#& ft. sylvie.
drgnbld · 6 months
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if anyone receives / sees the picture of him hugging his daughter's tinkatuff, which also happened to be taken by said daughter, no you didn't.
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modelcitizentomorrow · 11 months
rate your friends from least to most annoying
Vidia's always raining on my parade, so she has to be number one. Sorry, Vid. Talia... I love you, Talia, but you're so stubborn. Rosetta's only annoying because she refuses to get her hands a little dirty, so she gets third place. Dessa's a sweetheart, but she worries so much I'd have to put her before Sylvie. And Sylvie... is perfect, actually, she's never done anything wrong in her life. But, come on, we all know I'm the most annoying of them all, bringing owls home and going on and on about how important worms are to the eco-system all the time.
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@faiirytalcs, @rosettafleur, @dewdr0psx
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closed starer for @evocatiive / sylvie & johnnie, ski weekend.
sylvie had never been a morning person, but the sun blinding off the snow outside their room only seemed to make it worse. "i'm going to kill stella for organizing this," she groaned, rolling over to bury her face into johnnie's neck. "remind me to kill stella, please."
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astr0logies · 8 months
‧₊˚⋅  ♯  𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆  𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄  !  :   the  heart  ,  camila  rodriguez  :  dynamics  tags  /  ft.  @chrmatiica   . 
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maismahidol · 2 years
starter for: @sylvianes​
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“I always say the programme’s like a cute, little reunion. I’m always right, of course,” she boasts lightly, flipping her hair back as a smile forms on her lips and reaches to hug the other princess. “It’s so good to see you again, Sylvie.”
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mugsy · 5 months
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Sylvie has a bad habit of assuming the worst in Giovanni. And when he gets upset, he gets defensive. Some instances of this are more lighthearted and easy to resolve! This is one of those instances
Ft. Tourettic Giovanni again. Tourettes awareness month is in a week and I will not be able to hold myself back when it arrives. Prepare yourselves
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squadmuse · 3 months
A/N: Yet again a huge shout out to @deanstead for being such a great person and helping me out!! Hope everyone loves this… I’m a sucker for dad!Will and it’s my first time ever writing him
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It was pandemonium.
Even with Jay’s entire body covering you, all you could hear were screams and cries for help and the shrill sound of the ambulances rushing to the scene alongside the police cars.
Everything seemed like it was starting to blur when the blue eyes of your brother-in-law swam into your view as he pulled you up off the ground and started checking you over.
“Y/N, please tell me you’re okay!” said Jay worriedly, looking everywhere twice to make sure you had been not been hit by any of the flying bullets that had cut through the sky. “Are you hurt, does the baby feel okay?”
You tried to steady your breathing as Jay held your hands, but it didn’t seem to be helping even though you had someone as patient and calm as your brother-in-law. “W-What h-happened?” you asked shakily, looking around as best you could. Mama Garcia’s restaurant was ruined, the windows were shattered and there were quite a few injured people sitting or laid around being attended to.
“Gang drive-by shooting, don’t worry about it, I’ve got Voight looking into it,” he stated as he followed your own gaze, and he pulled you away. “Hey, let's get you two away from this and checked out.”
Nodding, you agreed and walked out the door with Jay slowly guiding you. As you reached the ambulance, you were relieved to see the kind face of your best friend Sylvie there.
“Oh I didn’t know you’d be here, Y/N! I’m going to check you both over real quick,” said Sylvie quickly as she started checking your vital signs and blood pressure readings with efficiency and calmness. Jay still stood beside you diligently, his eyes following every move that Sylvie made.
“Are Y/N and the baby okay, Sylvie?” asked Jay seriously. He didn’t like how long it was taking your best friend to clear you, even though he knew she’d never rush a diagnosis. Sylvie shook her head at his words.
“I’m going to send you to Med, okay sweetheart,” smiled Sylvie gently. “Your blood pressure is still high, and I want to get scans too.”
Now it was your turn to feel worried, and you clamped down on your brother in all but blood’s hand tight. “All I’ve got is a sore back, and I’ve had that for the last week or so, we’re both fine,” you reasoned, looking between the two. Both of them shook their heads. There was going to be no fighting these two that you knew already. Jay Halstead and Sylvie Brett were seriously stubborn people, but you loved them all the same.
It didn’t take long for Sylvie to load you into her rig, Jay helping out as much as possible as Violet pulled Ambulance 61 out to drive. Sighing, you looked over at your brother-in-law who was staring at the floor.
“Jay… this wasn’t your fault,” you said softly, reaching out to hold his hand. He smiled a small smile yet shook his head.
“I know that, but I should’ve just brought you the food home, then you two wouldn’t be on your way to Med,” he reasoned, squeezing your hand gently.
You shrugged your shoulders. “It was my choice, and if you hadn’t been there then we’d both probably be dead right now!” you stated, but it didn’t do anything to calm Jay, and made him shudder violently.
“Don’t say that, I’ve already got to answer to Will when we arrive!” he replied tensely as he ran his hands through his short brown hair.
Both you and Sylvie looked at Jay in surprise.
“You haven’t phoned Will yet?” asked Sylvie, first from where she sat entering information into her iPad.
Jay shook his head. “It’s not that I’ve not tried, the git isn’t answering his cellphone,” he replied, and he ran his hands up and down his thighs anxiously.
“He might just be busy then, but Will will be grateful that we had you there, Jay,” you stated, holding onto one of his hands to stop him fretting. Even before you were pregnant, Jay had been extremely protective of you and now that you were, he would get bouts of anxiety over anything happening to you both.
Sylvie hummed quietly. “I can always send a message to Maggie, it goes direct through the system, that is if you’d like?”
You and Jay nodded, so Sylvie quickly went ahead and did it. At least then Will wouldn’t be surprised at the ambulance bay with your appearance.
It was as you were quietly talking away with Jay and Sylvie about the baby when you felt a pain like no other, and you couldn’t help but cry out.
Instantly, both of them were at your side and Sylvie was right away checking your vital signs and checking your body. “What’s wrong?” asked Jay as you clenched down on his hand again.
You couldn’t answer him as you could only clench your teeth as Sylvie poked and prodded with different machines and her hands. A broad smile lit up her face and she looked quite happy.
“I think someone is going into labor!” she said excitedly.
You sat there in shock before turning to look at Jay… but you couldn’t help the giggle that slipped from your lips as you saw his expression. He had turned white, and his mouth literally hung open. It was like nothing you’d ever seen before on Jay Halstead’s face.
“Please tell me you’re joking, Sylvie!” you said with your eyes wide. You did not want to give birth in an ambulance, and especially without your husband at your side. She shook her head.
“Contractions are coming fast, sorry!” smiled Sylvie as she inserted some low level pain medicine into you. “But we’re nearly there, and then you’ll be up in OB.”
Shakily, you nodded and closed your eyes.
Today had turned out to be one of those days.
Unsurprisingly, Will was the first person to open up your ambulance.
“Oh god, Y/N! What happened?” exclaimed your husband as he helped take your gurney out of the ambulance. He looked like he had run a marathon and his hair looked even crazier than usual.
You sniffled. “I don’t know Will! One minute Jay and I were having lunch together, then there were bullets flying everywhere,” you replied, cuddling into Will best you could as he and Sylvie rushed you into Med, with Jay following close behind. “I’m so sorry!”
Will shook his head affectionately, and smiled softly. “Hey, hey, I’m just glad you and our little guy are safe, that’s all that matters okay?” he stated, caressing the side of your face. “Jay and you have nothing to apologize about.”
Sighing, you nodded, watching as Will added even more monitors to you as Sylvie removed the ambulance ones. You smiled as she went to leave.
“I’m coming back, okay!” she giggled. “I’m not missing anything about this baby, and especially not the birth!”
You chuckled. Sylvie had been absolutely thrilled when you had announced the pregnancy and thrown herself into helping plan and organize the baby shower, gift registry, nursery, outfits and more. “Wouldn’t dream of it!” you replied, watching as the blonde walked away back to the rig with Violet.
“Anyway Mama, it looks like we’re going to get you up to Obstetrics,” grinned Maggie as she entered your treatment room. “Baby Red is on the way!”
Will and you both chuckled. It felt like the entire Emergency Department was excited about your and Will’s little one’s imminent arrival, as they had been for months, much like Sylvie and Jay. “Here’s hoping it’s an easy birth,” you said, leaning against Will’s side.
Now it was Jay’s time to chuckle and you turned to look at him. “Oh, you haven’t heard the story about Will’s birth?” he asked, and you shook her head. “Well apparently Mom was in labor for twenty-four hours, but you’re much less stubborn than my brother so you’ll do much better.”
Oh, sweet shiitake mushrooms.
It had not been quite so twenty-four hours, but after twenty-three hours, you and Will had finally become parents.
Madeleine Theresa Halstead had been born, screaming at the top of her lungs and covered in blood and fluids, but she was the most beautiful thing you and Will had ever seen in your lives.
Will had cried as he had cut her cord and brought her over to you. Your daughter was absolutely tiny, with minuscule fingers and toes and the cutest little nose too. Coming in at 7lb 8oz, she was absolutely perfect.
“Here we were thinking she was going to be a little boy,” chuckled Will softly as he sat beside you in your hospital bed. You had been moved into a private room, and it was just what you, Will and little Madeleine needed. “Somehow Gabriel Patrick Halstead doesn’t quite fit.”
You smiled, but you hadn’t stopped smiling ever since you had brought your daughter into the world. “Jay knew, somehow,” you whispered as Madeleine slept in your arms, swaddled in the blanket that you had knitted months ago.
“My brother, the pregnancy guru,” laughed Will as he kissed your head, watching to make sure Madeleine didn’t stir. “We still good on who we picked for godparents?”
“Of course, they’re perfect.”
Will nodded. “I think Maggie has had everyone gather in the waiting room. Do you want to bring them in?” he asked. You nodded silently and watched as Will wandered out the door.
Cuddling Madeleine closer to you, you sighed. You had never felt so much happiness and love as you had for your little girl. “You’ve got a great daddy, Maddie,” you whispered to her. “We’re so lucky to call him ours.”
Madeleine grumbled softly in her sleep, and you could only whimper a soft noise as she somehow made the same face as Will, her father, did whenever he was asleep. It seemed she even had even inherited his auburn hair also.
You were still absolutely enamored with your daughter when the door to your room opened up again and a small group of people slowly made their way in alongside your husband.
Jay was there, grinning. It seemed he had bought the biggest pink teddy bear he could find. It was easily four times the size of his niece, your daughter. Sylvie was there too, bubbling away with anticipation about getting to meet your daughter. Matt was at her side, grinning happily as he held onto a big pink balloon and white bunny rabbit toy. Maggie had come and so had April, Connor and Daniel, some of your and Will’s closest friends at work. It seemed that word had spread fast that the newest Halstead had been born, and the first Halstead girl in three generations to boot. Cindy and Christopher Herrmann were there, also bearing gifts, and so were Kim and Adam with their little girl Makayla, who was asleep in her father’s arms.
Will quickly sat down beside you, and you softly placed Madeleine into her father’s strong arms.
“Everyone, we’d like you all to meet our daughter, Madeleine Theresa Halstead,” said Will proudly, as he smiled down at his little girl in his arms. The little group cheered so softly and one by one made their way to meet the newest member of their family of sorts.
“Congratulations, she’s absolutely adorable,” grinned Jay as he hugged Will, taking care not to hurt his niece any way. “Mom and Dad would be so proud of you.”
“Thanks, Jay. I just wish Madeleine could’ve met them.”
“She’s going to know them in a way, we’ll make sure of it. It’s a nice touch to give mom’s name to Madeleine as her middle name too.”
Madeleine had woken up in Sylvie’s arms, and yet she had not made much of a noise. Her little gaze seemed to be enamored by your best friend and you giggled. “I think that means she likes her godmother Auntie Sylvie!”
Sylvie’s eyes bugged out of her head at your words. “Oh… you chose me?” she asked softly, tears pooling in her eyes at the fact you and Will wanted her as Madeleine’s godmother.
Will nodded. “If it hadn’t been for you and Matt actually getting us two together, we’d not be here,” he told Sylvie, who nodded, before carefully passing the baby to her boyfriend, who expertly held the baby with a smitten tenderness. It was true, even though you and Will worked in the same hospital department, it had taken so long for either of you to make a move that Sylvie had taken it upon herself, roping in Matt too, to get you both together.
Sylvie hugged you tight. "I already love that little angel so much. She's so precious!" she smiled, wiping her tears. "Who would've thought that what I did would cause all this?"
“That one day was all it took, and now look where we all are.”
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epithet-beloved · 1 year
Hello! Can I request some romantic coded Sylvie hcs? I just think it'd be funny how he'd act having a silly teen boy crush.
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synopsis… Headcanons on Sylvie is like with a crush.
ft. Sylvester "Sylvie" Ashling
tags… pre-established relationship, tooth rotting fluff
word count… 512
a/n… I am a proud parent to exactly 1 sheep boy I encourage him ✧ 🌸
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Sylvie with a crush is so ashamed, because he gets love stupid. 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Sylvie with a crush is shy, and standoffish, despite how much his heart flutters when you're around. 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 He tries to logically sort out these emotions, and analyze his own mind. 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 But the more he dwells on it…the more he doesn't mind being an idiot with emotions. 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Sylvie finds ways to express his feelings without words, such as flower language, or giving you gifts he personally thinks you'd enjoy. 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 He's a stupid teen boy, and he's crushing so hard that it's such a struggle for him to express himself sometimes. 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 If you give him your time and attention? He's so giddy. He is trying so hard not to show it, but he's bouncing in place wanting to talk to you as much as possible. 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 He also advises you quite often because he believes he knows best, and he wants to make you happy as much as he can! 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Sylvie is quite enthusiastic to share his interests with you. He'll make you a little blanket fort and sit under there with you, telling you all about his interests. 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 But, that doesn't make him inattentive. If you start chatting to him about something, he'll turn to you and stare all swooning. He's such a sap. 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 He didn't fall first, but God, he fell so hard it's like he was struck by a van with his crush. 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 If he's smaller than you, he's so embarrassed trying to get your attention sometimes. But, if you're shorter, he'll be a gentleman and grab books for you (using his sheep as a boost). 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Speaking of, he's so sweet. He gets doors, chairs and umbrellas for you, you're his crush he has to impress you! 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 If it's cold out, he hesitates before offering you his jacket. He says he'll be fine without it (he shivers like the world's most frightened leaf). 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 If you're gone too long, he gets kind of sad that he's all alone. 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 It's not that he needs a lot of your time… he just… needs your affection. Or else he'll get too worried without you there. Even a weekend alone gets him missing you. 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 If you struggle to sleep, he'll invite you for sleepovers to nap on his sheep. They love to be held, and he is close to admitting he wants to be held too, just a little bit. 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 There are many ways that Sylvie shows love but one of the particular ones he prefers is holding a hand under a table, even if you don't understand yet that it's romantic. He just wants you to be a little closer to him and relying on you just a little bit more, even if it makes him a bit flustered when you willingly hold his hand back. 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 He's also a bit of a sweetheart and can't really understand how to communicate his feelings directly which is why he has so many roundabout methods even though he knows he should just directly say it and get it out. Truth is he's just a quite shy boy.
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geryone · 2 months
Starting song of songs because of the snippets you shared, it seems like a wild ride, any more kinky poetry recommendations?
Hello! Honestly I don’t have a lot of recs! None of these are the same vibe but as far as I remember all of them have various poems about sex & kink
The Black Condition ft. Narcissus by Jzl Jmz
Pink by Sylvie Baumgartel (same author as Song of Songs)
Don't Leave Me This Way by Eric Sneathen
My Pleasure by Irene Silt
Also recommend anything by torrin a. greathouse - her work has a lot of references to sex and kink!
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sbk-zgvlt · 1 year
Hiii how you doing?
I'm like very interested to know if u have any headcanons about sebek family, like what are their personalities, appeareances, relationship to sebek, etc
I have a few of my own but Idk, i would love to hear about yours
The Zigvolt Family
Esme Zigvolt (Mother Zigvolt)
Get ready for a bunch of french names man
Black hair! I've seen that faes seem to have more "bland" hair, so I like to think that Sebek's hair color comes from his dad instead
Taller than her husband, that's for sure. Stands at a proud 212 cm (7'0 ft)
Stubborn and passionate about the things she loves. Or rather, the people she loves
Closer to Sebek than her husband, as always. Although, she's much more closer to her older son and daughter.
She wasn't really there everytime since she helps her husband handle the clinic. Most of the time Sebek is dropped off at his grandpa's due to this
Most drama comes from her side of the family, so sometimes she feels embarrassed that her husband has to put up with their bullshit
They met each other when her husband got lost in the woods 💀
Lidaeus C. Zigvolt (Father Zigvolt)
179 cm 💀 (5'9 ft)
His children think he's a loser L. But he loves them all very much!!! (HE HAS A FAVORITE AND ITS SEBEK)
Scared of Esme's dad SHITLESS but after a lot of visits he likes to think theyre in cool terms now (They are not but only Grampa Zigvolt and literally everyone else in the family knows that)
Timid but also a huge nerd. Ask him about dental procedures and he would go on a full tangent
Has photobooks of his kids. Sebek has the most pictures and has more photobooks
Sylvie Zigvolt (Sister Zigvolt)
The eldest, the strongest, and the tallest at a proud 200 cm (6'6 ft). 21 years old
Has her hair tied into a high ponytail. It reaches just above her waist.
Was actually a troublemaker as a kid, and always gets into heated debates with her mother's side of the family when it comes to fae and human relationships
Now she travels around the world as a public speaker of some sorts. Sometimes the Zigvolts catch her on tv
Likes to send back souvenirs and trinkets to Sebek whenever she can, along with postcards
Is not impressed with Malleus and Lilia and does not like the fact that her youngest brother is being trained as Malleus' retainer
If you put her in a room with her grandfather it'll just be ENDLESS screaming matches
Her grandfather actually respects her to some degree though. Still thinks she's a brat
Soleil Zigvolt (Brother Zigvolt)
The middle child, 199 cm (6'5 ft), and also 21 years old
...surprise surprise, Sylvie and Soleil are twins. Both of them got their looks from their mother
Takes after his father in terms of personality though
If Sylvie constantly got into fights as a kid, Soleil was cunning and used underhanded tactics instead. You could call him a schemer
Both of them dont hide the fact that they like to dote on Sebek
Doesn't really care for his mother's side of the family, and thinks they're close-minded idiots
Has a bit of a sarcastic streak, but it's unintentional
He's content with staying behind and helping around in the clinic, but if he were to pick another occupation it would be becoming a teacher
ALSO not impressed with Malleus and Lilia, but thinks it's pretty cool that Sebek gets to train under them
The kind of guy who would always give up his pieces of candy to Sebek as a kid but also snitch on him whenever he snuck out
If you put him in a room with his grandpa it's just pure awkward silence. His number one intimidation tactic to scare the old geezer
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pacifymebby · 1 year
Snow On The Beach (Ft Heaven Lavey)
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So I wrote this little something to celebrate @call-sign-shark 's wonderful milestone. I am late to the party but I still wanted to have Sonya, Sylvie and Heaven finally meet so... I hope you enjoy my dear <3
To say Arthur had been nervous for his angelic new wife to meet his youngest sisters would be an understatement, however it wasn't so much whether he was nervous that mattered. It was Why he was nervous. 
Whereas with the rest of his siblings he'd been concerned that they might not take to Heaven immediately, he knew that the Fens as they were affectionately referred to by their big brothers and sister, would. Take to her that is. Immediately. Of this he was certain, and the reason he could be so certain was that if there was one word you could use to describe all three of those girls, it was trouble. 
Which is exactly what they got. 
 Perhaps the twins had a different reason to seek revenge on their big brother than Heaven, but revenge is revenge at the end of the day, best served cold and more importantly, unsuspecting. 
Which is exactly what Tommy Shelby was that morning when the night had left another layer of heavy snowfall that quilted the grounds of arrow house in a thick blanket of muted white powder. The whole world softened by winters icy lull. 
The ice glistened on every window pane of the frozen farm house, the morning sunrise glistening all pinkish yellow sparkles of light. It was the most beautiful sight to behold and as Tommy pulled his thick woolen coat tightly around his body, preparing to head out into the garden he failed to notice that three pairs of boots were missing from the shoe rack. That three white fur coats were missing from where they'd been hung up on the wall the night before. 
Perhaps if he had he'd have guessed what awaited him outside. But he didn't notice so he didn't guess and when he stepped out into the frozen morning he was naive to the trouble which awaited him hidden away behind the trees. 
Perhaps if he'd taken a moment to listen to tinkling laughter which drifted from somewhere in the trees, instead of letting himself get wrapped up in his own cyclical paranoia, he'd have sensed the mischief which danced between every icicle, every frosted bump of moss clinging to cold tree trunks and rocks in the garden. 
Because Tommy was an early riser but his sisters had risen earlier, bubbling over with the kind of innocent delight only snow can inspire. They'd left their beds unmade in a rush to slip into their thick white tights and leg warmers knowing that snow as thick as lay on the grounds that morning could only mean one thing. 
A frozen lake, perfect for ice skating. 
Now, they'd known there was no way Ada would join them on the ice that morning. She'd always said there wasn't a nimble bone in her body. And if they invited their brothers down onto the lake they'd only be met with warnings, paranoia...
"Ain't that a bit fuckin dangerous girls, ice might not be as thick as it..."
"Yeah yeah alright John, if we drown we promise not to haunt you..."
Heaven on the other hand, would be certain to join them - if she hadn't already gone down there herself to the lakes edge where the little beach of silt, dirt and reeds would be coated in a glimmering downy snow.
And in the end thats where they found her, already out on the ice skating loops and rings, her long white hair catching snowflakes as she spun in a daydreamy whirl.
"Scuse me miss," coughed Sonya with an impish smile when she came to a gliding halt beside Heaven in the centre of the lake. "you're on my lake..." she finished with a giggle, watching Heaven take her fluffy white ear muffs from her head.
"Oh I'm sorry miss," she smirked, her own wry smile tugging at the corners of her lips, "please do forgive me..." she said dryly, giving into a giggle when Sylvie joined them skating backwards in a pretty little circle, tugging on her sisters sleeve until she was forced to skate along too.
"Arthur told us," she started with a smile that let Heaven know what they were about to tell her before they'd said anything else.
"to tell you," said Sonya as the two skated in a small circle which would have dizzied Heaven had she not been just as nimble as them.
"to be careful?" she finished for them with a knowing smirk, unsurprised when the twins giggled and confirmed her suspicions.
"Naturally," they said in unison, their impish smiles only almost identical as they reached for Heavens hands, their delicate fingers locking with hers as the three of them began to skate in perfect harmony, dancing together over the ice.
The three of them made for a very pretty picture, glittering under the morning sun which struggled through the clouds and the falling snow. For awhile they remained skating, feeling the exhilarating chill of the breeze on their cheeks, the bite of frost in the air nipping at their ears and fingertips despite their hats and gloves.
They took it in turns showing off to one another, teaching each other tricks, watching one another in awe as with every elaborate little dance they did across the glimmering ice, they outdid one another. Their competitions each ended in a fit of gasps and giggles because whilst Sonya might have been able to do a perfect high extension turn she couldn't outspin Sylvia in a pirouetting competition and neither of them could quite pull off the magnificent gymnastic prowess which was Heaven performing the most graceful Firebird Leap across the ice.
"Where have you been all my life!" beamed Sonya both her hands held to her cheeks, jaw dropped when Heaven landed with a magical little spin and dropped to a bow.
"Where the fuck did you learn to do that?" smirked Sylvie, quietly impressed by the stunt, knowing that if Arthur had seen his little angel doing something like that his heart would have been in his throat, utterly terrified and yet unable to hide his awe.
"Where the fuck did you learn to do all that..." replied Heaven with a fae like smile almost identical to that of the twins.
"Sunny let show her pas de deux..." gasped Sylvie stirring a beaming smile from her twin who would have agreed to had they not all three of them heard the sound of a horse being ridden somewhere not so far away. Had they not all shared a devilish look between each other when they realised who it was who would be riding through the grounds at that hour in the morning on a day as perilous as today...
"I think I have a better idea ma petites soeurs..." said Heaven licking her cold lips as her eyes focussed on the trees at the edge of the lake. The twins didn't need to be mind readers to guess what she was thinking.
And thats how Tommy Shelby wound up soaked to the bone, frozen cold and absolutely battered with snowballs not ten minutes later... his cheeks flushed a furious shade of red, his usually neat hair dripping wet and hanging across his eyes.
The onslaught had occurred when he'd passed by the Hawthorne tree at the edge of Sonya's lake. He'd not heard their giggling over the sound of the wind in his ears, but he had felt the first lump of snow and ice hit him square in the back of the head.
That had been Sylvie and when Tommy had cried out in surprise she hadn't been able to hold in her own cry of delight, Heaven having to clamp her cold hand over Sylvie's mouth to keep her from giving away their hiding place. Sonya giggled into the sleeve of her white fur jacket and handed another huge snowball to Sylvie who tried to take aim again. However the sight of Tommy jumping down from his horse, landing knee deep in the snow, a scowl mired with confusion on his stark expression was too much for Sylvie to handle and so she had to offer the next throw to Heaven who was managing to hold a steadier hand in that moment.
Heaven's first shot landed a warning hit to his back, one which thudded and crumbled down the back of his coat, one which drew a growl of frustration from the older man they all believed deserved everything he got.
"For fuck sake John if thats you I'll..." he called out but he never got to finish his sentence as no sooner had he turned around to face the hawthorn tree the girls were hidden behind, did another tirade of snowballs come flying at him, three hitting him all at once. One to the shoulder, one to the stomach and one to the face, snow freezing his tongue as the snowball shattered on his cheek mid threat.
He swing back around then, hand reaching into his waistband for the pistol he kept on him at all times... He was furious, not taking his "brothers" joke well at all as he choked and tried to catch his breath, standing up straight and dusting himself down in an attempt to hold onto his dignity.
"Alright John you've had your fun with the fuckin snow... time to grow up now eh..."
And that was when he heard it... a giggle. A light, tinkling musical giggle. His ears pricked at the sound, his hand slipping his pistol back into the waistband of his trousers.
"Shhh!" whispered Sylvie to Sonya who was biting down hard on her sleeve to keep her amusement hushed.
"Shhh!" whispered Heaven to Sylvia, the three of them descending into giggles, silenced seconds later by Tommy's stern command.
"Fen!" he said with that dark warning tone, the kind which made Sylvie and Sonya turn to one another biting back their smirks. "enough of your games now eh girls... no more..."
But the girls were nowhere near satisfied yet and so much to Tommy's disappointment and frustration he was met with another shower of snowballs, these ones smaller but coming at him faster and from seemingly multiple directions.
Sylvie had managed to climb up into the higher branches of the hawthorn tree and had edged her way along a branch, using her weight to shift an avalanche of snow down onto her older brothers head so that for a moment he was blinded by the sudden rush of frozen crystals. His sudden gasp when some snow crept beneath the collar of his coat and down his shirt, icy water melting down his spine was enough to send Sonya into another fit of giggles, her glee so much it was impossible to swallow down as she threw an endless stream of snowballs at her brother, pelting him over and over again.
It was Heaven however who landed the winning shot. Just as Tommy thought the pelting was over, just as he'd managed to stagger back towards his horse, straightening out his coat and shaking the water and snow from his hair, Heaven lined up a killer of a shot. One firm snowball, hard and cold came flying towards him, thrown surprisingly low... surprising enough that Tommy didn't have a chance to protect himself and the snowball hit with a thump right between the legs.
"Fuck!" he wheezed, hands clutching his crotch seconds too late to do him any good, his knees weak as the pain turned his stomach and reduced him to his knees in the snow.
All three girls cried out then, not caring whether they revealed their hiding place or not. Too thrilled and amused at the sight of the tyrant Tommy Shelby clutching his balls, keeled over in the snow.
And when Sylvie decided to jump down from her hiding place in the trees, a gasp of concern accompanied with wide Bambi eyes and an "Oh my god Tommy what happened are you okay?" Tommy took one look at her and knew.
"Where are they?" he asked looking from Sylvie to the tree, "Sonya and Heaven... only you three could have pulled that off... fuckin hell girls what did I do to deserve that?" he groaned with a disbelieving smile. He could hardly stay mad at the Fens... and he certainly wasn't going to meet Heaven with anything but a tragic forgiving smile.
"Are you really asking us that Thomas?" asked Heaven as she emerged from behind the tree, elegant and shimmering with Sonya on her arm.
"Yeah Tommy?" giggled Sonya, "are you really asking us that?"
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shinysparklesapphires · 6 months
reflection, ft vivienne coruset
tw: implied abuse, family problems, loss of loved ones, and themes of suicide.
an: "i'm not that great at writing and honestly im just hoping i wrote viv's dad well enough" also rbs appricieated
tags: @harufallinwonderland
"my life has been...rough to say the least."
"i don't remember much about my family other than the fact that i loved my mother more than anything,"
"and i hated my father."
"INSOLENT BRAT!" a tall man in his forties cornered a little girl to a wall. "HOW DARE YOU TREAT ME WITH SUCH DISRESPECT!" just as he raised his fist to strike, he was stopped. "you're being irrational! she's only 12, how would you expect her to act?!" The man turned his attention to the pale woman behind him. "if you have a problem with her, then take it up with me." he whacked her hand away from him. "father wai-" "SILENCE!" the girl winced. the pale woman put her self inbetween the girl and the man. "you misreble wench," the man gritted his teeth. the girl shut her eyes. WHACK! the pale woman fell to the ground and never got up. "MAMA!" the little girl cried in vain. "go to your room vivienne," the tall man walked out of the room.
"that was the day before my 13th birthday."
"most kids get to have a birthday party with their friends and family."
"my father couldn't care less."
grabbing a sewing kit and her favorite stuffed doll, the little girl ran to her late mother's room to grab something: a small diamond ring. it was still dark outside, everyone in the house was asleep. she stepped outside, quiet as a mouse until she reached the gate. trying to be as careful as possible she managed to climb over. she ran. she didn't even think to look back, she never wanted to see that godawful estate ever again, she ran and ran until she couldn't run anymore. she blacked out.
"it's my birthday, i thought."
"it's my birthday."
"and instead of spending it with friends or family,"
"i'm alone."
"i'll always be alone."
"so what's even the point of living anymore..?"
"sylvie! she's waking up!" the little girl awoke to a young man standing over her, worried. "huh?" "sevens, are you ok kid? we found you passed out on the ground. do you have any family or anyone we can call?" "julian come on, let the poor thing get to her senses before pestering her with questions!" a blonde woman came up to 'julian' and smacked him behind the head. "where am i?" the little girl asked. "you're in our house," the blonde woman started, "julian found you passed out near the village and took you in, what on earth were you doing out so late?!" she hesitated. "do you know your parents' numbers so we can call them?" she froze. "n-no, that won't be necessary.." sylvie sighed. "well, can you tell us your name at least?"
as vivienne woke up, she could make out two figures, altholgh a blur she could make out pink hair and cat ears...
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fmk rosetta, sylvie, tessa
"Oh no. What the hell? Who asks this? Okay, okay. I'd... I'd fuck Sylvie, because I think we could make it... not as weird. Maybe. I'd marry Tessa, I already know we can live together and she won't complain about me bringing owls home. And I'd give Rosetta a great big kiss."
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@dewdr0psx / @iridssa / @rosettafleur
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everett-mulligan · 25 days
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( taylor kinney, cis male, he & him ) — is that really everett mulligan? i thought so, since i heard into the jungle by x ambassodors ft jamie n commons blasting just now. well, welcome to cole, wyoming! what brings you here as a 43 year-old? a job as a lieutenant firefighter at firehouse 10? wonderful. we’re glad to have you. talk around town is you can be a little hot headed, but i myself believe you’re more courageous… but is it true that you come from money & politics? wild. well, i’ll let you get back to it!
Kelly Mulligan was born and raised in Cole, Wyoming. He had met his wife during his Sophomore year in College all the way in New York at New York University. Sybil Wilson was a Freshman and from Atlanta, Georgia. They were in the same class, and of course Sybil forgot all of her pens and pencils, sitting next to Kelly asking for one. It didn’t take much for Kelly to fall for the studious Freshman and he didn’t care that she was a grade younger. 
Kelly came from a long line of Firefighters and Politicians, and even though that’s what his parents and grandparents wanted him to be, Kelly did not. Kelly wanted to study business and politics. That’s exactly what he did, Kelly studied business communications, while Sylvie supported his decision she studied english and early education. Overall the two had a good college experience, nothing too extreme. Had a good group of friends, kept to themselves. 
It wasn’t until they graduated that Kelly had proposed to Sylvie, with her of course saying yes. With their wedding coming and going, the two were happy and in love. During their honeymoon, the two officially decided they wanted a big family. That’s exactly what they got. 
William Thomas Mulligan was the first born, then Mitchell Michael Mulligan, then Addison Christine Mulligan, Everett Reilly Mulligan, and finally Isabelle Rose Mulligan. The Mulligan siblings were tight night and loved each other more than anything. 
Everett had a charmed life. He grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth, and while money wasn’t everything, Everett had his parents to thank for not struggling. He got good grades in school, was popular and genially just loved being with is family. His family meant everything to him, but when he was a Senior in High School, the man realized he wanted to get out into the World and explore a little bit. He chose Boston University in Boston, Massachusetts. Majoring in Criminal Justice and minoring in Safety Studies. However that wasn’t what he wanted to do in life. With being lost after graduation, it was his grandfather on his dads side who suggested he’d become a firefighter like he was.
Moving back home to Cole, Wyoming, Everett went straight into the academy and became a firefighter. A few years after, he became Lieutenant. It made him happy, being able to help whenever he could and being close to his family again. Though the man was lonely, and someone on squad had set him up on a blind date. Juliette Stone, the girl he didn’t realize who was from Cole, Wyoming. The first date went well, and when she agreed to the second date then the rest was history. Like his father did with his mother, Everett had fallen hard for the young women. Normally he didn’t but there was something about Juliette Stone whom he simply just called Julie. Things were good between them for a few years, leading Everett to buy an engagement ring. 
Right before proposing, their relationship took a turn. Always fighting, always disagreeing on things and that’s when she packed up her bags and left without a word. Not till days after, telling him she had gotten a job offer in some other state she just couldn’t turn down. It crushed him, broke him.  Though the man had his family, and his job and stayed in Cole and has been here ever since. 
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Some soloists to watch this weekend:
**Means that the dancers has made the Top 25/Top 30 at Radix/TDA either this year or last year
*Means that the dancer has made the Top 10/Top 15 at Radix/TDA either this year or last year
°°Means that the dancer has made the Top 3/Top 6 at Radix/TDA either this year or last year
°Means that the dancer has won a title at Radix/TDA
JUMP Ft. Lauderdale
Dance Town:
Belle Marie Arauz (Mini), #14*
Mikaela Florez (Mini), #36
Kaitlyn Santos (Senior), #104*
Dance Unlimited
Amaya Rodriguez (Mini), #10**
Ella Venerio (Mini), #47**
Rylie Bordon (Junior), #59*
Evolve Dance Complex
Adelia Eliseo (Mini), #46
Mya Lanigan (Junior), #89°
Sam Evans (Senior), #111*
JBP Entertainment
Georgia Beth Peters (Teen), #152°°
Miami Dance Company
Emily Pina (Mini), #4
Camilla Carmona (Junior), #54*
Stars Dance Studio
Zoey Martinez (Mini), #13
Amabella Tarrago (Junior), #55*
Anita Rodriguez (Junior), #63°°
Dylan Custodio (Junior), #73°
Alyson Merino (Junior), #83.a
Sophie Garcia (Senior), #98°°
Hugo Silva (Senior), #106*
Bella Ray D'Armas (Teen), #174°°
Kylee Casares (Teen), #203°
The NINE Dance Academy
Sienna DiPietro (Mini), #39*
Jayden Lau (Senior), #106.a*
Angel DiMartino Palladino (Senior), #114.a*
Nuvo Meadowlands
Canadian Dance Company
Cydnee Abbott (Junior), #134
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio
Vivienne Mitchell (Teen), #50*
Stella Brinkerhoff (Mini), #93* (Showcase)
Club Dance Studio
Sylvie Szyndlar (Mini), #95°° (Showcase)
Evolve Dance Complex
Onna Williams (Teen), #12
Zoey Williams (Junior), #105
Hunterdon Hills Ballet
Elliana Quiner (Teen), #5.a
Rachel Quiner (Senior), #167°°
Joffrey Ballet School
Jakey McCullough (Teen), #1
New Level Dance Company
Reese Braga (Mini), #89
Emma Bassel (Junior), #117**
Project 21
Bristyn Scrifres (Junior), #112*
Berkeley Scifres (Junior), #126**
Stars Dance Company
Elie Rabin (Teen), #4
The Vision Dance Alliance
Julia Amato (Teen), #31
Caitlyn Polis (Teen), #53
Kennedy Anderson (Junior), #110**
Emily Polis (Junior), #129°°
Madison Polis (Senior), #174
Westside Dance Project
Izzy Howard (Senior), #168°°
West Florida Dance Company
Macey Strickland (Mini), #77
Ella Dobler (Junior), #130**
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sylveonmoonart · 11 months
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Surprising I didn't post this sooner, but this is my official persona reference, both human and dragon forms.
This is Sylveon Moon, or has she been going lately, Sylvie or just Sylvie. she's a Fairy Dragon hybrid who just roams on earth just to do her own thing, such as playing games, drawing, pretty much loafing around and spread chaos when possible. She has basically two moods: Anxious angry and silly horny. LOL
Her dragon form can differ between a giant 35 ft dragon, or a miniature dog sized dragon that can and will nimble you if you don't give her chicken nuggies.
I wouldn't say I have a lot of lore for my own sona, but I just decided to think about it for funsies. I do want to give her some other outfits and maybe a upgraded ref (Not a whole lot would be changed), but I think this can work for now.
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