slxkpop · 5 years
Hihi i have a question about sweet taste of candy? Is it possibly gonna be x reader or nah? Its really good so far i was jus wondering
No, it wont be, but in the future I may make an x reader fic :)
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slxkpop · 5 years
The Sweet Taste of Candy (Chapter 1/?)
Pairing: Unknown
Genre: A bit of everything tbh 
Word Count: 2.7 k
This is a mini series about Jimin who is a complete, utter, slutty ass mess. He has issues that he doesn't want to face, so drugs is his way out :) and this story does indeed, include smut. Enjoy!
Waking up is the hardest thing to do. Every night his mind drifts into nothingness where he’s able to create a world of his own from scratch, where he’s able to do whatever he wants. To feel however he wants without reality influencing him. To wake up into this world that was so heavy and dark never ceased to bewilder him; he who did not belong here.
“Can you fucking get up already?” The stranger standing above Jimin shoved his body to the side to ensure he was alive. Jimin rolled over, almost lifeless in his underwear. He squinted his eyes open and pushed his light blue hair back, revealing his forehead. 
“Look you gotta go. My wife is pulling up with my kids soon so hurry up” The man struggles with his zipper as he speaks, soon letting it go out of frustration. Jimin had no recollection of what happened the night prior, but as always, he was being rushed to pick up and go. He wishes he could’ve gotten up earlier to at least clean himself up, but his pounding headache told him to get more rest. 
“The acid is on my nightstand. Don't forget it, I don't want that shit in my house.” 
Getting up, Jimin found his pants on the floor alongside his phone and shoes. He pulled up his joggers and checked his phone which has almost 10 messages from Taehyung. The blue-haired boy sighed and rolled his eyes. He looked around for his shirt but he couldn't find it anywhere. 
“Hey, do you know where my shirt is?” Jimin said in a quiet raspy voice. 
“I left it on the sink in the bathroom.'' As he entered the small room, he noticed that his black shirt was soaked, and what seemed to be traces of vomit was left on it. He gagged slightly while picking up the dampened fabric; most of it was rinsed out by water but the bathroom still reeked of throw up. 
Jimin made his way to the living room with all his belongings in his hand, including his shirt and a pack of acid. 
“Hey, can you lock the door on my way out?” He said with a soft voice. The fair man led him to the front door, where they stood looking at the pouring rain. Assuming he wouldn't be getting an umbrella, he took a step out of the house about to leave. He turned around to look at the stranger one more time and smirked while reaching  down towards the mans pants to pull up the undone zipper. The blue haired boy then tilted his head and winked at the man as he turned around to leave the house.
“See you”, was the last thing Jimin said to the stranger as he watched the man’s wife and kids stare at him from the driveway. 
“Jimin, its fucking pouring, why are you walking around shirtless?” Taehyung yelled through the rolled down window, he didn't think he’d find his friend wandering the streets shirtless in the middle of the afternoon. 
“My shirt was soaked before I even left the house so I decided to not put it on” Jimin looked at Taehyung blankly while opening the car door. 
“Whose house where you in this time?” Taehyung never understood how Jimin could so easily jump from place to place. He didn't understand why his blue haired friend jumped from place to place. Taehyung always welcomed him into his home with a warm heart.
“I don't know, some dude I met last night.” Taehyung sighed. Why did he even ask? 
“I'm taking you home.” Taehyung peered to the side to look at Jimin. He was a mess. His skin was pale and it looked like he hasn't had a good rest in days.
“It's not my home! It's yours so don’t fucking say that!” Jimin turned to Taehyung who looked shocked at the sudden aggression. 
“It's your home too, you know you’re welcomed at any time. I told you to just stay with me, you don't have to pay rent or anything” Jimin looked towards the window after he plugged his charger into his phone and tensed up at the thought of being in a house. 
“Don’t say that soft shit. I'm not going to live in your house for free-”
“So you’re going to go around, high off of your fucking ass, staying at different people’s houses every night? At the risk of literally fucking dying?” Another wave of anger pulsated inside of Jimin and his impulses took hold of him. 
“Taehyung shut the fuck up. Let me out of the car!” Jimin started banging on the window with a closed fist and tried to pry open the car door. 
“We are literally in the middle of a road. Calm down, what are you even trying to do!?”
Taehyung tried to grab Jimin's shoulder to get him to stop. 
“Don’t fucking touch me! Don't ever touch me!”  Jimin’s wave of anger bursts as he reaches over to Taehyung, grabbing the steering wheel and pulling it towards himself. The car jerks to the right before Taehyung can grab the wheel and push Jimin off of his side.
“Jimin what the actual fuck is wrong with you?! Are you on fucking crack?!” Jimin adjusted himself back in his seat after realizing what just happened.
“I don't know! I don’t fucking remember!” Jimin’s chest closes at the thought of what he just did. He almost killed his best friend and he suddenly feels sick, as if his body just took the toll of all the stupid shit he has been doing at once. 
He takes a deep breath and tries to subsume his emotions.
“I’m sorry… just take me home” Taehyung sighs as the atmosphere calms down. Thinking that Jimin would purposefully put his life in danger terrified him and he knew that he needed to get his friend help as soon as possible. 
A person's home is somewhere where they can feel safe and relaxed. A home is not just a convenient space to have, it also helps mentally. At home you disconnect yourself from outside life and are able to have a peace of mind, which is very important if you want to stay sane.
Jimin plopped himself onto Taehyung's soft sofa, closing his eyes in leisure. 
He felt unhappy to be back in Taehyung's residence, but the comfort of the pillows against his body was nice. Being in a house wasn't pleasant, in fact he felt more paranoid now than he ever was out in the street.
He started to get uncomfortable and shifted his position, trying to feel relaxed again. 
He breathed unsteadily, feeling as if the room was closing around him. His muscles tensed up and he shot his eyes closed trying not to think about the walls. Walls are associated with feeling trapped, being trapped reminds him of blood-
“Hey Jimin, are you okay?” Taehyung suddenly reached out for Jimin's shoulder causing the blue haired boy to gasp out. He was still panting and clenching his hands tightly trying to calm down. 
“Taehyung, I really cant fucking be in here. Either let me go or let me take another
tab” The brunette looked at Jimin and took the condition he was in, into consideration. 
 If he let him go, Jimin would just be wandering the streets again, walking around hopelessly until he found someone to take him home. 
God knows when Taehyung would find him again. 
Or he would go to the club, and work as a dancer where they would offer him even more drugs. There, he’ll have a cluster of creeps willing to take him home and spend the night. House him and let him sit pretty as his system stays hopped up on drugs. How can he feel so comfortable being so vulnerable around strangers? Letting him take another tablet seemed like the most reasonable option but Taehyung didn’t want to feed into his addiction.
“I won't let you take acid but I have weed you can smoke. Do you think that would be enough for you? The stuff I have has a pretty high potency.” Jimin nodded gently, body yearning for it as though it would cure some unseenable sickness. His face was eminently pale, skin glistening as a small sheen of sweat built up on his flesh. 
Taehyung hurried to his room and came back with a pre-rolled blunt and a lighter. At the sight, Jimin visibly relaxed, watching the hot orange light at the end of it flicker to life. With his first pull the familiar burn in his throat released the tension he sat with, his body unwinding as the walls start to appear just a bit less scary. 
The amount of narcotics he has taken made Jimin’s tolerance ridiculous, but he still got a buzz out of the blunt. But it was enough to ease his anxiety. 
“Are you okay now?” Jimin took one last pull before tapping a bit of ash into a tray before stubbing it out. Taehyung looks at him, observing his friend very carefully. He notices how Jimin’s face appears to have gotten thinner. There was a slight tremble in his hands and his pupils never seemed to return to its normal size, even when he peered at his phone which produced bright light. 
“Yea, I’m fine. Whatchu lookin at?” Taehyung averted his gaze to the object nearest to him, hoping he didn't look away too fast. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and moved away from Jimin, he didn’t realize how long he was staring at him. He had watched him until the blunt turned into a roach, he didn't want to come off as rude. 
“Nothing. I was just noticing how you look different.” Taehyung managed to spit out the thought he was thinking since he encountered his blue haired friend. 
“Different in what way? Is it good?” Jimin tilted his head away from Taehyung, smirking at him alluringly. Seeing this expression on Jimin's face wasn't new to the brunette.
“I mean your whole atmosphere feels different… You look really good with blue hair” Taehyung was trying to compliment him but all he could think about was how concerned he was for his health. He did look good with blue hair though. 
“My atmosphere is different? I feel the same.” Jimin whispered before licking his lips. 
His mind was fuzzy and he didn't see his caring, childhood best friend. He could only see another hot stranger. Jimin’s eye patterns visibly changed. His gaze catching onto all the ‘not so friendly’ parts of Taehyung. His neck, his arms, his constantly moisturized lips. His jaw and strong brows. He looked so concerned but there was absolutely nothing wrong happening right now. Frustration seeped into Jimin’s features.  
“Jimin are you okay? You’re acting strange-” 
“But haven't I been acting strange this whole time? My atmosphere is different, RIGHT?” Taehyung furrowed his brows further. The other’s presence felt overwhelming and he couldn't help but feel intimidated by his friend.
“J-jimin, that's not what I meant. You’re just-”
“I'm just what?” 
“You just feel- distant!” Taehyung watched Jimin cautiously since it seemed like he was going to get attacked again. 
“So should I make it so that there’s no distance between us?” Jimin’s eyes burned with a crazed gleam as he quickly pounced on to Taehyung’s lap, grabbing both of his wrists. 
“Jimin what are you doing!” Taehyung was struggling to push Jimin off of him, he wouldn't budge at all. 
“What does it look like I’m doing?” Jimin’s tongue came out to further wet his lips before using it to sweep down Taehyung's neck. His friend’s breathing was ragged as he licked up towards his ear. Jimin’s teeth joined in as be began to nibble on it. Taehyung closed his eyes tightly at the feeling, fingers curling into a fist in Jimin’s hold. 
“Don't pretend this isn't why you’ve been searching for me for weeks. What other motive would you have?” Taehyung wouldn't let himself be caught up in Jimin's words. He knew all his friend felt right now was lust but he couldn’t give in, even if it was terribly tempting. 
“Jimin don’t fucking say shit like that! Seriously get off of me!” As Jimin began to explore his jaw, adrenaline began to burn in his body. Taehyung forcefully flipped Jimin over with his whole body, sending them both onto the floor. The sudden harsh contact made the buzzing in Jimin's head stop for a second. His eyelids didn't feel heavy and he was able to see and think clearly again.
He took a moment to formulate an apology. 
“I’m sorry. Again.”
“Jimin, you need help. Like for fucking real. During the time I searched for you I was looking into rehabilitation doctors and therapists. I really think you should go. I met up with one in person and he seemed like a genuinely good guy who wants to help people.”
 While above Jimin on the floor, Taehyung reached behind him and started shuffling through his back pocket.
“Look, this is his card. Please look into it, okay?” Taehyung got off of Jimin after handing him the business card. Jimin stayed on the floor, holding the card up to read the doctor's name. 
Dr. Jeon Jungkook
“What a shit name” 
Thankyou for reading the first chapter!! More will soon be uploaded. Also, keep a look out cause i will be doing a story in the future. 
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slxkpop · 5 years
Shitpost Vmin Smut
This is shitty story lmao but its a quick smut. enjoy :)
“Taehyung did you buy the snacks?” Jungkook looked at the brunette with camping bags in his hands and headed towards the car where the rest of his group members were sitting. 
“Yea I bought the snacks. You have all the sleeping bags right?”
“Of course Hyung. Everything is packed in the car already.” Taehyung nodded and closed the door to their shared apartment building. He was holding 6 grocery bags full of snacks for him and his friends who were spending the weekend on a camping trip. Their manager suggested that it be a good idea for them to take a break and get away from things, it's been hectic lately with their increase in popularity. 
At the campsite
“Jimin do you need help...?” Taehyung looked at his friend, whom, was holding the three tents the boys brought with them to sleep in. He looked like he was struggling, but he ignored the brunette and kept going towards the campsite. 
“Jimin whats wrong?” Taehyung caught up with Jimin again and tried to read his facial expression. He didn't realize it earlier, but he looked utterly pissed. 
“Leave me alone Tae.” Jimin walked away trying not to trip over his feet, his movements made him look silly and completely contradicted his facial expression. Taehyung let the blonde be and walked away to see what else he could help bring from the car. 
“After we set up the tents, what should we do?” Hoseok asked Namjoon who was scuffling around the car looking for something. 
“We can ask the rest of them what they want to do. I was thinking that we could get some firewood or go exploring the forest.” Hoseok nodded and grabbed chairs from the trunk of the car and closed it. He waited for Namjoon and they headed towards the others together. 
“What do you mean you didn't bring my sleeping bag?” Taehyung shouted at Jungkook while dramatically waving his hands around. 
“I bought everyone their own sleeping bags according to their requests, you didn't want anything special so I guess I kinda forgot.” Jungkook said calmly to Taehyung, who was currently fuming. 
“Okay cool, whatever, Im not mad at you, but whAT tHe FUcK aM i SuppOSEd TO SLEEP ON?!” 
Jin suddenly came out from the depths of the woods and entered the chaos. 
“You can use my sleeping ba-”
“NO JIN. SHUT THE FUCK UP” Jin quietly retreated back into the depths of the forest. 
Then, Namjoon spoke up. “You can just share one with Jimin. I mean you guys were supposed to share a tent anyway, and Jungkook said Jimin requested a XL sleeping bag. Trust me I remember because Jungkook wouldn't stop complaining about how he couldn't find one in the store and how annoying Jimin is because he’s small and he could fit into a small one so why does he want a big one-”
“OKAY Hyung that's enouGH” Jungkook said to Namjoon who was exposing unnecessary information. He glanced at Jimin who looked even more mad than before. 
“Whatever. Sure, I’ll share mine” Jimin had his arms crossed and he rolled his eyes and walked away towards the creek. 
“Sheesh what's up with him? He’s been in a bad mood the whole day.” Taehyung questioned after calming down about the situation. 
“I think I know why, but that's between you and him, Taehyung” Yoongi said while sitting on a log. 
“Between me and him? But I haven't even done anything?” He said still confused. 
“Exactly” Yoongi said before sighing. He couldn't believe how dull Taehyung was being.
“Huh?” Yoongi facepalmed and spoke again, “Just talk to him later tonight, okay?” The younger nodded and let his thoughts wander. 
“Taehyung, dude, you call this fire wood? These are the smallest shits I've ever seen.” Jungkook said while looking at the feather thin twigs Taehyung collected. He rolled his eyes and threw the rock he was holding down in frustration.
“I’ll just get them myself.” He got up and went into the woods to scavenge for some wood.
“Jeez why the fuck has everyone been so mean today” Taehyung said under his breath. He couldn't wrap his head around his members unreasonableness. He looked up from the ground to see Jimin walking into their tent. His facial expression seemed blank, at least from what he could see in the darkness. He decided that he wanted to have that conversation with Jimin now, and got up from the log he was sitting on and headed towards their tent. 
He started unzipping the tent, but stopped when he made eye contact with bare skin. Jimin was inside the tent, shirtless and sweating. He sat down and looked through his bag for a pajama shirt but he couldn't find it. Taehyung was still peaking through the opening, admiring the others toned stomach and soft curves. The light hanging from the top of the tent made each indent on Jimin's body more sharp and noticeable with the shadow it was creating, and the thin layer of sweat made his skin glisten under the yellow light. 
“Fuck I left my T-Shirt” Jimin said under his breath. Hearing his voice, Taehyung snapped out of it and continued to zip the tent open. 
“Hey Jimin.” He didn't respond, instead, he kept looking through his bag for his shirt. 
“Can you please tell me what's wrong? I don't like seeing you like this and I don't want to be the cause of it.” Tae said this sincerely. He hated when any of his group members were upset, but especially Jimin. He was there for Taehyung whenever he needed support, and he is grateful to have someone like Jimin so close to his heart. 
“It’s nothing Taehyung. Just leave me alone.” Jimin suddenly got up and made his way towards the exit. 
“No, Jimin, wait-” Taehyung grabbed onto the blondes wrist and tugged it towards himself.
“Let go of me.” Jimin said, never making eye contact with Tae. 
“Taehyung I said let go of me!” Something in Taehyung switched and he couldn’t tell if it was because Jimin's ass was looking really nice or if he was mad at Jimin for acting like a brat. His grip on Jimin's hand got tighter making the blonde yelp in shock.
Taehyung pulled Jimin towards him making him fall back on the brunettes lap. He wrapped his right arm around the Jimin's waist tightly, holding him in place while he clasped his left hand around his jaw. He put his lips near Jimin’s right ear and whispered,
“If I ask you, what is wrong, you tell me what's wrong. You got that?” Jimin didn't reply, angering Taehyung even further. He pushed the blondes jaw more to the left exposing his neck as he sensually glided his lips around Jimin’s ear before biting down on his earlobe, sending a shock through the blondes body.
“I said, you got that?” Taehyung waited for a response from Jimin whos breathing started to falter.
“Y-yes. I got it.” Taehyung put on a lewd smile at his response. 
“Good boy. It wasn’t that hard, was it?” 
“No. I-It wasn't.” Taehyung’s hand traveled from his jaw down to his chest. 
“Now. Do you want to tell me why you were misbehaving today?” Taehyung rubbed his hand along the others nipple making Jimin jolt in his lap. 
“I was upset. This whole week you haven't been speaking to me… you were spending more time with Jungkook” Taehyung thought back to this past week and found that it was true. He wasn't spending as much time with Jimin because Jungkook was teaching him the choreography for their new dance routine. 
“Hmm so are you telling me that my baby was jealous? Because I was spending more time with Jungkook?” Taehyung sunk his teeth into the others neck, making him gasp out and tilt his head back. 
“So then how would you feel if I told you that I fucked him?” Jimin’s eyes widened in shock.
“I fucked Jungkook. I made him swallow my cock, I fucked his face until he was red and teary eyed. I marked his body, and fucked him so hard that he felt like he couldn't breath. Then he rode me, using my cock to pleasure himself until he was satisfied.” Jimin felt so swallowed up by Taehyung's voice that he couldn't fully comprehend what he was hearing. He bit his lip thinking about how good Taehyung would fuck him, how good Taehyung can make him feel. 
“Just kidding. Seems like you don't care much, huh?” Taehyung's hand lowered even more, making its way towards Jimin's crotch. Jimin started bucking his hips up in anticipation and he bit his lip to sound out any sounds. 
“Please what baby?”
“Touch me, please” Jimin threw his hips again trying to reach Taehyung's hand. Taehyung suddenly grabbed Jimin's hips roughly and forced them back down onto his lap. He forgot about his own hard cock and the sudden impact made him gasp out a moan. 
“I don't think you've been a good boy… You’ve been ignoring daddy and giving him attitude” 
“I-im sorry daddy. I didn't mean to” 
“Bad boys deserve punishment” Taehyung groped Jimin's hard cock unexpectedly making the blonde moan into his ear. 
“Sit here baby. Don't move” Jimin obeyed and watched Taehyung as he stood up and reached for the light. The light was hanging off of two ropes from inside the tent, he untied one of the ropes and left it hanging from the other. He grabbed Jimin's wrists and tied them together behind his back then he slid off his own shirt and threw it to the corner of the tent. 
He bent down to the floor again and started to slide the blondes pants off. Jimin tried his best to wiggle out of the restricting clothing but it was hard with him not being able to move his hands. He was left in his tight briefs feeling overly exposed.
“So, if you wanted daddy to speak to you, and only you, why did you think it was a good idea for you to ignore me and be rude when I tried to talk to you?” He looked at the blondes red face and waited for a reply. 
“I don't know, I was just upset” Taehyung was unsatisfied with this response. 
“Wrong answer.” Taehyung lightly traced the outline of Jimins cock with one finger. He felt the blondes cock twitch under him and stopped his movements. 
“Try again” Jimin's face flushed red. He bit his lip and finally began to speak.
“I… I wanted your attention. I thought that if I acted mean towards you, you would pay more attention to me.” He looked away from Taehyung’s piercing eye contact and hoped that his answer was enough to satisfy him. Taehyung pressed his palm against the blondes cock, earning a moan from him. He grabbed it through the blondes underwear and Jimin suddenly couldn't take all the contact, he felt so sensitive to Taehyung’s touch.
“But didn't you think about how that would make Daddy feel? Thinking that you were upset with me?” Taehyung lowered his head towards the blondes groin, making him moan slightly in anticipation. He rotated his hips towards Taehyung, earning to get more physical contact. The brunette licked the blondes inner thigh through his underwear, dampening the fabric. 
“Im sorry, I should’ve put your feelings into consideration”
At this, Taehyung licked near the blondes throbbing cock, tongue slightly touching the side of his area. Jimin gasped and tugged at his restraints. He wanted to run his fingers through Taehyung's soft hair, and tug on it to stop Taehyung from teasing him
“P-please. Please stop teasing me- Please daddy, touch my cock, I want you so badly” 
Jimins begging made the brunettes stomach flutter and he did as his baby asked. He licked up the blondes cock through the fabric making Jimin close his eyes in content. Taehyung couldn't hold on for much longer either. He wanted to put his hands all over the blondes beautiful body, he wanted to be engulfed in his desire. 
He pulled the blondes underwear down, making his cock spring up into the cool air. He slightly licked Jimin's tip at a fast pace, making the blondes mouth agape with pleasure. His sweet moans were music to Taehyung's ears, and it encouraged him to induce more pleasure, he wanted to hear more. After licking his tip, he went from his base and licked up to his head and finally put the blondes cock into his mouth. Jimin shuddered, Taehyung's mouth around him felt so heavenly after being teased for so long. He couldn't control the moans escaping from his mouth, his body wasn't responding to his head anymore. He tried to pry his wrists apart but the restraints wouldn't let him, he wanted to not only be touched but he wanted to touch Taehyung so badly. 
Taehyung bobbed his head up and down on Jimin, his tongue swirling around the head every time he went up. Jimin started thrusting his hips into the brunette, he kept steady while the blonde fucked his mouth. Taehyung gagged and pulled away with saliva and precum trailing from his lips, and Jimin whined at the loss of Taehyung's warmth. 
The brunettes hands reached for Jimin's waist as he lowered his head to the blondes stomach. He bit down on his toned abs, leaving marks as he made his way up to Jimins lips. The brunettes hand reached down to jerk Jimin's cock as he connected them into a passionate kiss. 
The blonde kissed back more forcefully, and bit down on Taehyung's lip making the brunette moan and thrust his clothed cock onto Jimins. He pulled away from the kiss and started to remove his pants and boxers quickly. His hard-on sprung out and he hissed at the relief of him finally being free. He kissed Jimin once more and wrapped his arms around the blonde to help him sit up again. He untied the rope from Jimin’s wrists, which made the blonde excited because he was no longer restrained. Now he was able to do what he wanted to his daddy. 
Almost immediately after being untied, Jimin pushed Taehyung on his back so he could lay on the ground. Jimin climbed over the brunette and placed himself on his hard cock. Taehyung grabbed Jimin's waist and guided him to move around in circles on him.
 He moaned slightly at the movement and started moving his hips alongside Jimins. The blonde grabbed Taehyung's wrists abruptly and placed them over the brunettes head. Taehyung was shocked at the sudden action but he got more turned on when he saw how desperate Jimin looked, rubbing his cock against his own and moaning so crazily at the friction. 
“I didn't think you wanted me THIS badly” Taehyung said as he smirked.
“Shut up” Jimin came in to kiss Taehyung roughly making them both more aroused. 
Taehyung couldn't take it anymore, he relieved himself from the blondes grip and pushed himself upwards. He pushed the blondes head down to his cock and forced his mouth open with his other hand. Jimin welcomely took in the brunettes dick and immediately went as deep as he could earning a moan from the brunette. Taehyung threw his head back and thrust his hips into Jimin's mouth while being more consumed in bliss. He bit his lip and he looked down at the blonde who was struggling to take him in. He suddenly pulled Jimin's hair back so he can look at his face. 
The blonde looked at him with teary eyes, and cherry plump lips which were covered with pre cum and saliva. Taehyung grunted and bent down to kiss Jimin's angelic face. He got on his knees and bent the blonde over, making him arch his back all the way. 
Everything Taehyung was looking at seemed surreal, his face, his body, his ass, everything was perfect. He rubbed, then slapped the soft pale flesh on Jimin's ass which made the blonde yelp. Jimin arched his back more and wiggled his body telling Taehyung that he wanted a cock in him already. The brunette inserted himself into the Jimin's hole, grunting at the tightness and warmth of the new sensation. 
Jimin moaned out, trying to get accustomed to Taehyung's size. They paused for a  second until Jimin was ready and he slowly moved his hips backwards. He whined out at feeling how deep Taehyung is inside of him. After all of Taehyung was inside, he gave Jimin a moment then he started moving his hips. 
Both of them moaned out once Taehyung started moving. Jimin felt so full, he wanted Taehyung to go harder so he started thrusting his hips backwards onto Taehyung's cock more aggressively, making Tae grip hard onto his waist. Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jimin's torso and pulled him up so they were both kneeling. 
He put his arm around Jimin's neck, restricting the air that he was taking in. Taehyung started to pound hard and deep into the blonde, he wasn't holding back anymore. He reached down and started jerking off Jimin which made him lose whatever stability he had. Taehyung thrusted harder until he felt himself near his climax, he bit his lip and tighted his gripped around Jimins neck
“I-im gonna cum” Jimin whimpered out as he threw his ass against Taehyung. The brunette grunts turned into moans and they climaxed together. Taehyungs cum filled up Jimin and Jimins come landed on the.. Fucking sleeping bag. 
“Oh shit it got all over the sleeping bag”
Thankyou for reading this lmao
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slxkpop · 7 years
I Told You So
Just a one shot about gym buddies Jungkook and Jimin ;) Its always a good idea to masturbate while someone is waiting for you, is it not?
“Are you almost ready? I’ve been waiting for a good half hour!” Jimin yelled out. He was downstairs waiting for his roomate, they were supposed to be at the gym by 8:00 PM and its already 8:30. They had this pact that they go to the gym with each other, and they watch out for each other making sure that they keep themselves healthy. They usually go to the gym at the same time everyday which is 8:00, but the younger was taking longer than usual.
"JEONGGUK CAN YOU HURRY UP!” Jimin honestly didn’t know what was taking the younger so long, and now it’s starting to frustrate him. He waited a bit, resting on the couch scrolling through Instagram. After another minute, he yelled out again.
“I’m leaving! Bye Jungkook!”
“J-jimin, wait! I’m coming hold on! I’ll be out in a few, j-just wait a bit!“ Jimin rolled his eyes and took a deep breath wondering, What the hell is this kid doing? The elder’s curiosity got the best of him and he started to walk towards Jungkook’s room. He walked down the hall with his gym bag in hand, he was curious as to why the younger was taking so long to just get ready for the gym.  He was beginning to think the younger was taking a dump or something. He stopped in front of the Jungkook’s door and put his gym bag on the floor. Wait. What if he’s getting dressed? He decided to just open the door a little bit.
Jimin grabbed the doorknob lightly and twisted it, adding pressure to the door and opening it slightly. He takes a peak from the side of the door and sees Jungkook lying down in bed with his eyes squeezed shut. Jimin scrunches his nose and eyebrows and asks to himself, What is he doing? He puts his ear closer to the open side of the door and tries to listen to what Jungkook was saying. He thought the younger was getting ready for the gym, so why is he laying down in bed? Is he not feeling well?
"Mmm J-jimin-ah” The younger moaned. Okay, now Jimin is completely lost and has no clue whats going on. W-what? Did he just moan m-my name? He removes his ear from the door and replaces it with one of his eyes. He looks at Jungkook and it’s more clear what the younger is doing. Jimin can see his eyes shut and his head is against the bed’s headboard. He’s panting and he’s restlessly throwing his hips against his hand.
“F-fuck, faster!” Jungkook squeezes his eyes shut as he speedens his hands pace against his painfully hard dick. He pumps, adding more pressure and quickens the pace. He can’t take it anymore. He needs to cum right now. He throws his head back again and throws his hips against his hand one last time, before letting out a lewd moan. He’s panting and he feels sticky from the cum that fell on his stomach. He bites his lip and looks at the mess he made, cursing himself for being so goddamn horny. Always at the worst times too. He forgot Jimin was waiting for him and lost track of time. It isn’t his fault, he was getting ready for the gym, and he was honestly ready a half hour ago. Its just that he was putting on his clothing and Jimin walked in with his fucking skin tight leggings, thighs and butt showing in all its glory. He just wanted to grab that ass..
W-what did I just watch? Fuck. It was really hot though… Oh god he was moaning my name. Was I the one he was imagining doing those sinful things too him? I wish it it was actually me-
I was so deep in thought and I completely forgot he was still in his room, shirtless, and I was right outside his door. I threw my body to the side of the door hoping he wouldn’t see me. I need to get out of here. I get up quietly and start tip toeing down the hallway.
“Hyung?” I hear Jungkooks voice behind me and I completely freeze in a tip toe position.
“Hyung what are you doing?”
“Lets just get going to the gym okay?” I smiled weakly. I couldn’t look at the younger, not after what just happened. He looked so hot and I just realized that my tight pants are a little tighter than they were before.
“Hyung, why is your bag here?” Jungkook says looking at the gym bag laying next to the entrance of his door. Oh crap.
“U-um I d-dont know” Jungkook was starting to grow suspicious of his very suspicious looking hyung. D-did he see… Was he watching me? The younger’s cheeks suddenly got red at the thought of Jimin watching him masturbate. No, it couldn’t be…
“Hyung, why are you acting so weird? What happened?” I turned around to face Jungkook with heated cheeks. Jungkook suddenly approached me, walking at a fast pace. He reached for the collar of my shirt before I could run away and pushed me against the wall. He let go of the collar and put his hands on both sides of my head. There was a sudden gleam in the his eyes, and he looked dangerous. He smirked and tilted his head, getting dangerously close to my face.
My breath hitched
“What happened hyung? Why are you blushing?” He said in a deep husky voice. He smirked as I tried not to shiver under his intense gaze and low voice. He got closer to my face and lowered his gaze to my lips. Suddenly I was breathing heavily and I couldn’t dare look at Jungkook, knowing that I would melt under his heated gaze. Jungkook suddenly pulled away and walked back towards his room. He grabbed my bag and came towards me handing me my bag.
“Lets go, sorry for the long wait” Jungkook grabbed his car keys and walked out the door, leaving me against the wall, HIGHLY disturbed, and confused as fuck.
Jimin wished he could’ve been brave enough to connect his lips to Jungkook’s while he had the chance. They looked so perfect. He wished he could’ve looked into the younger’s eyes. He wanted to see the lust in them, the lust that he knew was there. He wished that instead of freezing up under the younger, he could’ve let loose, connect their lips and let his hands roam Jungkook’s body.
He bit his lip at the thoughts and took a deep breath. He’s gonna have to wear his extra large hoodie today, he can’t have anyone noticing his problem. He quickly ran to his room and put on one of his oversized hoodies, closed his door and locked it as he walked out. He walked out of the apartment complex and went to the parking lot where the younger was waiting for him inside the car. He opened the door to the passenger seat and sat down, putting on his seatbelt. There was an awkward silence, which was quite unusual because they felt the most comfortable around each other. Jungkook put the car on drive, and pulled out of his parking spot. They started driving on the road and Jimin started to shift his body uncomfortably. He felt awkward so he decided to put on the radio, hoping the music would take away from the awkwardness. He tuned in to their favorite music station and started listening to the song “Talking Body” by Tov Lo came on.
Bed stay in bed, the feeling of your skin locked in my head
The car stopped at a red light and Jimin started to shift uncomfortably again, knowing what this song is about. He looks at the front view mirror where his eyes meet with Jungkook’s. Jungkook bit his lip and looked away quickly, eyes focusing on the cars outside the window.
I don’t care I’m down for what you want
Jimin tried to not look at Jungkook, and decided to whip out his phone which is what he usually does when he’s feeling awkward. It works as a distraction for him. He opened his twitter app and started scrolling through it. The light turned green and Jungkook started driving again. He started to sing along to the song that is playing, and he knows for a fact that Jimin has a thing for his voice. Jimin decided to put his phone away, not wanting to waste the battery for the gym. The elder gulped as his Kookie began to sing with his beautiful voice.
“Summer lovin and fights… how it is for us…. and its all because… Now if we’re talking body~ You got a perfect one so put it on me~ Swear it wont take you long, if you love me right… we fucked for life, on and on and on…”
Jungkook knows Jimin loves his voice, and he’s using it against him. Not just that, but even though the radio blurred out the part where it says “We fucked for life” he still sang it. Jimin started imagining the younger’s perfect body hovering over him, shirtless and abs glistening with slight sweat. He wants so badly to kiss him, to touch him, but he can’t. He doesn’t know how the younger would react, and he doesn’t want to ruin anything. He feels his dick starting to harden up again. He cursed himself for being such a horny fuck. He bites his lip and looks out the window, trying to think of un-sexual things. He thinks of his ugly cousin, nasty food, and bugs. Nothing is working. All he’s imagining is Jungkook’s lips on his, biting and sucking away. He imagines the younger’s lips move down his jawline, giving kisses as he makes his way to Jimins neck. He bites and sucks, giving the elder a hickey. Jimin has his eyes shut, imagining the dirty things he wants Jungkook to so badly do to him. He bites his lip trying to suppress a moan that is waiting to come out. The song really isn’t helping anything. Its just giving him more scenarios to think about. Even though Jungkook is singing, he turns off the radio and quickly looks out the window, resting his chin on his hand.
“Jimin?” Jungkook takes this opportunity to put his hand on the elders glorious thigh. He squeezed softly, keeping his eyes on the road.
“Jiminie are you okay?” Jimin tried his best to ignore Jungkook’s hand on his thigh, which was dangerously close to his hard dick. He bit his lip again and focused his eyes out the window.
“Y-yea I’m fine.” No, he was not fine at all. Why did he have to be so curious in the first place? This would’ve never happened if he had just waited for Jungkook instead of secretly looking into his room. 
“Are you sure your okay?” Jungkook squeezed the elders thigh with a little bit more pressure. Jimin felt the hand that was on his thigh let go, and instead he reached for Jimin’s hand. He held on to Jimin’s hand, intertwining their fingers. Jimin suddenly blushed at the younger’s actions, making his heart race at the cuteness. The awkward silence quickly became the usual comfortable silence that they are used to.
For the rest of the car ride they held hands, and they finally made it to the gym, after what seemed like hours.
Jungkook parked the car, and reluctantly let go of Jimin’s hand. He loved the way his hand felt against his own, so soft and small. He loved how Jimin always looked so delicate, well at least most of the time. Sometimes he would be so seducing and sexual, the change in personality would always shock the younger and make him giggle on the outside, but in the inside he wanted to wreck Jimin.
They both opened the car door, took their belongings, and started heading to the entrance of the gym. They walked into the gym and started heading to the locker rooms, where they put their belongings. Jimin looked in his bag, when he realized that he left his lock for the locker. He didn’t like to leave his locker un- locked, anyone could steal his stuff at any time.
“Kookie, can we share a locker? I left my lock at home”
“Sure, just put your stuff on top of mine, I think there is enough room”
“Thanks" Jimin reached for his bag and put it into the youngers locker, leaving everything except his phone and headphones.
They exit the locker room and start heading towards the gym area.
“What do you want to do today Jiminie?”
“Want to play wall tennis? I don’t feel like working out today…”
“Sure, lets go pick up the rackets at the front desk” Jungkook wrapped his arm around the elder, making his heart beat quickly at the interaction.
“Are you sure your okay? You don’t seem well” Jungkook whispered into Jimin’s ear.
“Y-yes I’m fine” Jimin loved the way Kookie looked so concerned. He felt bad lying, but he really was not okay. The boner started to go down, and he was glad because he didn’t know how he was gonna work out with it. He’s glad the younger agreed to tennis, it made him feel at ease.
They picked up the tennis rackets and tennis ball, and started heading to the sports room. It was just a room with a nice big wall for people to play wall tennis. They put down their stuff and started to play.
Some time later
Jungkook looked at Jimin and saw that he was sweating, he working very hard to not lose. He does this every time they play a game. Jimin doesn’t like to lose because he knows that Jungkook would tease him about it later on. Jungkook hit the neon green ball, and it bounced against the wall going past Jimin. It was too far for Jimin to reach with his short arms, and instead of running towards the ball he just gave up, sighing in defeat.
“Ha! You lost Hyung!” The younger says sticking out his tongue.
“You know what! This isn’t my fault. I was just distracted because of what you did earlier!”
“And what did I do earlier?” Jungkook says with a low tone and a smirk across his lips. Jimin gulped as he saw the younger start to approach him, the whole mood switching completely.
“What? Did you see anything Hyung?“ Jungkook says, pinning Jimin against the wall.
"I-I was talking about what you did earlier, y-you did the exact same thing as you are doing now! You pinned me against the wall and-and”
“So you want a re-match?”
“Yes, and I will win this time” The whole time they talked, Jungkook was hovering over him they didn’t break eye contact. Jimin was nervous, but he wanted to see the younger’s piercing gaze. He would’ve regretted it if he hadn’t looked into his eyes, cause damn did Jungkook look hot hovering over him.
Jungkook walked towards his tennis racket and gave Jimin his, and once again they started to play. Jimin kept his mind on winning, he needed to prove his point and he completely blocked everything else from his brain. Especially Jungkook. The score is 4-2, and Jimin was taking the lead. They are playing to whoever gets to 7 first.
“Wait Jiminie, hold on” Jungkook says as he puts the tennis racket on the floor.
“What happened? Water break?”
“No” Jungkook started to slowly take off his shirt, revealing his toned abs. He was wearing joggers that hung just below his v line, exposing his Calvin Klein underwear. He was sweating, making his hair look messy and his body glisten. So basically Jimin was eye ogling the guy, with his cheeks blushing like crazy. Jungkook looked so perfect, his tall, lean figure. Jimin bit his lip and quickly looked away when Jungkook noticed that he was eye fucking him. The younger smirked and picked up the tennis racket.
“W-what are you doing?”
“It just got hot, I didn’t feel like wearing a shirt anymore”
“B-but its not that hot”
“Why are you getting so flustered? Am I turning you on?” Jungkook said in a seductive voice with that evil smirk across his lips.
“N-no! You know what, lets just continue the game” Jimin wasn’t that stupid. He knew what the younger was doing, and he was NOT gonna let it work. Jimin picked up the ball and hit it with the racket, passing it to Jungkook. The elder couldn’t help but keep looking at the younger, he bit his lip as he felt his pants get tighter. Shit, Shit, Shit! Not now! Go away! He was sure as hell glad that he had his hoodie on, this boner just wouldn’t go away no matter what he did, and it is painful. He tried to block out Jungkook, but every time he looked towards him, he saw his muscles flex as he hits the ball, and the way his hair is wild, and his sweaty body-
“Jimin, why are you so red? Are you feeling hot too? Maybe you should take off your sweater” the younger says, eyes focusing on the ball.
“N-no I’m okay” Jungkook grabs the ball instead of hitting it with the racket, pausing the game. He walked towards the elder, the scene being way too familiar to Jimin today. The younger rested his hand on the elders forehead, trying to estimate his temperature.
“Maybe you should take off your sweater…” the younger reaches for the hem of Jimin’s shirt and tries to pull it up. Jimin quickly swatted away Jungkook’s hand, and he pulled down his sweater and backed away, shocked from the younger’s direct actions.
“No! I said I’m fine!” Jungkook took a step closer to the older, wrapping his arms around his waist, connecting there foreheads and lower bodies.
“Why are you so defensive right now? Its not like your hiding anything” Jimin felt the younger’s breathe dangerously close to his own, he wanted to connect their lips so badly. Jungkook was looking at Jimin’s lips when he leaned in slowly. Jimin suddenly froze, but he quickly came up with an idea and dodged the kiss by giving Jungkook’s shirtless body a hug. The elder snuck his face into the younger’s neck.
“Lets finish the game, I’m going to win anyways” Jimin says playfully trying to change the mood. He pulled away from the hug and saw disappointment in the youngers eyes. He silently walked back to his spot and picked up the racket. They started playing again, Jimin couldn’t think properly because of what just happened. H-he wants to kiss me?
The elder hit the ball a little while later and it landed on the other side of the court and landed on the floor, indicating that he won.
“HA! I TOLD YOU SO!” Jimin was going to take a victory jump when he suddenly tripped on his own foot, falling on the floor and landing on his ass. They both started laughing and Jungkook smiled at the elders cuteness. He approached Jimin and sat on floor, making sure he was okay.
“Are you okay hyung?”
“Yea I’m fine” Jimin was laughing, but it was hard to hide the embarrassment. Jungkook looked at the way Jimin smiled, his smile so bright and big, letting his eyes disappear. He couldn’t take it anymore, he needed to kiss those pretty plump lips. He suddenly pinned the elder to the floor, Jimin’s giggle quickly stopped by shock.
“J-jungkook?” There was no response. Jimin could see hunger in the younger’s eyes as he stared at Jimin. They stared at each other, for what felt like forever. Jungkook leaned in slowly, eyes targeting Jimin’s lips. The younger licked his lips as he got closer and closer. He stopped where their breathes met. His lips are a few centimeters away from his Hyung’s. Jimin turned his head to the side, he felt shy and embarrassed. The younger grabbed his chin, and pulled him in for a kiss. The kiss was slow, Jimin loved the way Jungkooks lips felt on his own. And Jungkook loved how plump the elders lips where, they felt so soft against his own. The younger has been waiting for this moment to happen, and he wanted more. He softly bit on the elders bottom lip, getting a slight moan from Jimin. Jungkook pulled away from the kiss, looking at Jimin and how incredibly seductive he looked right now, lips a little puffy, he was sweating and panting a little bit. The younger looked equally as hot, he looked like a hot mess and it was turning Jimin even more on. But he didn’t want the younger to know that he had a boner, all because of him and his freaking shirtless body, literally sex on legs. His cheeks became even more red, and he suddenly felt embarrassed again under the younger’s lustful gaze. He got up, and ran towards the locker room. He ran past the treadmills and other machines, and made his way to the locker rooms as fast as he could. He didn’t care if people were looking at him weirdly, he needed to get away from the younger before anything went any further.
“S-shit” Jimin said once he reached the locker room. Thankfully, there was no one inside. He slid down against the wall, sitting on the floor. His heart was racing, and he felt a smile creep up on his lips. He wanted to keep kissing the younger, his soft lips were so addicting. But, they were still at the gym and theres people everywhere. He was ecstatic to know that the younger wanted to kiss him, but he didn’t want to be kicked out of the gym or die of embarrassment if someone were to walk in on them. He just realized how painfully hard his dick is, so  he decided to reach down and palm it, biting his lip in pleasure, throwing his back against the wall. The friction felt amazing, he was so sensitive after all the that happened today, he’s been longing some friction. He decided to go to the showers when he heard footsteps coming from the entrance, heading towards him.  He suspects the footsteps belong to the younger, therefore he ran to the showers and hid in one of the showers.
Once inside the shower, he stripped his clothing. He took off his underwear letting his boner be free at last, he hissed at the cool breeze from the room meeting his dick. He the water, and let it cleanse off his body. He let the water be nice and hot, letting all of his tense muscles relax. He threw his head back at the good feeling of the warm water on his skin.
“H-hyung? Are you in here?” Jungkook said in a shy voice. He knew that Jimin wasn’t mad at him, but he was afraid that Jimin didn’t like the kiss. Maybe he doesn’t like him back? Maybe Jimin isn’t interested at all.
“Yea… I-im taking a shower” Jimin said in a hesitant voice. He heard the younger sigh, and the shower next to him turn on. Jimin let his thoughts wander for a little bit. He imagined Jungkook in the shower, the water from the shower head dripping down Jungkooks skin. He imagined the younger throwing his head back, revealing his defined jawline and neck, letting out a soft satisfied moan from the relaxation of the warm water against his skin. He suddenly got a memory of earlier in the day when the younger was masturbating, throwing his head back against the headboard bucking his hips forward, moaning Jimin’s name.
“F-fuck” Jimin let out in a whisper. His cock was throbbing, and he couldn’t ignore it anymore. But he didn’t want to start masturbating in the gym showers! He tends to be very… loud. He couldn’t risk someone hearing him. Jimin bit his lip and slid his hand down to his hard on, palming it and moaning silently.  He heard the shower Jungkook was in, turn off.
Jungkook walked outside with the towel wrapped around his waist, getting his clothes from his gym bag. Shit, I forgot all about my towel, and my clothes!
“Can you do me a favor and hand me my towel and clothes?”
“Sure thing”
He heard Jungkook walk to the locker and open it, getting his hyung’s clothes and towel out for him. He locked it again and walked towards Jimin’s shower. Once Jimin heard the footsteps get near, he stuck his hand out the curtain so Jungkook can give him the towel, cause thats what he expected him to do. What he didn’t expect, was for a hand to grab his wrist, and pin him against the wall. Everything happened so quickly. He felt the younger’s body against his own, his hands firmly holding both his wrists above his head. Jungkook attacked the elders lips, loving the taste of them, the sweetness. It wasn’t that late when Jimin started to kiss back, melting under Jungkook’s rough touch. He felt the younger grind against his hard dick, making Jimin throw his head back, gasping at the friction he had been longing for.  This gave the younger an opportunity to suck on the elders neck. He bit and kissed, leaving a hickey, claiming the elder as his own. Jimin couldn’t help but bite his lip and throw his head to the side, giving Jungkook more access. The elder wanted more friction, he wanted to feel Jungkook’s hard dick rubbing against his own. He thrusts his hips forward, making them both moan at the action. He wanted badly to grab the younger’s hair, but he was limited with his hands. Jungkook was still holding on to his wrists with a tight grip. He started to struggle, and he try to wriggle his wrists out of the younger’s tight grasp, but then he held on to Jimin even tighter.
“K-kookie, let me go”  The younger then bit down onto the elders shoulder, making him jolt in slight pain and a lot pleasure. Jimin moaned, he has to admit, he always did like it a bit rough.
“I better not regret it” Jungkook says with a seductive tone.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you wont" the elder said with a smirk across his lips. As soon as Jungkook let his grip loosen around the elders wrist, Jimin’s hands immediately go to the younger’s hard dick, palming it against the towel. Jungkook bit his lip and threw his hips against the elders hand, getting a satisfied grin from Jimin.
“F-fuck” the younger moans. He throws his hips against Jimin’s again, the movement satisfying him a little bit. Jimin grabbed the sides of the younger’s waist and pushed him against the wall.
“H-hyung~” Jimin’s eyes opened at the words. He likes the sound of Jungkook moaning hyung, it made him feel weak. The younger smirked, knowing that calling Jimin his Hyung would be a weakness. While Jimin was still in shock, Jungkook took this opportunity to flip them over so now he was hovering over Jimin.
“Hyung, make me feel good~” the younger said biting his lip and rolling his hips against the elders.
“F-fuck!” The elder was finding it hard to breathe, he felt as if his heart was in his throat. He was heavily breathing, the motion of Jungkook’s skilled hips being too much. He tried to get himself together but the way Jungkook was rolling his hips against his hard dick was too pleasurable.
“D-daddy!” Jungkook’s eyes opened wide
“Daddy fuck me, mmm I’m so hard for you, daddy it hurts”
“Yea, I’m daddy, and daddy is going to top”
“Didn’t think this through, huh?“
"I thought I did, but you are Jungkook so-”
“Im Daddy not jungkook” he says with a smirk.
"Oh god what have I started” Jimin bit his lip and the younger attacked his neck again, biting and on the exposed skin. The younger let his hands trail down the elders body, feeling all of his curves. He loved how smooth his hyungs skin was, he loved how he was able to make the other moan in pleasure.  All he ever wanted to do was pleasure Jimin and hear him moan his name. He was discovering a new part of Jimin and it was exciting him. He found his hands at the elders lower back, and he was hesitant to go any further when he saw that Jimin shivered a bit knowing what was coming next.
“Are you sure about this?” The younger asked concerned. Jimin wanted it, he wanted Jungkook all over him, he wanted to be engulfed in his scent.
“Fuck me” Jimin said in a low growl. Jungkook was quick to respond and he crept a finger into the elders entrance. He entered one finger and Jimin reached for the younger’s hair, tugging it and groaning in pain. Jimin tried to hide his pained moans by biting his lip.
“You okay baby? Are you sure about this”
“Yea Im fine” Jungkook decided to kiss the elder and try to distract him from the pain. Their tongues intertwined and Jungkook scissored the elder stretching him out. The elder hissed in pain, but it soon turned into pleasure. He moaned as Jungkook entered another finger, pumping it in and out of him.
“M-more!” Jimin moaned, fingers weren’t enough, he needed more.
“Fuck me!” He yelled out. The younger was quick to respond once more, he groaned and lifted Jimin off of the floor and put him against the wall. Jimin wrapped his legs around Jungkook’s waist and threw his head back, letting the younger have more access to his neck. The younger sucked and made hickeys all over him, claiming Jimin as his. He moved back up and kissed Jimin passionately. He licked his hyungs lips, asking for permission to enter. Jimin opened his mouth willingly and bit the younger’s bottom lip, making the younger moan. Jungkook lined himself up with Jimin’s entrance, and he slowly entered him.
“Does it hurt?”Jungkook asked.
“Of course it hurts! Your humongous dick is stretching me out!” Jungkook giggled and went deeper. He stays there until Jimin gives him the signal that he can go. He pulls out and thrusts in, both moaning in unison. Jimin wraps his arms over the younger’s broad shoulders to hold himself up. He sucks on Jungkook’s neck while the younger thursts into him again. He rolls his hips and Jimin swears he can see heaven. He moans as he feels Jungkook’s dick rub against his prostate. He scratches the younger’s back accidentally from the pleasure.
“Im sorry!” Jimin says, however, the younger just moans from the accidental action. Jimin cocked one of his eyebrows up.
“Is this a kink I’ve discovered? Do you like it rough?” Jimin says the last part with a smirk. The younger moans at his words.
“I do… but I don’t want to hurt you”
“Do whatever you want to me Daddy” Jimin says seductively. Jungkook bit his lip and rolled his hips harder and deeper into Jimin. He went to kiss his hyung again, except this time he bit Jimins bottom lip and pulled on it. The elder moaned from the sensation, he opened his mouth and kissed Jungkook. The younger’s become more violent and messy, each time hitting Jimin’s prostate.
“F-fuck! I’m going to cum!” Jungkook hummed,  he also felt the familiar feeling in his stomach. Jungkook thrusts harder, and bites Jimin’s shoulder, making the elder let out a lewd moan and come. Jimin pulled on the younger’s raven hair, and grinded his hips harshly against Jungkook’s, making Jungkook come also.
Jungkook rested Jimin down on the shower floor onto of his towel that had fallen off earlier.
“My ass hurts” Jimin stated out loud.
“Thats such a casual thing to say”
“It really is” Jungkook smiled and reached for Jimins chin. He looked into his eyes and leaned forward, he kissed Jimin sweetly, full of care and love. He loved the way Jimin looked right now, the after glow was amazing.
“Hyung, I’ve liked you for a long time. Im happy” Jungkook couldn’t stop smiling, he felt as if he was currently the happiest person on earth. Jimin smiled at his cuteness and kissed him again.
“Ive liked you too, I just didn’t know how you would react if i told you. I care about you too much, I wouldn’t want to lose you” The younger stood up, and reached his hand out to help Jimin stand up.
“Lets go home” Jungkook says, intertwining his and Jimin’s fingers.
Ahhh another one finished, I hope you enjoyed it! I will be posting more in the future, and I promise for there to be more ships.  Thankyou for reading!
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slxkpop · 8 years
The Zipper of Good Fortune
A one shot of co-workers Jungkook and Jimin who have to stay late and close up shop. They end up staying late late if ya know what I mean ;)
"What do you mean we have to close up shop? We've never even worked a night-shift before, this is the first time!" Jungkook said to his manager, who was very done with Jungkook’s shit at the moment.
"Can you just stop complaining? You either work the night shift, or you go. Why cant you be like Jimin and just do as I say?" The manager looks at Jimin who was currently standing to next to Jungkook.
"Woah woah woah WOAH, leave me out of this" Jimin says to the manager.
"Get to work, both of you. Theres no one else working tonight because of Valentines Day, they all have dates and you two are the only ones here who are lonely and single, so don’t even try me. Now if you excuse me, I have a date with my boyfriend Namjoon."
"Have fun Jin hyung" said Jimin with a cheerful smile. That beautiful smile thats so welcoming to others. Jungkook sees his hyung's smile, and even though he’s in a bad mood he decides to smile anyways.
"Yea, bye" Jungkook said rolling his eyes. The younger of the two goes towards a tie rack and started to organize the ties that have been thrown all over the place from the long day in the store. Jungkook has always wanted to work in a fancy store for some reason, he felt that it would suit his personality. He looked at a black tie with pink stripes, and it reminded him of the first day he ever came to work. He walked in, and the first person he saw was a young man with pink hair, wearing a black Burberry tux, and he had a pink tie on. He found it the most weirdest thing, seeing a man with pink hair. But damn was he cute. Fetus Jungkook was very nervous of his first day at work at his dream job, so he went up to the man seeking guidance.
"u-um hello, i-im Jeon Jungkook, your new co-worker" he hesitantly bowed at a 90 degree angle and looked at the pink haired man.
"Theres no need to be so formal, my name is Jimin, nice to meet you Jungkook" He smiled and bowed. His smile. His smile omg. Jungkook’s heart started to race at how beautiful Jimin’s smile was, and how angelic his voice sounded. Jimin looked like he was glowing inside the already bright store.
"Is that what you came to work in?" Jimin said, pointing to the younger who was wearing a white shirt and ripped jeans with tims.
"Well then, lets go get a tux for you!" Jimin smiled and grabbed Jungkook’s hand, dragging him towards the fitting rooms.
Jungkook smiles at the sudden memory that popped up in his head, his hyung has always been sweet and patient with him. Jimin was the friend Jungkook could go to when he needed to rant, or when he needed advice with something.
"When he says that we have to close up, does that also mean we have to do the cleaning to?" Jungkook said while hanging up the ties on the stand.
"Yea, I guess so, we are the only ones here." Jungkook looked around the store and noticed that him and Jimin where actually the only ones there. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head.
"I have an idea"
"...What is it?"
"Its very stupid"
"Your very stupid"
"Oh shut up" Jungkook grabbed Jimin’s hand and they went to the backroom
"Jungkook, what the hel-"
"Shhhhhh, just wait" Jungkook walked further into the room and let go of Jimin’s hand unwillingly. His hands are just so soft and small, they are literally perfect to hold. He grabs a tux from the box that had just been shipped in today.
"Jimin. I HAVE to try this on"
"Jungkook you are an idiot"
"Yes. I am aware"
"Pass me the other one"
The younger smirked and reached into the box getting a tux that was Jimins size, and hands it over to him. They both left the dim backroom and went into the fitting rooms to try on the very, very expensive tux's.
Jimin gets dressed faster then the younger and exits the fitting room and looks in a mirror. The silver button down shirt thats tucked into his slacks make his butt pop out, and it compliments his hips very nicely.
"Kookie can you see how this looks?"
"Yea sure hold on, i’m having a little bit of trouble with the zipper, it wont go up" he says struggling with the zipper.
"Do you need help?"
"W-what?" The younger started blushing at the thought of Jimin being so close to his dick...
"Do you need help?" Jimin said in a more powerful voice.
"NO I-im good"
After another minute or so struggling with the zipper, he finally gets it up.
"I GOT IT! HELL YEA" Jungkook exits the fitting room to a beautiful human being right in front of him. Oh wait he’s looking at a mirror. But then he looks to the side, OMG HES GORGEOUS!!!! Woop thats another mirror. He looks to the other side to see his hyung on his phone. Jungkook’s mouth drops at the side in front of him. Now, he’s just staring at Jimin without saying a word. The elder finally catches on and says-
"WOW Jungkook you look AMAZING" A little bit of blush creeps on his face noticing how sharp Jungkook looks. Sure, they were tux everyday, but the younger looks like he just came out of Prince Charming's ball. His facial features suddenly look a lot sharper too, and its making the older feel some type of way.
"J-jimin you l-look really nice t-too" Jungkook stutters because the beauty in front of him is just so overwhelming.
"Can we take a picture together? I told my friend Yoongi that i’m going on a date with you tonight, and as you know, i’m not" Jimin laughs nervously as he scratches his head, hoping that Jungkook would be okay with what he suggested, and hoping he wouldn’t question why he decided to tell his friend that they went on a date.
"Yea sure, why not" Well, that went better then Jimin expected. He couldn’t help but notice the blush both of them had on in the selca. *Damn we look good together..*
"Damn we look good, can you send me that?" Jungkook said smiling with his cute bunny smile.
"Sure" Jimin sent the picture to his friend Yoongi and to Jungkook. The younger took out his phone when it rang, and Jimin looked at the notification. It was a text under the contact name of-
"Big Booty Jimin? PFFFFT"
"But seriously Jimin, damn that ass!"
"Bro your thighs look like they were sculpted by gods"
"Why, thank you" Great, now Jungkook was thinking about his Hyung’s ass. But its just so peachy and-
"Imma go get out of this tux, i’m scared i might rip it or something, we don’t want that happening"
"Yea we really don’t need that happening" They both went into the fitting rooms and started to get undressed. As Jungkook took off his shirt he couldn’t help but think about how Jimin told his friend that he went on a date with Jungkook. When Yoongi brought up a boyfriend, was the younger the first person Jimin thought of? The elder wouldn’t mind going out with him? The sudden though got him blushing and his cheeks felt hot. He went to take of his pants when he notices the zipper wouldn’t budge.
"Fuck" He kept trying with all his force to pull down the zipper but it just wasnt budging.
"Shit, shit shit" He started panicking, what the hell was gonna happen if he didnt get these pants off? He's currently shirtless, stuck in pants that are part of a very expensive tux suit, he’s getting sweaty, and he’s at WORK. What a Valentines Day.
"Um, Jungkook are you okay?"
"No. Not really. Not at all"
"What happened?" Jungkook swung open the door and saw a startled Jimin outside of the fitting room stall. Jimin was currently looking at a sexy beast. He younger was shirtless, his nice abs exposed, and there was sweat dripping down his forehead and a little on his collarbone. He pointed to the zipper and said,
"This is the problem"
"OMG sorry i was pointing to my dick i meant the zipper"
"You scared me"
"I dont know what to do its stuck"
"Wait let me try" Jimin approaches Jungkook who’s currently in the fitting room fidgeting. The elder kneels down and his head is right above the younger’s dick and he suddenly feels awkward. He starts to blush and clears his throat. Jungkook is blushing hard as well, he’s basically a tomato at this point. The younger looks up at the ceiling and tries not to think too much of it.
"Well, uhm, im just gonna go for it" Jimin suddenly put his hand on the zipper and tries to pull it down. He tries again but this time his hand accidentally brushes a little too hard against the younger’s dick and Jungkook groans but when he realized what just happened he jumps back in shock.
"IM SORRY OMG" They are now both feriously blushing, and jimin can no longer look jungkook in the eye.
"JUST, JUST HURRY, i cant take them off by myself"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes just go ahead"
"O-okay" Jimin tried his best to not touch Jungkook’s dick, however, that didn’t turn out so well. Not just that, but the younger cant help but to look down and imagine Jimin’s pretty plump lips around his dick, sucking away. He bites his lip at the thought, he’s got to get these dirty thoughts to go away, he’s already getting a boner and he doesn’t need to make it worse. The elder is trying his best to not touch Jungkook again but when he does, the younger moans, and honestly, Jimin wants to hear him moan even more. He wants to hear the younger moan his name while he’s grinding on him and-
"mhmmm" Jungkook, just, he, MOANED? Jimin’s dirty thoughts distracted him and he accidentally let go of the zipper with force, and he put pressure on the younger’s dick. An idea popped into Jimin;s head. It really isn’t his fault, all those dirty thoughts. Jungkook got him all hot a flustered, being shirtless, moaning in all his glory. Jimin suddenly smirked and groped the younger, adding pressure and feeling the younger’s dick in his hand. Jungkook moaned, and took a step back in surprise, and shock.
"J-Jimin?" Jungkook looked into Jimin’s eyes and saw something he's never seen before. His pupils have gone large, and he has a smirk on his plump lips. He’s no longer the cute angelic Jimin he first met, now he looks intimidating and sexy as hell. Jimin gropes the younger’s hardening dick again and the he groans at the friction. He feels to sensitive under his hyung’s intimidating touch, and he wants a lot more.
"J-jimin, do-do it again" Jimin’s smirk becomes even wider when he hears those words, he does the same action again however adding more pressure. The younger cant take it anymore, he starts grinding his hips against Jimin’s hand and lets out a lewd groan. The pink haired man looks up at Jungkook in shock, but he is just even more turned on now. He stands up and grabs the back of Jungkook’s neck and kisses him passionately. He starts grinding on him and the friction of their dicks rubbing against one another makes him go insane. He loves the way Jungkook’s body feels against his own, and he loved how the younger blushes innocently under his touch.
"Fuck Jungkook, you are so incredibly hot" He says while kissing the raven haired boy. The younger moans and grinds against the elders dick. All those fantasies he's had in his head are now becoming reality. He lets his hands travel against the others chest, feeling every crease and playing close attention to his abs. He never knew Jungkook had an amazing body like this, just seeing the other shirtless is getting him turned on and making him lustful. Jungkook reaches down and grabs Jimin’s dick and adds the right amount of pressure to make Jimin groan and thrust his hips forward. Jimin pushes Jungkook against the wall and bites his shoulder,  he sucks and nibbles some more to leaving a love mark to claim him. Jungkook throws his head back in pleasure. He couldn’t believe that this was happening either, he’s currently having a heated make-out session with his hot co-worker. The older starts sucking and leaves love bites all over the younger’s collarbones .
"These pants are a problem, they've got to go" The older says in a husky voice that sends a shiver down the others spine. That husky voice made the younger lose his shyness. He was ready to fuck Jimin until he couldn't walk.
"I've got an idea. Sit down" Jungkook sits down on the chair in the fitting room, following the others directions. Jimin straddles him, and starts riding the younger. The younger’s head falls back in pleasure and he lets out a moan. He grabs Jimin’s hips and starts adding more pressure to add more friction on their aching dicks.
"I cant take it anymore. Fuck it " Jungkook reaches for the zipper and pulls it down with all the force he has. Jimin looks at the younger in shock,
"You-you broke it! Damn you want me to suck you off that badly, huh?"
"Its better broken then me cumming all over the pants, now isn’t it? Now suck my dick" He stands up and swiftly takes off the pants, leaving him in only underwear.
"My turn" Jungkook says with a grin. He slides off Jimin’s shirt and immediately attacks the new smooth skin. He nibbles on the older’s earlobe and gets a slight moan as a reward. He thrusts his hips onto Jimin’s, earning a very lewd moan from the elder. Jimin pulls the younger away from his body, eying him up and down. Jimin gives the younger a smirk, and he starts kissing and nibbling at the younger’s chest, soon lowering to his abdomen, leaving love bites. He swiftly takes off the others underwear, freeing Jungkook’s hard dick from the article of clothing. *Fuck hes big*. The elder continues what he was doing, leaving a trail of sloppy kisses as he gets closer and closer to the younger’s dick, the younger waiting in anticipation. Jimin kisses and sucks everywhere besides where the younger wants him to kiss and suck making the younger get needy.
"Stop teasing me"
"But your thighs are just too beautiful" Jungkook grabs a handful of Jimin’s hair and forces him to face the younger’s dick.
"Im about to fuck your mouth so I suggest your open those pretty plump lips of yours" Jimin obediently opens his mouth, accepting the switch of things and lets Jungkook force his dick inside his mouth. The younger moans at the feeling of him being swallowed, he loves the feeling of the older’s warm mouth around him, sucking away. Jungkook grabs the pink hair tighter and thrusts his hips into Jimin’s mouth, throwing his head back at the amazing feeling. Tears start forming on the elders eyes when Jungkook’s thrusts become harsh, and the hair pulling is intense, however he loves being mouth fucked.
"Mmm you dirty slut, you love the taste of my dick don’t you?" Jungkook says in a low breathy moan. Jimin hums in response causing a vibration that makes the younger whimper. Jungkook starts wildly thrusting into jimin’s mouth, pulling the older’s hair so he can swallow more of him. The younger throws his head back in pleasure when he feels he’s about to cum. Jimin however, grabs the younger’s hips firmly stopping the younger’s intense hip thrusting. He removes his lips from the younger’s painfully hard dick, making the younger moan in disappointment.
"J-jimin what the fuck?"
"I cant have you cum just yet, i want your dick inside of me" Jungkook’s eyes widened in shock and Jimin was honestly a little surprised with his own words, however he was just too horny to even give a shit. All he knew at the moment was that he wanted the younger’s dick inside of him. The truth is, neither of them has ever done it with a guy. This is the first time Jungkook has ever fucked a guy, and this is the first time Jimin has ever had a dick inside of him.
"What" The youngers eyes widened in shock.
"Fuck me" The younger’s shock just changed into pure lust when he saw the way Jimin looked into his eyes and how low his voice sounded. The younger groaned and pushed Jimin against the wall again biting at his neck. The elder moved his head to the side offering the younger more space to bite and suck. Jimin moaned at the feeling of the younger’s body surrounding his own. Jungkook went up and bit his hyungs earlobe, earning a satisfied groan. He felt two hands rub his sides and then they grabbed his ass earning a yelp.
"Fuck your ass is so peachy, we need to get those pants off" Jungkook smirked and unbuttoned the elders jeans, lowering them, allowing Jimin to slide them off. The younger gave Jimin one last kiss, tongues fighting for dominance as Jungkook rubs his hand against Jimin’s hard-on. He younger breaks the kiss and brings his fingers up to Jimin’s pretty plump lips.
"Suck" The older gladly accepts the younger’s demand and puts the fingers in his mouth. He sucks, his tongue swirling around the fingers and the younger swears he could cum by just looking at the sight. He brings his other hand down to Jimin’s hard dick and rubs through the clothing.
"Mmm baby your so hard for me" Jimin thrusts his dick into the younger’s hands wanting more friction. Jungkook watches as Jimin sucks desperately on his fingers wishing that it was his dick again. Jimin lets the younger slip his fingers outside of his mouth, and pulls him into a kiss. Jungkook uses his free hand to rub Jimin’s hard on through the fabric again and the elder moans against Jungkook’s mouth. He pulls away from the kiss and thrusts his hips onto Jungkooks hands again, letting him get the friction that he desperately wants.
"Fuck just, FUCK ME ALREADY" Jimin slides off his underwear in a blink of an eye and basically tackled Jungkook. He pins the younger against the wall, kissing his swollen cherry lips. Jungkook takes his lubricated finger and gets closer to Jimin’s pink hole, while sucking on those heavenly lips. As Jungkook’s hand brushes against the older’s hole, the older lets out a little squeak. He’s never felt a finger so close to his hole before and its a new feeling. He suddenly regrets what he said and he breaks the kiss, and bites his lip. Jungkook looks into the younger’s eyes, he could see a little bit of fright.
"Are you sure you want me to do this"
"Y-yes, but how painful will it be?
"Just a finger or my cock" Jimin blushes hard at these words,
"J-just a finger"
"You've never fingered yourself before?"
"YOU HaVe?"
"Of course!" Jungkook takes this opportunity while Jimin is distracted and put his two fingers through the muscle.
"AH, it burns!" Jimin yells out squinting his eyes. He has to admit, he really doesn’t like this feeling, but the younger’s hand slowly rapping around his cock is making up for it. Jungkook slides his finger in, and kisses Jimin trying to distract him from the pain.
"Babe, are you sure you are okay with this" Jungkook looked at Jimin’s watery eyes and saw pain. Jimin was about to answer no when-
"OH, fuck me!" Jimin’s eyes closed shut as he gasped for air. Jungkook found the older’s prostate and grinned, knowing that if he had waited any longer to find it he wouldn’t have been able to fuck Jimin.
"W-what was that!?" Jungkook rubbed against his prostate again and Jimin threw his head back welcoming the wonderful knew feeling. He closed his eyes so tight that he could see white when he opened them again. The younger added a knew finger and the elder whimpered in pain as the new finger was pushed into the tight muscle. But then again, the younger brushed against the bundle of nerves causing Jimin to arch his back and push his ass against Jungkook’s finger.
"FUCK! DO IT AGAIN" Jungkook thrusts his fingers into the elder at a fast pace, basically finger fucking the elder, each time aiming and hitting the elders prostate. Jimin couldn’t help but let his tongue fall out as he panted and threw his hips back everytime the younger’s fingers entered him. Jungkook’s pace got faster and faster until he noticed Jimin’s breathing and how his hole clenched against his fingers. The younger suddenly pulled out, getting a groan from the elder. He didn’t want him to cum just yet, and he felt that the elder was prepped enough for his dick. Jungkook turned around so now his hyung was against the wall and the younger was hovering over him.
"Jump" The elder jumped and the younger caught him, bringing his legs around his hips. Jungkook’s dick teased the elders whole, gaining a shiver from him.
"This may hurt a bit.." Jungkook entered Jimin’s entrance, stretching out the tense muscles slowly. Tears started forming on the elders eyes, he knew it would hurt, but this burns and it feels like something is ripping him open.
"Ah-hh, it-t hurts" Jungkook leans in and kisses the elder, trying to distract him from the pain.
"Its gonna be okay, I promise it’ll feel good in a little bit" He leans in for another kiss as he pushes deeper into the elder. They stay in that position for a little bit, Jungkook not wanting to cause Jimin more pain.
"You... You can go now" Jimin bites his lip as he sees Jungkook thrust into him from the dressing room mirror. He looks at the younger’s perfect body figure, the way he muscles flex, his nice broad back. He lets his eyes fall as Jungkook thrusts into him again. He didn’t think it would be so painful but it honestly feels like something is tearing him apart. He opens his mouth to let out a pained groan when Jungkook captures his lips in a deep kiss. Their tongues intertwine as they fight for dominance, the younger quickly winning as Jimin melts into the kiss. Jungkook’s thrusting is slowly speeding up, he just cant control it anymore. He's secretly wanted to fuck his hyung and make him moan his name from the first day he met him.
"J-jimin your so tight" The younger says as he thrusts even harder into the elder.
"F-fuck" The elder is starting to get used to the thrusting and the pain is being replaced by pleasure. The elder starts moving his hips in sync with Jungkook’s thrusts, he felt like something was missing and he wanted to find it. The way his hole felt around Jungkook’s dick felt overwhelming to the younger. This is better than any girl he ever did. The younger moaned when Jimin started sucking on his neck, leaving another love bite. The elder started nibbling on the younger’s ear piercing which was one of his sensitive spots.
"J-jimin" the younger moaned. He thrusts really hard at an angle and Jimin swears he could see a white light-
"DADDY! F U C K ME" Well he found what he was looking for.
"What did you just call me?" The younger says with a wide smirk.
"Say it again"
"Fine ill just have to make you say it" The younger thrusts into the elder at the same angle making Jimin see stars.
"F-FUCK" Jungkook thrusts again, he’s quickening his pace but the elder wants more
"J-jungkook, h-harder!" The younger throws his hips against Jimin’s and the elder is hanging on to the younger’s shoulders for dear life. However, he knew Jungkook was holding back and he wanted more, he didn’t care what he has to do, he wants to be fucked harder
"Daddy harder!" The younger groans at the name, making him even more turned on. He thrusts harder and the elder is losing his grip on the younger’s shoulders. Jungkook is now thrusting in full pace with all his might, and Jimin could feel the ball of heat build up in his stomach. His prostate is being abused and he doesn’t know how much more he can take.
"F-uck i-im go-ing to c-cum" Jimin breathes out in moans.
"Hmm me too" Jimin’s entrance started to squeeze around the younger’s dick, making Jungkook moan at the tight feeling. Its just urging him to go more. He removes his dick from Jimins entrance, and slams back in with full force hitting the elders prostate completely.
"D-daddy!" Jimin pants out. He swears that he saw the gates of heaven for a good few seconds as he cums all over his and the younger’s stomach. He’s panting non-stop, and he feels amazing. The younger thrusts again into Jimin, going for his own release. He cums inside of the elder after a few more thrusts, moaning at how good it felt to finally release. They stay in that position for a little bit, trying to get their breathes back. He sits down on the chair and puts Jimin to sit on his lap.
"That was amazing"
"Yea i know but you couldve at least taken me on a date first"
"UM excuse me, you were the one who kept touching my dick! Its not my fault that you just looked so incredible during everything" Jimin laughed at the younger’s words.
"What are we gonna do about the pants?" Jimin says
"Oh shit I forgot about it. And that we are still at work!"
"Crap we have to close up!" Jimin suddenly gets up reaching for his clothes but then-
"OH FUCK" He falls back on Jungkooks lap as he feels a sudden pain on his lower back.
"My back hurts so much" Jungkook smiles and shrugs. He pulls the elder in for a kiss. It was deep and passionate and they both are enjoying it. Jungkook is the first to pull away as he says,
"Ill get us our clothes" He stands up and rests Jimin on the chair. He reaches for his clothing and once he has his underwear on, he gives Jimin his underwear and the rest of his clothing. They both struggle to get dressed, especially the elder who cant even stand.
"I have an idea about the pants" the younger said as he put on his shoes.
"What is it?"
"Why don’t we just put the pants back exactly how we found it, and then pretend like we don’t know anything if they ask us why the zipper is fucked? They don’t have to ever find out." The younger grinned at Jimin, thinking this is an amazing plan.
"We are so getting fired"
"I know, but lets just try to stay until our next paycheck" They both smiled and started to close up shop. It was mostly Jungkook doing the work because the elder was having difficulty standing. They shut off all the lights and Jungkook helped Jimin walk outside. The younger locked the door and looked at the pink haired man.
"So, i was thinking, how about we go on a date? I mean if thats, if its okay with you, im not gonna force to do anything..." the younger babbles. He started to blush and looked at the floor smiling awkwardly.
"You know, for a guy I just called daddy, that was not smooth at all" They both started laughing and Jimin looked at the younger with kindness in his eyes.
"Yes i’ll go on a date with you" He pulled Jungkook closer from the collar on his shirt and they shared a deep, romantic kiss.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
This is my first fan fiction and first smut so its pretty wack but yea. Thankyou for reading!
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