snowervi · 5 years
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Cherri couldn’t remember a time when he had actually celebrated Halloween. His friends had loved it, the innumerable teenagers of the Zones had all crawled out of their hiding places to sing and scream into the heavens. Yet even with hearing the concerts carry across the emptied desert, on a day Dracs knew not to attack, Cherri had neer bothered to share in the revelry. 
And to be honest, he wasn’t seeing the point in it. One of his neighbors had given him an old costume (a vampire hunter, she had said. How scarily fitting), had helped him with the harder to find parts. “That would be the scariest part of the night. Fighting our way through everyone.”
A what? “Never. I’m not sure how much I’d like seeing space battles. Doesn’t seem to be my sort of thing,” He’d had enough battles for a lifetime, but space battles? Maybe that would be a change. Something so far removed from his own reality to where it might be… entertaining. Maybe.
jon eyed the entrance to the manor, and it was quite elaborate but it gave jon a strange feeling. as if something in him was telling him to turn back, take cherri with him, and retire for the night at his little apartment with a movie marathon. he turned back to his friend, trying to shake the creepy feeling running down his spine and to just enjoy a nice event with his friend. “with the two of us, let them try.” he gave a smile, putting a hand on cherri’s shoulder. “let’s head in.” 
as he went up the rest of the stairs to the door that opened for them, jon’s eyebrows nearly shot up into his hair. “yer tellin’ me that you haven’t seen it? my friend,” a chuckle bubbled out of the man as he squeezed cherri’s shoulder. “whenever we’re both free, i am forcin’ you to watch it.” jon would so have a star wars movie marathon with cherri, the thought of introducing his friend to one of his favorite series was exciting. “they have cool space battles. with lasers and swords like this, oh, and magic.” although, jon had always been wary with magic. 
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snowervi · 5 years
jon had frozen in place the moment his eyes laid upon that w o m a n. he could feel his insides twisting, and his jaw clenched. he hadn’t ran into her for awhile, and really, he should have known better than to attend a very public event. he glanced around her, wondering where it was that her dear new husband was. as if he hadn’t heard, as if the gossip hadn’t reached his ears. the grip on his goblet tightening as their eyes met and she may as well have reached into his chest and s q u e e z e d his beating heart.
his name fluttered off her lips and jon was half surprised she hadn’t run away at her first look of him. wouldn’t that have been better than this? “rin.” he managed to get her name out, but his eyes pulled away from her. jon was still quite bothered by their break up, how quickly she had fled from him with no answers or willingness to save something he hadn’t realized was in danger of falling apart. “didn’t think i’d see you here.”
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{ @snowervi​ ]
in a masked crowd you would think that you’d go unnoticed by certain individuals. avoidance : that’s one her specialties . to avoid creating more problems for others , despite the opposite occurring. she knew that was true for the one who stood a good ten feet from her and yet she’d recognize him anywhere. a shallow breath passed her crimson lips ; a feeble attempt to settle nerves. nothing could ever really swallow down the fear of AKITO being behind this. it would be the perfect dose of karmic energy that she deserved. but it was causing damage to the people around her . they are paying a price that isn’t their own. she couldn’t find joel anywhere , maybe he’s with chloe ? the thought was enough to convince her that it might be true. “ jon. “ she spoke in greeting , the undertone of her voice laced with caution as she went against her first instinct. to run away from him. 
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snowervi · 5 years
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snowervi · 5 years
jon had thought, at first, that he wouldn’t go as anything. that this halloween, he’d just stay home and maybe rewatch the star wars movies alone. in surprising events, he ended up convincing himself out of this plan and decided to go to the manor for the party. having ended up pulling together a kylo ren outfit, that really was just a bunch of black robes layered on and a fancy lightsaber that he had collected awhile ago. he would’ve worn the helmet, if it wasn’t so suffocating and stuffy. 
he also planned to go with cherri, one of his closest buddies. jon made his way to his destination, walking in big strides as he came upon the staircase. he smiled, noticing cherri there waiting for him and then his eyes peered around to take in the scenery. “aye, i am right there with you.” he agreed, turning his attention back to his friend. 
“oh, this thing?” he grinned, putting the saber into both his hands. “it’s a lightsaber. you ever seen star wars before?” jon asked, swinging the prop around. he had a real sword back at home, one that stayed in it’s sheath. he’d hold it in his hands and wonder why it felt so familiar. as far as he knew, he’d never used a sword before ( in another life, he’d use it many times. striking fierce, with justice, and sometimes with  t r a g e d y  . )
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Cherri waited on the steps of the manor, the faded grey building looming above him. They had certainly got the ambiance right, the terror associated with Halloween. Truth be told, he hadn’t expected them to go this far. A few cheery pumpkins, some gaudy themed food. Not a full party that looked like it was more of a masquerade ball.
He saw a familiar form grow in the distance, a half-smile gracing his face. It was nice to have friends again, ones he didn’t have to parent or look after. As Jon came into full view, Cherri fully stood, walking the last few steps to greet him.
“Not sure I’m ready for this many people,” he spoke, taking in the other’s costume. He unsurprisingly didn’t recognize the black robes, nor the fake weapon. “… Your sword glows.” Was what he said, brows furrowing. Never had seen something like that before.
@snowervi​ !!
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snowervi · 5 years
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#me trying to ignore all my problems
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snowervi · 5 years
jon had believed in this lifetime, that he had grown up with lyanna S N O W. his wonderful, single mother who doted on him and who he loved more than anything. he hadn’t known of any starks, or half siblings or any other sort of family. it had just been his mother and him, for years, and he truly believed that -- or at least he tried. there had always been a feeling that there was something missing, an emptiness in his chest that he could never explain nor did he ever want to utter it even more into existence. so he let it simmer. 
he had known of the godswood, his mother had frequented there at times and on this day -- he felt something calling to him. for a brief moment he thought it may be his mother’s spirit, but he shook his head and continued to let his feet carry him to his destination. he had never been one to bow his head, hold his hands together and praise the gods. yet, he felt as if he had to go to the godswoods this instant. that there was something pushing him forward, urging him on and beckoning him to the great tree that he’d only seen a few times. (  at least in this lifetime, for he’d seen it a great number of times in another.  )
finally arriving, he comes to a halt as he notices a figure in front of the great tree. a man, one that at first, he doesn’t think is actually there. a ghost ? but then they speak, and he is frozen once again. a voice so familiar, a visage so familiar and he feels that ache in his chest again, empty and wishing for something and he can’t put his finger on it. “my mother use to pray here.” he says, eyes sliding past the man to the tree where his mother had whispered all her prayers in hopes of answers. “i don’t think she received any answers.” and he had a feeling, that neither would he. standing here with a familiar and yet unfamiliar man and that hollowness in his chest. 
the man turns around and jon is forced to look upon his face. one that he’s sure he’s dreamed about. has heard echos of something along the lines of  k i n g  of  the  n o r t h.  nightmares that would plague him most of his life -- a man with a wolf’s head sewn where his human head should be. and jon was screaming, and he’d wake in a cold sweat with only his confusion and the fading nightmares in his mind. this man before him, voices his name and jon instinctively takes a step forward. “aye. . . ? is this another dream ?” he questions, eyebrows furrowing and he’s looking around their environment as if he could figure out if this was to be another nightmare again. “do i . . .  know you ?”
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              the godswood of winterfell is the only place on the island where robb can feel a sliver of peace.  he’s vigil and on edge most of his days, and his recurring dreams did nothing to quell his growing restlessness.  it’s often that he finds himself seeking solace in the place his father had done the same not very long ago.  yet as he stands beneath the weirwood’s red leaves now, there’s an aching feeling growing in his chest that he can no longer ignore.  it seemed that even in a place as sacred as the godswood, there was something undeniably wrong.  when he gazes into the heart tree, their eyes are nothing if not hollow, and he certainly doesn’t feel the weight of the gods’ gaze when he prays.  regardless, robb prays.  he  prays  that his dreams are nothing more than dreams and that his qualms are nothing but misguided.  he’d be naive to think they’d be answered, but there isn’t much else left for him to do.  he hates this feeling of helplessness he feels on the island, because he knows he doesn’t belong here and yet the world seemed intent on convincing him otherwise.  
               his prayers cease when he hears footsteps approaching from behind though finds himself unperturbed by the interruption.  if the gods are real, then they’re not listening anyway.    “  it’s said that it’s impossible to lie in the presence of a godswood, and yet, even here it feels as if i’m fooling myself,  ”    he muses aloud as eyes train on the face carved into the wood.  (  nothing, nothing about this feels genuine  )  .  robb sighs and shakes his head before turning to leave.    “  forgive me.  i shouldn’t burden you with my troubles.  ”    when he finally locks eyes with the other, he’s frozen in place as a wave of familiarity overcomes him.  it couldn’t be.    “  jon — ?  ”    robb utters aloud so suddenly and so instinctively it scares him.
[  closed starter for @snowervi​ / jon snow !  ]
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snowervi · 5 years
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 “The wolves will come again.”
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snowervi · 5 years
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jon doesn’t watch a lot of television or movies, but he has, in fact, seen the star wars movies. they are one of the few movies that he actually doesn’t mind watching. since he didn’t really know what to do for this year’s halloween, he just decided to say ‘fuck it’ and dress up as kylo ren. although, he finds the helmet suffocating -- so he doesn’t really wear it. he thinks the lightsaber is fucking cool, though. 
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snowervi · 5 years
jon had made his way to the party, albeit, he didn’t plan to stay long. he mostly stayed to the walls or the tables littered with food. he had dressed up as kylo ren, although, without the helmet which was smart on his part. it was hard to breathe in the damn thing and the layers were already starting to make him a little too warm. 
as he reached for a piece of chocolate candy in a bowl, everyone in the room seemed to turn and swirl towards the staircase. jon watched them as they did, following a beat behind as he also gazed landed on the woman dressed as... ?? he didn’t know but it seemed familiar. almost like the girl in his dreams with the white hair, always with her back towards him. every time he had tried to reach out -- she disappeared and he was thrust into another dream. 
jon was even more surprised as she roamed the room and seemed to come to a halt near him. her voice carrying over to his ears, and as everyone started going back to their business -- his eyes still lingered on her. “don’t think you can be late to a party.” he shrugged his shoulders, pulling his eyes away from her and down to the chocolate bar in his hand. he began to open it, and asked -- “mind me askin’, who are you? or, err, who’re dressed up as?”
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     ✳︎   /   𝚆𝙷𝙰𝚃'𝚂  𝚃𝙷𝙴  𝙿𝙾𝙸𝙽𝚃  𝙾𝙵  𝙰  𝙿𝙰𝚁𝚃𝚈  𝙸𝙵  𝚈𝙾𝚄  𝙳𝙾𝙽'𝚃  𝙼𝙰𝙺𝙴  𝙰𝙽  𝙴𝙽𝚃𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙲𝙴 ?   ——  trick question , there is none. at least not in the world of elizabeth saltzman , that is. as she descends the staircase , the majority of the room’s eyes are looking back at her. if not for her flawlessly executed daenerys targaryen costume , then maybe for her date : a tiny , impossibly adorable dragon. okay , maybe it’s just an enchantment —— so what ? it’s still cute as all hell. & it breathes fire ! lizzie’s smile beams as she gets to the main level of the ballroom. the pride she feels for her hard work paying off has her practically glowing. she roams the room , her scaly companion fluttering by her side. ❛ i hope i’m not too late.. ❜ as if she hadn’t planned to be fashionably off schedule. 
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snowervi · 5 years
he hadn’t meant to fall asleep most of the afternoon, only hadn’t realized how tired he actually was. he had, afterall, been picking up more shifts at the station if to just distract him from his thoughts and dreams. he hadn’t needed to think too much while on the job, and hanging around with his co-workers. thank gods, to ghost, who had pulled the blanket off the sleeping man and then started growling at him -- a demand he get up. opening his eyes, they turned to his animal friend and a soft smile came upon his face. “alright, i’m up.” he’d grumble and then hurriedly get ready for his night shift. 
he managed to get to the station on time, with his dog right on his feet. both ghost and him found work at the fire station and haven’t left since. he made his way through the building, trying to reach his own locker and grab his gear. 
jon hadn’t meant to knock into anyone, having his attention drawn to the floor as his a variety of thoughts began to flood his mind. the ones about the dreams and even worse than that, rin. as his shoulder hit against bellamy’s his reverie was broken and his eyes fluttered up to the other man’s face. “sorry.” he told his co-worker, his tense expression softening just a little. his mind had been quite swept up, recently with everything. 
it was the night shift, one that jon pulled himself out of bed to drag his ass to work. he still sported bedhead, having not really ran a comb through his hair before heading in. "when will the kids learn.” he grumbled to the man, grabbing his pack. “it’s not that cool to play with fire.” with this festive season, it had seemed there were more stupid accidents. that’s what jon considered them, stupid accidents by stupid kids. 
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Feeling a solid body smash into his right shoulder, Bellamy’s side jerked. His brown hues rolled to the side before a thin grimace stretched across his lips. “ Watch where the hell you’re going”  The words departed from his mouth in a low and thick tone of voice, until noting it was a workmate of his. His face softened slightly. Bellamy dipped his head in a subtle nod at Jon, while he also continued to pack his gear. With Halloween approaching, it seemed everyone had gone a little wild and there certainly had been more accidents in the last week, in fact, some days he had to work overtime because of it.
He had a night shift today, which could be hell but Jon and Bellamy did get along well, so it wouldn’t be half as bad.  The two had been working with each other for some time now, and although they hadn’t spoken a lot with each other outside of work, Bellamy did respect the man’s work ethic.  Bellamy was kind of getting accustomed to people not paying attention to where the hell they were walking. They were different on this Earth, much more relaxed than what he was subconsciously used to. From his time, if you are not on high alert, that’s how you would get killed.
Even without memories, Bellamy still feels the weight of the world on his shoulders He had never been good at opening up with anyone other than his friends, but more specifically Clarke. They had become his family and now all of that was displaced, even if he didn’t entirely remember that being the case. At one point he had stopped believing they were the good guys, instead, every day Bellamy told himself he was a monster and his sister even encouraged that mindset for a long while until Santum. There, Clarke and Bellamy swore they would do better, so in a way being a firefighter was his subconscious way of doing better and helping others, outside of just his people. 
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snowervi · 5 years
jon had been strolling down the street, observing the halloween decorations. he tried not to let his mind trail off into the thoughts of the weird dreams he had. he had kept telling himself that they were just that -- dreams. the people around him had told him the same thing, they were just silly dreams. that he watched too much television, or read to much, something or another. he did have this niggling feeling that something was wrong, but he didn’t want to dive to deep into it -- to find something that he wouldn’t like. he didn’t want his life to get complicated. his life now was fine, it was normal. he had his friends, his dog, and his job. what more did he need? what is it that’s missing? he quickly banishes the thought.
coming upon the place xavier worked, he slipped inside and waited for the class to end. he had known the guy for, forever, it seemed and yet jon couldn’t help the snort that came out when he’d see the guy teaching the aerobics class. it definitely wasn’t something that was interesting to jon, but if it made his friend happy -- that was good enough. as the aerobics class came to an end, he moved towards xavier. 
“think you’d have to drag me by the hair to get me to register.” he jokes, his hands shoved into his pockets. “you have any free time, at all? maybe, we can get some coffee or something. i ain’t doin’ anything right now, so i thought i’d drop by.” then adds, “looks like your class is growing.” 
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one, two, three, four… one, two, three four.. the music seemed to keep xavier on his feet and.. as long as he was teaching, he was happy. it wasn’t acting, of course and… even if he hadn’t given up on anything just yet, he was taking a break. a much needed break, because.. no matter how much he tried to deny it, acting reminded him of blake and.. that was never a good thing because the memories that came next weren’t at all pleasant. redwood had taken enough from him and.. he wasn’t letting it happen again. aerobics was easier, aerobics was what he did best and… whenever he was here, teaching this or that class.. he could almost feel like himself. not to mention that .. aerobics was what she liked doing and… there was something that xavier had never admitted to anyone .
he had taken up aerobics in the first place to be close to her and he never thought he’d like it as much as he did now, but.. he did and.. as of now, it was the only thing he had left of home. he wasn’t going to let her take this way from him as well - the place where he had met chet and ray and had feel happy for the first time in his life.. she wasn’t going to take that away from him too. it was almost like chet and ray were about to walk through those doors again - telling him that he should really just stop being hung up on a lost love, but.. truth was.. he was never seeing them again. his friends were gone and.. at least, while he was here, he could forget that. he had good friends, though. 
he had jon, he had sansa, he had mallory and.. he would get better. one day, he would get better and,.. this would all be a nightmare. this would all be in the past, if only he kept telling himself that. if only for a little bit. what he dreaded was the end. “alright everyone, that’s it for the day! thanks for coming and i’ll see you all tomorrow!” he reached for his water bottle and towel, making sure to take his time while everyone left, but.. all it took was one look at the mirror to know that someone had stuck around or just.. entered the room. as far as he knew, it was the same thing. “ can I help you with something? registration is at the front desk and they can answer all questions you have there. i’m only the owner.” he smiled ironically, shaking his head. “kidding. what can I help you with?”
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snowervi · 5 years
jon was sitting at a cafe and minding his own business. the music echoed through the square and at times jon caught himself tapping his foot to the beat. his eyes fell onto a woman who was doing a little dance as she made her way towards the shop. he shot back an awkward smile of his own, “aye, seems so.” 
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april smiled to herself as she listened to the music playing through the town square, she couldn’t stop herself from dancing slightly as she walked towards the coffee shop, only to the notice someone staring at her and she shot them an awkward smile. “just uh- having a good day!”
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snowervi · 5 years
jon felt a bit uncomfortable about this movie night in the cemetery. aye, his own mother was buried here, afterall. it was something of a pain in his heart, and then he was glancing at the man besides him. “i almost find it offensive to the dead.” he replies, shrugging his shoulders. “almost like we’re invading.” jon had only come to the cemetery a few times in his life after his mother died and it still gave him the chills. 
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“gross,” that’s the only word to leave ben’s lips as he stands in front of the entrance to the cemetery. feet shuffle uncomfortably where he is, his body acting like crossing the threshold would be some sort of violation against it. then, he glances over at the person beside him. “who thought it was smart to have a movie night where dead people are buried ?” 
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snowervi · 5 years
jon had tried to make his way to the pumpkin patch, if just to take a look. he hadn’t much else to do on his day off, and with all the hub-bub happening around the island it seemed only in time he’d end up going to poke his head around. although, as he slowed his steps a girl stood in the way. should he just turn around? she seemed to be concentrated on her painting and with what she just said to herself, he wasn’t sure if he should interject to get through. 
either way, he had been standing there for a little too long just peering from her to beyond her without saying a word. 
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amy stood in front of the pumpkin patch with a smock covering her dress, a paintbrush in one hand, a palette of colours in the other, and an easel in front of her. she dipped her brush into the paint and held it in front of the blank canvas and began her painting. “i have a good feeling about this one…” she said, not realizing she was blocking the entryway and that someone had walked up behind her.
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snowervi · 5 years
here are the plots/connections for jon snow if anyone is interested. don’t be afraid to shoot me a message! if you don’t find something on the list that interests you, but you still want to plot -- message me!!! i would love to do any sort of plotting with you!!!
[ squad ] ― this would be a group of people that jon hangs out with from time to time. they bring him out of his brooding moods at times, grab drinks, and generally just talk. these are the people that jon holds dear to his heart and would do anything for. his best friends through it all. they warm his icy heart. [ + Cherri Cola, + Xavier Plympton ]
[ annoyance ] ― this person gets on jon’s nerves. they are a never ending annoyance to him, and he just can’t seem to avoid them. it’s as if their paths are always crossing and it never fails to make his eye twitch in annoyance. he just can’t seem to get along with them, and they usually always end up in an argument. [ + Eddie Kaspbrak ]
[ brother ] ― not his actual brother, persay, but a person that he considers his ride or die. blood isn’t the only thing that makes a family, and jon has memories of growing up with them and having always been close. jon considers them his brother, and would do anything for them. he always knows he can turn to his brother at any time and that jon would be there for him as well. they have an unbreakable bond. [ + Xavier Plympton ]
[ enemy ] ― someone that jon absolutely despises. there could be a specific reason why, or not but he hates them. 
[ ex-girlfriend ] ― he dated a girl once, who promptly broke his heart and he’s been cold ever since. jon still has trouble moving on from her, and when seeing her it seems to break him all over again. he tries to avoid her as much as he can as it just hurts too much to look at her. [ + Rin Sohma ]
[ actors ] ― the actors in his life are doing a good job in making him believe that this is his real life. he doesn’t really have any reason not to believe them. still, sometimes he feels a little off about it all. 
[ viewers ] ― someone that has seen the game of thrones show and fan girls over him, which confuses the hell out of him. he thinks they are weird and is getting nervous that he might have a stalker on his hands. he has no idea what the hell they are talking about. 
[ co-workers ] ― as a firefighter, jon has spent much time in the station and hanging out with the other firemen. although, they may not have a lot in common (or maybe they do!) they still get along well. jon would consider them friends, but usually doesn’t hang out with them outside of work (yet!). [ + Bellamy Blake ]
[ someone he led on ] ― trying to get over his ex, he had a fling with someone in hopes that he would get over his last girlfriend. he ended up sleeping with this person, and accidentally leading them on. he didn’t really feel any “love” for them, but he still cares about them and feels terrible about it all. 
[ breaking down his walls ] ― this person is trying to get to know him more, to break down his icy walls in his heart. he finds it annoying, and yet he also hasn’t told them to fuck off. 
[ crush ] ― jon is sort of crushing on this person right now. maybe, they feel the same. maybe, it’s one sided. either way, he can’t help but soften around them and a small smile brought to his face. 
[ SANSA STARK ] ― he’s seen a wolf queen in his dreams. one that has flaming red hair. sansa resembles her, and he’s so confused. he feels like he knows her from somewhere, but he can’t but his finger on it. he keeps pursuing her trying to figure out what it is. what’s missing?
[ ROBB STARK ] ― in those same dreams, there’s a man with a wolf head sewn to his body. it’s a nightmare, one that jon will wake up in a cold sweat from and something like dread coursing through him. 
[ LYANNA STARK ] ― in truman, jon believes that he grew up with just his mother. that it was just her and him going through life. he doesn’t know that he’d never known her in another lifetime, nor does he even want to think about it. yet his dreams whisper to him another name eddard stark. he has yet to talk to his mother about it.
[ MARGAERY TYRELL ] ― in truman, they were highschool sweethearts. jon doesn’t know that she had actually fled king’s landing and took refuge at winterfell where their relationship blossomed. she’s the only person from his old life that he has history with in truman.
more to come in the future!
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snowervi · 5 years
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❛  ( KIT HARINGTON )  ◈  dude, shut up ! JON SNOW from GAME OF THRONES is on screen. their fans swear they’re just HONORABLE & HUMBLE, but we’ve all seen their SOLEMN & SOMBER side ! according to TRUMAN WIKIA, they’re 23 years old, HETEROSEXUAL, & identify as CISMALE ( HE/HIM ). they’re currently a FIREFIGHTER & are CASUAL about life in truman. luckily they have HIS DOG GHOST, LONGCLAW, A FUR CLOAK with them & can visit THE WALL whenever they want. penned by BILLY.
hello, everyone! name is billy and i am so excited to be writing with you all! i’ve been looking to dabble a little bit into game of thrones but not quite all the way. truman sounded so interesting and i just had to bring jon snow into the mix! ive been rping for maybe 7 years now, and i have been involved in various rps! from school rp, to harry potter, to supernatural/paranormal, to a stardew valley rp! bare with me as i try to comb through the huge storyline that he has. 
C A N O N  H I S T O R Y  ―
during the robert’s rebellion or also known as the war of the usurper, lyanna stark of house stark (who robert baratheon of house baratheon was in love with) was allegedly kidnapped by rhaegar targaryen of house targaryen for unknown reasons. prince rhaegar left a pregnant lyanna stark at the tower of joy in dorne. 
after the sack of king’s landing ned stark, brother to lyanna, rode south to the tower of joy to recover his sister who was still to be wed to robert baratheon. he ended up finding lyanna in the tower, but she was dying after giving birth to a child. 
lyanna stark asked of her brother to protect the child as robert baratheon and tywin lannister would surely want to kill him for his targaryen blood. he promised he would look after the child, and she shortly died afterwards. ned took the child back to winterfell, where he would raise him as his own without ever telling a sole that he was the only surviving child of lyanna stark and rhaegar targaryen. 
jon snow would be then known as eddard stark’s bastard son. a lie that ned would take to his grave. a lie that jon snow wouldn’t find the truth of until years later. 
during an outing jon finds a litter of direwolf pups that he convinces his father to spare their lives and have them be adopted by each stark child. jon ends up with the runt of the litter, an albino direwolf with red eyes that he would call ghost. ghost would be his companion for the rest of the series.
to escape his bastard status, jon joins the nights watch and later becomes lord commander. he ends up being murdered in mutiny for his sympathy for the free folk. (broke his vows with one, he did. ygritte tells him, “you know nothing jon snow.”) 
he is resurrected by the red priestess and freed from his nights watch vows he helps his “half-sister” sansa stark to build an army to retake winterfell from house bolton. they restore the dominion of winterfell, and after ramsay bolton’s execution -- he is declared king of the north.
a looming threat overhangs everybody’s head, with the talks of the white walkers. when the war for westeros begins, jon negotiates with daenerys targaryen to secure her support against the white walkers, her dragons and abundance of obsidian on her military base of dragonstone providing a distinct advantage in the great war.
jon captures a wight and brings it to king’s landing to try to convince cersei lannister to join their cause. she does not care. 
he pledges himself and his army to daenerys. (skip the jon x dany thing because inc*st.)
he returns to the north with daenerys and the targaryen forces and is reunited with his “half-sister” and “half-brother” arya stark and bran stark. bran stark is the one who discovers his true parentage. 
there’s a battle for winterfell, against the white walkers and the night king. they win.
afterwards, jon aides dany with her conquest to take over king’s landing. she ends up laying waste to the city. 
unable to dissuade dany from this path, he assassinates her to prevent anymore carnage. he is later taken prisoner by the unsullied.
during the great council, where bran is elected king, negotiates to send jon snow into exile. he returns to the night watch once again. 
after returning to castle black, he reunites with his direwolf, ghost, after which he leads the remaining free folk to settle in the thawing free lands.
woo! that’s a lot! i hope i got it all down and it somewhat makes sense. if you click on canon history, it will take you to a full run down of his storyline if you want to know more or anything. oh, i’ll also post connections later! if anyone wants to plot, don’t be afraid to shoot me a message! i’d love all kinds of connections for him! now let’s get into what he remembers on truman island. 
N O W  ―
 jon doesn’t really remember anything, besides some glimpses here and there but nothing substantial. he tries to believes that this is his REAL life, but still has a feeling that something doesn’t seem right. he doesn’t want his life to get complicated, so he tries not to think too deep about his weird dreams and familiar feelings EXCEPT when it comes to sansa stark and daenerys targaryen.
he also doesn’t really know anyone from his past life. having all of them split up and never been able to see each other until that rule was pulled out of effect. he feels as if he knows them somehow, and he keeps pursuing them(sansa, robb, jamie) in an attempt to understand what is going on. jon feels like he’s connected with them. who the hell are they and why are they so damn familiar?
with the manipulation from the actors, jon snow believes that he was born on truman island and has lived here all of his life. he has plenty of fake memories and has been made to believe that he was raised by a single mother -- lyanna stark who passed away after he graduated high school. he hasn’t had the most easiest life, but it’s his and he manages.
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snowervi · 5 years
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