smutandahalf · 3 years
Decided to do NaNoWriMo this year on a complete whim... came up with a. 2 sentence story idea at literally 11:59PM on October 31st and by noon on November 1 I managed to have a fully fledged outline... 
Just finished chapter one tonight so wish me luck... kind of contemplating posting it chapter by chapter on Wattpad if anyone is interested..
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smutandahalf · 3 years
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smutandahalf · 3 years
That’s Mrs. Smutandahalf to you…
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smutandahalf · 3 years
Writing Prompts
Trying to get back into writing... anyone want to give me some prompts? I’m not doing Dylan/fanfics.... just trying to write out some small little blurbs!
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smutandahalf · 3 years
When people start commenting on “The Anthology” on Wattpad asking where the stolen version of Sinners is posted because it was “starting to get really good”….
I forgot how easily the internet can completely shred your writing confidence without even meaning to…
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smutandahalf · 3 years
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The Anthology (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/281091905-the-anthology?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=TheRealSmutandahalf&wp_originator=xTSqWnW2mazhbupEeqEtTGWYYMTR6X%2F%2BDKD7bI3IjiZz2HmNFFpGTlKxmjZSO39mKFjnJupB%2B%2FRJkx7X%2B2BwHunGbRVyG2e%2BAzaAuGqDHf6iEP5KZlKR%2BmUulJZOA5tD The full collection of Smutandahalf's works. Can You Teach Me- Stiles Just How I Like It- Stiles Say It Again- Stiles For Research- Stiles Adventures With Roscoe- Stiles You Are What You Drink- Stiles Psychology & Pheromones- Stiles Finding Balance- Stiles Out Of My Mind- Stiles/Void Unwavering- Stiles/Void Heathens- Void Sinners- Stiles Confidential- Stuart On The Rocks- Stuart Delicate- Dave
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smutandahalf · 3 years
I took a long break from tumblr and i come back and you’re gone 😧 I’ve been reading your stuff for years , have always been an admirer of your writing, good luck to you and your future endeavors! Hope to be seeing your new stuff soon
I took a long break too... just can’t seem to stay away though! I will be doing more writing, but it will most likely be my own worlds/characters now.
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smutandahalf · 3 years
Miss you!! Come back lol
Don’t worry, I’m back!😜
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smutandahalf · 3 years
congratulations on your wedding!! i hope you and your partner live a long and happy life together! ❤❤❤
Thank you! We are very excited & happy together. I got my tall & sarcastic brunette after all😉 (not named Dylan, but Tyler is pretty close 🤣)
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smutandahalf · 3 years
I’m so sorry to be a pain but when are you gonna upload your stories to wattpad. Obviously you don’t have to but I just wanted to ask
Hi there! I spent last night compiling all of them, (including digging my old laptop out of the attic so that I could grab one that Tumblr too down & a few chapters of Sinners), I’m hoping to finish formatting them today and have them up by tonight! It could be tomorrow at the latest, though!
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smutandahalf · 3 years
Hello Again, Lovelies...
Hello All! 
I know, I just can’t seem to stay away... 
A few days ago I received an email from a submission on this account that someone had taken Sinners and was adding to it on Wattpad. Needless to say my initial reaction was to be absolutely furious, it took @completedylantrash and I THREE YEARS to finish it, and someone took it without permission and was adding onto it. 
I know writing is a fandom is a tricky thing... fanfiction in general is taking something that someone else created and adding more to it. Fanfiction makes no money, we do not make it onto the NY Best Seller List (unless you completely change it into something brand new), we are ultimately causing no harm to those who ARE making money off of it. Taking someone else’s fanfiction and then creating you own additions to it just feels... I almost can’t explain what it feels like. We spent hours writing Sinners (and all my other fics), hours when I had no friends and was rebuilding a relationship with my family. Hours where I sat on my lunch break scribbling in a notebook because being a made up character felt better than being me. I spent those hours writing to make up for all the shitty dates I went on, every hook up that ended with me being ignored and feeling useless and pathetic and turning them into something else. 2016-2017 was the height of my popularity with a new fic coming out almost every couple of days because it was all I had to keep me from falling apart. 
Very few people know this, but when I decided to no longer be active on my blog was because I found myself in a healthy relationship and fell in love. I am getting married in October. I have come a very long way from who I was. With that being said, every stolen piece of writing (even those with the best intentions) and despite being given credit... are the hurt and shredded pieces of my past self. Every word, every line, is a kernel of someone that I was and will always be. While my stories are favorites of many, whether for fun or because they too need a chance to slip into someone else for a few thousand words, they should not ever be distributed by anyone that isn't me. 
With that being said, I am not deleting my stories. I might even start writing some other things on here. I recognize now that I can do both. I can be happy & healed AND I can create things on this blog and other places. So, I am going to fix my master list and I am going to create a compilation on Wattpad. Since that’s where my stolen stories end up, I think it’s time to finally put them there myself. 
My messages are always open. I do not believe in holding onto resentments. I’m looking forward to rebuilding on friendships and creating new ones. 
All the best,
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smutandahalf · 3 years
about your books
hey i don’t know if you knew this but someone on wattpad has reposted your story (sinners) and has been adding to it. i know authors usually don’t like when people repost their stuff on websites so i thought i should notify you. they did give you credit but as i said they’ve been adding onto it and i just felt uncomfortable with the thought in my head that you possibly didn’t know about it.
Hi, thank you for letting me know! I have reached out to the author. I don’t mind reposts since I am no longer active, but I am not okay with people changing completed works. Thank you for bringing it to my attention!
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smutandahalf · 6 years
Evolving & Moving on
Hello, little loves!
Thank you all for making this experience on Tumblr so amazing. I had started this blog early in 2016 and it gave me a great place to express story ideas that were swirling around in my head. You have all been so amazing and supportive and I have loved getting to know all of you. It was a blast getting to have such a safe space for my “alter ego” to be free. 
I’m writing to you all now to tell you that I will no longer be writing or updating or maintaining this blog at all. This decision was made for various reasons.
The first being: I got a new laptop and no longer have access to my original stories to re-upload or fix any that have been flagged or are just straight up being tech-nically stupid. 
The second being: I’m no longer the same girl that was in that mental space for writing on that level. I have changed and my priorities and interests have as well. That being said, I DO still write, but it is my own fictional world with my own characters for a book that I hope to some day publish. 
That being said, if you would like to follow my personal blog please feel free to message me for the details. I will check this blog consistently for about 2 weeks in order to respond to any messages that come through and then sporadically after that for about a month.
Thank you all for everything!!<3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
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smutandahalf · 6 years
I can’t read part 7 of Can you teach me It says something about sensitive stuff Do you know how can I fix this?
Might have something to do with your privacy settings? I don’t know why only that part is “sensitive” because the whole series is just... thot-y AF but who knows. I don’t really know about the new Tumblr rules for pics because I haven’t been posting
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smutandahalf · 6 years
Hi there! I just followed your blog and went to read your stuff but the mobile master list, I also saw that you posted about it not working and just thought I’d let you know
The master list is broken apparently, I have no idea how to fix it.... I also have a new laptop and don’t have the original files BUT I believe I did tag them all with #smutandahalf so maybe check out that tag??? Hopefully that works!
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smutandahalf · 6 years
Hey lovely lady, I just read Sinners and holy shit it was incredible!!! What an ending! LOVED every single word. Great concept. Thank you x
I am so happy to hear you enjoyed it! I figured I owed it to @completedylantrash , the readers, and myself to finally finish it. I hope it was a satisfying ending for you!
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smutandahalf · 6 years
I just discovered your blog and found your writing! I love all of it and was wondering if you still write anymore?
Hi there! Thank you for reaching out to me! I’m glad you’re been enjoying my writing!
Unfortunately, I don’t really write anymore. I also lost my log-in for this account and couldn't remember what email it was linked to so I JUST managed to get back in. I probably won’t write anything new but occasionally I do like to pop up and randomly drop a fic with absolutely no warning. 
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