staticbleeding · 15 days
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Late night thought = angst headcanons for the Sinclair Boys cause im down bad and love hurting yall
Bo is obviously the worst of the 3 to date, but he longs on having his own family. Wishes he had a partner and kids so he can prove he is more than his mom and dad was. But give him that? He just can’t do it. Falls into the habits of his past
Vincent would definitely be the partner that compares you to his mother constantly (I can see Bo doing the same, but mommy boy Vincent…more). Wonders why you don’t cook like she did, clean like she did, smile like she did.
My baby Lester… I hate the truth of this, but he will be SO disgusted and hurt if you suggest he stops being a little helper to his brothers’ crimes. That’s if you even find out. Cause he is not telling you unless you see a murder right in front of you.
Lester is afraid of you leaving him. Everyone has that fear atleast a little bit, but his is obsessive. He doesn’t allow you out on trips for victims cause that will mean you have to see these sometime hot, sweaty guys. Can’t have that. He makes sure to keep tabs on everyone you meet, watch you see, etc. I can see this happening with all of the brothers.
Yall remember that mattress in the garage basement with all the polaroids around?? Oh yeah that still gets used no matter how much you talk to Bo about it. Nothing personal hun. But a man has needs (bullshit he says). You see more polaroids lining the wall of people that look nothing like you. Maybe he does that just to hurt you?
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staticbleeding · 16 days
Ahhh! Just finished my first day at a new job
(Back ground info…i was at my last job/first job for 3 years straight)
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staticbleeding · 21 days
Imagine the song “Danny’s Song” by Loggins and Messina playing in the background while Ford sits and stares at you like you hung the stars in the sky. His eyes misting up realizing that everything is finally falling into place in his life
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staticbleeding · 21 days
⛧°。 ⋆Waiting on the Stars ⋆°⛧
+:。.。 teen Stanford Pines x gn reader 。.。:+
Part 3 is here y'all!! I'm tempted to keep a majority of the story in Ford's POV. Let me know what y'all think! warnings : strong language, suggestive language, the usual teen shit pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
1972 What happens when Ford's chance to ask you out is right in front of him? Will he grab it and run? Or will his time run out?
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Ford's POV
What do I say? God their voice is so pretty. Do I hang up? No that's creepy.
Thoughts race through my head. Fear and anger crashes over my body like waves. Finally the reality hits, I need to say something.
"H-Hi (Y/N)?" I stutter out finally.
"Ford? Hey! How'd you get my number?" Their voice rings in my ears as a blush raises throughout my face.
"Stan. He saw you left your notebook in class today and let me call to tell you..I promise I didn't look through it at all! Just your..number." I feel myself mentally cringing at how creepy all of this could sound.
"Oh shit. I didn't even notice! Thank you!" They laugh and thank me, I feel my heart begin to beat faster. Not out of fear or anxiety, but of something else.
"Oh it's nothing! Just..buddies looking out for each other...not assuming we are buds or anything! Just a phrase..yeah phrase." I say and look up seeing Stan shaking his head and laughing. A silent glare is directed at him.
"Of course we are! Looking out for each other. Speaking of which, um would you like to meet up sometime this weekend so I can get it back? Not like a date or anything." I hear their voice quiet down at the last part. My heart tightens up and my stomach drops.
"SO like a date?! Oh he would LOVE to honey! I'll make sure he dresses all fancy for ya. Flowers and all! I like you already! He will pick you up tomorrow at 7 alright?" My mother's voice rings out through the line. I turn around towards the living room and see her sitting in her usual chair with the phone in her hands. She looks up at me and blows a kiss before getting up and walking away like she didn't just say the words I have been so scared to say out loud so nonchalantly. Oh God please let the floor open up and just swallow me whole.
"A date!? Oh! Um if Ford wants it to be a date..then yeah." I hear (Y/N) say into the phone.
"Excuse her! I am so sorry! I..is a date alright? Don't feel pressured to say yes at all! It is completely understandable if not." I cover my face with my free hand and quietly say into the speaker.
"I would love a date with you Ford..." I hear them speaking but after those 8 words leave their mouth I can't focus on anything else but my heart beating faster than it ever has. This can't be real. I am going on a date with them. An actual date. With the prettiest person to ever step foot into this town!? Oh stars what if I mess this up? I feel myself start to lose my mind to worries and anxiety. Tuning out everything except my own voice.
"Do I need to tell you the address again Fordsy?" I hear their laughter I have come to love so much, slowly bring me back into reality.
"Shoot! Um sorry yeah. Wait let me get a ink pen," I run around the kitchen finding something to write it down, "Okay continue please."
Writing down every number and word they say, brings this entire thing to reality. I am going on my first date ever. Do they know this is my first date? What do they even like? Where do I acquire flowers for a date?!
"So..tomorrow at 7?" A smile coats their voice so sweetly I can't help but smile back as if they can see it.
"Yes. Tomorrow at 7. I will..see you there!" With that we say our goodbyes and hang up. Finally a steady breath finds my lungs and fills them up.
"See!? Wasn't that hard Sixer. Just needed a push." Looking up I see my brother and my ma giving each other a high five. Rolling my eyes, I watch as ma goes to look for a suit that will fit me. Stan looks at me and tells me I can use his cologne that "all the ladies love it on me, surely it can help you". I can't help but smile a little. Silently thanking them for the help. I slowly walk to my room and find myself laying in the bed I have spent countless night dreaming. Dreaming of how I can ask them out, maybe the stars heard me? If I ever visit the stars, I will have to thank them. A big smile finds its way to my face. Maybe everything will be okay.
The next few hours are spent with Ford's eyes wide open. Imagining everything that could happen. Many thoughts circle the Young man's head. 'The possibility of this date going completely perfect is slim to none' , 'What do we do?' , 'I have to impress them. make them want to do this date thing again'. Ford slowly drifts off to sleep imagining the chances of this working out. Stan creeps into the room and smiles at the twin asleep cuddling against a pillow. A smile on the older Pines brother, bigger than Stan has ever seen on the usual stoic and serious face.
Ahh! Chapter 3! Sorry for the shorter chapter! Didn't want to put the date and the phone call all in one. Gotta stretch it out wink wink. I hope you all are as excited as I am for the date.
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staticbleeding · 22 days
Be expecting a new “WotS” chapter tomorrow yall👀👀
And a Bo Sinclair headcanon list too cause House of Wax brainrot is real
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staticbleeding · 23 days
can you please continue the teen! Stanford pines x reader? 🥺
Hi!! And definitely! Be expecting chapter 3 and 4 throughout this week!!
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staticbleeding · 24 days
I wake up to over 500 likes!?!? Holy shit yall. Thank you!
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staticbleeding · 24 days
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Ford doodles
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staticbleeding · 24 days
Some young Stan requests + bonus headcanon that if his partner marked him, he’d show it off like a douchebag (lovingly)
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staticbleeding · 24 days
Slowly coming to a realization that my name being Beau is so weird that I hardcore simp for Bo Sinclair.
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staticbleeding · 24 days
⛧°。 ⋆Waiting on the Stars⋆。 °⛧
+:。.。 teen Stanford Pines x gn reader 。.。:+
The second part!! I was not expecting so much love on my first post on this account! I am so happy y'all enjoyed the first part! Enjoy this <3 warnings : strong language, suggestive language, the usual teen shit pt.1 pt.2
1972 After the night at the pawn shop, Ford hasn't been able to stop thinking about you. It is starting to become painfully obvious. Especially to Ford's twin that has to hear all the midnight ramblings. Will he have to help his brother out, or will fate help Ford himself?
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Ford's POV
I wake up to Stan's snoring. Pushing my glasses onto my face, my feet touch the ground beneath me. I rub my eyes and start to regret not getting much sleep. Looking up at the clock on the bed side table, my heart drops. I'm gonna be late.
"Wake up Stanley. We are going to be late if we don't leave in like 30 minutes! I can't miss the first block", I say as I shake the sleeping man above me. His arm lays down off his bunk.
"Fuck off Sixer we can be a little bit late"
"Stanley it's not going to happen." I say as I stumble out of bed and pull my neatly folded clothes out of the dresser and begin pulling them on.
"Sorry you only get a chance to see your little lover in class man, but ain't no way I am getting up after you kept me awake all night". Stanley grumbles and rolls back over in his bed.
"Please Stanley.." I reluctantly beg my sleeping brother
With a loud groan Stanley jumps off the bed and starts putting on his clothes from the floor.
"Thank you". I sigh out and rush to the kitchen to make some sort of breakfast before we leave.
"Morning dears! You two slept in didn't you?" Ma cheerfully asks as her arms cradle the youngest of the Pines, Shermie.
"Yeah Ma," Stan runs out of our room yelling and leans down to plant kisses on our brother's small head, " Fordsy wouldn't let me get anymore. Couldn't miss out on seeing his little lover." His elbow pokes my side before grabbing his favorite snack.
"Stanford! You didn't tell me you have a little (girl/boyfriend/partner)! I am your mother!" Ma laughs out.
Looking down at my feet I stutter out, "Not exactly.."
"He's too.. s-scared to ask t-them out." Stan poorly attempts to mock me. A loud booming laugh comes out of his mouth.
"Quit it Stanley. I am sure your brother will get the courage soon. When can I meet them?" An overly excited Ma elbows me.
"We have to go Stan. Please. Ma, I haven't even really talked to them. I can't ask them out, let alone invite them over for dinner. Now we must leave." I say before kissing her on the cheek and grabbing Stan to pull out of the door. 
Wishing for a quiet ride to school was nothing but fantasy with Stan. I couldn't do more than just stare out the window and wish the long rant of his would end quickly.
"I don't see why you don't just go up and ask them out Ford. They seem like a nice enough person to not throw a drink in your face for asking them out. I take a couple of classes with them. Pretty smart cookie too." My twin's words fall out of his mouth as if he is some expert in relationships.
"I can handle my own relationship ventures Stanley. Thank you but I really don't think they like me back. Hell why would they? I can't even look at them without becoming a mess and stumbling on my words. For all I know, they have a guy already." My hands find my face.
"Ford, they don't have a guy. Please. They ask me about you all the time in class. I may not have a good thing with relationships, but look Sixer, they would be stupid to not like you back," His hand touches my shoulder and squeezes, "but if they don't then more chicks for us when we set sail on the Stan O' War eh??". My stomach tightens at the thought of (Y/N) asking him about me. What did they want to know? Oh God what did Stan tell them?
As the car comes to a stop, I jump out and thank Stanley for the talk. Rushing to class, I find (Y/N) sitting in their usual seat doodling in their note book. I smile and wipe my hands on my pants. Walking over to our partnered seats, I feel my heart race quicken when they look up and smile that smile at me. My face warms quickly. My hand waves at them.
"Thought for a second you weren't gonna show Ford. Started to get worried Stan's driving finally killed you." God there is that smile of theirs.
"Haha.. no no. He just wouldn't get up." I stutter out as my stomach tightens realizing that they just said they worried about me.
"Well I will remember to yell at him later for almost making you late". They laugh and we sit in a comfortable silence.
"So what do you have planned for this weekend?" I swear I see a light blush appear on their face.
"Me?! Oh um.. working probably. Stan hates working the shop on the weekends". I say while looking down at my hands.
"Oh well that sucks. I was gonna see if you wanted to maybe.." They are quickly interrupted by the teacher coming into class with a mumble of sorrys and excuses for being late.
Quickly they turn their focus back to the notebook. It's a little black notebook that has stars they are drawing on the cover. A blush coats their face.
Soon class ends and I watch as they hurry out. This time they turn around and smile at me. My heart skips. I find myself thinking of that one interaction the rest of the day. I walk out of the school and towards the bright red car parked out front. A smile plastered to my face. It fades seeing Stan outside the car holding a way too familiar notebook.
"Don't tell me you took their notebook Stanley! I get wanting to help me but that is insane!" I whisper scream out towards my brother.
"Don't get your panties in a twist Sixer. They left it in class today, but...here check the cover". He tosses the object towards me that I luckily catch. I open the cover and see their name and the words 'If lost call me!' with their number attached. A blush finds my face. Is this the chance I have been waiting for?
"Lets go man. You got a call to make". Stanley laughs and gets into the car.
The car ride home was filled with silence as I went over every possible outcome to this. They could think I was weird for using their number without permission, or ask why Stanley didn't call, or..
My thoughts are quickly stopped as Stan slams on the breaks and parks. I quietly get out of the car and go upstairs. I thank the stars that Stan is working the shop tonight.
I sit in the kitchen watching the phone as if it will grow legs and walk out. My palms sweat against the hard cardboard cover. Stanley walks in to the room whistling. He stares at me and sighs.
"Sixer...seriously? You still haven't called?" He leans across the counter and eyes the notebook.
"This is a really bad idea Stan. I can't do it. I will just hand it to them personally first thing Monday Morning" I sigh and start to stand up to leave. I freeze in my tracks hearing the rotary dial turn.
I whip around and see Stan putting in the numbers I have eyed now for hours.
"Stan wait! Don't you dare!" I run over and go to press the receiver before the call goes through. Too late. Stan laughs and hands me the phone. Walking away with a shit eating grin. I hear the voice I have imagined in my dreams countless times, the voice that causes my body to instantly react, oh God what am I going to say? Do I hang up? I feel like throwing up. My heartbeat I can hear in my ears.
Too late
Hahaha gotta love good ol' siblings!
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staticbleeding · 25 days
Not me coming up with so many angst fics I can write for Stanford. Be prepared everyone for some heart breaking stuff
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staticbleeding · 25 days
Your Lester headcannons were very good!!!!
Thank you so much!! Im definitely tempted to make a full fic out of the angst headcanon👀
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staticbleeding · 25 days
⛧°。 ⋆Lester Sinclair Headcanons⋆。 °⛧
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+ He keeps a set of those air freshener trees in his truck for when you ride with him
+ He doesn't have much experience with relationships due to growing up in such a dysfunctional household. So I don't see him coming up with all these creative and sweet dates all on his own + Goes to Bo for advice alot (isn't very successful) + ANGST he keeps the family secret from you until you discover it yourself. Deciding to go to dinner at the Sinclair house, you overhear Bo telling Lester how you would have made a perfect addition to the wax museum. You decide to ask Lester about it on the way home. His grip on your thigh tightens, his breath hitching. You notice this and ask the question again. "What did he mean Lester?" You say with more force. He begins to stutter out a half ass explanation about how he was joking and didn't mean it. It takes hours and getting back to his house, for him to finally prepare himself to tell you everything. It killed him to keep this from you. He was scared. Scared for the possibility of you leaving him after finding out the horrible truth of that town and what his brothers do when the sun goes down on that god forsaken town. You become aware that since the day you drove into the seemingly too quiet town of Ambrose, your life was in Lester's hands. You have held the hands of a man who held the wheel leading people to their demise. What does that make you? Shakily you stand and hide away in the bedroom you shared with the younger Sinclair brother. Not caring about the whispers of your name falling from Lester's lips. + On a lighter note, he treats you like you hung the darn stars in the sky. Staring at you as if you were a god/goddess. + Imagine that cute little smile of his. I canttt + Imagine as his blue eyes watch as you do the most basic tasks, staring at you in disbelief for how he got YOU
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staticbleeding · 25 days
The second chapter of “Waiting on the Stars” is in the works yall!! Thank you everyone that has showed so much support for it in such a short period of time! 🫶🏻
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staticbleeding · 25 days
Ok I need some angst and I been thinking of this and I kinda based it off another fic I read a while back (sorry for any confusion)
Ok so reader and ford (pre portal) had a baby what if the their baby got pulled in along with ford and angst reader being heartbroken feeling empty (she's a seamstress so she would work so hard making clothes for her baby thinking one day she would see her baby again) loving dipper and Mable cause she sees them like her baby especially Mable since it reminds her more of her lil girl and would dress her up in the clothes she made during those 30 years (also I like to think about her being the town grandma all the teens like Wendy she helped raise or give them candy or fed them cause they feel some type of comfort with reader) reader ofc doesn't mind
But also what if post ford more angst reader baby is all grown up reader is happy but ofc her kid doesn't feel fully anything cause she didn't see her but everyone make them realize how much reader helped Stan bring them back cause all reader wanted was her family back
The way that I am mentally writing this as we speak is insane. I’m on it Angst Anon!!🫡
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staticbleeding · 25 days
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The way that Lester would protect me with every ounce of his being if I was his, keeps me awake at night I swear yall I am down bad for that little man
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