#& also yknow. you only get a chance at a relationship if other ppl know you're gay
quillheel · 4 months
//🚢 Hmmmm Akari and Yusuke? :) I also lowkey wanna know what you think of Yuuma and Yusuke as well fdkgjkl
send 🚢 or ( 'SHIP' ) if you ever considered shipping our characters romantically and want me to fill out the following form for our muses. / always accepting!
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— Yusuke & Akari!
do i ship our characters together? — yes | no(?) | not yet but ???
i portray Yusuke as gay, so it'd be very. ??? with him i think? because I think Yusuke innately would find a lot of Akari's characteristics to be attractive which usually applies to Joker overall due to just how Yusuke is attracted to ppl, but because of him just not being attracted to women, it'd be kind of flickers of Something but not really full attraction if that makes sense? It's like seeing someone and going 'on GOD if i were bi i'd be down Atrocious rn jesus christ' but instead just being left with that awareness that you WOULD be into someone but you're kind of just. not? while also still finding aspects of their personality attractive? it'd be very funky for him! I could only see that kind of relationship Existing in Any form if it was in a poly queerplatonic kind of relationship with others alongside Yusuke even if Yusuke I think would still definitely be muddled and kinda moreso a backing note vs the others who would be more firmly 'i am a romantic partner' yknow
though generally speaking, Yusuke is v queer as it is so him kissing all his friends in a polycule and then leaving the rest to Akari's actual boyfriends isn't too out of par for him, even if it wouldn't really be a Proper ship between them GBTRHKBGH Yusuke's OVERALL care of Akari is endless though even w/o the Full attraction, just for the record <3333 he loves his friends vv much and honestly I don't think it'd be right to confine that general love to Specifically platonic. Yusuke still loves with his Entire heart <3 appreciate the inquiry big-time though even if it kinda didnt work out!!!
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— Yusuke & Yuuma! (hot boy summer fr fr)
do i ship our characters together? — yes | no | not yet but maybe soon (I MAY NOT FULLY YET BUT I SEE THE POTENTIAL)
would i like to ship with you? — yes!!!! | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i could see — childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love (yusuke is what i often call A Yearner <3) | fling | long distance | online relationship (cause of yuuma's parents + diff school mostly) | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them — friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love (looks again at yuuma's parents GBTHK) | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes? — develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between (I'm prob gonna end up putting this on all of these i do, but! I'm flexible and chill with figuring out stuff along the way if we're rping out the build up before the relationship/the realizations/etc, but I work better on getting invested with ships when we discuss them ooc first! we don't necessarily have to figure out EVERYTHING, but since Yuuma and Yusuke have never really interacted before, I think I'd need that to Really get invested with them even if I already have the baseline of thinking they could be interesting yk!)
what now? — let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits — I can't think of anything else that I haven't already mentioned! the biggest thing was me portraying Yusuke as gay which. opening paragraph, baby BKHTRTB Ig an overall closing note to go on a positive one, even with characters we havent tossed at eachother before (like stuff with garry, luxien, nasu, aelia, etc etc!) or with pairings that might not always work out, I'm always game to ship with you!!! It's really fun and i enjoy talking to you and BOY is chattering about ships a good excuse sometimes <333
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liebelesbe · 2 years
*reads a book about gay teens in a relationship in highschool and gets so sad & jealous I want to punch a wall*
this is fine, healthy and normal of me :)
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nebulous-tundra · 3 years
If you're still taking asks for the character meme: Damien from The Bright Sessions?
my sweet, tainted, underappreciated man!
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favorite thing about them
i said it before but i love tragedy. and Damien rlly embodies this so hard as someone so completely set out to fail- and so he did. we have this young boy with an incredibly powerful ability who 1.) cant get help from his parents 2.) doesn't have the resources to contact any organization who could help him control his abilities 3.) even if he did, chances are he would be taken in an used for experiments until the day he dies with little concern to his wellbeing. literally his only option is being self taught and- considering that his reality is literally distorted his ability, and his only other example to live a moral life is fucking books, it's a wonder he managed to come out as well as he did, and i say that acknowledging that he committed murder when he was 19. now enter: everyone giving him shit for using his ability when it's the one thing in his life he can rely on. now, i personally think Damien can learn to really control his ability, but just seeing him play the loneliest game of poker with the shit hand he's been dealt, it's delightful to see him spiral. muah. chef's kiss.
least favorite thing about them
that Lauren Shippen ended his arc right when it seemed like his character had finally reached a turning point comparable to when his parent's abandoned him. i cannot stress how much Damien and Chloe's final conversation filled my with so much hope. we see Damien do something idk if he's ever done in his life before: tell himself no for the betterment of another. he's so close to giving into his desire to see Mark, literally driving back to the city, yet seeing Chloe -a victim of him alone, not his ability(because it doesn't fucking work on her), him!- shames him and steers him back onto the path to good. it's such a wonderful moment and leads to all these great possibilities for his characters and.....that's it folks? i try not to rag on Shippen too hard but this really boils milk yknow
favorite line
"Alright, look, you want to do this? You want to put it all out there? I’m powerless. I hope it comes back - I really fucking hope it comes back - but I know that it might not. And I shouldn’t have called you the other day but I- I wanted to hear your voice because this is hard. Living life like a normal person is hard. And The AM has been absolutely no help and I don’t know what to do because I have no bank accounts, no license, no identity without my ability. But you’re still here. And you came here today and that means something—"
it just ;-; and knowing what Mark had come to do ;-; and after everything Damien has done (wrong) to have a relationship mean something ;-; i'm not crying you are ;-;
(also btw i set up a twitter account that posts a random Damien line every 30min if anyone is interested lol)
Damien & Rose, without a doubt. such a weird relationship but they're both boundary pushing ppl so it makes sense. also adds loads of fun, light hearted moments to Damien we really don't really get to see from him. i could also see Damien & Chloe being a really fun dynamic, especially post TBS, but i prefer Damien completely leaving behind the TBS crew imho, so it'll have to be a nice what-if
Damien x an actually fulfilling character arc. SHIPPEN RELEASE CHARLIE IAN FROM VOICE ACTING JAIL I'M BEGGIN YOU OTL
Damien and everyone we've met so far from the TBS/AND universe. no one feels like they'd truly appreciate Damien. Mark scrapes pretty close but i think it's more narratively satisfying for both their character arcs to stay a maybe-there-was-something,-but-now-there-never-can-be, yknow?
random headcanon
Damien is a huge masochist- and in denial about it. the type who needs copious amount of comfort after lmao
unpopular opinion
that he's a character worthy of joy and redemption. most the fandom doesn't seem to be able to handle bad people repenting for their mistakes and growing to be better in spite of them but i'm built different i guess
song i associate with them
One Way or Another - Until the Ribbon Breaks
<-- good stalking song
Dizzy - MISSIO
<-- good lethargic song
Run Boy Run - Woodkid
<-- good avoidance song
Red Sex - Vessel
<-- general Damien vibes
favorite picture of them
oh goodness i can't actually pick on but here's my top three
i like this one
and this one
and especially this one(although it make me sad : [ )
thank you sm for asking about Damien, i still have so much i wanna say about him(and draw) but it's kinda hard to set aside the time for him when it feels like the conversation is long dead and over : [
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shake, i hope you'll still remember that you're p cool 2/2
oh man Thanks as fuck....... yeah like it’s funny b/c it’s both a difficulty that like, it’s kind of hard to get me to realize maybe ppl want to be pals in the first place because every time someone first is choosing to interact with me i have that casual assumption like “uh oh this person’s mistakenly thinking they’d enjoy talking to me! better just ease them through this experience without making them deal with that mistake” and stuff instead of trying to Have Fun And Be Myself....and then it takes me a hot minute to be like “hey they might actually want to talk to you, chill out” and also “i know social mirroring is your default mode but try to figure out how not to do that”
and then yet also yeah i’ll be like, oh is this person my friend now or?? too early and like. i always do it still despite being well aware now that i do it and knowing to watch for it, and it’s still disappointing sitting there telling yourself you’re not really ppl’s friend, but it’s a lot more manageable than it used to be at least thanks to being more attuned to the whole matter and stuff, like it’s still the “oh it’s exciting to have a friend :)” and then “oh it feels bad to remember that’s not really the case :(” but it’s like the feelings are happening on a smaller scale / lower volume and such. and like using sort of ~objective~ considerations like “okay, you know that most likely this person has Actual friends and stuff” and reminders about how your relationship with them is really just like, kind of light fare. and it’s like, it always kind of sucks but its easy to remember cuz it’s not like it’s not true? its just an unusual thing to have to consider, and if you DO have ~real friends~ and aren’t like disgustingly lonely maybe you don’t have to consider it that much lol. 
like it isn’t fun basically having to be all like, okay so a sorta-friendship might feel significant to you but you have to keep in mind that its not as significant to them. but it’s generally true and like.........better to remind yourself of that sooner than have to realize it later when you’re more invested or care about the other person more or whatever and it’s like oh shit yeah i’m not really that important to them, dang it........like it’s just a weird thing because there’s really no way to be isolated and lonely and not have close friends and be in a truly ~okay~ place with it because it’s just....a continuously detrimental place to be in? and that applies to a lot of things lol. like there’s all these mental approaches i’ll take to things that’s not really about thinking that i can Be Okay with some bad fucked up situation, but rather just trying to lessen the unavoidable and everpresent Not-Okayness of it. the Okay is relative but sometimes you can really only be so okay!
honestly one thing that’s wild is i pretty much did go through the route of “my self worth was so bad it circled around into becoming more positive and now i have fairly decent self-esteem even just on my own”.....cuz like at least when you have to figure things out and get through shit and look out for yourself mostly on your own, you do have that Practice in doing it without external support lol even though you shouldn’t have to. and like i’m not Peak Self Confidence And Self Esteem by any means but it’s decent, self-loathing really isn’t a huge issue or anything. one classic thing that just helped put shit in perspective is the “if you were someone else would you be as unsympathetic / think these things about them” and i’m not like evil so of course i wouldn’t and its like oh lol yeah true! and then speaking of evil another thing that helps is remembering that capitalism is inhumane and an empire of lies and it’s like, okay is this thing about me really At All Bad or is this based on the standards of capitalism and, again, would you be unsympathetic and if it was someone else and blame / criticize them in this way? and i totally wouldn’t. and yeah i get to this point where i appreciate myself by myself!! it’s pretty chill! like, well, i’ll be my own best friend forever if i gotta. is this sad and loserly? sure! but somebody’s gotta do it and that’s just the situation! gotta be a loser? own it!! (to make the references yknow)
like really even knowing that hmm maybe i just don’t have much deep appeal for most ppl is ultimately like well, if so, Shrrruggggg b/c what are you gonna do!! i know there’s ways i’m not “good” at interactions and stuff, but in terms of personality i figure there’s stuff that definitely might not be of universal appeal but it’s definitely not always bad, like i’ll be like “oh i’m too enthusiastic about what i like” or “oh i’m too hot tempered” but really then i’ll remember that no, this isn’t something that everyone hates lol and really what’s the point if i’d have to change fundamental things about myself so i might have more Appeal anyways like....yeah it sucks having ppl just generally not be interested but also? it helps that other ppl talk about having the struggle of like....its not necessarily like you’re a jerk or have nothing to offer or anything, but just seeming “off” to most ppl in terms of that social frequency can always have this effect of largely leading to being like, ignored but also sometimes ignored with A Hint Of Rejection, and it’s like oh hell yeah!! just inherent social Other People Repellent, bring it in!! it sucks but its not Just You!!
like really i feel like maybe for like a decade and a half i’ve always been overcompensating when i think somebody seems neat and trying to seem cool-tempered around them? which, why would i even want to, i’m not cool tempered at all and really am not even interested myself if other ppl are truly like that! but maybe i am tuning in to the fact that ppl generally arent quite so excitable as me and thus trying to play it cool. but like, at this point, even though i do try to “turn it down” for ppl like, all the time, it’s like, why bother. what is the difference between doing that and having ppl not like me and just getting to do my own thing and not having ppl like me, yknow? 
plus just to throw another element of chaos into it, i’m cagey with my ~True Emotions~ or something both in part because i know maybe they’ll seem Annoying to other ppl or something but also because (chaotic trumpet riff) abuseee ://// so like even on the rare occasions i realize that somebody’s okay with interacting with me, i’m still acting kinda elusive or trying to filter myself too damn much like there’s a point to trying to be friends anyways if everybody’s putting on too much of an act!! gotta self sabotage!! trying not to though
like really Would Love To Have Friends i’d just also love to not have to lower my standards despite that fact that being like, yeah the big L Loneliness is really pretty miserable and says you should want to grab on to any chance of friendship with both hands....that’s often not the case cuz it can be like oh wait hang on, do i actually like this person and are they being cool to me too? or like, the person is totally alright but the relationship isn’t going to mean that much to them cuz it’s more of an outer-orbits sort of casual...Friendly Acquaintanceship or whatever and you’re just like Ah Yes :’)
for example i could’ve trimmed this down to not be an overly long series of weird tangents about myself in depressing ways but this is what you get!! why put up fronts. it’s not that bad anyways.
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