somecursesforme · 8 hours
“That’s why high school, or a crappy job, or any other restrictive circumstance can be dangerous: They make dreams too painful to bear. To avoid longing, we hunker down, wait, and resolve to just survive. Great art becomes a reminder of the art you want to be making, and of the gigantic world outside of your small, seemingly inescapable one. We hide from great things because they inspire us, and in this state, inspiration hurts.”
— One of the best articles I’ve ever read. Rookie Mag. By Spencer Tweedy. (via wildyork)
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somecursesforme · 9 hours
“i asked chatgpt-” ohhh ok so nothing you are about to say matters at all
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somecursesforme · 9 hours
Call now to recieve help with the inability to make phone calls!
Fill out this forum to receive assistance with your difficulty filling out forms
Come on down to our center thats two hours away so we can give assistance with your inability to walk or drive
There's help out there! You're just not trying hard enough!
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somecursesforme · 10 hours
you COMMENT on fic? you comment on the story like it's worth something? oh! oh! love for reader! love for reader for One Thousand Years!!!!
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somecursesforme · 10 hours
when u like a character for their potential to be interesting and complex more than how they’re actually written
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somecursesforme · 10 hours
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Super niche nerdy Mycology meme that won’t track for anyone
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somecursesforme · 10 hours
I assume you've already moved on from the topic of a medieval tattoo, but a few days back my mind decided to associate you with the image of Melusine in her bath (serpent tail included) and now I can't stop thinking about it.
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uh oh.
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somecursesforme · 14 hours
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Man’s Crown. 400s–500s CE. Nubia, Qustul (Sudan), X-Group or Ballana culture, unknown jeweler. Silver, gemstones (including garnet and carnelian), and paste stones (glass); 20 x 15 cm. Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
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somecursesforme · 1 day
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somecursesforme · 1 day
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Bronze statue of Apollo from Pompeii. National Museum of Naples, Italy.
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somecursesforme · 2 days
advertisement should be illegal. this is based in the 3rd pillar of my belief system: leave me the fuck alone
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somecursesforme · 2 days
when i was reading the book entangled life which is about fungi and the author merlin sheldrake said that once he got his first author copies he was going to dampen the pages and use them to grow oyster mushrooms and yeast and then use the yeast to brew beer and then drink the beer with the mushrooms to complete the cycle of fungal knowledge. i was like really and truly this guy gets it
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somecursesforme · 2 days
i say no homo to other humans in case they interpret something im doing as something a human would do
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somecursesforme · 2 days
i’m normally really good abt not getting ragebaited online but sometimes i’m like hey why don’t i ever use instagram anymore? oh bc i started losing my ability to resist fighting fatphobes in the comments on reels. that’s why. poison app
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somecursesforme · 2 days
not gonna say it. but he popped into your head didn’t he
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somecursesforme · 2 days
People don’t owe you their downtime! And I don’t mean this in a harsh way, but in a “quit breaking your own heart” way.
It’s so easy to see a friend “active” and reblogging on tumblr, or maybe making a status update on Facebook and feel hurt they haven’t replied to our messages.
Different things take different energy. And someone being “online” but not actively talking to you does not mean they no longer love or care about you.
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somecursesforme · 2 days
You ever think about how unified humanity is by just everyday experiences? Tudor peasants had hangnails, nobles in the Qin dynasty had favorite foods, workers in the 1700s liked seeing flowers growing in pavement cracks, a cook in medieval Iran teared up cutting onions, a mom in 1300 told her son not to get grass stains on his clothes, some girl in the past loved staying up late to see the sun rise.
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