#& BTW hes not all 'i am dead who gives a shit about the world' he is 'i have been forced to be a monster in the same form my mother used to
anyatomy · 5 months
Deso gerry is still really bad btw. I would hope everyone has grown past surface level character analysis but i dont think im that lucky
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frozenmoonshine · 9 months
Headcanon - Hanma Shuuji as your boyfriend
Ok, I hate myself for writing this, 'cause I hate this bitch just as much as Pissaki, but I've been fighting my intrusive fluffy thoughts about him and they won, sooo here they are:
Beware of insinuated hetero relationship, f!reader, and common terms of endearment.
He's a flirt, definitely. He knows he gets lots of attention from the fairer sex simply for being tall and good looking, but he also loves the fact that he's a smooth talker and can get pretty much any girl to fall for him. And he's not better than doing just that, simply because he needs some amusement in his life. Talk about being a piece of shit, going around breaking hearts for fun.
‌However, if he genuinely falls for someone, he basically does a 180⁰ turn and is the most loyal lover you could get! He will, most definitely and undeniably, try to make his SO jealous by casually flirting left and right, just because he can, and he enjoys seeing your frustrated, annoyed, jealous face. However, if you get jealous or hurt for real, he will genuinely freak out, and will try his best to reassure you that he loves you and that he was just messing with you. You are the only one for him, after all, his safe haven and his light! If he realizes that he stepped overboard with his "jokes", he will change his behaviour immediately. Idk why, but he just gives me the vibe of someone who perfectly understands boundaries, and he will choose to honor his commitments.
‌He himself is not jealous at all, and no matter what you may do, he wouldn't get jealous. The bastard is just so cocky and aware of his desirability (even tho he overestimates himself quite a lot), it's unnerving! But unless he straight up catches you "red handed" with another guy, he won't be jealous in the slightest. And if that happens, if you do cheat on him, then he might just beat your side piece to a pulp, and walk out on you like you never even existed. He will be heartbroken about it for a long time, tho.
‌Don't do him dirty, even as annoying and flawed as he is, he is still worth it! He can be super loving and affectionate in private, and he will be your no. 1 cheerleader, in whatever you're aspiring to achieve. Tell him all about your adventures tho, he loves a good story!
‌He gets too easily bored, so he would fall head over heels for someone who can engage him in deep and interesting conversations, and be a bit of a tease as well, just enough to always keep him on the edge of his seat, but not to overdo it. After all, he is the tease one in the relationship, and he doesn't like the idea of giving up that title.
‌Speaking of him being a tease... yes, he's absolutely insufferable! In every sense. (Yes, that too!)
‌Dates with him are always so random and spontaneous, like, he'd take you on a bike ride to the beach at 3 AM, and you'd make sand castles in the dead of the night, just because. It's totally not because he's secretly a hopeless romantic and wanted to watch the sunrise with you, btw. Or he might get you out of your school/work just to take you to the rooftop of the highest building in his neighborhood, where you guys can throw water baloons on the passers-by down there, and photograph their reactions. Or you two would be in a middle of a rollercoaster ride and he'd scream into your ear: "Babe, let's go have a picnic in the woods, this ride is boring!" The worst best part - his idea of a "picnic" is pranking hikers by making weird noises. At least one thing is for sure with him - there is never a single dull moment!
‌But even as the chaos elemental that he is, he is actually looking for (inner) peace. He would want to feel safe and taken care of in a relationship, and I can picture him falling for his childhood friend. If not that, then he'd definitely go for the cozy, domestic, girl-next-door type. Despite what he shows to the outer world, he just craves familiarity and warmth.
‌His friend-turned-girlfriend definitely calls him Shuu-chan. He pretends it annoys him, but there's nothing he loves hearing more. And I will die on that hill if need be!
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graciegoeskrazy · 3 months
if i believe u
matty healy + daughter!r (ft. gabbriette, charli, and george!)
warnings: angsty asf but what did u except, matty says he regresas being a dad, step moms(???), queen gabbriette, shitty matty, lying, yelling, a curse word or two, just general family angst, longest one if written in awhile, george n charli
a/n: first matty daughter r in awhile but 5 SEPERATE PEOPLE ASKED FOR THIS so i had to do it obvi. btw im not hating on gab she’s actually the hero of this story i will not tolerate gabbriette slander only matty slander eheheh. ty to my lovely anons who requested it makes me happy🤭
r is about 13 ish
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Your dad said him and Gabby were going out to dinner while you were at your end of the year dance. It was an event for middle schoolers, nothing crazy, but they figured they’d take advantage of a couple hours to themselves by having a romantic dinner out. He said they’d be home well before you ended your night, and to just text when you got home.
“I’m home!”
You were met with no answer. You didn’t think much about it and went to your room, starting to take off your jewelry from the night.
“Hey, dancing queen.” He said, appearing in the doorway.
You smiled at his comment, looking back at him. “How was dinner?” You asked.
He cleared his throat before speaking. “Good…really really good.”
You thought his response was interesting, but didn’t look to much into it, just taking off your heels from the evening.
“Where’s Gabby?” You asked.
“Bedroom. Thought i’d talk to you in private for a second.”
You turned back suddenly. “About what?” He chuckled when your face turned to worry so quickly.
“Nothing bad. Don’t worry. No one is dead.”
You smiled back, crossing your arms. “Then what is it?”
He looked down at his hands, specifically one finger.
He rarely wore new rings, always sticking to the same ones. You quickly noticed he was grazing over a new one.
One that laid on a certain finger.
You already knew your answer, but you asked anyway, “What’s that?”
He showed a coy smile, while examining the ring on his own finger. “An engagement ring.” He said, smiling.
A part of himself couldn’t believe it. You definitely couldn’t believe it either.
“You’re engaged?” You asked, voice quiet.
“Yeah,” He said, with a faded breath. “Yeah honey, I am.”
Your voice became quiet. “To Gabby?”
“Yeah.” His smile wouldn’t go away. He hasn't smiled like that in so long. A part of you wanted to take a picture of it. Another part of you wanted to wipe it off his face.
“Wow.” was all you could say at the moment.
You spoke after a second of silence. “Are you sure about this dad?”
“About what? Marrying the love of my life?”
He started to get defensive right away. “I mean, Dad, I don’t know her.” You let out a short laugh and smile, as if that should’ve been obvious. “Yeah, she’s been nothing but nice but, you haven't been dating for even a year? And now what? She’s gonna move in with us?”
You saw his face turn. “No, we’re moving in with her.” He said quickly.
You couldn’t believe it. And the fact that he said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world made it harder. “Wh-what about London?”
He started to look anywhere but at you. “We’re gonna move to the states, baby.”
He can’t be serious.
You blinked at him, unsure if this was a dream. “So…I get zero say in this?”
He scoffed. “God forbid I try and give you some stability in life- a family.”
Your blood started to boil. “She’s not even old enough to be my mother.”
“Y/n Healy!”
“And what stability? My life has been a faltering mess since you’ve opened your mouth!” Your voice was now at ten, his not far behind.
“Do not talk to me like that young lady.” He stood straighter, in full authoritative dad mode.
“Don’t talk like what? Don’t tell the truth?” His eyebrow quirked. “You know full well the reason people dropped me, or the reason I had to switch friend groups is because of the stupid shit you’ve said.” He sighed, he knew you were right about that one. “Dad, it’s not that you’re getting married, it’s the fact that you didn’t even think to tell me!”
“I thought you would be happy! This is good news!”
“What about this conversation we’re having screams ‘happiness’?” You said while gesturing between the two of you.
“Oh, so you hate Gabby?”
You rolled your eyes. “I don’t hate Gabby- I never said I did!”
“Oh so, you just don’t want me to marry her. You don’t want me to be happy.” He started to get protective, voice full of venom.
“I never said that ethier!” You were growing tired.
“Then what is it?”
You felt that it was painfully obvious, but clearly not. “Dad, my whole life is here. My school, my only friends, my home, and you’re just gonna take that away from me in an instant? Without any warning?” He started getting angry. You kept going.
“You didn’t even think about asking me!”
“I wouldn’t have to think about asking if you weren’t here!”
And there it was. The truth. The thought you’ve been dreading to hear since the moment you found out your existence wasn’t exactly planned. The straw that broke the camels back. The words you knew were always true, but never thought you’d actually hear him say.
Your world went blurry after that. Gabbriette stormed in, yelling “Matty!”, and shielding you from your father and any other personal or verbal attacks he might make, but the truth was that he recognized his mistake right after he said it.
He promised himself, right after you were born, he would never make you feel like a mistake. A burden. He wouldn’t be one of those dads. But here he was, frozen. Standing in front of his fiancé while she hold his baby girl, sobbing, because of his words. Because he made her feel that way.
You cried into her. She held you close. Your father slowly became aware of his mistakes and what he had done. Gabbriette looked at him, still holding on tight to you. “Get out.”
He swallowed. “I didn’t mean-“
“Get out Matthew.” She said sharply.
He walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.
It felt like the weight of the world came crashing down on your shoulders. The truth, finally free, so heavy that you couldn’t keep up anymore, you came falling down with it.
Gabby knew he didn’t entirely mean it. But, her focus was on the task at hand. And that was getting you back to feeling safe. You sobbed and sobbed into her, the cries getting more violent over time. “It’s alright, i’ve got you.” She brought you to the bed, soothing you and kissing your head gently. “I’m right here.”
Matty woke up the next morning with a raging headache. He turned to find his fiancé’s side of the bed empty and cold. He sighed.
The knocks wouldn’t stop. He begrudgingly leapt out of bed and to the front door. When he opened the door he was met with Charli and George, standing side by side. Both still in lounge clothes but Charli wide awake, compared to George who looked half asleep.
“What did you do to your daughter now?” She asked, crossing her hands over her chest, voice full of power.
Matty tried rubbing his eyes awake, but it was no use. “What?” he asked, voice full of sleep.
Charli ignored him and flew past him through the house. “You think my kid was really capable of keeping her mouth shut? Baby?! Auntie Charli is here!!!”
George, still in his sleepy state, met his friend, closing the door behind him. “What did you do man?”
Matty sighed, putting his hands over his eyes to block out the peaks of sun coming in as he made his way to the living room. “I messed up.”
George rolled his eyes, “Well clearly because Charli wouldn’t wake me at 7am if it wasn’t important.”
Matty groaned and leaned back. “How did she even know?”
George shrugged, “Your girl must’ve texted ours.” Matty hummed. “She swore to y/n she wouldn’t tell us, but she was worried about what you said to her. Came crying to us this morning.”
George patted him on the shoulder and started to leave the room. “I’m making coffee. Go put pants on and then tell me what happened.”
earlier that morningr - 4am
You only left your bed once after the fight and it was only to change out of your dress from the dance and into pjs Gabbriette gathered for you after much convincing that you’d be more comfortable.
She brushed your hair back and into a ponytail. When she tried to leave after you finally settled, you begged her in your sleepy state to stay.
So she did.
Come 4 am, you were wide awake. Unable to get your fathers words out of your mind. “Are you awake?” You said.
“Yeah.” She said.
It took you a second but she spoke. “I’m sorry, Gabby.”
She opens her eyes and turned to face you, grabbing your face softly with one hand in the process. “You have nothing to apologize for, y/n-”
You started crying at the gesture. “I don’t hate you! I swear I don’t! He’s lying-“
She shushed you. “I know you don’t, sweet girl. He’s just trying to get in your head after everything.”
You slowly nodded and she sighed. “You need to know that you did nothing wrong. Ever.”
Your cries turned to sniffles. “Yes I did.”
“What did you do?”
“I existed?”
She knew this is how you really felt, and it hurt her so much to realize that the person who was supposed to be the love of her life did this to his own daughter. He made you feel this way. Nothing or no one else. “Honey, that’s not true.”
“Yes it is. He said it!”
“Well what he said was wrong.” She said frim, yet caring. “No doubt about it.”
The sniffles slowly softened even more over time. After a minute or two in comfortable silence, you spoke. “I hope you still love him though.”
She laughed, not expecting your honest remark. “Unfortunately, I still do. With all my heart.” She didn’t miss the smile that danced on your lips. “Go back to sleep. I don’t need him clouding your thoughts when you’re trying to get your beauty rest.”
You closed your eyes, snuggling closer to her, hand quickly grazing over hers in the process. “Damn girl, that’s a big fucking rock.” You said.
She laughed and smiled.
She explained everything to Chali when she woke them up the next morning. You hid in the bed, crying. You had thought so but she did confirm that she was eavesdropping the entire time. You didn’t mind though. She had your back and that was all that matters.
Matty sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the framed picture he held in his hands. Your bright, innocent smile seemed to mock him, reminding him of the days when you would run into his arms after school, eager to share every detail of your day, no matter how mundane it was.
He thought about how you stood by him, through it all. It didn’t matter if it was family issues, band drama, or even his drug addiction. He loved the fact he didn’t have to pretend to be someone for you, not a rockstar, a perfect son or friend, just Dad, your Dad. And for a very very very long time, that was all you needed.
The house felt colder, quieter. He took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair, and stood up.
It was time. Gabbriette had left for some errands earlier that morning, making a point to look your father dead in the eyes and telling him to ‘man up and do it.’ Truthfully, he couldn’t let another day pass without trying to bridge the gap between the two of you. With determined steps, he walked down the hallway to your room. He knocked gently on the door, the sound echoing louder than he anticipated in the silent house. “Baby? Can we talk?” he called, his voice wavering slightly. No response. He knocked again, a little louder this time.
“Baby girl, please. I just want to talk.”
Still nothing. He sighed, leaning his forehead against the door. “I’m coming in,” he said softly, turning the knob and pushing the door open.
You were sitting at your desk, your back to him, headphones on, absorbed in a sketchpad. Your long curly hair, nearly identical to the ones Matty used to embrace, cascaded down your back, slightly hiding your face from him. He took a step inside, the creak of the floorboard announcing his presence.
“Y/n?” he tried again, his voice barely above a whisper.
You didn’t turn around. He could see your shoulders tense, though, and he knew you heard him. Guilt twisted in his stomach, but he pressed on.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. For everything.”
There was a flicker of movement; you paused your drawing but didn’t remove your headphones. Matty felt a pang of desperation.
“I know I’ve made mistakes. Big ones. And I know I’ve hurt you,” he continued, his voice cracking. “I was so caught up in my own problems that I didn’t see how it was affecting you. And for that, I’m truly sorry.”
He watched as your hand gripped the pencil tighter. It was a small reaction, but it was something. He took another step closer, now standing just a few feet behind you.
“I miss you,” he said, his voice barely audible. “I miss our talks, our laughs. I miss my daughter.”
Slowly, you reached up and removed your headphones, placing them carefully on the desk. You didn’t turn to face him, but your silence spoke volumes. Matty took it as an invitation to continue.
“I don’t expect you to forgive me right away. Or even talk to me. I just… I just needed you to know how sorry I am.”
There was a long pause. Matty felt the weight of the silence pressing down on him, each second stretching into an eternity. He opened his mouth to say something else but then closed it, unsure of what more he could add.
Finally, you spoke, voice barely a whisper. “You can’t just say sorry and expect everything to be okay.”
Your words, though quiet, felt like a punch to his gut. He nodded, though you couldn’t see him. “I know,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “I know.”
“It’s not that simple, Dad,” Your voice broke slightly. “You hurt me. A lot.”
He felt tears welling up in his eyes. “I know I did. And I hate myself for it. But I love you, darling. More than anything in the world. You know that.”
You finally turned around, eyes red and filled with tears. You looked at him for a long moment, searching his face for something—truth, perhaps, or sincerity. Your dad held his breath, afraid to move, afraid to break whatever fragile connection you had in that moment.
“You said you regret having me,” you said, voice trembling. “That you wished I wasn’t here- How do you expect me to forgive that?”
His heart shattered at your words. He knelt down beside your chair, looking up at you. “Darling, I was wrong. I was so wrong. I was overwhelmed and stressed, and I lashed out in the worst possible way. I didn’t mean it. Not for a second.”
You looked up, blinking away the tears streaming down your face. “But you said it. You can’t just take it back.”
“I know,” he said, voice breaking. “I know I can’t. But please believe me when I say I didn’t mean it. I love you more than anything in this world. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
You wiped your eyes with the back of your hand. “It doesn’t feel like it.”
Matty felt desperation clawing at him. “I’ve been a terrible father, y/n. I let my own problems cloud my judgment. But I want to change. I need to change. For you. For us. That’s why maybe this whole engagement thing isn’t a bad idea?”
You sniffled again, giving a serious look, “I don’t hate Gabby.”
He sighed, “I know you don’t-“
“You really hurt me, Dad.” Your eyes were filled with pain and tears.
He nodded, tears streaming down his face. “I know, sweetheart. And I’m so, so sorry. I’ll do whatever it takes to make things right. Just… please give me a chance.”
You looked down at your work, fingers tracing the lines you’d drawn. Matty watched you, his heart aching for a sign of hope.
“I don’t know if I can forgive you,” you said softly. “Not yet.”
Matty nodded, his heart heavy. “I understand,” he said gently. “I’m not asking you to. I just want you to know that I’m here. And I’m not going anywhere.”
You looked at him, eyes searching his face. “Do you really mean it?” you asked, voice small. “That you’re sorry?”
Matty met your gaze, his eyes filled with tears, and smiled. “With all my heart,” he said. “I’m so, so sorry, my love.”
You held his gaze for a long moment, then nodded, a single tear sliding down your cheek. “Okay,” you whispered. “We’ll see.”
Matty smiled through his tears, a small, hopeful smile. It was a start, a glimmer of hope in the darkness. And for now, that was enough.
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afrotunada · 2 months
incomplete list of fun and interesting things I've learned about Jason Todd through my scattered readings and late night googling
One time, he was sooo desperate for affection and validation, he was willing to risk it all after an accidental, spur of the moment kiss with Barbara Gordon in Three Jokers Issue #2. Alas, he was thwarted by a janitor, the poor bastard...(much to everyone's relief I'm sure) (Batman: Three Jokers)
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Batman: Three Jokers Issue #3
In addition to statuesque amazons (Artemis), blonde bombshells (Isabel Ardila), white-haired beauties (Essence and Rose Wilson), and Dick's ex-girlfriends, Jason also likes smart, curvy ladies ;) selfshippers rejoice! (although I myself am not so curvy, his love of normal girls is a positive in my book<3) (Red Hood: The Hill)
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Jason hooking up with Dana's friend and employee Carmen Ortega while Dana herself (as Strike) gets her shit rocked by her other (former) friend and employee Omar (as Slayer) on the other side of town - as one does. Red Hood: The Hill Issue #2
One of Jason's first overtures at rejoining the Batfam was made in the New 52 relaunch of the 2011 comic Batman Incorporated, where he takes on the persona of Wingman at the behest of Bruce. He even teams up with Damian Wayne (going by Redbird at the time), forming their own very brief Batman & Robin-esque pair! Also, they both looked kind of ridiculous... [apparently, takes place sometime during Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 1 (2011-2015), around issues 17 and 18 and Death of A Family, but before Damian's death and his own Joker-induced gas coma. weird ass timeline!] (Batman Incorporated (2012))
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Yes, that is, in fact, Jason in that getup. It's giving Cybercop Owlman. Peak fashion, actually. Batman Incorporated (2012) Issue #4
(as an additional aside, post New 52 and into the Rebirth era, Jay and Bruce start patching things up (kinda) and enter a truce of sorts starting in the Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth one-shot from 2016. Yay!)
In the Elseworld of Batman: White Knight (also known as the Murphyverse for it's creator - Sean Murphy), Jason Todd is the eldest son instead of Dick Grayson, meaning that he was actually both the first Robin, and Bruce's first adopted son! He was still captured and tortured by the Joker tho....he escaped alive, but was presumed dead and given a burial and tombstone - as in the main universe - and Dick was taken on as Robin in his "absence." Poor guy! He can't catch a break even in AUs! BUT!! He does gets his own Robin sidekick in this universe - Gan! (also known as Robin IV, a young woman of Mongolian descent who took up the mantel herself with a homemade costume (similar to Stephanie Brown)). In fact, she's the one who encourages him to become Red Hood in the first place! (Batman: White Knight)
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Harley Quinn is a primary protagonist of this universe, btw, and pretty much saves Jason from being killed Batman: White Knight Issue #2
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Gan is my adorable daughter and Jason (the messy bitch as she calls him) deserves his own chaos gremlin apprentice<3 Panel 1 - Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood Issue #1 Panels 2 & 3 - Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood Issue #2
Speaking of AUs and elseworlds, in 2002's World Without Young Justice, Jason Todd was a circus acrobat, as per his original pre-crisis origin (minus the red hair). In this AU, he's dating fellow circus member Anita Fite (normally Empress, but here known as Voodoo Princess), but she ends up assassinating him at the behest of his step-mom, Catherine Todd, because he discovered his parents dirty business dealings with Killer Croc. What the hell Catherine? (Young Justice Vol. 1 - World Without Young Justice, Part 1: The World What Once We Knew)
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Young Justice (1998) Issue #44 - World Without Young Justice, Part 1: The world What Once We Knew
Anyway! This isn't comprehensive or anything, just a post made in fun to put together some things about Jason that I think were funny/interesting that the fandom doesn't know/talk about much. Might add more later if I come across other stuff during my readings (maybe not for a while tho; I am currently consumed by World's Finest and following the Absolute Power event).
But yeah! Feel free to add on if you like! :)
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rainycloud444 · 25 days
‼️Season 5 spoilers btw‼️
For this idea, the two had only established feelings for one another recently and haven’t discussed a relationship (considering they are in the middle of a world ending mission so they decided to have smth to look forward to after all of this mess and wait)
Also Mk was forced to stay with Nüwa for the sake of the plot. OR chose to stay idk you can decide. 🫶🏻
Red is there when Mk has to jump through the portal and stuff to save the world, he is completely heart broken. He isn’t able to reach out to Mk in time to stop him. He is on the ground screaming sobbing Mk’s name, fire is just fuming all around him (I like to personally head cannon that if he is upset enough/in major distress his fire color varies from blue to white as it gets very hot.) out of impulse he decides to open a portal to the celestial realm and leave with no explanation. Just gone.
And I was thinking at the end he just arrives back to Flower Fruit Mountain where everyone met up in ‘memorial’ for Mk and Red just tiredly (incredibly beat up) walks up the mountain with a sleeping Mk in his arms. Everyone is just gobsmacked by this, and of course are in tears and stuff. Red collapses from exhaustion FINALLY (cause he knows Mk will be safe and he can rest *cries profusely*)
Later on Mk wakes up and all of that fun stuff. His friends all greet him and blah blah blah and he is all like “You guys are so amazing for doing this” and they are all like “Um- we did NOT do that, Red did” and he is all like “Pardon 🤠” utterly flabbergasted LMAO. (I was thinking the reason they didn’t try to do the same was because they thought yk, Mk was dead dead as in fully gone disappeared into the earth gone, and Red was just in utter denial and knew it was some sneaky ass celestial realm shit. Sooo that was his motive!) Obviously not because he doesn’t think Redson couldn’t do it but because Red loved Mk so much he ripped through the celestial realm, almost fucking died MULTIPLE times, AND LITERALLY HAD TO GO AGAINST THE CREATOR OF LIFE HERSELF (You can decide on how that would happen. I personally imagine it as a bargain of some sort) just to save him. And bring him back home with no scratches (on Mk)
Of course they see each other Red all bandaged up and Mk is sobbing like “Omg you dumbass why did you do that for me” and Red is all like “Your the dumbass who jumped into the portal to sacrifice yourself. And you are plenty of worth destroying the world and celestial realm for, I wouldn’t want them anyways if you weren’t there.” And Mk is just internally melting and sobbing. And and then Red son makes a stupid joke about not getting a goodbye kiss which makes Mk laugh and then they kiss.
A little bonus: Redson goes down in history for being a force to reckon with when it came to his lover (insert cool historic sounding love story title) and his parents are super proud of him all that fun stuff 💪💪
(This song gives me this story energy 😫)
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ultraviolet-cello · 8 months
Aw man. Today's the last day of @tristampparty and I am surprisingly sad about it. I'll be catching up the days I missed at some point, but I've chucked all that I've written, including today, into a google document and I apparently wrote 7.5k words over the course of episode 6 to today.
That's! A Lot!
I really wanna thank everyone who reblogged and gave me their additional thoughts/commentary, and special thanks to Revenantghost for organizing this whole thing! you do good work for this fandom i am giving u a gold star
With that, here we go into Episode 0 - High Noon at July. CWs for pregnancy discussion and a less detailed than last time but still present analysis of sexual assault and transphobia, marked with a [CW] Ofc, spoilers for Trimax and Tristamp
Cowboy kid Knives is something u can pry from my cold dead hands but it's also,,, I don't watch a lot of westerns, but the way Knives describes it seems like he likes the high action and justice. Which yea. yeah.
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A lot of ppl interpret Vash then saying that he doesn't like that sorta stuff as him having always had pacifistic tendencies but I don't really read it that way? I just see him being rather similar to Trimax Vash - chill kid with his own interests and hobbies and Knives being the very oversensitive kid so outshines him initially.
Regardless of version of Trigun (except 98. 98 didn't know shit about knives lmao), Vash and Knives have always started off wanting to coexist and be peaceful; it's just how they reacted to it later that differs. In this case, Knives wants to stand up for his friends and make a peaceful world through that, and Vash is more passive in that he just wants to have faith in humanity.
Not to mention they are kids. Young, idealistic kids. This is pre-Tesla, they don't know the extent of how horrible the world is. The loss of innocence and subsequent breakdowns relating to The Horrors is yet to come.
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[CW] Mmmmm they really don't make the pregnancy imagery subtle now do they dfgkjdfjk
I also think there's like - merit in also interpreting Knives as trans. Not Just because i think he's also very trans coded (A lot of his breakdowns and story arcs have reflections in how some trans men overcompensate masculinity in a Bad Way. That's a very small subsection of trans guys btw but I am speaking from experience. I got better tho). Anyway it makes the fact that Knives is disregarding Vash's bodily autonomy very much Worse if you take the male plants are trans analogy into it.
He's so far gone that he's willing to do to Vash what would be the worst thing to be done to him; Violating his body to rebuild and make him a perfect independent ("remind him of biological reality"), physically overpowering him ("taking the aggressor, commonly masculine role in sexual assault") to do what he wants. Disregarding the wants and needs of the Plants ("women +fem-presenting ppl that he originally set out to protect because he knew their experience and wanted to help and still has that trauma from witnessing that trauma")
Ofc that's just a reading of the scene, but I quite like it as a trans guy because that makes a really good villain with trans themes/motifs! I hate him so much (affectionate)
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No, no she doesn't. Meryl is making a choice and she's gonna damn well stick to it! She's been given agency and she's gonna spend it in the most eldritch horrific scene that someone on that planet could spend it lmao. Well, no Knives takes most eldritch and horrific. Meryl's second tho
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Okay this fucking scene drives me INSANE. This is a memory, clearly, but it's one that's being tampered with. Vash asks Knives if they can get along with humans, and then Knives immediately messes with the memory to make sure that he says that he'll protect Vash no matter what. But that is very clearly not what was originally said, so... What did he say? What was present day Knives so desperate to cut off?
I've talked about the narrative being biased against Knives a lot, but something I haven't talked about is that Knives kinda tries to contribute to that narrative a lot. He wants to seem like he never cared about humans, he wants to seem like he always planned this and was going for justice ever since he was a kid. He tells Vash the Tesla incident was just a small grain of sand, he uses Luida to tell everyone he wants to kill Rem, he's unbearably cruel to Vash to make his point. The only difference is that he wants to be right.
So he doesn't let us see what the kid version of him says, because that would contradict the narrative he's built for himself.
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I really wanna give props to Studio Orange here for both the design and way they modelled the wing here, that's a really difficult task when the guy you're putting a wing on has a tight as hell bodysuit. But the anatomy holds up surprisingly well!
Also many people have pointed out that the plant mech looks a lot like Rem, and Knives staring into the face of a Plantish representation of his mother that is created and controlled subconsciously by his brother and saying he was rejected is. It sure is a scene!
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ONCE AGAIN. INCREDIBLE EFFECTS. I also would like to once again point out the angelic motifs of Knives' design here.
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Also Vash saying this is SO important because Meryl!!! is so important!!! I see a lot of people brush Meryl's space in the story off and it Enrages me because Meryl is one of the most important people to Vash. Aside from our frontline yaoi soldier Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Meryl has one of the most tangible impacts on Vash's character.
When Vash is in his breakdown in Trimax, Meryl is the one to kneel at his side and believe in him; When Vash is having his god awful horrible mindscape time in Tristamp, Meryl does the same. When Meryl is kidnapped in Trimax, Vash instantly jumps out of a window in the chance of getting her back. Vash trusted her enough to fire the ion cannon in the sand steamer episode. He immediately went to July the moment she and Roberto were kidnapped.
Meryl has so much faith in Vash and she's insane for that, but Vash recognizes her and that faith pays off in giving him the strength to carry on. He heard her voice, too :]
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Also oh to be floating slowly down to the floor while you're a meter away from a cube with the power of an atom bomb while someone named Millions Knives is summoning millions of knives in front of u. Meryl has guts, man.
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And now that Vash has gotten his gun back, he's back to using it as a tonfa! (check I think my analysis of episode 7 for more on that). Watching for the swing blocks, the forearm guard, and thwacking the knife tendrils out of the way
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This fight scene has soooo much love and care and detail in it I love it so much actually. From seeing Vash's bullets to all the expressions and beautifully detailed firing, there's so much detail in a quick space that you really have to slow it down to see everything.
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Seriously how strong is Knives to be able to have a feasible chance again Vash's prosthetic - and Vash matches him! Also the chomp
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Now something that I have the shakiest of theories on is that after summoning The Cube, Vash starts moving in a far more controlled manner, he stands still when reloading, he has his movement flurries and then stands still to aim. Which uh. Studio Orange works in 3d, but those are 2d animation techniques. He's moving like 98 Vash.
There's a lot I admire about Studio Orange's use of 3d (I am a mid-tier 2d artist lmao) but I love love love that they're able to get all these really nice, creative camera shots that would be impractical in 2d (all those overhead shots, for example, have a chance of turning about bad/looking weird in 2d, and puts more strain on animators, but 3d you have the models from every angle already. 3d isn't easier by any means, but it does have its strengths)
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Also. how Did Wolfwood get over here, dare I ask. mans climbed a tower in just a few minutes what is Wrong with him
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Also a nice detail, Vash usually has perfect trigger discipline, but he falters here against Knives, probably because he's been already shooting, but hey, he's stressed. I'll give him a break.
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I also appreciate exactly how superhuman Wolfwood is now. Tristamp Wolfwood is on a different level. Like 98 Wolfwood is just some (attractive) guy, Trimax Wolfwood has a lot of gory body horror going on and a subtle kind of endurance/strength, but Tristamp Wolfwood just jumped off a very tall building holding a grown woman and the Punisher and was fine.
Oh hey, same symbol on the tower as was on the sandsteamer and on Vash's wanted poster - symbol of July, probably
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Very horribly, Knives probably did just save Vash's life here. But also the rest of July's life (though ofc he just extended the timer)....
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I'm not quite sure When Vash started using plant bullets, but he's definitely using them now. Also the nails on his prosthetic are a nice touch!
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THE FLYING SAUCER STRIKES AGAIN. I wonder if that's gonna be the basis of the Ark, if that's the route season 2 goes.
I also. Was that allI the Plants collected that escaped in this, or were there a bunch still running in July that get obliterated too? Did Knives inadvertently cause the death of more plants? I mean, when Knives gets revived in Trimax he definitely causes the death of at least 2 plants (there are a couple of bulbs in the background of the blast radius, plus the one that was used to revive him... she uh. Didn't look like she was doing so hot)
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Vash's little speech is always so,,, intense. He has such a strong sense of character and it's admirable how well he sticks to his morals despite it all.
On a more body horror note, Knives can survive a long fucking time trying to grab The Cube. In Trimax he gets hit with the angel arm and practically disemboweled instantly, but Tristamp Knives can take over a minute of just like. being right in the direct path of fire. They're really gonna have to work to reconstruct him. Good luck, Legato!
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^ I made that long ago and needed to use it somewhere dfgkjdfg
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And ofc I have to bring up Eriks :] I don't actually have too much to say abt him. Studio Orange strip this man and make him bark like a dog next season or we will riot
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And that's kinda. It.
Man I have had such fun over the last 12 days, I've really discovered a love for analyzing and theories and putting that out there and chatting with people about Trigun :] I should do this more often lmao but I do want to get back to drawing. I'll find a balance, then!
Thank you all for coming, and Wow if you made it this far I must be doing something right lmao.
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craacked-splatters · 8 months
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"I know"
"Do u want to see what I added today?"
"Sure buddy"
(insane rambling below!)
Scrapbooks! Scrapbooks! Hell yeah!!
Hello to the 5 ppl seeing this👋 Ima be real Im running on 7 hours of sleep after 5day grind brain mushy rn and I scribbled everything maniacally by memory at 3am after having one of those revelation moments so I have no idea what I'm missing lmao. This is actually the first time drawing them like this 2. Really proud of it
and B4 u ask anything hear me out.
So like tmnt2012 mutant apocalypse am I right?
Yeah it's flawed and pacings off and stuff BUT! The implications it left behind are haunting and it has been stuck in my brain for years. One of the things that stuck with me was the fact that Raph and Don had stuff like April's tessen, Mikey's stuffed bear head, The Creeps containment jar, and Casey's skull(horrifying btw) with them and that it's like :((
I fully believe it was Donnie who collected and carried them everywhere in their car. Not only for Raph(to help with this memory)but also for himself.
Why? Well maybe I'm reading 2 much into it and it's also partly a HC of mine but also bc canonically Donnie has a bit of a hoarding habit collecting trinkets and pictures and stuff. He likes to keep things around that hold a lot of significant value to him.
We see this in The Creeping Doom during the intro
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AND I swear he's got a literal wall of family photos in his lab somewhere I can't for the life of me find it but I know he did! He even took some to the farmhouse with him when they escaped during the invasion.
They're memories yk? Reminders..
Ok im having difficulty expressing this shit rn words r failing so like give me ur brain 4 a sec.
Imagine ur donbot.
You're stuck in a cold metal limbo for the rest of ur last remaining family members life. Everything and everyone you knew and cared about is dead and gone. Over thousands of species and ecosystems that made ur world unique wiped out. No more animals no more wild things no more blue clear skys. Death can't come for you. Not in a way that matters anymore.
And no matter where u go you are haunted by shadows of what once was. There are so many echoes and ghosts and cultures and stories and lives that were buried & left to rot by the gaping maws of fear & the desperate need to survive. No one cares for the past and the only other person around you can't remember it. Time will claim its domain again and there will be nothing left except empty metal husks to show sentience even existed in the first place.
Like holy shit he was just a kid bro and he never got the chance to even reach full adulthood!!! I can't possibly imagine the grief and guilt he must've carried with him all those years. He lost EVERYTHING
His family. His home. His world.
Did Donnie even get the chance to mourn??? Do u think his new body allowed it? Do u think he even ALLOWED himself to mourn? He had a hurt amnesiac brother who still needed to eat, who could still starve and bleed and die if they weren't careful enough.
So between his habits and the ✨Angst✨ and human pollution, him hoarding random ass things Wall-E style and making these shitty little scrapbooks or keepsakes didn't seem so far fetched to me. I also highly doubt there was enough time or resources to build shrines or graves in the middle of apocalypse. But yk honoring/preserving the memories of the things and ppl we love is natural for us so like SORRY if its a bit cringe of me wanting him to have SOMETHING to comfort him during the really bad days.
Even if its more bitter than sweet
Bonus doodads cuz I was indecisive:
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The 1st was purple tinted cuz of donbot vision get it hehehe
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rinskazuu · 2 years
always imagining enemies to lovers with childe.
imagine both of you being harbingers, and you rank higher than him, cus he fucking sucks /j. anywho, he literally loves picking on you, because you get irritated easily. in return, you always beat his ass, but he really likes it, cus idk, he’s a pain whore.
back on topic.. when i say enemies to lovers, i truly mean enemies. you guys are literally sabotaging each other left and right, staying up all night planning out how to get each other killed. the moments you’re not thinking about how to kill one another, are very scarce and are rare moments.
now, the fatui decides to hold a ball, for whatever reason. that’s up to your imagination, but i’d say for malicious purposes; like seeking a target out. like i said, it’s up to your imagination. you’re dressed in your sexiest dress/suit/whatever formal attire you wanna wear.
you guys may have a little too much to drink. and oh no!!!! you end up sleeping with each other. i guess, all that planning, trying to sabotage and murder each other made you really fucking obsessed.
btw, it was brutal sex, like hate banging, so much degrading, choking, and you get the point.
the next morning, you’re absolutely regretting everything. tartar, on the other hand, is like “i knew you were into me, you just needed a little push,” and some other bullshit. now, you’re fucking pissed. but you can’t deny that there’s a new profound tension between you two.
it’s less sabotaging, and more ogling. during meetings, he’s like secretly, not so secretly, brushing his hand against your back or thigh. idk if he could brush your thigh tho, cus they seem to have meetings standing up. and if you ask me, that’s kinda weird, but that’s just me. YOU GET THE POINT.
every time you spar, he can’t help but give you a small smile, and you have to force yourself to look away. you do not want to fall in love with this man, he’s terrible, unhinged, blood thirsty. he’s not gonna ever focus on you, when all he wants is world dominance. and he can’t get that, cus you beat his ass up every time.
point is, you cannot risk loving a man who’ll never prioritize you. that’s what you believe anyway.
he falls first, and he realizes it. surprising both of you, he makes a choice to send you flowers. the next time you see him, you scold him, and tell him to not pull shit like that. he’s confused, because to him, you did seem interested. you remind him that “just because we slept once, doesn’t mean i’m into you like that.”
but, our boy childe, doesn’t give up. (that was corny, i’ll never say it again. i sincerely apologize). he chases after you, because he’s really got nothing better to do with his life. you’re literally his new obsession.
so one day, he’s had enough, and he decides to ask you. “you can’t tell me you’re not the least bit interested in me, when you have to force yourself to look away, or when your cheeks warm up after my touch. i won’t believe you, so riddle me this, why are you lying to me?”
for once, in all the years you’ve known him, you can catch the small glimmer that appears in his usually dead, blue eyes. and you can tell, he is genuinely sad.
“i can’t be in a relationship with someone, where i’ll always be second choice.” this oddly confuses him, because, he himself, doesn’t know who’s first.
“huh?” he has this really adorable puppy face displayed, and is extremely confused.
“you idiot. i admire your spirit for always wanting to fight, but i’m unwilling to love you, if you won’t come home to me one day,” your eyes darted to the ground, and hands fiddling with one another.
“so that’s what this was about. are you doubting my strength?”
“yes, i am. you lost to the traveler, who held only a dull blade. isn’t that quite embarrassing?” of course, you were only half joking. he looks at you sheepishly before pulling you into a hug.
“i’ll always come back to you, i promise.”
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
shadowhunter chronicles characters and whether i think they would be swifties, a post: (obviously i am excluding all characters who are from the past and died before taylor swift even existed because frankly i don't care to debate whether mattew fairchild would be a swiftie. he's dead <3 peace and love)
clary- not at all. she listens to freak weirdo music. also she stopped keeping tabs on pop culture in 2008 so what would she even know about taylor swift unless one of her shadowhunter friends makes her listen to her. i think it's possible that in like 2014 she heard a 1989 song and loved it but didn't find out it was taylor swift until 6 months later when simon had to inform her
simon- again, weirdo freak music. he'd be the guy who only starts liking her because of folklore but unfortunately cassanda's timeline only goes to like, 2013 rn and will only go to 2015 for twp so. we'll never see that. i think he has nothing against her music because he is a Music Appreciator but he is probably a huge asshole about her as a person becuase he has a haters soul <3
jace- well i don't think jace listens to modern music <3 however i think in his post 2008 life he has more appreciation for human world art and he would eventually come across a vinyl of red or something (he's totally the type of annoying to have a record player do not dispute me on this) and i think from there he would like her, this is how clary is introduced to her music btw
alec- i literally don't think alec listens to music. other people listen to music around him, and he does NOT have a haters soul so he is NOT an asshole about any of said music.
izzy- yeah <3 and i think her and simon have had fights about it <3 it's not that deep to her though she only fights with him about taylor swift for fun and then they have crazy sex
magnus- well yeah. of course. he would love how swifties behave like a cult he would think that's soooo funny... he would love the glamour he would love her showmanship he would go to all her tours and have the time of his life. duh.
emma- yeah why not... she's a girls girl and she has an obsession with being just like jace. she is listening to taylor swift...
jules- he is listening to taylor swift with his beautiful girlfriend...
dru- dru is crucially a weirdo freak emo girl, i just know that when she puts on music it is an assult on the ears and no one likes it and ty wants to kill her about it. and also at the same time emma is functionally her big sister she looks up to and therefore she must appreciate taylor on emma's behalf
cristina- no because she's not american she doesn't have to give a shit about taylor swift
mark- if you asked mark blackthorn what his favorite song was he'd say some bullshit like "the sound of the river flowing at sunrise when the birds are chirping" so. like yeah he'd mostly be saying that just to fuck with you but goddamn that is annoying. anyway
helen- she's a gaylor. to ME
aline- the wife of a gaylor. but she thinks shake it off is the most annoying fucking song she has ever heard in her life <3
livvy- much like dru, she has to defer to emma with this, so yes she likes taylor swift, however i know in my heart of hearts that livvy is a pop music girlie and the fact that taylor was mostly country pre-livvy dying would piss her off soooo bad. she'd have to find put about 1989 from kit it would be a whole thing she'd make ty play it for her because she's a ghost who only has two friends it's terrible...
ty- it's complex. no. but also yes. but also crucially no. but yes. don't worry about it.
tessa- tessa would love ipods i know she does... girl from the victorian era living to the invention of the ipod touch.... dude. do i think she's listening to taylor on her ipod? maybe a little. but i think magnus probably made her a playlist of all the greatest songs from the last several decades that she missed while in the spiral labyrinth and she is just trying to catch up in her free time... obviously all too well is on that playlist though.
jem- man i just think he's thrilled to be alive. i think that guy likes everything, especially if tessa likes it. guy who is constantly overcome with the beauty of life fr
kit- i think he would make fun of jace for liking red so much and then he'd go home and listen to it and cry. he pretends to have the haters soul for clout but he doesn't and he never will and it makes him look fucking pathetic <3
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areax · 1 year
laika bg3 lore dump (BG3 SPOILERS)
keeping with her source material (homebrew campaign) her patron is cthulhu bc i was like oh i love cosmic horror lets get a little funny with it— [discovers that i, erika, was born in lovecraft’s town] ah shit. which fits perfectly into bg3’s story as well because of the. you know. mind flayers. but her backstory is still pretty much the same: she grew up in an isolated village, wanted to learn forbidden magicks, accidentally contacted cthulhu, he was like hey girl hasten my return to this realm and i will give you power beyond imagining also you WILL have to serve me for 1000 years in the dreaming city after you die btw. and she was like yeah i can do that, he did a whole the color out of space thing where everyone in her village was turned to white ash except her… whoopsie.
and then as in her og lore he would give her an assignment every few years to go kill someone whose death would make the world worse on a structural level not just a personal one so like. a noble who would have pushed for reforms, a worker who would have become a union leader, a scholar who would have had a scientific breakthrough and in the mean time laika made the most of her warlock power by searching for a way to defeat death because if there’s one thing she loves it’s weaseling her way out of consequences for her actions and also she wants to live forever.
also in her og lore her patron (and another being just like him) were connected to mind flayers even though the exact nature of that connection was never made clear (like did they create them? do all mind flayers in this universe serve one of these great old ones?) with the implication that this is what laika would eventually become when she serves her 1000 years after death
HOWEVER, in the bg3 canon ive decided that cthulhu is some variation on a highly advanced elder brain from another universe of existence (and not just another plane like the astral plane or hell or something, i mean an entirely different universe that is basically unconnected to the bg3 universe, one that’s outside of our own, but since cthulhu is so powerful in his home universe, he’s able to influence / contact the bg3verse) who wants to take over control of this universe or be born into it and wreck shit or whatever. who knows. he’s a great old one. who knows what he wants. point BEING that he has some kind of meaningful connection to the mind flayers in the bg3verse but the specifics of that ive not decided and may just leave ambiguous (is he the one who first created them aeons ago so that they would evolve into a species like his own and execute the grand design to bring about his own birth in the bg3verse? thats the main theory)
the thing is. how does he communicate with laika. and i think it honestly would be. really funny. if she already had a (mostly dead) parasite in her mind even before she got got by the mind flayers. and they were just like well this ones defective put another in there. so when everyone is freaking out about being infected shes like oh a mind flayer parasite? no problem 👍 this is normal to me. but having another one put in her skull suppresses her connection to her patron enough so that he can’t contact her, but she can still siphon off his power... so initially its in her best interest to KEEP the thing in her head and that adds much more depth to her choices later on of do i accept more of these parasites into me? do i become half-ilithid? do i try to take control of the brain? what will happen if i destroy all the parasites? will that mean that he has control over me again?
which opens up really interesting parallels between her... quest (kind of) and that of the other companions. do i become like my abuser to gain power over him? is what ive done in the name of my god justified? am i responsible for my actions when someone else was forcing my hand? can i give up my power in favor of what i know is right?
this also makes her dynamic w raphael really interesting bc he has like no interest in her soul whatsoever its like buying a shitty used car. this bitch is already sworn to 1000 years of service after she dies, i’ll have to wait that long for her soul? pfft dont waste my time!
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quodekash · 11 months
HOLY SHIT GUYNAWA ARE GOING TO KISS GUWOREHSDGPIOVBREDB okay okay I need to actually press play on the episode frick shit shit frick
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oh yeah thats right, he got shot
I genuinely forgot
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guy is looking at nawaaaa
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man that whole thing was very confusing BUT I KNEW IT WASNT SAIFAH
wait does that mean
does that mean saifah's gonna get out of jail, but name's gonna go to jail??
I wanted jail boyfriends
I was so hopeful for jail boyfriends
they were the fourth element
the fourth nation of the boyfriend nations: bathroom, rooftop, jail, pool
we can't have the four nations if there's no jail boyfriends!
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y'all please tell me im not the only one thinking this feels like a breakup scene
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noooooo he has to be alone in jail without his jail boyfrienddddd
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just let them be in love in jaillll
or also like. outside of jail. outside of jail works too
oh man my brain is gonna give me so many fits for these two and I will write none of them probably
I may do dot point fics like I do with guynawa tho, who knows
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AKA EACH OTHER BECAUSE THEYRE LITERALLY ALL THAT THEY HAVE LEFT OF THEIR FAMILY (which btw they never fully went into the backstory of why their parents are dead, unless my memory is just being a shithole and they actually did explain this at some point but I feel like I would remember if they did)
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I- idk what to say
I just want to hug him
he needs a hug
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I mean if it were me I would be mortified
but its not me (omg not me like the show) so I can appreciate it for how freaking ADORABLE it is
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omg is it saifahname time
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kiss through the bars, kiss through the bars, kiss through the bars
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I mean. sure, okay, thats fine
I love them too much to care whether their relationship is romantic or platonic
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sorry, sorry, I know I literally just said I dont care if theyre romantic or platonic
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jamesunderwater · 11 months
2, 8, 17, 21!
02: Lyrics from the most recent song that made you think of a Marauders Era character
Last night I was listening to July by Laur Elle (who is amazing btw and just put out a new album) and the lyrics below made me think of Sirius and the self-loathing of his teen years that he just...completely keeps to himself.
One step forwards, falling backwards I just wanna prove that I'm worth More than what my head tells me that I am I'll try again How do I fake a smile and feel the tension? Wait, I'm moving too fast in the wrong direction I've been running around in the dark with no light But I can't stop staying up looking for signs
08: Lyrics that make you FERAL about your favorite character
Muahaha I get to do another one >:) Okay so technically this is a prongsfoot song (or wolfstar if that's your vibe) but oh my FUCKING god I feel like Sirius Black wrote it and I scream and cry in the car to it and it tears me in two, so, uh, enjoy (giving you both the verses and then the chorus which is essentially the whole song but it's worth it).
[verse 1] Around the sun and around again You seem to look right through me Another year being your best friend Feels like you always knew me And I'm so proud to call you mine Feels like I know you from another life [chorus] [verse 2] Around the clock, we can talk for days 'Bout how we saw it coming Another sign written on my face 'Cause now my blood is pumpin' Can you just hold me for a little while? My skin is crawling, I feel vile [chorus] But what if it doesn't end well Would you still stay? What if I fuck it up like I always do And my shit gets in the way? What if it doesn't end well Would we still be fine? When the world is over and we go under Would you still be mine?
17: Lyrics you think perfectly describe Remus Lupin
Oh, the entire song Half a Man by Dean Lewis, hands fucking down. But here are the beginning lyrics. I mean ugh he literally believes he's half a man; the second line could refer to him telling Tonks things are over with him and Sirius when they're not. The rest needs no explanation imo. I mean, it's just. It's perfect.
I was wrong to say I loved her, I was wrong to think I'm right When I told her it was over, oh my darling I had lied I've been running from my demons, afraid to look behind I've been running from myself, afraid of what I'd find But how am I supposed to love you when I don't love who I am? And how could I give you all of me when I'm only half a man? 'Cause I'm a sinking ship that's burning, so let go of my hand Oh how can I give you all of me when I'm only half a man?
21: Lyrics from a song you think the Marauders Era girlies would perform if they were an all-girl band (+ tell us what their performance would be like)
I fucking love that several people asked about this one. Hot of you all. Okay first of all I need to say imagining Lily Evans as the leader singer of an all-girl band is.......one of the hottest things I've ever thought of, jfc. Okay but um anyway I LOOOOVE this song for Lily, and I think it applies to all the first war Order girlies, who were FUCKING BAD ASSES and probably disappointed people by not being the same old girls they used to be. So please enjoy a snippet of EAT ME by Demi Lovato, feat. Royal & the Serpent.
Is this what you'd all prefer? Would you like me better if I was still her? Did she make your mouths water? Ugh I know the part I've played before I know the shit that I've ignored I know the girl that you adored She's dead, it's time to fucking mourn I can't spoon-feed you anymore I can't spoon-feed you anymore Dinner's served, it's on the floor I can't spoon-feed you anymore You'll have to eat me as I am You'll have to eat me as I am
Lyrics Ask Game: Marauders Edition
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Tomb of the Sea (Sha Hai) Episode 1-2
Episode 1
Sure hes dead.
I mean, this guy got kidnapped but that's beside the point.
Throwing books out a window.
Come on dude, leave her alone.
Classic asshole who totally just happened to be there, next to a goal, with a drink.
Abusive dad.
Oh eww, come on really?
Not sus at all.
Chill dude, she hugged him, you where watching them with laser vision like the creepy stalker you are you saw that she hugged him.
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Some kind of slime, that poked him.
Mad lock picking btw.
Playing 'Run Boy Run' by Woodkid
Hello Wu Xie.
Episode 2
Poor kid, from his perspective he just get kidnapped bu the mafia or mafia adjacent.
Which, from my understanding, is correct.
"I don't give a shit about that man." "Good, then I'll take care of him for you." (Kill him)
Fucken brutal, I love it.
Everything about him is brutal.
I'm actually not taking nearly as many notes usual or in detail, because I'm getting caught up and forgetting to.
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I know it's not San Shu but my immediate first thought was-
sAN sHu wHAt thE fUCK
I was laughing for a good five to ten minutes.
"I am a photographer, I want to photograph things that are different"
"Right now I'll teach you a tip on how to survive in this world" "I don't want to know, I am a person who will become an architect in the future"
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I then proceeded to not take anymore notes for the rest of the episode except for
Fucking shit up in the restaurant
I get the feeling we're not going to see much of him.
I'm also getting the feeling that this series of liveblogs is going to be one of the more sparse ones, probably because of how caught up I'm getting in it.
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winderlylandchime · 10 months
And as for today? He woke up and was dead fucking silent. I need you to know that for months now, ive been waking up to him, wide awake at like 7 am, already up listening to music and getting ready for the day in whatever way he can. And today, he woke up at 10 am and didn’t speak a single word at all for like 3 hours. And then while i was eating, he was drinking his coffee and then out of nowhere he went ‘what the actual fuck was that finale?’ And after all i did was replied ‘now you know the bullshit ive been mad at for years’ he went ‘how did people survive this bullshit when it aired?’
Then afterwards he sent a voice memo to our mom and went ‘mom, you have no fucking clue how bad it is. Its really bad. This shit is my 9/11. I need to talk to you’ he also sent a similar voice memo to our dad.
Then he called his best friend and went ‘remember iron man? Yeah, i wanna fucking jump off a building right now. This is..Dude, i feel like I got dumped.’
Then he called our uncle cause he sent my brother a text about the finale. And they talked for quite a bit and he realized that our family knew about the finale and he went ‘AND NONE OF YOU FUCKS THOUGHT TO WARN ME? I know i hate spoilers but im not that bad! (This is where my uncle reminded him that my brother stopped talking to his husband bc he accidentally spoiled who won on drag race once) okay, but that was..okay maybe youre onto something here but still! This shit hurt! I was happy for no wedding and then BOOM! No justin.’
The things he said to me about the finale were a lot and all over the place but these are some of my favorite parts that stood out and i could remember: this was said while he was pacing up and down ‘everyone got their happy ending except Justin and Brian. What the fuck man? This is bullshit! I will start a protest over this’
‘So basically what i got from this fucking show is that: everyone except Brian, Justin and Emmett sucks.’
‘I want to know how many people they pissed off with this finale. Because this is bullshit! I mean not the wedding part, god imagine if they got married….yikes. But seriously why? Did people get angry at the season 4 finale so they decided to do this abomination?’
this next one was said while he was on the phone talking to a nurse who was telling him about tomorrows check up. Btw he was trying to whisper which to me made it funnier cause it sounded like he’s never whispered in his life ‘i just don’t understand cause why would they do th- yeah i’m still here. Okay, okay, yeah, mhm..okay- that like they were finally happy. Together. After all the bullshit! The bashing, the cheating, LA, CANCER, whatever the fuck season 5 was and now gone, ripped apart by one fucking review and a bitch with a bad haircut- yeah, so I give blood first and then? Okay cool- how fucking dare sh- no no im not talking to you, im talking to my sister.. about this sh- actually nevermind, I can’t do this now’
And the last one that i can remember that he said to before he once again went on a silent retreat for the rest of the day was: ‘fuck you. I hate you so much for showing me this show. I was better off not knowing because in my world, they were still together under one roof and not doing this long distance..(i remember that i wanted to say something here idk what) THEY ARE STILL TOGETHER AND NO ONE IS TAKING THAT AWAY FROM ME! This last season was just a suggestion..shit ended with the bike race’
After that, he went back to his room. Then outside to smoke. Then had his 5th coffee. And then he sat on a couch for like 20 minutes just petting Brian. And that was it. He was dead silent for the whole day. Our mom couldnt call him today because of work so he was in an even worse mood. And then he passed out with the cat. So basically the finale completely destroyed him and left him speechless. We barely even talked today because he literally looked like he went through hell and back over and over again. Im honestly wondering how tomorrow will go. Especially since our parents did text me to ask how bad on a scale of 1-iron man is it. And when i replied that i think it might be worse, our dad texted me ‘fuck…that’s uncharted territory. We’re all fucked.’
How did people survive this bullshit? I think this is the time to bring up the existence of fan fiction and gifsets and fanart. That’s how we survive. We create art. Because in the end the writers DID make us care and did make us feel big strong feelings and it inspired us to go create more feelings… and isn’t that the point in the end?
AND NONE OF YOU FUCKS THOUGHT TO WARN ME? You were ALL so careful to avoid spoilers. For science. He would have been really angry if he had been spoiled.
I will start a protest over this. I really did think he would start a petition for a reunion episode. I also thought he would make it happen. He seems like he has great relationships with his friends and you and your family, so I just thought enough people would care and he would be passionate enough and he would be able to accomplish what 20 years of fandom hasn’t been able to.
“how bad on a scale of 1-iron man” “fuck…that’s uncharted territory. We’re all fucked.” I love your parents. They are going to kill all of us when they find out we’ve been egging you on. Please tell them that a bunch of internet strangers want to be adopted into your family.
Thank you for this journey Dear Sweet Anon. It has been such a rollercoaster AND also the most hilarious thing to happen. I did not have A Straight Man Watches on my 2023 bingo card. We are a teeny tiny fandom but this has brought the few of us here together in such a fun way.
If you want to send any other updates, my asks are always open. I know everyone will want to hear if your brother ventures into the fandom at all. Or what his reaction is when he finds out how many people knew - beyond the entirety of your wonderful family. I hope his recovery continues to go well (and he sustains no more queer as folk related injuries!). You seem to be an incredible sibling to him even though you broke his damn heart.
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hermitcraft-8 · 1 year
Anyway since I made the blog I figure I should tell you about MY turtle iteration.
It’s a little hard to explain bc it doesn’t have a theme like gumys superhero one but! I’ll do my best. (I call it the baroque verse)
I suppose I’ll start with the Kraang. I’m this one there’s only like. 4 of them. They came from the dimension x planet to earth bc on dimension x they were kinda losers bc they couldn’t do anything right, so they were all like “well show them! We’ll go to earth and transform it into a habitable place!” (Dimension x is experiencing a huge overpopulation crisis, so a whole new planet to live on would benefit them massively)
They end up meeting Bishop, who in this au is not only a cyborg but a woman (#feminism) with a mysterious past. Bishop offers to help them overthrow earth, on the condition they promise to give her a share of land. But in truth, she’s actually manipulating them for her own insane means and will probably kill them once she has what she needs. What does she need? It’s a secret (I haven’t figured it out yet she is the newest character I’ve made)
So, she builds them a vast robot army. And this is where Splinter and Sherdder come in. (In this one, shredder is splinters DAD!!)
Basically, there was a war between the hamatos and their rival clan, the Foot, in Japan. The hamatos win, ofc but this feud ends up killing sakis wife. (splinters mother). So, saki leaves the hamato clan to his pupil and him and splinter run off to America. However, they end up getting caught up in all the Kraang business, and realize that they kinda don’t want the world to end, actually, so they start their own sort of father-son rebellion against the aliens. Yay, bonding! (They actually have a very healthy relationship)
One night, they hear that the Kraang are planning to experiment more with biological soldiers, and bishop has crafted a special serum (mutagen, what else). Splinter and his father mosey on over to hq to check it out and lo and behold! They’re experimenting on innocent baby turtles! Splinter and Saki that they have to save those baby turtles from what is sure to be their demise (god forbid women do anything) and decide to launch an ambush right then and there. A lot of shit happens. Mutagen vat explodes. Walls crumble and the building comes down. Splinter (a freshly mutated Ryukyu spiny rat) snatches the turtles (who somehow fell into a mutagen puddle that had a live electrical wire in it and lived?? We’ll get to that later) and Saki and Bishop disappear.
Splinter declares his father dead and drags the babies to the sewers to raise them as his own, because what else is he supposed to do? Turns out, surprise, each of the babies have unique super powers. Terrible twos? More like “asleep on your feet fur singed off depressed as hell what did I do to deserve this at least my oldest is somewhat behaved oh wait he’s deaf how am I supposed to accommodate him I don’t know fucking sign language and I can’t look it up I’m a rat I don’t have a goddamn cellphone Jesus Christ Leonardo stop electrocuting your brother” twos!!! hahah am I right!
Fast forward 15 years. The turtles birth order (oldest to youngest) goes Donnie, Leo, Mikey, Raph. Donnie is a spotted pond turtle, Leo is a River cooter, Mikey is a gulf coast box turtle, and Raph is an albino wood turtle. As stated before, Donnie is deaf and uses a modified mix of ASL (finger spelling) and BSL (for everything else) around his brothers, and AAC around his father and certain other people who don’t know his special Frankenstein sign language. All the turtles powers in order of birth order are Foresight (which, for extra angst points, give Donnie seizures if they’re super major visions!) Electricity powers, fire powers, and density manipulation.
Oh btw, remember how Saki was declared dead? HES ALIVE. He’s just been brainwashed by the Kraang for the last 15 years and now his only goal is to kill splinter and his turtle children! Also, in the first few years of his captivity, he was so depressed and lonely that Bishop made him a robot daughter and fitted her with ai for him to talk to and spar with. That robot is Karai, and she eventually gains sentience.
That’s it for now I think. Wasn’t expecting it to get that long lol. Oops
wait holy shit this goes hard.
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masakuterarr · 2 years
Last Moment /part2| HxH Oneshot [Shalnark x Uvogin]
"The boy screamed. It was loud in his ears, if he even screamed after all, or if it was just imagination. He did not know. He didn't want to know. He just wanted to be with Uvogin now."
This sas shit needed to finally end so here I am to give you guys the second and last part of my HxH oneshot- It was pretty random that I finished it (just rn actually lol) but I enjoyed it! And I hope so do you!
Not much to say except: if u haven't read the first part, do it first! Also spoilers for Hunter x Hunter Chapter 357! No Gore this time. But much emotions and mental pain... the good spice ;)
There's not much to say except: If you haven't read the first part yet, do it first! Also, spoilers for Hunter x Hunter chapter 357! No gore this time. But lots of emotion and emotional pain… the good spice ;)
(oh btw I will also upload this part to ao3!)
now enjoy~ <3
The cold breeze in Shalnark's face drew a shiver with it. Almost like ice, it burned his red cheeks. He remembered. It was dark around him when he last opened his eyes. Gray and foggy. Only the strong red of his blood stood out. The blood as it dripped down. No almost flowed, with the injury which Hisoka had inflicted on him before. Hisoka. Shalnark's head ached at the name. It brought up old memories in him. The memories, which he had forgotten for a moment.
Too many thoughts were in his head. But among all these, there was one that spoke of more importance. Where was he now? Shalnark was sure that he had died moments ago. How he lost awareness on the squeaky swing and fell asleep. So why was he awake, if he even was. Too much he didn't know at that moment. He hated not having an overview of the situation. One of the reasons why he had a bad feeling about letting Uvogin fight Kurapika alone from the very beginning.
Shalnark tried to open his eyes. It was strange. He had no sensation anymore. As if he had lost his senses. There was no sense of being.
However, it was bright. The only thing he could notice. Or was he just imagining it? And what would he see if he could?
He was confused.
With all his effort, however, he could recognize his body. He was nothing like before. Less blood. Less wounds. And in general, he looked a little different. At least, that's how Shalnark perceived it. He could move, even if he had the feeling that he had lost his sense of touch. It was a strange feeling. Still, it gave him some relief. But now his next question came up. One of many, many more. What would he do now? So he was now, in nothingness? He was dead, that was for sure, after all, he could no longer see the world. Could no longer see Kortopi's head below him. No longer the dark faces of his friends, which for him was like the warm sunbeam. Shalnark's thoughts fell silent. They became quieter and quieter until they were no longer present at all. At that moment nothing went through his mind. Nothing that could have annoyed him. Nothing that made him think. Nothing that gave him a jolt of emotion in any form.
He was in nothingness.
Him. Just him alone with himself.
Should he now reflect on his crimes here and feel possible regret in order to possibly go to heaven? Or should he stay forever or even go to hell?
Shalnark did not believe in such a thing. He had never questioned it. Nor had he ever wondered where those he killed went. Or who his friends had killed.
There was a name that drilled into his head.
It rang in his head. He heard that loud and unmistakable laugh. Heard that growling voice as it risen and fell. And he saw him again. Saw that grinning face before his eyes.
It hit Shalnark like a blow to the back of the head. Too many feelings came at once. They overran him. He saw only after a moment how he suddenly sat on his knees. How the tears hit his thighs. It was too much. Too many thoughts took him by surprise.
Would he now have to stay here alone? Was Uvogin already somewhere else? Was this the hell in which he was now trapped? Would he have to remember him for eternities. Remember the pain. All the memories. Was this Shalnark's punishment?
The boy screamed. It was loud in his ears, if he even screamed after all, or if it was just imagination. He did not know. He didn't want to know. He just wanted to be with Uvogin now.
Shalnark screamed louder. He didn't want to. Just didn't want to face the thought. Better to die, he thought. But he was already dead...
He was trapped. Trapped in emotions and pain. How long would he have to endure this? There was probably no answer to this question. Time was relative now.
Shalnark screamed one last time and then fell silent.
It was quiet. He did not know how long he had been in the Nothing.
Shalnark remembered again. Remembered the hairy and wide arms around his shoulder. How Uvogin pressed him against the large and hard chest, which somehow seemed to be soft.
The only thing he heard was his name. His name from the mouth of the one he loved so much. Again and again he heard it in his head. It was like a beautiful melody. He wanted to hear it again and again. To hear the voice appear in his head. How the lump stuck in the throat as he talked. How the smoke from, probably endless, cigarettes escaped from his lungs. And, how the emotions blossomed from his open heart.
Shalnark smiled for a moment.
The idea gave him the feeling of a small flame, which blazed lightly in his chest.
So the memory was the only thing he had left.
"Shalnark..." No. He could hear it clearly. That voice was not a memory.
The boy tried to open his eyes. Despite the many tears in his eyes, he could see something. A figure. It didn't take him long to recognize it. There was only one person who had that big, wide and rough silhouette. "Uvo?", Shalnark's voice seemed fragile and shaky. His vision became blurred. A tense feeling spread across his face. He felt himself biting his lip. How the warm tears slid down his cheek. How his eyebrows pressed down. And suddenly they were there again. The wide hairy arms. How they squeezed around his back. How he felt the rough fingers against his skin. The rough hairs as they touched his face. How he suddenly sat on the big thighs. And how his face was pressed against a warm neck.
"I'm sorry...", Uvogin's voice was uncharacteristically shaky, the boy realized. At the same moment he could also feel warm tears on his head. "... I guess I wasn't careful enough".
"Idiot." Shalnark smiled. And so did Uvogin.
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I need more sad Uvo x Shal stuff- hhhh
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