smiles32posts-blog · 5 years
You bite down; you feel a sharp, stinging pain. The moment you stop chewing or biting, the pain fades and you may choose to ignore it. Post this, you either start using only a particular side of your mouth or avoid foods and drinks of certain types or temperature. Does all this sound familiar? If so, you must be having a hairline tooth fracture. However, before you hit the panic alarm, let’s understand what a hairline tooth fracture is and what its causes are.
What is hairline tooth fracture?
A small crack in the tooth is a hairline tooth fracture. It’s a common condition and one of the leading causes of tooth loss all over the world. The different types of cracks which can appear are:
Lines which appear on the enamel, better known as craze lines. This does not cause any pain and do not require any treatment.
Cracks which run up and down the tooth. These are called vertical lines. If the crack does not touch the gum, then it’s possible to save the tooth. However, the tooth needs to be extracted, if the crack touches the gum line.
If the crack divides a single tooth, then it’s called a split tooth. If the crack is big, then the tooth will need to be extracted.
Sometimes, there could be a crack around a dental filling. This is called the fractured cusp and they generally don’t cause much pain.
What causes hairline tooth fracture?
In many cases, biting into a hard object can cause the tooth to develop a crack. Stress – related habits such as grinding of teeth or jaw clenching, can also cause hairline fracture to the tooth. Another obvious reason could be an accident or forceful trauma. Change in temperature of mouth as well as age can also increase the chances of a tooth developing a crack.
Symptoms of hairline tooth fracture:
Pain while chewing, especially while releasing the bite.
Tooth sensitivity towards sweet, hot or cold food.
Shooting on and off pain.
Swelling gum around affected tooth.
Treatment for hairline tooth fracture:
Treatment largely depends on size, location and symptoms of the crack. Extraction mostly depends on if the crack has reached till the gums or not. The following treatments are mostly recommended by dentists:
Bonding: Filling the crack with a plastic resin, thus restoring the tooth back to its original look.
Crown: A ceramic or porcelain device may be placed over the cracked tooth. With good care, a crown can last a lifetime.
Root canal: If a crack extends into the pulp, your dentist may recommend a root canal treatment. It will prevent the tooth from getting infected further.
When the overall tooth is extremely damaged, removing the tooth is the best option.
Sometimes, as long as the crack does not affect the appearance of a person or produce pain, your dentist may advise you to leave it alone.
In conclusion, while a crack can be repaired, it will never be 100 percent healed. That is why it’s important to maintain good oral health, avoid hard food and wear a mouth guard if you grind your teeth. Also be sure to keep up with all your dental appointments to maintain your pearly whites.
VISIT US AT HTTP://32SMILES.IN/ Koregaon Park 112, First Floor, Jewel Square, Near Taj Blue Diamond, Koregaon Park, Pune 411001 Contact Number: (020)-41287079
Shivajinagar 1321/1, Premium Point, Opp. Modern High school, Near Titan Showroom, J. M. Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411005 Contact Number: (020)-41297079 / 9421586645
Monday to Saturday: 9.30 am. to 8.30 pm. Email Id:[email protected]
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smiles32posts-blog · 5 years
The Big C or Cancer is one of the most dreaded words of the modern world. The fear, however, is not unfounded. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), it is the second largest cause of death all around the world.
Of the many types of cancers, one of the most common one is Oral Cancer and it ranks among the top three cancers in the country. In India, 20 per 100000 people are affected by oral cancer and men are twice more at risk than women.
It is most commonly defined as an uncontrollable growth of cells in oral cavity and it mostly affects the lips, tongue, cheeks, floor of the mouth, hard and soft palate, sinuses and pharynx.
Like all other types of cancer, oral cancer is also fairly curable if detected and treated at an early stage. Let us go through the signs and symptoms that should be a red flag to us for making that doctor’s appointment in the little black diary, for further diagnosis.
When to visit a doctor or a dentist?
We often ignore sores in the mouth that have been for a prolonged period, often choosing to take over the counter medication rather than visiting the doctor. For people who consume large amounts of alcohol and tobacco, this could be their undoing. Biannual dental checkups also help in early detection. A few signs and symptoms that should not be ignored are:-
A sore on lip or mouth that won’t heal.
A mass or a growth anywhere in the mouth.
Loose teeth.
Pain or difficulty in swallowing.
Trouble wearing dentures.
A lump in the neck or lining of the mouth.
A constant earache.
Sore throat.
Hoarse voice.
Patches on the lining of the mouth or tongue, usually red or white in color.
Jaw pain or stiffness.
Pain in the neck.
Having any of these symptoms does not necessarily mean that you have oral cancer, but it is worth getting it checked. After all, ‘It’s better to be safe than sorry!’
VISIT US AT HTTP://32SMILES.IN/ Koregaon Park 112, First Floor, Jewel Square, Near Taj Blue Diamond, Koregaon Park, Pune 411001 Contact Number: (020)-41287079
Shivajinagar 1321/1, Premium Point, Opp. Modern High school, Near Titan Showroom, J. M. Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411005 Contact Number: (020)-41297079 / 9421586645
Monday to Saturday: 9.30 am. to 8.30 pm. Email Id:[email protected]
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smiles32posts-blog · 5 years
How many times have we lamented over a chipped tooth or spent sleepless nights over a painful lose tooth? Thanks to the advancement in the field of dental science, we needn’t endure this situation for long. ‘Dental implant’ is one such revolution which has made it possible to replace missing teeth or lose dentures. Though they’re more expensive than a tooth removal, they’re aesthetically better and are more beneficial to oral health. It is definitely a much better alternative than dentures or bridgework.
What are Dental Implants?
Dental Implants are titanium posts that are fixed into the jawbone. The dentist will then fix the replacement tooth over it, essentially holding the tooth in its place and making it impossible to move while eating or speaking. This feels more natural than dentures and unlike dental bridgework, this process doesn’t need the support of surrounding natural teeth.
How does dental implant work?
The most important factor to take into consideration before having dental implants is healthy gums and adequate bone support. Once your dentist has verified this, an oral surgeon will make an incision in the gum and fix titanium screws in the jawbone. Once the jawbone heals and grows around the metal post (takes about 6 to 12 weeks), the replacement tooth (crown), which is curated with the help of a mold, is fixed into it and one is set with a perfect smile for a lifetime. However, one must commit to maintain oral hygiene and visit the dentist regularly to maintain longevity of the implant.
Pros of dental implants:
Speech improvement
More comfortable than dentures
Aesthetically more appealing
Easier to eat
Cons of dental implants:
More expensive than other methods
Prone to minor surgical complications.
Requires commitment for maintenance.
However, these cons are very minor when compared to the overall benefits of having dental implants and the success of longevity of these implants is 98%. The procedure is also less painful than having a tooth extraction. Mild soreness post the procedure can be cured with over the counter medication. Visit your dentist regularly post this procedure for maintaining that close –up smile.
VISIT US AT HTTP://32SMILES.IN/ Koregaon Park 112, First Floor, Jewel Square, Near Taj Blue Diamond, Koregaon Park, Pune 411001 Contact Number: (020)-41287079
Shivajinagar 1321/1, Premium Point, Opp. Modern High school, Near Titan Showroom, J. M. Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411005 Contact Number: (020)-41297079 / 9421586645
Monday to Saturday: 9.30 am. to 8.30 pm. Email Id:[email protected]
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smiles32posts-blog · 5 years
Have you sweated bullets anytime your dentist has told you that you need a root canal? The very mention of that word is enough to put even the toughest person in a state of panic. However, root canal need not be as scary as it sounds. Let us know the A to Z of root canal through this article.
What is the root canal?
Before delving into what a root canal is, let us understand a little about the anatomy of a tooth. A tooth has 3 layers. First is the white enamel, below which is the hard layer called dentin. Below this is a soft tissue called pulp. This contains blood vessels and tissues which help the root to grow in its formative years. Once the tooth is mature, it can survive without the pulp as it gets its nourishment from surrounding tissues. In case if a person needs a root canal to save a tooth due to decay or injury, then a root canal procedure is done. It is designed to eliminate bacteria from the infected tooth and prevent reinfection. In this procedure, the infected pulp is removed; the inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned, disinfected and then filled and sealed. It’s quite unlike a regular filling and can be completed in 1-2 sittings. It is almost painless and very effective.
When do you need a root canal?
A decayed, chipped or injured tooth can cause the pulp, to become infected or inflamed. If this infection is not treated on time, it can cause pain or abscess. This is when your dentist may recommend you to get a root canal treatment.
What are the early signs of needing a root canal?
There are a few telltale signs which should warrant a visit to your dental clinic. They are as follows:-
Pain while chewing
Lingering sensitivity to hot or cold
Swollen gums or gums that are tender to touch
Deep decay
Chipped or cracked tooth
Advantages of root canal
This treatment has many advantages.
Easy and painless chewing
Aesthetically appropriate appearance
Protects other teeth from overstraining, thus not causing them any damage
No adverse sensation towards heat or cold.
Millions of teeth are saved every year using this treatment. Also, since a root canal is relatively painless and effective, you will be smiling and chewing without flinching in any time at all.
VISIT US AT HTTP://32SMILES.IN/ Koregaon Park 112, First Floor, Jewel Square, Near Taj Blue Diamond, Koregaon Park, Pune 411001 Contact Number: (020)-41287079
Shivajinagar 1321/1, Premium Point, Opp. Modern High school, Near Titan Showroom, J. M. Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411005 Contact Number: (020)-41297079 / 9421586645
Monday to Saturday: 9.30 am. to 8.30 pm. Email Id:[email protected]
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smiles32posts-blog · 6 years
What is sports mouth guard?
Sports guards, mouth guards and mouth protectors are different names for the same thing. A device worn over your teeth that protects them from blows to the face; minimizing the risk of broken teeth and injuries to your lips, tongue, face or jaw. Your top teeth take the brunt of trauma because they stick out more. They typically cover the upper teeth and are a great way to protect the soft tissues of your tongue, lips and cheek lining.
What is sports mouth guard?
Sports guards, mouth guards and mouth protectors are different names for the same thing. A device worn over your teeth that protects them from blows to the face; minimizing the risk of broken teeth and injuries to your lips, tongue, face or jaw. Your top teeth take the brunt of trauma because they stick out more. They typically cover the upper teeth and are a great way to protect the soft tissues of your tongue, lips and cheek lining.
Protecting your braces.
A properly fitted mouthguard may be especially important for people who are into sports and wear braces or have fixed bridge work. A blow to the face could damage the brackets or other fixed orthodontic appliances. A mouthguard also provides a barrier between the braces and your cheek or lips, which will help you, avoid injuries to your gums and cheeks.
Talk to your dentist or orthodontist about selecting a mouthguard that will provide the right protection. Although some mouthguards only cover the upper teeth, your dentist or orthodontist may suggest that you use a mouthguard on the lower teeth if you have braces on these teeth.
If you wear braces or other fixed dental appliances (such as a bridge) on your lower jaw, your dentist may suggest a mouth protector for these teeth as well.
If you have a retainer or other removable appliance, do not wear it during any contact sports.
Custom made mouth guards – These are individually designed and made in dentist’s office, which is well trained in designing them. Not surprisingly, they are likely to provide the most comfortable fit and best protection. Your dentist makes an impression of your teeth and then constructs the mouth guard over a model of them. Most athletes prefer customized mouth guards. Many sports association now recommends customize mouth guard than ready made because they fit and feel better and are very comfortable during sports activity.
How long should mouth guards last?
Mouth guards should ideally be replaced after each season because they can wear down over time, making them less effective. Replacement is especially important for adolescents because their mouths continue to grow and teeth continue to develop into adulthood. Many athletes who play several sports have new mouth guards made when they go for their six-month dental check-up.
Why 32 smiles
We here at 32 Smiles, promotes the importance of safety in maintaining oral health and the use of a properly fitted mouthguard as the best available protective device for reducing the incidence and severity of sports-related dental injuries. The German technology based sheets are used for mouthguard construction using Biostar machine. 32 Smiles is fully equipped with the infrastructure and inventory required for constructing Sports mouth guard. Here, Sports mouthguards are also available in multiple colours as well.
Koregaon Park 112, First Floor, Jewel Square, Near Taj Blue Diamond, Koregaon Park, Pune 411001 Contact Number: (020)-41287079
Shivajinagar 1321/1, Premium Point, Opp. Modern Highschool, Near Titan Showroom , J. M. Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411005 Contact Number: (020)-41297079 / (020)-25537079
Monday to Saturday: 9.30 am. to 8.30 pm.
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smiles32posts-blog · 6 years
Choosing the right toothpaste is as important as brushing your teeth daily. With so many brands available in the market, it is most of the times confusing to select the right kind of tooth paste. Here are some tips that will surely help you chose the right toothpaste for you and your family.
Choose any one from the below according to your need
1. UNIVERSAL TOOTHPASTES (tartar and plaque control)- This type of toothpaste makes up over 90% of toothpaste sales and the biggest benefit is that it fights against cavities. The one thing that you should always look for in any toothpaste is that it should contain fluoride. (Stannous fluoride, Sodium fluoride or mono fluoride phosphate) Note- Fluoride content should not exceed 1000ppm-1500ppm
2. TOOTHPASTES FOR CHILDREN – Toothpaste for kids usually has either no fluoride or much less fluoride than adult toothpaste. The reason for that is to ensure that the child doesn’t ingest too much fluoride which could cause fluorosis. This type of toothpaste also has fewer abrasives that are present in adult toothpaste.
Note- Children under 3 years of age should not use a toothpaste containing fluoride
3. WHITENING TOOTHPASTES – Although not as effective as professional whitening, these toothpastes have abrasives which help to remove surface stains on teeth. Therefore it is important to note that these toothpastes do not change the color of the teeth like bleaching does. These toothpastes contain hydrogen peroxide and/or baking soda which are abrasives and might be harmful for the enamel of the teeth. Note- Whitening toothpastes should be used only after consultation with a dentist.
4. TOOTHPASTES FOR SENSITIVE TEETH – This toothpaste is great for people who feel discomfort when eating or drinking hot/cold things. Choose toothpaste that has desensitizing ingredients like stannous fluoride, strontium chloride or Potassium nitrate. There are some more tooth pastes with advanced de sensitizing agents available recently. Note- Proper instructions for using a sensitive toothpaste have to be followed
5. HERBAL OR NATURAL TOOTHPASTES – This toothpaste is a natural alternative to toothpastes and provides a gentler experience. They are fully biodegradable and contain only natural ingredients. Most of them still contain some fluoride to protect the teeth from decay. There are ones available without any fluoride – however, most dentists do not recommend them as they do not effectively protect teeth. But patients with known allergy to any toothpaste ingredient can use this safely.
Always buy a toothpaste which is IDA (Indian Dental association) approved or ADA (American Dental Association) approved
CONSULT A DENTIST – Severe problems such as extreme sensitivity, gum problems and toothpaste ingredient allergy should be addressed to the dentist and toothpaste should be chosen accordingly.
Koregaon Park 112, First Floor, Jewel Square, Near Taj Blue Diamond, Koregaon Park, Pune 411001 Contact Number: (020)-41287079
Shivajinagar 1321/1, Premium Point, Opp. Modern Highschool, Near Titan Showroom , J. M. Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411005 Contact Number: (020)-41297079 / (020)-25537079
Monday to Saturday:9.30 am. to 8.30 pm.
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smiles32posts-blog · 6 years
Correcting position of the teeth with the aesthetic Invisalign splint is an important and newer form of therapy in contemporary orthodontics. The “Invisalign aligner” consist of strong plastic trays that are fabricated especially for you. As the name suggests, they are INVISIBLE..!!!
Invisalign aligners are helpful to individuals who want to achieve a beautiful smile with minimal interference in day to day life. The best part about the whole process is that most people don’t even realise your undergoing treatment as these aligners are absolutely not visible.
These aligners are comfortable to wear and absolutely painless as compared to braces. And due to advancement of technology, they are faster compared to any other aligners.
This advanced aligner technology processing is carried out in USA, hence it expensive compared to other treatments. The cost depends upon the severity of the case- single jaw or both upper and lower jaw treatment. A very simple case with 7 aligners only for the upper jaw can cost 1 .2 lakh and the cost can exceed up to 3 Lakhs plus depending upon the severity of the case. But their costing is way cheaper in India compared to USA. The important factor here is your doctor is Invisalign certified.
Other aligners like Clearpath or K aligner are cheaper versions of these aligners but are only recommended in simple cases as they do not have 3D movement as invisalign. Their costing is 30 to 50% less as compared to invisalign.
In conclusion, if you want the best it is better to go for invisalign, even though it is a bit costly- but it is value for money. One can also opt for Clearpath or flash or K aligners in simple cases. Other options available are ceramic or lingual invisible braces which are further cost effective.
Koregaon Park 112, First Floor, Jewel Square, Near Taj Blue Diamond, Koregaon Park, Pune 411001 Contact Number: (020)-41287079
Shivajinagar 1321/1, Premium Point, Opp. Modern Highschool, Near Titan Showroom , J. M. Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411005 Contact Number: (020)-41297079 / (020)-25537079
Monday to Saturday: 9.30 am. to 8.30 pm.
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smiles32posts-blog · 6 years
The essence of one’s personality is their smile. Smile enhances the appearance, confidence and creates an aura of positivity around you. Smile and confidence go hand in hand. However, if the structure of your teeth makes you conscious about your personality, then it’s going to affect your confidence as well.  Orthodontic Solutions is the appropriate option to consider for the alignment of the structure of your teeth for having a confident and blissful smile!
Earlier, the scope of orthodontics was limited to metal braces to rectify the problems of unstructured teeth. However, with advancement in technology, Orthodontics has developed a wide range of alternatives that are more effective, esthetic and comfortable than the traditional metal braces. While traditional metal braces are extremely effective, but the flip side is, the level of discomfort one has to bear neutralizes one’s choice to opt for them.
Often, people who have or have had metal braces, find difficulty in cleaning, chewing and eating, which ultimately results in discoloration of the teeth as well as brings negative results to the general health because of inability to eat. In addition to it, the entire idea of opting for braces is to get a beautiful smile which the metal braces fail to do till they are on.
Invisalign Braces
The right alternative to this problem is Invisalign or Invisible braces, which are basically a clear tray of thermoplastic material which helps in alignment of the teeth by building pressure on them. Each tray of Invisalign aligners has to be replaced after every 14 days.
The benefit of using Invisalign Braces is that they are removable and hence, do not obstruct while eating, chewing or cleaning. For proper alignment of teeth, a patient is required to wear these braces for a time period varying from 9-12 months depending upon the severity of the case.
Lingual Braces
Quite similar to the metal braces, lingual braces, are another equipment for alignment of your teeth. The only difference that discrete them from the traditional metal braces is that they are placed on the back side of teeth. Lingual Braces consist of the thinnest brackets on the inner side of teeth with the similar wire and elastics as in metal braces.
The advantage of using Lingual Braces over metal braces is that they neither compromise the comfort nor are they visible. A patient is required to wear the lingual braces for a time period of 12-24 weeks.
Tooth-colored Braces
Ceramic Braces, popularly known as the tooth-colored braces, consist of a thin and virtually less visible wire that helps in adjustment and alignment of the teeth which resembles the color of one’s teeth. The translucent ceramic braces are appearance and comfort-friendly. They are aligned on the front side of the teeth and help in rectifying the structure of the teeth within 12-18 months.
32SMILES is an orthodontic and dental care clinic in Pune, Maharashtra. We provide all kinds of dental treatments for various alignment and adjustment problems for crooked teeth, gapped teeth, underbite, overbite, open bite among others.
Our agenda is to provide dependable and affordable dental care solutions as per the requirement of the case.
We assure our patients of comfortable and reliant solutions to their varied dental problems. Our experts at 32SMILES are always there to assist as well as provide appropriate treatment for your dental problems.
32 Smiles is proud to be one amongst the 1% platinum providers of Invisalign in India.
We also have the option of easy installment scheduling without any interest in Invisalign treatments.
At 32 Smiles, we ensure using the latest technologies like 3D Scanner and CAD CAM machinery to give the best and quality treatment.
Koregaon Park 112, First Floor, Jewel Square, Near Taj Blue Diamond, Koregaon Park, Pune 411001 Contact Number: (020)-41287079
Shivajinagar 1321/1, Premium Point, Opp. Modern Highschool, Near Titan Showroom , J. M. Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411005 Contact Number: (020)-41297079 / (020)-25537079
Monday to Saturday: 9.30 am. to 8.30 pm.
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smiles32posts-blog · 6 years
A smile is a confidence that one carries. Smile enhances the confidence as well as the personality of an individual. However, there are some people who are conscious about their smiles because of their in-aligned teeth. The problem is that people resist in opting for the alignment Invisalign dental treatment, since, they believe metal braces are not only problematic but affect the appearance of a person.  The solution to this problem is the alternative to opt for Invisalign aligners.
Invisalign braces or aligners are a set of clear-transparent orthodontic devices that are used for the purpose of alignment and adjustment of teeth. Invisalign aligners or invisible aligners are made of patented thermoplastic material trays.
Invisalign aligners are basically, a set of plastic trays that impose pressure on the teeth, resulting in a gradual shift. These aligners are customized as per the need and severity of the case and hence, are designed in a manner that suits the condition of a particular patient.
The Invisalign dental treatment requires calculative planning before execution. The doctors create a digital movement plan for the alignment as per the needs of a specific case. In accordance with the case, the set of braces are designed, keeping in mind the pressure that should be imposed on the teeth in order to reduce the gaps.
The patients are required to wear the braces for 22 hours a day. After every 14 days, a new set of invisible braces is to be used and with every set of braces, there’s a gradual movement in the teeth by 0.25 mm. The Invisalign dental treatment generally lasts for 9-12 months and is recommendable for crooked teeth, gapped teeth, open bite, overbite, and underbite. The benefit that lies with opting for these braces is that they are removable. In contrast to the regular metal braces, these braces can be removed while eating or while cleaning the teeth.
Invisible aligners are considered an effective alternative to metal braces. There are a number of reasons why people prefer opting for these aligners instead of metal braces, including:
The major issue with metal braces is that they create quite a problem when it comes to cleaning of teeth and sometimes, result in pain too. However, with invisible braces, the problem of hygiene and cleaning comes to rest since. The removable braces make it quite easy for an individual to clean their teeth.
Enhances the appearance
The sole intention behind opting for braces is to enhance one’s appearance which the metal smile fails to do. In contrast to the metal smile, a clear-white smile will definitely make you look better.
Alternative to discomfort from wires
The metal wires are adjusted around teeth and gums which may irritate while chewing, eating and cleaning of teeth. Metal braces result in discoloration due to difficulty in maintaining hygiene and breakage of brackets. On the other hand, Invisalign aligners do not create such a hurdle and hence, maintain comfort.
32SMILES is an orthodontic and dental care clinic in Pune, Maharashtra. We provide all kinds of dental treatments for various alignment and adjustment problems for crooked teeth, gapped teeth, underbite, overbite, open bite among others.
Our agenda is to provide dependable and affordable dental care solutions as per the requirement of the case.
We assure our patients of comfortable and reliant solutions to their varied dental problems. Our experts at 32SMILES are always there to assist as well as provide appropriate treatment for your dental problems.
32 Smiles is proud to be one amongst the 1% platinum providers of Invisalign in India.
We also have the option of easy installment scheduling without any interest in Invisalign treatments.
At 32 Smiles, we ensure using the latest technologies like 3D Scanner and CAD CAM machinery to give the best and quality treatment.
Koregaon Park 112, First Floor, Jewel Square, Near Taj Blue Diamond, Koregaon Park, Pune 411001 Contact Number: (020)-41287079
Shivajinagar 1321/1, Premium Point, Opp. Modern Highschool, Near Titan Showroom , J. M. Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411005 Contact Number: (020)-41297079 / (020)-25537079
Monday to Saturday: 9.30 am. to 8.30 pm.
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smiles32posts-blog · 6 years
The essence of one’s personality is their smile. Smile enhances the appearance, confidence and creates an aura of positivity around you. Smile and confidence go hand in hand. However, if the structure of your teeth makes you conscious about your personality, then it’s going to affect your confidence as well.  Orthodontic Solutions is the appropriate option to consider for the alignment of the structure of your teeth for having a confident and blissful smile!
Earlier, the scope of orthodontics was limited to metal braces to rectify the problems of unstructured teeth. However, with advancement in technology, Orthodontics has developed a wide range of alternatives that are more effective, esthetic and comfortable than the traditional metal braces. While traditional metal braces are extremely effective, but the flip side is, the level of discomfort one has to bear neutralizes one’s choice to opt for them.
Often, people who have or have had metal braces, find difficulty in cleaning, chewing and eating, which ultimately results in discoloration of the teeth as well as brings negative results to the general health because of inability to eat. In addition to it, the entire idea of opting for braces is to get a beautiful smile which the metal braces fail to do till they are on.
Invisalign Braces
The right alternative to this problem is Invisalign or Invisible braces, which are basically a clear tray of thermoplastic material which helps in alignment of the teeth by building pressure on them. Each tray of Invisalign aligners has to be replaced after every 14 days.
The benefit of using Invisalign Braces is that they are removable and hence, do not obstruct while eating, chewing or cleaning. For proper alignment of teeth, a patient is required to wear these braces for a time period varying from 9-12 months depending upon the severity of the case.
Lingual Braces
Quite similar to the metal braces, lingual braces, are another equipment for alignment of your teeth. The only difference that discrete them from the traditional metal braces is that they are placed on the back side of teeth. Lingual Braces consist of the thinnest brackets on the inner side of teeth with the similar wire and elastics as in metal braces.
The advantage of using Lingual Braces over metal braces is that they neither compromise the comfort nor are they visible. A patient is required to wear the lingual braces for a time period of 12-24 weeks.
Tooth-colored Braces
Ceramic Braces, popularly known as the tooth-colored braces, consist of a thin and virtually less visible wire that helps in adjustment and alignment of the teeth which resembles the color of one’s teeth. The translucent ceramic braces are appearance and comfort-friendly. They are aligned on the front side of the teeth and help in rectifying the structure of the teeth within 12-18 months.
32SMILES is an orthodontic and dental care clinic in Pune, Maharashtra. We provide all kinds of dental treatments for various alignment and adjustment problems for crooked teeth, gapped teeth, underbite, overbite, open bite among others.
Our agenda is to provide dependable and affordable dental care solutions as per the requirement of the case.
We assure our patients of comfortable and reliant solutions to their varied dental problems. Our experts at 32SMILES are always there to assist as well as provide appropriate treatment for your dental problems.
32 Smiles is proud to be one amongst the 1% platinum providers of Invisalign in India.
We also have the option of easy installment scheduling without any interest in Invisalign treatments.
At 32 Smiles, we ensure using the latest technologies like 3D Scanner and CAD CAM machinery to give the best and quality treatment.
Koregaon Park 112, First Floor, Jewel Square, Near Taj Blue Diamond, Koregaon Park, Pune 411001 Contact Number: (020)-41287079
Shivajinagar 1321/1, Premium Point, Opp. Modern Highschool, Near Titan Showroom , J. M. Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411005 Contact Number: (020)-41297079 / (020)-25537079
Monday to Saturday: 9.30 am. to 8.30 pm.
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smiles32posts-blog · 6 years
With the advancement in technology as well as lifestyle, people are becoming more aware and conscious about health. Today’s generation understands the importance of good health and its relation to productivity but still tend to neglect their oral health and dental health.
Negligence and carelessness with dental health may make way for periodontitis (a serious gum disease), bacterial infection, tooth cavities among others. Hence, it becomes essential to devote proper attention to your dental health.
Below are 5 Basic Tips to maintain your dental health:
Brush Twice A Day
The idea of brushing the teeth before going to bed is highly underrated. The reason why a lot of emphases is laid on brushing before going to bed and after waking up is to deal with the response of the bacteria residing in the mouth in relation to the food particles that stick in our mouth.
When the food particles are not removed, it allows the residing bacteria to convert that particle into acid in a reaction with saliva. Acidic components in the mouth can a lay a foundation of the plaque which has the capability of damaging enamel of the tooth resulting in a dental cavity. Hence, it’s very important to brush your teeth twice as a precaution against cavity.
Learn more about our Brushing.
Using Fluoridated Toothpaste
The enamel of a tooth comprises of crystals of minerals which it gains and losses every day. Loss of mineral crystals from enamel occurs because of action of plaque bacteria on the tooth. The process is called demineralization which is recovered by the action of minerals like fluoride, calcium and phosphorous with saliva, termed as remineralization.
When the minerals in the enamel become deficient, it results in tooth decay. Fluoride is a rich-mineral which helps in thickening and strengthening of the enamel being prevention against tooth decay. Hence, the use of fluoride-rich toothpaste is recommended to avoid cavities.
Learn more about Oral Health here.
Use Dental Floss
Dental floss is extremely helpful in removal of minute particles which an ordinary toothbrush fails to remove. In addition to it, dental floss helps in the brightening of teeth and acts as prevention against plaque, tartar and bad breathe. Use of floss complements the effectiveness of a toothbrush and ensures wholesome oral health.
Avoid Junk Food
Junk food is rich in acids. Consumption of excessive acids is harmful to dental health as they create scope for plaque and tartar. Also, as a matter fact, acidic food harms the white enamel of teeth and may result in discoloration. Hence, avoiding junk food helps in maintaining dental health.
Visit a dentist regularly
Lastly, it is very important to visit a dentist at regular intervals especially in the case of gum bleeding, toothache etc. Apart from these problems, one should visit a dentist for regular check-ups for the maintenance of good dental health.
32SMILES is an orthodontic and dental care clinic in Pune, Maharashtra. We provide all kinds of dental treatments for various alignment and adjustment problems for crooked teeth, gapped teeth, underbite, overbite, open bite among others.
Our agenda is to provide dependable and affordable dental care solutions as per the requirement of the case.
We assure our patients of comfortable and reliant solutions to their varied dental problems. Our experts at 32SMILES are always there to assist as well as provide appropriate treatment for your dental problems.
32 Smiles is proud to be one amongst the 1% platinum providers of Invisalign in India.
We also have the option of easy installment scheduling without any interest in Invisalign treatments.
At 32 Smiles, we ensure using the latest technologies like 3D Scanner and CAD CAM machinery to give the best and quality treatment.
Koregaon Park 112, First Floor, Jewel Square, Near Taj Blue Diamond, Koregaon Park, Pune 411001 Contact Number: (020)-41287079
Shivajinagar 1321/1, Premium Point, Opp. Modern Highschool, Near Titan Showroom , J. M. Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411005 Contact Number: (020)-41297079 / (020)-25537079
Monday to Saturday: 9.30 am. to 8.30 pm.
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smiles32posts-blog · 6 years
Our teeth are sealed by gums as it helps teeth to remain intact in their position. Healthy gums are mostly pinkish in color but it may vary from person to person. Like in light skin color, their gums will be pinkish in color, while in dark skin color their gums will be naturally dark due to the presence of melanin content.
If this color changes with the presence of inflammation and swelling with complaint of pain and bleeding, this is mostly due to the presence of the bacterial infection. This condition is called as gingivitis.
This gingivitis condition even welcomes many more gums and teeth related problems as the socket where the teeth lies becomes soften due to which patient may complain of lodging of food material and this condition invites the bacteria for their proliferation. If this condition gets severe, there can be poor prognosis which can lead to retention of the teeth.
Causes for the bleeding gums
Bleeding gums is most common symptom of gum diseases. For those who brush their teeth vigorously, bleeding is commonly present. But you should know what can be probable causes which can produce bleeding gums.
Gingivitis:-It is an inflammation of gums caused due bacterial infection and is very common diseases which every dentist think first. It is present in the patients who:-
Chewing tobacco
Takes oral medications
Crooked teeth
In case where dental appliances does not fit properly
Filling in gums is not proper
Genetic factor
Immune compromised patients
Thrombocytopenia (low platelet count)
Tooth cavities (tooth decay)
ITP (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura)
Pernicious anemia
Cirrhosis of liver
ALL (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia)
CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia)
Von Willebrand Disease
Deficiency of factor V, VII, X (responsible for blood clotting)
Temporal arteritis
Above are all factors which can be responsible for bleeding gums.
Symptoms of bleeding gums
Many of the people are unaware of their gums disease until they do not found any symptoms. This is mostly found in case of gingivitis. Here are the symptoms of bleeding gums.
Gums will be tender (pain) with red and swollen.
There will be bleeding while brushing teeth.
Teeth becomes loose
Gums which surround the teeth are pulled out.
Pain in teeth while eating.
Presence of pus in between the teeth.
Halitosis (foul smelling from the mouth)
Treatment of bleeding gums
Treatment of bleeding gums are done according to the signs and symptoms which the patient present in front of the dentist. The treatment is done by medications which includes antibiotics to stop bleeding gums and to remove the bacterial infection present in gums and by general management which includes:-
Maintaining hygiene by deep cleaning of the mouth.
Antiseptic mouth wash
Stop chewing tobacco
Stop smoking.
If the patient ignores the bleeding gums, this can lead to the severity of the disease for which the patient has to go for the dental surgery. To avoid surgery if you notice bleeding gums, consult 32SMILES without wasting of time.32SMILESis specialized into dental solutions but if you are planning to a visit  a dentist  then 32SMILES  will help you out too with options ranging from small to large gums problems with all specifications details as per your requirement.
Koregaon Park 112, First Floor, Jewel Square, Near Taj Blue Diamond, Koregaon Park, Pune 411001 Contact Number: (020)-41287079
Shivajinagar 1321/1, Premium Point, Opp. Modern Highschool, Near Titan Showroom , J. M. Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411005 Contact Number: (020)-41297079 / (020)-25537079
Monday to Saturday: 9.30 am. to 8.30 pm.
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smiles32posts-blog · 6 years
Fluorides: An Introduction
The structure of the enamel (the white layer of the tooth) consists of closely tied minerals. Minerals are gained by and lost from the enamel on a daily basis. When living bacteria residing in the mouth react with saliva and food particles, plague is generated which decays the minerals present in the tooth enamel.
The process is termed as demineralization. When demineralization reaches to a height, where the enamel becomes deficient of a particular material, tooth cavities occur. Fluoride helps in strengthening and thickening the white enamel of the teeth and acting as a shield against the plague bacteria which affects the white enamel of the tooth by causing tooth decay. Fluoride treatments have been used by the dentists from years. Dentists recommend fluoride-rich toothpaste for maintaining healthy oral hygiene for its effective results.
Apart from the toothpaste which has less concentration of fluoride, dentists also recommend fluoride treatment. These involve dispensing fluoride in high concentration via a foam, varnish or a gel using a cotton swab or a brush. The treatment is recommended once within 3-12 months, depending upon the condition and requirement of the patient. After the completion of one session, the patient is asked to not to consume anything for 30 minutes in order to ensure, that the fluoride is being absorbed by the enamel and gums.
Why is the treatment needed?
Though the basic reason for recommending such is the suspicion of occurrence or presence of a dental cavity, the need for fluoride treatment may arise in the following cases too:
Excessive intake of carbohydrates and sugar in your diet
Tooth enamel is highly sensitive to acids. Carbohydrates and sugar are highly acidic and hence, affect the enamel adversely, increasing the risks of plague and tarter. In such a case, you might require fluoride treatment as a precaution against a tooth cavity.
Poor dental hygiene
In most cases, dental decay occurs because of lifestyle problems. Lack of attention and improper care of dental hygiene may cave way for various gum problems tooth decay. Hence, fluoride is recommended as a tool of dental care.
Inadequate presence of fluorides
Inadequate presence of natural fluoride in the body, as a result of deficiency or disorders, may give rise to the need for fluoride to avoid dental problems.
Previous tooth decay records
If there has been any previous history of dental decay, fluoride treatment is recommended in order to avoid re-occurrence in the future.
Benefits of fluoride treatment
Protection against tooth decay
Fluorides are a shield against tooth decay. They act as a prevention against dental cavities.
As they say, prevention is better than cure and so, prevention is affordable than cure. Root canal treatments and fillings cost much higher than fluorides. Hence, regular fluoride treatments are much economical than other cavity treatments.
Suitable for all age groups
Fluoride treatment is not restricted to a particular age group and even an infant of a year can be exposed to such treatments. As a matter of fact, fluorides are recommended to children until 16 years of age in every dentist visit.
32SMILES is an orthodontic and dental care clinic in Pune, Maharashtra. We provide solutions to all kinds of dental problems including tooth decay, teeth alignment, gum problems, among others. Having an experience of 15 years, our experts aim at providing reliable and effective dental treatments. So, for all kinds of dental problems, you can
Koregaon Park 112, First Floor, Jewel Square, Near Taj Blue Diamond, Koregaon Park, Pune 411001 Contact Number: (020)-41287079
Shivajinagar 1321/1, Premium Point, Opp. Modern Highschool, Near Titan Showroom , J. M. Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411005 Contact Number: (020)-41297079 / (020)-25537079
Monday to Saturday: 9.30 am. to 8.30 pm.
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smiles32posts-blog · 6 years
A captivating red carpet celebrity like Pearly white smile is everyone’s fancy. It not only enhances your appearance but also elevates your confidence. The web is overladen with data about teeth whitening methods. It may be overwhelming for anyone who is on a quest to get whiter denticulate. Read ahead to filter out the best options among so many choices.
Expectation: Teeth whitening toothpaste and whitening strips is all I need
Reality: This one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t actually work for everyone. This is because whitening toothpaste and strips are usually effective at removing surface stains. If you have deeper stains then whitening toothpaste and strips may not be a relevant choice for you. Both methods have certain pros and cons to it.
Not heavy on your pocket. Using toothpaste is the cheapest one while strips are also relatively inexpensive.
Both methods are easy to use
Whitening strips show results within a few days.
As stated earlier, both methods remove surface stains only. They won’t take care of the deeper stubborn stains.
Whitening toothpaste show results in a longer time.
When used too often or the brushing technique is rough, It can wear down your tooth enamel. The result will be sensitive teeth which sometimes appear to be more yellow.
Expectation: Activated charcoal will come to the rescue
Reality: There is not enough scientific evidence to prove so. The pursuit of coming up with better teeth whitening products have made activated charcoal a popular addition in the toothpaste and teeth whitening kits. The truth is, it can’t change the yellow appearance of the teeth miraculously. Like other toothpaste, it may help in cleaning surface stains only.
Expectation: Natural ways are always safe and effective
Reality: The answer is ‘not always’. You should know the science behind them before trying them out. Just following a fad mentioned on the internet may cause more harm than good. For instance, rubbing lemon or banana peels can cause tooth enamel to wear away. The acids present to damage the outer covering making it appear yellow after prolonged use.
That said, you can give a whirl at some of them. There are testimonials of coconut oil working for yellow teeth. Similarly, coconut oil mixed with turmeric is another option worth considering.
Expectation: Electric toothbrush is not more than a marketing gimmick
Reality: An electric toothbrush is an effective way to combat staining, resulting in whiter teeth. They are handier than manual toothbrushes in cleaning your teeth and removing plaque. Again it is for those people out there who do not have deep stubborn stains as it helps to keep surface stains at bay.
Expectation: Professional teeth whitening is a miracle solution
Reality: Well, it may seem so but it comes with its set of conditions. It may or may not be an ideal solution for everyone.
Works well on stubborn stains
When done under professional supervision it is safe for enamel and tooth health.
People with permanent teeth and good oral health can benefit from it.
Quick results
Some patients complain of sensitivity after the procedure is over.
Expensive when compared to regular procedures or products.
Not an option If you have problems like tender gums or a receding gum line.
Tooth-colored fillings, crowns, and caps are not to be whitened like the rest of your teeth by this method.
Must only be done in a professional setting.
     Expectation: Teeth will remain white forever after a treatment
Reality:‘Not really’ because every good thing comes with an expiry date including teeth whitening procedures. Although this won’t happen quickly eventually it will. Taking precautions while drinking stain leaving drinks like tea, coffee, dark-colored soda or wine can slow down the process. Getting treatments at a span of a few months will help keep up that bright smile.
Now that you have an idea what are the options available, choose what suits your needs. Always consult a professional healthcare provider before administering any of the procedures stated above which lands you 32smiles for the best dental service. Your bright and warm smile can make someone’s day. Keep smiling!!
Koregaon Park 112, First Floor, Jewel Square, Near Taj Blue Diamond, Koregaon Park, Pune 411001 Contact Number: (020)-41287079
Shivajinagar 1321/1, Premium Point, Opp. Modern Highschool, Near Titan Showroom , J. M. Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411005 Contact Number: (020)-41297079 / (020)-25537079
Monday to Saturday:9.30 am. to 8.30 pm.
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smiles32posts-blog · 6 years
Bad breath is something about which people do feel shameful but do not understand the severity it holds. Medically termed as halitosis, Bad breath is the odor originating from the mouth which may be caused as an implication of poor dental hygiene or as a symptom of an underlying serious disease. Though people think of bad breath as a result of a careless attitude towards lifestyle, the problem can be far more serious than the assumption.
What are the types of Bizarre Breath?
Statistics suggest, out of the total cases of breath, 90% are caused by negligence in dental hygiene and the rest 10% are the indication of a serious health problem.
Having said that, Bad breath can be broadly classified into two categories which are as follows:
Bad breath influenced by oral hygiene
In this case, the origin of bad breath has been caused as a result of improper dental hygiene. This problem is easily treatable and paying proper attention to oral hygiene as well as visiting a dentist will do a great help.
Bad breath indicating a serious health problem
However, in this case, the scenario is complex. It’s quite complicated to determine the exact underlying cause.
What are the causes of Bizarre Breath?
Poor oral hygiene
One of the most common causes for the occurrence of Bad breath is poor oral hygiene which emerges as a result of improper care of dental health. Bacteria residing inside the mouth after reacting with trapped food particles may produce a foul smell or bad breath.
Type of diet consumed
Some eatables are flavored in a manner that they produce a strong smell like onion, garlic, alcohol, coffee etc. Consumption of such type of food can be a reason for bad breath which can be rectified with proper dental care techniques.
Smoking habits
Smoking is another significant cause of bad breath. In addition to bad breath, smoking causes discoloration of teeth, irritation in gums and may affect the taste buds.
Side-effects of Medicines
Certain medicines are of such a nature, consumption of which results in mouth odor. These medicines include chemotherapy, nitrates, phenothiazines etc.
Remedies to cure mouth odor
Adopt good oral hygiene
the basic tip to avoid mouth odor is to adopt good dental hygiene. Brushing twice daily, using floss and mouthwash helps in removal of odor irrespective of the cause of origination.
Quit smoking and alcohol
Smoking and consumption of alcohol become a foundation of a number of disorders including bad breath. Hence, quitting or decreasing the frequency smoking and alcohol does a great help.
Keep a check on the food you consume
As mentioned above, a certain type of foods produces a strange smell which appears as bad breath. Cut short the list of such foods in your diet. If not, brush and floss your teeth after their consumption.
Visit your dentist regularly
Regular visits to a dentist help you in recognizing the hidden reasons which are causing mouth odor and also, helps you track diseases like dry mouth, periodontal diseases etc.
32SMILES is an orthodontic and dental care clinic located in Pune, Maharashtra. Having an experience of 15 years, we assure dependable and trustworthy solutions to all kinds of oral problems and diseases including tooth decay, teeth alignment, gum diseases etc. Our experts aim at providing the best treatment suiting the requirement and severity of the case.
For solutions to your dental problems,
Koregaon Park 112, First Floor, Jewel Square, Near Taj Blue Diamond, Koregaon Park, Pune 411001 Contact Number: (020)-41287079
Shivajinagar 1321/1, Premium Point, Opp. Modern Highschool, Near Titan Showroom , J. M. Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411005 Contact Number: (020)-41297079 / (020)-25537079
Monday to Saturday: 9.30 am. to 8.30 pm.
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smiles32posts-blog · 6 years
According to recent research by Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, dental cavities are the most prevalent oral disease in India whose prevalence is reported to 31.5-89%. Dental Cavities refer to decaying or softening of the enamel resulting in a hole which can damage the entire structure of tooth as well as can affect the other teeth.
Symptoms of Dental Cavity
Pits or dark holes can be observed on the tooth when the cavity has been advanced. This symptom indicates the requirement of immediate attention since the tooth has been damaged to a deep extent.
Pain and Sensitivity
Dental pain is the most common symptom of cavities. While chewing or eating, acute pain can be sensed which is generally identifiable when the cavity is budding, accompanied by sensitivity.
Pus is the most severe symptom of dental cavities which occurs in rare cases. An occurrence of pus in the tooth reflects that the cavity has reached to an extent where it has developed an infection on the tooth. Such a case requires immediate dental assistance.
Certain cavities are not visible with naked eye. If the above symptoms are being experienced with no trace of visibility, an X-Ray is recommended.
Causes of Dental Cavity
Negligence of Oral Health
The major cause of cavities is improper care or negligence of oral health. Lack of attention to oral health lets the plaque build up on the tooth and attack the enamel, resulting in cavities.
Formation of plaque
Plague occurs when bacteria combine with sugar, saliva and food particles. when plague bacteria break down the sugar in the mouth, converting it into acids which can cause cavities.
Consumption of junk food
Junk Food is acidic in nature. Since acids result in the formation of plague, the consumption of acidic food will allow the cavities to occur.
There are a number of treatments available; however, the dentists recommend a particular treatment after examining the severity of the case.
The most commonly recommended treatments are as follows:
Tooth filling
Tooth filling refers to a procedure where the dentist removes the decayed material of the tooth and after cleaning it, inserts the filling which brings to the tooth back in the same position in which it was before decaying. There are a number of fillings including gold, silver, plastic resins and porcelain. The choice of the filling can be influenced by the chances of allergy to certain material, where the cavity is present, cost etc.
Dental cap
Dental caps, commonly known as crowns are a tool through which the decayed tooth is encircled after the removable of the decayed material. In case of large cavities, customized caps are placed on the tooth to replace the natural crown.
Root Canal
If the cavities have reached to the root of the tooth, this treatment is recommended. Root Canal treatment refers to operating the decayed tooth by removing the damaged material, nerve tissues, and blood vessel tissues. After the treatment, the dentist might place a cap on the tooth.
32SMILES is an orthodontic and dental health care clinic which provides solutions to all kinds of dental problems. We believe in providing proficient treatment as per the requirement and the intensity of the case. Our experts provide affordable and dependable treatments for dental cavities. So, if you sense any of the above symptoms:
Koregaon Park 112, First Floor, Jewel Square, Near Taj Blue Diamond, Koregaon Park, Pune 411001 Contact Number: (020)-41287079
Shivajinagar 1321/1, Premium Point, Opp. Modern Highschool, Near Titan Showroom , J. M. Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411005 Contact Number: (020)-41297079 / (020)-25537079
Monday to Saturday: 9.30 am. to 8.30 pm.
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smiles32posts-blog · 6 years
Lack of awareness is the main culprit of the dental problems among children. Teeth are also a vital part of our body that needs a regular checkup and of course, maintenance. Poor dental health is capable enough to develop a considerable inter-space between your kids and their school. They fall sick very often and you even become ignorant about the real cause of such adverse effects. Tooth decay in young children is due to the lack of oral health awareness. Many parents do not keep up the habit of making their kids have a visit to the dentist regularly. It is essentially important to keep your child’s general health in pace, by attaining sufficient knowledge on ‘How to prevent tooth decay in children’.
Tooth Decay in Young Ones
Children fall ill due to numerous reasons. But you need to be attentive on the oral health of your kid too. Sometimes, poor oral health becomes the root cause of many diseases. One of the common abnormalities detected in children is the tooth decay. Inadequate oral care leads to such circumstances. Here are some of the crucial tips on how to prevent tooth decay in children.
Take extreme care on the food that you offer to your child.
Have a regular checkup with your dentist at regular intervals.
Give importance to brushing their teeth. Brushing is not to just do it for sake, once in the morning. Make sure that they brush their teeth even before they get into sleep.
It is better if they brush their teeth every time after having their junks.
Make sure you are choosing the right toothpaste for your Most dentists to prefer fluoride toothpaste. Consult a dentist, and have confirmation.
Even for the babies, it is advisable to remove the plaques with light brushing or wiping, from their first ever grown tooth.
Help the kids in brushing their teeth until age 6 and is advisable to supervise their brushing pattern until the age of 11.
Let them brush their teeth at least for two solid minutes.
Do not let them over munch on chocolates, sweets and similar such food items that trigger tooth spoilage.
Do not wait for the dental issues to take place. Get the right treatment and checkups, without any unnecessary delays.
Avoid the habit of sharing spoons among children.
Do not try medicating or cure dental issues with the help of home remedies. Sometimes, such practice may induce heavy dental infection and lead to other complicated issues.
‘Brush up Clean’ is the magic word for keeping your kid’s general health better. Right from early childhood, build the habit of visiting the dentist at regular intervals. It is only when you as a parent, have the regularization of visiting dentist, they will line up into the approach. Teach them to follow the requisite habits that truly lead to a healthier lifestyle. This way, you will find no decay in their teeth or in their general health.
Koregaon Park 112, First Floor, Jewel Square, Near Taj Blue Diamond, Koregaon Park, Pune 411001 Contact Number: (020)-41287079
Shivajinagar 1321/1, Premium Point, Opp. Modern Highschool, Near Titan Showroom , J. M. Road, Shivaji Nagar, Pune 411005 Contact Number: (020)-41297079 / (020)-25537079
Monday to Saturday: 9.30 am. to 8.30 pm.
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