Alright, folks. The continuation as a 1x1 will be happening over there. Anyone who's still with us please head over and follow. :3 Thank you.
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Yay! Please make it happen!
OOC: I’m still waiting to hear back from my partner in crime. But I’m glad to hear that you’re excited. :3
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OOC: Okay, good news. The rp has unfortunately come to an end BUT Faberry will most likely continue as a 1x1.
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Noooo! Too soon!
OOC: I'm sorry but it's not up to me. I wish it was. I really do.
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OOC: All good things come to an end and unfortunately, so did this rp. Thank you for sticking with me/us for as long as you have.
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Phone Call ☎ Faberry
Rachel: [her heart twists painfully at the hiccuping whimpers and she sits up straight, murmuring] Honey, do you want me to come over?
Quinn: [doesn't want to admit that she needs Rachel with her right now because it feels like some kind of failure, even more so because she's already drunk and still can't deal with this on her own, but her lips move before she can stop herself] Please...
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Phone Call ☎ Faberry
Rachel: [the minutes are suffocating, and Rachel has to hold back letting out an exaggerated breath when Quinn finally decided to speak] Baby... You will, sweetheart. [fidgeting with the hem of her top, she squeezes her eyes tight before continuing gently] What triggered this?
Quinn: [a few defiant tears squeeze from her eyes but she quickly gets rid of them, then answers in a shaky voice] I-I don't know... It just... [a hiccup travels through the phone and Quinn's voice transforms into a whimper] It feels like it's all coming back...
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Phone Call ☎ Faberry
Rachel: [Frustrated with herself, she quickly replies.] Then what is it, Quinn? You need to -- I wish -- [She lets her head fall back and lets out a slow breath.] Please just talk to me. That's what I'm here for. That's what I'll always be here for.
Quinn: [quietly stares at the floor and kicks at the carpet, worrying her bottom lip and remaining mute for a couple more minutes after Rachel has stopped talking] I thought I was getting better...
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Phone Call ☎ Faberry
Rachel: [swallows audibly and briefly scrubs a palm over her face, still feeling at fault, murmuring] I'm having a hard time believing that you're drinking because I make you nervous.
Quinn: I- No, that's.... That's not what I... [She reopens her eyes and trains them on the bottle on the table, stumbling over her words for a few more moments then trailing off into a defeated silence when she realizes she isn't capable of forming a coherent answer.]
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Phone Call ☎ Faberry
Rachel: [Quietly and feeling small, Rachel curls up into herself and jumps to the conclusion that this was her fault. Itl twists at her chest like a knife and her little body feels terribly heavy.] I can tell that you've been drinking. [A pause, then timidly.] Did I do something wrong?
Quinn: [A heavy sigh passes her lips when her suspicion is confirmed. Rachel knows. Of course she knows, Quinn can barely stand straight and there's a noticeable slur in her voice. Aimlessly running a hand through her hair, she turns and plops down on the couch, pressing her eyes shut as if it will help her focus. Her voice is unmistakably laden with guilt.] No... No, you haven't. [a short pause] I'm sorry, Rach. [another, much longer pause] I don't mean to always let you down...
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Phone Call ☎ Faberry
Rachel: [Her heart sinks immediately. It didn't take a PhD to decipher the slur in Quinn's voice and Rachel squeezes her eyes tight. Damn it. There's a long pause, then very softly.] What happened?
Quinn: [Even though everything feels kind of fuzzy, Quinn can easily decipher what the pause before Rachel speaks means. She also doesn't have a problem with understanding what is being said - it's a simple question - yet she pretends not to have heard her girlfriend clearly.] Hm? What?
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Phone Call ☎ Faberry
[Thoroughly concerned and able to pick up on Quinn's distress through their text messages, Rachel swallows thickly and curls up in her armchair before dialing her girlfriend's number.]
Rachel: [whispering] Pick up, baby, pick up...
Quinn: [Alarmed by the unexpected incoming call, she instantly drops her phone on the couch and backs away from it, fully intending to let it ring until her voicemail answers. But another sip from her mug later, she has her phone pressed to her ear and forces out a slightly slurred and not at all casually sounding greeting.] Rach... What's up?
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[a moment]
Rachel: We can take this as slow as you want, Quinn.
[five minutes later]
Quinn: I'm not used to having these kind of feelings for the person I 'm dating. Ithas always been guys tryig to get under my skirt and meholdinf it obove their heads .
Quinn: You make me nervous.
Quinn: In a goodway but you still make nervous.
Quinn: I feel like a fool.
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Rachel: What's going on?
[a moment]
Rachel: Don't feel obligated to cuddle me. I just miss you.
Quinn: Rach, you know tha's not what this is about at all.
[a pause]
Quinn: Thisis the first real relationship I've ever been in...
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Rachel: You don't know...?
Quinn: Im not good at these kind of things, okay?
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Rachel: What's so terrible about asking your girlfriend for cuddles?
Quinn: Bad timning. And it's just, I dunno.
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