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Choose an animal over a man anytime and every time..choose a devil ,ghost,demon ,vampire anything really over a man.Man are ahhh im out of words ,how much should i hate them...is it humanely possible to have this much hatred.
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I think one of the reasons I really loved hermione granger when I first read the books is bc she was mad as hell all the time like girl me too!!! Just so done with ron and harry and everybody else like that was meeeeee
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cis sapphic: of course i’m trans inclusive
trans sapphic: do you wanna get dinner or a drink some time
cis sapphic: ew no i hate dick
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omg I’m doing research for one of projects for college, and apparently, girls learn better when they’re in an all girls class, but boys learn even worse when they’re in an all boys class, because all the negative things become even stronger of there are no girls to act as “buffer”
get rid of the boys and let girl learn in peace, i couldn’t care less about them
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Azaelia Banks defends Taylor Swift against Elon Musk's sexual harassment:
“Nah this is sexual harassment. Taylor should flex on his ass and sue him for loads of cash n level up to be the most undefeatable richest woman in the history of music. Take his fucking money taylorrrrrrr!!!!”
(September 12, 2024)
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It hurts so much to see women hating their own bodies, their reproductive system mostly. The menstruation cycle is a beautiful thing imo and our periods are not even supposed to hurt so much. The pain and all the pms symptoms we experience are a sign of hormonal imbalances, and yes, guess why almost every women today has a hormonal imbalances? Because of patriarchy and capitalism. Because this a world made by men for men. Because they've never considered our well-being.
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In general, killed for disobeying Islam and worse, being a woman who disobeys Islam. Raped because a young, disobedient women offers an opportunity for Muslim males to brutalize a woman under the philosophical cover of a direction from a higher authority. For a Muslim what's not to like?
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oh my fucking goddd
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Acktually it’s ummm TRANSPHOBIC to acknowledge the biological reality that 2 women can’t make a baby naturally 🤓
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“Look at this dumbass terf who cant even tell the difference between rape on video and acting. Like I think we would know if the actress was actually being raped for my cnc porn!”
“Woah did you guys know that actress Shelley Duval was actually being tortured while she was playing the role of Wendy from The Shining?? I would have never known, but those tears and exhausted looks were all real!! I thought she was a really good actress but it turns out the director had been abusing her and overworking her to the point of mental break! Isn’t this a fun tidbit of cinema history!”
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Exhibit 1392
I accidentally deleted the previous one
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when they said “question everything you hear” it did in fact include what the left projects onto walls and calls you a bigot for questioning.
you should question something that you hear over and over again with no further explanation provided.
question, think, and research until you get an answer.
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