sueandoc · 6 years
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some of my aph ocs with plants : Corsica with myrtus, Basque Country with carlina acaulis and Brittany with gorse
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sueandoc · 6 years
😂Good job
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Sometimes I want to do really stupid crossovers. Although erected for sometime now, Ronaldo’s “extra-perch for pigeons” statue in his hometown Funchal, Madeira still cracks me up.
He seemed to be pretty pleased with the artistic expression.
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sueandoc · 6 years
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My Catalonia OC and Himeno-san(Masuda Himeno/Heidos, from whom I took reference for my Miss. Catalonia)’s Catalonia 【I’ve talked about this elaborately in my last post, my message including a request for her……】
As well as all of my 10 female OCs! Here’s their current design. And the last page shows what I’ve received from my friends as their lovely fanart😋
And I’ve made human names for all of my OCs: (Following the order of page 8 and Brittany is in page 9)
Basque Country (Greater region or Southern autonomous community) - Amaia Eider Jiménez Etxegoien
Galicia (Autonomous community in Spain) - Antía Margarida Carvalho Fernández Moreira
Walloonia - Caroline Juliana Bordet-Dubois
Catalonia - Mireia Montserrat Vallvé i Rossell
Andorra - Abella Meritxell Fuentes i Roure
Québec - Francine Andréanne Cartier-Lavoie
Romandy (French-speaking area in Switzerland) - Séverine Regula Bernard de Bouvier
Torres del Paine - Paine Torres García Monsalve
Chile - Elvira Marsia Sánchez Monsalve de Mapuche
Brittany - Gaëlle Nolwenn Barrière-Quemener
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sueandoc · 6 years
My message to Himeno-san
Dear Himeno-san,
I'm Sue from China, who has been a little fan of you for two years☺️I appreciate all of your fantastic works about the Iberian family! I'd love to send you many thanks for your fascinating-designed original characters, especially your Castillia, Aragon, Catalonia and Andalusia❤️
        Not only your characters, but also your long stories astonished me very much. I first got to know you from your most laborious work: “Romano and Armada” Your unique interpretation of Armada Spain during the Age of Discovery in 16th Century, it's so great that even make me unable to express my feeling properly......_(:з」∠)_
        My best friend and I are both very keen on historical and cultural knowledges, also we like the form of personalizing countries or regions. Because of this, we love to discuss some particular periods in history together with some of your nice works! (We can understand your story in a hazy way by your illustration and some kanjis)
        My friend says she loves your character design of Aragon! Also she speaks highly of your various interpretation of Spain. She considers your early work "Story of Andalusia" to be a very ingenious conception and a pretty nice example of personalization! Our favourite elements can always appear in your drawings, and we feel very happy to see so.
        Anyway I really love your drawings/doodles and your long/short comics. It's excellent that you've got such a skill of reading and understanding history, then interpreting it through your very nice and styled ways.
        Himeno-san, I'm feeling really eager to get in touch with you now, because you haven't posted anything new on Pixiv for a very long time, and seemingly you have quitted the community as well as giving up your creation of Iberian family characters? Oh no, please don't do so! There are always many enthusiastists of your art, looking forward to your new post(especially the rest of “Romano and Armada”! We all desire to know the ending of this amazing story!)and calling you back, like me
        Could you please check out my following request? Among all your Iberian original characters, I found that I've developed a special passion of Miss. Catalonia......However, I think there's a tiny flaw of her design: It's too rare for a Catalan to have such Germanic/Nordic blonde hair together with blue eyes😅From this point, I took reference from your Miss. Catalonia, mainly her hair style and the relationship with Aragon, Valencia and Spain, then I made my version of Catalonia.
        Here's my design text for her with a drawing (They're yet to be modified)
♀ - Mireia Montserrat Vallvé i Rossell
♂ - Jaume Càstor Vallvé i Rossell
【The semi-sister younger than Aragon and older than Valencia. She doesn’t have a rather intimate relationship with Valencia, Aragon is their common elder brother. Ever since Aragon was united with Castille by royal marriage, the three has become members in the family of Spain. However, Catalonia detests Spain on sight, especially when she envies Spain and Castille snatching Aragon’s intimate care and love, which she believes she, Aragon’s real family and sister in flesh, deserve them more.
During the Civil War, Catalonia firmly stood by the left side of Spanish Popular Front and fought against the Fascists, but was hit twice in the back during faction of the Republicans, and masscre made by the Nationalists. Afterwards she was shot in her back waist, even once sank in the mire of hemiplegia. Fortunately she got entire, considerate sessions of treatment after Franco’s death. And further after acquiring autonomous right in the Constitution Revolution, she was aglow with health once more.
In recent years she behaves mostly in the manner of a radical protagonist of Catalan independent movement, evertheless, sometimes feeling ambivalent about the issue and even inclined to anti-separatism.
She’s proficient in Catalan language, literature, art, history and culture, also able to speak fluent Spanish, though she refuses to speak it occasionally.
Additionally, Catalonia entertains an innate passion for football. She’s born to be a faithful fan of FC Barcelona, and has been together with her team for years. It’s an astonishing fact that when it comes to something intense such as a match or an argument about football, especially Barça, then she inevitably convert herself into the boy form, a real Catalan boy as her counterpart called Jaume.】
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        ——Thus you see how I “took reference” from your Catalonia......And I'd like to send you my kind request in order to ask if I can do my art and character design in this way.If you agree, then I will always mark out “the character of female Catalonia personalization BELONGS TO MASUDA HIMENO (HEIDOS) AND ME, SUE LIU”
        Also I've made up human names for your Castille, Aragon and Valencia (Andalusia will be soon) Different from Catalonia, I believe these four characters all completely belong to you! I'll just make FANART for them because of my Iberian passion😄And I'll explain to you the meaning of each part of the name, if you'd like to know!
Castilla: Calista Isabel Fernández de Ávila
Aragón: Ferran Llorente Zurita Carriedo Aragonés
Valencia: Joaquín “Ximo” Ossifar Vallvé i Martorell
        According to the Spanish naming custom, it's more appropriate to consider that FERNÁNDEZ the paternal surname is Aragon's, while CARRIEDO the maternal surname is Castille's......However, I think it looks better when they exchange. Also, for the surname CARRIEDO I only found one notable person on Wikipedia named Raquel Carriedo-Tomás, who is from Zaragoza, ARAGON. Maybe it's reasonable to give CARRIEDO to Aragon as Spain's paternal surname in ancient medieval times😂
I'm rather eagerly looking forward to your reply! And in case you find the English messages too hassle to understand, just tell me and I'd love to ask some of my friends to help me translate them into Japanese, though the process may be difficult for me😂(I've read that your work is related to translation so I guess perhaps it's possible for you to read my longggg English messages _(:з」∠)_
Please check these messages, much love and kind regards from your devoted fan, Sue❤️
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sueandoc · 6 years
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First post for some of my drawings that I picked randomly😉 This blog will be mainly for my ocs and some other pictures I made! I must be blessed to access Tumblr today so fortunately without much blockage_(:з」∠)_
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