stoneinyourshoe · 16 minutes
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Here's to Adams. Schmalenbach. Petrich.
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stoneinyourshoe · 13 hours
yeah let's give egan a romantic scene with a woman who mentions that her pilot husband went missing after a mission, presumed dead or a pow, and then when cleven goes missing after a mission, presumed dead or a pow, lets have them say "who's going to tell egan?" and cut back to him lying in bed reaching out to the empty space next to him symbolizing that his own pilot husband is gone. but that cant mean anything.
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stoneinyourshoe · 16 hours
"you should be at the club" I should be working on my fanfic
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stoneinyourshoe · 3 days
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love song from a dog (Clegan postwar, ch4 18k)
Say, Gale, do you think the birds know they’re flying south?
Do you ever wonder if every decision we make creates an entirely new universe? 
It’s October, Buck, would be prime sledding conditions back home by now.
It didn’t matter how ridiculous the question, how cerebral the concept or far-fetched the idea. Gale might sigh and hem and haw but would follow with careful consideration and a genuine answer. He never brushed John off. 
John thinks that Gale probably hadn’t been the sort of boy who would have ignored Albie Green just because he was a little odd.
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stoneinyourshoe · 3 days
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some little bucky sketches i never posted cause i don't rly like them
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stoneinyourshoe · 3 days
"daddy issues" by the neighborhood plays in the background, back at it again with my age gap au
"You know I would never treat you like that, right baby?" John says breathily, and Gale keens something pretty in the back of his throat.
Gale's a little sore, his face is still red and angry from his father's hand and his back hurts from being pushed to the ground, but John's hands feel so good on him. John is so different from his father, doesn't raise his voice or drink until he's stupid with it, calls him "doll" "darling" and "baby" without even a second thought. His father would never do that to him.
"If you were mine I would never treat you like that. God, Gale, I would be a good daddy for you," John says, pressing a kiss onto the nape of Gale's neck.
It makes Gales head go fuzzy. He wishes, God he fucking wishes that John was his daddy. He would never raise his fist or hit him or call him names. John would take care of him, just like he is now.
"Yes... daddy... yes," Gale whines because maybe, maybe if it was a different life, John really could have been his daddy.
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stoneinyourshoe · 5 days
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stoneinyourshoe · 5 days
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It’s a bit of a shitty name, if he’s being honest. It matches Bucky’s, just like that cunty little moustache of his. It’s a name for an American comic book superhero and for a brothel-keeper at once.
“Buck?” he tries. Weighs the sound on his tongue, lets it pop between his lips, slide down his throat. He shrugs. Fuck it, whatever. He’ll take it. “Okay, Bucky,” he hears himself say. “Do you wanna get out of here?”
Bucky laughs, then, leaning in so close that his breath brushes the shell of Gale’s ear. Something loud and stupid pitches in Gale’s heart, high like a whistle. Say yes, it screams. Say yes, come on. Say yes.
“You’re here with Neil, aren’t you?” Bucky asks, then quickly adds before Gale can respond, “Wait, don’t answer. Just nod for yes.”
It’s so sudden, the change. The way Bucky’s smile becomes roguish, predatory. It’s like he’s out on a hunt and just caught a whiff of something good.
(Gale realises: he is the good thing.) Gale’s never been this attracted to a stranger he’s met in a club. To a stranger he’s met anywhere. Maybe he’s never been this attracted to anyone in his entire life.
He nods.
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stoneinyourshoe · 5 days
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CALLUM TURNER as Major John 'Bucky' Egan
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stoneinyourshoe · 7 days
when a lovely flame dies, smoke gets in your eyes
OR: what were we supposed to take away from episode 3 if not ‘bucky is a war widow’
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stoneinyourshoe · 7 days
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austin butler as gale 'buck' cleven
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stoneinyourshoe · 7 days
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He’s so suave
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stoneinyourshoe · 8 days
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Wormwood. Clegan noncon fic 4.8k
“Shh,” John soothes, his own words blurring together on the loose glide of whiskey, “ ‘S alright Buck.” 
It settles something inside Gale because he does, he does trust John. Implicitly, even, which was hardly something he extended to anyone. His hand relaxes on John’s arm and then there’s lips working wetly over his neck again, a large hand massaging at his nipple like he’s trying to bruise the sensitive flesh. Or maybe John, in his own intoxication, has lost check of his strength. 
Gale makes a second noise, mouth falling open as John's stubble scrapes over his Adam's apple, sandpaper rough compared to the silken wet glide of his lips. The teasing nip of his teeth along the edge of Gale’s jaw.  “I know what you need, doll,” John murmurs, his own voice blurry with whiskey, “Gale, sweetheart I know what you need.”
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stoneinyourshoe · 8 days
"You heard me the first goddamn time, Gale,"
And, oh, if Rosie wasn't in the cockpit, if Gale didn't have a plane to land, he might have just broken.
That voice, the one Gale thought he would never hear again, making jokes as if nothing had ever happened. As if Gale hadn't spent every passing day since the escape not sure if a chunk of him will forever be lost.
But just hearing that voice, hearing him utter his actual name for one of the only times since their first meeting, that chunk was slowly starting to fill.
John met him on the runway, he always did when Gale flew, but this time Gale immediately rushed to John, uncaring about his crew. He knew they were okay.
John's looked better, they've all looked better, but he also looked so alive. He stood as he always did, leaning against the hood of the jeep with a muted version of his usual shit-eating grin, but he looked content.
"John," Gale breathes and he knows all he can do is give him a firm handshake and a brief embrace right now, but he finally feels like he's on firm ground, doesn't feel like he's falling through the sky anymore.
John smiles and squeezes his shoulder, steel blue eyes meeting Gale's as he smiles tightly.
"You don't understand how fucking scared I was hearing you went back up there. As soon as you got back safely, you decided it was time to jump behind the yoke again," John mutters and Gale sighs with a brief smile.
He doesn't say much, just squeezes John's shoulder and hips in his usual spot in the jeep, smiling when John's hand finds it's usual spot on his thigh.
They're able to sneak away for the evening and find someplace quiet where they have a proper reunion, names whispered on lips and with moans in the back of their throats, touching every inch of warm, sweaty, living skin as proof that they found each other again.
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stoneinyourshoe · 9 days
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Have they considered,,,, not being sad and traumatised?
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stoneinyourshoe · 9 days
Red: We call that a “traumatic experience.” Red, turning to Curt: Not a “bruh moment.” Red, turning to Buck: Not “it is what it is.” Red, turning to Bucky: And DEFINITELY not “oof LMAO.”
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stoneinyourshoe · 9 days
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Enjoy Callum smiling.
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