snake-tarot · 3 years
Hii im P. May I request a reading on what tarot archetype(s) do I embody? I'm curious! Thank you, have a nice day.
I’m not sure what you’re asking for, I’m sorry
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snake-tarot · 3 years
General Tarot Reading
For male or masculine-identified individuals named Jasper or Noah, who may have a girlfriend or partner, this message is for you.
5 of Cups - A situation may not have turned out the way you expected, and you may be sad, angry, or disappointed. All you can focus on right now is the ways in which you failed, and it is time to move past it. You may be stuck in the past unable to let things go, and it’s time to move on.
3 of Pentacles - Now is the time to collaborate with others to see results. You know what you want to create, you’ve gathered the resources, and now you’re starting the project. This card serves as encouragement to tell you that you’re on the right track.
Page of Cups reversed - You are keeping your creative ideas or projects secret, for fear someone else will steal them or discourage you from pursuing them. Listen to your intuition and trust yourself to decide whether it’s time to move forward or not.
The World reversed revealed itself while I shuffled this reading, so that card is included.
The World reversed -  You are seeking closure on a personal issue. You may opt for the easiest or quickest way to get to the end, but that’s not what you need and will not bring you the closure you seek. You need to experience the hardships to get to the end.
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snake-tarot · 3 years
Hi! Could I have a reading for my upcoming job interview? I would like to know if I'll get the job and if it'll be an overall positive change for me. Thank you always! -PD
I wasn't sure if you wanted a tarot reading or pendulum, since those could both be yes/no answers- but I thought a tarot reading might give you more insight so I went with that, using a 5 card spread specifically for job interviews.
Position one (the strengths you have coming into the interview):
Ace of Swords - You may be on the verge of a significant breakthrough. This card is a sign of encouragement to embrace new ideas and open up your mind to learning new things.
Position two (the weaknesses you have in relation to the position):
2 of Swords - You may be facing a challenging decision, and are unsure of which path to take. Use your head and your heart to find the path that will lead you to the best outcome.
Position three (advice for the interview):
5 of Cups reversed - You may have recently suffered a personal setback or disappointment. Now may be the time to open up to others about the pain you are in. You are realizing the full implications of the past, and you appreciate the lessons you learned from an experience.
Position four (advice for the interview):
The Tower - Expect the unexpected. Massive change, upheaval, and chaos are about to unfold, whether you are prepared or not. Just when you think you’re comfortable, The Tower is going to throw a disaster at you that will shake you to your core. The truth comes to light from the destruction. Allow things to fall apart so that you may rebuild, though the fall will happen whether you accept it or not.
Position five (overall takeaway):
9 of Pentacles - You have worked hard to create abundance in your life, and the Nine of Pentacles says now you can finally enjoy the fruits of your labor. Thanks to your independent efforts, self-confidence and discipline, you attained a well-deserved success and created a stable foundation for your material wealth and comfort. Now, sit back, relax and enjoy the luxuries and pleasures of the good life – money, leisure time, fun, material comfort and rest.
This reading has some mixed messages, but overall it seems that despite the- possibly intense- problems you're going to encounter, shown by the tower card, it will be worth it in the end to reach that nine of pentacles moment.
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snake-tarot · 3 years
Hi! I wanted to request a pendulum reading if thats alright with you.
Is MA afraid of falling for me? Will I see him this month? Next? And if next, will it be after Newport? Thank you so much! -PD
Using my metal spiral pendulum, here are your answers:
Is MA afraid of falling for you?: Strong maybe
Will you see him this month?: No
Will you see him next month?: Weak yes
Will you see him after Newport?: Weak unknown
After performing this reading, I had a very strong urge to light cleansing incense and light my protection candle because the energy was so heavy and negative immediately. So perhaps be very careful with MA, or the way you go about seeing him.
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snake-tarot · 3 years
Daily Tarot Reading
For people (possibly feminine/female-identified) with initials B or G, with blonde hair and/or freckles, this reading is for you.
10 of Wands - You are taking on an extra workload or greater responsibility in this time. This may be subconscious or a conscious decision. Either way this is only temporary, as the ten of a suit marks a completion in cycle. The ending is near, and you have the strength to push through to the end of this increased workload.
King of Cups - You have gained control of your feelings, and can accept them without letting them get to you. If you are being challenged personally, you are recommended to stay calm and remain emotionally mature.
7 of Pentacles reversed - Your efforts may be scattered at this time, and you may be worrying that you’ve invested in the wrong things. Examine where you are putting your energy and make sure you are satisfied with your progress.
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snake-tarot · 3 years
hi! for my pendulum question i’d like to know - will i ever develop romantic feelings for a boy? i’m E. any pendulum you’d like to use is fine! thank you!
Using my amethyst pendulum, your answer was a strong yes.
However, if this is a matter of questioning sexuality, I encourage you to consult and trust your own intuition in the matter as well.
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snake-tarot · 3 years
Daily Tarot Reading
For people with initials J, X, K, F, or R; this reading is for you. The shuffling of this reading was very difficult and messy, you may have gotten yourself into a very complicated situation.
Justice reversed - You know you’ve done something that isn’t right, and you have a choice. Either you can hide it, or you can own up to your mistakes. You may choose either, but you have to live with your conscience, so do what feels right. You may not be willing to take accountability for your actions, and you may be hurting others in doing so, reassess your situation and find where you can take responsibility and make things right. On the flip side, you may be being overly critical of yourself, take the time to show yourself some compassion and understanding, we all make mistakes and do things we regret.
6 of Swords reversed - You may be going through a personal or spiritual transition or rite of passage so you can leave behind a relationship, belief, or behavioral pattern that is no longer serving you. At times, the Six of Swords reversed indicates that you know you need to make a change or transition in your life but are reluctant to do so. You may hope that the issue will go away on its own and you won’t need to wrangle with this difficult decision.
10 of Cups reversed - You are seeking greater harmony in your relationships. You may have hoped for a beautiful, harmonious relationship, but in reality you feel disengaged and disconnected from your loved one. Seek out common ground with your loved ones and build from there.
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snake-tarot · 3 years
Hiii it's P! Tysm for this reading!! It resonated SO. WELL. It also made me feel good and powerful(?) hehe. Tysm for your time and energy, have a nice day! <3
No problem, I'm glad it helped you.
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snake-tarot · 3 years
Hello Vulture! I'm a new follower. I saw that you're offering free tarot readings? May I request for one? Actually I need an answer to this: am I on the right path in love? For the past few days, I've been feeling anxious and a little restless about my love life. I keep seeing angel numbers, other significant numbers and signs and synchronicities, but I still doubt them.
My initial is P and I'm a libra sun, Scorpio moon and Sagittarius rising (in case u need them).
Thank you! Have a nice day!
Hello, of course you can requests a reading! I wasn't sure whether you wanted a relationship spread specifically or not, so I went with a general three-card spread.
Strength - You have great stamina and persistence, people often overlook your power because it is so subtle, and that is an advantage to you. You do not need outward, excessive force to control a situation. You may be going through a rough time right now, and the Strength card calls you to take a deep breath and press on, you have the power to get through this.
King of Wands reversed - You are in a leadership position, but not yet ready to step into that role. Alternatively, you may be aggressive or arrogant in your attempt to lead others, be sure you’re not putting others off-side or taking contributions for granted. You may be setting unrealistic expectations for yourself or others.
9 of Wands reversed - You are struggling to keep working toward your goal. You may be very close to giving up, but know that you are extremely close to overcoming this challenge. You have the power to turn this challenge into a fantastic success. You may also feel overcome by your responsibilities or lack the support of those around you, in which case it is recommended that- if you know this is a temporary setback, to push onward, or conversely if you see no end in sight, consider seeking professional help.
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snake-tarot · 3 years
Apologies for the lack of daily readings for today/the next couple days. It’s Thanksgiving and I’m spending it with my partners and their family, and would like to rest after as I happen to also be sick.
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snake-tarot · 3 years
Daily Tarot Reading
For people with names starting with the letters J or A, and people with red hair, this message is for you.
Knight of Swords: You are highly driven, ambitious, and action-oriented. You will stop at nothing to pursue your dreams. This card reminds you to be assertive of what you want. However, sometimes you act too quickly and may not have thought things through appropriately.
The Fool reversed: You’ve conceived a new project, but you’re hesitating to bring it into existence. Something is holding you back. You may be stuck at a standstill questioning whether it’s the right timing or not. However, The Fool reversed may also be telling you that you’re taking too many risks, and need to take that step back to reconsider.
10 of Wands: You are taking on an extra workload or greater responsibility in this time. This may be subconscious or a conscious decision. Either way this is only temporary, as the ten of a suit marks a completion in cycle. The ending is near, and you have the strength to push through to the end of this increased workload.
The Tower reversed revealed itself clearly while I shuffled this reading, so that card is included.
The Tower reversed: You are instigating a significant personal upheaval. You are calling into question your belief systems and values, or may be going through an existential crisis and questioning your purpose. You know this is for the best, to step into a new version of yourself.
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snake-tarot · 3 years
Daily Tarot Reading
3 of Pentacles - Now is the time to collaborate with others to see results. You know what you want to create, you’ve gathered the resources, and now you’re starting the project. This card serves as encouragement to tell you that you’re on the right track.
7 of Pentacles reversed - Your efforts may be scattered at this time, and you may be worrying that you’ve invested in the wrong things. Examine where you are putting your energy and make sure you are satisfied with your progress.
4 of Pentacles - Examine your relationship with money. You may be hoarding wealth, afraid to lose it, instead of investing wisely. Ina positive state, this card may also suggest that you have created wealth and abundance with your mindset and actions.
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snake-tarot · 3 years
Daily Tarot Reading
For people with names starting with: M, E, J, R, or Q, this message is for you.
5 of Swords reversed: You have been fighting hard with another person, and you’ve reached a point of exhaustion. You want the fighting to be over. You may be trying to walk away from an argument or conflict and finding that it’s still following you.
6 of Cups: You may be revisiting happy memories from your childhood or past. This is a time for you to revisit childhood, childish activities, or physical representations of your childhood (an old home, a high school reunion, etc.) This card may also directly represent children in your life (perhaps a pregnancy for you or someone close to you, possibly twins. Or it may be inviting you to talk to the children in your life and learn from them.
Knight of Cups: You thrive on beauty and are inspired by the creative outlets around you. Now is the time to start a creative project you’ve planned and wanted to act on. You may find yourself drawn to a particular hobby, now is the time to “make something” of it.
The Ace of Pentacles card fell out repeatedly while shuffling this reading, so I will be including that card here as well:
Ace of Pentacles: As an Ace, this card represents new beginnings, and as a Pentacles card, it’s likely these new beginnings and opportunities are of financial nature. There may be new job opportunities, a new business investment, or a sudden acquisition of money. This is a sign to pursue those endeavors, now is the time.
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snake-tarot · 3 years
Pinned Post
Hello, my name is Vulture or Bruno. I go by He/Him and Xe/Xem pronouns This is my blog for divination and general witchcraft related blogging. 
I will sometimes post (used to be daily but I got burnt out quickly) three-card tarot readings to hone my skill (and partly to gain engagement and reach through posting.) Sometimes (or most times) these readings will be accompanied by certain information I get from the reading (ex: “For people with names starting with [list of letters], this reading is for you.”) I feel this is a good way to practice and build my psychic ability and intuition.
I don’t have a DNI, I will simply block anyone that makes me uncomfortable/that I don’t want interacting with my content. I find that DNI’s generally only keep away the respectful people you’d prefer to keep around.
I allow and encourage requests, and I will detail what I offer and what I do not below the cut - PLEASE READ THROUGH THESE BEFORE REQUESTING!
What I offer:
Tarot Readings
You may request a general tarot reading and I will give you a default three-card reading
You may ask a question you want answered through tarot and I will give you a default three card reading for that question
You may request a specific number of cards and/or a specific spread (either for a general reading or a specific question.) 
I will provide meanings for every card!
Pendulum Readings
You may request a yes or no question and I will use my pendulum to give you a yes/no/maybe/unsure answer, and how strongly the answer came through. 
In addition to your yes or no question, I’ll allow you to have a choice of which of my pendulums I use for the question (this choice is optional, you can also just not request a specific pendulum and I’ll use whichever one calls to me)
The pendulums I currently own are: Amethyst with a metal chain and amethyst ball at the top; malachite with a metal chain and metal key at the top; and a metal drill-like spiral with a metal chain and metal ball at the top
My boundaries/what I do not offer/will not do:
Mass requests for tarot - it takes energy to do these readings, and as a disabled witch I can’t be wasting my energy on 10 different tarot readings in one request (mass pendulum readings are fine as they are quick yes or no answers)
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