swupwise · 8 months
things ive noticed since i first began to transition: 1. ive been laughing and smiling a lot more 2. i dyed my hair green to express myself 3. ive been wearing my fav colors (green and purple) a lot more as i come into how i want my body to be 4. ive been wearing more makeup 5. hey wait a second 6. wait a fucking minute
conclusion: Jokerified
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swupwise · 1 year
Coping by telling myself its after 6pm <33
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swupwise · 1 year
Honestly. I really should have known better.
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swupwise · 1 year
I should have a shirt that says like "I survived my local Mexican restaurant" or something
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swupwise · 1 year
Sorry I cant hear you over the when I close my eyes I turn on detective mode in real life
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swupwise · 1 year
Incidents I can look back on now and think are funny but that were at the time deeply not funny:
The time my crush asked me how much I weighed, I ddint answer, so he picked me up and accurately guessed it.
The time that same crush asked me to hold out both my arms and he felt them then declared correctly which one I wank with
The time that same crush wanted to share a room on a school trip but I was to embarrassed and crammed with 3 girls instead
The time that same crush asked me to dance and everyone was urging me to dance with him too but I felt too inferior and kept refusing
The time that dame crush kept hinting at me about his feelings for me but I wasnt sure if I was seeing it correctly despite it being very obvious so I didnt say anything
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swupwise · 1 year
Everytime I'm forced to write something that requires research from the bible I feel like I release some of the seal I've placed on the Church Kid in me. Its slowly breaking free.
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swupwise · 2 years
Lol. I have an exam due at midnight that I havent studied for like at all. And is pent an hour doing the bonus assignment for extra points. Except I realized the one I did was for exam 4 and we ar eon exam 2. I still submitted it tho lol. Also the prof wanted us to print it out, handwrite it scan it, and submit as a pdf but like. No. So I used My Handwriting font instead bandaging badaboom.
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swupwise · 2 years
Just realized when my parents pass away its gonna be up to one of us to go through the old VHS tapes to find their wedding videos and baby vids and family vids n stuff. what my siblings dont know and what I DO know is that there is a vhs tape somewhere within my parents belongings that is their sex tape and I am NOT gonna be the one to see that lol. You thought you were gonna see some cute baby vids and wedding vids on vhs, but in fact there is ONE sex tape you must never look at. There are no hints to which one it is. Good luck soldier.
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swupwise · 2 years
okay so after i got surgery to fix my nose so i could breathe my left nostril has the inability to grow nose hair on one area. not that big a deal except apparently it is because i just spent the past like 15 minutes plucking nose hairs from the other side because it pissed me off only one side was bare which then led me to sneezing for 5 minutes straight followed by me googling why and finding out i just fucked myself over from my allergies because the hairs protect from allergens. so. i guess. lesson learned. 
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swupwise · 2 years
On the toilet fighting for my life and then theres scratching at the door (cat) and my honest to God first thought was "jesus?"
Send help I fear I've not long left for this world
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swupwise · 2 years
I'll be having a great time talking to people and then my messages won't be getting replies while others are and it will feel like Ive been slammed with "your opinions are not valued here, your thoughts are not wanted, your words are not heard, nor are you"
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swupwise · 3 years
Its 1 am, I'm taking a burning as fire shit and someone is calling my mother in the room opposite the bathroom and wont take "I think you have the wrong number" as an answer. I try to quiet my furious burning shitting to a quiter level, one because I what to hear the phone call and two because I dont want to wake everyone is the house with my ass screaming in pain, it is unsuccessful. A synthetic wig lies in the damp sink and I find that the internet is intermittent. Life seems to suck ass and eat shit and die: all in all, life is not daijobu.
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swupwise · 4 years
... when u accidentally get.yourself into a project that requires a good dela of work becaus eu have dyslexia and thought they was asking somethin else....
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swupwise · 5 years
You cant spell trauma without ma!
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swupwise · 5 years
How do I fucking get my school to stop calling my fucking house every single time I miss 1 (ONE) fucking quiz!!!
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swupwise · 5 years
Someone: types something completely normal but without punctuation
Me: They are Anrgy and Upset At Me and Everything I've Ever Done Was Wrong and I Deserve Death For My Actions
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