spideyyystark · 4 years
Zendaya's Friend (Tom Holland)
"Oh, come on (y/n). I don't know why you're that scared." Zendaya looks at me while I hide under my blanket.
"Maybe, just maybe, because you invited THE Tom Holland to hang out at yours with me too!" I frown even though I know she can't see me right now.
"I was just helping you. You can't keep crushing on him forever. You gotta make a move (y/nn)." I come out of my cocoon to hit her with a pillow.
"It's not helping. I know you meant it good but you can't assure that he likes me back. He's famous, I'm not. He's so handsome and I'm definitely not." This time Zendaya is the one hitting me with the pillow.
"Don't you say that! You are pretty and you're funny and my best friend. If he doesn't like you the way you are it's his loss not yours. You don't want to be with someone who likes you for something you're not."
"When did you become that wise Z?"
"I was born this way." She smirks at me and I hit her with the pillow again.
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@zendaya can't wait to hang out with my two best friends
Tagged: @tomholland2013 @(y/u/n)
@username1: what is Tom looking at?
        @zendaya: @username1 (y/n)'s instagram
        @tomholland2013: @zendaya Stop lying
        @zendaya: @tomholland2013 am I?
@username2: holy trinity 2.0?
@(y/u/n): hey why is there no pic with me?
        @zendaya: @(y/u/n) because you're ugly
        @(y/u/n): @zendaya yeah makes sense
@tomholland2013: @zendaya Liar
I'm at Zendaya's right now and together we're watching a couple of episodes of Love Island. After hanging out with Tom Zendaya and I started watching that show as a joke until we basically became addicted to it. I would've never thought that it could be that interesting but I was wrong.
"By the way what are you going to wear on Saturday?" Zendaya asks me randomly.
"I thought I'd be wearing something simple since we're only chilling at your's?" Zendaya only nods as a response and goes back to watching tv.
"Why?" I look at her suspiciously. She never asks something just because, she always has a reason or a second thought hanging to it.
"I just thought you'd dress to impress because he's your crush." She doesn't even look at me while saying that.
"CELEBRITY crush." I correct her unconsciously.
"Ha! You finally admitted it." She grins and fist bumps the air.
"You're such a dork." I shake my head laughing.
"Let Operation matchmaker begin."
"Wait what!"
Time skip bc I'm lazy
"Is this okay?" I come out of my bathroom to show Zendaya the outfit of my choice.
"Nah, it's too casual. You're going to dress to impress." She doesn't even really look up from her phone.
"You complained about every outfit. Why don't you choose something?" I'm getting tired of trying on outfits for over an hour. Zendaya gets up of my bed and walks to my closet. After picking different pieces she handed me the outfit.
"Put it on and then come back." She sends me to the bathroom where I do what she said.
"Z this is amazing!" I yell while looking at myself in the mirror. I go back to her where she claps her hands in approval.
"I knew I had a great sense for fashion." She smirks at me.
"Anyway we still need to do your hair and makeup."
"Why can't I just go like that?" I ask not wanting to spend more time changing my look than already done.
"But at least your makeup." Zendaya begs me.
"Fine." I groan and get my makeup bag from my bathroom. I didn't even walk through the door and she already snatched it out of my hands. I sit down in front of her and close my eyes so she can do my makeup. After what felt like 5 minutes she already finished it.
"What that's it?" I ask surprised.
"We're only chilling at my place, (y/n). You don't need much makeup for that."
I look in the mirror and marvel at her work.
"Now you're ready to meet Tom and believe me, he'll love you."
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spideyyystark · 4 years
Roller Coaster (Tom Holland)
It's gonna be fun, they say. We won't leave you again, they say. Fun my ass. Me and a few friends decided to go to Disney Land again, well they decided to go and forced me to come with them to have fun. Now I'm standing alone in the middle of Disney Land without any clue where my friends are and my phone only has 10%. Wow, today really is my lucky day. I already bought myself a churro because I was hungry and didn't see my friends anywhere. I sit down on the nearest bench when my phone suddenly rings. I immediately pick up without looking who's calling.
"Hello?" I ask.
"Hey, (y/n), it's us (f/n/1) and (f/n/2). Where are you?" (F/n/1) says from the other side.
"I could ask you the same thing. I actually don't know where I am and you left me again!" The last time we went together somewhere they left me too and called two hours later to ask me where I was.
"We're at the big thunder mountain railroad. Look at your map (y/n)." (F/n/2) tells me.
"Uhm, okay wait a second." I get the map out of my bag and look at it. "I think I'm at one of the Guardians of the galaxy rides."
"Okay, so we're coming to you after we went on the rides here. You can go on some rides too but please don't go too far away because we want to find you. Got it?"
"Yeah, sounds like a bulletproof plan." I roll my eyes. How old do they think I am?
After I packed my phone away I go to the line for the Guardians of the Galaxy ride. Since I'm alone I stand in the single rider line. Some people look at me weirdly like they've never seen someone alone in Disney Land. And I'm actually not alone only lost.
"Why do I have to ride alone and you get to ride together?" A boy from the other line whines.
"Stop complaining, Tom. Maybe it's a cute girl and you can finally get a girlfriend." A taller blonde boy answers the other one, who got to be Tom. He's got curly brown hair and really cute brown puppy eyes.
"Harrison stop teasing poor Tommy." Another boy with curly hair says. So the blonde boy has to be Harrison. He looks at Tom smirking. " He already knows it."
Tom smacks the last nameless boy on the back of his neck.
"Like you two have girlfriends who really exist."
I finally realize that I've been staring at them the whole time and turn around again. I kinda feel bad for eavesdropping but it was pretty amusing too.
After about 30 minutes I'm at the front of the line, waiting for someone to need a single rider.
Some people later the three boys get into their seats. One of the workers waves at me and motions me to take a seat next to the boy named Tom. I have to admit he's really handsome. When Tom looks at me his eyes widen slightly. I sit down and the two boys, Harrison and the other one, turn around to me and Tom. They briefly look at me and then wiggle their eyebrows at Tom. I watch them grinning and see that Tom starts blushing. How cute.
"I'm Tom by the way." He introduces himself after we got buckled up.
"(Y/n)." I smile at him which he gladly returns.
The second I wanted to ask him something the ride began and the only things that came out of my mouth were screams and laughter. The two boys in front of us tried to turn around one time but that backfired when we dropped down and drove up shortly afterwards.
A hand grabbed my arm while I was walking out of the ride. I turned around to see that it's Tom, Harrison and the other boy.
"Uhm, it's is again." Tom says as I look at him confused.
"Uh, Hi?" I smile at him asking myself why he stopped me.
"I couldn't help but notice that you're here alone. Uh, so I wanted to ask if you maybe want to hang out with us?" He shrugs and looks at me hopefully.
"I'd love to but actually I'm not alone. I came here with some of my friends and kinda lost them or, well, they left me without me knowing. Now that I say it out loud maybe I should go with you." I laugh awkwardly. "Let me just call them."
Time skip
"Thank you so much for letting me go with you." I smile at Tom, Harrison and Harry, who I found out was Tom's brother.
"I have to thank you for even considering spending time with those divs behind me." Tom says and smirks. Harry slaps Tom from behind as an answer. I laugh at their childish behavior but let's be honest it's kinda cute.
"Do you have Instagram?" Harrison suddenly asks me before I could go to my friends who were waiting for me at the car.
"Yes, why?" I look at him confused, not knowing what he wants from me right now.
"What's your username?"
"It's (y/u/n)."
"Great, Tom's gonna Text you later." Harrison's the one smirking now.
"He will?"
"I will?" Tom and I ask at the same time.
"Well, I guess I'll be waiting for your text spidey." I grin and pat his arm.
"Bye." I wave at them and walk to my friends.
"She knows!" I hear Tom exclaim loudly before I get in the car.
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spideyyystark · 4 years
Worst of you pt.2 (Tom Holland)
"So, how did it go?" Haz asks me the next day. We're at his home, sitting in the living room and talking about our lives. My grip on the cup increases unconsciously.
"Uhm, you know- I- uhm" I stutter not really knowing what to say.
"(y/n) please say me you didn't chicken out." Haz looks at me disappointed.
"I'm sorry Haz! I told you I can't do it." I look at the cup in my hand and take a small sip, trying to avoid Harrison's glare. He sighs.
"Come here." He motions me to come over to him. I do so and put my cup down. He puts his arms around me and embraces me in a hug, enjoying the warmth he's giving me.
"I'm sorry." I mumble in his shirt.
"It's okay." He runs his fingers through my hair. "You don't have to apologize. I understand that it's hard for you but you know just as well as I do that this relationship is not good for you."
I look up at him.
"I know. But I can't change that I love him from one day to another. Why does love have to be so complicated?" I sigh and burry my face in his shirt again, trying to forget all my problems for a moment.
"I don't know. Love's a dick sometimes."
He keeps running his hand through my hair knowing that it calms me down. Suddenly my phone rings. I go to my bag and take it out, surprised to see Tom's name on the display. I pick it up.
"Hey. What's wrong?" I ask confused because he never calls me.
"Where are you?" He asks harshly. No hello or how are you. Not even a nice tone of voice.
"I'm at Haz's, why?"
"What are you doing there, cheating on me again?"
"I told you I'm not cheating on you! Not with Haz and not with anyone else!"
"Yeah, of course." He says and laughs sarcastically. I only roll my eyes.
"We're talking at home, okay?" I say and hang up. Haz looks at me with widening eyes and I am kinda proud of myself that I stood up for myself at least once.
"Why does he think that you're cheating on him with me?" Haz asks me.
"He saw an article about us sitting together in that café yesterday." I shrug.
"And even if you would cheat on him-" I raise an eyebrow at Haz. "He's cheating on you too. So why does he make such a big deal out of it?"
"Maybe because if it comes out that I'm cheating on him it makes him look better, but if it comes out that he's cheating his image is ruined." I think loudly.
"Yeah, maybe."
I go over to Haz and hug him again.
"I'm sorry but I have to clear things with Tom now." I say and look at him excusing.
"You don't have to apologize for everything." He smiles at me. "If you ever need a place to sleep you know the door's always open for you." I pat his arm.
"Then make sure that nobody tries to break into your house." I smile at him, chug the rest of my tea down and go to my car, which is parked outside Haz's house.
On the drive home I sing loudly to the songs in the radio, trying not to think about the argument which is coming nearer with every second. After a surprisingly short ride I drive into the parking spot in front of our house. I take a deep breath before I go in. After I put my shoes and my jacket away I go into the living room because that's where I suppose Tom is. And I was right.
"I'm back." I say but he doesn't even bother looking to me.
"Why do you always accuse me of cheating?" I ask hoping to get a reaction out of him.
"Because you are." He finally answers and turns to me.
"No I'm not." I insist.
"Stop lying to me!" He raises his voice slightly.
"Maybe you should stop ignoring facts! I know for sure that you're cheating on me! So stop accusing me of doing something that you're doing!" I say straight to his face. I don't know where all this confidence came from but I'm thankful for it. Tom looks at me, definitely shocked. Seems like he didn't know that I know. Well, now he does.
"If you're telling somebody, I swear to god-" he starts but I interrupt him.
"Then what? Then you're breaking up with me or what?"
"Exactly." He seems to be pretty proud of himself.
"Well, how sad that you can't break up with me." I tell him.
"Why?" Tom asks not knowing what I'm about to do.
"Because you can't break up with me if I already broke up with you." I smile slightly to myself for doing what I should've done ages ago.
"What did you just say?" He asks me stepping nearer to me.
"I'm breaking up with you." I'm not afraid of him because I know that he'd never punch me. I throw a last glance at him before I turn around and go to our shared bedroom to pack my things together. Tom follows me.
"You know you're nothing without me." He leans against the doorframe, watching me packing my stuff.
"If I'm nothing without you then I shouldn't have you." I quote Spider-Man Homecoming.
Tom's eyes widen with realization.
"You didn't-"
"Oh yes. I did use your own movie against you." And with that I walk past him not looking back. I get into my car and throw my bags at the backseat.
"I know that you're coming back like you always do!" Tom yells at me a last time before he slams the door. I shake my head.
"Don't be too sure." I say to him knowing that there's no way he can hear me. I call Haz while driving away from the house I used to call my home. It feels good to finally be free.
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spideyyystark · 4 years
Worst of you pt. 1 (Tom Holland)
I'm sitting at home and wait for my boyfriend. Again. He promised that it would be different. He promised that I wouldn't have to wait for him everyday but here we are. I fell almost asleep while watching Brooklyn 99 and waiting for him. But only almost. I hear the door open and close. I stand up and go to Tom who's putting his jacket in the closet.
"Where were you?" I ask concerned.
"It's none of your business." He answers and walks past me to the kitchen. I follow him sighing. That's how it always goes. I'm worried that something happened to him because he doesn't came home the time he said and when I call him I go straight to voicemail.
"There's dinner in the fridge." I tell him, leaning against the doorframe. He nods and puts it in the microwave to warm it up.
"Today happened the funniest thing ever." I grin at him. "You know my friend (f/n), right? Well she went to get coffees but-" Tom interrupts me and goes to the living room. He sits down on the couch and grabs the remote.
"You were watching Brooklyn 99? Again?" He asks me, shaking his head.
"It's my favorite tv show." I explain (if it's not just insert yours). "Anyways, (f/n) went to get us coffees and-"
"Honestly, I don't care." Tom says changing the channel and starts eating and meanwhile telling me about his day.
Another promise he broke. He promised me so many times that he would listen. But he never did except at the start of our relationship. But I actually don't really care. I love his voice and take every opportunity to hear it.
"Tomorrow is Haz's Birthday and he's throwing a party and we're obviously invited. We're going at 5." Tom says not really waiting for an answer or asking if I even want to go. I mean I want to go, Harrison's one of my best friends, but it's about the principle.
Whenever we're going out Tom's role-playing the good guy, like he's the most perfect boyfriend without any flaws and like we don't have any problems. And it's nice to forget them for a while and to act like everything's okay.
He's also lying about where he's always going and I believe him. But the next morning I realize how naive I am and that he's lying like always.
You promise it's different
You swear that you listened
I don't mind if you didn't
I just love the sound of your voice
You role-play the good guy
Lemon juice your white lies
But I see 'em in the Sunrise
He's got complete control about me, knowing that I'd do everything for him. He's the love of my life but apparently I'm not his. I know that he knows it too. Sometimes he uses it for his advantage.
If we would go swimming he'd probably let me drown. And I? I would be there with a band for him. When I'd hit the sea bed I would see Tom, and only him. Would I be angry? No, I love him too much.
You got me right in the palm of your hand and you know it
Oh It's what you do
So let me drown I'll be there with the band
Hit the sea bed
All I'd see is you
He could give me the worst excuses, no matter if they make sense or not, I just need a reason to stay with him. A reason not to leave him.
Whenever we kiss his lips taste like cherry lipgloss. I had thoughts about him cheating but I would've never guessed that he'd really do it. But I don't care. I would still kiss him. I would rather have him cheating on me, crushing my heart than walking away. He's giving me the worst of him but I want him anyway.
So give me your worst excuses
any reason to stay
Give me your lips that taste of her
I'd kiss them again
I'd rather you walk all over me than walk away
Give me the worst of you
Cause I want you anyway
"Happy Birthday Haz!" I smile at the birthday boy and hand him mine and Tom's present. It's one of my rare real smiles.
"Hey, (y/n), Tom, I'm glad you could come." He hugs me and then Tom who excuses himself right afterwards. Harrison looks at me, his eyes full with worry.
"Is everything okay?" He lowers his voice, not wanting everybody to be part of this conversation. I nod as a response. He doesn't seem to believe me, I wouldn't either. I'm a terrible liar.
"Again?" Haz asks, glaring at Tom who seems to have the time if his life. He's talking with his friends completely forgetting about his girlfriend he came here with. So much for the perfect boyfriend. But I'm used to it. He's always taking me to every party just to talk to his friends and leaving me alone.
I nod again, not being able to speak without my voice breaking.
"I'm sorry (y/n/n)" He says truthfully and embraces me in a hug.
"It's okay." I mumble in his chest. "Now go back to your party and have fun." I pat his chest and after a last glance at me he's doing what I wanted him to do. I sigh, I really don't want to pull Haz in all the drama. He only know because I used to call him when Tom didn't came home at night. He, Haz, helped me a lot in this time and I can't imagine a life without him as my best friend.
Tom let's me down so often but I let him do it again, every time.
So take me to every party and just talk to your friends
Why don't you let me down
I'll let you do it again
Go on and walk all over me just don't walk away
Give me the worst of you
Cause I want you anyway
"Hey, what are you doing here alone?" Tom sneaks up from behind, puts his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder. "You're supposed to have fun, it's a party."
"I'm having fun." I assure him smiling, a fake one this time.
"Are you sure?" He asks me, acting like he actually cares. That's the worst part of dating an actor: never knowing if it's real or if he's just acting.
I nod and tell him to go back to his friends. He does like I said but he's dragging me with him.
"What are you doing?" I ask him confused.
"You're going to have fun today." He smiles down at me. "I'm sorry that I let you down so often. But let me make it up to you." He whispers the last part in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.
"Guys, you know (y/n), right?" Tom introduces me to his friends.
"Your girlfriend?" One of them asks.
"Yup, that's her. The one and only." Tom gives me a small kiss. I enjoy really being his girlfriend for once. Who knows when I'm having this chance again?
"Thank you Haz for inviting us." I hug him as a goodbye.
"See you around." Tom and Haz do their handshake while Tom has one arm around my waist. Haz looks at me, raising an eyebrow. I just shrug my shoulders and smile.
As soon as the door closes Tom takes his arm away like I'm poisonous or disgusting or some like that. I sigh silently. I knew that this was going to happen sooner or later.
"Where are you? I called you like six times?" I ask Tom through the phone.
"Who are you? My mother?" He asks clearly annoyed.
"No, you're girlfriend! I'm sorry that I actually care about you."
"I'm an adult I can look after myself."
"I'll quote you the next time I have to pick you up when you're drunk."
Tom sighs.
"Look, I'm sorry. I overreacted."
"Because your day was stressful?"
"Yeah, that's why. I just want to come home."
"I'm sorry too. We can watch your favorite show and eat pizza if you want to?"
"Yeah sure." And with that he hangs up. I'm always letting him win and I basically make his excuses.
We make up, but I'll know we fistfight
Through iphones
My left hook a no-show
Cause I'll just keep letting you win
But baby the truth is I make your excuses
You let me down and I'm used to it
When Tom comes home I already put on his favorite tv show and put the pizza on two plates. He walks into our living room and sits down immediately. No hello or thank you, he just grabs his plate and waits for me to push the play button on the remote. I don't even say anything about it because I don't want to cause trouble. It's also something I'm used to. During our relationship Tom changed. He went to the bar every day, never talked to me and stopped treating me like I mean something to him. That's when I relied on Haz a lot. He helped me to go through the days without Tom. He also tells me every time I call him that I should leave Tom since it wouldn't make much difference. My answer is always that I can't break up with Tom because I love him. Harrison once Said what we both were thinking: "But does he love you?"
I snap out of my thoughts because Tom stands up.
"Where are you going?" I ask confused.
"Bed." And with that he goes upstairs. I follow after I cleaned everything up.
You got me right in the palm of your hand and you know it
Oh it's what you do
So let me drown I'll be there with the band
Hit the sea bed
All I'd see is you
After a short shower I lay down next to Tom who's already asleep. I watch him a little bit. He looks so innocent when he sleeps, like he could never do anything bad to anyone.
"I love you" I whisper and give him a small kiss on his hair.
So give me your worst excuses any reason to stay
Give me your lips that taste of her
I'd kiss them again
I'd rather you walk all over me than walk away
Give me the worst of you
Cause I want you anyway
I wake up because of the lack of warmth. Sleepily I open my eyes to see that Tom is already gone and his side is cold. I look at my phone to see what time it is. It's 9 am. Where the hell is Tom at this time? I mean he leaves the house early, yes, but never that early.
Anyways I decide to stand up and get ready since Haz and I wanted to meet. I wear a comfy but sweet outfit and put my (h/c) hair in a high ponytail.
I walk into the café where Haz already waits for me.
"Hey." I smile at him and we hug like always.
"How are you?" Haz asks me while we sit down.
"I'm fine. And you?"
"I'm fine too, thanks."
A waitress comes to us and we both order waffles and a coffee.
"So how's it going with Tom?"
"Why don't you ask him? He's your best friend?" I say a bit too harsh.
"The old Tom is my best friend. The new Tom is just an asshole. You're my new best friend. I don't want to be Tom's best friend when he acts like that." Harrison assures me.
The waitress comes with our orders and we thank her.
"You have to do something about the situation with Tom, (y/n). You can't live in a toxic relationship forever. You'll drown in it." Harrison says concerned.
"But I cant imagine a life without Tom." I try to protest but it fails miserably.
"You can't be happy like that." Harrison stands up from his chair to sit next to me and comfort me while I cry in his shoulder.
"I'm not but I-"
"No but's." He interrupts me. "You're going to break up with him and this time you don't come back to him right afterwards."
"Are you sure?" I look up from his now with tears stained shirt to his face.
"100%. You don't deserve that. Nobody does."
So take me to every party and just talk to your friends
Why don't you let me down
I'll let you do it again
Go on and walk all over me just don't walk away
Give me the worst of you
Cause I want you anyway (anyway, anyway)
Cause I want you anyway (anyway, anyway)
Back home I see Tom sitting on the couch.
"Hey, You're home." I say surprised and put my jacket in the closet.
"What's that?" He asks me with furrowed eyebrows and shows me an article on his phone.
Tom Holland's girlfriend cheating with Harrison Osterfield?
"That's not true." I assure him.
"Really?" I probably should break up with him now. That's the perfect time: He thinks I'm cheating and I, I don't know.
"Yes. I love you, not Harrison. I promise."
I'm sorry Haz
Another night
Another dotted line
I sign my heart away to you
Some call it foolish
Guess I'll call it art
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spideyyystark · 4 years
Barber (Tom Holland)
"Are you sure?" I ask my boyfriend Tom.
"Yeah of course. I could practice my technique with Harry's hair." He smirks at me. I laugh as a response.
„And we all know how that ended."
Tom smacks my arm lightly.
„What's that supposed to mean?"
Harry laughs his ass off while filming everything for his Instagram story.
„Why are you laughing? She's making fun of YOUR hair." Tom asks confused.
"I know. But you cut it so she's basically making fun of you." Harry laughs again.
"(Y/N) is that true?" Tom pouts.
"Yes." I respond smirking. Tom looks at me with his sad puppy look.
"But I still love you Tommy." I give him a small kiss on his cheek. Harry makes gagging sounds in the background.
"Shut up!" I throw the nearest thing at him which was Haz's phone, however that came here. Harry luckily caught it before it could hit the floor.
"(Y/N)! Why Haz's phone? Why not the book next to it?"
As a response I also throw the book at him. He looks at me like I'm crazy.
"What? You wanted me to throw the book at you." I smile innocently.
"Anyways let's cut your hair!" Tom says in a singing voice.
"Please don't make it look like shit." I beg him.
"So basically not like Harry's hair?"
"Exactly." I nod.
"That's not funny anymore." Harry exclaims and leaves the room while Tom and I just laugh at him.
"Let's Start." Tom says and starts cutting my hair.
After about five minutes Haz enters the room.
"Hey guys, have you seen-" He begins but suddenly bursts out in laughter.
"Why are you laughing?" I ask slightly panicking. "Is it because of my hair?"
As I say this Haz laughs even more.
"Tom, what did you do to my hair?" I ask and try to touch it but Tom takes my hand before I could feel anything.
"I only cut your hair. I personally think it's really good." Tom says and shoots a confused look at Haz who's laying on the floor trying to breathe normally.
"What I wanted to ask in the first place, have you seen my phone?" He tries so hard not to laugh.
"Yeah, Harry has it." Tom answers and continues to cut my hair.
"Why has Harry my phone?"
"(Y/N) threw it at him." Tom answers casually."
Haz exits the room but not without looking at least one more time at my hair.
"Does my hair really look that bad?"
"No, Haz was exaggerating. You know how he likes to mess with everyone." Tom adds his finishing touch to my new hair cut. "And I'm ready!" He says definitely proud of himself.
I stand up and go to the mirror to look what Tom did to me.
"TOM!" I yell.
"Yes, darling?" Tom comes over to me.
"What's that?" I ask pointing at my hair.
"Your hair?"
In that moment Harry and Haz come back to us, filming everything of course.
"We heard (Y/N) scream. Is it that bad?" Harry asks excited.
As soon as they see me they start laughing.
"Oh fuck off." I frown and walk past them.
"Where are you going?" Tom yells after me.
"I'm calling Christine to tell her that she has to come and save my hair ASAP."
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spideyyystark · 4 years
Homecoming (Peter Parker)
"Got Liz a new top?" I hear Peter asking.
"No, we've seen that before, but never with that skirt." Ned answers him.
Michelle and I are sitting together at Lunch at the only free table. Unfortunately it's next to Peter and Ned's table and that's why we've got to hear them basically fangirling about Liz. It hurts since I've been crushing on Peter for about 2 years now. But it seems like he only has eyes for Liz. We used to be friends but I started to hang out more with Michelle because Peter kept talking about Liz. I'd say we were best friends, if not even closer than that.
"We probably should stop staring at her. It's creepy tho." Peter manages to say although he was drooling like crazy.
"Too late." Michelle interrupts and I go on.
"You guys are losers."
Peter looks at me confused. I just turn away, still hurt that he chose Liz over me.
"Hey Peter, you're still here?" I snap my fingers in front of his face. Peter snaps out of his daydream and looks at me.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"I was asking if you want to watch a movie after school?" I smile at him.
We are sitting at lunch, waiting for Ned to show up with our food.
"Oh I'm sorry I can't."
I sigh.
"Let me guess, the Stark Internship?"
"No." He shakes his head. "I was actually going to ask Liz if she wants to go to Homecoming with me."
My eyes widen surprised.
"You're planning on going with Liz?" I ask slowly.
"Yeah, I wanted to go out with her for a while now. Why?"
"Oh, I'm just surprised. That's everything." I manage to say.
"You know what? I'm actually not hungry. I'm just gonna go to the library. See you later."
And with that I stand up and leave Peter alone.
Flashback ends
I wanted to ask Peter to Homecoming. I planned it for months just to find out that he's not interested, not even a tiny bit.
"You okay?" Michelle whispers worried.
"Yeah, I'm good. But thanks, Michelle."
Even though she told me that I can call her MJ I prefer Michelle.
I look over to Peter and Ned to see that they're whispering too. I wonder what they're talking about. Suddenly Peter turns around and our eyes lock for a few seconds. Blushing I look away and chat with Michelle again.
"You're definitely not over him girl." She smirks.
"What? I'm over him." I lie.
"Your voice is high pitched when you lie." She tells me without looking up from her book.
I start blushing like crazy. Shit. I stand up from our table.
"I'll be right back. Got to go to the toilet." I excuse myself and nearly run out of the cafeteria. It still hurts seeing Peter looking at Liz with eye hearts.
I lean against my locker and slowly slide down until I sit with my back against it. Tears start forming in my eyes but I wipe them away before they can run down my face.
"Hey, what's wrong?" A familiar voice asks me. I look up to see Peter sitting down next to me.
"Go away Peter." I mumble. I turn my face away from him so he can't see that I started to cry even more.
"Why?" His voice sounds confused but also a bit worried. Why should he be worried about me?
"Just go away, okay?!" I raise my voice slightly.
"What did I do to you? I thought we were best friends!" Now he only sounds hurt.
I laugh hysterically.
"Yeah, best friends. I thought it was pretty obvious." I shake my head.
"But it seems like I was just stupid."
"What was obvious? Please tell me, (Y/N)."
I look at him, unsure if I should tell him.
"I wanted to be more than best friends. And for a while I thought you wanted the same. But then you started talking about Liz all the time. How could I've been so stupid?" I laugh sarcastically to avoid more tears. Peter's eyes widen surprised. I stand up and go a few steps until Peter stops me.
"Please wait." His grip is tight around my wrist but I could free myself if I really wanted to.
"Why, Peter? What would it change? You're in love with Liz, I get it. You don't have to make it more obvious and hurt me even more." I cry silently.
"I didn't know. I thought you were just seeing me as your nerdy best friend."
I stay silent, waiting for him to go on.
"And sometimes you dropped some hints but I thought I just imagined it. Maybe because I thought that a girl like you would never like a boy like me." He finishes his little speech.
"But you like Liz?" I ask confused.
"No I don't. I just wanted to distract myself before I could fall even more for you."
We look into each other's eyes and I can see that he's telling the truth. Slowly I start to lean in just like him. Shortly after my lips meet his soft ones. I smile into the kiss, as the warm feeling spreads.
"Do you want to go to Homecoming with me?" He asks after we pulled breathlessly apart.
"Yes." I smile.
Seems like I'm going to Homecoming with the boy I love.
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spideyyystark · 4 years
Brother's Best Friend (Tom Holland)
"Haz, come on!" I beg my brother Harrison. He's going over to Tom's house because he's throwing a party. But he just doesn't want to take me with him.
"How many times do I have to tell you no until you stop annoying me, (Y/N)?" He asks slightly annoyed.
"How about ... NEVER?" I respond. Harrison wipes over his face with his hand knowing that I won't stop until he agrees on taking me with him. You might be wondering why I want to go to that party so bad. Well let me tell you. It might be possible that I have a tiny crush on Tom, Harrison's best friend. He, Harrison, doesn't know about it yet and it's good that way. Because if he did he would never let me go near him, Tom, ever again. Why? Because he's his best friend and I'm his little sister. I'm only 2 years younger but he always acts like I'm still a child who needs to be protected. But I'm not! I'm an adult and I can look after myself perfectly without him looking after me every second. And no matter how often I tell him he won't stop. And it's really really annoying me.
"Okay! You can come with me but please stop!" Haz finally says. I jump off Harrison's bed I was sitting on and run over to him to embrace him in a hug.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I thank him and jump up and down in front of him. He just rolls his eyes and signals me to get out of his room. I walk to my room to search together the perfect outfit for the party. I want to impress Tom. He sees me as a little sister and never as the woman I am and I want to change that. I start throwing the clothes I don't need out of the closet and on the floor until I've got nothing left in it. I look at the floor and see that it's completely covered with my clothes. I get on my knees and search again. After about 30 minutes I finally got the perfect outfit and put it on. I do my makeup as well and slightly curl my (H/C) hair.
Ready to go I go out of my room, leaving it in chaos. I go over to Harrison's room and knock on the door.
"Harrison!" I say after every knock.
"Harrison! Harrison! Ha-" My hand, which was knocking on his door suddenly knocks something soft and after a few seconds I realize that it's his face. I take my hand back and cough to cover my laugh.
"What?" Haz says annoyed. I'm starting to think that it's his usual mood or maybe it's because of me. Nah it must be his usual mood. Yeah that's it.
"We can go!" I smile at him. He looks at my outfit and back to my face.
"Where are you planning on going looking like this?" He asks me clearly not happy about my choice.
"Uh, to Tom's party?" I answer with a raised eyebrow.
"Who did you dress up for?" He asks again.
"For myself?" I look at him like he's stupid -what he clearly is- and hope that he doesn't figure out that it's a lie. We all know what would happen if he'd find out that I'm crushing on his best friend who happens to be Tom Holland, the most perfect man alive.
Haz looks at me exactly knowing that I usually don't dress up like this.
"Okay." He says slowly. "Let me just change my clothes." With these words he goes back to his room. After a minute he comes back to me and walks out of the house. I follow him happily. At the car I enter on the passenger side and sit down. After I buckled up I wait for Haz to drive to Tom's place. Internally I'm a nervous wreck and can't wait to see Tom's perfect face again. And on the outside- well let's say I'm trying to play cool. If it's working is another question.
Harrison eyes me and I try not to act suspicious. After a short drive we arrive at Tom's house. Excited I get out of the car and walk to his door.
"You can do this." I mutter under my breath and ring. Harrison appears behind me and Tom opens the door. The second I see him a huge smile appears on my face.
"Hey Haz! (Y/N), I didn't know you were coming too." He welcomes us. He goes in for a hug with Haz and hugs me as well. I can't help but smile like a complete idiot. Stop acting like a hormonal teenager! That won't help you increasing Tom's interest in you! My inner voice tells me but acting like the hormonal teenager, which I'm not, makes me deaf to that voice. Haz and I follow Tom inside. He leads us to his garden where lots of people are. I recognize some of them as old friends or famous co-stars of Tom and Haz. I look around to see that Tom and Haz left me alone. Sighing I go to the bar to get myself something to drink. Somehow I end up in a talk with Zendaya. We really get along and even exchange our numbers.
"I think someone has a crush on you." She smirks suddenly. I look at her with wide eyes.
"What, who?" I ask curious and look around. She nods with her head in a direction. I turn my head around and look at Tom and Harrison who chat with some old friend.
"Oh I think you don't know. Harrison's my brother." I explain to her. She shakes her head.
"Not Harrison. Tom!" She says silently. Now I am the one shaking her head.
"No, that can't be true. I'm only a little sister to him." I say with clear disappointment in my voice. Her eyes widen.
"So you're crushing on him too." She shouts excited.
"Not that loud!" Some people started looking at us and I start blushing.
"Ops, sorry." Zendaya giggles.
"You know he talks about you a lot."
I look at her confused.
"Tom obviously." She face palms.
"Are you sure?" I ask her not sure if she's pranking me or if it's real.
"A hundred percent." She assures me. She looks back at Tom.
"I've got to go! I'll text you." Are her last words before she goes away. I look after her when somebody taps my shoulder. It is Tom.
"Oh hey." I say awkwardly.
We stand there staring at the ground not knowing what to do. I glance at Tom to see that he stopped staring at the ground and is now staring at me. Our eyes lock and he blushes a bit. I smile at him and giggle. He's so cute.
"So how do you like the party?" Tom breaks the silence.
"It's great." I say. "Met some new people and talked a lot." I take the last sip of my drink.
"And now I'm going to get myself a new drink." I lift up my cup and together we go to the bar. Tom pours some beer in two cups and hands one to me.
We drink our cups and throw them away since they're now empty.
We talk about our lives until Haz comes to us.
"There you are, (Y/N)." He says. "I've been searching you for a while now. Tom." He nods at him.
"You know what? I'll be right back. I've got to go somewhere." He tells us and goes away.
"So. Z said that you're crushing on someone too. Who was she talking about?" Tom asks curious.
"Oh." I say and laugh awkwardly. "Nobody."
Tom scrunches his eyebrows.
"Didn't sound like nobody to me." He won't leave it.
"If you want to know it that bad, she was talking about you!" I whisper scream, not wanting to have the attention of everyone again.
"She was talking about the fact that I'm clearly crushing on you for the last 2 years now!"
I don't know why but it felt good to let this out. Tom's eyes widen surprised.
"You- You have a crush on me." He asks. Slowly a smile appears on his face. I look at the ground again, this time blushing like hell. Tom causes me to look up at him by lifting my chin with his hand. He slowly comes nearer and I close my eyes as he does. Only a few seconds later I feel his soft lips connecting with mine. It is a soft but sweet kiss with lots of emotions. He lays his forehead against mine.
"I guess I could say I've been crushing on you too for a while."
Smiling I pull him in for another kiss.
I'm so happy that I convinced Harrison to take me to that party.
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spideyyystark · 4 years
Hate (Tom Holland)
Tom and I were lying on our couch watching Spiderman Homecoming. I couldn't help but admire him through the whole movie. He was so cute and tiny.
"Babe, could you get some more snacks?" I asked him and stopped the movie.
"But then I've got to go to the market." He whined.
"Please." I pouted at him. He sighed.
"Okay. But just because I love you."
I smiled at him and hugged him.
"I love you too." He gave me a kiss on top of my head.
"And now go!" I pushed him of me and watched him slowly exiting the room. I heard the door opening and closing and took my phone while waiting for him to come back.
I was scrolling through my Instagram timeline when I got a notification from Tom.
(Y/N) what do you want?
                                                             Surprise me
I returned to Instagram and decided to scroll through the comments of my recent post. It was a picture of Tom and me at our last date.
(Y/N)_tom.love: They're so cute together!!
(Y/N)(Y/L/N)_fan: OTP
hate(Y/N)page: Ew look at her. Why would Tom want her when he could have girls like Laura Harrier or Zendaya?
tomsfuturewife: She's only dating him because of his money
tommyhollandparker: She's not even that pretty
Reading all that hate really ruined my good mood. Lots of people are so nice and only leave super cute comments but every time there are some who hate whiteout reason. As an actress I should have gotten used to hate but it makes something with you when you read such comments.
By the time Tom was back I read nearly every comment on this post and the amount of hate comments was immense. I silently cried in the kitchen, hoping Tom wouldn't come and see me like this.
"I'm back!" Tom shouted and took off his shoes and jacket. I wiped the remaining tears away and put on a fake smile. I headed back to the living room and made myself comfortable under the blankets. Exactly at this moment Tom entered the room with a big bag.
"What did you bring me?" I asked, still with a fake smile.
"Well," Tom said and sat down next to me. "We got some of your favorite crisps, sweet and salty popcorn, some biscuits and your favorite ice cream." He looks at me, waiting for a reaction.
"You really bought all this for me?" This time my smile is real.
"It's for me too but mainly, yes."
I took the ice cream and Tom brought two spoons from the kitchen. We began to watch the movie from where we stopped and ate the ice cream.
Everything was perfect and I forgot about the comments until the scene came where Peter snuck out the hotel and met Liz in her  bathing suit. All the comments came back at once and I started to feel better insecure again.
They're right. You thought. Why would he want to date me when he can have everyone. He could've models and so many pretty girls.
You didn't notice that you started crying.
"Darling, is everything okay?" Tom asked worried and stopped the movie again. You nod.
"Yeah, I'm going to bed." You said to avoid conversation. You didn't want to tell him what you were thinking and went straight to your bedroom. You snuggled up in your bed and cried silently again. You knew that you're not the thinnest and not the prettiest but you still hoped that you were enough for Tom. But all these comments made you feel bad. Like really really bad. Usually you don't give a fuck about other people's opinions but everyone has weak moments. You heard steps coming towards your bedroom. Tom opened the door and laid down next to you. He put an arm around you.
"What's wrong love?" He asked.
"It's nothing." You whispered hoping that he wouldn't ask more.
"You know you can tell me everything, right? I love you." You can tell that he's worried about you but you thought that he only faked it.
Obviously it's fake. Why would he care about you, stupid? Your inner voice told you. This made you cry even more, knowing that it's right.
"Hey, Hey. Look at me." Tom whispered and turned you around so that he could look in your face. "What's the matter?"
You wiped your tears away but didn't say anything.
"You can tell me, darling."
"You don't have to stay with me. I know that you don't want to. I know that I'm not the prettiest and why would you want to be stuck with me when you could have everyone?" I finally told him. Tom looked at me surprised.
"What?" He asked not sure if he heard right.
"You can have girls like Laura or Zendaya, why would you want me then?" You repeated for him. "They are actresses, like you. They're pretty and-" I went on but Tom cut me off.
"But what if I don't want Laura or Zendaya? What if I don't care how pretty they are or if they are actresses? What if there is a girl, way prettier than the both of them together? What if there's a girl who is amazing, funny and cute just the way she is?"
I smiled sadly.
"Then go to her. She sounds wonderful." I knew that this was going to happen one day. Obviously he'd find someone better than me.
"I already am with her." He looked at me, his eyes full with love. I looked back at him, confused.
"You're so oblivious." He laughs. "You're the girl. You're perfect just the way you are, okay? And never let anyone tell you something different."
A huge smile appeared on my face and I put my arms around Tom's neck to hug him. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me nearer to him.
"I love you." I whispered in his ear.
"I love you too." He gave me a quick kiss and after that we cuddled until we fall asleep. That was the last time I read my hate comments.
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spideyyystark · 4 years
High School Reunion pt. 2 (Harrison Osterfield)
I wake up because of the sound of the tv. I slowly sit up and see my best friend watching her favorite tv show and eating cereal meanwhile.
"Seriously? Couldn't you have waited until I've woken up?" I ask her, looking at her with disbelieve. She turns around and a quick look of guilt flashes over her face.
"Oh, did I wake you up? I didn't want to, sorry." She tells me. I sigh.
"It's okay. But if you want to you can make me breakfast too." I laugh. (Y/BFF/N) looks at me surprised.
"Wow, what happened in your sleep that you're suddenly super happy? Tell me your secrets." She smiles at me, happy that I seem to be okay. But what should I say, I'm an actress. Acting is my job and passion. Obviously I'm still hurt, I mean it's been a night and nobody can heal over night. Well not that I've known.
"I don't know. But I wouldn't say no the pancakes btw." I smirk. (Y/BFF/N) shakes her head laughing and gets up to make me some.
"Thank you!" I shout while she's heading to her kitchen. After I've watched a few minutes of the show which is on I decided to check my phone. Surprised i see that I've got a message from Harrison.
Hey (Y/N), Are you okay? You and (Y/BFF/N) disappeared yesterday.
I answer him, even though I know it's definitely not a good idea.
Yeah I'm good, thanks for asking.
After a minute my phone shows me that I got a new notification. I unlock my phone and it's Harrison who texted back.
Okay, that's good. Actually I wanted to ask if you maybe want to have a drink with me when you've got time. Yesterday we couldn't really finish our little chat.
Yeah sure, sounds good. When are you free?
What the hell am I doing? I ask myself and really want to unsend that last message.
What about today? I would pick you up and we could go to Starbucks, just like the old times.
At 5?
I'm going to be at your place. See you later.
At the exact second you send your last message (Y/BFF/N) enters the room with a plate full of fresh made pancakes.
"Here you go." She says and hands it to you.
"I might have made a mistake." I say slowly.
"Okay? And what?" She asks hesitatingly.
"Maybe, just maybe, I might have agreed to go and have a drink with Harrison?" (Y/BFF/N) looks at me surprised and a little bit amused too?
"How did you ride yourself into this?" She shakes her head but I can see that she's forcing herself not to laugh.
"Well it's interesting to see that my death is funny for you." I say but I smile too, so it's okay.
"And to answer your question Haz texted me and asked me. And to be honest I don't know why I agreed so please do something to get my out if that." I beg her.
"Nope." She says.
"I think it might be good for you to talk with him. To get that whole thing finished, you know? You should tell him why you broke up and how you felt." She sits down next to me and pats my shoulder.
"If you say so." I say but I'm still not sure if it's really a good idea.
"And now, we got to prepare you!" She says and claps excitedly her hands.
"You look great!" (Y/BFF/N) says when I come out of the bathroom where i changed my clothes. We, well SHE, decided that i should dress to impress but it still shouldn't be that striking. Now I'm wearing a black high waisted jeans and a baby pink cropped shirt. I also had to clean my white Nike's because (Y/BFF/N) forced me to do it.
"You want to look nice, don't you?" Was what she kept saying all the time. Now she puts some makeup on my face but not too much, because she says it's better if I go all natural. Well, it would be, if I wouldn't wear all that makeup. I think for myself. After she finishes it she slightly curls my hair.
"And voilá!" She says and puts the curler away. I get up to look in the mirror and I must say that she's done a great job.
"Thank you, (Y/BFF/N)!" I say and hug her tightly. She laughs and hugs me back.
"Anytime." She frees herself out of my grip and escorts me to the door.
"Harrison should be here any minute now. And don't mess it up, okay?" She looks at me and I can see that she really cares about me. How sweet.
"I'll try my best." I assure her and hug her a last time before my phone rings. It's Harrison. (Y/BFF/N) nods to the door and I go out.
There I can see Harrison waiting in his car. I wave awkwardly and get in the passenger seat.
"Hey (Y/N)." He says smiling. He obviously checks me out and then starts the car.
"You look good." I'm really surprised that he checked me out. I mean, he has a girlfriend!
"Uh, thanks. You look not that bad yourself." I tell him and I'm not even wrong with that. Harrison wears a shirt I bought him when we were still in a relationship and normal jeans. We drive in silent and after about 10 minutes we arrive at our old Starbucks. I haven't been there since we broke up because everything reminded me of him.
"Here you go." he says and opens the door for me.
"You know, I can open a door by myself, right?" We walk into the Starbucks and sit down on our usual table. The Starbucks didn't change at all. It has still the same chairs and tables, even the same decoration and employees.
"Am I stupid or didn't this place didn't change over the years?" Harrison asks me and speaks my thoughts.
"I think both." Harrison punches my arm lightly and I laugh.
"What do you want? It's on me." He stands up and waits for me to say what I want.
"You don't have to-" I start but he's interrupting me.
"But I want. Now what do you want?"
Still surprised I tell him my usual Starbucks order and he goes and gets it. After a few minutes he comes back and hands me my cup.
"Thanks." I say and take a sip.
Slowly we start talking and it feels kind of like old times. Well except that he has a girlfriend who isn't me.
"So, how's Chloe?" I ask suddenly.
"Who's Chloe?" Harrison looks at me confused.
"You know, Chloe, your GIRLFRIEND?" I tell him. Harrison face palms.
"Yeah, right, Chloe. She's fine. Can we not talk about her please."
"Why?" Now I am the confused one. Harrison avoids looking at me and plays with the cup in his hand. I raise a eyebrow. Finally Harrison looks up. On his face is a kind of embarrassed look.
"I think I've got to tell you something." He says.
"Okay?" Im not really sure what to expect.
"Well- uh- that's harder than I thought." He stops and takes a deep breath.
"Chloe doesn't exit." He confesses.
"And why did you make her up?" I ask. I'm still not sure what I should think about this.
"To see how you react? And once I mentioned it I couldn't just, I don't know, 'delete' her." He sighs.
"The thing is, I guess I'm still not over you. I understand when you don't want to date me again, you're the one who broke up with me and I never knew why." Now he looks so sad, a bit like a lost puppy. Oh how much I'd want to hug him now.
"I broke up with you because you were never at home. You were always with Tom and when you've been there you went away a few days later again. And I just couldn't live like this anymore." I don't look at him while I'm saying this.
"(Y/N)." Harrison says softly and causes me to look up at him. "Why didn't you just tell me?"
"I guess I didn't want you to stop traveling because of me. You loved going with Tom and I didn't want you to choose between him and I."
Tears start forming in my eyes but I force myself not to cry.
"Maybe, and only if you want to, we could start over?" Harrison asks and looks at me waiting for my answer.
"But what about the traveling? It would end like last time."
"You could travel with us! Tom wouldn't mind and unless you don't have to shot something you can always come with us." Harrison says excited.
"In that case, I'd love to start over." I smile at him.
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spideyyystark · 4 years
High School Reunion pt. 1 (Harrison Osterfield)
I'm sitting in my best friends car because she's driving us to our high school reunion. And to be honest I'm hella scared. That's the first time that I'll see Harrison again after we broke up. Even though it's been three years I still love him. I just couldn't get over him. We broke up because he was never at home because he's Tom's assistant. Don't get me wrong I really like Tom he was one of my best friends but it really broke me that Harrison was months away and then maybe some weeks at home before he went away again. We barely saw each other and I didn't know what to do. I didn't want him to stop traveling with Tom because of me but I still wanted him to be home. And our relationship couldn't work if we don't see each other. So I broke up with him and we never talked again. I still support him and follow him on social media though. Harrison deserves the world but I wasn't able to give it to him. Maybe he'll understand me after all this time because Tom sent me some messages after I left Harrison saying that I should think about it again because Harrison was really upset and that the breakup broke him more than the fact that we've never seen each other. I ignored Tom and he stopped texting me after a while too. I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't realize that (Y/BFF/N) parked the car in the parking lot until she snaps her fingers in front of my face. I shake my head lightly to forget what I've been thinking about but it didn't work. Harrison's always on my mind.
"Are you okay?" (Y/BFF/N) asks me.
I nod my head because I'm not sure if I can trust my voice.
"You know we don't have to go in there. Nobody saw us so we can just go home and watch a movie." Like always she knows exactly what I'm thinking about even though I didn't say anything. I breath in deeply.
"No, it's okay. Seriously. We're just going in there and then we'll see." I manage to answer.
She still eyes me but doesn't says anything. We get out of the car and walk towards our high school. In front of the entrance sit two girls who I barely recognize as (Y/CM/N) and (Y/CM/N/2) (your classmates name). They ask for our names and give us a name tag after we told them. We put it on our shirts and walk into the gym where everyone was supposed to meet up. Before we go in (Y/BFF/N) makes sure that I'm really okay. It's cute of her that she cares that much about me but I'm an adult. I am able to deal with my stuff without her help.
I take a deep breath in step into the gym. There are only a few people who I wouldn't recognize anymore without their name tag. Me and (Y/BFF/N) walk around and talk to our old friends.
(Y/BFF/N) suddenly stops talking and looks at the entrance. I turn around to see what she's looking at and holy shit. Tom and Harrison just came and like my look is somehow magnetic Harrison looks at me too. I quickly look away and hope that he didn't see the blush on my cheeks. But I have to admit that Harrison looks even more handsome than he did 3 years ago. He's truly gorgeous and I hope he's not mad at me anymore. I mean we're talking about 2 years relationship. But to be honest I'm still mad at myself because after I broke up with him I didn't go out of my house, or let's say (Y/BFF/N)'s house because I lived there for like half an year until I was stable enough to get myself an own house, for months. I stayed inside and ate ice cream or nothing and watched TV. I cried for months and I'm the one who broke up with him and not the other way round.
Back to now I'm staring at my best friend.
"What am I supposed to do?" I whisper.
"To be honest, I don't know. Just look what he's doing. If he comes to talk to you then do it. You know that you can't avoid him for ever. But what am I telling you. You've been basically stalking his social media accounts for the last 3 years." She says and can't help but laugh at the end. I just roll my eyes but smile.
I let her with our old friends to get myself something to drink from the buffet. As I was pouring myself some Coke in somebody tapped my shoulder. I close the bottle and look to the person. To my surprise it's Harrison.
"Hey." I say and smile awkwardly.
"Hey (Y/N), you look good." He smiles at me and I start thinking that he's over me now. He probably is I mean it's been 3 years. (Y/N) stop acting like a teenager and start thinking rationally. He's totally over you. You think for yourself and feel a wave of sadness coming over you. On the outside nobody can see that internally you're struggling with your thoughts. Well nobody except Harrison.
"Are you okay?" He asks and you can see something in his eyes. Is it care? No, why should he care about me? You nod and put on a fake smile.
"Yes, everything's fine." You lie and you two start to catch up. He tells you that his career is going really good, what you already knew from his Instagram, and that he got the leading role in an upcoming movie. You already heard about that movie and everyone is already hyped for it. You think that he deserves it and that's exactly what you tell him.
"What do you mean I deserve it?" He asks you confused.
"I mean exactly what I said." You smile at him but can't help but feel a bit unsure if it was too early or too much.
"Oh, well thank you." He finally says and smiles his wonderful smile which he used to wear whenever he saw you after he came back from shooting a movie or assisting Tom. And you? You fall in love with him all over again.
"What about you? You barely said anything about yourself." He asks you.
"Uh, to be honest nothing special happened to me." You answer his question.
"Sure? And what about that show you've been in? It really was amazing!"
"Did you watch my show?" You ask surprised.
"Yeah of course. Lots of people recommended it- and my girlfriend loved it." He adds the last part after a break which was a few seconds long.
"You're in a relationship?" You ask unsure if you heard right. You just hope that you're Pokerface is good enough to hide the pain you're feeling when he said this.
"Yes, Chloe and I have been for about a year now." He nods while saying this as if he has to confirm that everything he tells is right. I'm not gonna lie, I am jealous but I don't want to show it.
"That's great!" I say instead. "You seem to be happy."
"Yes I am indeed. I couldn't be happier. Chloe is literally perfect." He smiles while talking about her and I can see that it's true love.
"Well, then never let her go if she's making you happy." I struggle with myself while saying this. Oh god I could cry right now but I have to be strong.
"I won't. But i did." He says and mumbles the last part under his breath but you still are able to understand it tho. You're wondering what he could mean when (Y/BFF/N) comes towards you two.
"Hey Harrison." She says and grabs your arm. She pulls you away from him and out of the gym.
"What's wrong?" You ask her.
"Nothing. I just wanted to save you before you could embarrass yourself. I heard everything by the way. I'm sorry." She explains and hugs you with one arm while leading you to the parking lot where the both of you got into her car and drove to her house. Once you're there you sit down on her couch and look at (Y/BFF/N).
"He has a girlfriend." You already have tears in your eyes.
"Am I stupid for still not being over him?" You ask and let out a sob.
"Oh darling, don't cry." (Y/BFF/N) tries to comfort you but fails miserably. After hours of crying you fall asleep on her couch, an empty ice cream box on the table and next to it a huge amount of used tissues.
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spideyyystark · 4 years
Date Night (Tom Holland)
I'm standing in my bedroom and look in the mirror. Tom and I are going out tonight but he won't tell me where we are going. While staring in the mirror I'm starting to feel a bit insecure.
I'm not sure if it's too much but before I can decide if I'm going to change it Tom comes in.
"You look amazing, darling.", he says and hugs me from behind. I turn myself in his arms so that I can look in his face.
"You don't look to bad yourself.", I chuckle after I basically checked him out. Together we're going downstairs and put on our shoes and jackets. While going to his car I ask him if he can tell me where we are going.
"No, it's a surprise.", he tells me grinning.
"Oh come on!", I beg him.
"No, this is one thing I'm NOT going to spoil!", he smiles and opens the door for me.
"You know that I can open a door, right?", I ask him.
"Can't I be a gentleman?", He goes to the driver's seat and starts driving after he made sure that I am buckled up.
"Here take this.", he said after we've been driving for some minutes. He gives me an eye mask and I look at him with this typical "Are-You-Serious-Look". He waits at a red light and looks at me.
"Put it on."
I hesitate a bit but put it on. It's cute that he tries so hard. It's not only any Date Night but our 4th anniversary. I really love him and I wouldn't say no if he'd ask me to marry him. After about half an hour we finally came to a stop. Tom helps me to get out of the car and leads me over something what feels like grass.
"Tom, where are we?", I ask again even though I know that he won't tell me.
"You're going to see in a minute, love."
I can basically hear that he's smiling. And just like he told we stopp after a minute and Tom tells me that I can look now. So I take off the eye mask and see that we are in a forest. He brought a table and two chairs so that we can eat dinner. The table is wonderfully decorated with candles and cute dishes and there is even a bouquet of Roses. I turn around to Tom, who seems to be nervous.
"Do you like it?", he says hesitatingly.
"No.", I answer bluntly.
"Oh.", Toms smile fades away and he looks kind of disappointed. "We can go to a restaurant if you want to."
"No, I don't like it because I love it!", I smile at Tom who starts to become more confident after I said this. He hugs me and leads me to the table. He also helps me to sitdown, what isn't that easy as I thought it'd be.
Suddenly Sam, Harry and Harrison appear from behind a tree. They're all wearing some kind of uniforms which suit them very good, to be honest. I look at them surprised. Sam and Harry are carrying plates with food and Haz comes to us with a bottle of wine.
"Good evening. Would you like some of our wine?", he asks like he'd be a waiter of a real restaurant.
"Of course.", I grin while Haz pours wine in both our glasses. After he finishes Sam and Harry bring our food and the three of them leave again.
"Are they going to wait behind the tree all the time?", I ask Tom and start eating.
"Yeah, I think so."
We laugh a lot during our little eating session. When we've both finished our plates Tom claps his hands and Sam and Harry come back from behind the tree to collect the empty dishes.
Harrison meanwhile comes with a dessert. My eyes widen as I see how much time and love Tom has investigated into this dinner.
"I hope you like our service so far.", Haz smiles at me and Tom.
"Oh yes. You can work at our place if you want to.", I jokingly say to him.
"Only if you leave some tips afterwards.", and with a grin he goes back behind the tree. I wonder what they're doing there. Probably watching us.
The dessert is amazing and once again I thank god that Sam is such a good cook.
"You know, we should probably fire Haz and get Sam instead.", I tell Tom while enjoying this masterpiece of a dessert.
"Hey! I heard that!", Haz yells from behind the tree. Tom and I laugh and finish the dessert.
I take a sip of my wine when Tom suddenly goes down on one knee. I look at him with shock.
"(Y/N), you're the most amazing woman I've ever met. You're beautiful and funny and kind and I could probably tell you all night how perfect you are and how much I love you. I've never felt the same for anyone I've dated before. I want to grow old with you and watch our grandchildren play in our garden.
(Y/N) (Y/L/N) will you marry me?"
Tears start flooding down my face as Tom starts speaking.
"YES! Yes, of course I want to marry you!", I jump up from the chair and run to Tom to hug him. I start crying on his shoulder when Haz, Sam and Harry come clapping towards us. I wipe the tears away and smile at Tom who gives me a little peck on my lips. I also hug Harry, Sam and Haz who all congratulate me towards my engagement. This night could never be better.
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spideyyystark · 4 years
Comic Con (Tom Holland)
"So, we're actually going to do this?", you ask your best friend nervously while the two of you were walking to Tom Holland's Panel which was going to start in a few minutes.
"Yeah." (Y/BF/N) says. "Calm your tits. It's gonna be okay." She's clearly trying to calm you down but it's not working. Still nervous you sit down in the second row where you have a very good view at the stage. After a few minutes the room was crowded with fans and also parents of some of them.
"I don't think I can do this.", you whisper to (Y/BF/N). She looks at you while you were wiping your sweaty palms on your jeans.
"(Y/N), nothing bad is going to happen. Okay?", she says and takes your hands. "I think Tom is able to take a joke. Don't you think so too?" You nod as an answer.
"Good.", Your best friend says as she's letting go of your hands. "You're going to rock this interview question thing."
(Y/BF/N) has never been to a comic con. Well you neither, but you've seen a lot of those videos on YouTube and are prepared for what's coming. When Tom enters the stage the crowd begins to scream his name and how much they love him. He waves to them and smiles his adorable smile which you love so much. For one second your eyes lock but then he seats down and begins to answer questions. When the fans are allowed to start asking questions you are one of the last to be able to ask yours. When it's your turn you look panicking at (Y/BF/N) who shows you two thumbs up. You inhale deeply and then take a step so that you're standing in front of the microphone. "Hey Tom.", you say and wave awkwardly at him. He waves back and you start to feel more comfortable and smile at him. "Uhm, well first of all I just wanted to say that you look very handsome today." You feel your cheeks grow red when Tom smiles at you and says "Thank you Darling." in his microphone. His accent is just too cute.
"And well uhm-", you laugh nervously and brush a lose strand of hair behind your ear. "Then I wanted to ask if you would like to marry me?" The entire crowd stops talking and everyone is completely silent, waiting for Tom to answer. "Yes of course. How could I say to someone as pretty as you?", he laughs. You feel honored that he thinks you're pretty but what is way better is that he agreed on marrying you.
"Okay thats great!", you smile widely. You go back to your seat where (Y/BF/N) awaits you.
"I filmed everything!", she says excited and pets your shoulder. You're still smiling and can't stop it. You see that Tom looks more often your way but you don't really think about it because you're still thinking about Tom saying yes. Well practically you two are now engaged but none of you took it really serious.
Later you and (Y/BF/N) walk to the line for the pictures with Tom.
"Do you think he remembers me?", you ask your best friend excited.
"Probably.", she answers. "I mean you guys are engaged." you laugh and zone out thinking about the moment when you blacked out all people and it was just Tom and you. The butterflies in your stomach fly around, nearly as excited as you. Faster than you expected it was your turn to meet Tom in person and to take pictures with him. His eyes brighten when he sees you and his smile turns even wider than before if this was even possible.
"Hey! You're that girl who proposed to me, right?", he asks me. You nod.
"Yeah. That was me." Suddenly he hugs you. You hugged back and you were standing like this until (Y/BF/N) coughs to signalize that you're not alone. You start blushing and you can see that Toms cheeks grow slightly red too. Awkwardly he runs his fingers through his hair.
"So do you want a picture?", he asks.
"Only her. And it would be great if you could carry her bridal style and please wear that rings. It has to look like you're engaged or married.", (Y/BF/N) takes control over this situation. Tom and you do what she's saying and this leads to Tom lifting you up from the ground like you're as easy as a feather. I put my arms around his neck and look at him while he's looking at me.
"And now look like you're in love. And cheese!", says (Y/BF/N) looking at her phone to take the perfect picture. Tom wanted to give you a little kiss on your cheek but in this moment you turned your head and his lips land on yours. You shriek surprised and see that Tom didn't plan to do that.
"Ha! I got it!", screams your best friend and waves with her phone. Tom lets you back on the floor and together you go to (Y/BF/N) to look at the picture. She took it the exact moment you and Tom kissed. You feel the heat in your face and laugh awkwardly.
"We can do another one if you want.", you say to Tom.
"Nah. It's okay.", he shakes his head smiling. You and (Y/BF/N) say your goodbyes to Tom and wanted to leave when he stops you.
"Wait!", you turn around and wait for Tom to go on. "Uhm, can I get your number? I- I would love to get to know you", he stutters. You think that he looks super cute when he's nervous and go to him.
"Give me your phone.", you say and Tom puts it in your hand, unlocked. You go to Telephone and tip your phone number in. You save yourself as "(Y/N)💍" and take a selfie to make it your picture. With a smile you give it back to Tom.
"Call me.", you and (Y/BF/N) turn around and leave Tom who watches you leaving with the most adorable smile.
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