soulaether ยท 2 years
Hello, could you make a gender neutral (for everyone to identify) S/O for Lily of Servamp who for many is emotionless and sometimes angry and only serves to fight since her fighting skills are amazing both arming or not, the sometimes leaving Lily worried as her S/O wants to sort it all out on its own, even if it costs a broken bone or two, more caring and considerate of Lily.
First request (Very short)
Tumblr media
Mild Cursing/Swearing
Bad grammar
Slight Angst
Reader uses they/them pronouns
(Slightly ooc lily(?), bad writing because i haven't wrote in a long time)
3rd Person POV
Lily was once again walking the long halls of the Alicien manor, humming a small tune. He was about to go to misono's room to check up on him, yet he seemed to have gotten distracted after seeing his lover all bloodied and bruised.
He rushed to them as soon as he saw them, but was pushed away. "Ah..[Name] you're all bloodied and bruised...let me help you" he said "i can help myself, don't worry about me too much." They responded,emotionless.
He grabbed their arm"But you're bleeding, wha-"he says, but was cut off as his lover harshly pulled their arm away from his grasp. "I said, i can help myself" they responded.
Not wanting to pry any longer, he decided to leave them be. He didn't want to to anger them nor make them more annoyed.
"I guess I'll go check on misono now..." He said to himself as he sighs, worried about his lover getting hurt, again.
3rd Person POV
After leaving their lover to bandaged themselves up, they went outside. Once again staring at the moon, as the moon seemingly stared back at them.
"Ah, i see you're staring at the moon again." A familiar voice said behind them, it was their lover once again. 'Why are you so caring? It annoys me. Why did you even love me?' They thought as lily walks closer to them.
Five steps
Four steps
Three steps
Two steps
One step
Their noses were almost touching, as he stepped an inch closer to them. He wanted to sort it out with them together, He didn't want them to sort it out all alone. He wanted them to smile, he always thought that a smile would suit them.
"What?" They asked him, but all he could do was hum as an answer. They attempted to move away from him, yet he kept going the same way they go. "Will you stop?" They grumbled, visibly annoyed, yet their lover still smiled at them.
'...why are you like this. I already told you i want sort this out all on my own' They spoke in their head,they were capable on their own, they knew how to fight, they're great at fighting to. Yet he still seems he wants to help them sort it out.
Grabbing their hand, he says "you did it wrong" confused they responded "Huh?" He gently fixed their bandages, being oh so gentle, as if a single rough touch would break their skin. Yet they were used to that, he was still gentle with them.
"there we go! All fixed!" He says cheerfully "ah...thanks.. Now can you mive out of my way?...i need to go train" They spoke as they caressed their scarred palms.
He then again hummed softly, it somehow calms their nerves whenever he hums like that. He then again grabbed their scarred hands softly, caressing it gently "Let me help you, even if it takes a broken bone or two to convince you. Please?" He spoke in a soft and gentle manner, it almost made their heart skip a beat.
The moon shined down on them, as if it was waiting on their answer. Pulling away from his touch again. They didn't respond, but only looked at him, the two of them stood there for a few minutes.
They were about to answer, but was interrupted as misono called snow lily. "Ah,then. I'll be waiting for your answer" He told them as he grabbed their scarred hand again, leaving a small kiss on their hand.
"I'll see you soon~" He spoke in a sweet manner, as he walks back inside the Alicien mannor.
Leaving them standing outside, as the moon still shined down on them. They hummed looking at their scarred hand,
'Maybe letting him help me...wouldn't be that bad'
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