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Yay :D
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chatoyant #47088
Flash giveaway!
Flash giveaway. (Partly to make up for how quiet it’s been here, partly because I’m super excited to have cute new familiars that I don’t have to grind endlessly/stalk the MP for!♥)
Aren’t the new Xolo familiars absolutely adorable? Don’t your dragons need  Xolos to cuddle? Here’s a quick chance to get them for free:
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Rules are the same as always - reblog once with your FR name and ID to enter. (See my last post for full details if you have questions!) Giveaway ends Monday, August 11, whenever I drag myself out of bed in the morning. (Probably sometime between 4:00-5:00 FR time.)
Good luck, and good night!:)
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chatoyant #47088
Quick Sprocket Giveaway
50 sprockets, 100 seafood points and (optionally) a free dragon from my hatchery will go to 1 winner to celebrate the end of the Thundercrack Carnival. Giveaway ends around 14:00 FR Time, August 2 of course.
You don’t have to be following me
Reblog with your username and id
Likes don’t count
(optional) If you had to actually live in FR, what flight would you feel safest in?
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Okay but
spirals chasing laser pointers
that is all
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chatoyant #47088
Weekend Giveaway: Thundercrack Edition!
Hello all! Have you been having a lucky Thundercrack Carnivale? Because Windsinger knows I haven’t! Goodness, this  festival currency is hard to get - I have to confess, my main strategy this month was to just grind like mad in the Fairgrounds and buy whatever I wanted.;) It’s all good though - and it figures that Stormcatcher would be the deity to make us really work for our festival loot! At any rate, while the coli haven’t been very good to me, Runestones and the Auction House were, and I’ve got Festival Loot to share for this weekend’s giveaway:
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the Forgotten Construct skin
the Electric Ruler accent
the Tesla Coil skin
the Plasmabelly accent
the Thundertouched skin
the Electropunk chest with the Electropunk skin
the Surgelight chest with the Surgelight accent
the LuminousSurge chest with the Luminous Surge accent
the FracturedLight chest with the Fractured Lightning skin
the Livesurge chest with the Alive by Lightning accent
an Electrician’s Emblem an Electrified Sash a Golem Gauntlet a Livewire Grizzly
Rules are the same as always. Reblog once with your FR username and ID # to enter, likes makes me feel loved but don’t count as an entry. You can enter multiple names/IDs in one reblog, so long as they’re only entered ONCE - if they show up in another post I’ll ignore both entries. (So enter your friends if you like, but make sure no one else is entering them as well!) You don’t have to be following me to enter.:) Giveaway ends sometime Sunday, August 3, before rollover; I’ll update this post when it’s done so be sure to check back here. Good luck, and keep grinding!;) (Bossman’s watching!)
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I just used a scatterscroll on my random progen...
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Well, at least she's not uglier than she was before.
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Purple/Purple/Ivory - 50k
Azure/Teal/Ivory - 45k
Splash/Denim/Ivory - 45k
I do holds.
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chatoyant #47088 c:
Charged Sprocket "Why the heck not" Giveaway
Since I probably won’t be able to do a chest giveaway or a “peeps I have to much currency anyone need some” thing this time around since I’m moving at the end of this week…
Might as well hold a giveaway now!
So, up for grabs:
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Two people will win a stack of Sprockets. Yay!
To enter:
Reblog with your username and ID
Please no likes - they make things confusing
You don’t have to be following me
This ends…tomorrow night? Tonight? …The night of 7/29. When exactly? When I get back home from dinner with the family. No idea when that’ll be, but whatevs.
And that’s it!
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chatoyant #47088 c:
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Build Your Own Lightning Representative!
I wanted to do a small something to celebrate the festival, so here we go! Up for grabs is the following:
*1 male black iridescent/black shimmer/aqua crackle Lightning ridgeback, born on the first day of the festival 
Full Brass Steampunk Set including googles, scarf, spats, gloves, vest, wings, and tail bobble
Cyan Delver’s Lamp, Aqua Deepsea Bulb, and Electrician’s Power Pack 
Copy of Fujoshi’s Robotic Exoskeleton accent for male ridgebacks (goes great with the Power Pack!)
All of this will go to a single winner. To enter, simply reblog with your username and ID - no need to be following me! Giveaway ends after rollover on the last day of the festival, August 2nd. 
*Since lair space is such a commodity, the dragon portion of this giveaway is completely optional. 
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Well, you have the two piles of sand, you might as well just go for it.
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I can't do that, she's sitting on a nest ;;
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I could... buy a scatterscroll for my random progen...
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I found a dragon that is almost identical to one of my dream dragons, with the same genes and colours (he's the wrong breed/gender but that can be fixed with breeding), and he's for sale and he doesn't cost much and aaaaaa I might have my dream dragon in a month or two!
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I freaking FINALLY managed to login from the forums page. I don't know why it wouldn't let me login from the main page...
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