spaceexploreunit · 1 hour
if you're scrolling tumblr right now because you're struggling to complete a project or assignment, take a moment to do the following:
get up and grab a resealable plastic (ziploc) bag
fill it with warm water from the sink
it will probably be somewhat difficult to fill it with warm water from the sink. youre taking a break. don't worry about it. trying to fill up the plastic bag full of warm water even though it's silly and slippery and soaks your hands. it's part of the fun
when it's full, go show someone. tell them you filled a bag with water. when they touch it, they won't expect it to be warm, and they'll tell you "ooh, it's warm!" you know this though. it's a little surprise for them
enjoy the warm water bag with them. it's fun. it probably won't spill if you sealed it well. hold it with your hands. press it against your face-- it's relaxing. jiggle it around a little bit. feel the nice, plasticky-warm texture. it's the warm water bag. it's the bag filled with water and it's fun
when you're done, take a pin or other sharp object (a pen works, but pins are best!) and bring the bag back to the sink. poke a hole in the bag with the pin. the water probably won't come out very fast. poke more if you'd like. maybe try dragging the pin across the bag and see if you can make a cut. poke many holes in it. it's fun!
throw the bag away when you're done. youve just relaxed with the bag of warm water
congratulations! try to go do your project again and you might find it easier. and if not, you've made a few water-bag based memories, or at least had a laugh or two :)
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spaceexploreunit · 3 hours
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spaceexploreunit · 4 hours
do you ever read a take so bad you can't even be mad about it you're just like... ohhhhhh they must be stupid </3 so sad for them
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spaceexploreunit · 6 hours
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Jeffrey Gibson
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spaceexploreunit · 8 hours
frenemies with benefies
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spaceexploreunit · 9 hours
i wish disco elysium was on the nintendo wii
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spaceexploreunit · 11 hours
detective: [kneels down looking over a dead body] hm. gross
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spaceexploreunit · 12 hours
My theory of adhd management is that in order to focus there are 4 things that need to be sufficiently occupied:
Hands (or body)
And if you aren’t occupying them enough or there’s too many things demanding the use of one, it’ll start to wreck havoc on your ability to do things.
So for example, listening to a podcast. This occupies your ears and brain as you focus on both listening and processing what you hear, but it leaves your hands and eyes completely without anything to do. If you tried to sit down and just listen to a podcast by itself you’d probably get unbearably bored and stop doing it.
But if you pair that activity with something that uses your hands and eyes, like a craft, household chore, or commute, suddenly you’re fully plugged in and can in fact focus better on both tasks than you could if you tried doing them separately.
It’s also why you can’t listen to a podcast while doing homework; you’re trying to use your brain for two different tasks. To occupy your ears while doing homework (which is already using eyes, brain, and hands) you need something for your ears that doesn’t require your brain: music. Specifically music that doesn’t use too much brain power, which is why some people prefer instrumentals or songs in other languages.
Hyperfixation and sensory overload change this by moving the threshold for how much sensory input you need to be able to function. If I’m extremely focused on a craft project (eyes, hands, brain) I might not even need something for my ears; my interest in the project makes up for it. If i’ve had a very overwhelming day, trying to listen to an audiobook while I do some stretches could be too much to process. My brain needs a break.
Video games, which pretty much universally occupy all 4 areas, are basically instant, easy focus wrapped up in a neat little bow. No wonder adhd-havers tend to love them.
If you’re struggling with a task, try looking at which areas it occupies and which are left unattended. Then try to find something enjoyable to fill those gaps, and see if that helps.
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spaceexploreunit · 3 days
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spaceexploreunit · 3 days
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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spaceexploreunit · 3 days
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spaceexploreunit · 3 days
dear newly-out trans girl: you need to wear yr skirt up on yr waist, not on yr hips. trust me on this one
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spaceexploreunit · 3 days
reblog if the first musical you listened to was not Hamilton
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spaceexploreunit · 3 days
English added by me :)
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spaceexploreunit · 3 days
i think anyone who’s every used the internet has seen this picture at least once
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spaceexploreunit · 3 days
Gatekeeping is so good and important
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spaceexploreunit · 4 days
[Video description: a fawn jumps around in a massive puddle during a rainstorm, filmed from a covered porch. It runs to join its mother and go into the woods. (I did not watch with sound on)]
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