survivorkochang · 6 years
Winning Player of the Season is........
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Warning: Proud father moment incoming. Jones, watching you play this season was an absolute delight. You’re the perfect hosting mix of getting shaken up by every twist without letting them derail you. And while I have so many regrets about the day I taught you Skype text modification, I have to admit that reading all your hysterics in italics added a whole other layer of charm. As far as the game goes, you played on a strategy of survival, and you pulled it through longer than anyone (yourself included) thought you would. If not for one errant vote, changed for the meme, you would’ve entered the final three with a strong shot at taking home the final challenge, and the crown. If there's one thing someone in a game can never predict, it's someone taking an unplanned five-day break from the game (trust us, we know). It impressed the hell out of us how malleable you were to the flow of the game and your willingness to take huge leaps with your own safety to give yourself the chance of better positions. When this is over, you and I (and like 90% of the cast if we’re being honest) are gonna have to sit down and have a talk about when to shift your strategy from playing to survive to playing to win, but considering this is your second game ever and I’ve had the chance to see how far you've come in your growth arc already from your first season to now, you’re gonna be a force this community is not ready for. Until then, congrats on a game well played, I’m so excited to see what comes next.
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survivorkochang · 6 years
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Let’s get straight to the vote!
Winning by a vote of 6-0.....
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survivorkochang · 6 years
Rites of Passage
Here are Anna Janes and Tobis’ Rites of Passages!
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Anna: Cullan! Aka Mercury! Man you were a trip, ok I just opened our messages because a lot has happened this game and I’m having a hard time remembering everything. AH, so I really liked Goodman and you wanted him out over Jayden and I hadn’t talked to Jayden a lot so I wasn’t down for it. Then I think you went for Mitch who was my ride or die and I wasn’t gonna have that. Then there was controversy of “who said Goodmans name!” but regardless, I think if you got further you would have been sooooo entertaining! I wish you nothing but the best and hope you continue to play orgs!
Tobi: Different tribes and we never talked but sorry for your early boot
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Anna: Hi! I didn’t get to meet you this game :( 
Tobi: Hihi so actually louise and I both knew you were leaving no matter what and we just voted with you so that our relationship in BAR wasn’t affected and it didn’t really matter in the end bc I flipped anyway LOL
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Anna: Hi! I didn’t get to meet you this game :( JK but wow were you inactive lol, i mean you were in like 5 games and I’m sure Seamus forced you to play/wouldn’t let you withdraw your app so thats probably why LMAO uhh yeah i’m glad you were inactive because you scare me and i think we totally would have butt heads. Your vote out was pretty simple because tobi had got screwed over by his OG tribe and was looking to come over to my side, and you weren’t there so it was really easy. You’re an icon and i’m sure if you were active you would have easily made merge
Tobi: Hey sistur yes I did throw you under the bus and I apologize because it was either you or me and I didn’t want to leave so ya hope ur doing okay tho <3 icon
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Anna: oh goodman, how i adored you. It was so obvious this was your first game and i really wanted to just tuck you under my wing and bring you to the end with me LOL but i think you had a hard time keeping secrets…. Like you told Frankie about the plan to blindside him and leave him out of the 2 tribal fiasco and i was like GOODMAN WTPPP but you were so sweet and genuine with me. I think once you get a hand on these orgs you’ll totally be able to rock them out! 
Tobi: Different tribes and we never talked but sorry for your early boot
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Anna: a LEGENDARY MESS wow, so like i don't know where to start, it was so funny because we hadn’t even had a conversation yet and you created an alliance with me nicole and mitch. I would like to THANK YOU for starting that alliance because with that, came the me/mitch and nicole alliance that lasted LITERALLY all the way to like f7. But the way you talked to me in the alliances was just very demanding and made me feel icky. I don't rly love being told what to do and in these games i will pretend like i’m following the orders of the people who are doing the demanding just to like boost their ego but in reality im just gonna do my own thing and do whats best for me. The minute u were like really demanding towards me was when i was like ok yeah this isnt gonna work. I like alliances to be a team effort and everyone can speak their mind and do what they want and idkkk it just wasn’t that in ours which is why i flipped on you. You’re truly an icon though!!
Tobi: Okay like noah fence but like you didn’t save me during that f14 tribal I saved myself by my own efforts and u kinda just tried to use that as leverage LMAO but I appreciate ur somewhat help <3
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Anna:  Jayden! So you were an easy vote out at this point because it was 3-3 i believe, so it was me u and nicole. Zach was very controlling and i was doing the thing where i like pretend to listen to demands. I knew you were an easy vote out and you leaving wouldn’t impact my game later on so i allowed zach to pick you off. I knew that voting with zach would give me some trust with him so i figured why not, IM SORRY LOL but ya that's why i let you go. You’re a super cool guy and i had a lot of fun during the endurance challenge
Tobi: We didn’t get to talk much but you seemed really sweet and like I hope you’re doing good!!
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Anna: oh BOY. first of all you were ROBBED of jury and that is terrible, the hosts should be shunned for that because that was gross. But zach, i enjoyed every conversation we had and you are SO charming. Unfortunately i could see right through it all because i've played too many of these games. I’ve also played with ppl like you so i know how you function LOL omg that sounds mean but like, you were playing like someone who needed control and needed people in his pockets and the way you did that was charming them and being very on top of it all. Does that make sense? The minute we had one world and i could talk to agus he said “zach is controlling my tribe, he has dylan/bo and jones in his pocket” i was like okay i understand. I had to allow myself to seem like someone who was less than you so that you didn’t see me as like a bigger threat than you. So i did that, i voted jayden out. I pretended to give you idol guesses etc. i couldn’t give you all of my trust because i knew that we could NEVER work out together. You were the leader of your tribe and i could be seen as the leader of mine. So if we had gotten any further together, it would have been an all out WAR like could you imagine??? AND i had an idol and SO DID YOU like we were going to go head to head at some point. So when the move presented itself i knew i had to take it so that i could gain the trust of the people that were in your pocket and remove a huge threat to my game. You leaving was so beneficial to me omg, i got jones as an ally from it! But anyway, my gosh are you a great player and i don't think i got to ask about your org history but there is NO way you havent won a game before. You are strong and well spoken and again SO CHARMING like well done, i’m sorry i had to blindside u lol but jones told me about your idol and she told me that you were catching on to me and like wanting nicole out so i was like it is time!! I hope ur doing well and i wish 1 day i could be as cool as u tbh
Tobi: Oh Zach, sorry for playing you as hard as I did but I was planning it ever since you and dylan lied to me at the double tribal thing and I reveled in getting revenge hehe…  I flipped wayyyy back at f14 and started to plan to take you and dylan out ever since then and it worked hehe but you’re definitely a cool guy and we had some awesome convos it was just a shame that the double tribal went the way it did but alas it was fun!
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Anna:  :( i don’t know what to say. I was very transparent and honest about your vote out because you are such an awesome person and i value you very much. I do think if you weren’t taken out at this point, it would have been bad for me. I think u had allies in places i didn’t even know about and you are very strategic and just a smart person. Im gonna be honest though and say the main like nail in your coffin was the way jones was pushing me off of you, so in these games its important to separate relationships and like not be obvious about who you DON’T want out. Which is why i dont think many people knew mitch was my ride or die. Maybe because no one really wanted him out so i didnt have the opportunity to campaign for him? But the way jones was campaigning for you to stay was very very intense and made it very obvious that if you had stayed, i would be second in jones’ mind. So voting you out allowed me to become super close to jones and allow her to rely on me more than she would have if you had stayed. I guess you could credit jones for your vote out LMAO because like at first i was fine with going for bo over you because we are friends and i adored you but then jones was like crying and freaking out over you leaving so i was like yaaaaaaaaa sorry friend
Tobi: Ok hi so like we had like one conversation the entire season and you didn’t bother to message me back so that’s on you…  Anyway like if you read zach’s rop you’d know the reason that I flipped was because both of you lied and expected me to be okay with it (which i obviously wasn’t then yall got merge boots lmao) and on TOP of that you throw me under the bus to louise who was the only person i could have a sense of trust with at the f14 tribal… like you reap what you sow sis idk what else to say bc that combination of actions really set me on a mission to take you and zach out xo
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Anna: BO!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW you were honestly one of my favorite people in this game because you were so entertaining holy shit like the definition of a messy player, if they have a messy player season than wow are you ON IT. so your vote out was really funny because i was moving into my apartment so i was NOT online. I actually thought there was a chance that i could get voted out at that point. So the whole time i was like yes we can go for david its fine lets do it no problem. I had the votes and it was going to work out but THAN YOU OPENED YOUR MOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You literally went and told david that i was gonna vote him YOU SENT A QUOTE! So then ofc i flipped the switch back onto you and it was no problem but oh my gosh if you had just not gone and told david the plan you wouldn’t have gone home! That move 100% was the reason you received my vote, i hope u play more games because you’re such a character and i had a lot of fun playing with you even though you made me want to rip my hair out at some points
Tobi: You’re a sweet kid and you did good for your first org but you also shot yourself in the foot at your vote out… like literally you weren’t the one who was supposed to go… david was but you HAD to tell david about it which made zero sense considering that vote was between you and david lol… but i dont really hold it against you since im sure you were trying your best hehe!! Hope you’re doing good and you play in more orgs!
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Anna: i would like to thank u for ruining my potential perfect game (im writing this before FIC so hence potential) r u d e. BUT my love for you extends so far it could reach where you live and come back to where i live and go back and forth 20834324320842 times. You have been a close friend of mine since JPORG but unfortunately this game we just weren’t on the same side of the tracks. And unfortunately, my side had more people lol but yeah your vote out was simple. We went into that challenge knowing that if you lost, you would go home. If you had won, david would go home. I was lowkey really nervous when you started to like pitch against me lol but i really knew that 1 of the people on my side would tell me so i could idol so i wasn’t like waste my idol nervous if you know what i mean. But i adore you, you’re a scary player and the minute i saw your name on the cast reveal i thought “oh no” because you play like i do, you aren’t afraid to be the big dog and you aren’t afraid to make the moves you need to make when you need to make them. I could sing your praises for days Agustin and you know that.
Tobi: Yoo like i liked talking to you and all and we were on the same page for a lot of the season BUT in my plans to get revenge on zach and dylan i aligned with a group that sadly didn’t include you in it but yeah it was really fun playing with you and omg i LOVED when you called me out in tribal like that was so fun and i really enjoyed it!!
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Anna: david, david, david. Your vote out was the craziest and most intense tribal of the game for me. It opened my eyes to so much and allowed me to really dig deep and see what i had to do to get further. So we connected since the beginning and i made sure to watch out for you BUT i saw you as a threat. I saw you as someone who could beat me at challenges and i knew from the beginning of merge that i had to pick off the people that could stop me from winning mandatory immunities. So with that in my head AND the thought that you would be the first to flip on me in the u/me/mitch/tobi/nicole alliance, i knew that you had to go sooner than later. So you found out about nicoles idol and jones and tobi both told me. And then you WOULDN’T tell me who told you about the idol so i went to mitch and was like “hey david told me you told him about my and nicoles idol” even though you didn’t just so i could bait him. It worked, he admitted it. THAT MOMENT WAS CRUCIAL TO EVERYTHING OH MY GOD but yeah i knew that tobi and jones were with me and tobi did NOT benefit at all by voting out nicole. Thats what i dont think a lot of people understood, ya’ll kept trying to pick nicole off to get at me but tobi’s only win con was sitting next to nicole……. So thats how i knew he wasn’t going to do that all the times ya’ll tried it. But yeah, i told you i was voting you out and you know i adore you as a person. I think you’re a bomb ass player and you def gave me a run for my money lol
Tobi: Hey bud so like i know i played you and mitch pretty hard at your vote out and like it was absolutely nothing personal but it was kinda obvious that you and mitch were closer to together than you were to me so like working with you two wasnt super optimal for me and like taking you out helped me achieve a few things like taking out a challenge threat and it threw mitch under the bus which let me last another 2 rounds so like ya that was my thought process behind it and I hope you’re doing well 
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Anna: mitch. My GOD did you play me good. You were in my DMs saying how you want me to win and you are so dyingly loyal and blah blah AND THEN YOU FLIPPED ON ME BUT NOT ONLY DID YOU FLIP ON ME BUT YOU FLIPPED ON MY TOOOOOO EARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh, 
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i think of all the ppl that were like GET ANNA OUT GET ANNA OUT u were the person who i think could do it. But regardless, you were my person in this game. Like yes nicole was too but nicole wasn’t online enough to rly RLY be my person that i strategize with and talk to all the time. Like i told you all of my plans and we made moves together. I would NEVER say you were in my pocket and i can honestly say sitting at f3 that i don’t think you were. We were a team and we made moves together. We made plans together, we got the idols together. You and me did this together and i will never take that for granted. I had SO MUCH FUN playing with you mitch and becoming FRIENDS with you and really getting to know you. Our friendship is something i will take away from this game and i am so happy about that. You’re a bad ass mitch, thank you for playing this game by my side
Tobi: Lord like honestly our relationship is so rocky KJHLKJ like im gonna be real and say like I lied maybe a lil too much BUT it was for strategic reasons and letting david go and letting you take the hit for it really let me get through a few rounds with one move and like I also apologize about your own vote out like okay honestly i was already pretty leaning towards voting you out already but then when aj told me you wanted to vote me out (a plan which neither you or jones told me about) really sealed the deal and like i also was in a peculiar situation because nicole is the only person I have a real chance of beating in that f5 so it would've been really dumb for me to vote her out so yeah okay like i always feel like i wanna work with you but our plans never seem to work with each other KJHLKJ but i definitely hope we can work together if we meet each other again!!
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Anna: jones, im getting exhausted writing all these but i really want to like be genuine and honest in all of them so here we go, I adore u wow, u are such an honest genuine soul that i know is seriously going to do amazing things in orgs and just life in general. Like i told you, you remind me of myself when i first started playing (which is a good and a bad thing LOL) but you are intense, you are confident in your game, and you are powerful. You should be proud of the way you played and excited for the games you play in the future. Your vote out was actually wild because at no point at all was i ever considering voting tobi out. So you were FLOODING me with messages, emotional intense messages that made me want to rip my hair out. Because you were telling me you weren’t gonna vote tobi, and then you were, and then you weren’t again and i was so confused because your ONLY argument with me was voting tobi out because i told you i was never ever going to vote nicole. NO ONE SHOULD EVER HAVE WANTED TO VOTE OUT NICOLE FOR SO MANY REASONS. But thats neither here nor there lol but yeah you were very aggressive and i was sooo taken back by it. It pretty much solidified my vote for you because tobi wasn’t begging for his life lol which like shows me that YOU were going to fuckin woop my ass at FIC and give the same amount of effort that im about to give to it, like girl you did the logic puzzle for 3 HOURS!!! you just dont give up. You would have fought tooth and nail to wipe the floor with me at that FIC and you cant deny that! But yeah, the begging and the emotional messages def helped ensure me voting for you. AND THEN FUCKIN NICOLE WASNT ONLINE. So this is actually wild what i did here and im sorry in advance but she wasn’t on and i knew me and tobi were voting you so i went to you and was like yo…. Tobi doesn’t have any votes against him you should make him join the votes club OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT AND YOU SAID YES SO MY LITTLE DEVIL BRAIN WAS LIKE YES BITCH 2-1-1, if you voted nicole it would have been fire making and nicole would have possibly lost. It was genius, it was cruel and i am sorry but i had to do it……… tobi knew too!!!! Ok im tired this was dumb i hate ROP, i adore you, you’re gonna kill muxloe but my one little snippet of advice is to NOT invest yourself into these games in an unhealthy way. I know this from experience because when i first got 4th my first game i SOBBED, the second time i got 4th I SOBBED the first time i got 2nd I SOBBED the second time i got 2nd I SOBBED and like when i say sobbed i mean it tore me up and i was mad and sad and just hurt emotionally so i GET IT. i get it, but its not good for your health!!!! Like once i learned to stop playing like that it helped me soooo much (it took me literally until this game sooooooooooooooooooooo im trash but still) I LOVE U JONESY GUACEY POOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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Tobi: Ahhh jones you were honestly a joy to talk to and like I really enjoyed working with you!! Especially on that vote where we successfully flushed nicole’s idol which was honestly like 200iq stuff KLJHKJ and I feel like I came into f5/f4 being like the second least likely person to win with you and AJ being the most likely to win so at f4 the pressure was really on me because it was a choice of definitely making final tribal council but probably losing or having to work so much harder to make final tribal council but also having a real chance to win… and in the end i did what was best for my  game and i’m glad you understood that… but highkey i felt so bad that you voted for me bc if you voted for nicole you legit would’ve put firemaking into play KJHSDF but anyways it was really nice getting to meet you and know you hehe
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Anna: I love u with my whole heart and I hope ur okay, I had to write this very fast so I can’t write it how I want to but just know I’m so appreciative of you and am glad I got to know you through this game
Tobi: hihi so like i really do appreciate everything we've done here together and like i really enjoyed our talks and stuff but you just went inactive (for personal reasons which i understand) but like you getting removed at f3 completely fucked over my game LKJHDSLFKJHA but like all that's really important is that you take care of your own stuff okay hehe luv u beecole <#
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survivorkochang · 6 years
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Welcome Anna Jane and Tobi to final tribal council!
But before we begin we need to release the Final Reward Challenge results
Winning 4 of the five challenges is....
ANNA JANE! Meaning that in the event of a tie whoever Anna selects, their vote will be negated. 
Now onto tribal council...
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survivorkochang · 6 years
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Well, first off, happy Thanksgiving to all of our American players and viewers! I’m crazy thankful for this season, for this series, and for this community, who have provided me with some of my most important friendships and experiences in my life. From the people I’ve known for three years to the people I’ve known for three weeks, thank you all for the ride so far.
However, in addition to that, we’re here for some sad news.
Seamus and I have been discussing this, and have come to the decision that Nicole is going to be removed from the season. The last time we heard from her in this season was on Sunday at 6am about the challenge, which she ultimately did not compete in. She did not vote in the final four tribal, did not submit her Rites of Passage, and hasn’t done anything toward the final immunity challenge, nor has she spoken in any chat since then. We’ve reached out to her across multiple platforms, asked her friends if they’ve heard anything, watched her self-vote and be medevac’d from the other games she is in. We feel this is the right decision to protect the integrity of this game. We hope everything is okay with Nicole, we’re really worried for her, but given what’s happening, it’s the call we’ve decided to make. She will not be added to the jury, considering the strong likelihood that she would not cast a vote anyway.
Which means....
Both of you deserve this so much, and while this is obviously not the way we would have liked this season to play out in terms of the process, we are so happy for the both of you in getting to this stage.
This does leave us with a couple of loose ends: the challenge and an even jury. Luckily, we have a way to handle both of those problems!
SO the final challenge is still on. We have a replacement live challenge that will no longer require you to be on camera, just in the tribe chat at the same time and ready to compete.
Obviously you are no longer competing for immunity. So instead, the winner of the challenge will have influence over a potential tiebreaker! 
Tomorrow at 8pm EST, in addition to submitting all of the final parts of the challenge, you will also select one juror. IN THE EVENT OF A 3-3 TIE IN THE FINAL VOTE, the juror selected by the winner of the challenge will have their vote negated.
Just to be clear, this is NOT a juror removal. All six of the jurors will still play their active role in the final tribal council, and will still cast a vote for the winner. If the final vote is anything other than a 3-3 tie, this selection won’t have any affect, or even be revealed. This is ONLY as a way to break a tie. The members of the prejury have been in the viewing lounge for the entirety of merge, have seen VL confessionals, public opinion, bringing them in now wouldn’t be fair to the finalists.
Anna Jane and Tobi, let us know if you need an extension on the challenge, given this new information. Now that there isn’t another tribal council to go through and another juror to add, we can afford to be a little more flexible with the deadlines. However, the challenge and the decision on a juror must be finalized before the final tribal council starts, so we’ll discuss that in the tribe chat.
We wish you both the best of luck, we’ll be sending out a Doodle at some point today when we’re not drowning in family obligations to start figuring out the best time this weekend to run final tribal council when both finalists and the most jurors possible can be online.
Good luck with the continuation and conclusion of the challenge, and happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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survivorkochang · 6 years
Final Immunity Challenge
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Welcome, Anna Jane, Nicole, and Tobi to your final immunity challenge!
This challenge will take place over multiple parts, over multiple days, to see who will put forth the effort and the skill worthy of a place in the final tribal council, and the right to choose the person sitting next to them.
For each of the parts of the challenge, you will face off. The winner will receive 2 points toward their final score. Second place will receive 1 point. Third place receives nothing. At the end of the challenge, the player with the most points will win!
Part One: Pomme Pomme
Here is the link to the flash game! 
The player with the highest score will win this round! Please remember the rules for submitting screenshots for flash game challenges.
Part Two: 36,000 Seconds
In a challenge chat, you will state that you would like for the challenge to begin by saying “I’m placing my hand on the idol.”
Then, EXACTLY 1,000 seconds later, you will post again, saying “I’m still holding on.”
Then, EXACTLY 2,000 seconds after the previous post, you will post again. This will continue for 3,000 seconds, 4,000 seconds, 5,000 seconds, 6,000 seconds, 7,000 seconds, and 8,000 seconds. If done right, this challenge should take exactly 36,000 seconds total, or 10 hours.
Your challenge chat would look like this:
Drew (10:00:00pm): I’m placing my hand on the idol Drew (10:16:40pm): I’m still holding on Drew (10:50:00pm): I’m still holding on Drew (11:40:00pm): I’m still holding on etc
For each increase in time, you’re counting starting from the previous post you made, NOT from the original post.
Because of this, if you post early or late on any given post, your next amount of time will start from there (e.g. if you post at 10:16:57 instead of 10:16:40, you will be counting the next amount of seconds from :57)
Your score will be totaled in how many seconds you are off from each individual post, NOT how close you are at the end of the challenge to exactly 36,000 seconds (e.g. if you are 5 seconds off of making a post, you should NOT try and make up those 5 seconds in your next post, those are already added to your final score)
Posting early and posting late from your exact second mark will be treated as the same distance away from perfect.
You are not allowed to edit or delete ANY posts in this challenge. Any edits or deletions will result in 300 seconds (5 minutes) added to your total score.
At the end, the player who is closest to zero seconds off from perfection will win!
Part Three: Mastermind
In this part, you’ll all be randomized a six-color combination, out of ten possible colors: Pink, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, White, Black. 
When you make a guess, you’ll submit a numbered list to your host chat. All you’ll be told in return is how many are correct for the code, and how many are in the right place. We will NOT be telling you which ones are correct or in the right place.
Example: Seamus - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet Drew - 3 correct, 1 in the right place
The player who solves their code in the fewest guesses will win this round!
Part Four: Live challenge
This part of the challenge will take place live in a call in the Skype chat. We’ll start setting up a time to do that where all three of you can be online. It shouldn’t take longer than half an hour, you’ll need a Sharpie and a piece of paper.
Part Five: Counting
In this part of the challenge, you will be counting down from 3500 to 0, in intervals of 7 (e.g. 3500, 3493, 3486, 3479, etc). You’ll send them in separate posts. If you make a mistake, you will have to start back at 3500. The player who makes it to 0 the fastest will win this round! Your speed will be calculated from the FIRST time you start a run to the point you reach 0, not just the time of your successful run, so make sure to not make a mistake! This includes editing or deleting posts. If you make a mistake without catching it, your run will stop at the last successful number you sent. We the hosts will try to catch mistakes along with you, but we cannot guarantee we’ll be online and watching when making your run, so you’ll have to police yourselves.
All parts of this challenge will end at 8pm EST on Friday, November 23rd, giving you three full days to complete these. We understand that there is a holiday in the middle, which is why the challenge is so long and why there is no long-term endurance component. We hope that even with Thanksgiving, this will be sufficient time.
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survivorkochang · 6 years
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Welcome the final four to tribal council....
Meaning by a vote of 2-1-1...
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Jones you have been voted out.
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survivorkochang · 6 years
Immunity Challenge #10
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Welcome to the final four immunity challenge!!
For this challenge, you will be competing to complete a logic puzzle!
When you’re ready for this part of the challenge, you will message your host chat to begin. We’ll send you an image of the unfinished grid, and all of the statements you’ll need to complete the puzzle.
Your time will start when we send you the grid, and will finish when you send us back a completed answer. (If your answer is incorrect, your time will be paused while we check it)
There is no standard format as to how to you have to submit your answers. You can type them out in the chat, edit the grid image we send, make a Google Sheet, write it by hand and take a picture, any method that makes sense to you where we can CLEARLY understand what your answers are.
The hosts will not be giving out any information about the logic puzzle, in terms of number of items or houses or anything, before the challenge starts.
You are NOT ALLOWED to share any information with your fellow players regarding the puzzle
The player who completes their puzzle in the fastest amount of time will win this challenge and earn their spot in the final three of this season!!
You must have at least STARTED your logic puzzle by tomorrow, Sunday November 18th at 8pm EST.
Good luck!
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survivorkochang · 6 years
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Only one person can be the Pokemon Champion of Ko Chang....
And after a close battle...
Jones has won reward! 
Meaning at tribal council Jones will get to ask 2 questions to a member or members of the jury.
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survivorkochang · 6 years
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Come on in final 4! 
Today you will be playing for a reward that’s never been seen in tumblr survivor before...... 
The winner of today’s competition will get to ask 2 questions to 2 jury members at tribal council before the vote. 
Today you will be battling each other on pokemon showdown tournament!! It will be random battles 6v6 singles...
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According to the list...
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Jones will battle Tobi and Anna will battle Nicole...
These battles must be on call with Seamus Watching.... and the vl :) you need to discuss a time that you are both available tomorrow, this shouldn’t take more then 10 minutes per battle....
This IS a game changing advantage.
The Winner of the pokemon tournament will be announced by 8pm tomorrow. Followed by your immunity challenge.
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survivorkochang · 6 years
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Welcome, final five! No questions tonight so …..
Let’s get down to the vote…
If anyone has a hidden immunity idol and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.
“I am not Loris!”
This IS the real merge immunity idol. Anna has chosen to play it on herself. Any votes for Anna will not count.
Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.
First Vote: Mitch
Second Vote: Mitch
Third Vote: Nicole
Fourth Vote: Nicole
Fifth Vote and the FIFTH... member of our jury is….
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survivorkochang · 6 years
Immunity Challenge #9 - LIVE
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Come on in, guys!
Tribal will be held at 8pm EST on Friday, November 16th live on Google Hangouts.  If you plan on being at the live tribal, there will be time for you to cast your votes then. If not, votes are due to your host chat by 8pm EST. You are allowed to change your votes up until the live tribal council when we ask for votes. If you know you cannot attend tribal, we ask that you let us know as soon as possible, so we can ask you a tribal question to be read at tribal council. 
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survivorkochang · 6 years
Tribal Council #11
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Nicole played an idol, and negated zero votes.
By a vote of 4-2,
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you have been voted out and will become the fourth member of our jury.
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survivorkochang · 6 years
Immunity Results #8
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YOU ALL DID SO WELL! The shaky ground got to all of you, but one was stable enough to pull through.
First off, Tobi and Nicole decided to abstain, and Mitch was unable to finish constructing his tower, so none of them will be able to win.
So it comes down to Anna Jane, David, and Jones!!!
With a time of 8 minutes and 52 seconds, JONES, you have not won.
WIth a time of 4 minutes and 8 seconds
CONGRATULATIONS, ANNA JANE, you have won individual immunity and a 1-in-5 shot at winning this game!
David, I’m sorry but your time of 6 minutes and 5 seconds was not quick enough this time.
Tribal will be held at 8pm EST on Wednesday, November 14th live on Google Hangouts.  If you plan on being at the live tribal, there will be time for you to cast your votes then. If not, votes are due to your host chat by 8pm EST. You are allowed to change your votes up until the live tribal council when we ask for votes. If you know you cannot attend tribal, we ask that you let us know as soon as possible, so we can ask you a tribal question to be read at tribal council.
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survivorkochang · 6 years
Immunity Challenge #8
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I hope you’ve all enjoyed your time off after live night, but it’s time to get back into the game!
For your challenge today, you will be following in the footsteps of Queen Susie Smith, rightful winner of Survivor Gabon.
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Your challenge is to stack cards!!
On call with one or both of the hosts, you will attempt to construct a card structure that has three levels. You can construct it using whatever method or design that you’d like for both speed and stability, but you may NOT use any cards that are bent or sticky or are in some other way rigged for success in the challenge. If you are not using standard playing cards, you’ll need to let us know to approve them ahead of time, we’ll probably be fine with it as long as it’s still flat and card-like, we just have to be informed of any deviations.
You can practice as much as you’d like before your official run, but once the call happens and your official run starts, your time starts and does not stop until the task is complete. If your structure falls over while you’re trying to build it in your official run, you must start over but your time will continue.
One more thing: On the bridge, MITCH found a challenge disadvantage, so he will have one minute added to his final time.
The player to build their structure in the fastest time will win this challenge and have a 1-in-5 chance of winning this game! The rest of you will be vulnerable at tribal council, where one of you will become the 4th member of the jury, and the next member of the 6th place club chat with Drew!!
Because this challenge requires coordination with the hosts, we are setting a deadline to at least have your time to run the challenge SCHEDULED by tomorrow, Tuesday November 13th at 8pm EST. We would obviously strongly prefer to have everyone complete by then, but schedules being what they are, we are willing to be flexible to allow everyone to compete.
Good luck and happy stacking!!
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survivorkochang · 6 years
Tonight the Survivors competed in a live night, with an immunity challenge and tribal immediately following.
TOBI has won immunity.
And by a vote of 6-1, Agustin has been voted out and becomes the 3rd member of our jury.
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survivorkochang · 6 years
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Welcome back to your third merge tribal council.
Meaning that by a vote of 6-1-1.....
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You have become the second member of the jury.
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