sygmarie4-w · 1 year
Please have some respect for yourself.
babygirl we're on tumblr.com
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sygmarie4-w · 2 years
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Arcane anniversary! The best time to rewatch the show ❤️
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sygmarie4-w · 2 years
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@ink-and-dagger ‘s superb fic “Drink with Me” has a grip on my Silco brain rot 😆
Upon my 4th reread, my favorite chapter has to be chapter 9– and Silco’s “you have the most incredibly striking eyes” makes the heart melt every time 🥹
Oh and they’re totally not blushing it’s just the alcohol
Thank you for this masterpiece, hope I can attempt to doodle more Astro (and even other characters in this story) in the future 🙏🏻
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sygmarie4-w · 2 years
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“California Popping!” by | Niaz Uddin
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sygmarie4-w · 2 years
“It’s funny how someone who was just a stranger last year, can mean so much to you now. It’s terrible that someone who meant so much to you last year, can be just a stranger now.”
— Unknown
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sygmarie4-w · 2 years
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Making long-form webcomics is like
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sygmarie4-w · 2 years
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Idk who the original is, nor how accurate it’d be— Just saw this on twitter and immediately thought of Astrid and Silco 🤣
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sygmarie4-w · 2 years
Another Drink With Me Death AU
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Because I was feeling sadistic and had some spare time on my hands. Also I like to remind people every so often that I can and will break their hearts if I feel so inclined 🤭
An alternative ending to DWM Chapter 17 based on this horrific prompt. Written in a script-like format because that's what my brain wanted to do and I find that it's best not to argue with her on these matters.
Please check the below tags and proceed with caution darlings. If you want to up the angst then listen to Repeat Until Death - Novo Amor whilst reading [another suggestion you can thank evil Anon for]
Silco x Astrid || Heavy Angst || Cheesy Clichés || Major Character Death || Holding dead body
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The damage caused by Luisa's knife was too great to be healed. Singed's treatment has stabilised Astrid long enough for her to be brought back to The Last Drop to say her goodbyes.
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Silco’s bedroom.
Astrid lies frail in bed.
Silco stands in the doorway facing out into his office, head bowed and hands clutching either side of the frame. The devastated wails of a teenage girl can be heard faintly in the background, fading as though she’s being carried away.
Astrid: [weak, but cheeky] If I knew dying was the quickest way to get into your bed I would have done it ages ago.
Silco makes a small, involuntary sound that’s neither laugh nor sob. Part fury that she would joke about this. Part mirth that she can joke about this. But mostly pure, unfettered heartbreak.
Silco turns from the threshold and closes the door behind him.
Astrid smiles. Weak, but genuine; it shines mostly through her eyes.
Silco approaches and perches gingerly on the edge of the bed.
Silco: Are you comfortable?
Astrid: Very.
Silco: Any pain?
Astrid: No. You know the doctor gave me the good stuff.
Silco hums quietly in confirmation and shifts a little closer. Still a touch awkward.
Astrid smirks.
Astrid: [teasing] Hi.
Silco: Hello.
Astrid huffs a quiet, breathy laugh, and Silco relaxes a little more.
Astrid: I didn’t mean to upset Jinx like that…
Silco shakes his head
Silco: The child has experienced far too much loss in her short life. However they’ve all been rather sudden… I believe the opportunity to say goodbye is new for her.
Astrid: I just wanted her to know how important she is to me.
Silco: She knows. You’ve given her a wonderful gift. It’s one of the many things I will always be grateful to you for.
Astrid’s mouth quirks
Astrid: Oh yeah? What else is on that list?
Silco huffs a small laugh, and shifts closer. Twisting more fully towards Astrid so that his thigh runs alongside hers above the covers.
Silco: Let’s see… I am grateful for all the excellent work you have done for the club.
Astrid nods along, a small smile toying on her lips
I am grateful for your protection, both with the poison and during the blackout. I am grateful for your companionship… your friendship. I am grateful…
Silco trails off. Hesitating momentarily before raising a hand to brush some hair back from Astrid’s face. In doing so his fingertips trail from her temple to begin softly tracing her features one by one. As though attempting to memorise them.
Astrid gazes adoringly at him while he does so.
Astrid: [quietly] I don’t want you to feel any guilt.
Silco’s eye closes and he bows his head. Fingers falling away from Astrid’s face.
An extended silence passes in which it’s clear Silco is struggling to voice what he wishes to say. Deep pain is etched into the lines of his face; albeit subtly
Silco: [hoarse] You would not have even been at that warehouse if I had not— [his voice cracks minutely] If I had only—
Astrid: [whispered interruption] Silco.
Silco presses his lips together tightly, unable to meet Astrid’s gaze. She tilts her head a fraction on the pillow; rueful
Astrid: Don’t do this to yourself. Please. There’s no point. It won’t change what’s done.
Silco empties his lungs and tips his face towards the ceiling. Astrid slides her hand along the blanket, reaching for Silco’s. She squeezes his fingers.
Let’s not waste time on what ifs, hm? [quieter] We’ve already wasted too much time. 
A few breaths pass before Silco dips his chin and nods. He gathers Astrid’s hands in his and brings them to his mouth, pressing a kiss to her knuckles before clutching them to his chest, rubbing his palm slowly up and down her arm.
He looks imploringly into Astrid’s eyes.
Silco: [emotive] I am so sorry, sweetheart. For everything. I should have done so much better by you—
Astrid: Shhsh
Her fingers stretch upwards, and Silco helps; lifting her palm to his cheek and leaning into her touch.
I forgive you, Silco. Of course I forgive you. I forgave you the moment I saw you in that warehouse tonight.
Silco squeezes his eye shut and leans further into her touch. Grazing his nose against her inner wrist.
Astrid: Stop that.
Silco opens his eye and peers at her.
Astrid: Don’t give me that look. I know you. I know what you’re thinking.
Silco: Is that so?
Astrid: Yes. You’re thinking that you don’t deserve my forgiveness.
Silco: [after a long pause] If I had more time I’d earn it of you.
Astrid: We don’t have time [she gives him a stern look] So you’ll accept it as a parting gift.
Silco gnaws his cheek
Astrid: [quietly] For me?
Silco's shoulders sag as he breaths a long sigh, but he nods. Astrid smiles
They gaze quietly at each other for a short while. Astrid’s eyelids a little heavier than before
Astrid: I’ve had the best time, ya know? Since I came here. With you. And Jinx. Jasp. Sev. Max… I wouldn’t change any of it.
Silco: Not even for the chance to live longer? Do more?
She shakes her head
Astrid: Nuh-uh. Living long is overrated. Living well is where it’s at. And I feel I've lived well.
He huffs a broken chuckle.
Silco: [quietly] You never found out what your horizon was.
Astrid’s eyes switch back and forth between Silco’s for a time, and as they do her mouth curls softly up at the corners.
Astrid: Yes I did.
Her fingers drop from his cheek to his tie, only just about strong enough to grip the material. But she doesn’t need to pull this time – Silco leans forward willingly.
Their lips meet in a kiss that’s soft and sweet. Silco’s hands rise to cradle Astrid’s face in the same way one would hold a baby bird in their palms. He kisses her a little deeper. Slowly, tenderly. And when the kiss finally ends, Silco remains close by, with his brow pressed to Astrid’s.
Astrid: [whispered] You must know by now that I love you, right?
Silco nods, stiffly as though in physical pain
Astrid: Good. Good, I’m glad that you know. It’s important.
Extended silence. Spent with brows pressed peacefully together, and fingers skimming gently over cheeks.
Silco: [eventually, strained] I love you too, Sweetheart.
Astrid smiles, and tips her face in silent request. Silco obliges, kissing her once more. Still gentle, but with an edge of desperation that can’t be negated.
When their lips part, they do so painfully slowly, and with great reluctance. Skin lingering upon skin for the longest possible time.
Astrid: Silco.
Silco: Yes, Darling?
Astrid: How many more deathbed cliches do we have to go through before I get a damn cuddle?
Silco exhales a silent, pained laugh, and rises. He pulls back the covers and joins Astrid beneath them, gently manoeuvring her until they lay entwined together beneath the blankets in the way one might sleep with their partner. Astrid’s head rests high on Silco’s chest, his cheek pillowed against her hair.
Silco: Does this hurt?
Astrid: No. It’s perfect.
Silco hums, reassured enough to tighten his arms around her. They hold each other silently for a time.
Silco: Astrid.
Astrid: Yes?
A pause, as Silco searches for the words he needs.
Silco: Thank you for loving me.
Astrid smiles against his chest, and nestles deeper. Tilting her face towards the crook of his neck and inhaling as deeply as she's able.
Astrid: The pleasure is all mine. Silco, Sweetie.
Silco gathers her closer still, and begins to brush his fingers through her hair. They remain silent for another stretch of time.
After a while Silco begins to speak softly
Silco: I lied to you once again, sweet one. 
Astrid clicks her tongue, and Silco chuckles
The very first thing I thought when I saw you was that you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. And you have my word that I am speaking the truth this time.
Astrid hums sleepily
I also remember the first time I heard you laugh. You called me humble. It’s been an awfully long time since anyone has had the courage to laugh at me.
A tiny, breathy giggle comes from beneath Silco’s chin. He smiles to himself at the sound.
I think that may have been when I started to love you. You have such a beautiful laugh. 
Another sleepy hum, barely audible
But I’m certain the moment I truly fell in love with you was when I caught you dancing with the mop down in the club. I’ve never told you about that. You disturbed my work by switching on the jukebox. I was coming down to flay whoever it was, until I realised it was you. Completely in your own little world. I found myself unable to do anything but watch.
Silco continues to talk. Resolutely ignoring the fact that Astrid has stopped breathing
You’re a terrible singer. But don’t feel badly about that Darling. You’re very talented in other ways. You’re clever. And funny. You’re warm, and compassionate. And vibrant. And so very, very beautiful. Never in my life have I met anyone quite like you.
You shine, darling. You’re radiant. You’re perfect.
Silco finally looks down. Astrid’s face is peaceful. She looks as though she’s sleeping. Silco nods to himself.
You’ve worked so hard, sweetheart. You’ve been through so much.
He presses a kiss to her brow, and continues to stroke his fingers through her hair. Gently rocking her in his arms.
Get some rest now. I promise I’ll be here when you wake up.
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Please don't forget to interact if you enjoyed! Notes make me smile, but comments and reblog make me want to create more.
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sygmarie4-w · 2 years
getting back in contact with people after a depressive episode is so wild because it's like hey sorry i dropped off the face of the earth and never responded to your attempts to reach out for months i was six feet deep in a grave of my own making when i suddenly realized i didn't want to die down there and had to claw my way to the surface inch by inch on my belly like a worm until i felt the sunlight on my face again. anyway how have you been? how are things? but you can't SAY that so you're just like. um. hi. do you still like me 👉👈
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sygmarie4-w · 2 years
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Thinking about a duct tape wizard
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sygmarie4-w · 2 years
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The two causes of my brainrot (and activating my Tumblr), Rumplestiltskin and Silco.
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sygmarie4-w · 2 years
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Vander, you better listen to Benzo, this tadpole grows into a shark
Oh, and there is a silly little doodle about how Vander responsibly approaches the process of making friends:
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sygmarie4-w · 2 years
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Oh my Dearest Darlings🖤
We made it.
There is so much I could say. But ultimately, I just want you all to know how grateful I am. The support for Drink With Me has been mind-blowing, and has made the last six months so rewarding and so much fun. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Every comment, every ask, every reblog, every piece of art or video or other creative pieces of content that have been made for this story has not gone unappreciated. I will treasure them all forever. [Legit, I save everything in a file on my phone. I even have some DWM fan art as my current phone home screen hehe]
Today I laid in bed until midday reading all your comments and grinning like a twat. I'm allowing myself a little time to breathe, but I promise that I have seen all your wonderful words, and I will respond to everyone over the coming days. [I'll also be keeping everything spoiler free for the next day or so to give people a chance to catch up if needed].
Big big huge shout-out to all the amazing, incredible friends [and particularly the thots over at PP✌🏼] that I've made whilst writing DWM, who have all been cheering me on and lending their support and beta-reading brain power when I got stuck. I'm forever in your debt 🖤 I wanna smooch you all. Thank you.
But I do wanna give an extra-special holla to my dearest @sweatandwoe. Who has had to put up with me messaging legit every two seconds for opinions, advice, and general nonsense. Thank you. You the real MVP baby 💜💜💜
I will be continuing to write for these characters and this universe [as well as new Arcane fics]. So please go ahead and subscribe to me over on AO3, or be sure to keep an eye on my DWM Masterlist.
Now that the main story is wrapped up, I will also be accepting Astro requests! So if you have any prompts for these two love-bugs then don't be shy. Drop them in my Ask Box.
[Happy to take SFW & NSFW. Post-canon, AUs, and anything else your funny little brains may conjure. Also happy for general Arcane prompts. I knoOoOw I've been totally crap at fulfilling requests so far, but this is mainly because DWM was taking up so much brain space. I have genuine intentions of churning out more prompts from here on out.]
If you've enjoyed my writing and are in a position to be able to do so, then please consider visiting my Ko-Fi page to give me a pat on the head. Or if not then please, please leave a comment, reblog, or send me a dm/ask. Notes❤️ are wonderful and greatly appreciated, but remember that Tumblr isn't Twitter, and RBs are the real currency here. Drink With Me was a true labour of love, that has taken an obscene amount of hours to complete, and I adore hearing any and all feedback. Even if it's just a keyboard smash. So please don’t be shy.🖤
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sygmarie4-w · 2 years
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More doodles, featuring Sevika
Silco: It's very creative.
Powder/Jinx: Thank you Mr. Silco! I can draw monkeys, skulls and explosive stuff, if you want I can draw mo-
Sevika: -Alright kid, don't bother the boss
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sygmarie4-w · 2 years
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Just a crime dad and his daughter
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sygmarie4-w · 2 years
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What could have been, I suppose 🥲
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sygmarie4-w · 2 years
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