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snowinkling · 5 years ago
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dont ask me why hes not smiling im just used to drawing grumpy characters bdgfhj
design is heavily inspired off of Beast-Eyes pendulum dragon- as its one of my fave versions of odd eyes- also fur and scales? sign me up- i am not %100 on the design so knowing me things will change- wings are not included and idk if i will include them cause odd eyes in most forms doesnt have wings but then are you really a dragon if you dont have wings?
im a furry forgive me yuya (again i also have no au idea- well like a small one but thats it so this is a design with no lore yet)
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snowinkling · 6 years ago
There has only been one teacher I’ve had who has been so bad at teaching a classroom full of students that I’ve come out of it learning nothing but hard life lessons. That is, until now. These two teachers are, in my opinion, some of the worst people you could ever have teaching you in your entire life.
I’ve had some OK teachers before, who go into class, do their jobs, help students out who don't understand the lesson they’re being taught, and then go home for the day.  I’ve also had some great teachers before too, who do all of that, and actually try their hardest to get their students to pass their classes and help them in any way they can. I’ve also had bad teachers too, who either can't control a classroom full of students, can’t teach students a group setting, are too quiet, or some combination of the three. These two teachers are so bad, so unprofessional, that those who I have told this story to feel like they were taught by these same teachers and feel disgusted to have even heard of their names.
In my academic life, I was by no means a smart kid, but I wasn’t dumb either. No one is, really. You either understand a subject to excel in it, enough to get by in life with it, struggle with it, or you just flat out do not understand how it works. And that’s OK. I was able to get by in math well enough to get at least a B in, until I reached grade 7. This is where I first had what I had considered the worst teacher I’ve had in my entire life. Her math classes consisted of going up to the front of the class, writing down what page she wanted us to read from our textbooks, write down what questions to answer on what page in said textbook, and then say “ok do this and if you have any questions, feel free to ask.” and then went to her desk. That was it. Nothing else. This was also the year where the answers were printed in the back of the book, too, and I kid you not, every single one of my classmates took a look at the back of the book at one point during the entire school year. Hell, one of my former classmates even swears he had seen the teacher paint her toe nails during our work period in math, instead of teaching us math like she was supposed to. Other classes she taught were either mediocre at best, or she wasn’t really trying to teach it at all. Religion class was the only exception, because as students attending catholic school, teaching us students how to be closer to Jesus Christ meant more to her than teaching us how to solve math problems herself, apparently.
One more thing I’ll say about this teacher: She never liked anyone, but she really did not like me, for one reason I will believe until the day I die: she hated my brother. Oh yes, she’s one of those teachers that if you’re related to someone she’s taught, she will shove her opinion of your siblings onto you. The year my brother had her as a teacher was the same year she divorced her husband, and had shoved her anger onto him, and since I am related by blood to him, I was the teacher’s new target for her disdain. She has also been known to make her students cry, and for me, this had happened several times, too. This all happened 9 years ago. To this day, I will always be thankful my younger sister never had a teacher - not jealous, god no, I would never want her to go through what my brother and I did - for she was never a subject of this teacher’s wrath.
The sad truth I learned from this particular teacher is that if the teacher doesn't  care enough to teach their students properly, then why should the students care enough to learn the course material? One of the most earliest signs of this I can recall is when I was in grade 8, when I and five other people in my grade were told to stay in the class instead of go to recess because we had failed our first math test of the year. I can’t really recall what exactly had transpired then, but I wouldn’t have been surprised if another student told our grade 8 teacher what we had learned, or lack thereof, the year before.
Today, I am a college student in their final semester of their program of choice - Game Programming. Getting to this point was difficult, but I'm on the final stretch. This semester of my program is dedicated to working on the final project for our entire program. our final project? Make an entire game either using a pre-made game engine (eg. Unity or Unreal), or by making a custom-built engine. Doesn't matter how, just make a game. Simple enough, I’ve been learning how to code since I was in grade 11, so this shouldn't be too hard. What makes this easier is that almost all of our classes are designed around helping us with making our final project in time for when we have to present them to potential employers. And then, there’s my Mobile Programming class - which will be known hereafter as iOS Programming.
This teacher, on the first day of classes, has told us that he has failed at least half the class the year prior, and has said that he’s gotten bad reviews on how he’s taught the class in the past because he doesn't “hold your hand” throughout the course. Ok, sure, teacher’s shouldn't be “holding their students hands” throughout the entire semester, as we need some room to learn how to program things on our own. There’s really only one problem with his statement though: Up to this point, the only other mobile programming class we, as college students, had taken before his class was Android Programming.
For a little background, Android Programming involves using Android Studios to create apps/games in, and uses the Java coding language while iOS programming involves using a program called Xcode, used for programming applications for a variety of Apple devices, and uses a variation of the C++ coding language. On the same day, my iOS teacher has said “you’re third years, you should know this by now” when in reality this is our first time dealing with programming for iOS devices. He has also told us that he doesn’t have a good outlook on the gaming industry either. This teacher also expects us to present him material at industry level - which is fine if we were in the industry already. We are not, as we are still students in the program learning how to use Xcode for the first time. He has also threatened to kick students out of class, knowing full well there's only a limited amount of rooms with Mac computers in the entire school for us to use to get work in his class done. He treats us students like we are his employees and also like middle school children. It’s insane.
In my second class with him, he was teaching us how to use Xcode in a way none of us could follow, followed by how to use GitHub to upload our projects onto. Knowing how to use GitHub is great for us to know, since it’s the only way we could store our projects somewhere without losing progress. The way he taught us was through slides, but it wasn’t until a certain slide came up that became an issue. The slide contained a picture of a man giving the middle finger to the camera, and to myself and anyone that knows me, I thought nothing of it and went back to looking at whatever was on my screen, until I felt the urge to pee. My first mistake was to get up to go to the washroom while that slide was still up. On my way out, my teacher asks me if I’ll be back. In verbatim, I answered, “Yes, I have to pee.” and then left for the washroom. My second mistake was not to ask him why he asked. Only after I left did he explain why he asked me if I was coming back, as he thought I was offended at the picture in the slide. If I had stayed and asked, I would have gotten the same answer, and I would have told him off by saying “If you think that picture would be offensive to some people, then do not include it in your slides. I am not offended at it, but I am disappointed that you assumed I was.”
That incident shouldn't have been such a big deal to me were it not for the fact that I cannot let go of things easily - or at all in some cases - and if it were not the day before aunt flow came to visit. For the third week, he had taught us about using sprites and the UI kit in Xcode, again in a way none of us could follow - and through slides too. At that point, I tried following along, but no matter what he was saying nothing made sense to me, and asking him for help would lead me nowhere; to me, he doesn't come off as the type of teacher who would help you to save your life. After that, there was some time left in class for some of us to pitch our app ideas. Yes, the teacher’s course for the entire semester is dedicated to building an app that he finds complex enough for us to do. I did not present that day, as I was more focused on ironing out my app idea.
The next week, the first half of the class was dedicated to presenting our app ideas to the class. I was the last to present, and I had given a decent pitch for what I wanted to do in his class, detailing all I wanted to add into it. Some of my classmates had given me more ideas to work with, which I appreciated. The teacher had asked me a question I had already addressed in my pitch, too, and I had to explicitly tell him that yes, I planned to include it in, and that I had also mentioned it in there too. So he apparently didn’t hear me say that, and judging by the fact that I also had that same answer to his question up for the whole class to see, his eyesight is worse than his prescription. Once I had sat down, he had told everyone present in my class that we, as a block full of students, that we had done a better job at presenting our app ideas than the other block - who are in the same year as us and being taught the same class. From what a friend in the other class told me, he had said that my class had done a better job than them. I told him that as a teacher, he should not be saying that, which he said, “it’s true, this class presented your ideas better than the other class” to which I reminded him that, as a teacher, he really should not be saying those things. After that, we went on with the class.
And now, this brings us to what had transpired about 12 hours ago. The teacher had told us that he wanted us to put our projects onto GitHub though an application called SourceTree and to integrate a kit called Firebase into our project from the Firebase website. There was really only one problem: I had no idea how to start my app, as my app was a bit unique to what my peers were doing. Xcode has different application types to choose from: Single View App, Game AR app, Document-Based App, Page-Based App, Tabbed App, Sticker Pack App, and iMessage App, and these are just for iOS development, which we were stuck with using. From this list, I know my app idea wasn’t a game, an AR app, a tabbed app, a sticker pack app, or an iMessage app. That left me with single view, document-based, and page-based. My app idea deals with documents in a certain way, so I was under the inclination that it was document-based, but I wanted to know what my teacher thought. Remember when I said that I had made two mistakes? Here was my third; asking my teacher for help.
To be honest, I was giving him sass, which wasn’t smart, but any respect I had for him was gone the second his classed started at the beginning of the semester. He had told me to stop giving him attitude, since he was being unhelpful with solving my problem, so I retaliated by saying “wow, you sound like my dad.” It’s the same thing my dad would tell me to try to get me to stop giving him attitude, which never works. This teacher then said “do you want me to kick you out of the classroom?” in a tone which scared me to be completely honest. I shut up and just started dissociating while he reluctantly helped me with a completely different issue: uploading my non-existent project onto GitHub. I was just so out of it that I started putting in credentials to what he wanted me to use that I know I wouldn’t remember. At that point I didn’t care about that. While the teacher was busy doing whatever to get my project onto GitHub, I was holding back tears. I didn't want to stay in that class anymore, and I don’t ever want to go back into that class again. Not while he’s the teacher. Once everything was said and done, I packed up my things, got up, and left. Thankfully this time I wasn’t questioned, though it was hard to keep tears from flowing. I barely made it out of the building before I started to cry.
This post has gotten really long, and it may have diverted from its original course, but both my grade 7 teacher and my iOS programming teacher are prefect examples of people who don’t care enough to teach their students the course material. Don’t put in the effort to teach, don't expect perfect results from your students. Don’t be unprofessional in front of your students. If you want them to present you with work that exceeds expectations, then teach them the tools to get them to create it.
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snowinkling · 7 years ago
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I’ve been listening to Robbie Daymond’s cover from one of the old L.A.V.A streams on repeat and I wanted to draw Prompto with an acoustic guitar. 
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snowinkling · 7 years ago
The Vah Medoh helmet’s reminding me of Akechi’s tesla logo-looking mask
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[ Champion Amibo / Revali / Medoh ] 
My sister came up with this and I laughed out loud XDDDD
I’m sorry Revali you know I love you. (Revali:
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snowinkling · 7 years ago
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snowinkling · 8 years ago
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snowinkling · 8 years ago
we were talking about emotional trauma in psychology today and somebody brought up SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG AND WE LITERALLY DISCUSSED HOW MUCH HIS LIFE MUST SUCK FOR LIKE 30 MINUTES 
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snowinkling · 8 years ago
Guess what time it is!
I posted a new chapter of Blood and Bonds, making it at chapter 5 right now. If you want to go read it the link is right here ->
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snowinkling · 8 years ago
This is the best outfit imo
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im still screaming over this outfit
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snowinkling · 8 years ago
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he got it going on I love drawing him in this outfit
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snowinkling · 8 years ago
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in divination, the fool is the first tarot card in the major arcana. it is often interpreted as the hero or protagonist who goes on “the fool’s journey.” it is also associated with new beginnings, adventure, spontaneity, innocence, etc. however, it can also signify recklessness, naivety, or (of course) foolishness.
complete with mini-noishe. see time lapse progress video here and be amazed by what i named my layers. stay tuned for my drunk symphonia let’s play tomorrow.
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snowinkling · 8 years ago
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snowinkling · 8 years ago
I did a thing... I made a fanfic. Here’s the link :winks:.
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snowinkling · 8 years ago
So my laptop got kinda fucked. I’m in the process of getting it fixed, but there are files that i need off from it first. for the longest time, I wasn’t able to get past the login screen. Now I am in my login and just about to get the files! XD
Wish me luck!
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snowinkling · 8 years ago
I just posted a new story on FictionPress called Blood and Bonds.
Check it out at the link below!
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snowinkling · 11 years ago
Should've kept the original voice actor, like with Colette's.
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