skinni-darling-blog · 5 years
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skinni-darling-blog · 5 years
Here are some Medical Tips/Facts about EDs
1. If you are eating very little, make sure you are consuming some sodium (not too much) so that you don’t induce hypotension. 
2. Make sure you eat a banana or potassium. Many people with EDs collapse without it.
3. Learn the difference between water soluble and fat soluble vitamins. In short, water soluble vitamins are flushed from your system after it extracts the needed bits. In fat soluble, the extra unused nutrients from the vitamins are stored in your fat/body and can become VERY toxic to you if you contain too much of it. 
4. Do not exercise if you are fasting or have eaten very little. This can destroy your health so quickly. 
5. If you aren’t eating enough for a very long time and are underweight, there’s a chance you will lose the ability to have kids/ make someone pregnant. 
6.  Laxatives and vomiting completely diminish you of electrolytes. Electrolyte potassium plays an important role in helping the heart beat and muscles contract. Make sure you replenish them via sports drinks, pickle juice, etc.
7.   Your metabolism will crash. That’s why most former people with EDs end up rebounding into obesity. 
8. Food restriction and/or vomiting will cause gastroenteritis. This in turn causes bloating and nausea (plus a whole slew of other symptoms.) 
9. Severe binge eating has been known to actually rupture the stomach and cause a life-threatening condition.  
10. The brain consumes around 1/5 of your consumed calories. Lowering your calorie consumption damages/impairs the brain. 
11. You will lose your sex drive. The hormones, testosterone and estrogen, are produced by the fats and cholesterol we eat. If none present, the hormones fall. 
12. Make sure you have some iron. You can self induce Anemia if you don’t. 
13. Start recovering or encourage your followers to recover. We all know what damage we are doing to our bodies, so I don’t wish it on anyone else. Recover. 
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skinni-darling-blog · 5 years
filling out the depression and anxiety checkboxes at the doctors is always so sad but also very very funny
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skinni-darling-blog · 5 years
Every girl has had the experience where a creepy guy asks for our number and we don’t want to give it to him, but we also don’t want to get gutted in a back alley. “Give him a fake number!” I hear you call, okay and then he says “okay let me call you real quick!” Because they are learning. “Give them your number and then block them!” Okay and then they can plug it into something like Spokeo, pay $10 and know everything about you. So what do you do?
First pick a fake name, I use Jessica, then download the Google Voice app, hook it up to your email, pick a number, and set up a fake greeting with your fake name. You can set it to ring your actual phone like a normal call or text but they don’t have real info on you.
Go forth and don’t get murdered, ladies!
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skinni-darling-blog · 5 years
I'm a just leave this here...
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skinni-darling-blog · 5 years
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skinni-darling-blog · 5 years
“oHmYgOd I dOnT uNdErStAnD wHy YoU gUyS dOnT LisTeN tO tHe FaCtS aNd KeEp StArViNg iTs NoT hEalThy”
i know it’s almost like some people have a disorder that makes them think they’re not good enough or that they should stop eating to have control in their life oh wait
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skinni-darling-blog · 5 years
Family/friends: you’re looking so good!! Just make sure you don’t get … like… an eating disorder haha
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skinni-darling-blog · 5 years
terminated at 3.5k!
hey howdy i was @skinnie-doll
got terminated and lost all my mutuals, my posts, basically everything and im honestly devasted and would really would like to get it all back so
PLEASE rb this if you're an active ana/thinspo acct i'll follow you!!
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