susurra-fr · 5 months
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Rust/Crimson/Abyss, huh
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susurra-fr · 9 months
I didn't have time to coli daily. That's fine.
Strange Chests opened: 100
Nocturne Eggs: 9
Elemental Eggs 5
Breed Change Scrolls: 1
Genes: 5 (2 paisley, 2 fern, 1 skeletal)
Coli Team level: 21
Overall, I'll call it a success.
Su's NOTN strategy:
Use the event as a chance to level a coli team to 25. Set 1 level per day as a goal and a limit.
Half of all eggs I find, I sell (either now or later). The other half, I keep to hatch.
That's it, that's the game.
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susurra-fr · 9 months
Speaking of the coli.
I think my clan lore will treat the Coliseum as an actual coliseum. It's an entertainment venue where dragons show off their combat prowess while an audience roots for their favorites.
All the different venues are magical stages or set pieces to add drama and indicate the level dragons are fighting at. The monsters are some kind of hologram inspired by Sornieth wildlife. (At one point, the coliseum captured actual animals, much like the real Roman coliseum. This practice was abandoned because it's unethical and, frankly, more expensive than the simulation is.) In-game "level" is a representation of a dragon's coliseum standing, and determines which stages they have access to. The goal is to survive as many rounds as you can. Rewards are randomized loot and increased standing, which allows access to more prestigious stages and perhaps better loot.
The Coliseum is run by Shadow dragons, probably Nocturnes. Shadow flight is all about games, entertainment, and winning, after all; what's blood sport if not an extremely high-stake game?
Night of the Nocturne is a promotional event designed to draw more traffic to the coliseum. The showrunners add high-value loot to attract more contestants, and a slew of fanciful mimic foes to add more spectacle and wow audiences. The whole thing is highly profitable and pays for most of the Coliseum's annual expenses.
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susurra-fr · 9 months
Su's NOTN strategy:
Use the event as a chance to level a coli team to 25. Set 1 level per day as a goal and a limit.
Half of all eggs I find, I sell (either now or later). The other half, I keep to hatch.
That's it, that's the game.
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susurra-fr · 9 months
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The mathematician. He who plays with fate and cheats at cards.
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susurra-fr · 10 months
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The poisoner. The spade.
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susurra-fr · 10 months
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I'm getting a lot of comments, and I just want to clarify some things!
I AM aware that some users do give their dragons 'normal' jobs. I also fully agree that, when a clan represents an entire kingdom, organization, or even nation, it's unreasonable to represent every single member with a dragon. In this case, the royalty/politicians/officers/what have you are often the most interesting individuals to focus on, since they're the ones actually running things. My post isn't about that!
I'm talking about how Flight Rising allows players to explore in the stories and archetypes they find most fun. I genuinely enjoy this! No sarcasm, I think it's neat. I like that people are given that space to be as self-indulgent as they like. It's a dragon dress-up petsite where you can do anything you want. Where are the sewer cleaners? Who cares, everyone is dragons. Where does blue dye come from? Who cares, it's magic. Such-and-such lore is inconsistent? Who cares, so is the site's own lore.
Have fun! Go wild! Flight Rising is your playground. Do whatever you want with it, who cares?
That said.
I DO love that flight rising phenomenon wherein every single dragon in a clan is gorgeously dressed like the highest royalty, and they're all extravagant things like banished princes and bards and courtesans and nobleman assassins, and not a single one knows how to farm. Absolute Rule of Cool. It's unironically kind of charming
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susurra-fr · 10 months
That said.
I DO love that flight rising phenomenon wherein every single dragon in a clan is gorgeously dressed like the highest royalty, and they're all extravagant things like banished princes and bards and courtesans and nobleman assassins, and not a single one knows how to farm. Absolute Rule of Cool. It's unironically kind of charming
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susurra-fr · 10 months
It's nice to see a LOT more occupation-related apparel items in the game. When I left, there wasn't a lot of that.
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susurra-fr · 10 months
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susurra-fr · 10 months
I’m still getting this blog running, but I’m likely to be RP- and lore-heavy once things get chugging! Like you, I’m returning from a long hiatus, and I need new friends.
RP heavy flight rising blogs where ya at
i wanna see how other ppl are playing with their dolls. im following a lot of people killing the game at dressup but i need DRAMA
(ive also returned after a 6 year hiatus and most of the people i used to follow are inactive now. girl help lol i need friends)
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susurra-fr · 10 months
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And here are my first few projects! From top to bottom, we have: Sibilare, my progenitor; and Wool and Whist, two g1 purchases.
I think my lair "aesthetic" this time around will be "whatever looks pretty".
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susurra-fr · 10 months
Thoughts about Susurra (the lair):
Also called the Whispering Halls.
Gothic-style cathedrals set directly within mind-bogglingly massive old-growth trees (in the general area of Murkbarrow Close). It is unknown whether the Halls were carved or grown.
Parts of it extend down into the root systems, walls of dirt and stone with roots for roofs.
Nobody speaks above a whisper; in fact, to do so is forbidden. Loud noises in general are frowned upon.
Voices in general are very important, due to some lore details I am still working out, but suffice to say -
the Halls are mega haunted. Obviously.
Perhaps the choir is composed of real ghosts that persist only as voices. Perhaps they are literal echoes, words once uttered by long-departed dragons, now trapped forever by some quirk of the cathedral's acoustics. Or perhaps, there's something more eldritch going on.
Speaking too loudly can add more voices to the choir, or it can muddy the voices already there.
Hear the voices. Respect them. But don't listen too closely.
Some say that you can hear the truth in the choir: past, present, and future.
Some say that you can hear yourself.
Some say that, should you listen too closely, the choir will begin to speak through you.
Beware, take care that your voice remains your own.
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susurra-fr · 10 months
Coming back to Flight Rising after a years-long break, I discover that my old account is tied to an email address I am now locked out of.
Oh well. Time for a new account with a new name and a new premise. I’m Shadow now!
While it feels bad to lose everything I’d built up on my first account, the refresh feels nice. I can start over without all the baggage of what I’d previously built, and my old lair can stay as it was, untouched and unchanged.
Anyway! Hi there, dragon tumblr, I’m a new/old member here to play. My UN is Susurra; you can call me that, or just Su!
I’m excited to get back into it. Lair lore to follow.
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