superpandapoetry · 6 months
Too cute wtf sobbing
can i request a hotch x two-years-old-daughter!reader? i could totally see her begging her dad to let her wear her pink, poofy princess dress when hotch has to take her to work with him. but while hotch is busy, she manages to wander off. she then meets spencer (i imagine this takes place when spencer’s just starting with the bau) & immediately clings to him lol. she’s just very giggly, bubbly, cuddly, & LOVES to play with his hair. & poor spencer is just so confused but is endeared by her nevertheless. & then hotch finally finds her & is relieved. <3
sorry it’s so long! love your works!
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Aaron Hotchner X Young Daughter reader
Request: can i request a hotch x two-years-old-daughter!reader? i could totally see her begging her dad to let her wear her pink, poofy princess dress when hotch has to take her to work with him. but while hotch is busy, she manages to wander off. she then meets spencer (i imagine this takes place when spencer’s just starting with the bau) & immediately clings to him lol. she’s just very giggly, bubbly, cuddly, & LOVES to play with his hair. & poor spencer is just so confused but is endeared by her nevertheless. & then hotch finally finds her & is relieved. <3
I do love young Hotch daughter who is completely opposite to her dad. Around season 1, Hailey is alive and just had Jack.
Third person pov...
Hailey smiles as her Husband runs around after their hyperactive 2 year old, little Y/N Hotchner was a ball of sunshine and energy.
The 2 year old was excited she had a baby brother and loved to play with him, though she loved playing with her Daddy even more.
Currently the little ball of energy was running around the house away from her Dad who was attempting to put her in her clothes, she was going to work with him for the day.
The little girl was only half dressed as she ran before the man could put her trousers on, giggling she shouts "no daddy!" As the man almost grabs her, a smile on his face.
Still chasing the girl, surprised at how quick she was for a tot, though he wasn't running more like in slow motion, wanting the chase to last a little longer, it wasn't every day he got to do this with his daughter (besides he had time before work started)
From the living room, Hailey watches her Husband and daughter with a smile on her face as she held her sleeping baby, Jack was sound asleep as if nothing was happening.
As they make another loop around the house Aaron stops and hops into the doorway of the living room, back pressed against the wall, Hailey watches her husband as he made a shush motion.
"Daddy?" Calls Y/N as the tot ran past the room, a confused look on her face and she looked for her dad. Poking her head around the door she looked at her Mum. "Where daddy?" She asks a pout on her lips.
Hailey fails to hide her smile as her daughter was grabbed and thrown upside down, giggling madly Y/N yelled to be let down. "Daddy! Let go" giggling even more when her tummy was tickled.
"Never, now its time for naughty girls to be dressed" he tells his daughter smiling wickedly as he continues to tickle his daughter, the H/C girl only wiggled in his grasp.
"No no daddy, wanna wear princess dress" yells the tot, Aaron stops his attack and looks at his wife. Hailey only shrugs her shoudlers.
Ever since her birthday Y/N loved one gift in particular, it was a beautiful poofy princess dress her parents got specially made for her.
She loved wearing it every time they went out and was always careful to keep it clean. Hotch sighs of course she would want to wear it to his work.
Looking down at the sad puppy look hisbwas getting he gave in. Hanging his head he stood up Y/N in his arms.
"Okay, Princess dress it is" he declared, dramatically, while bouncing the little girl in his arms before walking upstairs with a happy Y/N "yayy" cheers the young girl.
Finally ready to go Hotch grabbed his brief case, his lunch and Y/N lunch. As he headed for the door he called for Y/N the little girl eagerly bouncing over to him as he helped her put on her light up shoes.
"Ready princess" he asks her, Y/N gives him a huge gumming smile. "Yes Sir Daddy!" She saluted him before hugging her Mum and baby brother before leaving. "Good luck" Hailey whispers as she kisses Aaron.
When they arrived at the FBI headquarters Hotch pulls his daughter aside. "Now N/N, I know your excited, but I need you to stay close to me today okay? The office is busy and I don't want you to get lost" he explains to the girl.
Y/N smiles and hugs his neck giggling. "Yes Daddy! I be good" she smiles, Hotch pats her head a smile on his lips. "Thank you N/N" the two Hotchners then walk into the busy building.
And what a pair they made, Hotch in his usual suit and red tie combo, his stoic expresson on his face. Y/N in her pink poffy dress with light up shoes waving and smiling at all the agents she sees.
Once they get to the bullpen, Y/N is introduced to the team who are all excited to meet the young girl. Soon Hotch is busy in his office mountains of paperwork to go through.
On the floor lays Y/N, the young girl had grown bored it staying in the office. She had drawn lots of pictures, played with her toys. Now she wanted to explore.
Getting up from the floor she walks over to the door and opens it quietly, giggling silently she squeezes through the gap and is now free from the room.
Giggling she runs around the bullpen looking at all the desk and the members of her daddy's team, one person stand out to her, that's person being Spencer Reid who had jsut recently joined the BAU.
Walking up to thr agent she grabs onto his pant leg and shakes his gaining the surprised Dr's attention, looking doen and the girl dressed in pink spencer gives her an awkward smile.
"Hi..?" He says Y/N grins up at him. "Hi! I'm Y/N" she tells him proudly. Spencer is taken aback how smiley Hotches daughter is.
"I'm Spencer, nice to meet you Y/N" he says, before Y/N holds her arms up to him, Spencer was confused before realising she wanted to be picked up.
Nervously looking over to his bosses office he picks the girl up and sets her down on his lap, Y/Ns smiles brightens as she was held by the young man.
The brown haired man was surprised again when the ball on energy on his lap twisted around so she could koala hug him, pressing tightly to him Spencer hugged her back.
" your nice" came a muffled voice pressed to his chest, Spencer let out a surprised laugh at that making Y/N erupted into giggles all over again.
After hugging spencer the H/C tot began moving around as he tried to work, afgwr wriggling a bit she finally settled behind him, half sitting on top of his chair and half holding onto his back.
Y/N happily played with the agents hair as Spencer worked, he was slowly getting used to the girl spending time with him.
As this happened a very worried Dad was panicking in his office trying to find his daughter, after going through everything in his office Hotch threw open his door and stepped down the ramp into the bullpen.
Morgan stood from his desk as he saw the worried expression on the man's face. "Woah woah, what's happened Hotch?" He asks the worried man.
Shoulders shaking Aaron explained he couldn't find his daughter anywhere, instead of helping Derek just laughed and pointed.
Following his arm Hotch breathed a sigh off relief as he saw where Y/N had got to, smiling he watched his daughter laugh and play with the young doctors hair.
He was glad she was okay and made a new friend. Quickly taking a few pictures he sends them to Haily who messaged back just a quick. "Some one made a new friend" chuckling he responded. "I think they both made a new friend"
Putting his phone away he went back to his office, happy to leave his daughter in his agents capable hands.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot sorry for the wait! Sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Requests are open!
Word Count : 1375
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superpandapoetry · 7 months
Trying to go to school then bursting into tears is the highlight of my day and its only 8.00 in the morning
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superpandapoetry · 7 months
I have been editing since 2.00 and its now 6.00, and about 2 out of the 3 I've made have been muted
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superpandapoetry · 8 months
plz...i beg you...fluffy sirius x gf!reader and he is just obsessed
all touch all the time, a million kisses, "no don't leave"
reader is insecure about it cause she's not used to being in loving relationships let alone one with The Sirius Black
yes this is the most basic plot but plz i'm starved for new sirius content
Thanks for requesting lovely!
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 669 words
“Sirius.” Your voice is muffled through thick fabric. “Honey, this is excessive.” 
You’re barely even walking, Sirius propelling you both along as he holds you tight to his side, half a dozen layers of cushioning between you. He scrubs his hand over your shoulder as if you need the extra warmth, looking at your rosy cheeks worriedly. 
“Darling, you can’t go out in this weather with a jacket that doesn’t zip,” he says, pulling your scarf up a notch. It tickles the bottom of your nose. 
“I didn’t know it was broken until I put it on,” you defend yourself. “Anyway, I’m not cold.” 
“Liar,” he accuses fondly, dropping a kiss just below the wooly band of your hat. “Listen, we’re almost there, and then we’ll get some warm butterbeer in you, yeah?”
You don’t bother arguing further, allowing him to all but carry you, your side pressed awkwardly against his, the rest of the way to the Three Broomsticks. 
James and Remus both smile at you, expressions faintly puzzled, as you come inside. They’re sitting across from each other in the booth, and Sirius says, “Move, Prongs,” with such surety that James doesn’t even question it, sliding out of his seat and in next to Remus. 
“Siri,” you chide softly as he finally peels away from you to sit down. Chilly air fills in the gap in your coat where he stood, and you shiver in surprise. 
“I knew it!” Sirius cries, more distressed than triumphant. He reaches for you, hauling you into the booth and up against him. “C’mere, baby, let me warm you up.” He takes his gloves off before your own, rubbing warmth into your barely stiff fingers. Remus and James are silent, wearing nearly matching stunned expressions. Nearly, because Remus’ one eyebrow is quirked knowingly. 
“Merlin, shortcake, did you come upon a blizzard out there?” James asks, confused. 
“No,” you say embarrassedly, gently removing your hands from Sirius’ to take off your scarf. 
“The zipper on her coat is broken,” Sirius grouses like it’s part of some larger plot against you. 
“This is a ploy,” Remus decides. “He just wants an excuse to touch her.” 
Sirius scoffs, pressing warm hands to your cheeks. “I don’t need an excuse to touch my girlfriend,” he says, and plants an emphatic kiss on your chapped lips to prove it. “My motivations are twofold. Now can one of you be useful and get us some butterbeer?”
“Oh, I’ve got it,” you say, but you’ve barely set one foot out of the booth before Sirius is scrambling to get his arms around your shoulders, tugging you back to his chest. “No, you stay.” He bands one arm around your waist and another just above your chest, keeping you securely in place. “One of the boys’ll get them, lovely.” 
James lets out a low whistle as Remus gets up, heading towards the bar. “What’ve you done to him?” he asks you. “It’s all baby this and lovely that, can’t keep his hands to himself, and now he has separation anxiety?”
“She is lovely,” Sirius says, nuzzling your shoulder as you shake your head at James bewilderedly. “If you had someone like her, Prongsie, you wouldn’t want her to leave either.” 
“Seems like a blessing and a curse,” James mutters, but he’s smiling. 
“Siri,” you try, speaking quietly to him over your shoulder, “I’m feeling pretty warm now, baby.” 
“Yeah?” He takes your chin in his hand, keeping your face angled to the side so he can kiss the corner of your mouth, the skin next to your eye. “That’s great, sweetness.” He starts tugging your coat off for you, placing it atop his own. You start to shuffle away, thinking the cause for your proximity is over, but he only adjusts you in his lap, intertwining your fingers and hooking his chin over your shoulder. “Mmm, yeah, this is better,” he decides, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek. “Can get you even closer without all those layers in between.” 
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superpandapoetry · 9 months
tricks and charms
regulus black x fem!slytherin!reader
summary: for all the talk about perfectionism, regulus is a mess when it comes to muggle activities, and he just so happens to love card tricks. a/n: you can either think this is Hogwarts in 2022 or you can pretend youtube existed back then. also, muggle-born!reader
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written for the harry potter writing event!
"Where are you guys going?" you asked curiously, making Sirius stop in his tracks. You had just spotted the marauders sneaking off the Hogwarts and it wasn't even the first time.
"Oh, you know, it's beautiful outside," he said, laughing awkwardly.
"Yeah, full moons are gorgeous," James added, scratching the back of his neck. "I'd ask you to tag along but uhm, you have that test tomorrow?"
"It's the holidays," you pointed out, then turned to Moony. "You okay there? You look pale."
"We really have to go," Sirius said, pulling Remus away before he could answer.
Deciding you could deal with their mess later, you headed back to the empty Slytherin common room.
Holidays at Hogwarts were the best and worst part of the year.
You had no homework, no necessity to go back to your own house, and the fact that most douchebag Slytherins were absent was a lucky bonus. But it was also the time you felt alone, especially since your friends already seemed to have secrets from you.
Pushing the intruding thoughts back, you made your laptop fly to you. The Slytherin in you made the "sneaking in a muggle object to Hogwarts" part very easy. You had sneaked in your earphones, the phone, and even a blender, which you weren't even sure why.
After scrolling a bit on some of your favorite social medias, you went straight to YouTube, just like you always did. You saw how a new video was uploaded by Danny, one of your favorite YouTubers. It was a Christmas movie commentary too, which made everything better.
Wishing you had popcorn, you snuggled deeper into the couch, already feeling comfortable in the darkness.
The screen lit up and the video started rolling.
"What the fuck is that?" someone yelled, making you jump in shock.
In your defense, you didn't think anyone else was in the room. Slytherins usually consisted of pure-bloods and all of their families wanted them home during the holidays for extravagant parties and other sophisticated nonsense.
This only made you more confused to see Regulus Black, whose family was probably the most sophisticated of all.
"Aw, who taught you to curse?" you asked teasingly, hoping he wouldn't make the situation into a big deal.
The Youtuber's voice cut off the conversation.
Oh, you wanted to know if Santa's dead. He is. He just slides right off the roof and fucking dies.
You slammed the laptop shut.
"Who are you talking to?" Regulus asked, taking out his wand. "Did you tell any muggle about Hogwarts? Are they planning an attack?"
"Relax, it's just a video."
"About murder."
"C'mon- wait, what are you doing?"
Regulus had dived for the device heroically, trying to slam it off your hands. You slid to the side of the couch and accidentally opened the laptop again. Danny's voice filled the room.
And his son comes out and he’s stoked. He’s like “YES YOU GOT HIM! YOU KILLED THAT BITCH!”
"You did what?" he gasped, straightening up.
"It's a joke!" you said quickly, showing him the screen. "See, all recorded."
I mean this is what the holiday season is all about, you know? The smell of sugar cookies, and beautiful lights lighting up the entire neighborhood and a dying old man laying in the snow in the front yard.
Regulus listened until he was sure no one was going to walk out of the page. He then glared at you sternly.
"You can't bring this here."
"I know but it's the holidays," you whined. "I'm bored. Besides, how come you're staying behind?"
"That's none of your business," he said begrudgingly, then took a seat opposite you.
"Can't sleep?"
"That's none of your business."
Rolling your eyes, you unpaused the video.
If you just kill Santa, you get to be Santa. What other occupation has that system? I mean. Can you just walk onto a hospital and kill the doctor and put on his clothes, and now you're a doctor? No. You can't. I've tried.
You rose your eyebrow when you saw Regulus trying to fight a smile. He half-scowled when you caught him, then huffed and stared into the fireplace again.
"You know you can come and watch it with me right?" you said, trying to sound friendly. "It's literally just a funny movie review."
"I'm fine."
"Suit yourself," you shrugged, continuing to keep your eyes glued on the screen.
After a moment or two, he spoke again.
"I didn't see you at dinner."
You looked up. "Yeah, I was busy."
"Too busy for food?"
"It's none of your business," you said, thinking you'll sound smug. It may have come off as mean because he stood up, briskly walking away.
You didn't have anything against him, so you felt bad for even picking a fight with him. Well, it wasn't a fight, but it certainly wasn't a friendly conversation either.
The video was almost over when you felt a tap on the shoulder. Startled, you jumped, the laptop almost falling again.
"Jesus, you're quiet!" you scolded as he sat down beside you, handing over something.
You looked at the tray of cupcakes and back at him, confused as hell.
"The kitchen elves are nice," he explained, taking one himself. "Thought you might be hungry."
You blinked. "You went to the kitchen to get me food? In the middle of the night?"
"I've done far worse," he scoffed.
You nodded towards the video. "Do you wanna stay and watch then?"
Resisting the urge to say no, he swallowed his pride and nodded stiffly. The bright smile that lit your face made him feel better about the decision.
I swear this kid's talking a TikTok star. For his 12-year-old fans like "don't worry, we're the good guys" heh heh heh!
"This is dumb."
When the video came to a close, you looked at Regulus appreciatingly. "I thought you wouldn't like muggle things."
"Ah, if you must know, I'm rather a fan of technology," he said slowly, his words calculating. "Especially muggle magic."
"Muggle magic?"
"Card tricks, invisibility acts, they're all clever." He ran his hand through his hair, trying to smooth the mess. "I love how they can't do actual magic but they don't let that stop them. They create miracles on their own."
You were suddenly excited. "Do you know any tricks?"
"No, I can't figure them out," he admitted, a bit shameful.
"We're changing that!" With a determined stance, you started tapping on your keyboards. "Let's watch some tutorials."
Over the next few days, you kind of got yourself a new friend. Regulus was fun when he wanted to be, and he even showed you the deck of cards he hid under his bed.
According to him, he bought them at the town fair, one he sneaked off from his house to attend. That boy had a lot of secrets, starting from the secret resentment for his mother and how he wanted to see the floating lanterns one day.
"Ah, like Rapunzel?" you had asked.
"Who's that?"
You taught him how to use your laptop where he watched videos from morning till evening and repaid by getting you everything you wanted from the kitchens. He even introduced you to the elves, who were all very happy for a new friend.
The marauders didn't know about the nightly escapades with your fellow Slytherin. All they observed was how you were spending quite some time away from them, and instead of trying to figure out why, they jumped to the conclusion that you were angry.
This led to a few "what should we do!" talks between them, and they decided to sneak out of Hogwarts and get you some of your favorite candies from Honeydukes.
You didn't notice their absence and were having a rather lovely conversation with Regulus in the common room.
"I finally figured out this trick," he said, laying out the cards. "Pick one but don't look at which one it is."
"Oh, I don't think you mastered that trick yet," you replied, though you did take one card. "I don't think you've mastered any trick actually. You still have a long way to go. Count yourself lucky that you have a great teacher."
"Technically, it's your toy that teaches me, not you."
"Its not a toy, it's a laptop."
"Weird name," he sighed, shuffling the rest of the deck. "I got an owl today. From my mom."
"She wanted me back home," he bit down his lips in frustration. "I don't want to go."
"Then don't," you replied just as fast. "You don't owe her anything."
"She's a reminder that our family is cursed."
You frowned at the grim statement. "Don't say that. You're nothing like her."
He laughed. "I'd like to think I have a big hole of darkness in my chest."
"Stop trying to look evil."
"I am evil."
"Not really."
You bit back a smile. "Nope."
"Not one bit."
"Not at all."
"But I don't have a heart," he said swiftly. "You took mine."
For a second or two, you stared at him, then burst out laughing, making him red all over. "How long did it take you to come up with that?"
"Three days," he confessed. "But maybe you should look at the card."
Your mouth fell open, seeing the ace of hearts in your hand.
"You have the heart," he said smugly.
"Guess you've mastered the act after all," you commented, sounding impressed.
"What's... going on here?" another voice said, making you both jump in shock.
Sirius had appeared in the room, his hands folded. "I didn't know you were staying at Hogwarts for the holidays, Reg."
Regulus shrugged.
"Well he is," you said, standing up. "Where were you today anyway?"
"Lupin, James and I got you your favorite chocolates," he informed, pointing back to the Great Hall. "We thought you might be mad at us."
"Chocolates? I don't know why you thought that and I don't care. Where are they?" you asked eagerly, leaving the room to hunt them down.
Sirius stayed behind, confused as to when you had even started talking to his brother.
Regulus loved how clueless Padfoot looked and decided to pour gas into the flames.
"Not to be dramatic but," he began, clapping Sirius's shoulder as he passed. "One day, I'm going to marry that girl."
Sirius blinked, wondering what the hell he missed in three days.
this is the video by the way -> The Worst Christmas Movie Ever Made
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superpandapoetry · 9 months
Hidden Messages in Foreign Languages
Summary: Regulus tells the reader how he feels but it's all in french much to her frustration.
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Warnings: Fluff
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Y/N balanced her books precariously in her arms as she walked to the Charms classroom. She should've known better than to try and study between classes but with NEWTs so close she'd wanted to get in as much studying as she could.
She turned the corner to the doorway when she collided with something solid. Her foot slipped and her books fell out of her arms. She braced herself to hit the ground but two strong arms wrapped themselves around her waist.
"Are you alright?" A masculine voice asked her worriedly.
She looked up into a pair of grey eyes that belonged to none other than Regulus Black. The very same, Regulus Black that she'd thought was way too good looking to be legal.
He was wearing a woodsy cologne that made her dizzy, her face had been in his chest when he'd caught her and she'd gotten a full breath of it from his soft robes.
"Yes, thanks for keeping me on my feet," she told him with a forced laugh. She knew that she had to be blushing bright red by this point.
He shook his head and released her, "It was no problem."
His eyes followed her as she bent to pick up the books that she'd dropped. She looked them over for damages and was relieved when she couldn't find any on them.
He extended a hand to her in aid and she grabbed it as she stood up. He kept his grip on her hand for a moment before releasing it and looking at her, eyes gleaming.
"What is it?" She asked.
He shrugged, "Tu es tout simplement la plus belle femme que j'aie jamais vue."
Y/N's head turned slightly to the side, "I don't know what that means."
"I know," he said, smiling as he turned and left her standing in the doorway.
She watched his retreating form before disappearing into the Charm's classroom.
Y/N laughed as she mixed her milk into her tea.
"I'm serious, Y/N! All I have to do is convince her that we're destined to be together," Barty told her as he stared dreamily at the blonde girl seated further down the table.
"I have complete faith in you," she told him.
He opened his mouth to continue but was inturrupted by the quidditch team taking their seats around them.
"Rosier! How was practice?" Barty asked, shoving his friend who fell into the seat next to him.
"It would've been better if Black hadn't been so keen on dragging us through every problem with the last match," Evan replied with a mock-glare toward his best friend who had sat down next to Y/N.
Regulus shrugged, "How are we supposed to win if everytime we have a longer practice everyone can't handle it."
Y/N nodded, "He makes a good point."
Evan turned to look at her, "You would choose his side over mine?"
Y/N's eyes flickered between the three of them, "Aren't you all on the same side?"
Barty nodded in agreement and Y/N turned to meet Regulus gaze that had turned warm on her face.
"Am I wrong?" She asked.
Regulus smirked, "Tes yeux petillent comme les etoiles et je me sens enchante par eux."
She shook her head at him, "You know I don't speak french."
His smirk grew bigger, "That's not my fault."
Y/N ignored him and turned to the two people across from them who were looking at Regulus with wide eyes.
She focused on Evan, "You know what he said, don't you?"
He nodded and Barty avoided her eye contact.
She started to ask for a translation but was inturrupted by Regulus.
"If you tell her what I said, I'll make today's practice look like a warm-up," his voice didn't waver in his threat.
Evan's eyes widened, "Sorry Y/N."
The class murmured restlessly as the wardrobe stood alone in the middle of the room.
The DADA professor for this year paced quietly in front of it as he let the muttering grow just a bit louder.
"Who can tell me what a boggart is?" He asked, effectively silencing any conversation.
Evan raised his hand, "A boggart is a shape-shifter that takes on the charcteristics of the observer's worst fears."
"Excellent! 5 points to Slytherin," his loud voice echoed.
Y/N shared an uneasy look with Pandora who was seated next to her. Neither of them seemed to like where this was headed.
"Can anyone tell me the spell that is used for this creature?"
A ravenclaw boy raised his hand this time, "Riddikulus."
"Precisely! Take 5 points for Ravenclaw. Now, today all of you will have your own chance to practice your defense against a boggart. What I'll have you do is form a line in front of this wardrobe and we'll begin," he moved to stand in front of the wardrobe with his fingers on the knob to pull it open.
Y/N followed Pandora to the middle of the room, where Regulus, Barty and Evan were all standing. Any remaining laughter from the classroom was void as each individual was filled with dread at the idea of their worst fear.
The first person to go up was a ravenclaw girl who stood before the wardrobe with confidence. The professor nodded to her and then threw the door open. A grey smoke poured out of it as it began to change rapidly through different forms.
It seemed to finally settle on the form of a giant snake. The girl paled but quickly cast the spell and it changed into a piece of rope. Nobody seemed to laugh except for the professor.
"Amazing! Who's next?"
The boy in Slytherin who stood behind her looked increasingly unsure of himself as the professor moved closer to the wardrobe.
The rope quickly transformed into a dark, cold dementor. Trails of ice climbed up the sides of desks and out towards where the students were standing.
Feeding off of the fear of everyone the dementor tripled and the sensation of increasing despair filled Y/N from the inside. She stepped back and found her back pressed against Regulus' chest. His arm came around her protectively and she leaned back into the warmth that seemed to be emitting from him.
"Je suis juste la, ma cherie. Je ne laisserai rien de mal t'arriver," he whispered in her ear.
She couldn't find it in herself to care about asking what he'd said to her. Instead, she turned in his arms and hid her face in his shoulder. His arms wrapped around her in a tight embrace, shielding her from the darkness surrounding them.
"Riddikulus," the professor shouted.
Y/N sat next to Regulus on the grass by the Black Lake. Regulus was leaning against a tree and she was next to him on her stomach reading a book.
She giggled as the protagonist made a flirty comment towards their love interest.
"Je trouve qu'il est impossible de se concentrer quand tu es la," his head fell back to rest on the tree. "C'est comme si votre personnalite etait trop parfaite et ne pouvait pas etre contenue dans votre corps."
She looked up at him, "What did you say?"
"Nothing important," he said, shrugging.
Y/N narrowed her eyes at him, "I don't believe you."
Regulus smiled brilliantly at her, "You shouldn't."
Regulus was studying in the library with his head bent low to study the potions book that he needed to complete his essay.
Y/N dragged Evan over to the table, ignoring his protests which were loud enough that Regulus looked up in confusion at the noise. His brows shot up at the scene in front of him.
"Y/N?" He asked.
She took a deep breath, "Sortirais-tu avec moi?"
She quickly turned to Evan, "Did I say it right?"
"Oui, Vous l'avez dit correctement," Regulus told her.
She turned to Evan who huffed, "He said that you said it correctly."
Y/N nodded, "Oh, that's good. What about-"
"Oui, j'aimerais beaucoup vous inviter a diner," Regulus told her with a wink, "I would love to go out with you, Mon Amour."
Y/N smiled at him as her cheeks filled in with a rosy blush.
"Finally!" Evan groaned, "Now we can all stop listening to you tell her how pretty she is all the time."
Y/N turned to Regulus who was blushing madly, "That's what you were saying?"
"I'm going to bloody kill you, Rosier."
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superpandapoetry · 11 months
Some Incorrect Quotes for House of the Dragons that I may write fics about
aha I have three hours until I go into work.
*edit: I added more*
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Daemon: I guess I’m just a bad person. 
Y/n: Nah, you’re not a bad person. You’re a terrific person. You’re my favourite person. But sometimes you can be a real cunt.
Rhaenyra: You can’t make everyone like you. You’re not Y/n. 
Harwin: Not everyone likes Y/n, though.
Daemon: Who doesn’t like Y/n?
Harwin: No one, I just—
Daemon: I need names Harwin…
• Yn: It's been a year since I surrendered to the enemy
Daemon:She means we got married
• Rhaenyra: How's having your own actual kids?
Y/n:Horrible. I never knew something could cry so much. It never stops.
Rhaenyra:Oh, well, the kid will grow out of it eventually, right?
Y/n:Oh no, the kid's great. She hardly ever cries.
Rhaenyra: But I thought-
Daemon:, sobbing while holding the baby: Y/n, I LOVE HER SO MUCH.
• Y/n: Hey Daemon?
Daemon, internally: There they are. My favorite person in the world, the love of my life. Fuck I just want to stare at them and hold them and kiss them for the rest of my life—
Daemon: What the FUCK do you want?
Daemon staring at Y/n: “You look like an angel.”
Y/n who wasn’t paying attention: “What?”
Daemon: “I said you look ugly at every angle.”
Daemon : Y/N is playing hard to get.
Daemon : Little do they know, I’m a master at playing hard to get rid of.
Daemon *screeching*: YOU MEAN A LOT TO ME!
Y/N: wh-
Y/N:why are you screaming??
Y/N: I-
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superpandapoetry · 1 year
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Minecraft block palettes to inspire you 💌
Source: https://www.blockpalettes.com
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superpandapoetry · 1 year
Shadow and Bone
One bed (Jesper)
Dating Jesper
You are done for (Kaz)
My heart beats for you (Jesper)
The good in goodbye (Jesper)
The apple falls far from the tree (Jesper)
Without you on my mind (Kaz)
Forgotten (Kaz)
School (Jesper)
Surprise (Jesper)
Gemstone (Jesper)
To love Kaz
Nine long years
Deadly fever (Kaz)
When am i going to lose you (kaz)
Sweet dreams (Kaz)
Aura (Nin,Kaz)
Can't shake the devil (Kaz)
Blood river (Kaz)
Crush (Kaz)
Stray (kaz)
Take it slow (Kaz)
Bishop (Kaz)
Come running (Kaz)
Blood on your lies (kaz)
Inside Job (Kaz,Inej)
My kid (Six of crows)
Reflection (Kaz)
Delicate (Kaz)
Little gremlin (Six of crows)
Death do us part (Kaz)
Short (Jesper)
misinformation (jesper)
Sister (Jesper)
Weak link (Kaz)
The Pie (Kaz, Inej)
Love (Kaz)
Dark days (Kaz)
Clothes (Jesper)
Inked (Kaz)
Give me a minute (Inej)
Jester (Six Of Crows)
Bookshop (jesper)
Don't let go (Kaz)
Mans bestfriend (kaz)
Heartless (Kaz)
Sick (Jepser)
Boyfriend (jesper)
Matchmaker (jesper)
Pain Killer (Kaz)
Kaz Masterlist
More of ^
Dense (Kaz)
The little ear(Kaz)
Home (Kaz)
Milo (Six Crows)
Red Ribbon (Kaz)
Peace (Kaz)
Warmth (Nina)
Reminds me of home (Jesper)
Pentice (Jesper)
Hope (Kaz)
He didn't care (Kaz)
That sick (Kaz)
Believe me (Kaz)
Touch (Kaz)
Songs (Kaz)
Need (Kaz)
Behind closed doors (Smut, Kaz)
Unraveling (Kaz)
Flowers (Kaz)
Magic on a canvas (Kaz)
Take a hint (Kaz)
Halcyon (Kaz)
Mori (Kaz)
Sit a while (Kaz)
Bet on it (Kaz)
No you can't (Inej)
A flower (Kaz)
Crows Feather (Kaz)
When the waves crush over (Kaz)
She kept him human (Kaz)
Stubborn (Kaz)
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superpandapoetry · 1 year
Shadow and bone prt 2
Gorgeous (Kaz)
Writing (kaz)
Jealous (kaz)
Enough (kaz)
Of antidots (kaz)
Love langue (kaz)
Dive into the waves (kaz)
Spark (kaz)
Kaz showing affection (kaz)
Cupid (Kaz)
He just sounds like that (Kaz)
Congrats (kaz)
Kaz Masterlist
Bloody hands (Kaz)
Helping hands (Kaz)
Holding out a hero (Kaz)
I wont hesitate (kaz)
Rule the world (Kaz)
Mission Possible (Jesper)
Opps i did it again (Jesper)
Three taps (Kaz)
Desire (Kaz)
Not so dumb (Crows)
Sleep with the crows
Bury the past (kaz)
Of kings (kaz)
Life choice (kaz)
Drunk words (Kaz)
What one deserves (Kaz)
Lonely club (Kaz)
One by one (Kaz)
Things we do (Kaz)
Frustrating (kaz)
Hot coffee (Kaz)
All I ask (Kaz)
Hoax (Kaz)
Drunk kaz
Whole Heart (jesper, Wylan)
Sister (kaz)
goddess (kaz)
Ketterdam (Kaz)
Bejeweled (Kaz)
Out the window (Kaz)
Savior (Kaz)
Creature comfort (Kaz)
Spaced out (Kaz)
Worthy (Kaz)
Chaos(six of crows)
angry (kaz)
To love another (kaz)
Kaz Taylor swift
I don't want to be alone (kaz)
When things go south (Jesper)
Realization (jesper)
Leaving (Nikolia)
Emotion instance (Kaz)
Underestimated (kaz)
Take them all (Jesper)
Lavender haze (Nik)
weightless (Kaz)
Just a bartender (Kaz)
Future (Wylan)
Love (Kaz)
The love of rain (Nik)
Not so prefect (Nik)
I am right here (kaz)
What gave me away (Kaz)
Five bells (kaz)
Three moments (Kaz)
Bad kind of butterflies (Kaz)
Power (Nik)
Pretty (Kaz)
Intruder (kaz)
2^ (Kaz)
Need (Kaz)
Heal his heart (Kaz)
Nicknames (Kaz)
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superpandapoetry · 1 year
The Vampire Diaries
Birthdays (Klaus)
Falling in Love (Klaus)
Family element (Kol?)
Wish he could help (klaus)
Thunder (Kol)
Beausty and the beast (Kol)
Davina's best friend
Klaus looking after you when your i'll
Until the lights come on (Kol)
Being in love with Klaus
Fluff alphabet
Having a child with Klaus Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson loves langue: Touch
Maternal Instincts (Kol)
Having a baby with Klaus
In sickness and health Poly
Helpless (Kol)
Pool shark (Kol)
Soemthings never change (Kol)
Softer (Klaus)
Nevers for you(Elijah)
Our girl (Mikaelson)
I'm so lucky (Klaus)
I'll always stay (Kol)
Uniform (kol)
Merry Xmax (Kol
Hide and seek (elijah)
The originals pregnant
Dating Klaus 2
Pampering (Klaus)
Instagram (Elijah)
Ghost tour (Kol)
Yet another date (kol)
I can't leave without you alright (Kai Parker)
Mikaelson Headcanon
More than caring (Kol)
Dating Kol
Dating Klaus
Sick (Kol)
Kol and Elijah
Clueless (Kol)
Bored Games (Klaus)
Bisexual Stefan (Klaus)
Mother of my child (Klaus)
Sub Klaus
Poly Klefan
Damon and Klaus
Love triangle (klaus,Kol)
Klaus Scares Y/N
Waking up to you (klaus)
Pregnant and Restless (Klaus)
Let you go (elijah)
The child (Family)
Places to feed (mikaelson)
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superpandapoetry · 1 year
The Vampire Diaries 2
Reunited (Klaus)
Simp (Klaus)
NSFW A to Z Klaus
Birthday party (Klaus)
Predatory (Kol)
Goodnight kisses (Kol)
A tale of love (Kol)
Lay me down to sleep (Kol)
Road trips (Kol)
Its okay to feel (Kol)
A to Z (Kol)
Not now (Kol)
Castel (Kol)
Cardigan (Kol)
Not bloody likey (Kol)
Please don't test me (Kol)
Stunning (Kol)
Trust (Kol)
Memories (Kai)
Obvious (Kai)
Safe (Kai)
Boyfriend (kai)
Christmas (Kai)
Movie night (Jeremy)
Jealous (rebekah)
Baby (Elijah)
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superpandapoetry · 1 year
Harry potter
Not a big deal
Teenage daughters
Bad jokes good kisses
That feeling
In love
Baby fever
Dating S.B
Love and mandrakes
Those kids
Drunk Walk Home
And I love her
Auditions s
Chop Chop
The L word
Sugar rush
Soaring chips
Kissing Sirius Black
Love me
Attention to detail
Favorite Photo
Moments like these
Diagon alley
No connection
Morning sun
Stop the world
Pebbles against the window
Butterfly garden
Dating J.P
S.B Having a crush
Vienna waits for you
I was listening heartbeat
what do you mean your not going
Regulus Headcannon
trouble maker
i was at the
Morning R.A.B
Broken Promises
I love you
Night angel
Stop it
R.B best friend falling for S.B
Monday morning
winter wonderland
Maybe I have a crush
How long
Time turner
You and Me
Dating sirius at hogwarts
Coffre classes
winter holidays
Pet names
The heart knows
The wife
Hugging from behind
Family line
Don't leave
dating Regulus Black
Body and soul
Dad sport
Take care
Always and forever
Snape Sirius
Pay me back
0 notes
superpandapoetry · 1 year
Ice skating
Drunk nights
sound asleep
Did I take it to far
Dresses and fish
Trans Reg
Flower crowns
Nails done
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superpandapoetry · 1 year
idk if it’s exactly an au for mvm bc he’s canonically a werewolf, but remus and reader’s cycles syncing up so they’re just both lying around miserably, remus anticipating the full moon and reader with pms😭
"Your foot is on my leg," Remus grumbles, his voice raspy and muffled into his pillow. You're groggy where you lay against your own, and you scoff at his accusatory tone.
"So? We're laying in the same bed."
"But it's cold," Remus yanks his leg away, subsequently jamming it into the wall in the opposite direction, "Ow, fuck!"
"That's what you get for throwing a temper tantrum," You drawl, rolling over to raise your brow in a scathing glare, "Next time just use your words like a big boy."
"I did," Remus sneers, "You didn't care."
"Well maybe it's because you were such a bitch about it."
"Guys," James's tentative voice comes from across the dorm, his hands already out in front of him to placate you, "Maybe- maybe we could take a quick breather? Let's just settle down, there's no need to argue."
The only thing that pisses you off more than Remus at the moment is James, and you suspect the werewolf beside you feels the same. James doesn't seem to share the sense of humor that you do with Remus, and he's failed to grasp that even if you're bitching at each other, it's laced with love.
You and Remus turn to glare at James in unison, and the man's spine straightens. You're surprised he doesn't break into a cold sweat. Now all of a sudden Remus is fond of touch, and he grabs your hand before you snap together at the brunette boy, "Fuck off, Prongs!"
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superpandapoetry · 1 year
néant doux-amer / bittersweet nothingness
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Summary: YN knows she’s going to die any minute now after a mission that went wrong. She know she has to accept it, but she’s scared. Luckily for her Kaz, the only man she has ever felt safe with, finds her just in time to comfort her in her last minutes. What she didn’t know was the pain Kaz would experience second after she was gone.
Warnings: Terrible writing that is probably going to be edited soon. Death. I did try to make this sad. No happy ending. Pretty short, but I’m planning a pt.2
Also: I used google translate for the title, so I have no idea if it actually makes sense.
YN lay on the dirty concrete of Katterdame, her body riddled with bullets and her life slipping away. She knew that death was creeping up on her with every passing second, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. The fear had consumed her, and she felt helpless. Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice. “Y/N?” she looked up to see Kaz, the only man she had ever felt truly safe with, running towards her. “Oh saints, Y/n!”
Blood oozed out of the bullet wounds and stained her clothes a deep red. Kaz was on his knees beside her in a matter of seconds, trying to staunch the bleeding with his jacket. “YN, stay with me," he whispered desperately, fear etched on his face.
"I'm scared, Kaz," she said weakly. "Don't be scared. I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you," he replied, his voice shaky. But they both knew it was too late for that.
"Kaz, I don't want to die. Not yet," whispered YN. "I know dove, I'm here with you," replied Kaz, his tone soothing despite the fear in his own voice.
YN reached out a trembling hand towards Kaz, desperate for some human touch in her final moments. But Kaz's face twisted in fear, his phobia of physical contact preventing him from comforting her in the way she needed. "It's okay, YN. You're not alone." He said while fighting the demons in his head that dared to be so cruel by keeping him from touching her in her last moments.
Tears filled YN's eyes as she looked up at Kaz, knowing that he was the only person who truly understood her. She took a shaky breath, knowing that her time was running out.
"Thank you, Kaz. -”And something in his mind clicked, the voices filling his head went silent for a moment and he realized that she needed him. With trembly hands, Kaz took his gloves out and granted Y/n’s last wish by taking her hand in his. “-For everything." Said Y/n with a weakened smile. Kaz leaned in closer, "Anything for you, dove."
In that moment, YN's eyes closed for the last time and her hand fell limp. Kaz's heart shattered, knowing that he had just lost the only person he truly cared for. He sat there for a moment, overwhelmed with sadness. She was gone and he was, once again, left alone fighting the demons in his head that were telling him to let go as her hand grew colder, and colder but he couldn’t. Tears streamed down Kaz's face as he clutched onto YN's lifeless hand. He was barley able to touch her while she was alive but was now holding onto death so tightly because that was all he had left from her.
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superpandapoetry · 1 year
he just sounds like that
Kaz Brekker x Fem!reader (established relationship)
synopsis: Arrogance has no place on a job, but you let it lower your guard. You pay the price, but Kaz helps bring you back.
I kind of like merging Book/Show Kaz and trying to keep accurate to his mannerisms and humour etc so hopefully this is good. I came about this idea after thinking about this scene from TLOU and how Kaz most definitely had an asshole voice. Also, I will probably make a few parts/drabbles about Kaz x Inferni Reader, because I love Kaz no apologies.
Warnings: Mentions of Slavery, reader reliving her time as a slave (briefly), Mentions of scars of wrists from slavery chains etc, A fumbley understanding of the technology of the time and inferni powers (it's been so long since I read the books)
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Getting split from the other crows was distressing, but there was nothing you could do about that now. You and Kaz just had to keep going, trying to work your way back to the rendezvous point.
"Tell me again why you thought this would work," You hissed to Kaz, who had been leading you in a circle for what felt like forever.
Kaz gave you an irritated glare, "It did work."
You scoffed, "Yeah, that's why we're lost in this saints forsaken mansion."
Kaz let out an exasperated sigh, "Are you done?"
You and Kaz had known each other for years, the entire time you'd known each other you bantered like this. Kaz would act all irritated and stern, but you knew he silently liked the way you could relieve tension and make even him crack a smile. As the only two Crows born and raised on Kerch, you shared a different connection. You had found each other before The Barrel knew Kaz as the force he was now. Kaz had saved you from Slavers and convinced you to join the Dregs, helping you find a life without fear.
Since then, you followed him through everything, which at this current moment, meant even through the merchant's maze of a mansion. Nina, Matthias and Wylan were somewhere outside, waiting for you, Kaz, Inej and Jesper to get what you were after and meet them. You wondered if they would be growing impatient yet, you were late, which almost never happened on a job with Kaz.
The job had started off as most others, breaking in was always the easy part. You had been privy to Kaz's plans, watching him study a map of the mansion for weeks before he committed to the job. He knew the place like the back of his hand, but he didn't know the extent of the new security measures the merch had introduced.
You and Jesper dawdled behind Inej and Kaz as they led the group through the halls. Occasionally Jesper would pause at a painting or display piece and make comments about its ugliness or stupidity.
The last painting he'd criticized was of an older man, dressed in a bright blue kefta with red embroidery. Jesper had caught your sleeve and pointed it out to you, "Looks like the merch has inferni ancestor."
You had screwed your nose up at the portrait, "I thought he was Kaelish?"
"He is," Kaz said, already at the end of the hall with Inej. He was waiting for the two of you to catch up, like a boy calling his dogs home.
Walking through the mansion felt surreal, mostly because you hadn't been to many places with such decadent displays of wealth. The four of you could move through the hallways unnoticed because the Merch and his family were out at the theatre - or whatever it was rich people did in Ketterdam on Sunday Nights. He had brought most of his guards and men with him, leaving the halls silent and unpatrolled. Kaz had called him an arrogant fool, to declare his mansion impenetrable and then take all his men out to prove it. There was no place able to keep out Dirtyhands, especially not when he had his crows by his side.
Thinking back on it you realized how you all had been too arrogant, thinking this job was in and out, easy. You'd let your guard down - something Kaz warned you to never do in this city - and now you were paying the price.
Everything went wrong when you and Kaz finally found what you were looking for - the merch's family jewel, a sapphire embedded in rich Kealish gold. You had easily broken through the fabrikator-made lock, it might have been made by a Grisha but it couldn't hold up against a Grisha. Especially not one who could melt metal with the same ease as cutting pastry. Kaz had reached for the jewels, as soon as he lifted it off the display the room filled with an ominous hum. Like the sound of a machine slowly whirring to life.
Kaz had pocketed the jewels, grabbing your forearm and tugging you along behind him as he went for the door Jesper and Inej were guarding. Before you could make it metal bars slid down over the doorway. You had tried to use your small science to melt the metal, even Jesper tried to budge it, but nothing worked. Kaz ordered Inej and Jesper to find their own way out as alarms chimed, directing you back through the room to another exit.
You had followed behind him willingly, knowing he knew the way around the mansion. You'd been irritated to learn how wrong you were, Kaz knew the layout of the mansion but the Merch had updated the floorplan. Clearly, another Fabrikator addition to hinder thieves.
"Wait," Kaz held up his hand and you barrelled straight into his back at the sudden halt, "Do you hear that?"
"Back," Kaz whispered, ushering you back the way you had come.
You got to the end of the hall before you heard more bodies approaching, you were surrounded. Immediately you went to the window, trying to pull at the latch and open it. It didn't work, but you could see light dancing on the tree line.
"Kaz," You called, "Look."
You both squinted into the dark, trying to distinguish who it was in the woods. You saw the glint of steel, like someone was spinning a revolver.
"It's Jesper."
The footsteps were getting louder, there was no way you and Kaz could get out of this on your own.
"Step back," You struck your flint, the sparks allowing you to create a ball of flame. You concentrated it as small as it would allow, pressing your palms against the window until cracks started forming. After a few more seconds the pane shattered, sending the shards falling to the ground below. You were on the second floor, even if you wanted to jump there was no way you and Kaz would be able to land safely. You settled for sending up a burst of flames, Jesper and the others would be on the lookout for it, your SOS symbol.
"Stop!" Someone shouted and all hell broke loose.
You and Kaz fought well side by side, you both knew each other's moves, working in tandem to take down opponents. It looked like you might win for a little while, then a woman rounded the corner with her hands pressed together. Heartrender, you realized it too late.
You were woken suddenly, like your heart was all of a sudden coming back to life. You gasped and spluttered, lungs burning. Your hands were bound above your head, separated by a thick metal rod so that you couldn't summon. Already you could feel the ache in your shoulders, hanging from your arms was something you had been used to when you were a slave. Now, you had to fight back the panic that tried to grip your heart.
You struggled to find your footing for a moment, but eventually managed to stand up enough to take the strain off of your wrists.
Where was Kaz?
"Look, Brekker. Your girls fine."
You squinted to find where the voice was coming from, finding the source across the room. Kaz was standing opposite a burly man nearly a foot taller than him. Kaz's face was bloody and bruised, but he had murder in his eyes. You could see it, feel it, all the way across the room. You realized it wasn't just Kaz and the merchant; the other crows were there too. Inej held a blade against the heartrenders throat from earlier, who had both her hands held far apart to show her cooperation. Jesper was not too far away, his pistols in hand as he stared down a man who stood in between you and him.
What did I miss?
"No harm was done," The merchant continued, his voice thick with a Kaelish accent, "What do you say we part ways, unharmed."
Kaz's face didn't change, "Sure."
The Merchant frowned, a glimpse of fear breaking through his resolve, "I don't like your tone, boy."
"He always sounds like that," Jesper joked, glancing at you.
"He has an asshole voice," You agreed. Not two nights ago you and Jesper had been saying the same thing to Matthias at the Slat. You and Jesper enjoyed teasing the Fjerdan, especially regarding Kaz and his 'demjin' ways.
Kaz looked amused, he had the Merchant in the palm of his hand. "Go. Before I change my mind."
The Merchant almost tripped as he ran away, not even stopping for his Heartrender and right-hand man who followed behind him just as quick.
With the immediate threat gone, you felt your resolve begin to crumble. You had to get out of these chains. They would rub your wrists every time you moved, bringing you straight back to your past.
"Stop moving," An older woman had warned you, "It hurts less."
She was probably right, but you were too terrified to listen. Hours ago you were playing on your family's farm, but now you were chained to the roof in a dark, damp cellar. The chains were rusted and coarse, they rubbed the skin around your wrists raw, leaving cuts and grazes everywhere they pressed.
You were only eight, by far the youngest of all the slaves in the cellar. The chains they used to bind you didn't have cuffs, the slavers had just looped the links around your wrists and locked them tight. All you felt was the pain and the fear. All of this because you were Grisha? You only just learned of your power as an Inferni, how could you be worth anything?
The older woman tried to console you, doing her best to quell your tears and sobs, but even she knew the horrors that awaited you. The horrors you would spend years fighting to escape.
"Y/N," Kaz's voice was soft, he stood in front of you, supporting your weight as Jesper worked on freeing your hands from the chains. "Stay here."
You knew he was trying, you could see his own emotions clawing at him. It was one of the things that bound you and Kaz together, the demons of your past. You understood what it was like to fear touch and he understood what it was like to be betrayed. You helped each other, through the flashbacks and nightmares. You two didn't have anyone else, so you fought to have each other.
When Jesper finally broke through the chains, you lurched forward unexpectedly. Kaz held you tighter, trying to keep you upright even with his bad leg. You stood up, holding your hands out to balance yourself.
'I'm okay," You lied, trying to avoid Jesper and Inej's worried glances, "We should get out of here."
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Back at the Slat, you sat staring at your cup of cocoa. Nina had made it for you as her way of trying to help, she could hear that your heartbeat hadn't stopped racing since leaving the job.
Jesper and Wylan had offered you gentle conversation, but you couldn't hold it for long. You had claimed you were tired, bidding your friends goodnight and climbing the stairs to your room. You didn't stop at your floor. Your feet carried you further up the steep stairs, stopping when you reached the attic which Kaz had converted into his own room. You didn't have to knock, you just opened the door and announced yourself.
Behind closed doors, Kaz was less concerned about keeping up his Dirtyhands persona. He smiled ever so slightly as you sat on his bed. A few months ago you had forced him to rearrange his room so that you could see him working while you lounged on his bed. You often ended up like this, watching him work after long days and taking comfort in each other's presence.
This time, Kaz wasn't concerned with his papers, he just looked at you, waiting for you to talk. You had talked Kaz through his own episodes many times, you never pushed him or asked him to move quicker than he was ready. For the first time, Kaz wanted to offer you the same comfort, but he wasn't sure if he could.
You were rubbing your wrists, stuck in your own memories of your time chained.
Kaz slowly joined you, giving you time to pull away. You glanced over at him, watching him as he slowly removed his gloves.
Kaz shook his head to silence you, continuing what he was doing. He placed his gloves neatly on the bedside table, turning to you. He reached out slowly and you let him. He gently pried your fingers away from your wrist, taking your hands in his own. He turned your palms up, his fingers slowly ghosting over the scars on your skin.
Kaz could feel the warmth of your skin through his fingertips. It helped him fight off the flashbacks, the warmth reminding him you were safe, healthy, alive.
Kaz's fingers traced over a scar on your right thumb. You couldn't help the small sigh that escaped your lips.
Kaz's head snapped up to look at you, fear filling his eyes.
"I'm okay," You meant it this time. The flashbacks were gone, locked in the vault in the back of your mind.
Kaz could tell that you meant it, see the anxiety leave your face. He drew his hands back, reaching for his gloves again. You smiled at him as he slipped his hands back into them, the leather bringing him the comfort he needed.
Kaz offered you a quiet apology.
"Kaz," You couldn't help the adoring smile on your face, "It's okay."
You knew Kaz could handle contact more when his gloves were on, so you gently took his hand. Kaz watched as you copied his movements from earlier, gently opening up his fingers. You slowly raised his hand, pressing a gentle kiss to his palm.
"I love you," You said, "Gloves and all."
Kaz smiled, a genuine smile that you only saw in the safety of these four walls.
He let out a quiet reply, "I love you too."
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