story-of-magus · 4 years
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witches from my book!
from top to bottom they are: christinadora, sarangela, opalivia, tenebrisia, annadelét, and vassilissa.
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story-of-magus · 4 years
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lilya sketches! 🌟
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story-of-magus · 4 years
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Drawtober 2020 - Week 1
1. Stripe 2. Tall 3. Imposter 4. Tome 5. Blade 6. Spark 7. Fall
reuploading form instagram. couple of bangers here in the first week! my favorites are Tome, Blade, and Spark
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story-of-magus · 6 years
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A Christinadora doodle~
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story-of-magus · 6 years
A perfect girl!!!! Feat. That One
Lilya A1 Nico A2
Character expression asks!| My Art / Inktober | YouTube | Buy me a Ko-fi | Commission Info | :0
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Local boy does not know how to be complimented
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Thank you for asking my characters ♥♥♥
Character expression asks!
| My Art / Inktober | YouTube | Buy me a Ko-fi | Commission Info |
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story-of-magus · 6 years
This is the book! This is it, right here! :D
The Elite Magus ended the spell, and the crystal fell to the ground as the barrier shattered.
“Remember,” he said, all scholarly wisdom and pomp, “you must retain your concentration for as long as the spell lasts, or it will shatter quickly.” He turned his complacent eyes to Lilya, who was sat in the front row. Just as she expected. “Lilya, will you make an example for us?” Lilya bowed her head and stood quietly. The room was silent except for the shifting of her apprentice robes. Staff in hand, Lilya made her way to the front of the room where the Elite Magus was waiting.
Hey guys! I’m writing a children’s fantasy novel and I’m looking for beta readers. It’s about a young White Mage (Lilya) searching for her freedom, aided by her Witch friend, Felix. In order to reach Camaerahh, the Free City, they must travel through a dangerous enchanted forest, evading not only whatever lurks inside, but the powerful White Mage leaders as well. 
Sound interesting? Click the link to sign up for BetaBooks as a reader (which takes like two seconds) and check it out!
Or, if you’re interested but don’t want to read, you can follow my story blog @story-of-magus instead. Or do both. Or neither. I’m not your mom.
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story-of-magus · 6 years
Baby gorl! <3
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Inktober 2018
#8 // Star
Precious child for Star <3
| My Art / Inktober | YouTube | Buy me a Ko-fi | Commission Info |
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story-of-magus · 6 years
For the trans character, make sure to not make their entire personality about being trans, nor all their conversations and thoughts. We are normal people who happen to not be our assigned at birth gender. So while yes, talk about it, have others talk to them about it and all, don't make it the entire character. Don't put unrealistic levels of transition and passing when logically they wouldn't have gotten there, and they don't automatically pass. Just some tips!
Oh jeez, I thought I answered this last night but my tumblr?? glitched??? Oh well :/
Thank you for this! Always good stuff to keep in mind! I’ve heard a lot of this sort of thing and it was the first thing I took into account when I decided to write a trans character :> In my opinion, any character who’s entire personality revolves around one specific trait is bad writing in general lol
Again, thanks so much for your input! If anyone else has advice, please don’t hesitate to send it my way!
Also, I’m looking for someone to have a more in-depth conversation with, since every ask I get seems to raise more questions! So if you’re bored or want to help out more, please shoot me a DM and I’d love to have a discussion with you
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story-of-magus · 6 years
My babe!! I love her! Thank you so much <3
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look at this magic gurl, also it’s a long weekend, get ready for lots of content. - character belongs to @astrophysiciann // Story blogs: @story-of-magus and @aliccas-angel.
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story-of-magus · 6 years
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Her sigil is the crescent moon, curling about a purple gem of sky. She laughs with the stars high above the forest, her cat familiar observing with balanced silence. The Circle heeds her and her power stretches far.
Introducing: The Witch Sarangela, and her cat familiar Nikolai
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story-of-magus · 6 years
Would love some help! :D I also don’t have a new name for her so that would be fun to brainstorm 
Writer Questions for Trans-People
I am a cis author and I am trying to write a young trans girl. She is twelve years old and discovers she is trans halfway through the book. I want to be well-informed and give her a realistic journey.
If you are trans and feel comfortable sharing your story with me, I would love to hear you. I will be asking you questions, but I will not pry or ask further than you are comfortable. I would prefer that we DM, but if you don’t feel comfortable with that, you can just reblog or comment on this post with as much information you feel is necessary.
My most general questions are: 1. What are the most important things to remember when writing a trans character? (What’s important to include and avoid?) 2. What is the most effective way to deal with pronouns to avoid audience confusion?
Thank you for your time <3
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story-of-magus · 6 years
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This is the official opening of my new story blog! Welcome Lilya and Felix, in Story of Magus, to Tumblr!
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