sleepy-fiction · 11 days
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Aesop Carl x Victor Grantz NSFW
A series of letters between Aesop and Victor detailing their desire for each other.
tgs: NSFW, ejaculations, dirty talk, oneshot, sexting
an: This is incredibly freaky, too freaky. it's a little gross bc both Aesop and Victor cream on one of the letters, but I'm sure none of you would really mind that (yes there are visuals). Enjoy the fic!
Dear, Mr. Grantz,
Can you not feel it? My desire for you burns off the pages and beckons you near. Your lovely blond hair, those sweet eyes of yours. Verily, I say, fall for me swiftly. And verily, I profess, my bed will be warm and awaiting you.
Yours truly,
Aesop Carl
the penmanship is pristine, the typical manner Aesop Carl writes; only except a couple 'i's and 't's are not crossed (an unusual manner for Aesop Carl).
Dear, Sir Carl
What has come upon you tonight? Is this about dinner? Surely, I thought you despised me. Your eyes burned me under your ferocious stare, even Miss Lester noticed. But here instead you profess... Strange things. You had too much to drink at dinner tonight...
Tell me. Just tell me.
What do you wish--##//
######// to do##m//
What would you like to do to me?
Eagerly Awaiting,
Victor Grantz
The penmanship trembles. The letter is messy with sentences scratched out and run over. It was as if Victor rewrote his sentence over and over, too embarrassed to send it at first, but eventually overcoming his fear.
Dear, Mr. Grantz
Mr. Grantz, my loins beg for your company. I will lay you beneath me, running those gloved hands that you adore down your body. I will undress you and smother you bare with my hasty lips. My tongue will become your servant, and my lips will only know your praises.
You do not hate this, do you?
Yours Truly,
Aesop Carl
Dear, Sir Carl
My. ##/. I was not aware you thought of me like this. Neither was I aware of this side of you.
Dear me. // Sir Carl, you. What else. What else will you do to me.
Eagerly Awaiting,
Victor Grantz
The letter is crinkled, and the handwriting is rushed.
Dearest, Victor Grantz
I will touch you; ignite you erect under the moonlight. I will taste you from your beginnings to your peak. I will introduce myself to your perky bosom and nip them until they stand alert and sore. I will familiarize myself with your walls, and create a map of your insides with my fingers. Sin itself will become my name, and evil are my intentions with you. Even now, I am stiff from writing these things alone. This is utter blasphemy, but you were never religious, were you?
Eternally yours,
Aesop Carl
The words are closer together, written with quick, rough lines. He's passionate, and Victor's aware of this shift.
Dear, Sir Carl
Sir Carl. Sir Carl.
No words can describe what I am feeling. I'm sorry. I.Aesop, I cannot create a good enough response for you.
I am sorry for these subpar letters. I have an inquiry to make, and I pray that you spare me of your judgment. Mr. Carl, will you put your .
penis inside of me?
Eagerly Awaiting,
Victor Grantz.
Dear, Victor Grantz
You amuse me so.
Yes, my dear duckling, I will. I will thrust so deep inside of you until you become undone until your throat has no choice but to voice your squeaks. My filthy penis alone could cure you from your eternal silence; and now knowing this, would you like a taste?
Not a lot of men are aware that they, too, can be pleasured like women. How does my dearest duckling know? Do tell me, Victor, do you play with yourself down there? Tell me how you do it. Tell me how you like to be pleasured.
Eagerly Awaiting,
Aesop Carl
Dear, Mr. Carl
Aesop, it would be no use to detail my self-pleasurerituals. We cannot see each other. yet. You know the rules. Don't torture me, I have always been faint of heart. I have awoken now, and it's uncomfortable to sit still. My feet long to run to you, and I pray you to do unto me all the manner of things you have written here. Even more than that.
I want to be exasperated beneath you. I cannot restrain myself any longer.
Let me get a taste, cure me of my eternal silence. Take pride that my first words will be your name.
Mr. Carl, I am touching myself.
Victor's penmanship is rushed now, the words are closed together and the strokes are intense. Much like Aesop, he's succumb to his passion. [note: Victor is still mute, they're just talking freaky]
Dear, Victor
You poor little duckling. It's foul manners to not sign off on a letter. Have I riled you too intensely? That you have forgotten your virtue, that you have defiled your very calling as a postman?
You amuse me. Touch yourself slowly, no matter how much you squeal. As you ride your high, speed it up. This is the manner I have been pleasuring myself as I write. I will spill my semen on these pages. Do not think for a moment that I will not.
Dearest Victor. Though this manner confines us, it will not. for long. IWillDevour you.
My d \\\---
Eternally Yours,
Aesop Carl
The letter has a single shot of cum laying in the middle of the page. Without even reading it, it's the first thing that's noticeable in Aesop's letter. It was smeared while it was folded soaking up the page around it and leaving an interestingly sticky sensation as it was opened. Aesop's pen seems to swerve off the page, the handwriting jagged and dangerous. But his next word is written back pristine, such as his closing. Victor knew, Aesop reached his climax while writing the last word.
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Oddly, Aesop found his letter was returned to him corrected with a red pen. And even more strangely, more unexplainable spots were returned with the letter.
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sleepy-fiction · 17 days
Batter Up!
ganji gupta x gn!reader 4.5K WORDS
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syn: ganji gupta moved in next door to you, and after a curious while of pining, you finally have him. Now that he's your boyfriend, you might as well edge him for taking too long to love you back; just hope he doesn't punish you for it.
tags: NSFW, gn sex terms for reader, bottom reader, ganji calls read "priya" (the nickname), a lot of plot to this porn, edging ganji, raw sex (don't do this), fluff and smut
snpt: He's hot, scorchingly so. His bronze skin radiates in the sunlight, pouring in from his sheltered blinds. His chest is heaving, chiseled and structured, and broad shoulders drooping longingly. The sound of his panting breath, how he reacts to every little movement, it was driving you mad.
You couldn't pinpoint what caught your eye about your new neighbor. Ganji Gupta moved into your city in the summer. He was the sort of brooding guy you'd normally stay away from. He walked around with a heavy-set brow, badgered and heated. He was always by himself, and it was rare that anyone would ever see him around. Despite that, the sounds of him you'd hear radiating from his apartment were so estranged from his persona. The whooping joyful cheers, the bitter tears, the scorching screams, you've heard it all.
You remember the nights unable to sleep, you'd find yourself in the bathroom to smoke, and in the ear-ringingly quiet early mornings, you'd hear the softest of whimpering cries pouring out from your fan. How he'd hiccup and pitifully suck up his snot until he couldn't take it, and blew it all away. As sad as it was for you, you couldn't help but laugh, just the tiniest.
Or the nights you'd come home from a tough shift to your quiet world to lay on your couch, only to hear the yells of a loyal fanatic, shouting sports buzzwords through the wall behind you. His voice spiked like a prepubescent child, filled with voice cracks mixed with both terror and delight. And how he'd scream, "Give it some aaair!" Ever so childishly. And the victory, "Woohoo"s he would launch out, or the losing "Maaderchod" that would gouge his system. Whenever his team lost or won, he still laughed a booming one, it was too addictive to your ears. You often found him more entertaining than the book you just so happened to want to read in the living room, for no particular reason…
Rare and few, on those particularly bad days, you'd find yourself awake, unable to sleep, something that came close to your normal nights. You'd hear silence as you read your book. Only for it to be interrupted by a horrid call. A sound rivaling the most widowed banshees, a yell deep from his belly. You recall the first time you heard it, the way your heart spiked, and how you heard him pant and weave. The heavy thumps as you could only assume were him rolling out of bed. As the months went on, you came to learn whenever his nightmares got bad, he'd go squat in his bathroom and cry in the little space. And for some reason, you'd be in there too, playing your most comforting songs, for no reason at all…
All of these things intrigued you the most about Ganji Gupta.
You always talked to yourself in there, it was ridiculously funny. Always trashing some coworker as if you're on a phone call, yet he never hears another person's voice. Or yelling at your boss in the mirror, only to go dead silent when you've worn yourself out. How you took long showers blasting your music, music he never knew he could learn to love. How you'd sing, swearing you could be a singer if you tried hard enough. Or how… whenever those bad days happened, he'd always find himself in the bathroom, and he'd always hear you playing a little song. So he started going there, subconsciously, and no matter the hour, he'd always find you would always be playing a song in there.
But Ganji Gupta knew just as much about you as you knew about him.
He liked you because you were so quiet. When he first came here, he was so annoyed at the idea of having neighbors, let alone a studio apartment with thin walls? He could imagine the sounds he'd hear, the noises that would keep him up at night, it irritated him so deeply. But, he was met with silence, all the time. Well, all except in the bathroom. You always had the fan on in there, and through the spinning, he could hear you so clearly. As if you were talking to him on a windy day.
Let's not forget the more explicit days in the shower for you, but always-- always-- he left to go shopping during that time, even if he had just come back.
He didn't know how impossible doing that could be, he suddenly had a hit out on his back.
He's seen you around town a lot. You're popular with everyone, working down at a restaurant with good favor. Apparently, the old folks love you cause you're polite, and the younger folks love you cause you're understanding. He hoped you'd never notice him, just like the rest of everyone else. He was content with just prying into little glimpses into your world every now and again. He was okay with being a shut-in.
He thought so, at least.
Whenever you went out, you played Where's Waldo for him, and the more you started looking for him, the more you swore he started to appear. The more you started asking around about him, the more you started to see him. The aunties and the old folk loved to gossip, they knew the most horrid things about everyone here. How the infamous Ganji Gupta used to be a Royal Cricket player on the British team until that team went up in smokes. How he and one other are the only survivors, and humors say he started it. How he's vicious and nasty, wintery and bitter, brooding and angry; but the grannies always called him polite…
So much heresy on Ganji Gupta, just who is he?
Ganji, on the other hand, started noticing how the grannies would suddenly flock to him more. He's always been kinder to them, but they started doing a 360° on him randomly. Always asking of him or about you… He didn't understand it at all. He wasn't a gossiper. He wasn't friendly, yet they always had a story about you they wanted to share. How you wouldn't hurt a fly, how you're as prissy as an angel, yet Ganji Gupta's heard all the vicious things you say about your coworkers whenever you're angry… It was comical.
Just who were you, really?
Besides, he wanted to improve his health (for no reason at all) so he started to go on walks. That was another mistake he made.
You definitely should not have asked the grannies about Ganji Gupta. You remember the day they flocked over to you, telling you all the responses Ganji made whenever they told stories about you. It was so embarrassing! You ask them for help one time, and suddenly they've made it their mission to pit you together. But they also told you about them seeing him more around sunset for a couple weeks. So… For no reason at all, you decided to go on walks for your health… That just so happened to be at the coolest time of the day… which just so happened to be sunset… For no reason.
For Ganji, it only made sense that he started seeing you more often when he started going out more. Sunset was perfect for jogging, all the old people were put away for bed, and it was just early enough for the wild nightlife to be asleep, and plus the summer heat wasn't so vicious. But, after a while of his workouts, he started seeing you not once in a while but, everyday. Not just you but other younger people his age. Everyone suddenly, and he means everyone, wanted to start working out at sunset and you were no different.
A new world was opened up for you.
It was just like the grannies told you. Every day at sunset, Ganji Gupta took a sweaty jog in the hot summer heat, drenched from head to toe, shirt clinging onto his tall and broad frame. His bandana was drenched in his sweat- he was handsome. You'd never seen him so close (despite you being on the opposite side of the street), you'd never seen him so consistently either. He had dark eyes, bronze skin that rivaled gold, fluffy dark curls, and was littered with scars here and there. You decided, (for no reason at all!@) to really take your workouts seriously, just like him!
But unfortunately, when you tried. Ganji Gupta would look right at you. His face pinched, brows deep set. A judging look that would scream, "What the fuck are you doing?" You never knew greater embarrassment. So… You just… Started jogging early mornings instead.
It was pissing him off. Was he a trendsetter or something? Why did everyone start copping him? Even that guy William started walking, no, not just walking, running up to him to chat, it was missing him off. Plus seeing you so much while he was sweaty, uncomfortable, and unprepared wasn't ideal. Why were you here, what the fuck were you doing? He looked at you, he was seeing you so much-- Too much it was too much for him. So you can imagine the day he finally looked over, just as you two were crossing paths, the day your eyes both met, the day he reeled back in frantic aggressive embarrassment, begging for the moment not to happen. Accidentally throwing on a face too mean, and seeing your face quirk in disappointed disbelief, and then he never saw you at sunset again.
God. He crushed his spirit for days after that. He gets mean when he's nervous like a bad dog. He'd take it back if he could. So… He started going out even more… For no reason at all. Besides, that William Ellis guy was becoming a friend to him anyway, the annoying kind that would drag him along to everything.
Ganji started really having fun again, he didn't know life could feel so good. He joined the local football team, and he was surprised to know he was good at it. He was always with his team. They were dumb as rocks so he always had to take care of them, making sure they were not drinking too much (aka viciously scolding them), making sure they got home, and bringing them liquid IVS. He was the dad in the group and honestly, he was pretty unhappy about it, but I guess he'll keep playing the part, for no reason at all…
The day you started hearing about Ganji Gupta from your friends was the day you thought pigs were flying. Slowly by slowly, everyone started having their own stories about Ganji Gupta. How he used to be a batter, how he's really funny, how he's so grateful and polite, how he's so good at sports, too many personal things about your Ganji Gupta. It was aggravating to you. He looks at you like your scum and hates talking to people, but suddenly he's everyone's best friend. You hated it. You hated it even more when you went out to bars to have fun and you'd see him there. You never saw him anywhere. The bar was your safe space from him. You hear him so Intimately at home, and you can't escape the reality that you might not be as important to him as he is to you.
God you couldn't even go out partying cause he started showing up there too. He was everywhere and he was always looking at you. If he hated you so much he should learn to stay at home.
But he started seeing the people you were with all the time now that he was active again. Turns out they were pretty funny and genuine people, so it only meant you were that kind of person too. God, you were like a little flower to him, so far out of his reach but he could see it bloom every day. He liked you so much, it was weird. So weird he had to talk about it with William. Then William really started hounding him around everywhere. William knew who you hung out with, what you loved to do when you were out, the bar you liked to go to, everything. And the more he started going to these locations, seeing you in it even when you weren't there, the less nervous he became. He started seeing you a lot more, and he liked it.
He'll, when he went to parties he had the pleasure of bumping into you and having your first conversation.
"Oh sorry," you cried as you continued to brush past him.
"You're fine," He said, but you didn't stop to hear him.
Yes… He felt victorious. But he needed more. After months of pining only for that to be your one conversation, he felt stupid. And maybe it was because he was tipsy, but he followed you out the door.
"Duh…" You said.
"Going home?" he asked, suddenly appearing next to you.
You were clearly drunk, hobbling down the road at night, wearing the nicest of outfits. You looked too cute. But you looked at him annoyed, as if you were deeply inconvenienced by his presence.
He smirked. That was the you that he knew, the snippy one who barked at mirrors.
"It's dark, and you're walking by yourself," he said. "I'll just walk you home."
Your eyebrows furrowed, but you didn't protest him.
And he walked you all the way home. He left you at the door, and you got the courage to peek through your eyehole. But oddly, instead of going home too, you watched him walk back over to the elevator and go down. Did he? Did he just leave the party to escort you?
Ganji Gupta… You really were getting a crush on him now.
After that day, you noticed how rare it was to hear him cry or yell out at night. Unfortunately, in return, you heard multiple voices yelling in his house on game nights, but that's something you could easily settle for. It made you smile.
God, you wanted him bad.
And luckily for you, that one conversation turned into two. Then three and four, then it turned into a group chat. Your friend group had mixed with his, and now it was impossible not to be anywhere without Ganji. Then… It was that inevitable message from Ganji Gupta. Then it was the doorbell rang, and he got to be invited into your lively home, and you to his barren one.
You learned he liked competitive video games, especially Mario Kart. You learned he never goes easy on anyone, and you learned how satisfying it was to take wins from him. You heard his victory cries and loser shouts in person, close up, one on one. You saw his smile, you heard his laughs. When you went away on trips you made him a spare key to look after your plants, and when you came back you never asked for it back, so there he was whenever you got off work, sitting in your living room all moody. The day he asked you out, your favorite flowers in hand, all dressed up neatly. How could you say no to that shy face?
You were so happy.
He's hot, scorchingly so. His bronze skin radiates in the sunlight, pouring in from his sheltered blinds. His chest is heaving, chiseled, and structured, and his broad shoulders drooping longingly. The sound of his panting breath. How he reacts to every little movement.
You wanted to see that face he makes when he loses just one more time.
And that all led you to today:
You lick him up from the base to his tip, watching him grunt in confusion, with eyes that read, "What are you doing to me," but with moans that beg for more. You carefully grab his base, his cock is on the longer side with a thick head, and the color is lively. You take him into his mouth and he sighs out, looking over at his watch.
"We'll be- ah… late, priya…" He whispers into the air, laying his hands down by his sides and letting his back rest against the wall. The two of you were just about to leave for a small get-together with William and the friends, but you have other plans.
You stare brazenly up at his pretty face as you stuff your mouth with more of him. He lets his jaw fall slack, not shy at all to privy you to his pretty sounds, "Aah… Wa-- ahh… More, mera pyaar," he calls. He knows how extra sensitive you are with that nickname.
You squint your eyes trying to keep your composure. Your free hand wraps also around his glisteningly wet cock, pumping him with both hands as you slurp up his head. He moans deeply, jaw falling slack and staring down at you with overtaken eyes.
Despite your bullying of his cock, he keeps his composure too. He didn't buck into you, nor did he grab chunks of your hair. But instead, he moaned proudly, not shy to his deliciously intimate sounds. His vulnerability hung in the air, body completely at will to you, it was driving you crazy.
He kept his composure as you sucked at his thick head, your hot mouth combined as your swirling tongue familiarized itself with his equally piping hot anatomy. The way you curled your tongue along his ridges and circled his tip, bullying the tip of your wet muscle into his hole only to plunge him back deeper in your mouth; your hands jerking him down.
"Aah! Mera pyaar," he gasps sharply, "I'm g-gonna cum." Your eyes narrow, and you slowly down on him immediately, pulling him out of your mouth and dropping one hand to lay on his thigh. He cries out in surprise, his moan turning into a deep, unsettled grunt. "Priya," he curses your pet name, his eyebrows furrowed deeply.
God, he was so handsome, so weak in the palm of your hand. You grinned at him.
You ask, "What's wrong?" As you lick a stripe up from his base to his tip again, his body sensitively shivering. "Upset you didn't get to cum," you ask again, your tone teasingly erotic.
He leans his head back with a jaunty laugh, disbelief drowning in his eyes. You immediately soak it up, watching the way his neck is beautifully revealed to you.
You wanted to devour him, completely.
You knew asking him to beg wouldn't do you any good, he'd just do it anyway. He's never afraid to hide sides of himself from you, so there wouldn't be any power in it… But still, you had to hear him say it, your heart wouldn't move on if he didn't.
"Beg, my prince," you mutter as you pepper kisses on his shaft.
You took him back in, only this time you only held him with one hand. You guided him deeper into your cavern, taking as much of him as you could and leaving your hand to warm the rest.
"Please, my heart… Suck on me, j-just a bit more… Please," he begs, and you sigh out, his words leaving a wake of tremors down your spine.
He never asked you to let him cum.
He was driving you insane.
"Agh, mera pyaar," and he rewards you handsomely with a chasmic pant.
You slurped and bobbed on him, looking up at him from between his lap. Watching his chest heave deliciously, the breaths leaving his agape lips. Pretty two-toned lips that looked so lonely without yours. You clenched your eyes close at the thought. You really were going to go insane.
You could smell and taste the bitter juices he leaked out in your mouth. You could hear his moans every second, and feel his scorching heat fire at your mouth. You could feel him hit the back of your throat as you bobbed, a feeling you didn't know could be so addictive. Chasing your own high to see how many times you could make yourself gag, and there he was, moaning and shivering, being so good to not grab at your head or anything.
Ganji Gupta was all yours, all yours.
"Haa, I'm cuming," He gasps sharply. You pull right off him. "P-Priya!" He curses.
You pepper apologetic kisses against his shaft, kitten licks as you suck in the smell of him. He's so hot against your face. You slurped up the side of up, pulling off yet again to look into his eyes.
His eyes glared angrily, yet he cupped the back of your head and smashed your face against his base, his penis leaning against your cheek. You giggle, desperate to avoid her stern glare. "But you're so cute my love…" You purr, desperate to get yourself out of trouble.
"We're going to be late," he barks.
"I need you inside me," you pant tiresomely.
"Then we might as well cancel on William," he huffed, furrowing his brow, but his eyes were drunk with pleasure.
"No, no. We should go," you giggle, still kitten-licking his dick.
"Then act like it or you won't be going anywhere," he grunts, grabbing chunks of your hair. You moan happily.
"Ganji… Let's just be fast about it," you whisper as you rise up onto your knees, pushing yourself into him and resting your head against his belly. You could feel his dick poke against your chest. And you wanted it in so many places but there.
"You're bad, priya," he scowls, but he doesn't refuse.
A smile instantly overtakes your face as you stand up, grinning ear to ear. Embarrassment covers his face as he stands up after you. He slings you over his shoulder, despite your giggles of protest, to drop you on your back in the middle of his bed.
The light of the sunset pours in from the window blades, coating you in brilliant orange hues. His heart skips a beat. It only makes him even more angry, but he can't even keep it, his chest is too warm. He can feel his dick twitch, suddenly so cold without you.
He digs into your neck, nipping you, sculpting its movement with his tongue. Any other day and you'd be bitten, but you two had places to be, and appearances to make. He hears your breath moan, the sound tantalizing in the air.
"Mmh, Ganji… Forgive me, I'm sorry," you pant as he pulls your clothes off your body.
He laughs, "Don't defame the word, it'll lose its meaning. You know you're not sorry," it's within seconds you're almost fully naked, and he's next to undressing himself. As soon as he finished he hops back onto you, caging you between his arms and sliding his hands down your body. Everywhere he touches is hot and weak, his large palms stirring up a wake of desire. You're incredibly aroused by this point, he's aware of the bed of fluids by your sex.
You were right, but damn you started it.
He giggles sweetly to part your legs, kissing your sex with no problem.
"We gotta go," you whine, and he grunts stiffly.
He sucks his fingers into his mouth and presses them against your hole, "Dammit," he hisses.
"Raw?" You gasp as his finger slips inside of you, twirling and spreading you to prepare you for him. Your breath hitches, chest begins to heave. He grabs your leg with his free hand, propping up your knee.
He stares up at you with piercing eyes, licking a stripe up the inside of your thigh to the middle of it. "No time, remember," his eyes lidded dangerously.
"Mmh, go crazy, my love," you stammer and wrap your arms around his shoulders.
You clench around him, "f-fuck," and mewl as he pulls those fingers out.
His thick head meets your entrance, no time to give it kisses** as it rudely plunges straight into you. You arch and cry at his fullness, as he laughs and sinks down to lay his lips against your ear. "Too much for you, mera pyaar," his tone is teasing, his breath mingling against your ear.
"G-aanji! Aah," you moan.
Ganji slams into your body, and your body is shocked from your head to your toes. You call out his name, but it's nothing under the relentless fucking. "F-Fuck-- I'm so mad at you," he groans into your ear, his eyebrows pinched, his words filled with heavy pants. His hands grip your hips intensely, his moans raggedy and jaded in your ears. His thrusts are scolding, hard, and quick, the desperate sounds of your sexes mingling drown in the air, as you try your best not to dig your nails into his flesh.
If he keeps it up, you'll cum in no time. But you're sure that's what he wants.
"Shh… Haa, keep it d-down… Aah… You'll upset my neighbor," he cackles, leaning up out of your body to stare at you, he adjusts his hold on your hips, holding your body up by it. His muscles radiate with gleaming sweat, his bronze form, his handsome face, and the delicious scars that cover his body in random places. You clench onto him, trying to stop your high from reaching you so soon. Your moans spike, and he laughs airily. "What am I kidding- my neighbor's already so loud. So annoying… so rude and-- f-fucking beautiful… my priya-- ah I can't be without 'em, I need you… I love you. I wanna be with you e-everyday, mera pyaar," he cries as he begins to hand his head back. His moans get higher, his thrusts sharper, no longer worried about hardness but about quickly pumping himself full of you.
"I'm gonna cum, mera pyaar… Gonna' cum m'pyaar," he rolls out, and your legs tighten around his waist, you were just about to cum too.
"Yes, I love you, my love," you moan, clenching down on him. Your highs are met with an intense wave of pleasure, one that locks your back into a deadly arch, and causes him to buck messily into you as you're drenched deep with his fluids. Your orgasm is long as you reach out for his forearms, and he leans down and buries himself into your neck, "M'pyaar.. My life-- mere dil ka pyaar," he hums into your ear as he buries your neck with sweet kisses. His touch is so gentle as he caressing your sides, pulling out of your neck when he hears your moans turn into stable breaths.
He snaps out of your body, his head messily turning to gaze front door. William was calling, and the abrasive ringtone was blaring in the space. "Maaderchod," he hisses, and he sneaks back into your neck, peppering kisses.
"My life, my life," he repeats, his warm chocolate eyes gazing so intimately into your soul. His hands reach and cup your face, his thumbs caressing your under eyes as he takes you in for a kiss. "I lov'ya," is all he can manage under your relentless kiss, the sounds of a song ringing in yo--
"Fuck! Ganji your phone!"
"No-- Ganji! We gotta go!"
Okay, so you were 2 hours late, big deal…
**okay so this made me imagine. Fredrick's about to put it in, but before he does, he pokes your hole with his tip going, "mwah mwah mwah" and then laughs to himself, "sorry darling," and finally slides in. That's absolutely sexy and charming
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sleepy-fiction · 21 days
Hello there, I just read Eleven Weeks, and it was an absolute joy to experience! Thank you for the tantalizing tale. Out of all the seb fics ive read, yours stood out and stayed in my mind the most, hell I can't stop thinking about it
If I may be a bit selfish in my request, could we get a continuation of the story? Maybe see how sebb takes down Urbandshade with the help of the feds, how the reader offers support all the way, more of their backstory tgt since they were teens all the way to being employed under Urbanshade?
Your ability to cram so much charming characterization, world building, backstory, contextualixation, and chemistry to your fic is truly admirable! I am envious of your skill and writing prowess.
Once more, thank you for such a delightful read, and I'd love it if you could write more! I understand ending it on a high note though, no pressure! (Or yes pressure, yes, more pressure ((the game)) pls...)
Oh my goodness, this is the nicest thing someone has ever told me! I'm so sorry. I don't typically write sequels or continuation unless I am incredibly moved by my writing. Thank you so much for your support. But, that is not to say if anyone else were to come along, inspired by my Eleven Weeks, and wants to write their own, I would be more than happy to read it. I wanted to put all my love and all my strength into one read to make it feel magical for my readers, but I'm not sure I'd be able to do it again hehe ^^"
Nevertheless, this was so kind of you to say! I'll remember this comment forever. It gave me a lot of confidence!!
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sleepy-fiction · 1 month
Please, God
○ andrew kriess x gn!reader
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○ 5.8K WORDS
syn: you're a wicked temptation he should be running from, but you make him so hard. Please, God, let him cum.
tgs: NSFW reader bottom, undisclosed sex and gn sex terms for reader, andrew overcomes fear of sex (religious oppression), loaded religious terms, masturbation, unprotected penetration, silly virus, andrew busts 7 million nuts cause hes sensitive as hell, cutesy fluff, comedic, comfort
a/n: I had so much fun writing this. It was entirely self-serving. but for those who are scared that this will be mostly angst, lit dw I try to balance comedy and a whole lot of romantic sex within it!! It's not meant to be a deep dive but more so a sexy comfort fic looll. pls give it a read it's super funny and cutesy and ofc, sexy as hell
Andrew knows he shouldn't. He's always set so behind others - he was born a monster - a sinner. He had to work harder to relieve the favor of his community, of his God. He can't stop now. He has to continue. But a wicked, beastly desire within him was stirring in his belly. Tormenting his soul. It raged like a fire within his heart, that sparked down brilliant flares to his loins.
He swallows thickly.
It all started when you came into town.
You were a foreigner, different in how you talked, spoke, and carried yourself. He could taste the sunny vibe you glittered as you talked to everyone, including him. He had learned from gossip that you were a traveling merchant, coming here to rest from your travels before you head to the capital. And though he tried to protect them from the contagious sin that was him- you never stopped talking to him.
You didn't stop either when you cornered him against the cemetery gate, demanding he homes to see you in your inn. Saying how cruel he was for running from you and assuming you didn't like his company for "forcing him away" as you call it.
You were so close, so angry, and so zealous about him visiting you. You demanded him to see you and even went as far as to confess that you loved his company- alone. He swallowed thickly. You said it all in innocence, but the way you made him feel wasn't. Your arm pinned him against the gate by his collar. All the while your face had such a serious expression he had never seen you wear before.
He said yes quickly because he wanted you away from him, so the glittering feelings would disappear. But you persisted, scolding him until you got your fill. You only stopped when you noticed his trembling breath and shaking hands.
Before you left, you told him one last thing, "Tomorrow evening. Dress nicely." He already knew what that invitation meant.
You were taking him to dinner.
If only you knew he was shaking, not because he was afraid of you but because of the wickedness in his body. He was afraid of how excited he was. Afraid of how his body seemed to tingle in a way, he thought he shut down when he was a preteen.
If only you saw the way he squirmed.
If only you could see him now.
Andrew stood naked from the waist down in his home's small bathroom, his hands tugging and pulling at his amazingly wet cock. His clothes bunched at his ankles. His dick dribbled and spat up like a hungry animal, creating erotically slick sounds for every tug.
He just had to make it go away.
His cock was boiling in his hands, his face burning a brilliant red as his free hand held up his shirt. His eyes slapped lidded, moans barreling out at the most sensitive touches.
It normally only took a few pumps, but God was this taking long.
He leaned back against the wall of his bathroom, sinking his back into it and lazily drooping his head down to look at his weeping cock.
He dropped his shirt, and his free hand greedily met his other in massaging his cock, the two-handed squeezing and rubbing causing his back to arch off the wall as his moans filled the bathroom.
Please, he hopes God--
"Just touching there?"
He hears the phantoms of your voice egging him on from the depths of his wicked mind. He gasped at the idea, the sound so clear in his mind that he even looked for you and found nothing. But it continued, "Play with your tip, while you stroke yourself." He groaned painfully at the thought.
He leaned down to watch himself. Obeying as his fingers fluttered, light circles into his tip, while his other hand stroked himself viciously. The friction had him cry out, his legs buckling and shivering under the pressure.
He was going to come.
His moans peaked, his mind betraying him. As he imagined you, staring at him with that intense glare. He bursts, shooting hot, thick streams that splatter against the toilet.
With a dry moan, he leans back against the wall panting viciously.
"What? You're finished just like that," you egg him in his thoughts.
He looks down frantically, staring at his still achingly hard cock.
A whimper flees from his lips, "Oh no..." He tries to shut his eyes, praying it all will go away.
"No what?"
"No... I can't keep..."
"Touch it, Andrew." You command.
He bucks his hips forward in delight. "No." He rushes out of his bathroom, haphazardly pulling up his clothes safely around his waist, rushing to his bed. He barrels into it face first, groaning at the minuscule friction it gives him. Uncontrollably his hips rock into the bed, his poor cock mewling for pleasure.
"Andrew," you tease, he moans in delight, "I want you-"
"No!" He yells. Andrew barrels up to his feet, running out of his home deep into the dead of night. "That house's cursed," he yells into the late air for none to hear. His feet clamored against the pavement, eyes following the streetlights, as he ran to the only place he knew.
Andrew ran into the local Inn before he even knew where he was headed. He burst through the large oak doors and was greeted by the blinding lights of the warm building. He hissed and covered his eyes with his hand. Yet, his bursting into the doors was not a pleasant sight for the innkeeper.
"Oh. It's Kriess," she grumbled. Amid his panic, he was delighted to note that she at least used his name.
But the delight quickly warped to horror.
Why did he come here?
What sort of wicked spirit is possessing him right now?
"I-I shouldn't be here," He squeaks, but it falls on deaf ears.
"Room Nine, third floor," the lady grumbles.
"W-What!" He barked.
"Are you raising your damn tone at me?"
"No, I would never--"
"Get out of here! Get you, white devil!" She barrels as she points to the staircase.
With a terrified gasp, Andrew ran up the stairs, not stopping until he hit the third floor. By now, he was shivering, his teeth clamoring together, his heart beating so fast it could burst. Paranoia ensues him, as his eyes flicker down the hall, left to right with no real substance.
White devil, white monster. He's here acting on his demonic instincts, trying to satisfy the needs of his flesh. What sort of prayer would get him out of this? He needs to know. Please, God he--
"Oh? If my eyes are correct, that's Andrew Kriess!"
You spoke.
He heard your chipper voice mumble. His whole body takes a much-needed deep breath. A mewl of delight escapes him, as his mind floods with serenity.
It was the real you this time.
His head turned to see you at your doorstep, with a cozy robe on. You were preparing for bed, even now you looked so radiant. Your eyes were filled with fondness that fondness that made his heart squeeze. "I was just going out to get - wait. What's wrong?" Your face droops instantly.
You move so quickly to get so dear to him, laying a hand on his shoulder and staring deep into his eyes with that intense look on your face. That's when his grateful tranquility flutters into pure embarrassment.
With a growl, he stammers, eyes trying not to look into yours. His hands fly up as he tries to speak, "I- I thought... It- was," yet nothing of substance comes out.
"Hey? Andrew? What the hell--"
"D-Dont curse," He squeaks as his face grows impossibly red.
"Well, I'm going to need you to calm down," you say, reaching and grabbing his hand. A disgusting squelch bubbles out from where your hands meet as a stocky substance smeared into your palm. "What the hell!" You shriek as you pull your hand away.
Andrew's heart fails him as he screams out horrifically, grabbing your forearms before you can look at your palms. He pins your hands down to your side as he leans forward, his head bows to the floor, but you're painfully aware of how sticky your palms are, and how sticky your forearms now are too. How hot red his ears are.
"Oh mercy! M-Mercy! You must believe me- and do not hate me!" He blabbers.
"What are you smearing on me, Andrew?" It's your squeak now, your face flushing with confusion and embarrassment. You try to pull away and successfully slip from his grasp, but that cold slick makes a disgusting sound and smears worse down your arms. "Ew! God Andrew, what is that!" You howl as you rush back to your room.
"N-No! Let me wash your hands, close your eyes!" He nearly screams, and that's when panic truly settles in for you.
"No!" You rush into your bathroom as you hear Andrew enter and shut the door behind him. You flicker on the lights to your bathroom, as whatever it is begins to rapidly crust and dry on your arms. "What the hell!" You cursed. Your mind raced.
"Oh please! Please," you hear Andrew cry as he fits up a beat red hand to cover your eyes.
You screech and dodge it. "No more touching people, Andrew!" You cry and notice how his hands are crusting now, too.
"I'm s-sorry! A spirit overcame me and I lost to it," he whimpers impossibly broken. His face is impossibly red, as humiliated tears prick the corners of his eyes. As you look at him, it all slowly begins to click.
"Andrew. Please do not tell me this is y--"
Before the words could fly out, he squeaks and grabs your crusty arms, turning on the faucet to the sink and burying your hands into it. He mingles soap and water into his hands, building suds and before laying them onto your arms. He had a hand slung around you, trapping you between him and the faucet so you wouldn't run anywhere. "Just let me wash you," he whispers so lowly.
You swallow thickly, as arousal and curiosity blooms in your body. "Alright, but after this you'll have to tell me what happened. And without any of the fancy mumbo-jumbo spiritual bollocks," You hissed.
He squeaks, his voice budding soft, "D-Don't curse..." His head leans and rests its weight on yours.
You've never had Andrew this close to you before. The water was perfectly warm, his touch was gentle as he stroked your skin, not leaving any side of you sticky with his... Juices. His hands were much larger and gritty than yours, rugged with the callouses of a working man. Yet they turned pink under the warm water, reminiscent of how pale he was. And you could feel his chest rising and falling against your back, his nervous, humiliated breath against the side of your face, too focused on touching and massaging you than actually washing you off.
He cupped warm water and splashed away the suds, but still, he held you there, softly running his hands along your arm again.
You're so warm and soft.
"That's enough, Andrew," you scolded, aware of how intimate it all was.
"Ah," He squeaked as he turned the water off. And you took the liberty to free yourself. "Don't look at me," he whimpers.
You sigh deeply, staring at his shoes. "You walked your shoes into my Inn. And you smell like the cemetery. Take them off and go shower, there's a robe there that you could borrow," You grumble, watching as he instantly fumbles out of his boots. "I'm going to clean the floors."
The hot steam blew up from the shower head as he stood meekly in the porcelain bathtub. He raked his hands through his blond locks, feeling the hot water run down from his scalp to dribble at his feet. The bathroom at the Inn was much more modern than his smile water basin and shower pipe. He really could sit down in the bathtub if he wanted. Was he deserving to use your bathroom like this?
Oh God, he's in your bathroom, showering- naked.
The heat rushed to his senses as the reality of it all started to settle in. His face blew a stark red as he leaned against the tiled walls, shuffling a shaken breath. His forehead messed into the wall, as he leaned his palms against it.
He was touching himself to you.
That forgotten heat was still there, slowly creaking. His mind raced with it all, the idea, the sounds, the sights. He sucked in a breath one of his hands sneaking down to touch his half-sleeping cock again. It ruptured awake at the minuscule touch, aching into his palm. He swallowed thickly.
Were you naked under that robe?
He hissed at the thought, his eyes rolling back in delight, a subtle chuckle airing from his lips.
Your skin was so soft when he was touching you earlier. You were between him. He could smell you. You smelled of exotic fruits, the time the rich only seemed to know. His hand began to pump his length.
This was so evil of him.
He was letting his flesh win, but it felt so good. His hips bucked into his hand as your name moaned out from his lips. He was so hard he could feel his heartbeat pulsing in his palm. His cock weeping slick in a constant stream mingling in with the hot water and dribbling down the drain.
He wants to touch you like that, in different places too. It's so wrong but God, please, if you're watching him, just look away for tonight. He grips his base in a tough squeeze.
You're so amazing, so beautiful. Just let him touch you a bit. He swallows. "Please," he whimpers out into the air, his thrusting grew animalistic, the pleasure tingling in his back as his grunts grew loud.
He needs you, he doesn't care anymore, he needs you.
He's been needing you for so long.
When you first came here, he spotted you on his grocery trip. You were so stunning that the light seemed to cast a lovely halo on your sweet features. You were so stunning when you rushed to him, to compliment his looks, he moans out at the memory.
He's going to cum. Oh God-
A loud knock split his thoughts into two as he yelped, slapping his water-mixed slick-filled hand over his mouth. You call, "Andrew?"
He yelps again at the fluids on his chin, and at the alarming sound of your voice, "What's going on in there? You're taking a long time," you speak.
He frantically swipes his face and hand again, crying out, "I'll be out!" He immediately shuts the water off, hopping out and to the towels to wipe himself off.
"Andrew... I'm worried about you," you call, and his heart bursts.
He longs for you.
He stares at himself in the mirror, feeling his hard-on twitch.
"You know... It's quite terrifying for you to suddenly appear at my door. And frankly, you looked terrified, I thought... I thought someone had done something to you again..." You whisper, he can bearly hear you over his heart. His eyes flicker between the reflection of his eyes back to him, searching within himself.
He lays his palm against his heart.
"I don't like it when you censor yourself either. I hate it when you act like a holy fraud," You said. His hand clenches to a fist. Him, a fraud? "There's nothing in the world you could say that'd I hate. If there was, that's for me to decide. Not for you to decide for me... So tell me what's going on with you," you whisper into the wood of the door.
"I don't want you hurting. You're so sweet and kind. You're not a devil at all! And it pisses me the hell off whenever -" Your words get cut short, and the door opens, revealing Andrew, eyes lidded, wrapped up in a white rope.
He looks good in the color.
It's a shame he never wears it.
"Don't curse," he whispers, water dripping from his head to his shoulders. His chest heaving with every breath, desire flooding his gaze, lips cracked open breathlessly.
You're taken aback, your blinks are furious. "Sit," you murmur as you bring him to your bed. You both sit facing each other, your arms crossed.
You watch as his face heats up, as his eyes flicker up to see yours in a daze. You suck in an enamored breath, "Tell me."
"Y-You... You provoke my flesh," he whispers it earthly, leaning forward to you, placing a hand by your hip on the bed. Your eyes flicker between his, your blinks slow. "I... want you carnally. I desire you. I pray... N-No. I want you deeply." He's inching closer and closer with a sweet gentle voice, his other hand cupping your arm dear to him. Your hand finds his chest, glimpses of his pale skin underneath his robe. "I couldn't control myself tonight... I'm not sure I want to..."
"Andrew," you hush you between lidded eyes.
"I beg you, let me touch you, please," he's so close to you now, letting his nose brush against the tip of your ear, lips brushing against it for every word, breath mingling and fueling your desire.
You swallow so harshly, grabbing onto his shoulder for stability. He continues, "I can't help but think, isn't it so wrong for a man like me to want this? It's a wicked desire," you hear his confidence falter, and for some reason, it hurts more.
"Don't give up on yourself like that... Succumb to your desires, Andrew. Succumb," you whisper scantily, gripping chunks of his robe and slipping a leg on the bed to fully face him.
He groans viciously, the primal sound sending waves of pleasure through your body. You make the first move, licking a stripe up his neck, dragging the sharpness of your canines gently against his sensitive skin. He moans deeply, the beautifully breathy sound forces you to clench around nothing. It's been a while for you, traveling so much, you haven't had time to take care of yourself.
You lean up to suck briefly on his chin, fluttering your lips closer and closer to his own. But you stop just before to gaze into his eyes. He leans in for you, pressing your sweet lips together. His lips are deliciously delicate, the friction like a much-needed quench. It's barely long before the kiss deepens, as you feed him your tongue. Your soft muscle rushes in to meet his, as you swallow up his yelps and mewls.
His tongue gains its confidence, the shiveringly pleasing feeling of his foreign tastebuds sculpting up your hot mouth. You slurp on his sweet tongue. He grunts and bucks into nothing. Your lips pull away sloppily as he places a hand on you, pushing back onto the bed. "Mmh, wait let's get comfortable," you whisper.
He feels himself ache in his robe
He pulls away from you to follow you as the two of you shuffle to the heart of the smaller bed. "Lay down, I'm going to show you a few things," you tease.
"But I wanna' touch you," he begs into the air.
You shiver intensely at the sound.
"You will," you press him back into the bed, his head resting on his pillows.
He stares at you in disbelief and wonder, the cutest expression dotting his face. You brush his hair out of his face, smiling at his surprise. He's hiding a strong jaw beneath that meek bang, hid beautiful sculpted nose leading to two budding, pink tulips. You shuffle in between his legs, pulling the cord to his rope. His breath hitches, his chest rising and falling with a vigor to run a marathon.
The question pops into your mind as you pull back part of his robe to reveal his lovely chest. "When's the last time you've ever touched yourself, Kriess," you mumble.
"Uh... I suppose... I might have been fourteen," he blinks.
You giggle in disbelief, "Ten years? What a good boy you are. So holy," you hush.
He grunts viciously, "P-Please stop. Just touch me, touch me... Touch me..." He begs, shutting his eyes weakly.
You pull back his robe fully, flashing his wonderfully tone body to you. He was so muscular, so big in stature - the true power of a grave keeper. Your hands tail down his body to his hip, your eyes immediately shifting to toggle the incredibly pink cock of his. His tip was a bullied red as he pulled and twitched into the air. Dribbles of pre-cum touched his belly, and the wet scene was erotically sloppy. He was leaking like a faucet, and it sent your organs aflame.
You groaned at the sight, "So wet for me, Andrew. I'm scared I'll get you pregnant," you tease.
A humiliated squeak flies from his lips, "I-I- I'm sorry. I'm not so s-sure as to how you'd be able to--" but you wouldn't let him continue his lowly apologies as you bent over and pressed a deep kiss into the base of his needy cock.
He moans out into the open, his hands instantly flying to entangle themselves in your hair. You lick up a stripe to his tip, never breaking your stare at his gorgeous face. You pull back, slipping your robe off tantalizingly slow, watching as he whimpers. He gasped at your sweet body, his cock twitching to be touched more.
You gave him something to look at. You smirked.
You leaned down back to his pretty dick, grabbing it at the base and taking the tip into your hot mouth. He was average in length but thick as it filled your mouth. You greedily slurped up his runny juices, closing your eyes with a content sigh as you guided him deeper and deeper into your mouth. His hands clenched chunks of your hair.
The feeling of him entering your mouth was euphoric, as his sweet gasps and moans filtered the air. The sounds were on the quieter side but were sharp and filled with bliss. He chuckled out a delighted sound, his chest heaving as you began to suck.
You twirled your tongue at his piping-hot muscle, hollowing your cheeks and drinking him up. He moaned sweetly into the air, as his legs flew up on each side of you. You bobbed on him, carefully massaging all that you couldn't reach with your hand, lapping him up as if you were thirsty.
"Oh God!" He wailed. His grip grew blood-hot on your hair, the feeling enough for you hiss. You bobbed him viciously in retaliation, the overstimulation forcing his head to lean back. "C-Can't. Can't..." He groaned, he bucked deep into your mouth, gagging you as he held you there with his large fists.
He trusted deep into you, his back arching off the bed, his sounds vulgar and pleading. "F-Fuck, fuck. Please, please, please," he cried out a mantra of fucked out whimpers, riding his high at your expense. His voice picked up strongly, swear dipping down his forehead.
With one final buck into the back of your throat, Andrew pulled out, releasing into the hot crevice of your mouth, his hands releasing you, as they flopped to the side. His rugged fulfilled groans filled the air.
You slipped off him, coughing as you gagged on the intense mixture of your saliva and his slick. "I'm so sorry," you heard him cry as you wiped your lips.
You giggled tiredly, your voice hoarsely adjusting back to the feeling of a dick-free throat. "You're so lovely, 'drew," you leaned up to kiss his lips. The lingering taste of himself meeting him.
You redirected his hands to your chest, and greedily, he squeezed and tugged at anything he could, breaking the kiss so his eyes could oggle you with the passion of a starved man.
His fingers prodded at your nipples until they were hard, then they slipped down your body, feeling the curve of your belly. He instantly shot up as his hand reached down to cup your sex. You giggled out an estranged moan, reaching up to embrace him over his shoulders. "You're so needy," you tried to deflect, pulling your sex away from him.
"Please, jus- please lemme' touch you." He cries out like it pains him.
He the two of you up, not even needing an answer as he pulls you into his lap.
You whimper, leaning into his shoulder as his fingers massage your sex, his tongue frantically passionate. You're deliciously warm to him, and you feel your sex begin to slick his hand. He laughs blissfully at the feeling. The sound of it is soft and filled with childish delight as you rock into him. He speeds up his barrage of you, the friction causing you to rock into his hands, lapping at his neck with your tongue like a dog. Your sex feels painfully hot and messy as you buck into him like a wild animal.
You feel your hole begin to ache, as you push all the way into him, redirecting his hands to touch the puckering hole. "In there," he squeaks suddenly, but you leave no room as you grind down into him.
"Andrew, I was suppose to be devouring you," you whined.
"Haha, it's alright. We can try again later," he twists to see your face, pressing a loving peck against your lips. You blink in shock, his gaze filled with gentleness.
"I haven't had anything up there in a very long while," you whisper into his lips.
"Oh golly..."
You arch into his fingers, gripping chunks of the bedsheets. Andrew has you laid out beneath him, his thick, burly fingers playing in your thick walls. You huff into him, his fingers themselves coated in a dangerous mixture of your slick, his cum, and his spit. He's knuckle deep within you, his middle and ring finger plunging into you passionately.
His gaze never left your figure, not even for a second, as he drank up the sight of your trembling form. He leans down between your legs, planting a kiss on your sex the way he's seen you done his mere moments prior. "Andrew," you cry with all your might.
"You're so aroused... Am I that tempting to you?" He purrs, his eyes lidded, hair tucked behind his ear. He's gotten too confident.
You couldn't deny him for a second, "Mmhm, yes, Andrew."
He shudders, his name sounds so good from your lips.
He can't take it anymore.
He slips his finger out of your hole, grabbing himself as he lines up to fit inside. His tip bulged against your entrance, and you puckered kisses against the weeping muscle. He pressed against you, his head breaching into your body.
"Aah! Oh," you hissed. Peeking out from closed eyes, Andrew's face was tensed tight. His lips were glued, his eyes lidded, eyebrows furrowed and his cheeks were filled with air. His strong hands reached and grabbed your hips, squeezing so hard it stung deliciously. The familiar subtle burn of stretching as he pushed himself halfway in.
It was finally then did he released his first moans, the sound was strained and needy, his mind held by the single thread that he should hold himself back.
But by the time you sink into his base, your hot, warm, slicked-up insides are screaming at his senses. He lost all sorts of sensitivity. "Fuck," He cried, his voice burly, as he began to pump at a decent pace.
His head grew heavy as he plummeted onto his hands on top of you, his expression erotic. His toned pale body, his strong arms on each side of your head, his eyes that briefly rolled to the back of his head. "Oh, god," he groaned out. The sound fighting against the shameful sounds of your sexes bumping.
His moans abruptly peak again, his eyes rolling back with stuttering hips. Suddenly an abruption of cum spills into you, making you shudder an arch. "S-Sorry, tryna' hold back... Jus' hold on a bit more," he moans, speech slurred, drunk off your goodness. He was still hard after cumming inside you.
He pulls out slowly, all the way down to the head before plunging right in, causing you to cry and wrap your legs around his waist. You were extra slick now, with how his cock fed you more of his juices. His grip on your hips was intense as he buried his head into your shoulder, thrusting quicker as the heaving sensation of you eating up his cock overtook him.
Every sight, every smell, every taste and touch from you, sent him teetering over the edge. This was so dirty, so vulgar, so shameful, that it made his hips stutter in spiteful bliss. Like an animal, he pumped into you at the pace he liked the most, fueled by your irregular, overstimulated moans that rewarded him. You wrapped your arms around him in the tango, burying your nails into his skin as he hit your sweet spot, your jaw falling slack in disbelief.
He was so thick, so filling. Your belly was swarming in satisfaction, feeling all of your inside move and squirm to his every wild buck. He pulled out of your shoulder and pinned your head between him again. His reddish, blueish eyes found you like a greedy hawk. He was completely fucked out, staring down deep into your eyes, not looking away for a second, daring you to keep the gaze.
You whimpered and cried, holding onto his forearms, squeezing and jerking around his cock. He grunted deeply, etches of a delighted smile ghosting his fucked out expression. He was glistening with sweat, a non-stop pent-up sex-machine.
You growled in fear, feeling your orgasm overtake you. You arched down deep into his body, as you spilled out, crying out a useless, "An-Andreew," that fell on deaf ears.
"Please, p-please, please, G-God... Just a little more," he whispers to you. He presses his kisses on your cheek. But truly, he's unsure of who he's calling out to anymore.
He slows for your orgasm, grinding on you wildly, riding out your high as your head collapses back on the pillow.
He pulls out and turns you on your side, grabbing one of your legs and hooking it over his shoulder. "Just a little more, please," he cries, he's still hard, still twitching. He peppers sweet kisses on your eyelids, nuzzling his nose into your warmth.
"F-Fine, Andrew. Don't make me say it," you stutter, your face heating in this embarrassing position.
He leans to suckle on your collarbone, distracting you almost until you feel his abrasive length slip into your body again. You mewl out, listening to his shaky breath deep in your ears. He rests his head against the side of yours, your knee hitting your shoulder. "Y-You're very flexible," he praises with a giggle, it almost soothes the anger you feel at his wildness.
You can't even retaliate when he begins to thrust slower, as his wandering lips slip around to pepper kisses on your earlobe, your jawline, your neck, and even on the back of your leg. Your eyes roll at the tantalizingly slow thrusts, all paired with the sweet kisses. He gently cups your chin, turning you to face him as he leaves an earnest peck on your lips. "I love you," he whines childishly.
You giggle in surprise, "I know. I love you e-even more, Kriess," you manage between your pants.
"Oh, God," he whispers, bucking into you with a stutter. You gasp in shock, overstimulation brimming through your body.
"Don't cur- urse," you somehow manage out, grabbing chunks of the bedsheets.
He laughs lazily and begins to pump up the pace, leaning up and fucking into you fervently. You squeeze down on him at the sudden abrasiveness, arching and crying out with all of your body.
The wooden bed creaks, a sound that causes Kreiss' breath to hitch. A sound so dangerous you could see the thought process behind it. He pulls almost out and slams deeply into you again, your toes curling painfully- and yet to your dismay, the bed creeks again.
He laughs blissfully again, stuttering out between moans, "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum," he grunts, pistoning into you roughly, desperate to hear the animalistic creaking of the beneath you too. You cry out in overstimulation, your own orgasm building up, ready to spike.
"Please, pleugh... God- gonna... Oh!" A shiver overtakes him as his thrusts get sloppy and stuttering, as you squeeze and milk him of everything he has, your own high reaches its peak at the same time you're bursting with cum deep inside you, as Andrew thrusts into his base and grinds deeply against you, forcing you into an intense orgasm. "C-Cummin' cah..." You watch as sporadic twitch trails from his back, down his arms, and sparks into his fingertips.
His face is completely fucked out, his jaw relaxed, eyes rolled up to the heavens still in prayer. He finally, sweaty, heaving, pulls out of you, his penis going completely soft.
You've never been a religious person, but seeing him finally soft almost turned you into one. You were saved!
You dropped your head back onto the pillow your leg slipping off him as falls back onto his ass. You stare at the wall as you catch your breath, the room suddenly aware of how it smells like sweat and fluids. His cumming so much within you is going to be a problem, but a problem for later you.
Andrew weakly reaches and pats your ankle, and you turn to gaze at him. He's smiling panting out, pure joy bursting on his sweet face. You knew you were going to be so sore, and so tired in the morning but. It was hard to stay mad at a face like that.
He crawls over to you, sitting next to you as he rolls you onto your back. His fingers subconsciously rub circles into your belly as he mutters, "That was heavenly..." He hushes into your lips as he kisses them sweetly.
"Mmh... Andrew," you mutter.
He giggles ecstatically, leaning down and placing a hand on each side of you. He kisses up and down your neck dearly.
"I want to do this with you more," he mutters shyly in that familiar, raspy, airy tone.
And just like that, you were no longer religious.
"Please God save me," You cry playfully.
"Don't curse," he giggles into your neck.
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sleepy-fiction · 1 month
Eleven Weeks
- sebastian solace x gn!reader
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syn: Your ex-coworker, Sebastian, suddenly comes back from the dead, completely strange and anew. You go to see him and realize how different he had become since you left urbanshade. Can you accept him as he is now? Will he allow you to?
tags: predator/prey, suggestive but no actual sex, fluff, heavy comfort fic, there are no gendered terms for reader, sebby has an ex-wife (Zaara)
a/n: eleven weeks by vansire was on repeat in my mind as I wrote this! tysmm for the love on my last seb fic, my hearts really gonna burst!! but in this fic seb escaped and is now working w the FBI to build his case. Also to clarify pls this is no diss on zerum
You remember it.
The soft tan skin, the way his mouth would crinkle up and flash his pearly, straight teeth. You remember the barreling laughter, the prompt scolding. You remember the soggy bags under his eyes, you remember his sullen tears.
You remember it all, because he was human back then.
But now.
Your eyes shake as you stare at him now.
He's large, maybe even ten feet tall now. His large tail takes up almost the entire room; and the "men-in-black" you had to go through just to get to him was proof that this all was real. Sebastian had become something... He became something different.
His skin was no longer beautifully golden, instesd he was now blueish with scales, fins, and tails. He now has three eyes. Three eyed that are no longer those deep and black but abnormally large and blue. And his hands were now three shivering claws, claws that shook intensely, waiting for you to do something - anything.
Say something.
But you took your sweet time inhaling everything about him bit by bit at a time.
Minutes went by of you quietly staring at him, your shoulders tense, your fingers fidgeting together.
Weren't you going to scream?
Weren't you going to cry?
Weren't you going to do anything?
Please do something.
It broke him.
Sebastian abruptly squealed out an intense sob, his large hands covering his lips as he hunched over in shame. The wounded cry came straight from his belly, sounding as if the fiber of his very being was split into twos. He bowed his head more and more, trying his hardest to muffle his sprung cries. You couldn't let him be so alone like this. You, swept up by the bitter sounds, launched yourself forward, grabbing whatever you could reach: the coat sleeve on his smaller arm.
He pawed at his eyes with his large blue claws, and your lip quivered helplessly. He tried to pull away, but it was like the strength in him was gone. The spark, the everything. When you first walked in, he didn't say hello. His face, body, his soul had already lost its vigor. Simply going through the motions.
What should you say?
Your eyes flicker between the ones he covered from you. Your grip on his sleeve grew intense.
You thought he was dead. When the neww broke out of his crimes, you couldn't believe. You couldn't stick around long enough to find out because your contract ended. You couldn't tell anyone back home about anything that happened in Urbanshade at all. You alone had to bear it. Then you heard that a freak accident happened at urbanshade, and everyone died. You were alone.
But God, looking at him, he had gone through it worse. Not just physically.
You swallowed thickly, unable to keep your own tears back. But you smiled. You couldn't help this weird budding joy that sprang up in your chest, fondness that could kill even the sweetest daisies. As morbid as it is to be happy right now, you finally got your buddy back. Your annoying coworker who corrected over your work all the time. He was someone to talk to - someone you could finally console in. Your smile was profoundly big as you gripped onto him.
Sebastian Solace.
You're really back.
Your grip loosened.
"Say something, damn you -" Sebastian couldn't finish his loud, spiteful curses when his eyes finally met your gaze. Your bubbling gaze. You were amiling with glassy eyes, a quiet sort of smile, the kind that makes the air around you taste sweeter. His face twisted in horror, frustration. Why were you smiling? How could you smile at him?
His family couldn't look at him.
His wife.
His own wife shook and trembled, and she cried out in fear of him. Not only that, he had to learn that she and everyone else moved on a go time ago. Worse than that, his sweet wife told him she started a family with another man.
What the fuck was he supposed to do.
He spent all those aching years to break free, hoping for everything to return back - only for it all to be worser out here than in Urbanshade. Back then, at least he had something to hope for, to hold on to.
Here? Nothing.
Mind numbing questions seared through his mind. Why the fuck did he have to suffer like this when he was so badly hurt? Why couldn't she stay loyal? Why did he look this way? Why did they do this to him? Why.
Why is no one accepting him but you?
Why are you being so insufferable.
It made his heart burn. And your soft, secure grip on him made it even hard for him to run away. Did you not want him to leave? His heart is burning with corrupted fondness. He wants you to. To...
To touch him a bit more.
He wants you to look at him a bit more.
He wants you. If you're going to be so kind about it, look at the other weird parts of him with those sweet eyes.
Maybe the more you stare, you'll finally reject him. Confirm to him what the world has taught him. Or.
Just touch him a bit more.
Don't just stand there.
Don't just--
He suddenly remembers his voice. He croaks out the pitiful plea, "Don't... just. stand. there..."
The voice is commanding and terrifying, and it's proud and angry coming from such a large beast. His he trying to scare you off? If so, it's not working - he'll you barely register his words.
Just the sound of his voice sends your heart fluttering. Sebastian's alive.
You know he's been through so much worse, but.
Is it okay if you are a little selfish right now?
You reach forward, standing high up on your tippy toes to grab his right arm sleeve.
"What the hell are you doing!" He booms.
You pull him into you. He squeaks and cries, "Say something," He yells, loud even to shake your heartbeat. You're much weaker than him, but he falls into your shoulder so easily, like pulling a strayed kitten.
The weight of his head crashes into your shoulder harshly, the feeling a sharp thud, but you balanced it, still on your tippy toes. Your hands slip away from his arms, wrapping themselves tightly around his shoulders. While his neck brushed against your forearms.
"Hey Sebastian," his ears perk up in delight. Your voice whispers dear into his sharp fins, hushed, childishly excited, "Is your heart beating as fast as mine is?"
It's beating fast. It's beating so much faster than you know it. His breath exhales with a shivering snap, and he gulps.
You broke him again in an instant.
Sebastian grabs you, all of his hands finding their places on you; your back, your hips, your waist. As he pulls you up high into the air into a deep embrace. You drop all your weight onto him in the hug and nuzzle your nose into his neck. You laugh brazenly. It spikes into the air as your feet swing in the wind.
"Haha! Sebastian! We're so high," You squeaked, holding onto him like some sort of giddy child. Even he can't help but share the giddiness and giggle. You can feel his ears flick against your head.
"And look at you now, you're so big." You tease him, and his face crinkles up in a grin. You pull up to gaze at his face, drumming your fingers against his shoulder. You stare at his face, beaming. Your hands are moving to touch his face, "Three eyed freak," you snicker, "You weren't taller than me before."
His grin bursts onto a beaming smile through his face. "Wow... Wow. Look at you," The tone of his voice is partionizing, enoigh to make you already start laughing. "No class, per usual. I'm not sure as to why I even invited you to see me," he said. His were eyes lidded, his voice freed of any bite. The was hushed and sweet.
Your eyes lidded, too.
He looked sort of...
Handsome, in a way. Right now.
It was weird. Not too shabby for a... mermaid?
You looked away with a gulp. It's just hard not to feel something for someone when they're holding you like this. Like you're some sort of treasure. At least, that's what you told yourself.
"Don't you agree," he purrs. His voice is teasingly delightful. Embarrassment springs up as you back your palms back onto his shoulders. You try to hide your head back onto his shoulder, but he rejects you, pulling you back out to keep you. You swallow. Blood rushes deep to your face, your embarrassed hands playing with the ends of his hair.
"You're flushed," he whispers curtly. You suck in a breath.
"You're holding me like this... Anyone would be," you said.
His third eye twitches.
He grabbed his wife like this, and she screamed. The sound rings deep into his ears. Ah- ex-wife. His face fell bittersweetly, unable to succumb fully to sadness when you're so full of joy.
You're so special.
He smiles brightly again.
Your heart flutters, but it's a weird stutter.
"Ah! Alright, alright, put me down," you yell, beginning to squirm to no avail. "Damn you!" You bang harshly on his shoulders.
"I'm not sure I wanna," he laughed heartily.
"I mean it!" You screech.
"This your place? The federation hooked you up," you said. When you finally got away, you could finally take a look at his home. It was on a military base, deep underground, behind many iron doors and pass codes. They even gave you a CAT to come on base to schedule visits with him. It took almost about a year to get clearance to see Sebastian.
Did everyone who wanted to see him have to wait this long? Go through so many briefings, sign so many contracts, just to spend 5 alotted hours? You couldn't imagine being him, living like this so alone for so long. Was he just counting down the days until he saw you, just like he did back when you two were teens?
Why did that idea make you feel so content?
"Mmhm. They're spoiling me," he grimaces, and you're pulled from your thoughts.
"What? Don't like feeling like a princess?" you asked.
"It's only because of a case we're building against Urbanshade. That's all." He hums. "I'm not planning on getting used to it."
His home itself and everything within it was large. With high ceiling arches, high doorways with large door handles. Everything is his size, even the chairs and couches. It must've been expensive to make this whole thing. He truly was heavily pampered in here.
"Make us tea," you bark.
"Alright," he said.
You looked back at his tail as he guided you into the kitchen. The slithering thing echoes a low humming sound. It moved so rhytmically, it was so odd. He truly was a snake.
This wasn't your first time seeing him either. In the hundreds of briefings the FBI and the base itself gave you, they got to tell you all about his anatomy, photographs, and health scans. They really wanted you to be comfortable with him, and you can't help but be happy about it. It was hard to fully believe until now. It still was a fresh shock just as the day they tried to make you believe this is what he really looked like now. You wondered if he had met with his family by now. If it went well...
They really took him and his case just as serious as he deserved it to be. These things are typically kept top secret, so maybe they allowed you to see him simply because...
Your think back to his soulless greeting.
Time to step up and be a good friend.
"Hang in there, buddy." You cheer, patting his shoulder with a knowing gaze towards the horizon.
"That's embarrassing," He snips.
Typical Sebastian Solace, you comfort him, and he immediately corrects you. You sigh.
You look up at him, finally noticing the way his large little claw was holding your small one. Your face heated again. You look away quickly, gazing throughout his kitchen. Everything was so large, even the counter meets your chin.
"Why don't you go sit on the couch," Sebastian hums. He had a new air around him now, one that was sure and soft. You heard as he shuffled through cabinets the sounds of cups and things clattering around.
"How can I? I have so many questions. Sebastian, how'd you do it? God, you're big now! And, uh... What'd you all day? Was it dangerous?" You asked, your hands finding the whale tail. You stroked your fingers along the scales, stroking it dearly. You felt him shiver, but selfishly, you slid your hands up his dorsal fin and into the beginning of his snake-ish body.
"Well... A lot of it is classified but. I can tell you that I read a lot during my time at Urbanshade," he snickered.
"Well, that's obvious," you muttered as you looked back to his tail, "Hey, is this heavy?" You pressed all your weight against it and then sat down on him.
"Excuse me? What the hell are you doing?" He asks, but the tone is a soft bite. "I'm not a jungle gym," he sighs.
"Yeah, but... Isn't it so cool," you asked.
"So cool?" He grunts.
"A-Ah I'm -"
"No-no. Uh... Hmm... I suppose, after the rage wore off, my body became sort of... Interesting. But still, I'd rather be something a bit more like you... At least... I kind of miss being back shorter than you." He mumbles, sentimental fondness brimming in his voice.
You grin, "Hehe, you used to say a centimeter didn't count."
"It really does now." His tail wraps around you, grabbing you by your hips in a vice. They hold you suspended in the air, your hair hanging down as you face the ground. You squeaked, but he continued, "Come now. Tea's done."
He slithers away with you, not that you care. You giggle and laugh all the way to the couch, suspended in his tail. He plops you down onto the large plush couch and your cheek smush against the cushions in awe. It's so comfortable!
You turn back to him. He laid against the couch long ways, with his tail all perfectly held up by the large couch. All while he rests his elbow against the cushion, peering down at you with relaxed but incredibly intimate eyes. His tea is being held by his mini-hand, and the smoke of it rises to face.
He takes a long, slow sip, his lidded gaze never once breaking from you. You sucked in a harsh breath. He shouldn't look at you like that.
You couldn't help the way your palms got sweaty. The way your heart longed to touch him.
He's so different now. His whale tail pokes your back, almost annoyingly so. You grimance in distaste.
"Hey. Your tea's on the coffee table. Are you even paying attention? Or do you just like looking at me," he says, his voice fluctuating teasingly. But even you took notice of the interest gleaming in his blue orbs.
Your face heats up in both anger and embarrassment, two emotions you've grown incredibly fond of because of him. You "hmph," grabbing your cup and muttering something along the lines of, "you were oogling me too," that falls on authoritarian ears.
But God, you're so aware of his presence that it makes you hard to even take a sip, even though the aroma of chamomile was incredibly fragrant. It has a brilliant color too. Sebastian always had a brilliant eye for tea. "You know," you mumbled as you leaned back against the couch - as well as his tail, "I only started getting into tea after I heard you passed... C-Cause. Cause you'd drink it so much. You always thought you were too posh for us drinking coffee in the morning."
He laughs, a howling sound filled with nostalgia, "Haha! I did, I really did!" He clasped his larger two hands together, rubbing them in an automated smooth motion. Was that a new habit of his?
You couldn't help but beam a joyful smile. "You really haven't changed." You sighed.
An annoyingly dead pant takes his face, but you close to ignore his teasing. It's obvious he's sort of... "new" now. But still damn it! He's the same.
"I- I... You know what I mean."
"Really? Telling the clearly mutated guy th--"
"That you feel--"
"Shut up, god damn you!"
You look away with a huff, turning your whole body to the side to display your protest of his treatment. But he doesn't let you, and his whale tail curls around you. It's big fins redirecting you to face him with a jaunty push. You squeaked, trying to keep your tea from spilling. A ripple goes up his tail, bumping against your body contiously, forcing you to shoot straight up, or else you'll really spill tea all over you.
"What's your deal!" You yell, now on your feet. You don't look at his face, but you can feel the sadistic amusement in his eyes and hear the quiet, humored chuckles mixed into his breath.
"You... You were really thinking about me like that?" He mumbles. "Honoring me in your tea..." He can't spare your gaze, so he flees onto his tea cup.
God, your heart's beating so strongly.
"Of course. Everyone was. Like our section manager, and then Zaara," don't say that name, "your mother, hell even our high-school math teacher... I went by your wife's and mom's homes on occasion- just to see something of you." You mumbled, not noticing the way he tensed at the mention of his wife.
"No one believed you'd do something like that... Even Zaara... She took it hardest out of everyone," You mumbled. He stopped his snakish ripple, but you still took the chance to sit closer to his main, humanoid body, as you sat 2 feet away from it. Still, it felt too far, but you wanted to respect his space.
He looked down at the floor, trying to find something funny to say, but it all failed him.
"Did you hear... About... Zaara?" You whispered, treading softly on sensitive ground.
"Yeah... I heard. She uh... Gave me a picture of her daughter when she... visited me last year," his voice was weak.
"Yeah, little Selena... She's three years old now. Such a big girl," You whispered, staring down at the reflection of yourself in your teacup.
"You know... She couldn't e-even look at me," his voice cracked and groaned out, the sound still like a fresh wound to him.
"Oh god," was all you could manage out. You hunched over to your cup, shutting your eyes deeply. "And your mom?" You whispered, begging for it not to be true.
"It took her a bit, but... She writes me letters. I don't think she can visit me anymore either... It's hard seeing your baby boy so... S-So..." He pauses for a long time before the words finally come out, "C-Changed," he gasps.
Change is good.
That's such a selfish thing to say. But.
You'll say it anyways.
"Change can be good. Change can be... H-Handsome," You chuckle, not sure if it was a mixture of your fear, embarrassment, or whatever else.
"You say whatever you want, you know. Don't you care about my feelings? Be gentler, what if you hurt me," his snakish tail pumps you roughly again, direction you to look at him. And you do, but it's filled with a burning, unadulterated fire straight your heart.
You flip your head towards him, leaning in, your hands keeping your tea steady underneath your zeal, "You don't want me to be gentle. Ypu want me to be rough. You want me to treat you like a human, so I will." Your voice is intense. The shiver it produces from him is proof of that.
The silence gives you confidence. You scoot closer, a hand fleeing from your tea to cup the side of his round blue face - he gasps. "You are still incredibly human. And you're still incredibly the same rude, pompous, annoying coworker, Sebastian Solace..." Your words are too intimate, and you know that. Your heart's about to burst, but you know that. You like it, even. You catch yourself, blinking away from him, "T-To me... To me, you're--"
Your face is grabbed harshly, your teacup falls and slips onto the floor, it splatters on your shoes, and it's the first thing you worry about. Not the fact that the new, monstrous frightening Sebastian is pulling you rapidly towards him. Not the fact that four intense claws have you by the face that could crush your entire skull between his palms. Not the face that you were being pulled by your face toward his lips-- No you were worried about wasting his tea, breaking his cup, or if the drink mingles with his carpet.
He pauses right before his lips meet yours, what's the point if within this rapid milisecond, you're not looking at him. He tosses his teacup to the side, the tea within it all gone, and so the clamor of the empty cup finally snaps your eyes towards his, not in fear, but in worry about him- of him.
And so, within the milisecond your eyes meet, He sinks his hands around your tiny body and kisses your lips deeply. You moan and shudder at the feeling, grabbing chunks of his button up, chunks of his collar as you climb greedily into his lap. The feeling of his lips, his mouth, is almost erotically different than kissing a human.
His mouth is colder, bigger, his lips a ragged shape. You'd be lying if the friction didn't send primal shivers down your back. Your human instinct tells you that the mouth of such a large and tenacious predator shouldn't be so near, but God, the friction felt so good.
The shivers were intense, as his pointed teeth poked you carelessly at times. Or when you'd feel the breath from his silt nostrils, the intense feeling of his sharp claws on your body. Primordial fear, nipping at your brain, and you shut it all off, letting the overwhelming situation pool as passionate fire into your suddenly peckish organs below.
Two sensitive people, slurping, lapping, mewling, and huffing into eachothers lips. The sight and sound of it was dirty, sloppy. But you drunk up the sounds of his hungry pants, growls, shivers. Sebastian cracks open his mouth to feed you his gloriously thick and intense tongue.
You slurp it up, welcoming the colder muscle into your hot, moist cavern. The large presence of him inside you is dominating as your fingers twitched against his button-up. He was so needy, was he like you in a way? Unable to get it off since the horrors of Urbanshade? No-- you can't forget. He's gone through it worse, so his need.
You pull back in an anxious shudder. He truly growls then. The sound so animalistic you body gave out, but he held you dear as he pulled you back into the kiss that you know you shouldn't be enjoying so pervertedly.
To him, all of this was your fault.
Saying such pretty words, out of such pretty lips, with such a pleasant voice. Surely, you're aware of how catty you are. Sebastian can't help but think that as he overwhelms your tiny tongue.
He's aware of how beautiful you became over the years. Somethinf he never took noticebto at Urbanshade. He's never been so aware of you. He's aware of you as his arms grab your hips and waist. He's aware of you as his right arm trails up your back to cup your tiny little head. He's aware that your head didn't used to be tiny before his transformation, but he's also aware of how good it is to have so much control over you.
To him, you were being so demanding and selfish and bratty this entire time. His predatory desire to bite you grows as you part for a breath. Sweat beads begin to bubble up on your forehead as you pant at the space between your lips. "Sebastian..." You mewl, he grips your hair and tilts your head back to flash your tantalizing neck muscles.
"You know," he says comanding, "I'm not that same little teen you met when transferred into our school year," you giggled at his words, but he continued, "I'm a man. I'm not only a man. I'm not that same man you went to Urbanshade with - I've evolved. I'm a beast, too. And we beasts have our desires." He growls a bit, the trilling sound mingles with his breath against your revealed neck. You whimper.
"And your breath, your... loud little heart beat. Your lips... Your voice... Your size... It provokes me to sink my teeth in and tear your neck open." He hushes dangerously. God his flirts were getting to you.
"T-The feds are right outside Sebastian," you mewl. "Think you can take them?" You whisper, drawing your hand up and tucking his hair away from his blue-ish face. It's then that you really register how mermaid-ish he had become. You cupped his face again, drawing circles under his under eyes, smoothing out the feeling beneath your thumb pad.
He was cold to the touch, his nose now two little slits. His eyes big big blue orbs, that trailing light bub attached to his head like an angular fish. You had to ask, you couldn't hold it back anymore, not in this moment.
"What are you," you whispered. "I know I read your briefing, but still... How'd they..." You grip chunks of his cheeks.
"I'm uh..." His grip droops as he awkwardly looked to the left. "You want to know now?" He quirks.
"Huh oh uh... I mean. I kinda wanna know." You stutter.
"Well? I-I guess. A little bit of everything. Angular fish, sea snake, whale, shark..." he looked away.
You rose up in his lap, pulling his attention back on you. "That's so p--"
"Are you going to keep killing the mood or... Do you just not want me to fuck you?" He suddenly smirks, and you gasp in horror. He pulls you close to him, purring in your ears, "What? Scared you won't be able to take all of it..." Sultry and slow, teasing.
"W-What... What did... What does that mean..." You don't want to entertain the idea, the possibility.
But his angular mouth creaks open to an even more dangerous grin.
One of his large claws flashes in your face, as he puts two large fingers on your belly button. He presses them there.
You legs almost give out. "Huh?" You stutter.
He looks at you, unwavering, he presses his two fingers against you rougher.
"To here?" You mumble.
"Two what?" He giggles.
"Two- To? Here... O-Oh god."
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sleepy-fiction · 1 month
Sticker Analogy, Steak Analogy
● Visualizing how Bill Cipher flipped his parents.
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Understanding how Bill flipped his parents from two-dimensional to three-dimensional is hard to visualize. Not only is it hard to visualize a 1D plane as 3D beings, but it's hard to visualize how detrimental it would be for a 2D being to abruptly translate to 3D. Today, I will simplify this disparity by comparing 2D planes with stickers and beef.
Think of living in a 2D plane and only seeing 1D as being a sticker on the wall. We can replicate this by laying the left sides of our head flat against a wall and closing our right eye. What do you see? This is similar to how 2D dimensional being see their 1D world as a series of lines. Now imagine that you are a front facing sticker. We can replicate this by placing our backs flush against the wall and looking around with our left eye. We see a lot more this way, don't we? But this still does not change the fact that stickers, much like 2D beings, are stuck to their planes of dimension and why this is important.
Futhermore, if a 2D plane is a wall, and a sticker is a 2D being, gravity would work much differently. The only thing that keeps a sticker on the wall is its strong adhesive. Without it, a sticker would fall down towards the ground. Stickers need their adhesives as it is the very thing that keeps them connected to the wall. Think of the adhesive of a sticker as its organs; the glue is its most functional and sensitive parts! Stickers were made to stick to walls and to hide their sensitive parts.
Contrarily, if we were to remove a sticker, for any particular reason, we would have to peel the sticker off its wall. And if we were to flip a side facing sticker to face forward, we would have to peel the sticker onto its side. This brings up three possible problems, the first being it's organs, and the latter two on gravity.
Similarly, when we peel a sticker, we are forcefully pulling its most vital parts. It's adhesive off its body. Secondly, we are exposing the sensitive parts of the sticker to new gravity, as well as 3D forces such as wind and debris. Finally, depending on the plane, without its gravity, a sticker could either collapse in on itself, or as we more commonly know, a sticker would fall off the wal and to the floor.
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In summary, A sticker is not meant to be double sided, its meant to be glued on the wall (the wall being its 2D plane). When we flip the sticker or remove the sticker from its natural plane, its sensitive parts are revealed to the elements. The sticky side of stickers aren't to be adoft in the wind.
Frankly speaking, ripping off a sticker doesn't always come out clean.
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Furthermore, 2D figures are not meant to be flipped, their body's aren't made to support the crushing weight of 3D forces on their sides. Think of the sensitivity of the sides of a 2D figure like searing a steak. If you were to poke a steak on both of its faces, you would find that it's tough and sturdy from the heat from the pan. But if you were to cut into it, the meat is soft and pink. Continuing with the food analogy, you can also beef as a good example of how 3D translation was detrimental it was for Bill's parents' organs.
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Let's imagine that I have seared beef on one side, but I did not oil my pan. As it adjusts to the heat, the seared side toughens and sticks to the pan. Now, this meat is completely stuck to the pan, and if I were to nudge or shake the meat in any direction, it would remain stuck to the pan. Flipping this meat would not be easy because it is fully stuck to the pan as it is now naturally joined a 2D plane.
In order to translate this mest back to 3D, I would have to take my spatula and dig either through the stuck side of the beef to forcefully rip it onto its side. And if the beef is still raw everywhere except its seared, it would collapse until the weight of the new gravity.
In conclusion, abruptly translating a 2D living creature to a 3D plane is a lot like removing a sticker from a wall, or flipping over stuck beef. It is unnatural, detrimental to the original forms of the items, and is incredibly greedy.
After all, it would've just been easier to accept what you had and not tried for more, ⚠️.
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sleepy-fiction · 1 month
Gold Ring.
-sebastian solace x reader
2k words
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syn: he was a married man, yet he forgets when he's with you.
tgs: fluff, sfw (read a/n), sappy, feel-good, comfort, genderless reader
A/N: guys NO hate to Zerum at all. I just liked the idea of sebastian having a wife but learning true love and self worth from you. This fic is fluff sfw, but there are very mild dirty descriptions used sometimes. MDNI
Predator eyes loom through the darkened abyss. Sweaty, slobbering, hungry for a quench. He can't fight it. He knew you before you met him. He's seen the way you huddle to yourself, the way you persisted in this hell, the way you crawl to him whenever you're scared. How you count down the floors until you can rest-- on him.
He was the first once to make a move.
You bargained to sleep in his little room, yet you laid rest so far away from him. He didn't understand the flithy, possessiveness that growled in his hungry belly. It sent a pissed shiver from the tops of his head that rattled down to his tail.
He remembers the flinch you made at the sight.
He knows that he shouldn't, but fuck he wanted you closer then. No, he wants you closer, all the time.
He never knew romance until he pulled you over to him, the way he wrapped his tail around you like a snake. The way he blew it off with his typical banter, but God help him, the way he remembers your sleeping form carrying a smile throughout your dreams. Content- about him.
Times with his wife were never like this. He didn't know he was capable of feeling such intense desire. He's kissed, held, and he's lpved on and received. It remembers how the saying goes. If you love them, then you'd let him go. He went without a fuss here, content with the idea of his wife enjoying their freedom. But God knows, the idea of you, some inmate who waltzed into his life, leaving? No, it couldn't happen.
It was the pining that eventually sold his fate.
The yearning.
He'd find rocks the colors of your eyes to collect, most likely debris scattered from all the grubby inmates swarming the place just so he could keep something of yours nearby. Whenever he heard the echoing sounds of footsteps, the crawling through his vents, he perfectly memorized your sound yet still found his heart beating in hope even when he knew it couldn't be you.
He had grown overly accustomed to your dynamic. How you acted in playful defiance but respected him and his boundaries so much. He's never met an expendable quite like you, one not pushy- touchy- or downright evil. Even in a group setting, as you sometimes venture into a teams. You're always batting those pretty little eyes at him, saying thank you and apologizing on their behalf.
You're overly aware of him. Scanning his face, always checking for his contentment.
It was cute. You were discreet like a mouse.
For some reason, you had some staring problem. Always gazing with those eyes. So full of admiration for the brutish monster he had become. Those glances certainly didn't help him. You had to be some freak to like someone like him the way he is now. What about him could ever be attractive?
Don't think he doesn't notice the way you fidget in embarrassment whenever he tucks his hair behind his ears.
You get all shy when he gets close. You get shy whenever he escalates your banter- albeit painfully teasing you- but still-- it affects you.
He affects you.
That's a sensation that makes him question his self worth, and your character.
If someone as good as you finds him lovely. Then is he really? Could he really be...
His three blue hands.
Could they ever be loveable again?
It's that question that finally makes all the symptoms that has been building over the months of you being here finally click.
God he's.
He's falling in love with you.
He swallows thick, unable to read the document before his eyes.
Ba-dum, Ba-dum, Ba-dum
His heart races in his chest, his snaggle teeth gnawing against his lip, his eyes shutting impossibly shut. His hands fidget together, and the feeling of cold metal against (what used to be) his ring finger, and guilt swells in his belly.
He's in love with you. When all this time he was working hard to return to her.
He's in love with you. He heart yearns to leave with you and Painter.
He's in love with you. He doesn't feel the same about his wife. His identity is crumbling before his very soul, and it's terrifying.
His only anchor had been his wife the entire time.
His grip goes vice over his wedding ring. A ringing hiss, and a weeping cry flees his meekly throat.
He had a decent life. A woman who loved him.
But if this feeling he's feeling right now for you is love, then...
He shakes his head, his left hand slapping over his mouth, his right still coddling the ring on his smaller hand.
He can't.
He can't think that way.
In no magical universe will he ever get to have you. You'll leave here, he can see it now. It reflects in your eyes, it's this during gleam that no other expendable has.
He'll be left here to rot.
He needs to accept that and not get--
His blood runs cold, his body jolting upright with a fury.
Fuck. He didn't even hear you enter.
A flashlight clicks, shinning at his belly.
He sees you.
You, who always calls his name so softly. So tenderly, full of respect and admiration. You who makes him feel like a person again. You who remembers things about him, you who points lights at his belly because you remember what hurts him.
He can't stop the tear that rolls out.
"Oh no," your voice dips heartbreaking soft as you set the flashlight down, "What's wrong, Sebastian?" You approach him slowly pausing in front of him with your palms up, asking with your body, with your eyes if you could touch him.
He laughs at you. The sound croaks in bittersweetness.
He leans down to your hands, resting his face in your palms. You're so warm, it makes his heart flutter. "It looks you've caught me at a bad time," he says sing-songly.
Your eyes are full of understanding, the way you smile. "Seems so," you say, brimming to see he was okay. You're giving him space, he hates how he begins to yearn.
He can't help it when you're like this.
Sebastian strains.
"Everyone needs to cry sometimes, especially in this place. I cry, too. A lot." You whisper.
But you're still smiling.
He hates you.
He giggles. The sound is so out of character, so school-girlishly giddy. "Fuck," he grimaces as he burries his cheeks into your palm. He knows he cannot physically blush anymore, but he still feels the shame.
He's turning soft.
Soft for such an airhead.
He swallows nervously, looking up to peer into your eyes. You're admiring him again. Your shifty pupils drag up and down his features again and again and again like a broken record. Holding your lips agape, and sucking in swallow breathes, as if the faintest movement from every breathing too intensely would disrupt the view.
He can't take it.
His hands shoot out for you, one on your hip, the other around your waist, the final caressing your back. You squeak as he pulls you completely into him, your feet rising from the floor. You rest your head dazily on his shoulder, as he slithers onto the dark, farther away from your abandoned light.
When you finally stopped moving, you could feel a wall behind Sebastian, as you straddled a leg on each side of his tail, your knees against the floor.
"Sebastian? I can't see you," you whine.
"You don't need to look at me..." He hushes.
Your hands find his cheeks, they're all warmed up from you.
"I need to," you lean in closer, rubbing your nose against his nostril slits. His breath shudders.
"Pull it," He whispers.
You already know as you reach and pull his antenna. A dim warm light illuminates his face, and you smile contently.
Your hands parade through his hair, tucking the strands of his hair back away from his face on both sides; the way you've seen him do many times before.
You've forced him to admit it now.
He's something worth gawking at.
Even like this.
Embarrassment is a surprisingly delicious taste for his belly.
You slide back in his arms, as his hands lean back and fall to his side. All except for his right, which cups a healthy amount of your hip to keep you steady on his tail.
Now it's his turn to admire you.
"Hmm, pretty thing," He mumbles. His smaller hand reaches up your body, his gold ring flashing in the eyes of both of you.
He tenses.
You notice. Your hands rest on his shoulders as you lean in closer to him.
"Sebastian." You blink, empathy driving your veins.
He already knows.
"I used to have a wife. Long before... This happened to me," He whispers it to the air.
Now it's your turn to feel a deep pang in your heart. You know you shouldn't say it, but the words burst out, "Did you love her?"
You watch as a strained smile pulls at him, "N-Not... Not as much as..." He swallows abruptly, "yuh... Y-You."
It all clicks for you.
He's sad over guilt?
You giggle-- and it's almost as painfully giddy as the one he let out before. But it's not enough as thr giggle turns into a laugh. The sound is bright and refreshing to his ears, like rays of forlorn sunshine kissing him. He can't help the way his ears twitch in pure glee.
He'll drink up this sound forever.
"Little cheater," you giggle into his skin as you kiss his cheeks.
He's deeply affected by this! It's not funny!
"Hey." He can't seem to reprimand you, though. "Bastard," He hushes.
You break away finally. And before you could lean in to plant more kisses, his free hands are on you again. Trailing up your body, up your chest (with him seeming to slow down a bit for that part), then to your shoulders, to roll down to your lovely hands. Lovely hands that he moves to place on his meaty chest.
"Come here," he finally commands, and it's like your knees go weak. The two of you meet in the middle, your lips melting into one another like starved animals. The way you nip and howl in between fervent friction-- friction unknown tp you both since entering this hell hole.
His kisses are filled with longing, desire, full of shivers, full of breathy moans. Sensations that send waves of shivers down to the tips of his tail.
You pull apart to suck on his bottom lip, and with a grunt, Sebastian's mouth cracks open obediently. His large tongue rolls out of his mouth and deep into yours. It's stuffiness enough to make you choke if he wasn't so careful- and if the feeling wasn't so erotic.
Your little alien.
You caress his face all over, your fingertips finding his twitching ears. You pull apart with a hearty smack of the lips, a thin trail of saliva rolling out from you from his large tongue. He picks it up before it could fall to your chin, a satisfied hum from him.
You kiss his round jaw, thumbs caressing circles into his under eyes.
"I love you," Sebastian kisses it into your skin.
"I love you too," you sigh wholeheartedly. You lean in and kiss his tiny third eye, and he hums sing-songly.
Your arms slide around his neck, burying your face into the crook of his jaw, relaxing your body deep into him with a sigh.
You two were so peaceful. You barely noticed the sagging lethal drowsiness in your veins. You haven't slept in... Haven't slept in....
Sebastian laughs at you. You fell right asleep, just like that? His tail wraps around you like a snake, as his kisses make themselves known to your forehead.
"Goodnight, expendable..." He snickers.
And the gold ring slips from his finger.
To have a future with the benefit of you being there, it's more than just a dream come true.
You accepted him.
He can accept himself, too.
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sleepy-fiction · 4 months
Filthy, Dirty, Doktor.
-johan liebert x fem!reader
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content warning⚠️ nsfw, smut, masturbation + dual masturbation, cream pie, p in v, uncomfortable power dynamics, sadism, manipulation, porn with plot, happy endings hurray
synopsis‼️johan liebert has been missing for three years since his escape. One day, after a blizzard, you come home from your tireless job as a surgeon to find him frozen half to death after crawling into your home through your window. As the months progress with Johan, he enjoys a new cozy life as a wife-like housemate, supporting your career. The issue arrives when you can't stop masturbating to the idea of Johan, and he can't stop himself from listening.
an: this fic came to me in a dream (lie), and it's entirely self-serving. I biased Johan's character off the little rumor that Johan becomes a fisherman in the countryside after his escape and lives peacefully. If you don't like that, then the fic is not for you.
wordcount: 6.3k
You had been living with Johan for quite some time. You remembered that bitter wintery night when a destructive blizzard had struck Düsseldorf. The blizzard was harsh and violent, predicting to reign over country throughout the week. You had just painted your room hours before you learned of it and childishly you left for work as a surgeon, leaving your window open.
When you came home, you were surprised to find a half-frozen, homeless, scruffy man unconscious on your bed. He ws barely breathing when you found him, with icy skin that pierced you for every touch. You jumped into action to help and ended up nursing the entire week. You learned a lot about the stranger and how his beautiful eyes seemed to twinkle in the moonlight. How, despite his predicament, he still was well, manner, and polite. He told you he was an orphan who was unable to cope after he left the foster system. How he was never able to recover and spent much of his adult life homeless. How he was robbed off everything, how he ran into a bad crowd. You were the same age, but your lives were so different.
You couldn't bring yourself to throw him out. Maybe it was because you saved his life. Without him, he truly would've died.
You were gullible the way you invited him to sleep on your couch for the time being. You had just moved to Germany from the United States, and because of this, most of your home was littered with mess and boxes. It wasn't much of a home for him yet, but it was the least you could do.
Over the months, he began to trust you. You helped him gain his strength and fully recover. You were there when he finally shaved his battered face.
He was an angel before, with his proper way of speaking and his gentle tone. But by God. Once that scruff came off his face, your world had changed. He was incredibly beautiful, with sweet blue eyes and pearlescent whispy lashes. His hair was cut and neat, with a perfect nose with pink lips. Your heart practically stopped in your chest that morning he walked in for breakfast.
That became the issue.
No longer was he the scruffy, sweet, homeless man you were sheltering out of the kindness of your heart. He was handsome and alluring. With a face like that, you couldn't help but shut your thighs together and breathe swallowed breaths.
It wasn't like you didn't see him naked before. You were nursing him, and he was too weak to walk on his own when he first got here. You bathed him, you clothed him, you washed his hair day in and day out. You brushed his teeth, you bonded over childhood pains and cried on his shoulder. You spent nights sleeping next to him-- things you could easily do because you weren't attracted to him.
Yes, sure, even before the change, you agreed he had an attractive personality. But could you blame yourself for not liking the giant blonde beard and the long shaggy hair that touched his shoulders?
But now he was all cleaned up, with hair that caressed his ears, splitting down the middle in a breathy swoop.
Every morning before you went to work, Johan would prepare you a nice hearty breakfast. No matter how many times you told him you didn't want him to worry about you, he always said it was the least he could do. And you couldn't really argue with that, you loved the breakfast and you loved his company.
He started unpacking your home, too, while you were working. He understood that you'd be too busy to take care of the house as an on-call surgeon. You remember the day you started seeing clothes and furniture slowly being rearranged. Johan was perfect. Too perfect, it was frightening for you at timed.
Frightening because you started to feel something.
He was someone you didn't want to lose.
But your body craved him.
You remember that day you were in the shower, trying to stop your hands from plummeting deep within your walls, but you couldn't. The way you'd arch and moan out his name as you rocked against your fingers. The embarrassment that fled you when you orgasmed, and even more so having to face Johan at dinner, trying not to seem suspicious as he told you about his day at home.
You remember how after a year of having him, you got so out of control that you couldn't use your fingers anymore. You bought a few toys to play with, and getting them into the house was so hard too.
Knowing Johan, the sweet housemate that he was, he kept trying to put the "groceries" up for you, and you didn't have the strength to tell him the truth. You kept insisting that it was menstruation hygiene, something he didn't want to see. But he kept going on about how he didn't care about that, it's what you needed.
He was so perfect, like a sweet angel.
Luckily, you were able to hide your new purchases in a locked bin under the sink cabinet, and that night, you got to town feeding your itch.
You fantasized about him. He was a perfect housemate. Would he also be perfect and gentle with you in bed? You imagined that bare body from all those years ago shamefully as you rocked back and forth on the dildo you trapped to the side of the tub. It was incredibly uncomfortable for your legs, but you were so out of your mind that you didn't care.
You could imagine those pale hands drumming up your body to your breasts, gentle peppery kisses lining up your nipples and you'd arch even more, sopping wet down below.
You remember facing him again at dinner that night, hearing how he commented on your long-winded showers. You, being too embarrassed, simply told some fab about how it detoxed you after work, and you watched his careful, icy eyes flicker in curiosity. You gulped, and even now, you can hear the chilling words that fell from his lips, "My. Well… Keep taking those showers, doctor. I'm sure you have a lot of pent-up frustrations from work. It's good to wash it all away and… take care of yourself."
Every part of you felt conflicted about his sultry words. Your brain was convinced that somehow he knew about your daily routine, that he knew what you did in the image of him. Your heartfelt odds about the words, was he inviting you? Was he flirting? That pause he had, he bound to have-- What did he mean by that?
His gaze was narrowed down on you like you were prey. And it was in memory of those hunter eyes that you fucked yourself again at the croak of night, slapping a hand over your mouth to stay quiet. Turning the shower on now would be too suspicious, and the bathroom was right next door to his room.
You couldn't believe yourself, your lack of control. It was disgustingly shameful how your brain twisted his innocent, caring words, his innocent caring eyes to fit some sadistic fantasy you were building up of him.
The truth is, Johan, he was deadly aware of your little playtime. He first noticed it when he went to get something from his room while preparing dinner. When you first started masturbating, you were loud, and the bathroom wall was thinner than you could imagine. In his shock, he pressed his ear against the wall and heard the muffled cry of his name.
He twitched in his pants.
The monster in him was salivating. You had tamed him well. He was loyal to you, grateful to you for saving him (a lot at first, he longed to die). The monster in him respected you-- it needed you at times. You were the only thing that made him calm, and this lovely little life of being a housewife was something he couldn't imagine he'd end up loving.
Him? A runaway killer? Finding delight in wearing the aprons you bought for him and gardening your home to look better for the neighborhood. Mowing your lawn, cleaning your home, unboxing all your stuff, and doing laundry. Sweeping and cleaning became his favorite coping mechanism. It made him feel fully in control and fully zen. You'd take him fishing on the weekends, and whatever you caught together, he'd always cook something lovely and aromatic.
He found he loved orchids, especially the blue ones, and he gardened the front of the house with it. He heard from neighbors the compliments about him, how'd they call him your boyfriend or your lover. You weren't any of those things officially, but for some reason, he liked it.
It was stable.
It was serene.
He felt sort of.
So when he found out you, his savior, was lustfully touching herself to him every single damn day, he had mixed emotions.
That was his first. He was afraid of himself, afraid of the sudden power he was given over you now. Before, he was in your control, meekly like some little wife tending to your every need (despite your protests). He liked it, when he was powerless, the monster never complained. But now, now he's given some authority and control over you. You could do whatever he wanted all for a little sex.
He wasn't that person anymore.
He wasn't a manipulator.
So out of fear, he wouldn't dare to walk near the bathroom under any circumstances. He didn't ask about your day at first, he couldn't keep himself down enough to see you flush like that. To watch you come up with an excuse or try to forget your playing to remember something else that happened in your day. It gave him too much power, and he didn't know how to handle that burning feeling yet.
But. Your beautiful affirmations about him made him feel vulnerable again. What if he trusted that feeling? What if he explored it? What if he let it take control over him just for a second? You always told him that he could trust his body, that his body is "capable of handling every sensation" he experiences.
So maybe.
When Johan passed by your bathroom while you were at work, he couldn't help but freeze. That burning sensation was back, the monster in him clawing at him. He stepped into the room and shut the door behind him. And that burning continued.
He let his darkest fears hold him for a second. And Johan quickly found himself on his knees shifting through your dirty laundry, pumping his pent-up cock into his fists, moaning like an uncontrollable wild man.
It was then he discovered his second emotion about your playtime wasn't fear after all.
Upon his discovery, he never realized how heavy his balls had gotten. He spent three years on the run before finding your home by accident, not once did he ever have the time or energy to release himself. And it was like once he opened those floodgates, he couldn't stop the desire that overtook his body. He felt like a predator, looking for any opportunity to extend himself.
Like that one time, you stumbled into his room drunk after a work outing, confessing your dirty sins to him. It was something you long forgot, and it took him all his strength to trap you in your room so you wouldn't do anything stupid.
But man did he spend that whole night playing with himself, replaying your drunken confession over and over. He was so excited to explore this with you, to hear you apologize in the morning, and for him to segway that into a discussion about sex. So he could communicate how he felt. But when the morning came, and his eagerness budded- you had completely forgotten.
Confidence was his third and final emotion.
Johan knew he was beautiful. How else did he survive all those years in hell? He swindled women, he gained the trust of men. He slaughtered.
Yet he noticed how embarrassed he had become and how skittish and secretive he was about masturbating. It was like he was a teenager all over again, pretending to cook food until you got in the shower and then running to his room to touch himself to your sweet voice. He always finished early so he could clean up and rush back to the food. Developed a system where he'd cook before you got there but didn't assemble anything and kept it all separate, which cost him many pans and extra dishes, but it kept the facade up just so he could wank off like a child.
His favorite thing was the nervous conversation you had with him after your shower, too skittish to look him deep in the eyes. That's when his confidence started pouring in. At dinner, he'd be more challenging, more teasing. He'd "accidentally" stroke his foot up your leg to hear you squirm. He'd make more eye contact than usual, watching you bounce around a bit. He'd stop you right before you'd walk into the bathroom to make small talk while your frustrated eyes struggled against his stare.
You thought you were slick, but you weren't.
And he decided he'd test the waters.
"Doctor, you always take such long showers. It's become a large part of our dinner routine." He smiled innocently and watched his prey tense up like a bunny in the stare of a hawk.
"Ah. Aah… Well, it helps me detox." You panted, keeping your eyes down on your plate.
You were right where he wanted you.
"My." He made his voice low as he burrowed a stare deep into your eyes, "Well… Keep taking those showers, doctor. I'm sure you have a lot of pent-up frustrations from work. It's good to wash it all away and… take care of yourself."
And you practically fell apart for the rest of the night. He watched your shame confusion and fear plague your face while you helped him watch the dishes. And to be extra harmful, he bothered you all night with conversations and small talk, knowing the frustration and confusion that was uncomfortably building in your body. He forced you up late, chatting with a glass of wine until you had to scurry into your room to retire.
His trap was set.
And just as quickly as you disappeared into your room, he disappeared into his and awaited himself on the bed (that he pushed against that wall this morning), cock in hand. Much like how he planned, you couldn't help yourself, and he couldn't help himself either. It was thrilling, the power placed on his shoulders as he heard your moans finally unmuffled by the streaming shower. His cock was extra twitchy and sensitive that day.
It was the chase and hunt of it all that made this so rewarding.
He played cat and mouse with you all week. Always pushing you, making you feel uncontrollable and weak about your growing desire. He pretended to be sick, too weak for dinner, and paraded around the house without his shirt and in some shorts instead of his usual day wear. He made up some excuse as to why he stayed in his pajamas, it cost him too much energy and he was sweating so much. He watched the guilt that panned over your eyes for looking at him so dirty.
He begged you to watch television with him, saying how lonely he was all day just so he could scoot close to you and trap you in his body. The body that he knew you could not handle. You could cut the tension in that room that night like a knife. And after pushing you to stay up late just like before, he waited, once again, for you to play with yourself:
Johan snuck into his room and laid back on the bed, thrill striking through his body. He laid flat on top of his comforter, his pillow cupping his head forward. He had already prepared by leaving a bottle of lotion next to him. His hands pulled down his shorts, an eerie sense of satisfaction and gratification bubbling in his body. His hand scooped up his hardening member, squeezing it a few times to manage his excitement.
You would be heading to the bathroom any minute now.
His eyes widened.
He reached over and sprayed the scentless balm into his hands, working them from his fingers and to his currently dry muscles. Precum leaked from his reddened head.
He heard your door open and his mouth ran dry. "There she goes." He mutters, unable to fight the way his hands moved before his show began.
You were so easy to push. Johan couldn't stop the moan that bullied from his lips, he was too eager. He couldn't calm himself. His hand pumped himself fast, that cold, devilish glare striking his face once again. He couldn't help the self-serving grin that sliced his face open.
By now you were probably inside the bathroom, fishing for the little toys you always--
His doorknob creaked, and a striking gasp fled his lips.
"Johan I -"
You didn't go to the bathroom.
His eyes flew to you in the dark, as the lights from the hallway cast a shadow over you.
For you, you only wanted to remind him to take his medicine. It was true, you cared for his sickness but also you wanted to see him one last time. So when you creaked open his door, you never would've expected such a sight.
There was Johan, laid back comfortably on his bed, cock in hand, head shot forward, with piercing blue eyes that saw right through you. You clenched on air, frozen in shock. Silence filled the air, and after a second of it, he moaned wistfully. A sound that went straight to your ears and down to your wet pussy.
"Oh my gosh!" You half-screamed. You quickly dove behind the door, shutting yourself back in the hallway. "I'm so sorry!" You cried, hands covering your face.
"I should've knocked!" To your horror, the door opened again, and there stood Johan, his face unreadable, threatening, and bland. He stepped out into the hallway, and you looked into his eyes for reassurance, but nothing was there. Confused, cautious, and anxious, you threw yourself away, hitting the other wall. Your thighs clamped shut, and you clenched again and again on nothing.
What was he thinking? This was scary, this was scaring you.
Your hole clenched around nothing again and again and again, begging to be filled.
"Sorry?" He finally said in that cool, collect monotone. "Oh, doctor. You shouldn't be sorry."
"I caught you uh… M-" Despite being a doctor, even you couldn't say it. It was like saying it would make it all the more real.
"Masturbating? You caught me masturbating? Haha. Why, doctor, I didn't take you to be skittish. It's natural, isn't it? Masturbating? It shows that I am healthy." He said, and boy was he right.
He was just throwing that word around and around everywhere. It took everything in you not to whimper, your pussy beginning to drown in dirty slick. A vicious puddle was ruining your underwear.
"Yes but still I'm so sorry I uh…" You didn't know what to say. You were cornered.
"It was a mistake, wasn't it? You weren't trying to peek at me." He said, his head tilting like a wild hare.
You gulped as guilt bound sickeningly in your chest. You were trying to peek, not at him masturbating you didn't know! You were trying to see him before he went to bed, that's why you didn't knock- it was innocent. "I wasn't." You rushed out without thought.
What were you saying? You were peeking for masturbation fuel. You gulped, guilty your eyes couldn't find his.
"Johan I-"
"What brings you?" He asked so kindly, so calm. It only made you feel worse.
"I wanted to make sure you took medicine for your cold." You whispered, but the sound was too soft.
You felt him step closer. "What was that?" He asked, a cunning grin slicing about his face once more.
"I said I wanted to give you medicine." You said.
"Medicine? But you don't have anything in your hand?" He said.
Your face dropped in horror, your eyes running to Johan's stare. You couldn't think of anything to say.
And that's when he finally won. His cock hardened like a rock, large and proud, and he didn't care if you saw it.
"Doctor, I think you are lying."
Your knees buckle into each other, rubbing your thighs together like a madman. You couldn't stop dripping, your panties were completely soaked by now, and it only made you feel more horrified of yourself.
"I know what you've been doing." He said, and your gasp was soul-sucking. "Every day you touch yourself to me. And then you pretend to be a normal housemate." He was sharp.
"I didn't mean to--"
"You lie to me at dinner time."
"I'm not trying to -"
"Trying to what? Take advantage of me? You know I have nowhere to go, I can't say no to you. Can't you see the power dynamic here?" His hand lay against the wall next to your head, pinning you to the wall as he leaned close to you. "I am at will to you. If I say no to your advances, I could be out of a home. You want me to stay here forever so you can get your pleasure off it, doctor."
You couldn't help the moans that bubbled out of your body, your hips that rocked uncontrollably, your clit that begged for friction, and your little hole that cried for a stretch. Humiliation bounded tears from your eyes.
He was right.
"Johan I'm so--"
"A-Ah… Haa." He moaned, and wildly your eyes found him again.
His eyes shut.
You glanced down.
He was hard.
You glanced up.
His eyes opened.
Slowly the pieces came together in your mind.
Johan could see your gears turning.
He was toying with you. He was getting off to all of the torture he put you through this past year.
You blinked once.
That asshole.
Before you knew it you crashed your lips onto his angrily, muttering out a string of curses as you wrapped your legs about his waist. "Fuck you, Johan. You're so horrible." You muttered between the kiss, unable to stop your hips that grinning against the bare skin of his waist.
He laughed but you were quick to interrupt it with your tongue. You slipped your muscle deep into the services of his mouth, sliding wild hands into his hair and pulling at it tightly. You lapped and licked at his inside, feeling your pussy burn for attention. His tongue was even quicker to steal yours as he hobbled back into his room, his hands supporting you to him. He turned about and laid you down on the bed, breaking the kiss to pant.
His room was dark, with the only air of light being the moon glow drifting from the window about you. It caught his eyes in a captivating icy loom, and your hips bucked forward in anticipation. Your mouth began to water.
You waited for this for so long. He leaned down and found your mouth again, sucking on your wet muscle, milking an aggressively dirty moan from your confused lips. His hands quickly invaded your space again, and with total carelessness for your well-being, he clawed away your pajama shirt, unbuttoning it tiresomely.
Being a well-respected surgeon you always had respect and might power in your hands. You had lives in your hands, you had to always be in control. But here with Johan, as he brutally pulled your bra up and nipped at your bottom lips, he didn't give you a second to think- no he stole your power right from under your nose. His bullying bites dipped into your neck, licking and slurping at your throat like some sort of wild beast.
His canines dragged harshly against the cost of your throat, his body etching around your life- the life he had planned to take years ago. His penis twitched hard in his pants, feeling his balls get heavier by the second.
He's never had sex like this. Before it was all perfect, he'd pleasure his partner, they'd give him what he wanted. Whether it was money, information, silence, or just to seem normal, it all was painfully forced. Here, he could fully intact his deepest desires to hurt you. For total domination over you but in a safe way.
The paradox of wanting to hurt you but wanting to be safe about it reigned ruler in his mind and coated his brief with serious precum. Look at you, you tamed his monster.
He dipped his tongue from the cup of your collarbone in a lengthy stripe to your chin, feeling his eyes lid as he succumbed to your intoxicatingly confused moans. His mouth parted and sucked on the base of your neck, careless with how his teeth rubbed against your skin. Your mind had shut off, the thoughts of stress that typically plagued your everyday growing deathly quiet. Every part of you agreed that right now you needed his cock so deep inside of you.
You needed him to pleasure himself on you like you were some sort of toy. You arched forward when he finally parted from his barrage of sucking and biting. He leaned up and stared down at you with hunting eyes, his hands reaching and pulling and twisting your poor nipples in his hands.
"Ah! Oohh." You cried in shock, his winding of you was direct and sharp, sending vicious sensations to your drenched hole. His face grew in satisfaction at your frantic sounds, a sadistic giggle trailing from his lips.
"Of course you'd like that. You dirty doctor." He snickered as your eyes looked deep into his belittling glare. You moaned hoarsely at his words, feeling your thighs grind against each other. One of his hands flees from your hand and dives into his shorts again. As you watch breathlessly, he pulls himself out. His cock springs out of its confinement, his penis pulsing with furious veins, his cock head a pungent red as his slick made his member a wet mess.
You moaned egregiously at the sight, your arching back hardening into a locked state. He did all this teasing and he was just as wet as he was. He was just as uncontrollable as you felt. "Johaan." You whined reaching up to touch it.
He swatted your hand away, and punishingly so his other hand pulled your nipple. "I didn't say you could touch. You dont deserve to touch." He hissed as you whimpered out. "You've lost all sorts of manners, haven't you? So wild from all those toys you put up inside you. Does it make you feel better about yourself?" He says in his painful, precise rasp.
You gasp and grunt at his words, feeling your clit pulse and cry out. Your mind was becoming a jumbled mess, your crying sex overtaking your every move. You couldn't take it anymore, and you slipped your hand down your pajama shorts, diving past your underwear to bully your hole. The restricting pressure of your underwear snapping back against your knuckles limited your movement, but your mind was savage.
You plugged your little hole with two fingers, rocking and plunging them hideously.
"A-Aah… Doctor..." You heard Johan suddenly cry. Your eyes flickered up to his and his face was incredibly red. His jaw was slack and his eyes bulged out in surprise. "You're so-ugh wh--" Was all he could say before he leaned his head back, his hand jerking himself furiously. Your orgasm was building harshly at the pretty sight.
"Mngh… Ah!" You cried. There was Johan on top of you, with each leg of his straddled against your side. He stood up above you on his knees. Careless with how he fucked his fists inches away from your face, his body hovering over your stomach. The view from below was ridiculing, and his furious pumps splattered precum all over your face and neck.
"Scheiße!" He cursed, his fapping growing wild, dysregulated, and brisk. He did this as if you were truly nothing to him, like a pornographic magazine that he couldn't get enough up. That he pent himself off so he could cum on the pages. It made you hornier than ever.
Your hole clenched hard around your fingers, your breath stammering si hard your brain had to convince your pussy's vice grip to loosen so you could pummel yourself. "Te-- augh! Tell me ah… Tell me I'm a whore uh-ah-again Johan." You whined, unaware of how saliva drooped pit of the corners of your mouth.
"You're so filthy, d-dirty, doctor. Whore." He gulped, watching his head lean back farther, revealing the peak of his neck and chin. Your orgasm was becoming familiar to you as you arched your hips high forward, plunging your hands faster and faster, matching Johan's rapid pumps.
"J-Johan… Johan!" His name became the only word you knew.
Your voices became a choir of delighted song, the sounds loud and free, and your eyes were privy to soak up all of his beautiful cries. His voice grew raspy and higher for each pump, his orgasm trailing near to yours. You dropped your mouth open wild, your tongue barreling out to catch the wayward fluids flying towards you.
"Ich k-komme, aah Doktor. Komme." He growled out. Your orgasm burst deep onto your fingers at the word, your eyes fleeing back up to the crevices of your head. Your hole wrapping deadly tight against your fleeting fingers.
With a few high sounds from Johan, you blinked out of your high, forcing your eyes open to watch. His head leaned back down to you, his teeth bared and clenched tensely, while his eyebrows folded upwards angelically. His blue eyes peeked out from his daze and found you, tongue out and ready for his disposal. With one final cry, the sight sent him over the edge.
White, hot ropes shot out from him and onto your nose, his hand quickly redirecting his aim to splatter onto your tongue and teeth. He shot heavy, long-winded loads with hard pants, his hands shaking trying to contain his excited high.
With heavy pants, his cock sent its final queue of hot cum and softened slightly. The room was filled with you and Johan's doggish pants, trying to catch our breaths from your ecstasy.
"Johan." You mewled pulling your hand out of yourself. You reached up for him and he buried himself into your arms, digging a whorish needy tongue into your mouth. His body hovered over yours, with his chest slumped against you. You whined into the sloppy kiss, but it didn't last as his wet mouth brushed you on his way down. His forehead leaned into the bed next to you, his bottom flying into the air weakly.
"Scheiße." He mumbled again but it was quieter this time.
Now that the high was running to a close. Humiliation and embarrassment were piercing his pale blue eyes. Instead of cuming deep inside the doctor, the object of his fantasies for months, he got too excited and came all over her. She didn't even get to touch him once. How pitiful had he become since becoming her housewife?
"Johan that was amazing." He heard her sweet voice say. The shame was building as he hid his face in the crook of her neck. Her hands slid up his back to chase him, her dirty slicked-up finger intertwining worriedly into his hair. "Johan? What's wrong sweetheart." You whispered comfortingly, and his heart whined at the sound.
He was becoming too soft, too attached.
He couldn't fight his words.
"I came on you. Not in you." It was humiliating. He was reduced this low. By this woman?
Your eyebrows quirked up with a hearty laugh. "Then cum in me, crybaby."
He blinked.
Johan slid out of your neck with unreadable eyes and stern brows. You blinked at his stare, one you were quick to identify as his surprise.
Suddenly his face melted into a loving smile, his eyes brewing with butterscotch affection. A cooing laugh fell out of him. Under the twinkling moonlight, he truly did look like an angel. Your breath caught in your lungs. His lips leaned down and kissed you politely, a dance of short bubbly friction. "Alright, my dear. Let me take care of you." He said as his hands nicely gripped your hips, helping you to turn onto your stomach.
What was that? He was a totally different person? An angelic sweetheart, just like the man who cooked every meal for her. The man who unpacked her home and did her laundry so innocently.
You couldn't help but moan in confused eagerness. He lifted your hips to place a pillow under you, propping you up so that you didn't have to arch for him. You gulped and mewled again in confusion, feeling as he guided the rest of your unbuttoned shirt off you.
"Johan," you whined childishly, "I can't take this." You felt your hole clench again on nothing. His behavior was so overwhelming, your pussy began to scream needly.
"I'm sorry. I'm here now." He said, and his tongue innocently and neatly swiped the nape of your neck. He kissed the middle of your bare back gently in reassurance before his gentle fingers slid off your panties and shirts in one long swoop. The air nipped at your exposed sloppy sex, the sight of it making him groan. He grabbed the softness of your ass, giving it a tender grope.
He leaned into your sweetness, pulling your lips apart with each of his thumbs. Peering into your hole, he could see your leaking cum and slick water out of you, dribbling down your folds and onto your messy clit. With a deep inhale he memorized your scent.
"Oh, darling." He sighed wistfully.
You melted like butter into your arms. "Fill me up, please. Sweetheart, I need it." Your voice matched his contagiously charming tone.
"Yes, dear. I will." He let go and you whined at it. You peered back at him while he shuffled out of his shorts, his exposed body being revealed to you once again. He caught you looking as he leaned back dear to you, kissing your lips before lining up his cock to your sweet hole.
"Going in now, alright my dear?" He whispered. His tip kissed you civilly, and the sensation took everything in you not to clench down. Soon the innocent kiss dipped deeper, as a quarter of his length plunged into your cum lubed body. "Aa-ah." He groaned delightfully, choking out the sound as his breath grew heavy. Your eyes rolled back, your jaw falling slack.
"Here's the rest." He hummed as he pressed himself fully inside you, the stretch bonding through your body. He wasn't the girthiest, but his length was piercing. You could feel him snuggly bump your service as you mewled out in sync with him.
"Oh god, Johan." You clenched around his pretty cock, earning a delectable moan from him.
"Darling…" He chuckled, leaning in to pepper your shoulder. Before you could beg for friction, Johan began to move slow tantalizing strokes. The kind you were privy to distract yourself with after a long day. You cried out at the feeling, more heat rising to your flushed face. "I memorized this rhythm to all your moans." You shivered at his hushed words in your ear.
"You're so cr-creepy…" You moaned.
"You like that, don't you? Doctor." He groaned, loosing himself in the pumps. You couldn't say anything against him either. "On good days," His thrusts turned erratic, "You fucked yourself like this- ugh. I always guessed… Mmh. It was cause you were rushing to… See me." He was right. You gasped and cried out.
"Too fast, Johan!" You cried, your gummy walls struggling to adjust to his sudden speed.
"This way is too sloppy." He muttered. Painfully he janked himself out again, causing your body to sputter and arch harshly. "You need something like this." Johan slipped back in again, his cockhead ramming straight into your bladder. You jerked forward with a start, crying out loudly.
His hand laid against the back of your perked head, guiding your face back down into the bed. "Relax, Doktor." He laughed airy. He thrust strongly into you, never failing to hit your sweet spot. His thrusts were tender and precise, each slap of your ass against his hips made him grumble out a groan.
"Johan! Ooh! F-fuuck." You groaned. His cock pumped into your walls, each hit making you leak out sloppily. Your wetness squleched and squleched deep into the night air, the smell of your needy sexes filling the closed room.
The tantalizing strokes numbed your mind, your breath heaving, your saliva building on your parched tongue. You arched your head down deep into the sheets, overstimulating and tickling your pussy wickedly. Your cries were loud, rough, and painfully uneven as the pleasure choked up air in your throat.
Johan's bitter cock twitched and seized under your tight, suffocating walls. Sweat beaded onto his forehead as his body begged for another release. His senses dulled, the sound of your sweet noises and the taste of your lovely pussy around his dick was sinfully extraordinary. His forehead leaned against the fruit of your shoulder, perching himself into the moment as his thrusts grew rapid. He mewled out, bullying nails digging into your hips as he slammed you.
His sounds were lewder than you could ever imagine, his loud moans impregnating your sorry ears. His sounds were growing higher and rasper just like before, and you clenched around him in anticipation.
"Cum inside!" You managed out from between his defilement of you.
He groaned wild and long, shutting his eyes tight. His balls heaved, his teeth clenching shut.
Your pussy sucked and pulled at his sweet cock, delicious wetness scorching his senses with mind fucking pleasure. His thrusts grew sloppy and erratic, his moans weighted. "Komme!" He cried as leaned his head upwards, bucking his hips and delivering his load deep into the breath of your cervix.
His hot cum shot deep inside you, as you mewled out and came all over his angelic cock. Johan panted weakly, slapping his hands down on either side of your head, arching his hips deep down. His shoulders dropped in satisfaction, jaw slacked with a shiver trailing down his body.
Meekly, he slid out of you, his cock whining for the hotness of your insides once more. The mess that spilled out of you was disgusting, as barrels of mixed white cum and slick drooped out of your whorish hole and waterfalls down your folds.
You moaned with a stammer, gripping chunks of the bedsheets.
"Flithy, dirty, doktor." He sighed in content.
And every part of you was satisfied too.
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