system3net · 2 years
What Should Customers Ask Managed Service Providers?
It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day operations of your business. After all, you probably have your hands full trying to figure out how to best meet customer demand, maintain a certain inventory level, and keep things running smoothly. At some point, you need to take a step back and evaluate the bigger picture. If you’re currently using an outside managed service provider or thinking about bringing one on board as an additional service partner, it’s time to read up and get informed. A managed service provider (MSP) is essentially an IT company that offers expert IT services on a subscription basis and has experience working with small businesses like yours. IT managed services Delhi can take care of various IT tasks for you such as installing software patches and updates, handling data backups, monitoring system performance, fixing technical issues, upgrading hardware when necessary, and more. If this sounds like something your business could benefit from, read on for a comprehensive list of questions that you should ask any potential MSP partners before signing on with them.
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What is your company’s expertise?
By asking this question, you are trying to get a sense of where your MSP’s expertise lies. Ideally, you would want an MSP who is focused on your industry, has experience working with your type of business and has experience within your specific vertical. This is important because you don’t want an MSP who is trying to learn everything from scratch while they are working on your team. You want an MSP who understands your business needs and can hit the ground running. You also want to make sure that your MSP has the specific expertise (and skills) necessary to solve specific problems for your company. For example, if you have an aging infrastructure that is desperately in need of an overhaul, you want to make sure that your MSP specializes in this area so that they can address the problem head-on.
How long has your company been in business?
This is another important question to ask, particularly if you’re dealing with a smaller or newer MSP. Ideally, you want to work with an MSP that has been in business for at least a few years (preferably five). This will allow you to benefit from the MSP’s experience and track record, including any successes and failures they might have encountered along the way. A company that has been in business for a few years will probably be a better fit for your business than a newer company. After all, a company that has been in business for several years will have more experience dealing with a variety of different types of businesses. Plus, they will have more experience dealing with specific problems that your industry and type of business might encounter. A newer MSP might encounter these same problems, but they might not have the same level of experience solving them and implementing solutions.
Which employees will work on my team and who are they?
Ask about the specific employees who will be working on your team, as well as their qualifications and experience. Ideally, you want to work with an MSP whose employees are certified in the areas where you have specific needs. For example, if you need someone to handle your data backups, you want to make sure that the employees who will be performing this task are certified and/or have experience in data and patch management Delhi. Or, if you need someone to handle your network, you want to make sure that the staff who will be handling this task are network engineers. You also want to make sure that the employees who will be handling your team have the appropriate experience for the tasks that they will be performing. For example, if you need someone to manage your data backups, you want to make sure that this person has experience working with your specific types of data and that they have experience managing data backups in general.
How will you communicate with me and my team?
Find out how your MSP plans to communicate with you and your team. Ideally, the MSP will have a dedicated project manager who will be in charge of managing all communication between you and the MSP team. You want to make sure that you have direct access to this person at all times. You also want to make sure that you have their direct phone number and email address so that you can contact them directly if necessary. Ideally, communication between you and the MSP team will happen through collaborative project management software like Basecamp/Trello or another online tool.
How will you help train our team on new technologies?
Find out how your MSP will help train your team on new technologies and new skills. Ideally, your MSP will have a mentoring program as well as regular team meetings where employees can exchange knowledge and ideas. You want to make sure that your MSP will regularly bring in guest speakers to help train your team members on specific new technologies and other industry-related topics. You also want to make sure that they will regularly host webinars to keep your team up to date with the latest industry news and trends.
Can you provide references of companies that have worked with you before?
If you can get references, do so. You want to make sure that the companies that you talk to are honest and open in their answers. You might also want to talk to a few different companies to get a better picture of the MSP market and what your options are. Make sure that you take the time to carefully review the references that you receive from different MSPs. This will help you to avoid being deceived when talking to companies that might not be the best fit for your company. It is important to remember that references can be faked or biased since the company may be trying to get a new client at the same time that they are trying to get rid of an old one. Be sure to verify the references you are given and confirm that they are legitimate references by talking to a few people who worked with the company and might know the individuals who provided the reference. It is also important to keep in mind that the references you receive may not be 100% honest as they may be trying to make themselves look better by saying that they have worked with other companies and are better than they really are.
What is your philosophy when it comes to protecting our data and improving the security of our systems?
Find out what your MSP’s philosophy is when it comes to protecting your data and improving the security of your systems. Ideally, your MSP will have a defined security philosophy that they follow throughout your team. This will help to ensure that all data and systems are properly protected. You want to make sure that your MSP has both internal and external auditors who will be in charge of identifying weak spots and recommending improvements. Ideally, your MSP will be working with your team to identify areas that need improvement, as well as the best way to implement improvements.
How much time do you expect to invest in maintaining our current infrastructure and monitoring it on a day-to-day basis?
Find out how much time your MSP expects to spend maintaining your current infrastructure and monitoring it on a day-to-day basis. Ideally, your MSP’s tech team should be spending a significant amount of time each day managing your systems. This will help to ensure that they are always operating at peak efficiency and that they are ready to handle any potential emergencies that might come up. You want to make sure that your MSP has a robust schedule that they follow on a daily basis so that they can.
Original Source: What Should Customers Ask Managed Service Providers?
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system3net · 2 years
Key Tips to a Successful Rack and Stack
When it comes to succeeding in any profession, it is always important to understand the fundamentals of that particular field. In data center hardware implementation, the most basic concept is the physical placement of hardware inside a data center; or as IT professionals like to call it, the “rack and stack” of hardware into cabinets and racks. System3 Offers a Professional Service to Rack and Stack in India, but here are some useful strategies to consider for a rack and stack job if you want to do it on your own.
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Know the brand of the hardware and the brand of the rack beforehand
This will give you a feel for what adjustments are needed for the racks and hardware rails. If you know both the hardware and the rack are made by the same manufacturer (ex. EMC, Dell, IBM, etc.), then your job will be easier because the hardware is made to fit nicely into its accompanying rack. In other words, virtually no adjustments will be made to the rails or rack.
Understand all power requirements before arriving on site
A key factor that delays many projects is power-related issues. In some instances, a client’s data center is not prepared with the necessary power for the given project. This can end up delaying a project by several days or weeks. However, with a little more preparation on the consulting side, this is an avoidable concern.
Contact the Data Center a few days in advance of the on-site visit.
Make sure their facilities manager allocates the proper amount of power circuits if brand-new racks are installed.
Confirm with the ISP for Circuit Delivery
You don’t want to be on-site without any Internet connectivity. Work with ISP’s closely to ensure that circuit delivery and last-mile patching is done before the equipment arrives on site.
Know the type of PDU’s (Power Distribution Units) used in the data center
Some PDU’s have outlets for the “C13 to NEMA 5-15P” standard power cables while other PDU’s have outlets for the “C13 to C14” power cables. C13 to NEMA 5-15P power cables have a female end that plugs into the hardware device and a male end which has three prongs and plugs into the power outlet. The C13 to C14 power cables are similar except the male end has a hooded enclosure over the prongs. Order the Right Power Cords
Organise for Onsite Arrival
Plan where the equipment will be unloaded, how will it be unloaded, and who will do this – do you need extra manpower? Where will the Equipment be prepared, how much storage space do you have? Who will move the Equipment from the store to the racks?
Understand Data Center Layout
Is the rack space allocated sufficient, both for today and for your future growth? What happens when you need more racks – will they be adjacent, or in another aisle? Review sales order and hardware list to ensure enough rack space are available for all equipment (Both rack mount and non-rackmount).
Be prepared with the necessary tools and materials
One would have a tough time completing a rack and stack with their bare hands. Here are some tools & materials we recommend:
Screwdriver drill and bit set
When racking and stacking many pieces of hardware, it can get very tiring to mount all screws with a standard screwdriver. A drill will save time and energy.
Standard Phillips head and flat-head screwdrivers
The drill should be used the majority of the time, but standard screwdrivers are handy for awkward angles that arise from time to time.
Scissors or box cutter
These are absolutely necessary for cutting through boxes, tape, and packing materials.
Zip Ties or Velcro ties
Racking and stacking involve a large volume of cables. These ties are essential for cable management, cleanliness, and organization.
Label Printer & Label Tapes
You will need to label everything, from cables to equipment.
Spare Power Cords
Never a bad idea to have few at hand, if for nothing else some boxed material may have dead on-arrival power cords.
Cage Nuts and Screws
While most of the rack rails today do not need these, you never know which equipment did not come with the right nut and screw set and will end up not getting mounted properly.
Safety first: always ask for assistance when needed
In many instances, the rack stack pop India engineer is left to complete the work independently. While this is certainly doable, there are times when it is just too difficult to lift a heavy piece of hardware above one’s head and line it up into a rack. Trying to handle an excessive load can lead to injury or damage to the expensive hardware. The best solution for this is asking someone for help or using a server lift machine.
Document your rack design and layout
Label all servers, IT equipment, and rack accessories. As you are labeling, remember to record all serial numbers. Having a complete inventory of all the equipment in the rack and continuously documenting changes will keep you better informed in the future.
Install the heaviest servers and equipment at the bottom of the rack
Maintaining the bulk of weight at the bottom of the rack will prevent it from tipping over in the future.
Label both ends of cables
Keep track of network connections precisely. Accurate port mapping and cable traceability will greatly help engineers and technicians with ongoing maintenance.
Use different colors of cables to distinguish different roles and functions
We like to use Blue and Red Powercords to differentiate between A and B Power Feeds, and Multiple colors of Networking Patch management Delhi cords to plan for Storage, Primary, and Secondary Network Connections
Tie off Cables in bundles per function
Using either plastic cable ties or Velcro. There is a disadvantage to using plastic cable ties as they must be cut to make any modifications. Velcro, on the other hand, can be unbound and rebound as needed to make adjustments without having to unbind the whole cable run.
Leave slack in the cables
Eight inches of slack is ideal, but you should leave no more than twelve inches of slack as this excess can become cumbersome.
Do not bundle power cables next to data cables
Bundling the different types of cables closely together causes electromagnetic interference.
Original Source: Key Tips to a Successful Rack and Stack
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system3net · 2 years
India Specific Challenges for your Rack and Stack?
Doing business in any country comes with it's own set of challenges. This document in no manner talks about India being a difficult place, but knowing about the challenges only prepares us to plan for a fast turnaround.
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Equipment Import into India
This becomes your first entry challenge, especially if you are importing equipment yourself or just sending it to an IT service provider Delhi for it to be provisioned in India. Ensuring the receiver has an IEC Number (Import Export Code), can handle Paperwork, and has an account with which Customs Duty and charges can be paid.
E-Waste Declarations
If you are opening the boxes to Install them before shipping, and or it is refurbished equipment being sent – chances are it will be marked as e-waste and will require clearance from the Environment Team, as well as a Declaration that the material will be shipped back as per e-waste policies of the Government of India.
Value Assessment
It does not matter that you are a large customer for a specific brand, and get 70% discounts on your Purchase. Value assessment for Customs Duty is done as per rates available to the officer. Ensure you send proper documentation showing Purchase, Payment proof, etc if you really want to show a value that is lesser than the Online Prices of the Same Goods.
Local and State Taxes
Depending on which state your Goods get cleared, and which state they are headed to, there may be a local Tax Such as Excise and or Octroi. While the Government of India has now established Goods and Service Tax (GST), there are State Entry charges that may need to be paid when goods travel across states. This may also require additional paperwork that you will need to provide to your logistics provider.
E-Way Bills
Moving goods across states and even inside states for goods valued over Rs. 50,000 needs an e-way bill. Ensure proper documentation is done for goods movement.
While it is not common to lose goods during transit, one can only be careful. Ensure your goods are Insured, and make sure you have checked with Logistics Providers if they approve of the Insurance company. We know of a Large Logistics and Shipment provider that only accepts insurance from one company.
Local Handling
While it may be customary for Technicians to help unload, load, and move equipment on their own, you may face this to be challenged with both the Data Center Management India and Hands-On Teams – asking for helping hands.
Come Monsoons and moving equipment in cities like Mumbai and Chennai becomes a challenge. There are delays in Shipments, Manpower availability, and other challenges. Plan for Delays as per local conditions.
Inventory Check
Customs opens a large number of boxes for verification. There are times we have seen cables/connectors gone missing, and it becomes difficult to track if we lost them at the point of shipment, customs, or receiving. Make sure inventory checks are done at each handover point.
Original Source: India Specific Challenges for your Rack and Stack?
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system3net · 2 years
Everything You Need to Know About System Hardening
Cybersecurity is one of the essential topics in both the business and IT world. However, this topic can seem pretty overwhelming to average business owners. IT security is a complicated subject, and it can be challenging to understand advanced security protocols. The good thing about IT security is that it is a layered practice. System hardening will help you in learning about the cybersecurity approach. It will set up the groundwork for a secure IT infrastructure.
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What is System hardening?
System hardening refers to the best practices, methods, and tools you can use to reduce the attack surface. It will help reduce the attack surface in your hardware, data systems, and software. The main aim of system hardening is to reduce the vulnerability or threat profiles of your technology resources.
It involves the identification, remediation, and auditing of security vulnerabilities that can be present in your organization. These vulnerabilities generally include the following things:
Improperly configured IT security tools,
Unencrypted data,
Unpatched firmware and software,
Default credentials or passwords stored in public files,
Poorly configured IT assets.
Benefits of Systems Hardening
Systems hardening is essential for both compliance and security. It will be an important part of your IT End Point security Delhi strategy. The most crucial benefit of Systems hardening is that it will help reduce your attack surface. You are reducing the risk of cyberattacks. You can also avoid downtime and regulatory fines due to cyber attacks.
System hardening will help you in improving your security posture. Before deploying security solutions like EDR tools, you should embrace them. If you use these advanced security solutions in poorly configured devices, these tools won’t work correctly. It is like you have installed security cameras in your house, but your back door is still open. Advanced security tools can’t protect your business until you use a hardened system.
Types of System hardening
System hardening will help you secure your software applications, operating system, networks, databases, firmware, and other essential elements of your computer system. The definition of system hardening applies to your entire IT infrastructure. However, several subsets will require different tools and approaches. Some of the main types of system hardening are:
Server hardening
Ensure that your server’s OS is updated and patched. Regularly update your 3rd party software, which is essential for your server. You should remove the 3rd party software applications that are not following good cybersecurity standards.
Make sure you use strong and complex passwords to protect your servers. Automatically lock user accounts after several failed login attempts to encrypt your essential data. Disable USB ports at boot time, and implement multi-factor authentication as it will help protect your network from brute force attacks.
Software application hardening
Application hardening involves implementing or updating additional IT security measures to protect your third-party and standard applications. Server hardening focuses on securing your entire server system by design. However, application hardening focuses on your server applications. Applications like spreadsheet programs, browsers, and custom software applications your business uses must be hardened.
Use firewalls to protect your network. Make sure you are using spyware, malware protection, and antivirus to protect your applications. Software-based data encryption will help you in protecting your data. Patch your third-party and standard applications. Make sure you use Intrusion detection systems (IDS) and Intrusion prevention systems (IPS).
Database Hardening
Secure both your DBMS and the data stored in your digital database. You can start by restricting administrative functions and privileges. Encrypt your at-rest and in-transit database information, and follow an RBAC or role-based access control policy.
Turn off useless database functions and services. Regularly updating your DBMS will ensure your network is protected from known vulnerabilities. Lock your database accounts if you detect any suspicious login activity.
Network hardening
The first step is securing your communication infrastructure by hardening your network and protecting your computer systems and servers from an attacker; establishing an intrusion detection or prevention system is second.
Properly secure and configure network firewalls, disable network protocols, disable unnecessary network ports, disable network services you are not using, encrypt network traffic, and audit network rules. These techniques will help you in protecting your network from attackers. Make sure that you are using these techniques with your intrusion prevention system.
Operating system hardening
Your server OS is targeted by attackers. Operating system hardening will help you in securing your server’s operating system. You can harden your operating system by following techniques like patch management. Make sure that you are regularly monitoring and installing patches, updates, and IT service provider India packs, taking a step towards Operating system security.
System Hardening Checklist
Manage access
Patch vulnerabilities
Control network traffic
Remove unnecessary software applications:
Secure communications (use secure protocols)
Ongoing monitoring
Harden remote sessions
Regular backups
Original Source: Everything You Need to Know About System Hardening
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