subfield-blog · 9 years
PEOPLE YOU MUST LOOK AT ME | 2015 | gallery installation/performance | 
15 minute physical exploration into a real/ unreal, digitally mapped space, using an body instrument that interfaces with sound/video/3d space; including video, drawing, animation, dance, interface design; accompanied by book of drawings
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subfield-blog · 9 years
searching… | 2015 | sound and light installation | 4 speakers outfitted with sonar proximity sensors, one per corner in the square gallery, each facing the center of the room| 
"searching..." seeks to highlight the growing disparity between signal and noise in the digital age and how this disparity has placed a necessary emphasis on searching for the information that we need in the oversaturated digital sphere.
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subfield-blog · 9 years
Metatron’s Garden | 2015 | installation/performance | 
Metatron's Garden is a collection of interactive platonic solid structures that are lined with LEDs, sensors detect when people enter the structures which controls the LEDs and sound with the structures communicating over a network
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