ssmemeresource · 2 years
Mythgard Sentence Starters - Orange
| edit these if needed. quotes taken from the orange cards in the card game mythgard. |
"The wind is a fickle lover, having taught the sand to dance, only to abandon it to a sea of previous conquests." "Man, screw the curfew; a true friend would come enlist with me right now!" "Go forth, lest you commit the sin of inaction." "Even gods recognize the righteousness of serving our empire, for the glory of humanity and the divine!" "To keep that light of yours hidden--that would be the true sacrilege." "A single light going out could be the spark that will ignite this powder keg of an empire you've built." "Each weapon wrapped with the anger of a vengeful god. Well, these days it's probably just a vengeful angel." "Vultures are admirable by comparison; at least they have the decency to wait for things to die." "Mortals are willfully blinded by luck because it distracts them from the fact that they are dying." "Outsiders talk about the blurry line between friend and foe. Well, I'm here to tell you: there is no line." "The fear of a graveyard at night is so universal that it would be stranger if there WASN'T something causing it." "Paradise can wait; I'm having far too much fun messing with fate in the here and now!" "The best way to help the cause is to grow it." "Fallen or not, this "watcher" of yours has always loved spending time with mortals more than his own kind." "Angelic forms are often reflections of the hopes and fears of the people they serve." "They say that the king of wisdom could command the wind itself." "Do not worry about mere claims of strength or prowess, fear the ones who truly believe they are right." "You can rest when we win!" "It was his just reward, but paradise held no wonder without his girl."
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ssmemeresource · 2 years
Way Down We Go Sentence Starters
| edit these if needed. lyrics from the song way down we go by kaleo. |
"Father, tell me, do we get what we deserve?" "Do we get what we deserve?" "Way down we go." "Do you dare to look them right in the eyes?" "They will run you down, down 'til you fall." "'Til you can't crawl no more." "They will run you down, down 'til you're caught."
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ssmemeresource · 2 years
Mythgard Sentence Starters - Purple
| edit these if needed. quotes taken from the purple cards in the card game mythgard. | 
"Ever since the deaths no one uses the 4th floor restrooms any more." "Some dreams you can work for. Other dreams take everything you have and yet remain out of reach." "Before I carved this idea into your head, you wore the mask of someone who was afraid of all the things they didn't know." "I can't remember my family's faces... where do I live, did I already pass away?" "When you have nothing to live for, you'll do anything to feel alive." "How much more can they make us give?" "Oh. Are you lost?" "What ARE you aiming at?" "The easiest place to hide a knife is behind a smile." "You can get just about anything there..." "When they say 'life's a peach', I can't help but wonder what the pit represents." "If the rebels have managed to reach even us, then you shouldn't question their grasp." "One can never be too prepared!" "Going into battle without all of the appropriate gear? Wouldn't dream of it!" "Flood a poor village: village stays flooded. Flood a rich neighborhood: neighborhood gets rebuilt." "Ev-Everyone can hear us, but nobody-body-body LISTENS." "Where's the honor in prolonging a war?" "Aren't we here to win?" "Aim with your spirit, not your eyes." "That's the problem with greatness; they love to watch you rise, but hope to see you fall." "Get over here!" "You'll be handing over the booty if you know what's good for ya." "Headed down?" "All aboard, got a schedule to keep!" "It's turtles all the way back." "Even the gods walk quietly when it sleeps." "It gets under your skin, right?" "The brutality is part of the draw of course."
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ssmemeresource · 2 years
Mythgard Sentence Starters - Green (Part 2)
| edit these if needed. quotes taken from the green cards in the card game mythgard. |
"This close to the ground, there are secrets everywhere." "To control a populace, one must control the message..." "Bringing the people complete and objective state news and event coverage." "You really think I give a rat's arse?" "After everything that was taken from us, it's hard to care." "A lady's got to learn how to defend her assets." "Many an inhuman act boils down to someone 'just doing their job'." "What's that button do? Can I press it?" "These cowards like hiding almost as much as I enjoy target practice." "When the spirit realm calls collect, that bell tolls for who or whatever will accept the charges." "Why would they teach their sharpest tools restraint if it wasn't to keep you in line?" "Well, you consulted the right people on this." "She cannot see through your burdens, and will never truly know you."
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ssmemeresource · 3 years
Honeybee Sentence Starters
| edit these if needed. lyrics from the song honeybee by steam powered giraffe. |
"You didn't have to look my way." "Your eyes still haunt me to this day." "Yes, you did." "I don't want to live my life alone." "I was waiting for you all my life." "Set me free." "Your grin's the sweeted that I've ever seen." "You didn't have to offer your hand, 'cause since I've kissed it, I am at your command." "My honeybee." "T'was nice to know you." "How I find myself without you, that I'll never know." "I let myself go." "What do I know?" "Now you have to go."
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ssmemeresource · 3 years
Soviet Trumpeter Sentence Starters
| edit these if needed. lyrics from the song soviet trumpeter by katzenjammer. |
"A damp night in Berlin, yes." "How you look good." "Rejections follow me around like a dagger in my back." "I tell you, man, it hurts." "I've come here to express myself." "I'm tired of these chains. I am tired of the strains." "Take me in your arms." "Elevate me!" "Celebrate me!" "Extroverted but full of fear." "To make them dances as fairies." "To make them sing along." "Oh, so close to happiness." "I'm tempted by their flesh." "I am tempted by their stare." "I don't think you dare." "I'm breaking down inside."
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ssmemeresource · 3 years
“Trixie and Katya Roasting Each Other” Sentence Starter
| edit these if needed. quotes from the UNHhhh complication video by Ratapus called, ‘Trixie and Katya Roasting Each Other (so we feel better)’. |
"Why don't you eat a Cheez-It and shut the fuck up?" "I have a sixth sense where I see things with my eyes!" "It's like seeing but over there." "Have you thought about scrapbooking?" "What are your credentials as an authority on beauty?" "God, we're lucky to have each other." "You're hogging the body of Christ!" "Oh, strip it down for parts... Might be taking you there soon." "I wouldn't even be cremated in those." "I told you we'd get too personal too quick!" "I probably have a very different dating style than you." "Yeah, 'cause mine are alive." "Have you ever thought about focusing on your carbon paw print? You dog." "Not only is the world warmer, but I also found out I'm a dog, so..." "It helps you come down from the three Red Bulls I watched you shotgun. You're gonna have a heart murmur." "Doesn't it look pretty?" "I like Harry Potter Christmas more than Earth Christmas." "I feel like your wig is gonna start smoking and this is like where this robot dies." "They probably won't waste their time." "Think about if you were at a place where you knew what to do and you saw someone who didn't know what they were doing... y'know?" "Competitions aren't only my life, they're my whole life." "Wait is it the, da dun dun dun da da? It's the army of skeletons and the, do do do do do do?" "That's you." "I guess we're at different places in our careers." "You know what you look like? You look like somebody's really chic poodle, that got stuffed. Taxidermied." "I hate that shirt." "Nativity scene? Did you ever act in one?" "Who did you play? The donkey? The manger?" "Are you bullying me?" "What? You did your makeup and it was nice?" "Are we telling stories today?" "[Name]'s hair is what we call, um, garbage." "That was really harsh." "I had the worst fucking fashion." "I... believe that." "Nice legs, right?" "I'm not a technology hoe. It makes me so horny." "For an old person, it's cool that you can use a phone." "Like, you're not just forwarding jokes." "No! No, I don't do chain letters!" "Oh, honey!" "At your age, do you go to the doctor or it is sort of like, what's the point?" "It's just a matter of time." "Every time I walk into the waiting room the receptionist is like, 'life finds a way!'" "Pop on a lash and go do a number."
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ssmemeresource · 3 years
“I Asked 100 Minecraft Players to Build Santa’s Amazon Warehouse” Sentence Starters
| edit if needed. quotes from RTGame’s video 'I Asked 100 Minecraft Players To Build Santa’s Amazon Warehouse’. |
"There actually are more people here, but they're kinda just blipping through reality at the moment." "We're gonna need a lot of coal." "We will just kill you." "[Name], it's great to hear from you again." "[Name] has successfully been imprisoned." "The 'END ME' has been developed." "All I want for Christmas is the pain to stop." "Oh no." "[Name]'s smiling but I think he's in agony." "That's Kentucky when it's been chicken fried, whatever that means." "The state of Kentucky's just been boiled in the deep fat fryer." "Here lies my hopes and dreams." "I think we need to knock this guy out. He doesn't have flight clearance." "He knows what he's done and the crimes he's committed." "He should've retired years ago." "I miss my dad." "Your dad isn't coming back for Christmas." "They've gotten out of hand very quickly." "This just says 'help' here now." "Save us." "We have bled too much already. We won't last another season." "Help! I'm trapped!" "Hi 'trapped', I'm dad." "Wow. That is actually impressive." "Are you saying that this doesn't, like, astronomically raise the value of your land?" "Oh my God! It's the runway for Santa!" "I did nothing wrong. Please free me." "Hey guys! Remember Cheeseburger cat?! I can haz cheezburger? Jesus! Height of comedy!" "You can do better." "Kitchen is this way! ... Barred up." "There's stuff just everywhere in here." "These... These all just say 'Jeff'." "I've lost control of my life!" "Hey! Who just copy pasted 'Fortnite' in there?! And backwards. Come on now!"
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ssmemeresource · 3 years
Silhouette Sentence Starters
| edit these if needed. lyrics from the song silhouette by aquilo. |
"I can remember being nothing but fearless and young." ”We’ve become echos, but echos, they fade away.” "The devil's on your shoulder." "As if you don't remember." "It's only been a moment." "Tonight you're some stranger, or some silhouette." "Let's go out in flames, so everyone knows who we are." "Let's dance like two shadows, burning out our glory days." ”Strangers in your head.” "As if you can forget." "it's only been a lifetime." "Just hold me." "It's only been a lifetime, but tonight you're a stranger or some silhouette."
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ssmemeresource · 3 years
Send "Did you hear that?" for your muse to say that to mine in a spooky situation (haunted building, halloween maze, etc.).
Send "It was nothing. Stop worrying!" for the reverse.
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ssmemeresource · 3 years
Random Sentence Sentence Starters
| random sentences from the randomwordgenerator sentence generator. feel free to change pronouns to suit your needs. |
"The memory we used to share is no longer coherent." "I'm confused: when people ask me what's up, and I point, they groan." "I love bacon, beer, birds, and baboons." "You can't compare apples and oranges, but what about bananas and plantains?" "He played the game as if his life depended on it and the truth was that it did." "It was a slippery slope and he was willing to slide all the way to the deepest depths." "Sometimes I stare at a door or a wall and I wonder what is this reality, why am I alive, and what is this all about?" "I'm a great listener, really good with empathy vs sympathy and all that, but I hate people." "I was fishing for compliments and accidentally caught a trout." "The wooden spoon couldn’t cut but left emotional scars." "She wanted to be rescued, but only if it was Tuesday and raining." "For some unfathomable reason, the response team didn't consider a lack of milk for my cereal as a proper emergency." "The fifty mannequin heads floating in the pool kind of freaked them out." "{Name] accidentally created a new universe." "Choosing to do nothing is still a choice, after all." "If you spin around three times, you'll start to feel melancholy." "Weather is not trivial - it's especially important when you're standing in it." "Their argument could be heard across the parking lot." "I covered my friend in baby oil." "I honestly find her about as intimidating as a basket of kittens." "The sky is clear; the stars are twinkling." "Be careful with that butter knife."
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ssmemeresource · 3 years
UNHhhh Sentence Starters
| edit these if needed. quotes from the first 100 episodes of unhhhh featuring trixie mattel and katya, found here. tw: possible nsfw, joking mention of suicide. |
"I look funny, and then I'm terrible." "What if your dad shits in your mouth and calls you a racist?" "I still look in the mirror and cry, but it's more out of happiness." "You deserve it, [name]." "Oh, my adult body is an armchair?" "I probably have a very different dating style than you." "Did you ever think that the real problem is this hat?" "Have you ever sent a message to a deceased person, knowing that they have in fact died, and then gotten a response?" "Why would you have done that?!" "I'm getting older and my body's changing and that's not something I'm gonna apologize for." "If [number] years of looking stunningly gorgeous isn't enough..." "Who hurt you?" "I'm not gonna anthropologize about it." "You didn't make it this far in life without selling something." "Woo! I'm a mountain biking vampire witch from the future!" "That is horrid. That is horrid. That is horrid!" "That do take nerve." "I'm just tapping at the door of your love." "I got a sunburn and I'm fucked now." "Sure, she was raised in Florida, but that's not her fault." "Spandex is a right, not a privilege." "Are you there, God? It's me, [name]." "You're gonna die up there." "I just like you!" "Suck on a Capri-Sun and know that this is God's plan." "If she wasn't dead before, your performances would have killed her." "Alright, hoos birfdays are it?" "Asking for help is sometimes a very courageous thing, and a lot of people feel ashamed to do it." "Oh! I have a witch laugh! I could've been a witch!" "Would you like to smell my butt?" "I don't know how I misunderstood that." "The first time a door closes in my house, I'm gone. I burn the house down, I kill myself." "It's not funny. Please care." "Everybody wants to be bit by a vampire." "I've got to talk to you about something gay..." "What if I wear all white and just nobody touches me." "When I was hungry, I would say to my grandparents, ‘may I please have bread?’" "Maybe the dress isn't the right size for you." ”I got this at a vintage store in Sacramento and I won’t be slandered!” "There's too much filly faddily diddily daddiling- I'm having a stroke." "I've gotta tell you this; I do not drive a car." "Hi! I'm the British lady who hates time, the fucking clock destroyer, [name]." "So you think at other times you're whimsicle and fun?" "My motto is; don't show up to work, don't call anybody, and don't brag about it." "You got misgendered by a colonial woman!"
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ssmemeresource · 4 years
Shuffled Playlist Sentence Starters Part 10
| edit these if needed. song lyrics from whatever my phone picks from my music library on shuffle. 5 songs. |
"Every part of this reminding me how your heart met mine." "You are the only one that I'll ever love." "Just look what's been done." "If I get too heavy for you, let me know 'cause I can't tell." "If you want, I can take you home and we'll sing to the radio." "Two hearts beat as one."
"My baby don't touch me like they/he/she used to." "Should I care change my hair?" "Thought we could be so much more than this." "I feel pathetic in so many ways." "How can you just stop loving me in a matter of days?" "Don't you lie, I can tell."
"I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet." "They say that time's supposed to heal you, but I ain't done much healing." "There's such a difference between us." "I'm sorry for everything that I've done." "It's so typical of me to talk about myself, I'm sorry." "It clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore."
"Up in the north where the cold wind blows." "there's a church bell screaming." "Jesus and his/her/their family are two things he's/she's/they've lost." "March him/her/them to the scaffold and string him/her/them up on high." "What have you done?" "His/Her/Their bidding was all I could do."
"I'll never be your chosen one." "I'll be home, safe and tucked away." "I will not speak of your sin." "There was a way out for him/her/them." "I'll never wear your broken crown." "How dare you speak of grace." "Our choices seal our fate."
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ssmemeresource · 4 years
Knock Knock and Tease Sentence Starters
| edit these if needed. quotes from ‘knock knock’ and ‘tease’, the first and second comics from the death of the family storyline from the new 52 batman comics. |
"In hindsight, there were signs. Omens of terrible things to come." "Rivers running backwards, beasts born wrong, we should have seen it coming. We should have read the bones." "We should all get ready for some blame." "Everyone and their granny'll be saying we should have seen it coming because of the 'omens' or the 'strange days' in [City]." "That doesn't bother you at all?" "Right now, this moment, what bothers me most is right over there." "That was the last one, huh?" "Be the proud daddy." "I have a few things to finish before I clock out." "It's not as common as you think." "Some damn things you can't unsee." "Is everyone... all right?" "No. Not you." "Everyone, watch out!" "No, please! Stay away!" "Show yourself, you monster!" "I'm just trying to get a laugh, [Name]!" "It's a classic, too." "Just leave them alone!" "I missed you while I was gone!" "You do hide things." "[Name], it's me!" "He's/She's/They're gone." "He/She/They told a joke." "You must have known he'd/she'd/they'd be back sometime." "Don't underestimate him/her/them, [Name]." "Is it true?" "There's been no trace at all." "[Name]... look..." "It's so good to be b-back!" "Good, but you can do better." "I'll handle him/her/them." "[Name]'s talking about fear. Fear for the ones you care about." "So you pretend like you're not affected. Like you've heard it all before." "Give me something else. Anything." "I've been waiting for you, old friend." "I thought this would be the perfect place for it all to start again." "Brings back memories, no? Little trip down memory lane." "I couldn't stand it anymore, missing you, but I'm here now." "Too slow!" "Too slow to play with me!" "I've come back to save you!" "I'm here to take them down, one by one." "[Name]! I know you're up there!" "I've been looking everywhere!" "My God..." "Now, [Name], stop me if you've heard this one before!" "Are you still out there?" "I'm here. I'm always here." "What do you want me to do?" "I... I don't think I can do this, [Name]." "Would you still find me beautiful?" "When did I ever say I found you beautiful?" "Would it hurt?" "I don't want this... I'm not ready!"
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ssmemeresource · 4 years
What is Your Cat Really Thinking? Sentence Starter
| edit these if needed. a collection of quotes from the book, ‘what is your cat really thinking?’ |
"Stupid tiny flying horses." "Ah, so you're an Aries! I knew it!" "I made an art." "Box hugs better than you do. I love box." "What if we're, like, under the control of some other race?" "We need to talk about your culinary efforts." "I'm sorry, did you think this was a token of my affection? It isn't." "No one gets away with looking at me like that. Angel or not." "Leave it, [Name]." "Don't leave! How am I supposed to ignore you if you're not here?" "No, you're adopted!" "There goes the neighbourhood." "This just in: I am gorgeous." "The pleasure is all mine."
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ssmemeresource · 4 years
Mythgard Sentence Starters - Green
| edit these if needed. quotes taken from the green cards in the card game mythgard. |
"The young man/woman/person who has known true fear is wise indeed."
"One life for another, passing through the underworld like ships in the night."
"Silly humans banish the dark and assume creatures are drawn to the literal flames instead of the spiritual ones."
"Go on, sweetie, it's quite alright; a part of you will always live here with me."
"Now you've got an empty magazine AND a pissed off werewolf."
"Awareness has been spreading."
"Oh, no. The captain's not going to like this one bit."
"There are secrets everywhere, if you know where to look."
"There's no point in negotiating - they already know what you'll offer."
"You can't eat what you can't catch!"
"There are many customs for protecting babies from the spirits, and little evidence that they work."
"They say the land of sweets elect leaders based solely on their dancing ability."
"Tip of the tooth, heart of the squad."
"There's a fine line between seeing the future and shaping it."
"Our songs merely remind humans of the curse that is their ambition."
"No one should have to lose a child, but the lost shouldn't return."
"I was tending this garden before your parents were born."
"I dreamed my bones were so heavy that I couldn't get up."
"As you can see, research has been progressing nicely."
"There goes the neighborhood."
"I want no part of this!"
"The beings they choose rarely survive the beautiful bond."
"Look at that thing and tell me we haven't lost touch with that the people will or won't tolerate."
"It's about freaking time!"
"Self control is a funny thing; those with more rarely have need of it."
"They characterize this robbery as 'reclaiming the past', but they don't care about preservation, only their 'glorious future'."
"Breaking old enchantments requires structural knowledge. Running it in reverse is a clever workaround, I'll admit."
"I'm sorry to disturb your rest, but I just missed you so much."
"The question is, can you trust yourself given all the things you've done?"
"This looks like the same clearing, but now there's three paths..."
"All the juiciest curses come in threes."
"A battle was lost here long ago, but this is where I choose to make my stand."
"This was originally neutral ground upon which the gods could negotiate without fear of permanent harm."
"If they have found the golden land, it may not be a paradise after all."
"After the blade was taken from its resting place, it developed a very spiteful personality..."
"Can a weapon be homesick?"
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ssmemeresource · 4 years
The Punchline Sentence Starters
| edit these if needed. quotes from ‘the punchline’, the conclusion of the death of the family storyline from the new 52 batman comics. |
"The first time was frightening, wasn't it?" "It was scary for me, too!" "We're watching it come for you." "There is no reasoning with it." "Stop this! Now!" "Ta-daa! Dinner is served!" "Don't worry, old friend, they're all fine and dandy." "I've kept them entertained, though." "I'll destroy you for this." "Not so fast, [Name]!" "Where...Where is he/she/them?" "He's/She's/They're right here and just itching to help!" "[Name], listen to me..." "Go on, now. It's time." "[Name]... what have you done?!" "What have I done?" "I so hope you like it." "I made it with lots of love!" "How could you?!" "How? It was easy, [Name]!" "I hate nothing more on this Earth then you, [Name]. Nothing." "I beg to differ." "Why have you never killed me?" "You'd... win." "I win by living. By keep on keeping on." "No one would have to know." "In the end, you're the one who wrote this for me, Darling..." Well, would you like to do the honors? Or shall I?" "I know you want to..." "That's not... funny." "I have you. You're... all right?" "Is it... bad? Tell me." "So it was all a twisted joke?" "He's/She's/They're gone." "You had to go and ruin the mood, didn't you?" "Shut up." "No more talk." "What... What do you mean?" "No more of any of it. Not this time." "I made sure... Sure you'll get what you really want!" "If I were you, I'd go back and help them before there's nothing left..." "I have faith in them." "They're killing you, you know." "They make me stronger." "Liar!" "Not that way, [Name]. Not by accident." "Everything that happens to you tonight happens by my hand." "I've been thinking about what you said back there, Old Friend." "How about tonight I stop the game once and for all?" "I did what you wouldn't do." "You're lying!" "I'll whisper it to you. Whisper it right into your ear, Darling." "I'm here. I'm here." "Stop it! I'm not listening!" "What in Heaven's name is that fiery ball in the sky?" "You've got good timing, [Name]. THe rain finally stopped a few minutes ago." "How are you feeling?" "I'll be all right soon." "I should let you rest." "You will promptly take this back, Sir/Ma'am, or Heaven help me I will wrap this IV pole around your--" "Go to Hell." "What is it?" "I went to see him/her/them once, [Name]. I visited him/her/them." "I found this. I think it belongs to you." "It's all right, I understand." "What did he/she/they say to you in the dark?" "It doesn't matter." "Listen, I'm sorry."
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