supitskeegs · 7 years
So this is really hard for me to do and I’m gonna get emotional and only a few people will actually care about this post, but I needed to do it mainly for myself and to get closure on a character that I’ve played here for four years. 
As I’m about to drop Keegan and tell the main, I’m feeling a lot of things. Keegan was the first character I played here about four years ago. It’s been a long road with ups and downs but ultimately, I’ve done more with Keegan here than I’ve done with any other character that I’ve ever roleplayed. I want to thank every single person who has interacted with him over the four years I played. Obviously it’s too many people to name but I’ve appreciated all of you and everything that I’ve gotten to do with Keegan and your characters.  
There’s a few people I feel like I need to thank personally for all I’ve gotten to do on Keegan and that starts with Becca. @hqtbells You know how much you mean to me and how much Treegan means to me. This is what made this decision hardest of all because all the love, effort and tears we have put into this ship over the last four years has been so special and so worth it. It’s made being in this rp amazing and I’m so thankful that we were able to rp them together for so long. Thank you for everything you’ve done with me, Treegan wise and just in general. You gave me such a beautiful ship that will always mean the world to me and they will always be in my heart. Mar @ashleybenzoxoxo/ @shelleyc-hennig you have always adored my Keegan and I can’t tell you how much that means to me. You’ve stuck with me through it all and Keenzo is forever going to be one of my brotp’s. Their chemistry and everything we got to do with them was amazing and I will always love them so much. Thank you for being there, ic and ooc and for always supporting me and doing everything and anything with Keegan. And finally I’d like to thank Adri @marie-xtina although we don’t interact anymore, Keegan and Christina’s friendships is one of the longest standing friendships I had in this roleplay with him and I appreciate everything we did together with them. They were always one of my favorite interactions he had and so I just want you to know that and thank you for what we did over the years. 
This was such a hard decision but unfortunately you can’t force muse and while I know I don’t really owe anyone an explanation, after playing a character for four years there comes a point where you just feel like it’s run its course and it’s time to move on. I will still be here in the roleplay as Grant and Chris and who knows, maybe someone else in the future, or maybe even Keegan again at some point if I ever feel inspired to play him again. The future isn’t set in stone but for right now I feel like this is the best choice to make. Thank you again to everyone and everything I’ve done with Keegan here will always be special to me. 
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supitskeegs · 7 years
I’m supposed to be good at everything, the inner Troian was wailing. I don’t like being not the best at something. But she couldn’t say this out loud, not wanting to sound petty and childish. She simply bit her lip as Keegan stopped speaking, knowing he was trying to comfort her and she swallowed her mild panic about messing up at something. It was just surfing. Letting a medic apply some cream and gauze to her hip, Troian twisted to look at it and gave a sour look to Keegan. “Sexy, right?” She shook her head and plopped down on the towel with her arms crossed over her chest. “I wanted to be the sexy surfing couple! You know, watch you ride the waves and see you all wet and have everybody be jealous of us.”
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“It is pretty sexy, yeah. If it scars, it’ll be even sexier,” he said to Troian, winking at her. She already looked amazing in her bikini and now seeing her have a bandage on her hip, Keegan didn’t think any less of her. “Okay, and we’ll get there. I know we will. We’ll keep at it everyday that we’re here and you’ll be a pro in no time. I think we should stay until Wednesday, speaking of. Then we head back to LA for Thanksgiving. What do you think? Coming here for a weekend just isn’t long enough,” he said to Troian. If it weren’t for Thanksgiving, Keegan knew that he’d be trying to convince Troian to stay for at least a week, maybe more. They both loved this place and their time there always seemed so short. “We’ll have to see what else we can do here that won’t get you hurt,” he teased.
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F2F → Treegan
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supitskeegs · 7 years
We'd be like, the best romantic comedy plot out there. It would've been epic.
It would’ve been awesome, definitely. But I think I’m a little bit more biased to us actually dating.
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supitskeegs · 7 years
Before we got back together, I was going to ask you to just be the baby daddy forever, regardless if we were official or not. I love having babies with you. But I'm happy we're waiting until the time is right to try again and just enjoy the munchkins we have now. So wrap it before you tap it, Keegs.
That would’ve been some arrangement. Something I wouldn’t have said no to. But yeah, me too. Don’t worry, I will!
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supitskeegs · 7 years
Coming back up, Troian was feeling two things - in pain, because she had cut her hip against a rock and embarrassed, because an entire beach had watched her completely flip over her board. Pushing wet strands of hair out of her eyes, Troian winced as the water washed over her open cut and gave a glare that lacked any real anger to Keegan. “Well at least I looked cool, that was humiliating,” she huffed out and shot another well aimed glare to her surfboard as thought it had been its fault. “I’m supposed to be good at surfing!” She let out a soft whine and then winced again. “Can we find a first aid kit? This is stinging like crazy.”
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When Keegan realized that Troian managed to hurt herself, he felt worse about the whole thing happening. “I’m sorry,” he said, reaching out to run a hand through her hair gently. “It’s okay, it’s something that takes practice. I mean sure, some people are naturally good at it but...” He trailed off, realizing that wasn’t helping. “Yeah, of course,” he said, spotting a shack that they would be able to get a first aid kit and someone could look at Troian’s cut. Once it was cleaned out and bandaged, Keegan led her to a spot in the sand where they could just relax, laying out their towels. “No more surfing for today, let’s just soak in the sun and chill.”
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F2F → Treegan
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supitskeegs · 7 years
text → keegers
Danielle: Then I'll bring her along. I'm glad we're going to get a chance to hang out again! It's been way too long.
Keegan: I know! We don't get to do it enough.
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supitskeegs · 7 years
I'm not really ready either, so we're on the same page. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't something that would you know, break us apart because sometimes things just happen.
Yeah, I know. I don’t want that either which is why I don’t want anything unexpected potentially breaking us. Even if that probably wouldn’t.
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supitskeegs · 7 years
text → reinallen
Lili: /Half/ a case and I'm regretting it. My stomach feels like it's gonna pop.
Keegan: Damn. What made you drink that much?!
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supitskeegs · 7 years
We'll be super careful. But would you be upset if I actually did?
I wouldn’t be upset, no. But I’d be a little overwhelmed and nervous because I think right now that’s not something we should really be taking on. But how could I be unhappy about another child we created?
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supitskeegs · 7 years
text → keegers
Danielle: Do you want to see Ali? I can bring her too and give Grant an afternoon off to sleep off the turkey.
Keegan: Of course I do! I miss her. Sounds perfect.
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supitskeegs · 7 years
With her legs straddled around the surfboard, Troian took a few seconds to take in the sight of Keegan. He was definitely a California baby, that was for sure. Just like her, he was at his most comfortable and true self in water. If she had been a mermaid in her past life, he had been the merman of her dreams. Wrinkling her nose at how cheesy this sounded and vowing to keep that tidbit to herself (Keegan would never let her live it down), Troian pulled her damp brown locks over her shoulder and nodded affirmatively. “Yep!” She gave Keegan a thumbs up and clapped her hands around her mouth to give him some wolf whistles as he successfully rode out the wave he had been seeking. “Yeaaah, go Keegs!” She cat called, smiling as she saw him jogging into the shore. Her wave was coming up and she swallowed the slight roll of nerves in her throat before getting up..and promptly wiping out.
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Keegan chuckled and blushed slightly when Troian cat called him, shaking his head as he made his way back towards shore. He was standing right where the water would meet the sand and now he was ready to watch Troian take in a wave, hoping she wouldn’t have any difficulty. “Go babe!” He cheered, waiting patiently for her to ride a wave in. She started out okay and suddenly he saw her wipe out, causing him to jog into the water to make sure she was okay. “You alright?” He said once she was above water. “That was some wipe out. If it makes you feel any better, it looked cool,” he said before chuckling.
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F2F → Treegan
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supitskeegs · 7 years
Perfect. I’ll be there Thursday for dinner and dessert. If anything I can be your cat sitter during that time. What are you guys making for dessert?
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Is Salem with you? Dan won’t let you in if you don’t bring Salem. My mom will probably make some kind of pie.
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supitskeegs · 7 years
text → keegers
Danielle: Friday it is! I thought about perusing the shops with you, but I doubt you'd want to be in the mess. How about we just hit up our favorite taco place for lunch and then do something like a hike?
Keegan: Oh yeah, I wouldn't last a minute in that mess. That sounds perfect! Will I get to see Ali?!
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supitskeegs · 7 years
The deepest and heaviest sigh just came from my lips, I'm sure you heard it even from rooms away. I know, though. We just have to be careful because apparently Hawaii does something to my ovaries.
Hahaha, this is true. You might end up getting pregnant while we’re here. Oops.
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supitskeegs · 7 years
“Stupid instructor,” Troian mumbled, her lower lip jutting out into a pout but she refused to look over at Keegan. She knew that he knew which woman she was referring to and she didn’t want to see the smirk on his lips. “I don’t want one then, I trust you.” Troian had surfed before meeting Keegan, she just had never done it as much as him but the waves weren’t too rough today. She had a feeling she could manage. Stopping at the place where the surfboards were stored, Troian pulled out a bright red one and tucked it under her arm. Biting her lip, she grinned at Keegan and waved her fingers in the ‘hang ten’ sign. “Let’s go, brah,” she teased him right back and lead the way out into the water. 
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Keegan chuckled and nodded when Troian decided on not having an instructor, knowing at this point they would be fine on their own. Even if Keegan knew a little more than Troian, he would be able to help her if she needed it and it would save the risk of getting an instructor that would bother them. Rolling his eyes playfully as she spoke, Keegan took his surfboard into the water and started walking with Troian, enjoying how warm the water felt once they were in it. Once they were about waist high, Keegan got onto his board and started pedaling so they were out deep enough to catch a wave. “Ready for this?” He asked Troian, wondering just how much she wanted to do or how far she wanted to go out. “I’ll take the first wave in and hope I don’t wipe out,” he teased, waiting for a wave to do just that. Keegan made it look easy, riding the wave to the shore and looked back over at Troian and smirked at her.
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F2F → Treegan
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supitskeegs · 7 years
text → keegers
Danielle: That’s such a cute vacation. You’re gonna be so beached out. I’m going to be here until next Sunday. How about Friday we meet up?
Keegan: I would live on the beach if I could, so it works! Friday sounds good, we shouldn't go out in public though since it'll be crazy for Black Friday.
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supitskeegs · 7 years
And then you'll hold me and convince me we don't need any more babies just yet, right?
Yes, yes I will do that. Because I think we have our hands full right now.
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