareness and political involvement. The key to a well-developed modern polity that distinguishes it from a developed traditional polity is the nature of its political system. The system of traditional polities only needs to organize the participation of a few people in society, while modern polities must organize the participation of the general public. Therefore, the key institutional difference between these two forms of government lies in the organization of public participation in politics. The unique system of modern polity is therefore a political party. Other systems in the modern political system are the grafting or continuation of traditional political systems in the new era. There is no modernization of bureaucracy. The bureaucratic systems of China, Rome, Byzantium, Ottoman, and other historical empires often have a highly structural division of functions. They have a strict system of selecting and promoting bureaucrats based on fame and performance, and they have well-developed guidance systems themselves. Behavioral procedures and regulations. Even the National People’s Congress and the Parliament are not unique to the modern polity.
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sishengwang-blog · 6 years
Wait until the next time you see a book, an article, or any person who expresses his opinion on anything, there must be a voice in his head. What if the author is wrong? If I want to refute his/her opinion, what should I say? Please note that instead of judging whether one is right or wrong, you should give your own arguments, arguments, and arguments. He/she is wrong because one of the materials he/she cites is based on the following conditions that are not in line with the situation we are discussing; he/she is wrong because this is an extreme situation that does not happen in real life, etc. In addition, please think of the teacher as a colleague of the study, not the authority of the correct answer. Perhaps the things I know have seen more books, but at the level of discussion, I am equal to all of you. I If you put forward something that you can refute, you must also refute it. I will also deliberately reverse your arguments and see if you can provide effective support for your views in a short period of time.
The idea that critical thinking is based on:
1) There is no absolute “correct” answer to this question, and it is only the best solution under the status quo. 
2) Everyone involved in this discussion is equal; the "winner" of the discussion is not because of his/her status but because of his/her way of proving that he/she is correct in the current situation.
Thinking for a few days, at least in the Chinese education that I know and experience, and the lack of these two points, it is no wonder that Chinese students are completely unaware of what extraterrestrial guest of critical thinking is.
From the above two points, we can see that American education attaches great importance to participation, attaches importance to class discussion, and emphasizes the characteristics of argumentation of evidence. The concept of education originates from society and above society (because education undertakes the task of training a successor for a culture, trying to improve/modify the society), and critical thinking also originates from the concept that the United States depends on, that is, the very widespread American dream. , and at least try to establish an equality of everyone in the classroom to discuss the ideal conditions for the center. The educational concept is not Americans' originality but is one of the foundations established by Socrates since the entire Western civilization. Correspondingly, such a concept also expresses the hope of the educational community to improve the society and hopes that the next generation will retain the ability to think independently and in a highly developed capitalist society such as the United States.
Equally important are the cultural traditions that value logical reasoning and stress physical evidence. Why Chinese medicine has not been popularized in the United States and other Western countries, it is simply that ordinary Westerners have difficulty understanding the mystique/implicitness in the Eastern culture. I personally do not fully agree with the western logic thinking/so-called scientific spirit, and further believe that because Americans generally pay attention to the feelings of others, it is very painful to conceal key information and toss people. However, in the United States, if we have to do a good job, we must understand this point. In daily writing and conversation, try to speak out what you want to say first, and then demonstrate why the other person wants to give it to you. As long as the logic is strong enough for the other party to feel that this thing is for you, things will be done.
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sishengwang-blog · 6 years
Popular culture is the social culture in which most members of the society participate and express the psychological state and value orientation of people in this era in material or non-material form. It is usually propagated and extinguished by the advanced media tools of this era, and it is also Have a certain impact. Popular culture is based on commodity economy, with mass media as its carrier, entertainment as its main purpose, and popular fashion as its guide, including fashion, fashion, consumer culture, leisure culture, luxury culture, material culture, popular lifestyle, and popular taste. Urban culture, subculture, popular culture, and mass culture.
Today, the network media has been well-developed, and the low cost of communication has become more and more of a concern to the world. This also means that the arrival of popular culture has come into being. Mass media is the carrier of popular culture. The two are related to each other. The development of communication technology provides a platform for the continuation and development of popular culture and forms and sets the tone of popular culture. The powerful copying power of the mass media and the transmission power beyond imagination have changed the face of the world. Popular culture rises like a hot air balloon. An inexhaustible tendency to inflate the entire human race. It should be acknowledged that the mass media have contributed to the development of popular culture. The media relied on the determination of media will and value to reorient and review popular culture. Therefore, cultural products used for consumption that have been dispersed to the private sector have diverged from the original spiritual entities and have generated additional meaning. , Like bulk copy products, even if it is similar to the authentic form, the meaning has completely changed. Today, we can see Picasso's self-portraits, or “the smile of Mona Lisa” everywhere, but this right is a kind of cultural cognition, and the aesthetic meaning and realm that penetrates into portraits is no longer the focus of research. The power of mass communication is to transform cultural information and popularization into products that can be recognized and consumed. The nature of this product is not much different from the chewing gum that children like. Mass communication has successfully created popular culture, which constitutes a material transmission channel through which popular culture and its modern art styles can be disseminated. At the same time, it directly affects the meaning of popular culture. In a sense, popular culture is the result of the mass tagging of mass media. Pop culture is a cultural reader that can be easily reached by us. It melts into the details of our lives and at the same time, it molds our life patterns. In fact, elegance and popularity are hard to explain. The world’s top ten tenors are sought after by countless fans and become the global pop culture, but you can’t exclude them from high culture. The four classics are regarded as classics in contemporary times. However, they were the popular culture at the time; similarly, in the 1980s, China’s culturally rejuvenated China, many college students held Freud's books eagerly to read, and young people in the 1990’s were keen on Gu Cheng’s and North Island's poems. To become a popular benchmark, but how to define this is an elegant or kitsch culture? In fact, pop culture does not completely deviate from the tradition, it is only to throw away the traditional meaning of the shell, replaced by a new concept of humanity. From a certain point of view, the cultural epidemic is also a cultural cycle. We have seen how many years ago popular things will once again ride the fashion stage in a few years, but the connotation has undergone profound changes. Among these, it is implied that The deconstruction and reorganization of ideology. Therefore, the prudent attitude is to view cultural phenomena rationally and objectively, and to blur the essential attributes of culture, without having to look up at noble elite culture, and at the same time, to give sincere respect to the universal pop culture.
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sishengwang-blog · 6 years
PBS Idea Channel Summary
Sisheng Wang
Five years ago, someone told you to be a mobile communication tool, do you think it? At that time, most of them would feel that they wouldn't be able to do their best.
If ten years ago, someone told you that a student from a school in the United States had a real-name social networking site where you could write something, pass pictures, add friends, and you couldn’t do anything else. Would you feel reliable? At that time, most people would feel unreasonable. I usually use so many social means. Why do I have to do it again online?
In fact, one thing that is embarrassing is that almost all good ideas are not considered good ideas at first.
When Airbnb first started to do it, no one felt it. Hotels are everywhere, why do you want to live in someone's home? And why are people willing to rent rooms to strangers? Twitter was just an additional service of Obvious and it was not optimistic. Obvious was yellow, and he was still there.
Then what should be done, the entrepreneurial idea must be particularly predictable? Those founders will have night vision? Not too much.
I think a good start-up idea is actually not the kind of thigh that you feel when you see it. It's not that there are a lot of data analysis conclusions that can support it. It should be able to be specific to the plan and implemented as soon as possible. There are no startup companies that rely on ideas to succeed. They should all be combined with specific situations. What does this mean? This idea is not suitable for your team. (Do you understand this requirement, know how to perform it, and beyond the scope of what you can hold on knowledge and experience, do you love doing this?) This idea is based on whether or not your current situation can be achieved (do you have enough funds? Are there any risks in the policy? Are not enough resources?). These points are even more important.
Therefore, to see if ideas can or cannot be made, we must elaborate on the plan. We can't just say, "I want to be an anonymous social product" or "I want to be a home-based service O2O." This way, products that rely purely on rough models have long since disappeared. What you have to say is, what kind of anonymity is yours and what users will be. What specific functions you have to make, use scenarios, market conditions, and funding needs are all indispensable. To say that O2O is more complicated, many issues related to people need to be considered. What is the relationship between your platform and those who provide services? Is employment still half-employed or voluntary? What is your platform profit model? What do you rely on to attract people and users to provide services? It will not be a very simple idea, it needs to be a bunch of solutions that have already been considered.
Re-raising the example just given, WeChat can quickly take the first step because it has a mother-in-law called QQ, and then through some very niubi points, such as shaking a shake, voice, it is only stable. If you also have this idea, but your team may have to spend more than the ability on the first step, and may also exceed the acceptable range in time, then I think this idea is not a good idea.
Facebook can do this because Zuckerberg is a user of his products. He knows how social networking people want to have a social network. He also knows that doing this is something he can hold completely. He can do most of his own work. R & D work.
So I concluded: Good ideas are things that you think are feasible, seemingly no problem, and the most important thing is what you can hold, what you can do, and what suits you best.
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