Ads are just like: "...save time...!"
But, you see, time is unsalvageable. Irredeemable. Truly the most unstoppable, villainous fiend. The ticking of the clock will drive you insane as you crumble, as you spiral. And you may stop the clock, but you can't stop the coming and going of moments.
I could say many more negative things on the subject. I have thoughts stowed away. But, I'll focus one of the bright sides now (no, ew!). Many a moment of the many that come and go can be positive, even if it be but a flicker of light in the dark. And they will surprise you, those moment of warmth. Is there anything more beautiful? The fact that we are not aware of what will happen in the future means that we are unaware of the corners behind which happiness can be found. And isn't that something to look forward to? A surprise gift of happiness to brighten our day someday in the future.
May time be merciful to you, and may it (at least occasionally) bear gifts.
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I have a "journal" (personal google doc). And I just let any and all feelings live there freely, but boy, oh, boy, am I glad it's private. 'Cuz that thing is DRAMATIC. Very over-exaggerated, which makes sense, given the fact it is based on feelings more so than thoughts.
Apparently, in the last entry from a bit ago, I signed it off: "Anyways, I hope I get to live."
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NOOOOOO! Don't die on me! I don't feel so good for absolutely no identifiable reason (not that I'm trying to identify one) and need the dopamine!!! COMPUTER! NOOOOOOOOO!
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There being many different types of intelligence, it is implied that there are just as many different forms of stupidity.
In my life, I first found out I was smart, and it was until more recent years that I found out that although I am smart in a couple ways, I am also very stupid in more ways.
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You know what? I don't want to change my VPN every six months cause it was caught selling information. I don't want to go deep into the settings of every website I so much as look at. I don't want my internet browsing to be a constant leap through hoops so that companies can't do things which should be illegal anyway. I want privacy to be the default and for it to be difficult to take it away, not the other way around. Is that too much to ask?
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When I die, you have permission to spit on my grave as much and as long as you want in all the time I remain under ground (probably the rest of my death), but I ask that you please try to water it as evenly as possible, if you could.
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You ever need to do something but then remember something else you need to do, so you end up doing the second thing and forgetting the first thing? 'Cuz... yeah.
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Don't you hate it when you would dream of helping people, but the society you live in celebrates selfishness that isn't the right type of selfishness where you're encouraged to pursue your dreams and be passionate about things?
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You ever have to choose between two things, so you just get stuck and do neither?
Like, I feel the urge to write, but I feel the urge to draw. Which should I do?
...Watch random Youtube videos it is.
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The pronouns of the voices in my head: "me/you"
That's how they all refer to one another.
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wear my heart on my knee
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Someone: *asks me a question*
Me *following the recipe for an answer/opinion by microwaving my tongue in my mouth for thirty seconds or more, depending on question*: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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One of the scenes where someone is playing a piano and another person is on top the piano, and I'm the person on top of the piano. But instead of wearing a sexy dress or something, I'm wearing a cute one, instead of actively flirting, I'm lounging on it. Unless the music gets really good; then I look over and make an "Ooooh" face. Then I lie down on top of the piano on my back and my head tips back and it's hanging off the piano's edge so I'm not quite seeing things upside down. And then saliva in my mouth goes into my throat and I start choking and dying on my own saliva, and in my panic, I manage to slam a bunch of the keys on the piano and kick the pianist on the head.
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Bear with me?
No, bear not with me. Bear elsewhere. I know not where. In fact, bear never with me. If bear with me, I'll let you know.
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I've been saying, "Kill me dead," with no sincerity and for no reason.
As if there was a different way to be killed.
Just: "kill me to life," or something?
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(Did you look? Well, you weren't supposed to.)
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