standingonceremony · 2 years
bruh why you so in love with noctis
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"In love? How I long for the effects of whichever psychedelic you've indulged in."
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standingonceremony · 2 years
// Since I recently came back from a hiatus, I decided I’m gonna start doing a thing where I put out little wishlist post things for myself and collect them in some sort of tag or another! If this happens to catch the eye of people who may be interested in doing these things with me, sweet! So, Entry #1 of my Ardyn RP wishlist:
Literally any interaction at all with a Vanitas from Kingdom Hearts. I think the two would have a VERY fun and interesting dynamic. They’re both angsty dark bois capable of spawning an army of dark monsters, they’re both arguably darkness incarnate in their different worlds, they both have an intense and extremely personal grudge against someone, they both pretty much were used and had their fates defined FOR them by an outside force. Vanitas is pretty serious and no-nonsense, whereas Ardyn is playful and nonsensical. THIS WOULD BE SO FUN. I’d love to do a verse where the two team up and act as a sort of mentor/mentee and wreck shit together.
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standingonceremony · 2 years
// I find myself really wanting to immerse my Ardyn into a Kingdom Hearts verse. I mean... what would his story even look like there? In FFXV Ardyn basically is the darkness. How does that translate into KH lore? It’s really fun to think about.
He would troll Xehanort so hard at every opportunity
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standingonceremony · 2 years
// Whyyyyyyy am I so bad at consistently updating my RP blogs???
I am the worst but I am alive hi!
I’ve actually been replaying Final Fantasy XV in my free time (on a brand new gaming laptop woo!) and falling in love with Ardyn all over again so that’s been fun
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standingonceremony · 2 years
Kink Opinions Meme
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"A fun one, to be sure! Too long I've spent at the mercy of others... it's time I reverse my fortunes and enjoy myself a little."
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standingonceremony · 2 years
"Sir, sir! What does 'aftercare' mean? Is it caring for someone after a battle?"
Kink Opinions Meme
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"...Something like that. You're on the right track. Ask me again in, say, 50 years or so."
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standingonceremony · 2 years
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💕 Kink Opinions - The following is a list of kinks, send one in for my muse’s thoughts on it!  💕
age difference
💕 list continues under cut! 💕
Keep reading
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standingonceremony · 2 years
What color is your aura?
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fall leaves, candles, blood oranges, hawk feathers, ladybugs, clay dust, toadstools. your essence is tawny: you are an energetic force with purpose. there is a genuine care for others that dictates your actions; still, you do not doubt you know best. effortlessly a leader, you extend your wings to watch over the ones you love. you are the protector. you are the consul. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of terracotta, garnet, blush, and beige, who share your strong core. you are also drawn to the open-minded souls periwinkle and peach, who will help you grow and show you how to open your boundaries. however, you may struggle to get along with the internal personalities of seafoam and ashen who are thought-heavy.
tagged by: @cinderella-gurei​
tagging: Anyone who wants to do it!
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standingonceremony · 2 years
Forcing himself to remain still, Noctis kept his gaze set firmly on the Daemon King. He was stubborn, but it was obvious that he feared Ardyn. He’d be a fool if he didn’t. Ardyn had complete control over the situation, after all, and by extension, Noct’s life.
Noctis had been the bargaining chip, the price needed to be paid to keep Ardyn from destroying everything and now he was completely at the man’s mercy.
He didn’t protest as Ardyn removed the crown from his head. He’d never cared for it anyway. The closeness, however, made him nervous. He knew from past experience how easily Ardyn could hurt him.
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“I’m not your pet either. I’m your prisoner.”
Ardyn moved to put the crown atop his own head - only to stop short. Pausing, he used his other hand to slowly take off his fedora, placing it atop Noctis’s head instead before the crown finally rested on Ardyn’s. The Daemon King was no fool, he was wholly aware of the power he held in the situation, and just how terrified Noctis was.... but that didn’t mean they couldn’t have fun.
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“Come now, my dear Noct... that hardly seems fair!” Ardyn pouted, patting the man’s back softly - and further infecting his pet, his prisoner, whatever he was with the Starscourge that coursed through him. “Is that any way to treat the only one who still wants you around?”
He knelt down beside Noctis, a frown finally crossing his face. “You’ve peered into my past enough... Tell me, what have you seen of Aera? A lovely woman, is she not? Quite an effective pawn the gods used against me. Remind you of anyone you know?”
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standingonceremony · 2 years
// I love a lot of the Final Fantasy villains.
And like... as much as I love Ardyn, and he has become one of my favorite FF villains (alongside Kuja), one of the few sore spots of his character for me is... WHY didn’t he get to transform or get cool One-Winged Angel-esque forms for the final battle??
I get that him not having one kind of adds to his own unique flair, and the symbolism of Noctis basically fighting a version of himself in the final battle is pretty cool, but like... EVERY other Final Fantasy main villain has one, and Ardyn is basically the Starscourge personified at this point. You mean to tell me that Ardyn, the man who turned Aldercapt, Ravus, Verstael, freakin’ Ifrit, etc into gross monsters with a fraction of his darkness couldn’t turn himself into something cool?
Probably a hot take, but... IMO Ultimecia in Final Fantasy VIII had the coolest final boss sequence in the series. FOUR consecutive battles in a row, all with different monstrous forms and different boppin’ music? Yes please!
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standingonceremony · 2 years
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Almost as quickly as it came, Ardyn’s deformed features returned to normal, his face smiling sadly. “Existence is pain, my young friend,” the man shrugged softly. “If you wish to avoid that pain for as long as possible, I suggest not touching the Scourge like that much more,” he added, pointing down at the boy’s finger. “I’d loathe to see you succumb so young.”
The story continues here with @standingonceremony​
A heavy breath escaped the child the moment he saw the real form of the individual he just met. Immediately, the atmosphere seemed to change and Chadley found himself slightly stunned. Still, he did not back away and, despite the upbeat demeanor the older man showed, he remained with a slightly worried and solemn expression. Carefully, he raised his hand towards the other, placing the tip of his fingers on the edge of Ardyn’s face. The trickling liquid akin to ink stained one of his fingers in the process – the boy wondered what this was, anyway. Softly, he delivers a reply.
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“I am registering… an anomaly. You have some kind of illness, is it, sir? Somehow, it looks painful. Are you? Are you in pain, sir?” 
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standingonceremony · 2 years
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Ardyn raised his arms in a gesture of surrender, taking a step back. “I-I’ll tell you anything you want, j-just don’t hurt me!” he whimpered, his tone ever dramatic and playful.
“Call it.... a gift, I suppose,” he answered in response to the boy’s other question, shrugging with a smile. “Or, mayhaps, a curse, depending on one’s point of view.”
The story continues here with @standingonceremony​ 
The flair of the man was so impressive, Chadley couldn’t help but keep his mouth agape as the other placed his fedora over him. And, after hearing his change of mind, he laughed with an innocent pride sprouted from the man’s ingenious approach. Smiling, the boy place hands on his hips. Raising his head, eyes shining. 
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“Do you mean it, sir? Am I really intimidating?” His head tilts and he seems to grow a little pensive while he touches the hat. “You still look intimidating, though, even without your fedora… How do you do that?”
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standingonceremony · 2 years
“… You can tell me where I am… I’m new to this… Place… And I’d rather avoid getting into unwanted trouble.” The ‘human’ sinner answered calmly, observing the other.
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“… Don’t be offended, but are you… A demon from Hell? I think we might be on familiar ground if you are.”
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“A demon from hell?” Ardyn gasped dramatically. “A scandalous query if I’ve ever heard one. You’re in Lestallum - enjoy the music, scratch your back on a palm tree, spend money at the marketplace, and you’ll find no trouble here. Although... you’ll be quite troubled to learn where daemons truly come from around these parts.”
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standingonceremony · 2 years
He cannot fight the blush at the thought of adoring boys. “They’re still around. They don’t need to follow me everywhere I go. I-If I’m gonna be king, I need to be on my own sometimes!” Really, it was more for their piece of mind. If he didn’t know better, he’d think they thought he couldn’t stand up for himself in a dangerous situation.
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Ardyn chuckled softly, noticing how flustered the prince had suddenly become. “Oh, I couldn’t agree more!” he crooned, bringing his thumb and index fingers together in an ‘okay!’ gesture. “Hence my efforts to separate you from the pack in days past. I was only trying to incubate your growth, Majesty. What am I if not a pal?”
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standingonceremony · 2 years
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Did Eve feel all warm inside with him calling her his friend? Yes, she did. “Yes, I suppose we are.” She smiled warmly at him.
She sighed, “by the skin of my teeth my dear friend.” She giggled, hearing his playful tone though she couldn’t completely joke about it as it was a very difficult fight.
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“I’ve little doubt that you showed that nasty lich what was coming to it,” Ardyn grinned, giving Eve a little salute with his fedora. “As for me, well... I doubt I possess such ferocious skill. One on one against a daemonic force such as that, little old me would be history.”
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standingonceremony · 2 years
// Sorry, y’all. I worked 10:30am-8:30pm today, it is now midnight, and I work at 10:30am again tomorrow (technically today cuz, y’know, it’s midnight). So I’m probably sleeping soon.
I’ll try to get to the replies I owe tomorrow! I haven’t forgotten about you guys!
As always, if anyone out there is scoping me out and is interested in RPing, yooooo reach out let’s do the thing
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standingonceremony · 2 years
NAME: Shawn!
PRONOUNS: he/him
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: IM on here, probably. I have a Discord... but I’ve been using it less and less lately. Might start firing it back up again.
NAME OF MUSE(S): On this blog, Ardyn. In the past I’ve done Jafar, Eobard Thawne, Cruella De Vil, Cora, Pit, Frieza, and oh man like ten million more that I can’t even think of right now
RP EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): I made my first ever Tumblr RP blog in 2013. I’ve been writing and RPing through different outlets for pretty much my whole life, though. And I’m 35 sooooooo haha
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: Mostly Tumblr and Discord. I’ve also used forums, verbal (like playing Dungeons & Dragons with friends and such), and Google Docs that my RP partner and I both have access to.
BEST EXPERIENCE: Most of my favorite RP memories involve diving into super toxic, total-power-exchange-type relationships between muses. I clearly have some issues that RPing helps me work through o.o
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: As much as I love toxic ships and muses, I have gotten pretty good at spotting red flags and toxic behavior in real-life people and don’t much tolerate that.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: Yes please! lol I am literally down for all of the above.
PLOTS OR MEMES: Honestly, I prefer plots. But memes and unprompted stuff is also pretty fun - I just enjoy crafting stories with people.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I prefer longer replies, but I also know not every scene/situation calls for it. If there’s a long post, it means there’s a lot of character dynamic there to explore, and that probably comes from a certain level of comfort and understanding between muns. Shorter replies can mean we’re still feeling each other out and gauging our styles and wants, and that is perfectly acceptable!
BEST TIME TO WRITE: I’m usually more free to write at night. But my mind is always swimming with story and character ideas around the clock!
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): Ardyn and I are both dramatic, playful bitches with dark pasts so... yeah, I guess
tagged by: I stole it from @floralcetra lol
tagging: Whoever feels like doing it?
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