stickseaon · 4 months
Outsiders talks ( from the perspective of someone from Oklahoma)
Dallas Winston would NOT be boyfriend of the year 😭 dude is constantly in an out of jail and probably has a shit ton of issues, personally I cannot see dally ever holding a stable relationship bc dally himself isn't stable in life. He's a product of his environment and probably doesn't know what a healthy relationship is to begin with
I also cannot stand the way the fandom treats johnny, most of the fanfics I've seen make johnny out to be a shy soft little baby that needs to be protected at all times and so sweet and innocent he was a good kid yeah but he was also a greaser and still hung out with the people he did it's so annoying when people act like the dude couldn't hold himself up 😭 he literally killed a man and cared a switch in his pocket and said he'd kill the next person who tried him. Let Johnny be bitchy!! Let him have a personality outside the gang!! His whole plot in the books is that he was more than some greaser kid whose parents beat up on him, stop missing that point of his story and dumbing him down to a bland and basically peronsalityless character😭 ( personally I hc that johnny while he loved the gang, found their watchful eyes of him a little annoying. Johnny was a 16 year old boy and had taken care of himself his whole life)
This is oklahoma in the 60s they were all a little awful and hick
I also like the headcanons that the shepherds were not white, I don't have a specific headcanon from them but a lot of places in Oklahoma have a lot of native and Hispanic and black people ( especially Tulsa in the 60s) most not white people lived in the more shady parts of town bc that was all they could afford, this is the 60s and oklahoma it was WILDY RACIST ( and still kind of is) so it makes sense for the greasers to be diverse
Also!! Buck and Sylvia and literally any character outside the Curtis gang!! I wish we'd seen more of them I love Buck Sylvia with all my heart and wish we'd at least gotten a snippet of what their lives were like
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