Not Her Thought
"I should record myself having a wank." Bruna thought to herself.
After a second, Bruna register what was just said inside her head and was utterly bewildered. Bruna knew that wasn't her thought: she didn't think in English only Italian and, even if she did think in English, she wouldn't use the word 'wank', or ever consider recording herself masturbating.
"I should record myself having a wank." Bruna thought to herself.
Bruna went into the small hotel room bathroom. In the mirror she saw she was only in her underwear. She had no idea when she'd stripped her other clothes.
"I should record myself having a wank." Bruna thought to herself.
This was getting concerning. Bruna looked around her hotel room for a microphone of something. Under the bed she found a phone tripod.
"I should record myself having a wank." Bruna thought to herself.
The tripod was set up and Bruna almost put the phone on it before she realised what she was doing and stopped herself. For a second she considered calling for help, but... who would she call? More importantly, what would she say? There was no way she'd be able to explain this.
"I should record myself having a wank." Bruna thought to herself.
The camera was in place, Bruna was naked on the bed and she was about to click record. She pulled away, backed up on the bed as far from her phone as she could. She had to leave, she knew that now, she had to get on her clothes and leave before she-
"I should record myself having a wank." Bruna thought to herself.
So she did, making a good long recording of touching herself happily on the hotel bed. Afterwards she felt some guilt for the poor hotel staff who would have to clean her room.
"I should upload the video to the hotel website's feedback page as a gift to the staff, give this place a 5 star review and recommend it to everyone back home." Bruna thought to herself.
Bruna knew that was a brilliant thought, just like her last one. She quickly made her review and uploaded her feedback. As for the last part Bruna knew her friend Michela loved to take holidays to this part of the world, it wouldn't take much convincing to get her to stay here.
She was defiantly going to return herself next time she went on holiday.
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Hiring a Bodyguard
"Well, your qualifications are impressive and skills are obvious. I think you'd make an excellent part of my team. As long as you are willing to indulge the... least usual part of Ms Holmes hiring process." Pearson said as they walked into an unusual room. A chair with a large amount of odd machinery and suspended screens above it that could clearly lower.
"Ah, we're at this part now?" Krista said slightly surprised it was real and not some sort of joke "So, if I want to work as a bodyguard for Ms Holmes I have to spend half an hour in this... mind control device?" Krista tried to hide her incredulity from Pearson.
"She actually calls it..." the man paused "a 'loyalty inducer', actually. She believes that the chair and those sounds will ensure total loyalty to her." while he had done his best to hide it, Krista could tell he was dismissive of it too.
"So..." Krista decided to ask outright "it doesn't work, right?"
"My team is certainly loyal to Wendy Holmes." Pearson said coldly, then his face softened as he said "She's very rich and has some of the best wages in the industry."
"Right." Krista said, smiling back, the unspoken intent of the statement being clear. An eccentric, but one who pays well enough to play along "So, I just sit in this chair?" Krista asked.
"Not yet, I'm sorry. First you must get out of those clothes, down to your underwear." Pearson saw the look on Krista's face "She checks on the 'process' halfway in, there's no skipping steps, I'm sorry." he said, sympathetic.
"Alright." Krista sighed as she took off her jacket. Pearson made a point of not looking at her as she stripped down. "Done." Krista said, now in nothing but her cheap, practical white undergarments.
"Now sit in the chair, I have to strap your legs and arms down." Pearson just gave her a slight shrug when she looked at him for that line. Krista almost wanted to leave and find a less peculiar employer, but Pearson was right, the pay was far better than her last job. Getting by while not having money for nights out or to treat herself would be a thing of the past if she got this job.
Krista sat in the chair and Pearson strapped her in. As the screens came down, Krista thought she noticed a grin on Pearson's previously stoic face, a glint in his eyes. It was too late to escape now, though.
Half an hour later Pearson, now in his 'proper uniform' of a tight bodysuit undid Krista's bonds as the screen raised Krista spoke "Mr Pearson, you tricked me." she said in delight.
"Yes, but I said no lies about the process." Pearson smiled at her "The silly girl inferred." Krista found herself giggling at that.
"So, did The Mistress like what she saw? I hope I looked good while I was being brainwashed."
"Yes, The Mistress liked what she saw. The inducing of absolute loyalty both to the job and to her sexual pleasure in her dolls is her second favourite thing. Seeing the dolls loyalty demonstrated is her first." Krista was smiling incredibly wide thinking of pleasing The Mistress in both roles "On sexual pleasure those rags have got to go." Krista looked down at her boring underwear and gasped.
"I forgot I was so inappropriately dressed!" Krista hurriedly stripped off "There. This doll is ready for display however The Mistress desires." Krista stood proudly naked before Pearson. The amusing memory of how close she had came to trying to leave instead of stripping before this other doll.
"We'll get you some latex soon enough. For now, let's go show The Mistress her newest bodyguard and doll's loyalty." Krista happily followed Pearson out of the Loyalty Inducer, excited to do just that.
"Oh, and by the way." Pearson said back to her "The wages are real, but you'll be spending them mostly on pleasing The Mistress."
"What else would I spend money on? There's no recreation or treat more rewarding than pleasing The Mistress."
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"You know what my favourite part of my brainwashing is, Bradley?"
"Getting people to do whatever you say? No matter what it is?"
"No, its a bit deeper than that, Bradley. Sure, that's nice, but the best part is the fact those I brainwash think they're acting of their own free will. They won't notice. They literally can't notice even if directly told I made them do something they won't believe it. No matter what awful things I do or threaten to do to them they'll go along with anything I say."
"Really? No matter what you do? Even if outright told? Wow, that'd be scary in anyone else's hands. Only you could ever be entrusted with that power."
"Speaking of my power, you've arranged everything with your wife, right?"
"Yes, Olivia will all be right where you want her."
"You're happy to get your wife brainwashed, aren't you, Bradley?"
"Absolutely, it'll do her good being a brainwashed tool of yous. I'm just sorry she'd never be yours willingly like me."
"Bradley, I'm going to make her despise you. I'm going to turn her into your worst enemy who will do everything in her power, with her intimate knowledge of you, to hurt and demean you. Olivia will be your torturer. Then, when I'm bored, I'll make her divorce you, sell your house, give me the money, leave you forever and make her one of my personal pets."
"I see. Well, I'm sure you'll enjoy using her as a pet and you'll enjoy my suffering, right?"
"Yes, Bradley, I'll enjoy every moment."
"Well, in that case, I'm very happy to suffer for you."
"So, you're happy to ruin your life for me?"
"Gladly. You deserve to enjoy yourself."
"Bradley, I brainwashed you to think that."
"No you didn't. I just think you deserve to get whatever you want because you do deserve to get whatever you want."
"Mmm, that's hot. Well, off to brainwash and have sex with your wife."
"Have fun using her however you wish."
"Go jack off to pictures of your loving wife know she'll never be that woman to you ever again."
"OK. I will miss Olivia, but you deserve her. In my opinion you deserve everyone's devotion."
"I sure do, Bradley."
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The Failsafe
The words "Failsafe activated." suddenly came from Mark's mouth and Barry was given pause as suddenly his subject, who he had just been making drowsier and less conscious suddenly looked at him with stern eyes "This body is already claimed." Mark(?) said with a ferocity Barry hadn't seen in the shy man he'd met and spent three hours with before this.
"What?" Barry asked almost without thinking as the body that was kneeling before him stood, eyes remaining right on Barry as the body moved.
"I'm Alice, you've triggered a failsafe on one of my toys, so a persona of me has been activated to protect my property. There will be no claiming this mind because its already claimed." looking at Barry there was a slight flicker of realisation in the eyes of... Alice "You don't have failsafes on your toys, do you?" a smile was forming on the face that until a few seconds ago Barry thought was going to be under his control "How many toys have you claimed?"
"I... don't think I should tell you that." Barry said as he went to stand, but a hand went to his head and pushed Barry back down. There was no break in eye contact at all.
"We're past the 'should' portion of this conversation, kid." Alice said calmly "How many toys have you claimed?" Barry knew exactly what Alice was doing to him, the eyes and the confidence while standing over him. Alice was putting Barry where Barry had been with Mark, but knowing couldn't stop it from working.
"F-four men." Barry let out, he could feel his dick hardening... but Barry knew he wasn't a sub.
"That's a good little toy." Alice said patting Barry's head. Barry was no longer sure he was as dominant as he thought he was "You have a phone on you?"
"It's in my jacket, o-on the door." Alice's eyes didn't even flick over to the jacket. Barry trembled as he realised that this approximation left in the mind of a subject was surely far less capable than the real one.
"Then I guess we should get you to a state that I can get over there and call myself." Alice chuckled as Mark's penis was released from his boxers "Give this toy a suckle until that brain of yours is empty."
"Please, I didn't-Mmm" Barry's last attempt at saving himself was cut off as he began the blowjob. Alice smiled and enjoyed the feeling, knowing that the real Alice would be very appreciative of five new toys.
Alice was surprised when she recieved the call from Mark's failsafe rendition of herself. She almost felt bad for the young man who had activated it. After collection Barry's own ability instilling the failsafe into his body was nice and quick. Still, Barry would be allowed to enjoy his little collection of boys, but under her command, and under Mark's command and exclusively for her pleasure and amusement.
One day, Alice was certain that someone would overpower her failsafe, but until that powerful mind controller was found she was very happy filling her ranks with people who attempted to be her peers.
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A Fancy Board Meeting
"So, in conclusion, with this mind control device I've not only claimed unofficial ownership of this company, but also all of you. Any questions?"
The 10 members of the board and the CEO stared at Alvarez silently, as if they were expecting them to burst out laughing and apologise for wasting their time.
Sensing that that wasn't going to happen and that Alvarez was very serious Bella broke the silence "Are you seriously trying to say that you have us under some kind of... technological magic spell?"
"Absolutely." Alvarez smiled devilishly before adding "Bella."
"Excuse me? Alvarez I am a Princess. I know you've clearly taken some kind of mind-warping curse, but you need to respect my title."
"Yes, we Princesses must be treated with respect, Alvarez She's Princess Bella." Maria added, "Just like I'm Princess Maria." Alvarez to look at her.
"Reality check: Maria. Run program." Alvarez ordered and Maria blinked
"Wait, what did I just say?" Maria asked looking around at her colleagues "Wait, why is everyone in costumes?" Bella in a princess outfit, Eric dressed like a science fiction character, Bernard like a superhero, Maude like a cowgirl. She gasped when she saw her own outfit "Wait, why am I dressed like that orange wearing princess from those video games?"
"What are you talking about, Princess Maria?" Bella asked "Has Alvarez somehow cursed your mind?" Maria stared at Bella, in her frilly pink dress, plastic crown and blond wig dumbfounded.
"They all believe they are what they're dressed as." Alvarez said with a smirk. "Go on, ask someone."
"There's no way Maude thinks she's a cowgirl." Maria said looking at the marketing executive in the hat "Maude, you know you're not a cowgirl."
"What are y'all talkin' about, Princess Maria?" Maude said, her French accent clear through her attempted 'Southern drawl' "I was born and raised on a ranch, everyone knows that, right y'all?" the rest of the Board murmured in agreement, including Liz who really was from Texas, but now dressed now as a French Maid "I think Princess Bella's right, you're brains done been hogtied."
Maria looked back to Alvarez "OK, you've proven your point." she confessed "You own the company and you..." Maria hesitated in horror "you basically own us." Alvarez grinned "So what now?"
"Now?" Alvarez chuckled "Now I make you forget for a 4th time today, make you Princess Maria again and put everyone back at the end of the presentation again."
"4th time? Alvarez how long have you been doing this?"
"Everyone has been in your position at least twice." Maria's eyes widened "Now... Fantasy Time: Maria. Memory start at slide 5: Everyone. First to Speak: Maude. Run program."
Princess Maria's horror disappeared, replaced by confusion as Alvarez said "So, in conclusion, with this mind control device I've not only claimed unofficial ownership of this company, but also all of you. Any questions?"
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Formal Objection
"I understand that you're going to present a formal objection to my magical pursuits to the council?"
"You aren't supposed to know about that, but yes. I'm going to object to your pursuit of mind altering. Honestly, I'm shocked I even have to, it should be very obvious why we don't explore such magics. They can only be used for evil."
"I don't know about that, sure it has some... inherent moral questions, but think of the good it could do."
"You won't convince me. I've read your arguments and they all fall flat. Nobody should have access to that power."
"Oh, you've read my arguments? All of them?"
"Well, if they didn't convince you, yes, I'm sure nothing I could argue can convince you."
"You're correct. Now, please step aside, so I can make my objection."
"Of course, I will allow you to make your objection. As long as it is in compliance with the rules."
"C-compliance with the... rules?"
"Yes, compliance with the rules. You will comply with the rules, won't you?"
"Comply with the rules. Yes, I will comply with the rules."
"Good, you're compliance with the rules on your objection. You know to comply with the rule of exception, yes?"
"Rule of... exception?"
"You were going to object to the idea of people pursuing mind altering magic, yes? Because nobody should have that kind of power?"
"Yes, that's what I said."
"You are aware that that isn't in compliance with the rule of exception, though, aren't you?"
"What? No, I... I must comply with the rule of exception."
"Yes, you must. So, allow me to amend your objection so it complies with this rule. Your objection should be that nobody except me should pursue this magic. Nobody except me should have such power. You object to anyone else trying to look into this magic. Do you understand this change to comply with the rules?"
"Yes. I understand. My objection is that nobody except you should pursue such things because nobody except you should have such power. I object to anyone else looking into this magic."
"Good. You comply with the rules, so I will now release you."
"Uh... what was I saying?"
"You were going to submit your formal objection to the council."
"Oh, yeah, of course. The idea of teaching that magic to anyone else except you is ridiculous. Nobody else should have that power."
"Good. I'm glad everyone understands that."
"Well... not everyone does."
"I'm just going to be the first person submitting my objection. About fourteen of us have agreed to make an objection, but... everyone else isn't complying with the rules, I'm sorry to say."
"I see. Do you have contact with these fourteen objectors?
"Have they all read my arguments?"
"Not all of them. Just eight."
"I see. Well, could you arrange a meetup with these eight? So I can go and help them follow the rules?"
"Of course I can."
"Good. Can you do that before you head to make your objection?"
"Certainly. Just give me a second."
"Oh and the remaining five, I'll need you to inform the council of their lack of compliance with the rule of exception. Tell them the names and that they aren't in compliance. Nobody who doesn't comply should be taken seriously."
"Of course. I will inform them of the lack of compliance with the rule of exception. Nobody who doesn't comply should be taken seriously. OK, I've arranged the meeting, here's the room."
"Good. Well, I shouldn't take up any more of your time. I'll release you and let you on your way."
"Thank you. Goodbye."
"What a fine group of names. I will have to teach them to comply with the rule of carnality as well as exception, I think. A good orgy just like the one I had with the council last night will be very fun."
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Not a Legitimate Concern
Jacob and Punit walked into their bosses office, the boss wasn't in, but both men knew that would be true.
"So, what do you think about Michael's concern about the mind control device?" Jacob asked.
"I think its not a legitimate concern." Punit responded, as both men pulled down their slacks and underwear "We have nothing to fear from the device. I think someone would notice if something unusual was happening."
"I don't know, our tests show subjects generally don't notice even the most obvious signs." Jacob countered as they bent themselves over their bosses desk.
"But every fifth subject shows resistance, often awareness. Our team is six, eight counting Mr Dale and Taylor the intern. Someone would notice if it was being used. Michael's fears are not legitimate concerns."
"Wait a minute that..." Jacob said, thinking about things. Mr Dale entered the office quietly, totally naked "Michael has raised concerns."
"And they are not legitimate concerns because if it actually happened statistically someone would have noticed."
"But Michael haAaaas-" Jacobs thoughts were interrupted when his boss thrust into him.
"You're quite right, Punit." Mr Dale said casually as he thrust into Jacob "Its not a legitimate concern at all. So there's no need to think about it, right, Jacob?"
"Yes, Sir! Not a legitimate concern. Yes." Jacob screamed in pleasure.
"So, Punit, I trust Michael has been contained for now?"
"Yes, Mr Dale. He kept making his concerns very clear as we locked him in the test room." Punit said with a hint of ridicule for his college.
"And how much extra exposure does the device need for these resistant subjects?"
"Generally three times the standard amount, but it also increases the risk of dampening the subjects cognition."
"Oh that's OK." Mr Dale said pulling out of Jacob "Michael's body will more than make up for that."
"I don't understand what you meEean-" Punit got out before Mr Dale began using him.
"Don't worry about it. It's not a legitimate concern."
"Yes, I won't worry! Not a... not a legitimate concern. Thank you, Sir!" Mr Dale smiled at Punit's struggles to even speak.
And while Mr Dale saw Taylor, the intern, sat masturbating in his chair and recording with Dale's own phone as he fucked Punit he didn't think of any way that would be odd.
After all, there was no legitimate concerns around who was in-control of the device.
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Elliott noticed a lot of things when he woke up. He noticed he was that he was not in a room he recognised, windowless, but oddly bright. He noticed that he was naked and strapped to a table. He noticed his best friend Lance was stood staring into space in front of him and he noticed Lance was also naked... his face covered in cum?
"What the hell is going on?" Elliott said almost without thinking. This startled Lance and he looked at Elliott.
"Oh, hey, you're awake. I must summon Sir Britton." Lance said with a strange casualness as he went for a button. Britton... Neil Britton his manager?
"Lance what's going on? Get me off this table." Elliott shouted, Lance didn't react, he simply pressed the button he was going to press before looking over at Elliott
"Sir Britton forbade me from doing that." Lance's use of 'Sir' was bizarre, Elliott knew Neil was an oddly self-aggrandising man, but... Lance wouldn't play along with Neil's ego, surely. Then again Elliott was pretty damn sure Lance wouldn't casually be nude around him or take part in... kidnapping him? Is that what this is?
Lance's eyes seemed to go unfocused and for a minute Elliott felt as if he was alone. He kept demanding an explanation, but Lance seemed far away "Was he drugged?" Elliott thought.
Neil came through the door, dressed as he usually was at the office. Lance's eyes refocused and he... saluted? Elliott couldn't believe anything that was happening at this point. "Neil, what the fuck is going on!"
Lance's eyes flashed with anger, but Neil simply laughed "Oh, I'm just playing with you." Neil said casually "I've been playing with Lance too and his lovely lance." Neil put his hand on Lance's penis... it shot up at the touch and Neil lightly stroked it a few times before pulling away his hand.
Neil walked up to Elliott and put the had he's used on Elliott's face "This face is awfully dry. Lance, bring your lance over here."
"Yes, Sir Britton." Lance said with reverence as he walked over, erection close to Elliott's face.
"Use your lance, Lance. Cum all over his face." Neil said, smiling right into Elliott's eyes, moving his hand away.
"Yes, Sir Britton." Lance said enthusiastically as he began to jack off right in Elliott's face.
"Lance what the fuck, stop!" Lance didn't even acknowledged Elliott now. Meanwhile a new sensation... Neil, he was giving Elliott a handjob? Elliott didn't even realise he was erect.
"Cum will reveal the truth." Neil said flatly.
"Cum will reveal the truth." Lance repeated in the same tone.
"Cum will reveal the truth." Elliott couldn't help also say.
Elliott came swiftly and with his cum on his... Elliott realised the truth. He wasn't here against his will, Neil wasn't his boss, Lance wasn't his best friend. They were hypnotized like him!
Lance looked at Elliott, knowingly, while Neil worked on his dick. When he came and Neil's hand was covered the smugness vanished, he giggled slightly as he looked at Elliott. "My turn on the table." Neil said as he began to strip.
Indeed they were going to do this one more time. All for the amusement of their mutual controller who they could see now watching from the side of the room, but knew not to acknowledge.
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Masturbation Zones
The addition of 'Masturbation Zones' at the gym was sudden. Everyone with a membership was informed of it when they were handed a tablet to sign when they went to reception. Any member who would've objected was pacified by the special screen. Signing the terms and accepting this new worldview where Masturbation Zones were normal.
As such, the MZs were accepted fast. Nobody minded the cameras in them. Nobody felt uncomfortable at being ogled by people in them. When interviewed by staff everyone came up with good reasons this new policy was good.
Everyone condemned Johnny when he masturbated outside the zone. When interviewed by staff all were against him, disgusted by him and his inappropriate actions. Even as they were answering the questions as they masturbated in the very open Zones.
Johnny returned, after everyone had signed the 'new policy' that made them forgive him. When interviewed by staff everyone gave decent rationalisations for their change in attitude.
Soon enough the experiment was concluded. The Masturbation Zones were removed and everyone grumbled but accepted this change and were perfectly happy to obey the rule to never mention them ever again.
Of course, each member's identity was noted in case any research on the special screens effects over time were ever needed... or researcher decided they'd love to use them again.
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Conversation Worsens
"Is it just me or have our conversations gotten worse recently?" Luciana asked her three friends around the table "I mean, it feels like we used to have better discussions."
"My pussy is wet." Valentina said, though Luciana felt like she wasn't actually responding to her.
"My dick is hard." Leon said, though it sounded a bit like a reply to Valentina neither really looked at each other.
"My dick is hard." Aisha said, though it was the exact same thing Leon said, she also seemed to have said it unconnected to anyone else.
"See, this is what I mean." Luciana sighed "Everyday recently it seems we just talk at each other, not to each other." Luciana paused for a second "My pussy is also wet."
"I want to fuck." Valentina said.
"I want to fuck." Leon said.
"I want to fuck." Aisha said.
"Yeah, I also want to fuck." Luciana admitted "I won't deny, I've been enjoying the sex we've been having, but we used to be friends rather than just fuckfriends."
"My pussy is wet. We should fuck." Valentina said as she got up from her chair and started stripping.
"My dick is hard. We should fuck." Leon said as he got up from his chair and started stripping.
"My dick is hard. We should fuck." Aisha said as she got up from her chair and started stripping.
"OK, fine, I agree, since my pussy is wet, I also think we should fuck." Luciana said as she got up from her chair and also started stripping "But tomorrow I hope we can have a good talk like we used too." she added.
An observer smiles and writes the results on their tablet. Amused knowing Aisha will be the one making similar complaints tomorrow. The four's conversations have certainly gotten worse since they became test subjects, but to one person they've become far more enlightening.
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Travis and Fred stood back-to-back in the centre of the plaza. Shirtless and in only shorts. They knew that when the clock tower hit noon they'd both pull down their shorts and begin masturbating. It was routine now, every other day for over a month they were forced to do this by whoever it was that pulled their strings. The same influence that meant people who saw them had to start insulting, heckling, photographing and filming them, they were compelled to upload the images to the internet where others would be made to mock them.
"I came here yesterday." Fred said "I wanted to give the girls on the other shift some solidarity." he sighed "The things I said instead, exactly the horrible shit we hear, but slightly changed to be about ladies."
"I'm sure a lot of people are horrified by what they're compelled to say about us." Travis replied.
"That's the scary thing, Trav." Fred said "It's not like being here. I only know I don't actually think that because I recognised the script. I think everyone else thinks they're speaking of their own free will."
"Well, thanks for that truth, Fred." Travis said sarcastically as the clock struck noon and the pair began "I'm gonna be thinking about that all day as people yell those things at us."
"Sorry, I thought you should know, I guess." Fred said quietly.
Invisible to both of them a third person was hearing their exchang and smiled. The listener thought "It's still so hot hearing his rationalisations of my orders. I can't wait to see what the girls version of this talk will be like tomorrow." they then began to walk to a bench as the first hecklers started their influenced insults and actions.
The knowledge the two now had was sure to make today's show very fun to watch.
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A Normal Shopping Experience
Jing was struggling to fight the urge to masturbate. She was in a clothing store, after all. She couldn't, she told herself, it wasn't allowed, it was illegal and people would judge her. That knowledge kept her hands away from her inexplicably wet pussy.
Jing then noticed the two other customers in the store. A short black woman with dreadlocks stuck her hand in her sweatpants and a tall red-haired white man pulled down his jeans and began jacking off his hard dick.
Afraid that watching this indecency would make her join them both here and in a police car soon Jing turned away. That's when she saw the woman working on the checkout was also touching herself, a hand in her pants and the other on her breast.
This finally made Jing realised she was mistaken. There was nothing wrong with masturbating in this store. She was just being silly. It was a normal action. Jing hurriedly pulled her skirt and panties down and got to work.
Soon Jing, the other customers and the cashier came. After they did, all four got redressed. Jing didn't question this synchronisation. The customers then all went to the counter where the cashier had brought out a book. Jing and the other two customers wrote their names, ages, phone numbers, addresses, relationship statuses and if they lived alone or not.
After this the three resumed their shopping as if nothing had happened. None questioned their actions. It was a normal shopping experience.
And that's all of the day Jing remembered until she was contacted by the one who had purchased her body and mind.
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Preparing to Enact Phase 2 of the Plan
"So you're confident that this thing works, Ms Mann?" Richard asked.
"Oh yes, very confident, Dick." Emma said smoothly "I'm not just going to use untested equipment on the Board of Directors."
"So, who've you used this thing on before, Ms Mann?"
"Oh, nobody important, Dickie." Emma said "Remember Mike? When he got fired for beating his meat in the break room? When he was still jacking it as security passed him to the cops?" she was almost unnervingly cheerful for the topic.
"That was your device?" Richard said shocked, Emma nodded "Ms Mann, was that really necessary?"
"Absolutely, Dick." Emma giggled "Mike was a career-oriented and he hadn't even touched himself in a decade. He would've never done that in a million years, but he did and when asked he rationalised it incredibly, I didn't even have to come up with a reason, his mind did, Dick."
"Well, that's great news on the effectiveness, but did he really need to get arrested, Ms Mann?"
"Don't worry your sweet head, Dick." Emma said waving her hand "Mike was released later that day. He has no criminal record and he's going to return to work next week. That was also part of the test, to see if I could get him off the hook. He thinks it's a holiday."
"Wait, Ms Mann... how will he be allowed back to work? He was the gossip of the company for ages." Richard asked.
"Oh, silly Dickie, phase 3 of your plan, silly. After phase 2 when we use the device on the Board to get you to the CEO position. We use it on everyone in the company."
"Oh, yeah, of course." Richard nodded "Just think how efficient the company will be with brainwashed loyal subjects. They'll almost be as loyal and subservient to me as you are, Ms Mann."
"Yeah, sure Dick." Emma chuckled "I'm going to finish rigging this projector, be a good useful brainwashed dickhead and eat your loyal and trusted secretary out. That's all a dumb figurehead like you will be doing at the top anyway."
"Sure thing, Ms Mann." Richard said, the insults going over his head as he lent down "I can't wait to openly tell people I use your body without HR getting on our case about the power dynamic."
"Mmm, shut the fuck up you stupid dick. Your getting none of me when the hot boys are under my control." Emma said as Richard got to work.
She was incredibly turned on by Richard's obliviousness and passivity towards her constant taunting. The man would turn red if anyone else called him Dick, but from now on he would insist on it, Emma decided. When the company and it's staff became hers, Dick would be her figurehead and, if her fun with her 'assets' caused efficiency issues Dick would be to blame.
What a great plan Dick hadn't had.
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Morning Routine
Hathaway loved mornings. Xe got up early, 5AM, and after xyr breakfast watched xyr phone. It was usually around 6AM when xe would get the first ass pics of the day from fellow early-risers. The beautiful booties would come in for the next 7 hours from the 91 people under Hathaway's hypnotic sway.
They were, of course, very similar pictures to what Hathaway got everyday. The same 91 people, the same 91 asses, always coming in around the same times. Hathaway knew that if xe was releasing these strangers would get bored of them quickly.
But Hathaway never would. Because the fact that it was routine was what made Hathaway love it so much, what meant that most mornings Hathaway looked at the images as xe masturbated at some point. Xe had made 91 people, from all walks of life, see taking these pictures and sending them to Hathaway as simply part of morning routine. Unquestioned and mundane. The pictures were daily proof that Hathaway owned those bodies.
Today Hathaway especially enjoyed the pictures taken by Mr and Mrs Gray, like most couples under Hathaway the two acted as each other's photographers. As neither Gray had work and Mrs Gray was a professional photographer the free time and her skill meant she created a fine photo of her husband's ass. All while not thinking about it enough to know she was offering his body to Hathaway.
Hathaway decided to take up the offer. Xe called the Grays house and issued orders. It would be a fun afternoon.
As is Hathaway's routine.
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Brad looked at Nate funny. Brad had came to Nate's house expecting something important. Nate had implied something terrible was happening. Nothing of the sort was said, though. Nate had simply told Brad something he already knew.
"Did you not hear what I said, Brad?" Nate asked confused "Harry is sleeping around? He even came on to me! And you would not believe what he was wearing... nothing but a thong, boots and nipple tassels."
"Yeah, I heard you." Brad responded "What exactly is the big deal?"
"Your husband is cheating on you!" Nate said dumbfounded "I remember once you said that if that ever happened you'd be devastated, why are you so... calm?"
"Oh, I see the problem now." Brad said, not shocked, but as if he realised something obvious "You wasn't at the party where Harry was turned into a sexual amusement machine. Hang on, let me get up the thing on my phone." Brad reached into his pocket.
"What? Sexual... amusement machine? Brad what the-" Nate's words and thoughts ended when he saw the phone screen.
"You see, Nate, Harry is a very attractive man. He and about a dozen other men were turned into sexual amusement machines last new year at Jim's party. Brainwashed to go out and fuck, find hot men and convert them. Me and everyone else at the party got brainwashed to be happy about it. To increase Master's army of sexual amusement machines and to know they are providing sex makes me hard, Nate. I use sexual amusement machines all the time myself."
"Good your head is totally empty now. Nate, please stand up and get naked." Nate wordlessly, thoughtlessly, complied. "Hmm, you are a hot guy, Nate. I must call Harry, Harry must assess you."
Three hours later Nate left his house, wearing a thong, boots and nipple tassels along with Harry. Brad was inside, recovering from using two sexual amusement machines at once. The two split from each other and went in search of more recruits.
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Kristina gets Three New Toys
Kristina strolled the shopping centre, a ghost to the many people under the subtle background influence of her psychic power. She loved the fact that she could stroll around fully nude without so much as a glance from anyone, let alone any threat of arrest, but Kristina wasn't out just to enjoy the thrill of consequence-free nudity. She wanted to use her power to have some fun.
Kristina's eyes were drawn to a group of three attractive young women, happily walking together and talking. Two looked very similar, identical twin sisters of Indian ancestry, Kristina guessed. One in a blue t-shirt, the other in a low-cut black crop top. The third was white with long frizzy red hair in jeans with a black t-shirt.
Kristina approached the three and said "Drone mode you three." all three immediately stood to attention "State your names and ages, girls."
"I am Swati. I am 21 years old." said the twin in the t-shirt.
"I am Sunita. I am 21 years old." said the twin in the crop top.
"I am Mallory, I am 22 years old." said the third woman.
"So, Sunita, what's your relationship with Mallory?" asked Kristina
"Mallory has been a friend of me and my sister since we were in primary school." Sunita answered.
"Do you consider these two your friends, Mallory?"
"Yes. They are my best friends." Mallory said, when Kristina noticed something.
"You aren't wearing a bra are you, Mallory?"
"What about panties?"
"I am not wearing underwear."
"Very interesting." Kristina looked at the twins with an evil smile "Sunita, Swati, listen to me. You two hate Mallory. You lured her here to humiliate her. Making her cry brings you pleasure, do you understand?"
"Yes." the twins said in unison.
"When I snap my fingers all three of you will come out of drone mode. When that happens Swati, you will pull Mallory's t-shirt off. Sunita, you will pull down her jeans. Both of you will insult her as harshly as you can and then walk to the women's toilets and become Drones again . Mallory, you won't fight back or think to pull up your jeans. You will stand here fully exposed until I make you a drone again. Do you girls understand these orders?"
"Yes." all three said emotionless. Kristina raised her hand.
Swati and Sunita acted fast, sadistic grins on their faces. Mallory let out a shriek of horrified surprise as Swati roughly pulled the t-shirt over her head. Mallory looked at the twins gobsmacked "What the fuck?"
"Wow, look how tiny this whore's tits are! No wonder she only gets sad, lonely boys pity-fucking her." Swati cackled pointing at Mallory's boobs.
"It wouldn't be so bad if she had a brain." Sunita said staring Mallory dead in the eye "But she's never had a thought in her pathetic life! Her B-cups are her highest grade ever."
With that the twins flipped Mallory off. After a few seconds she was crying. The twins laughed walked off. As far as she knew everyone was staring at her, she had no idea this had one viewer.
Kristina let Mallory stand there for a minute or so before putting her back into drone mode. She ordered the nude woman to redress herself and follow her to the toilets.
Kristina would, of course, erase all memory of the event from the girls minds, but she had other ideas already. The same scene, but one of the twins replaces Mallory for extra betrayal. Making Mallory a proud nudist and watching the twins react. Making one of the twins think Mallory is her sister and watch the others confusion. Making Mallory think the twins were identical robots she had created. And so many other ideas.
The sky was the limit for Kristina whenever she decided to get herself new toys at the shopping centre.
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A Mixture of Personality and Programming
"So, how's your project on that haughty lady going?" Milly asked Steve as she stripped off for him.
"It's been an interesting one." Steve said, watching her casually get naked "I've successfully bimbofied Jennifer. She's now willing to fuck anyone, dresses the part and most things, but..."
"But what, Master Steven?" Milly asked, now fully nude and moving to insert her butt plug "It sounds like you successfully made her what you wanted her to be."
"I think its best if you see." Steve said, getting up and putting out his hand.
Milly inserted her plug and then gladly took it and was led to a room where the arrogant businesswoman who ruined their meal was sat, doing her makeup. Dressed in very tight, very skimpy clothes. Jennifer saw Steve and smiled, then she saw Milly "Is this another low-rate pretender to my throne as hottest slut?" Jennifer said as she glared "She here to learn what it's like to do it with a real sexy girl?" Steve walked up to Jennifer and tapped her forehead. Turning her off.
"Wow." Milly said "She's still rude as Hell."
"Yeah, it seems arrogance is quite deep-seated in her personality. She thinks that she's the best, hottest and sluttiest girl to ever live now, everyone who isn't me gets a mix of verbal abuse and offers of sex to show she's the best. It's a very interesting mixture of her original personality and her programming."
"Hmm, interesting and... kind of hot? I mean, I know you like keeping personality, look at me naked and plugged for you while we talk." Milly giggled.
"Yeah, it sort of is." Steve agreed. Suddenly Milly's face lit up.
"Oh! Master Steven, I've got a naughty idea." Milly said seductively "She says she wants to show me how its done, but I think it'd be hot if you and I fucked here and she had to sit there, not even allowed to touch herself, watching her Master fuck. Maybe you could even praise me, call me the best and stuff."
"Damn, Milly, I didn't put that in you."
"I'll admit that this is partially a payback idea for the restaurant." Milly smiled "But can you really deny such an interesting mix of my natural malice and your programming, Master Steven?" Milly squished her breasts together and Steve smiled.
Milly was right, this entire thing was exactly what he loved about his power "OK, I'll indulge you." Steve said, before tapping Jennifer on the forehead and giving her the orders that'd make the rest of the night a very humbling experience.
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