sunflower-herald · 6 months
hard to find candles that feel right
majority of my practice involves colour magic and candle spells and, or gods, how hard is to find good quality fair price candle yet alone in colour and size that you need as crafty person i am ready to just start doing my own candles. this actually excites me very much because candles will be even better as customly suited to whatever spell i make, but damn... initial cost exists but you gotta pay for good things ey?
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sunflower-herald · 8 months
"Spirits told me to tell you..." did they though?
Lately i start to get annoyed at occult practitioners that do posts/vids like "[some entity] told me to tell you..." and it rubs me the wrong way. Why? There are a couple of reasons.
- Bad actors/scammers use appeal to an authority (spirits are an authority that are perceived to me more knowledgeable/more powerful) to push misinformation or scare people to gain profit from them.
- Unsolicited knowledge/advise is not appreciated in my house. Did I asked spirits and chose you as their spokesperson? No? Then keep it to yourselves.
- Not all spirits have well intentions, they want and will bring your harm if they wish to and you need to be prepared to ward yourselves against it and to distinguish between entities that are hostile, neutral or friendly to you. Using someone else to influence you can be the way they try stay hidden from you and thats ඞ.
- If spirits wanted to send me a message - they can do it directly. If you cannot recieve that message for one reason or another they will contact you though people that know you well and who you know well. You just need to listen what your close ones tell you and catch that message.
- I don't need knowledge/advise that is distributed by equivalent of mass spam email.
It is important to stay critical about information that you get from any source. Do your research, have doubts about stuff you are not sure about, don't believe everything strangers tell you. Witchcraft is a path that firstly affects your "self" and then others so be careful about stuff you bring in your life.
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sunflower-herald · 9 months
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I started my Book of Shadows
I bought that hardcover lined notebook more that 10 years ago and I feel it is so fitting to start by book of shadows with notebook that I always refused to use and even brought with myself across half the planet. And now it has a purpose.
I am not a big journaling person, I always feel intimidated to write in pen (oh no its permanent but pencil with smudge and erasable pens does not have consistent ink) but when I started filling out pages it felt so right.
For now I just filled general info about me, colour associations, days of the week and a bit more of personal research. Once I finish the basic stuff to fill, I will start my tarot training (bcs I know those notes will take some space in the book). I know basics but I really want to get into divination.
Thank you for reading my blog.
Best wishes, B
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sunflower-herald · 9 months
I was wrong
Remember me being all peaceful and saying "oh i don't have any enemies, i am not interested in hexes"? Yeah, fuck that. Some people are genuinely evil and need to have consequences for their words and actions.
Will i hex those people rn? No, i am still not very confident in my abilities (also need to do research and set up a fair protection for myself) but i am getting here.
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sunflower-herald · 10 months
Different practices and if I fuck with them pt.1
Hi, B here. I mentioned in my first post witch teachings and practices that I am interested in learning more of first. Just wanted to expand on that and say a word about other practices why they are not my priority or why i have no interest in them. Some of stuff here is influenced by my slavic upbringing and some are just from my life experience.
Deity work: Even though i was a greek mythology kid, i doubt this knowledge is enough to try and reach out to deity myself. There are many god pantheons that i need education on and... be morally prepared i guess??? If any entity will reach out to me first i ll, of course, accept that path and work with them. But soft no for now.
Hexes: Yall, my life is not exiting at all, i barely leave house so i have no enemies to practice my hexes on. Some people may say "we have plenty of bad people in the world to paint targets on" and i would say "ya". But i am a believer in recoil from hexes, so until i get confident and have appropriate protection - no attacks, only defence. Also i am quite a creature of impulse - if i to practise hexes and banes my junglers would be jinxed every ranked match i have in league.
Any "buff" spells: I fuck with that, ye. Attracting money, success, protection, a lil glamour magic never hurt anyone as far as i know. And those are spells without recoil so if i fuck them up the consequences will not be severe(i hope).
Love and romantic attraction spells: ye nah. Fucking with people's emotions and mind is very unethical. Also very high chance to fuck up the relationship. Only thing i am willing to practice is severing the bond and bane the person from your life. Nothing more. Also since i am ace and in successful and fruitful relationship (my gf is a badass yall) i dont need any of those spells anyway. And i dont think i will ever learn them.
Banes: some people equate them to hexes but leaving the house does not equal burning it down. Severing bonds with toxic and hurtful people in your life can and will be beneficial to you. Kinda not my priority, but i would like to learn more of banes in the future. Or just put that spell in the freezer :)
Crystals: they are neat, but i am not interested. Maybe i will get clear quartz or two when i have extra money, but i dont feel drawn to them. For me pebble from the sidewalk can be as potent as any semi-precious rock.
Infused oils: oh that stuff is good. STill need to learn more but they are quite useful in candle and jar spells so i hope to research more and actively use them in my practice.
Mirrors: nope. No mirror work in my house. I believe mirrors to be very powerful tool in divinations and hexes that can backfire super hard. Mirrors are portals to other side, the mirror that you use to look at yourself takes on your likeness, the print of your being. If something to happen during ritual or divination you will be at great risk of attracting harmful entities or corrupting yourself. It mostly stands from my slavic upbringing. We have rituals that use mirrors and, to be honest, risk does not worth the horror of failed spell or ritual. No, no, NO.
There are more stuff that i did not mention, but techniques and practices above are those that i feel the strongest about. And opinions that i wrote above are my own thoughts about my own journey.
Best wishes, B
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sunflower-herald · 10 months
Start of my journey
(oh gods its so awkward to start something)
Hi! I am B and decided to start this blog "Sunflower Herald" to journal my steps and discoveries on my path of witchcraft.
Do I know what I am doing? Partially. Is it scary? A bit. But since I don't have friends to discuss occult and craft with, I think this blog will be a good substitute.
I have been interested in occult practices since childhood, mostly in divination. Reading tarot cards or regular playing cards(using Romani people techniques that my greatgrandma taught me). However now I feel drawn to practice of witchcraft even more seeing other people practicing and feeling pulled in this direction.
When I perform even a small ritual it feels right and i can see it is working and it brings such great eace to my mind and soul. And i feel if I expand my knowledge more, if do more research I can improve not only my life but lives of people that matter to me.
But for now I keep my pool of research small. I do not know what path or style of witchcraft that I want to practice or that fits me more, so i am interested only im basics: herbalism, tarot reading, candle spells, jar spells, runes and verbal spells. About some of them i know more than others, but ey, i got to start with something.
If you have any questions, suggestions or advise, feel free to reach out.
Best wishes, B
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