skyzxler · 2 years
part 2
but as you can guess. every time she moved, he would push the knife he had closer and closer to her neck and yanking her right back into him, he didn’t wanna kill her. but.. he was going with his best friends.. it felt so wrong but so right. as the two other friends kept yelling, they heard a loud SMACK. daniel and lucas turned and said “what the f-“, felix had smacked the captive girl, he responded to them “she wouldn’t quit kicking. now i bet she will.”, both daniel and lucas looked at each other in shock. but nodded in agreement. Felix went back to holding her. lucas had gone to look for the gun. leaving daniel to go find a sharper knife to stab her with. lucas had opened the door. to see maddie standing there. with the gun aimed at his head. “who’s the little bitch now?”.. but.. the gun wouldn’t shoot… letting lucas stab her. right in the stomach. “next time, make sure the safety lock is off hun..”, now with felix, danny, and skye, danny had yelled at felix, “where the fuck is Vinnies body!?”, “bro.. what the fuck do you mean! it was right where lucas left it!” he yelled back. “leave it. whatever. throw her here.” daniel had told felix. so he threw her over to daniel. “had sex with a cereal killer.. and still never suspected him until it was to late. you are one stupid bitch…” ,she had elbowed him in the stomach, causing him to punch her, throwing her back over to felix. when felix finally stabbed her. causing blood to drip out of her mouth. he slowly pulled the knife out, and and rubbed it up from where he stabbed her to her neck. “poor little bitch..” he said licking the knife.|pasted| he didn’t stab her the full way. he wanted to have some level of fun first.. he grabbed her hair and yanked her back into him biting her as hard as he could, drawing blood out of her neck.. she let out a blood curtailing scream, lucas and daniel were both watching when they heard a door slam shut. felix looked up very fast, god knows who it could be. seeing as how felix was holding onto you, daniel went to look this time just to get attacked by vinnie (drug dealer is back baby) “lucas stab him! even if it stabs me!” daniel yelled at lucas. so. lucas went to do so, stabbing vinnie right in the head then slicing down his back watching as the blood fell off of him. “thought the first rule of a horror movie was to never trust anyone.. and you trusted us?” felix asked her, “fuck you.” she responded ended up getting her smacked and yanked closer to him. causing her to cry. “stop being such a bitch..” he said stabbing her again, causing her to scream. lucas had gone to fully kill maddie leaving just the three killers, and one girl. “fuck you guys fuck you!”, she screamed as felix stabbed higher up into her skin. daniel grabbed her chin, “should of known as soon as vinnie died.. then jj.. he suspected us.. we couldn’t let him live..” he kissed her, as soon as he pulled away lucas smacked her right across the face. felix was digging the knife deeper into her. but finally. he took it out, and slit her neck, then stabbed her making sure the knife went all the way through her neck. pulling it out. and licking it.|| he let her fall down to the ground as he looked at her dead body.. thinking.. “i can kill them.. if i killed her…” he broke his thought and looked at daniel stabbing him in the neck multiple times, causing lucas to stab felix in his chest. multiple times.. lucas was never caught.. are you next?
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skyzxler · 2 years
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9 friends had all lived together when strange murder led to happen in the town they lived in, they were all scared, but never suspected each other.. which if you’d watch horror movies, you know it’s a bad idea.. anyways. they were all living in a house together when it happened, three couples shared a room. Daniel and skye, lucas austin, thao and maddie. then the rest had their own rooms, felix, jj, vinnie. they were all watching a horror movie the night before a murder of their friend. they all ended up falling asleep with each other in the living room. Skye, danny, lixxy and jj on the couch. the rest on the floor. when JJ wakes up to hear their British friend got murdered by the killer last night. he started to freak out about it because they all fell asleep.. he was getting suspicious of all his friends.|when they all woke up. they realized JJ was much more distant of them. Lucas had asked jj, “dude what’s fucking wrong with you???” “where were you last night.” JJ asked lucas “dude i was asleep on the floor??” Lucas told him. “mhm…” JJ said. lucas had been so very confused. later that night they were all watching a movie, but decided to go back into their rooms, in the morning, lucas was found in the shower taking a shower ofc. Austin has found vinnie dead stabbed 8 times, 3 in the neck, 2 in the stomach, 5 in his side. she asked herself “who would do this…” but she never suspected any of her friends.| but now. skye, she’s seen to many horror movies just like lucas she was already suspecting her friends, but she never.. suspected her love interest.. now daniel, lucas and felix never suspected each other, they suspected the girls. now of course the boys trusted their girlfriends, but they never trusted their friends girlfriend.(danny didn’t trust aust, lu didn’t trust skye.) felix was acting very weird that night, his eyes were looking around a lot. once everyone went to bed. there was a scream.. but who was it?| but. such as skye, aust never suspected her love interest.. bad bad idea.. in the morning. lucas was found no where.. but austin’s dead body was sliced open from her stomach, guts hanging out ribs shown. skye had found her, she finally called the cops and they took austin’s body. but now she’s suspecting everyone. even her own lover.. thao was cooking dinner that night, when he got a knife that slit his throat..| now that the killers had killed half of the friends, skye was suspicious of her own friends.. even her boyfriend. while maddie was asleep staying over. she was stabbed. in the morning skye was hanging around daniel, as normal. when she asked him, “would you ever.. kill me?” daniel looked at her in a shock “of course i wouldn’t? why would you ever think that..?” ,skye kinda sighed, “how about.. anyone else?” “skye what are you getting at, you think i’m the murderer?” he questioned his girlfriend, “no.. of course not..” ,she had clearly lied to him. later that night skye was backed into the kitchen counter by… her own boyfriend, and her best friend but felix.. he was no where to be found. “made it this far,” ,lucas had said to skye. “suspected your own boyfriend, but none of your friends?”, “so this is how it ends. after being your friend for so long?” she questioned him. “oh shut it already.” ,it was felix holding a knife up to maddies neck. “i thought i killed her already.” daniel had stated. “clearly the fuck not. god damn i told you KILL her!” ,lucas yelled at daniel. as they were fighting. skye had tried to run away, leading to felix to throw maddie aside and grab her by the hair and yanked her back into him. “where do you think you’re going you little whore?”| he said as he started to literally strangle her, when daniel and lucas drag him off. they wanted to be the ones to kill her. not him. felix ended up holding her still while lucas goes to find the gun that was on the counter. “dude? the gun isn’t there daniel.”, “what the fuck do you mean it isn’t there?!” ,daniel yelled at lucas. the phone rang.. “that little bitch..” ,lucas had mumbled to himself. skye was trying to get away from felix, but
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skyzxler · 2 years
horror story things ig
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1. 5 friends were out in the woods for camping reasons. they had to go find firewood to make a fire and cook their food. when they all gather up. there’s only 4 left. they thought nothing of it thought he (his name will be JJ) was still out looking for wood. they rest (Skye, Daniel, Austin, Lucas) all went to bed. when they all wake up. skye was missing. leaving daniel and lucas. daniel went to use the bathroom. leaving lucas wait for hours and hours. he (lucas) went to see what was wrong with daniel. to see him dead with a knife sticking out of his head. he was very concerned about what the hell happened to his friends, he thought austin had disappeared as well. austin was beside lucas, he couldn’t see well because he didn’t have his glasses on. when they went to bed that night. lucas heard a loud scream from austin’s tent. when he went to look and see what it was. austin, had an axe sticking out of her head. now, that he was all alone… he could lick the blood off all the weapons used to kill his friends…
2. (for the sake these are my friends feel free to change the names.) The 5 friends all lived together, the two friends, austin and lucas, were doing a hook up. which lead everyone in the house to leave. hours had passed and everyone came home. JJ had said something along the lines of finish her, when all he got back from both lucas and daniel was shut up gay boy (dw. he’s bi) later that night. there was a scream from austin’s room. which lead Daniel to come look at what the hell she was screaming at. he didn’t see austin in her bed. so he went back to sleep. in the morning, her dead body was in lucas’s bed. seeing as how he just thought she was sleep he thought nothing of it, until he saw the huge blood stain. he ended up calling the cops to explain what he saw. they saw nothing wrong with anyone of the friends and took aust to the morgue. the next night there was a scream from skye’s room. The next morning when daniel went to get a shower, her (skyes) dead body was laying there in the tub. as you can guess. he called the cops.. again. nothing to be found with the 3 men. they were all suspicious of each other, they all stayed up, all night. except.. daniel.. had fallen asleep. as you can guess he was no where to be found… in the morning. JJ was making food for lucas. when JJ was done cooking and lucas was eating, JJ asked “how’s your best friend taste??” lucas questioned him “what the f^ck do you mean??” then he realized.. and ran up to check daniels room. he wasn’t there.. JJ was behind him.. with a knife.. jj told lucas, “it was nice knowing you all.. but i’ve had enough..” and he killed lucas.. and then, ended up leaving the state and starting a whole new life.. when people heard what happened.. the cops found JJ.. and he was arrested, but.. he broke out.. and he was never found again..
3.these friends have been friends for years, until a new person named remy who was daniels cousin came into the mix.. he is exactly like lucas. cocky, hot, funny, semi-rude. the rest started to replace lucas with remy. lucas just thought. “oh. they still remember me. right?” wrong. they completely replaced him. when he asked to hang out. they would always be with remy. even when they did hang out the group would just ignore him. making lucas go and kill remy, til the next day when daniel finds out his cousin has been killed. he thought nothing of it. and just called the cops. until. the next night he walked in on JJ being killed… by his best friend.. and lucas said to daniel. “all fun in games (:”
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