studelicious · 4 years
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studelicious · 4 years
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10.09.2020 beige academia
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studelicious · 4 years
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tagged by @mildlinerrs to make a moodboard based off of my name on pinterest by searching name + core + aesthetic!
i cannot explain how much this makes me smile :’) 
here’s two lovely accounts i’d love to see do this! [no pressure ofc] 
@minijournals and @gabiestudies
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studelicious · 4 years
all I want is a cute apartment with big windows, sunshine streaming through, a full bookcase, the smell of coffee and to be content and at peace with life
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studelicious · 4 years
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15.04.2020 // Let's see what this day brings...
Writing progress: 45 percent?
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studelicious · 4 years
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i have a mild obsession over mindmaps
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studelicious · 4 years
The inside of one of the old city centre university buildings in Utrecht
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studelicious · 4 years
Basement of the city centre library
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studelicious · 7 years
somehow I got 95/20 on an assignment
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I hope they never fix it and leave it this way forever
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studelicious · 7 years
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studelicious · 7 years
I don’t know how I can be so ambitious and so lazy in the same time.
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studelicious · 7 years
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29/10/2017 I read whole weekend and I’m still way behind on my readings. It’s so frustrating. 👩🏼‍💻
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studelicious · 7 years
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11/30/16 - Love how Abaca gives inspirational quotes to people who buys their coffee. 💕
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studelicious · 7 years
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Rainy mornings, coffee and organizational culture.
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studelicious · 7 years
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This week has been one of those long weeks, but the weekend has started: so now its time to relax! 😊
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studelicious · 7 years
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Morning Habits Worth Starting (Especially for College)
Give yourself enough time to get ready before you have to leave in the morning. For me, this means setting my alarm about an hour before the time that I have to get my foot out the door. Eat a proper breakfast, do a little stretching, figure out your plan for the day. Having a slower paced morning is a lot more relaxing, and you can get your day started correctly.
Drink water first thing. I used to be a pretty heavy coffee drinker in the mornings in high school, but I realized that I could get away with a lot less caffeine if I started my morning off with a nice glass of cold water. You’re probably dehydrated after sleeping and water helps wake you up.
Make your bed. Making your bed is a visual reminder that sleeping time is over and that it’s time to get up! If I have a messy bed, I want to climb in and snuggle back into my blankets. This is especially true in the winter when it’s cold and dark. The movement also helps you wake up, which brings me to my next point:
Move! Your! Body! You don’t necessarily have to run through an entire yoga routine or go for a run (but hey, props to you if you do), but getting some movement in your mornings will help you wake up. I like to stretch a little bit, warm up my joints, maybe loosen up my limbs. It helps to get your blood flowing.
Open your curtains. In the winter it might be kind of dark and depressing where you live, so this isn’t always something recommended. I like to open my curtains when it’s sunny out so I can get some natural light, which helps your circadian rhythm so you wake up better - and fall asleep at night better.
Do something productive before your class begins. If your first class is super early, this might not apply. But I find it tremendously helpful to get something done, whether it be a flash card set, a workout, or a load of laundry, before my first class. It’ll get you into a productive mood for the rest of the day, and even if you aren’t productive for whatever reason, you can go to sleep knowing that at least you got something done that day!
(not my photos)
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studelicious · 7 years
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9.25.17 // 10:14 pm. something about studying in libraries •• so peaceful and such a motivating vibe 🌏🍃
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