sweet-marbles · 3 years
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sweet-marbles · 3 years
i like experiences ^_^ unless i don’t like them. then i don’t like them -_- but other than that i like experiences <3
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sweet-marbles · 3 years
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sweet-marbles · 3 years
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for anyone who cares, this is good news
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sweet-marbles · 3 years
*Talking about last game*
Blue, talking to Black: And So I Went Up To Sans And Said "Babushka! Which Means Grandma-"
Stretch, who's imposter this round and was the one who made up the word and came back after a toilet break: Babushka? *stabs the nearest person, who just so happened to be Black*
Blue: *Screams* OH MY GOD
Red: *wheezing with laughter*
Stretch, realizing what's going on: Oh, oh no-
Blue: Okay, Okay, Okay *Proceeds to stab Sans, who was too busy laughing*
Red: *Dying with laughter, is spared because he didn't sell them out and low-key started the whole thing too*
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sweet-marbles · 3 years
Out on a camping trip near a fast moving river. How would the skeletons react to S/O who saw a snake moving in the water and swam after it. They come back holding the snake proudly to their skeleton S/O.
Would they be impressed by the snake, mad that they swam in the strong river, or just shocked?
HSHSHSHSH The guts of steel you must have----
S/O Catches A Snek
Doesn't realize that it's a snake at first and goes to take a closer look, cue very spooked skele in 3..2..1: Also G, Blue, Thistle, Wine
Nope. Holds a long, long stick between you two. You aren't getting near them with that thing in your hands: Edge, Black.
Stands still, eyelights barely visible for the longest time you thought they might've fallen asleep like that before getting the ever sophisticated response that is "what the fuck?": Sans, Aster, Stretch.
Is actually really hyped up for you, though that snake looks pissed so please let it go: Papyrus, Chestnut, Coffee
Takes a pic of you guys with the snake: Red, Rus, G.
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sweet-marbles · 3 years
Hey I haven't been feel well lately and need comfort and was wondering if you could do a comfort image with horror sans,swap sans and the fell bros? Its okay if you don't!
Hey hey, I know it's been a while since you sent this ask but I hope you have been feeling better since! Also, I decided to add a little twist to this so I hope you don't mind 💖
How They'd Comfort You
Blue: He's a lot more experienced in comforting someone due to having to look after Stretch for many years. He doesn't wait around, asking you what's wrong the moment he sees that you're not acting like how you usually are. And of course, he worries, but he doesn't want to overwhelm you so he keeps calm, asking if you would like a hug first before going any further.
He's gentle but if you don't want to talk about it/get your mind off of it, he's more than willing to help, and trust me, Blue is suspiciously good at creating very good distractions. He won't make you leave the house if you don't want to, instead will do in house activities (and Stretch is the unsuspecting target participant)
Red: Red is awkward. We need to get that out first and the man's got an emotional capacity of a potato but he tries his best, and that's important. Now, he'll start off small, sitting beside you and awkwardly patting your back as he tells you it's okay. Or he'd sit by and listen quietly as you vent (he's a really good listener tbhh) but if you're okay with it, be prepared to be wrapped up in one of his bear hugs, it's surprisingly more effective than you'd think!
This is one of those moments where his more softer side comes out (as if he isn't a giant sap underneath all that grumpiness) and he actually makes something for you (it's usually something to drink/eat) and unless you don't feel like talking about it, he'd tell you about some story that would help get your mind off of it as you laugh due to his storytelling skills.
Edge: Like Blue, he doesn't beat around the bush, instead wanting you to tell him what is bothering you so he can figure out how to make you feel better. He isn't the most affectionate monster out there, so he won't instantly coddle you, but he understands what it's like to be in pain and not have anyone by your side, and he doesn't wish that upon anyone. He'll sit by you, listening intently before going to hold your hand, saying that he understands.
Edge is good at calming someone down, since he doesn't immediately panic. No, he's calm, face straight as he talks to you about it and you can't help but notice that sharp edge in his voice is barely there anymore. It takes on a more calm and softer approach, and it helps you ease up and feel like you can trust him all the more.
Thistle: He is pretty calm too, to be fair. Thing is, compared to most of the others, Thistle had to go for therapy and anger management classes so he definitely has come a long, long way since then. And all those coping mechanisms and calming techniques he's learnt along the way are essentially ingrained into his skull. So when he notices you're upset, he starts out slow, not wanting you to feel overwhelmed as he sits by you.
Slowly, but surely, he'll talk you out of it, not pushing you into the topic if you don't feel like it but, if you do, he will help you get to the root of your problem. And he will ask to hold you before he wraps his arms around you within his frame as best as he can, and you can't help but feel relaxed around him. If you want, he'll even take you out to his little cabin, where you guys can chill and watch the riverside in peace.
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sweet-marbles · 3 years
Heya! Could you please do UT Sans and UF Paps headcanons for how they say "I love you" for the first time? Thanks so much jksfbsafjbsd-
shhshshsjs fluff train on the way-
"I Love You"
♡ It takes him some time to really even feel ready to say those words, honestly. Especially when he finds out how important it is to humans.
♡ He'd take it slow, and the exact moment that he realizes that he's truly in love with you, is the moment he'll say it.
♡ You'd catch him, staring at you and you notice that his eyelights look a lot more softer and take on a more gentle opalescence hue.
♡ And he can't help it, now that he knows what it's like to actually be in love, to feel it so deeply and in such a visceral way that he's genuinely left silent.
♡ He wouldn't be able to help himself as he blurts it out, still caught up in this unique type of euphoria. Sure, he's probably exaggerating but he can't help it, knowing that he's never felt like this before is just so... Shocking.
♡ When he realizes what he's just said, he can't help but laugh, both in embarrassment and by how surprised you look.
♡ He'd tease you a little, trying to ease both yours and (mainly his) shyness, though, the sapphire tones that coloured his face are a big giveaway that he's still reeling from it.
♡ He'll them take your hands, and, will assure that he absolutely meant every word. It's a sweet and short confession (just like him) and you'll notice the subtle tenderness in his voice as he speaks to you, waiting to see your reaction.
♡ Edge also takes a lot of time and effort to really earn his trust and for him to even be comfortable to even think of those words.
♡ Doesn't matter if it's mainly used by humans, he still values the importance and depth that those words hold.
♡ Edge wouldn't even truly realize he's fallen for you, but he's painfully aware that he's much more fond of your existence around him.
♡ And that says a lot considering the kind of skeleton he is.
♡ After getting called out by Red (and literally almost everyone else who has the guts to point it out) Edge starts to pay attention to the small details.
♡ And it shocks him when he realizes that, this whole time, he's been hopelessly in love with you.
♡ Now Edge is a skeleton of standards, so this calls for the finest date one could ask for.
♡ And with the moonlight bathing the night sky and the area around you both, you notice how quiet he is, and you ask what's wrong.
♡ His eyelights are glowing brightly as he stares at you, not blinking for a few moments before he coughs. The candlelight giving his normally harsh appearance a more warm and tender look to it.
♡ It takes him a while, but he comes out with it, not beating around the bush as he tells you that, he loves you. Oh so much, that none of the stars in the sky could compare to it.
♡ He can't say everything that he wants to because he's awkward but he hopes you feel the sincerity in his voice.
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sweet-marbles · 3 years
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archive mb for @kaffilatte
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sweet-marbles · 3 years
you guys hate schizo-spec people so much and it fuckin shows
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sweet-marbles · 3 years
I think all content creators can relate to this.
In my opinion, I don’t think followers really understand how much your requests/likes/reblogs/etc. and random asks mean to me. It’s just so refreshing and nice to know that people enjoy what I’m doing and support me.
People that go the extra mile and send an ask or message letting me know they liked my stuff honestly makes my day. I love reading tags and stuff…it’s honestly so cute….
And people who ask about how I’m doing or send me random questions or cute asks….I just want you guys to know it honestly makes my day. I just love all the interaction and such. It makes running a blog so much more enjoyable.
And Fanart/Fanwork? Honestly that’s one of the greatest things to receive. To everyone that draws or writes, please don’t feel too insecure to send it end! No one is going to criticize you over quality. It’s so sweet that you even thought about making something…I will always appreciate it no matter what, and I’m sure all other content creators feel the same.
So, in conclusion, don’t be afraid to talk to your favorite blogs and show them some love, guys! We always appreciate it! ☺️
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sweet-marbles · 3 years
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sweet-marbles · 3 years
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sweet-marbles · 3 years
People making typos in groupchats and then getting whaled on is extremely funny unless I am the one making the typo, in which case you guys are not funny and being very immature
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sweet-marbles · 3 years
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sweet-marbles · 3 years
okay, but mikrokosmos is one of a kind. it's so comforting, like some light in the darkness? and idk i can't wrap my head around the fact that they've become someone who pulls us from the deepest lows whenever we need them
when i listen to mikrokosmos again in 10 years, i know i'll cry my eyes out from everything i used to feel
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sweet-marbles · 3 years
also, another reason i love trivia: love stages (other than the obvious love i have for the song itself) is because it shows us namjoon’s absolute incredible stage presence. not once during the entire performance does it feel like namjoon is on stage alone, no dancers, no special effects for the most part, just him singing and having fun. he’s performing on a huge stage in front of a large crowd all alone and it just is awe-inspiring to me that he pulls it off so beautifully without letting us ever feel like something is missing. 
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