sukko-tei-blog · 9 years
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Looks awaY QUICKly. “ I can’t see her if she can’t see me.. “
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sukko-tei-blog · 9 years
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“ …. ?! “ 
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sukko-tei-blog · 9 years
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sukko-tei-blog · 9 years
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“ —– “ ;;
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sukko-tei-blog · 9 years
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sukko-tei-blog · 9 years
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sukko-tei-blog · 9 years
guys how do you trim posts with the update im burning really hard right now please help me im DYING
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sukko-tei-blog · 9 years
Here is the (unofficial) XKit extension to fix post reblogs (+ instructions)
This is likely to be buggy and imperfect, and is definitely not totally optimized, but it is at least a start at fixing the atrocity that is the new reblog structure.
Your posts will look something like this:
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sukko-tei-blog · 9 years
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What the heck is this update and how do i work around it.
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sukko-tei-blog · 9 years
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sukko-tei-blog · 9 years
Stranger...? :
‘Am I alright?’ he sneakily lets out a smile, rather amused at this question.
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“Miss… I’m feeling absolutely fantastic.” he is in full bliss. This delightful taste of freedom… gosh he thought he would never experience it ever again. He spent years in that hellhole, and now that he is out… this is the best feeling in the world. Within these few months of stumbling around is nothing compared to what he has been through.
“Thank you for asking.” he softly added as he lets his eyes look down at the pavement, his smile is already gone. He can feel his body relax once again, as if it’s practically begging to go back to sleep. He closes his eyelids, breathing in deeply, then breathing out slowly through his nose. He can’t sleep yet – he has company.
“Any more questions, Miss?” he asked in an audible mumble, keeping his eyes closed.
Absolutely fantastic? Tei raised an eyebrow a little perplexed. The boy was barely clothed, on the streets, in the middle of winter, sleeping behind trashcans while covered with humid cardboard. Was that really something... fantastic? To add up, he was also covered in dirty old bandages that needed some seriously urgent changing. “Boy, if he considers this fantastic, I wonder what would be ‘bad’ in his book...”
Slowly she looked down at the boy’s legs. The dirtiest bandages were on his ankles and it surely wasn’t a nice sight. The bandages were falling off and she could see some of his wounds exposed, most of these were heavily infected. Deep down, Tei felt a little worried for the boy regardless of his words. If those wounds weren’t treated soon his chances of survival would reduce drastically in no time.
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  “These... Need treatment...” she said quietly after a short silence, then she pointed at the infected wounds, accidentally poking one of them. Tei instantly took her hand back. Not only it felt incredibly disgusting to touch it but it was freezing cold. Was that leg alive at all...? A part inside of her wanted to help him, but the other was scared. She wasn’t sure of what to do.
  “Hey...” Tei raised her hand and offered it to the tired kid. She held it there for a moment a little hesitant. Was this the right thing to do? Oh well, it was a little too late to take it back. Her hand was already up, after all. Might as well just go with it. “Let me help you.”
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sukko-tei-blog · 9 years
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Drew my sweet child
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sukko-tei-blog · 9 years
All he could see in his vision is blurry, unrecognizable objects. His eyelids ached from the fatigue, his ripped clothes are his only protection from the cold. Oliver is practically a mess, stumbling around the streets like some sort of zombie. Ever since his escape from the incident, the only place he called home is the streets.
His hand is placed against the walls of buildings for a guide and support as he roamed around. He feels week in his knees, his head is dizzy. If he did came across an alleyway, a temporal “home”, they would be occupied. ‘Can I please find somewhere to rest?’
It seems that his secret wish has been granted when he came across another alleyway. In an instant he stumbles further. He ceases his steps to try his best to see the surroundings. There were trash cans and cardboard boxes surrounding them, some on top of the cans. There doesn’t seem to be any living person around.
He fell to his knees, ignoring the pain scorching throughout his body from the impact. He’s slowly losing his adrenaline to continue moving. Right now, he’s just relieved that he can rest without any disturbance. On his hands and knees he crawls towards the trash can, settling himself beside it. He then began to make a small wall with the cardboard boxes in attempt to keep himself warm.
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Finishing building his little house, he gently leans his head against the brick wall behind him as he lets a soft sigh escape from his chapped lips. His eyelids are half open now. For once in the past few days, he can feel his body relaxing. It’s such a beautiful sensation. Oliver takes this moment to savor feeling. His vision is going dark now; he can feel sleep approaching fast. He eagerly lets it devour his body, his eyes slowly closing as he goes in a deep slumber.
His senses are still active, however. He hears movement. He gets a sudden chill when the cardboard boxes are moved away. Huh, it seems some of them landed on his head from the trashcan by accident. Then, he hears a voice, a female one to be exact.
‘My beautiful sleep…’ he sorrowfully thought. Might as well prove to the voice that he is no corpse. Hah, he isn’t planning on dying yet. Within a moment, he open his eyelids, luckily his vision is a little better due to having some sleep. Slowly he turns his head to the right to meet legs. So he lets his eyes travel up to see a face.
He finds no will in him to talk, so he just silently stares at the person who dares interrupt his sleep. Ah, still hard to see their face. He lazily raises up his arm and rubs his eye, getting rid of the crust and dirt. There, much better. He return his gaze to the person.
…Hold on. Her hair is… grey? It’s hard to tell due to the lack of light, but her eyes… are red. Those particular colours are strangely making him reach into his memories. Just in case, he rubs his eye, a bit more quicker than last time and looks up at the stranger.
No. It– it can’t be. There’s just no possible way! He can feel his body slowly waking up, the familiar adrenaline rush pumping in his veins. He’s being hopeful now, but dammit it can’t be true! It can’t be her who saved him from the burning asylum! He looks down, letting his fingertips gently graze at the nape of his neck in thought. He just needs proof that its her. It seems she has her beautiful features, those perfect red eyes that can stand out in any fire.
‘Dammit Oliver.’ the proof that he lives, his heart, is thumping in a fast pace. Just thinking about her… His hand that once is grazing his neck is now clutching his jacket. ‘Please calm down.’ he thought. He once again looks up at the person, his features softening to a tired look.
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“I am very much alive, miss.” he finally said, a little surprised on how tired he sounds. Well wandering around without any sleep can be a problem. “Is there… anything you need?” there must be a legitimate reason for waking someone up.
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When the supposed corpse moved suddenly on it’s own, Tei couldn’t help but flinch a little, losing her balance and abruptly falling on her butt. She truly didn’t expect that body to be alive... or even less speak to her in the first place. However, regardless of the sudden scare, she was very glad to know there wasn’t a dead person right behind the bakery. That would’ve been quite a complex story to explain to policemen, knowing how much she loooved them. Ha.
She blinked a few times before shaking her head composing herself once again. Tei afterwards gave the talking corpse a quick more in-depth look. It was a male, a teenage male to be exact, dirty blond messy hair and honey eyes-- no... eye.  The kid looked as if he hadn’t had a drop of sleep in at least a few days, she could tell by the sound of his voice and the nearly empty look in his eyes. ‘He looks almost like a stray dog...’ her expression softened. Where did this kid even come from? Tei was almost certain she had never seen this boy around before. She couldn’t forget faces with ease, even of people she had just taken a quick glance to. Nonetheless, his face looked oddly familiar, as if it tried to ring a bell on her head but she couldn’t hear it. ‘Just... Who is this kid...?’
Then suddenly, her mind did a small click. Her eyes widened as a bunch of images flashed inside her head. Fire, she remembered the fire... Even though it was all kind of a blur in her mind at that moment in time, for some reason Tei somewhat remembered that weak and tired face, somewhere deep in her head hiding in between the flames. ‘Are you...?’
Quickly, Tei tried to calm herself down. She legitimately had no proof that this boy had anything to do with those memories that she kept at the back of her mind regardless of how strong the feeling was. Composing herself once again, she sighed and decided it was time to speak back. She had a lot of questions, without doubt, but she decided so start with the basics...
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  “No... nothing in particular.” Tei looked down for a second, feeling a bit embarrassed for confusing the boy’s body with a corpse. Then she noticed the boy’s clothes, ripped and dirty beyond repair, no wonder why she thought he was dead, he looked almost like a zombie. “Though, are you... alright? You don’t look quite... well.” For a moment, Tei couldn’t believe she was asking some homeless kid if they were alright. But she clearly felt thrilled to know more about this boy in particular.
  ‘Could it really be.... him...?’
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sukko-tei-blog · 9 years
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  Twelve paragraphs...
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sukko-tei-blog · 9 years
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sukko-tei-blog · 9 years
That night was cold and quiet. Not exactly as cold as one would usually expect for a night in the middle of winter but still quite cold nonetheless. For Tei, it had been a long and busy day at work. Even though the bakery was still small and not extremely popular, boy it sure got filled up on Friday evenings with people who just got out of work wanting a quick snack for the trip home. 
Tei let out a soft sigh. “At least it’s done.” she thought out loud to herself as she closed the cash register. “All the money counting is done and the kitchen is clean.” The girl let out a smile as she untied her hair, which was in a high ponytail, her smile widening as she did. She surely wasn’t fond of having her hair tied up but she had to do it during work hours. "Now... To take out the trash...”
Quickly, Tei took a set of keys out of her pocket and shifted towards the kitchen, gathered the trash bags and quickly opened the back door of the room which lead outside where the garbage cans were. She was really eager to finish soon so she could finally go home and call it a day so she walked quickly towards the containers, opened them and threw the bags in.  “There we go~” Tei thought, wiping the dirt of her hands on her shirt.
Now that she had everything done, Tei turned around ready to lock the bakery’s doors and leave. However, before she could grab the door knob, she heard something coming from the garbage cans which startled her quite a bit. “...A cat...maybe..?” she pondered, not moving a single muscle. Slowly, she turned her head, looking back at the containers. At first glance, nothing seemed out of the ordinary: Garbage cans, bags, old newspapers, dirt, empty boxes, the smell of filth, bottles, bandages...
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  “Wait... Bandages...?”
What were those doing there? She didn’t remember any accidents occurring in the bakery in the past week. Why were there bandages on the floor? The bandages came from under a pile of boxes which also caught Tei’s attention. Something about the whole situation felt incredibly off to her. Her curiosity increased and she decided to check what was up with the strange bandages. Tei slowly walked towards them, trying to not make much noise and then crouched once in front of the pile of boxes. Tilting her head to the side, she started moving the boxes “Where did these even come from--”
Her words and train of thought got abruptly interrupted by a sudden discovery. When she begun moving one of the boxes she noticed something alarming. Hair, blond hair. Tei remained frozen for a moment, staring at the dirty strands of hair right in front of her a bit shocked. Tei could feel anxiety starting to up inside of her, although, her curiosity grew bigger than her fear. Swallowing nervously, she moved the box completely to the side. Revealing something even more alarming. A bruised, bandaged and cold body was laying under all those boxes. “Is... is that a --” Tei wanted to say something but only one word came out of her mouth...
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sukko-tei-blog · 9 years
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space sukone teitty
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