strkhs · 1 year
Sorry to be that person for the millionth times but find Nadia and Morgan on @echoburnt
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strkhs · 1 year
Hit the heart for a starter! ❤️ (multi's specify muse)
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strkhs · 1 year
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While Steve was content with his own company, Nadia was not. She rarely spent her off time in her own company unless it was in the workshop she rented downtown where she fiddle with projects she would never finish. She liked the idle chit chatter around her, even when on her own. It soothes something inside her, being around people, in a way she would not admit. His response however, doesn't surprise her. Lips twitch at his attempt at a joke regarding his partying, head shaking.
" No partying. " She offers honestly. " A drink or two perhaps, you know bars offer things other than partying these days? " nose wrinkles as lips lift into a wry smile. " Pool, darts, you can even catch the latest game. " not that she was really into sports, a bunch of men running around a field didn't really appeal to her. Ice hockey however, she could get behind. " You could join me? " she offers casually, brows raising. " No partying, just a drink between friends, team-bonding if you will. "
of   course   she’d   hoped   for   a   more   exciting   answer   .   something   interesting   ,   such   as   a   date   perhaps   or   at   least   an   evening   with   friends   .   but   in   TRUTH   ,   steve   was   glad   when   they   were   done   for   the   day   and   he   could   enjoy   the   silence   of   his   own   home   for   a   few   hours   .   he   barely   got   to   spend   time   THERE   and   the   few   nights   he   did   often   went   disturbed   by   emergencies   that   demanded   him   to   do   business   after   all   .  
an   almost   apologetic   smile   finds   his   lips   .   “   nothing   ,   really   .   wrap   up   training   and   head   home   .   i   grew   out   of   the   partying   phase   before   even   entering   it   .   “   SMALL   joke   there   as   training   clothes   are   pushed   into   the   duffle   bag   .   “   got   more   exciting   plans   for   your   saturday   night   ?   “
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@strkhs liked   for   a   starter   based   on   a   randomized   post   in   my   likes 
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strkhs · 1 year
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" Mom's helicoptering. " she states bluntly to Clint, letting out a sigh. The girl shrugs her shoulders, gaze narrowing at the very quiet site in front of them, lips pursing as she surveys the area. " I have patience! I totally have patience. . . I'm just not very good at the whole sitting still thing. . . " she trails off sheepishly.
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Clint let out a laugh, knowing full well that the girl was right. This wasn't usually something he would say to his own children but it still felt like the right thing to say. "Your mom's worried. I can't blame her. But people like us... sometimes we are better acting first." Was it the right thing to do? Probably not but there were moments when there was no other choice but to act fast. Clint let his gaze wander across the area, seeing nothing unusual just yet. "Patience is a virtue, Morgan. One you don't seem to have. Which is exactly why I asked you to come with me." That, and maybe the fact that he wanted to do Pepper a favor by talking to her. "Things don't always happen fast; doesn't make them anny less important."
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strkhs · 1 year
Also friendly reminder this is an mcu fc friendly account, I.e. Scarjo and Oslen for example. I will write with people who use those fc's absolutely! But there's also no hate to those who choose alt fcs from the mcu. Just letting y'all know in the midst of drama I am a safe space.
I will tag scarjo and oslen for those who request/need it though!
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strkhs · 1 year
Replies probably tomorrow! Been at work till this afternoon and just got out the cinema! Catching up on some stuff tomorrow then I'll be around. ❤️
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strkhs · 1 year
to blogs with muses that belong to small rpcs, possibly nonexistent rpcs, OCs, or are otherwise obscure: here’s a reminder that you’re amazing.
i know it can get discouraging when nobody seems interested. yet still, you soldier on, you introduce people to your funny little critters, you talk about your characters and post about them. crossovers are made, creativity is nurtured and niche bits expanded upon—it is inspiring!
the love you pour into your muse(s) is wonderful. the dedication you have to simply enjoy your character—even if you have little interaction—is awe-inspiring. every drabble you write, ask you answer, worldbuilding you do… it’s all magnificent.
you are a sweet reminder to everyone that roleplay is for fun, and that you don’t have to be in a big circle or have a large audience to have a great time. you are amazing.
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strkhs · 1 year
Like this if you'd like a starter from Nadia or Morgan! Specify muse or dealers choice.
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strkhs · 1 year
Think I've decided to definitely make some changes— I won't be tearing her apart but I've been very focused on being super canon compliant and not involving her too much so it doesn't fuck up canon and I'm not planning to suddenly have her in on everything and make her a Tony 2.0 because she's not. . .
But there's definitely going to be some changes in the current weeks and I'll let you guys know as and when I figure out what that looks like.
I love Nadia so much but sometimes I am here like— I need to tear apart everything and completely recreate my muse from scratch.
And it's frustrating.
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strkhs · 1 year
ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY NOVELIZATION PROMPTS *  assorted lines from the book by alexander freed, adjust as necessary ** credit to the amazing vicioushope for providing the content :)
if there’s anything else, make it quick.
whatever i do, i do it to protect you.
you’re confusing peace with terror.
you wanted to kill people.
we have to start somewhere.
you’ll never win.
we have a long ride ahead of us.
you called me. you knew this was important.
i don’t know! i shouldn’t have even said this much.
everything you told me, it’s real?
you also have to give me a chance.
what part of urgent message do you not understand?
do you want a warning? before i do it?
i will kill you then.
you want to get out of here?
you are being rescued.
you’re still mad, aren’t you?
it’s a chance for you to make a fresh start.
there’s a bounty on your head.
when was the last time you were in contact with your father?
i like to think he’s dead.
i’ve never had the luxury of political opinions.
trust goes both ways.
i’ll always protect you.
i’m surprised you’re so concerned with my safety.
i’m not concerned. i’m just worried our enemies might miss you and hit me.
doesn’t sound so bad to me.
no lie is safe.
rebellions are built on hope.
we’re not here to make friends.
what kind of rumors?
tell me you have a backup plan.
is your foot all right?
you almost shot me.
we’ve been in worse cages than this one.
there is more than one sort of prison.
i sense that you carry yours wherever you go.
are we not still friends?
i knew you were safe.
you left me behind.
you were ready, and i saw that, even if you did not.
i was protecting you!
not a day goes by i don’t think of you.
it’s a trap. isn’t it?
did they send you? are you here to kill me?
there’s not much left.
i’m doing this job because i have to.
i made myself indispensable.
if you’re happy, then that’s more than enough.
‘ this was not my doing.
it wasn’t supposed to happen yet.
your work exceeds all expectations.
you don’t believe me.
i’m not the one you’ve got to convince.
i thought we were past this.
i don’t want to know.
i’d prefer ignorance myself.
i’m coming with you.
i won’t be long. you’ll be fine.
must have been hell of a few days.
i’ll be right behind you.
you need to get back down there and find us a ride out of here.
you must be very proud.
they destroyed my home. i will kill them.
so what did we come for, if not vengeance?
would you like to be carried?
i could carry you anyways.
i need you to trust me, all right?
if a fight starts, try not to hurt anyone.
you lied to me.
you’re in shock.
you don’t know what you’re talking about.
i had orders! orders that i disobeyed!
but you wouldn’t understand that.
orders? when you know they’re wrong? 
we don’t all have the luxury of deciding when and where we want to care about something.
you’re not the only one who lost everything.
some of us just decided to do something about it.
you can’t talk your way out of this.
none of it would have made a difference.
you have to decide for yourself.
i’ve given up before, and it doesn’t help.
i’ve seen people lose everything because they happened to be in the way.
the time to fight is now.
there is no hope.
but i do. i believe you. 
every time i walked away from something i wanted to forget, i told myself it was for a cause i believed in.
i couldn’t face myself if i gave up now.
we’ve faced longer odds.
not really my problem, is it?
we’ll take the next chance.
i’m not sure i know how to fight to accomplish something. 
light it up.
it was a good plan.
you’re a terrible spy.
think before you answer.
your behavior is continually unexpected.
i’ll find a way. 
you know who i am. 
you’ve lost.
i’ve lost nothing but time. 
do you think anybody’s listening?
someone’s out there.
i’m glad you came.
your father would be proud of you.
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strkhs · 1 year
PROMPTS FOR GETTING DEFENSIVE *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
i said i'm fine. you don't have to keep asking.
i told you i'm all right. would you just leave?
you didn't have to come all this way for that.
i'm good! i don't need your help!
you don't have to get all defensive about it.
you just go on ahead. i'll be fine on my own.
i said it's nothing.
i can fix this myself.
just go somewhere else and leave me alone.
do me a favor and stop asking me that.
i told you what i know.
i'm just trying to help you. that's it.
i don't know any more than that.
would you just leave me alone?
if you'd just give me a second, i'll handle it.
i offer my help, and this is how you thank me?
stop pushing me away. you can't do this alone.
you keep saying you're fine, but i know you're not fine.
stop lying to me! i can see right through it!
you're just making it harder on yourself.
i handle everything myself. this time is no different.
you've got a real attitude problem, you know that?
we could get this done faster if you'd just let me help.
i'm not hiding anything.
that's not what i said at all.
that's a lie and you know it.
i don't need you to babysit me.
would you just go?
you're absolutely insufferable. you know that, right?
i hate it when you push me away like this.
how many times do i have to tell you i'm fine?
stop treating me like a baby.
i don't need you breathing over my shoulder.
get out of here before i make you leave.
there's nothing in there!
i'm not lying!
don't bullshit me. i know what you did.
we're going to get to the bottom of this.
i told you everything i know. can i go now?
i'm not saying another word.
i can't help you if you don't let me.
go away. get out of here.
i'm better equipped at facing these things alone.
you didn't see anything.
i wish you would just talk to me and tell me what's going on.
i can help you. i'd really like to help you.
just take a few deep breaths.
i'm not here to cause a problem. i'm here to help.
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strkhs · 1 year
I love Nadia so much but sometimes I am here like— I need to tear apart everything and completely recreate my muse from scratch.
And it's frustrating.
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strkhs · 1 year
Like this if you'd like a starter from Nadia or Morgan! Specify muse or dealers choice.
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strkhs · 1 year
@iinventor hi I hope this hurts you
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strkhs · 1 year
I'm not saying Nadia made a letter that blew up in Tony's face that made him hate being handed things or anything but she definitely made a letter deliberately blow in Tony's face that made him hate being handed things 🤷🤷🤷🤷
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strkhs · 1 year
I finally figured out what Nadia sees when Wanda messes with their minds in AoU and it's her back at Hydra in that cell but this time instead of getting out she betrays Tony and he ends up dead bc truly it is one of her worst fears— and it sort of also incorporates her feelings that she's not deserving to be working alongside the avengers too and that she's this fuck up. Bc truly being captured by Hydra was terrifying, and she definitely nearly relents accidentally a good couple of times— starts to tell them something out of exhaustion and pain and then forces herself to stop and she just relives all of this but twists in her head as her betraying her brother and causing the death of the only family she has left and def fucks her up a little.
She's as distant as the others after but almost certainly mostly with Tony— finding the smallest reasons to snap at him.
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strkhs · 1 year
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Stark sibling dynamics w/ @t0nystrk
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