i don’t know who needs to hear this, but here it goes: you don’t have to repeatedly and harshly punish yourself for every little thing you think you do wrong. you don’t have to diminish or eliminate your worth and dignity in order to become a better person and acknowledge your mistakes. please forgive yourself, please keep going and please, be flawed! perfection is unattainable.
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p r e a c h
Music is meant to be enjoyed by yourself with headphones while walking somewhere
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Lectures lectures lectures, I'm taking 5 courses and starting the 6th at some point this month, all just so I don't have to take them next year when I'll be writing a thesis and doing internship. Someone send help soon pls
🎧 Feelings, Tinashe
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I'm back on taking lectures and trying to keep up with all of them after a big break post exam session. Currently reading Freud's Totem and Taboo for a course. The second pic was taken in my car, I was watching a recorded lesson while waiting outside my bf work place, gotta get it done you know.
Hope you're doing ok, I was struggling a bit last week but I think I'm feeling better now
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4/01/2021   Day 35: The Winter Studying Challenge
Happy new year everyone! I’m back on the study grind and I’ll be busy as hell preparing for 4 exams until the 11th of February, so here we go, back on the winter challenge...
~ 4th January - What is the most important thing that is going to happen to you this year?
I guess just living the year with my boyfriend, hopefully things are slowly going to get better and we’ll be able to do all the “normal things” we haven’t been able to do at all, like going out to eat, having dinner with friends, and maybe going on holiday...?
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16/12/2020   Day 16: The Winter Studying Challenge
I managed to book in a seat in the library and I loved it, even though it was freezing. I’m taking the last exam of the month tomorrow and after that I’ll allow myself to some proper rest and a lot of Xmas gift shopping.
~ 16th December - What is your favourite Christmas movie?
I don’t think I have one, I don’t really watch films that much. I just love watching vlogmases in the morning while I have breakfast, my faves are Zoe Sugg and Niomi Smart for sure.
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15/12/20 Day 15: The Winter Studying Challenge
Yesterday the weather blessed us with full sunshine, so I cycled to the park and just layed in the sun, and I finally finished “Memories, Dreams, Reflections” by Jung which I started back in August! 😔
~ 13th December - When do you buy your Christmas presents?
To be completely honest, I need to be done with uni exams and stuff before I can start looking around for presents, but I do make a little note on my phone to write any ideas that come to mind!
~ 14th December - Share a memorable gift-opening moment from your childhood.
Once my grandma got me a big teddy bear (not much but it looked big to me), it was so soft, gold blond and I remember it so vividly. I’ll probably never get rid of my Trudi stuffed animals.
~ 15th December - What is the coolest gift you ever gave someone?
I gave my brother a yo-yo, last year, but it didn’t work😂
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12/12/2020 - Day 12: Winter Studying Challenge
how is it already the 12th of December?? I took the exam, didn’t go as well as I thought for a really stupid reason. But it’s ok, no time to look back bc I have another exam in 5 days...
~ 9th December - What do you usually do during the holidays?
Apart from studying a lot, I like to read and chill watching Youtube, preparing for the new year
~ 10th December - What is a cherished family tradition from your childhood?
We decorate the tree together and we play John Lennon, when the song Happy Xmas (War Is Over) comes on we switch off the lights and turn on the tree.
~ 11th December - What is a favourite family Christmas/holiday memory that has stuck with you through the years? Why?
Can’t think of any...
~ 12th December - Does your family have any odd traditions during the holidays?
I don’t think we have any odd traditions...
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8/12/2020 - Day 8: Winter Studying Challenge
I have an exam tomorrow I’m so exhausted. I’m trying to find out if the library is reopening, it seems like it is, fingers crossed! I’ll try to be more consistent with the challange, this exam is very important and so hard to prepare.
~ 5th December - Are you usually busy during winter?
A lot, december is super busy anyway, but also I have exam session in january and february, so it gets pretty crazy.
~ 6th December - Do you get a break from school/uni/work during winter?
Not really, uni students don’t get breaks.
~ 7th December - How do you stay motivated during winter?
Going to the library is a really good one, also studying with friends (even over an easy Whatsapp videocall!)
~ 8th December - When should people start preparing for, decorating and celebrating Christmas?
Whenever you feel like it, but I guess from the 1st of December on is socially more acceptable lol.
🎧 Last Piece, GOT7  
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4/12/2020 - Day 4: Winter Studying Challenge
I can’t cope with this situation anymore gosh. I went for a walk and stopped on top of a hill to admire the view, that was nice. Mama is making pizza again I need to go help her out but I literally just finished studying 😩.
~ 3rd December - What is your least favourite thing about winter?
When my fingers get completely frozen, I lose all blood circulation, goodbyee dear fingers
~ 4th December - What is an unpopular opinion that you have about winter?
I like it to be darker for longer hours, I don’t mind it, if not I like it more
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2/12/2020  Day 1: The Winter Studying Challenge
Starting already a day late, but I want to give this a try
~ 1st December - Do you like winter?
Normally it’s my favourite season, going back to uni, always being busy, studying at the library, seeing friends, parties, drinks and stuff, ice skating too! This year I have to say it feels like I can’t wait for it to end, sorry not sorry
~ 2nd December - What is your favourite thing about winter?
I don’t mind being cold (I prefer it over being too hot), I also don’t mind the days being shorter bc I think sunsets are more beautiful than in summer, and I like darkness better
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I’m giving at a go but I can’t promise anything 😬 Xmas time is a busy time
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here is my brand new challenge! i’ve known that i was going to do this challenge since i started my summer challenge in july so i am so psyched to be able to finally share it with you guys! i hope that you will enjoy it <3
DISCLAIMER: lots of the prompts in December are to do with Christmas because that is what i celebrate at this time of year. i was very aware of that when i was writing the prompts but i did not think that knew enough about other festivals and holidays at this time to write prompts about them. i did not want any prompts i made to be disrespectful. if you don’t celebrate Christmas, please know that this challenge is still for you! you can either just use the prompts anyway (if they are applicable) or adapt them to fit the festival or holiday that you celebrate. if it is impossible to adapt, then simply tell me about what you celebrate because i am excited to learn about them! [this was edited later because i realised i forgot to add it - thank you to the anon who queried this issue for reminding me <3]
✨ Info ✨
If you do the challenge, use the tag #winter studying challenge so i (and others) can see your posts. I try to reblog as many as possible. 
This challenge will run for two months - from the 1st December to the 31st January
There are daily prompts for every day of December and January 
But as always I don’t expect everyone to be able to post every day so you can always do catchup posts!
If you have any questions, feel free to send me an ask!
✨ Rules ✨
If you want to do the challenge, please reblog this post
If you do it on any other social media platform (ie. Instagram), please give credit. You can find my instagram here - my username is the same as on here @myhoneststudyblr
The challenge will officially start on the 1st December, but if you come across this later, you can definitely start anytime during these two months!
✨ Prompts ✨
1st December - Do you like winter?
2nd December - What is your favourite thing about winter?
3rd December - What is your least favourite thing about winter?
4th December - What is an unpopular opinion that you have about winter? 
5th December - Are you usually busy during winter?
6th December - Do you get a break from school/uni/work during winter?
7th December - How do you stay motivated during winter?
8th December - When should people start preparing for, decorating and celebrating Christmas? 
9th December - What do you usually do during the holidays?
10th December - What is a cherished family tradition from your childhood?
11th December - What is a favourite family Christmas/holiday memory that has stuck with you through the years? Why?
12th December - Does your family have any odd traditions during the holidays?
13th December - When do you buy your Christmas presents?
14th December - Share a memorable gift-opening moment from your childhood.
15th December - What is the coolest gift you ever gave someone?
16th December - What is your favourite Christmas movie?
17th December - What is your favourite Christmas song/carol? 
18th December - What is a Christmas song that makes you cringe?
19th December - What is your favourite holiday food?
20th December - What is your least favourite holiday food?
21st December - What was the most memorable holiday celebration you had at school?
22nd December - Finish this thought, “It wouldn’t be Christmas without _____.”
23rd December - If you could design your own ugly Christmas sweater, what would it look like?
24th December - What is your Christmas wish?
25th December - Merry Christmas! Tell us about your day!
26th December - What do you do the day after Christmas?
27th December - What was the best moment 
28th December - What are you grateful for?
29th December - Christmas or New Years
30th December - What is your best memory from 2020?
31st December - Would you rather stay home or go out on New Year’s Eve?
1st January - Happy New Year! What did you learn in the past year? 
2nd January - Have you made any New Years’ Resolutions?
3rd January - What is your aim for 2021?
4th January - What is the most important thing that is going to happen to you this year?
5th January - Would you rather live in a world where it is always winter or always summer?
6th January - What is the weather like during winter in your country?
7th January - Do you like the cold?
8th January - Where is the coldest place you’ve ever been to?
9th January - Name one place you could never live because of the winter weather.
10th January - Have you ever seen snow? When was the last time you saw it?
11th January - Would you rather play in the rain or play in a snowstorm?
12th January - Would you rather have a snowball fight or build a big snowman?
13th January - Would you rather have an entire snow week off from school or an extra week of summer vacation?
14th January - What is your favourite winter outfit?
15th January - Would you rather wear a winter jacket in the summer or a bathing suit in the winter?
16th January -  Scarves or sweaters? 
17th January - Gloves or mittens?
18th January - Wear mittens forever or a winter hat every single day?
19th January - What outdoor winter activity do you love?
20th January - Do you do any winter sports?
21st January - Stay warm inside or go outside in the cold?
22nd January - Ice skate or rollerblade?
23rd January - Polar bear or penguin?
24th January - Arctic fox or snowy owl?
25th January - What is your favourite winter drink?
26th January - Live in a world without hot chocolate or only be able to drink hot apple cider?
27th January - Have icy blue skin or have a runny nose all the time?
28th January - Play in the snow or play in the sand?
29th January - Go skiing or snowboarding?
30th January - Have a birthday in winter or in summer?
31st January - What was your favourite thing about winter this year?
✨ and that is the challenge! i really hope you will enjoy my challenge and if you have any questions, remember you can always send me an ask! ✨
[taglist beneath the cut]
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You need to understand that studying requires extensive training. Study habits, amount of sleep, timing. Therefore, you should see it as a sport. In order to get better you need to repeat and practice. Your brain needs to be recited all this information for long term memory. It's a hard process, I know, but trust me you'll get there.
this is so important 🙌
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Missing the library days...
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i want to cook so bad 😩
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here’s the highlight of my week, a warm meal to balance out the cold & rainy night as I work away
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Early morning start☀️
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