#& thanks as well to every other nice comment that was left on this post mwah mwah mwa
shevr · 1 year
literally said 'God Damn!!!' out loud at that selfie you are soo pretty
thank u very much im glad i could push you to blasphemy
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takecareluv · 2 years
hello, could you write something where y/n is not famous but she's dating vinnie and his fans doesn't really like her and sending hate to her and saying that vinnie should cheat on her, she's getting insecure and starting to believe that he would actually cheat on her because there are so many pretty girls but they sit down to talk and he comforts her?😊
a.n. hi, my love. thank you for requesting something! this is actually my first time writing a request so i hope i did okay and you like it !!! mwah <3
ignore the comments || vinnie hacker x reader
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you and vinnie were together for over eleven months, the happiest eleven months of your life might you add. however, up until recently you had been a secret to the public eye. with the reaction from fans of vinnie’s previous flings, most of which were made up rumors sourced on twitter, you thought it would be best to wait putting your relationship onto the internet for everyone to criticize. 
on the other hand, vinnie couldn’t wait to show you off: his sweet, beautiful girlfriend. but he knew how apprehensive you were, especially with not being used to the lifestyle and the thousands of comments that came along with it. 
but now that you were approaching a year into the relationship, you thought it might be time to make it instagram official, especially with all the speculations people already had when it came to the mystery girl that was constantly seen next to the golden boy himself. 
when your one year anniversary came around, you and vinnie celebrated by recreating your first date; a picnic on the beach. you had the best time, eating little sandwiches while watching the sunset and reminiscing over the last year together. by the end of the night, you were scrolling through all the photos you took, wanting to remember the day forever. upon seeing one you particularly liked of you kissing vinnie on the cheek with the cotton candy skies perfectly displayed in the background, you turned your phone to show vinnie, “i like this one, you should post it.”
“are you serious? you’d be okay with that? we don’t have to do anything if you aren’t ready.” vinnie continued to ramble until you finally shut him up with a kiss. 
“yes i’m sure. it’s been a whole year, i think it’s about time we stop hiding things,” you responded with a smile. 
with you final approval, vinnie took the post to instagram with the caption: one full year with my baby and i have loved each and every second of it. thank you for sticking by me all this time. i love you, sweetheart. <3
the post was quickly received by his fans, and before you knew it both your names were trending. while some people were so kind with their support of you two, a lot of vinnie’s fan were none too happy of you quote unquote stealing vinnie from them. 
from that day you continued to receive more and more hate for your relationship with the tiktok star. you tried your best to ignore it, focusing more on the nice words, but as those became few and far between, you decided to just disregard the comment section all together. 
that was working well for you until one night vinnie was begging you to join him on stream, excited that you no longer had to hide behind the camera. and when vinnie brought out those puppy dog eyes it was hard to say no. 
when you finally gave in, vinnie happily pulled you onto his lap, introducing you to chat as he prepared to start a new game. while he was swiftly distracted by the game beginning in front of him, you were left to focus all your attention on the one thing you had been trying you hardest to ignore the last week or so: the comments. even with how rapidly they were flashing by your eyes, you were able to catch a few common phrases. 
user1: vinnie is surrounded by the prettiest girls and he chooses her? 
user2: you could do so much better vinnie
user3: I don’t see the hype, she’s not even that cute.
user4: when you finally leave her, hit me up
user5: he’s definitely gonna end up cheating on her
reading that last one, you finally had enough and abruptly stood up from vinnie’s lap excusing yourself to go to the bathroom where chat nor vinnie could see you cry. 
although, vinnie, who was very concerned about your sudden exit, told chat he would have to end stream early and promised he would be back the next day. once he knew everything was turned off as it should be, he made his way to the bathroom door you had locked minutes ago. “baby can you please open the door? i want to make sure you're okay,” he said calmly. 
moments later he heard the click of the lock being undone and the door hesitantly being pushed open. his heart never could have prepared him for the sight of his sweetheart of a girlfriend with tear stained cheeks, mascara running down her face. 
“oh baby. c’mere, what’s wrong? please don’t cry.”
“you’re fans, they hate me,” you said between sobs. “and, and i don’t blame them. you have so many pretty girls falling at your knees and then look at me. i’m not nearly as perfect and skinny like them. i’m scared you’re gonna leave me for any one of them once you realize how much better you can do.”
vinnie couldn’t believe that you would talk about yourself like that, could you not see how beautiful you truly were? how head over heals in love with you he was?
“baby, stop. don’t say any of that. i don’t want any of those girls, i want you my love. you are perfect to me and that’s all that matters. who cares what the comments say, most of them are just jealous twelve year olds trying to get under your skin. i love you and only you. i’m in it for the long haul so i hate to break it to you baby, but you’re stuck with me,” he finished saying before showering your face with kisses until a smile finally crept across your face. 
“okay, okay i get your point. i love you too.” you replied with a giggle. 
“good. now c’mon. i’m going to run you a bath and then we will spend the rest of the night in bed, just us. no social media, and definitely no comments okay?” vinnie stated with a pointed finger, pulling you to stand.
“okay,” you agreed,��“thank you for taking such good care of me. i really don’t deserve you.”
“baby, you deserve the world and more, when are you going to realize that?” “now let's go, get undressed.”
“jeez if you wanted to see me naked all you had to do was ask.”
vinnie just laughed as he started the bath for you, making sure to add one of your favorite bath bombs, allowing the water to turn a beautiful purple. once it was filled and to the right temperature, you got in, finally feeling a little bit more relaxed. 
“join me?” you asked shyly. and of course within seconds the boy was undressed and stepping into the bath to sit behind you. 
you and vinnie sat intertwined in the bath until it got cold, and for the rest of the night remained in bed watching your go to comfort movies. 
by the time you were falling asleep, you had forgetten all about the negative comments, only thinking about how lucky you were to have a boyfriend like vinnie. 
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daomaikeng · 3 years
cue emotional post!
uhhhh henloe! making this post has me on the verge of tears so please bear with me.
if you think i’m making this post as my version of “emotional otb admin who confesses their undying love for other admins”, then you’re absolutely right.
can i start by saying, i love you all???? now that you know that fact, let’s go ahead. i have never celebrated pride before. it was joining the 1d fandom that led me to explore different identities, that confirmed that i wasn’t a cishet girl. the fandom gave me the courage to ask myself questions, and find answers to them. it gave me courage to change my name, my labels, my pronouns, as i kept on learning more about myself. it introduced me to the queer community, something i had never been exposed to before. i have to thank louis for this. becoming his fan has changed my life. when OTB released, it felt like my “oh” moment. though it took me months after that to actually come out, the song gave me the push i required. which is why, i was overjoyed when i got the opportunity to work on this project.
we had a shit-ton of setbacks, leading to tears and frustration and angry keysmashes. huge UAs that could have changed the course of the project refused to respond to us. twitter was the absolute worst. they thought we were trying to push the attention away from Project KMM, when in reality KMM had died before it even began. before we even began. many people didn’t even know there was a project for OTB. personally for me, it was the worst month of my life. my life was once again torn apart.
through all of this, though, this project was the thing that kept me alive. it gave me a reason to power through the worst of days. it gave me a reason to ignore everything else going wrong in my life and focus. it gave me a reason to not scream when my mother laughed at homophobic jokes, because i knew i had to stay alive for this project.
the friends i made in this time feel more like my family now, instead of my biological one. so this is a post for all of you.
@dyingstars-x : seven!! they came up with the original idea. i don’t know what queer louie spirit possessed you, but i’m so so so glad you decided to post this. that one post had my mind dancing in circles and bursting with ideas. they have been the best parent to all of us, looking over everything, coming up with concepts in a few hours’ time, keeping us sane. idek how to put it into words but mostly- seven’s contribution has been priceless.
@saintqueer : JORDANNNNNNNN!! while all the admins have been working super hard and being amazing, hear me out- jordan is the backbone of this project. she reached out to seven, and within just a few hours of us confirming the project, they got to work!! their twitter talents are unmatched, trust me. she’s been so good at dealing with the UA drama; i truly could never. they also made tiktoks!! i want to say so much but i can’t formulate my thoughts. but you should all hail jordan. they just make me go dshfdkjfkdjhskfndk
@rainboww-paradise : mimi! despite her busy schedule she took out so much time to brainstorm with us in the first few days. (we literally said hi to each other and started brainstorming for themes it was a Mess). she kept on making time to make amazing graphics, and share gorgeous ideas, as well as being a person you can always rely on for motivation.
@thosefookinavacados : A!! they made all the wonderful playlists you can use, as well as handling the drabble fest with me. we were both diving into it with no idea of what to do, but we figured it out together. they’ve been the most hilarious companion in this.
@herefortommo : emma!! she gave you the streaming updates every day, as well as making those uquizzes???? it was really fucking hard, i don’t know how they managed to come up with so much. they always shared tumblr asks and all the nice comments you left on our uquizzes, and it was so much fun to read them. she also figured out how to use shazam and tiktok and deezer 😭
@1dwoodchuck : nicky!! she handled twitter most of the time, and she was SO good at it. like, seriously. she found out more about the UEFA league and kept coming up with creative ideas for tweets. she kept talking to UAs and roped most of them in to help us ✨✨
@fishandfrog and @secretheartmp3 who both helped us a lot at the start, even though they were busy afterwards 💕
honourable mentions to @staff for including us, UnitedByPop for writing an article about us, promoting it so many times, and including it in their monthly round-up. they did so much for us. also!!!! i was looking forward to this- a huge huge thank you to @dailytomlinson , especially cristal @ltyear for helping us when literally no one would. they’ve boosted our posts so many times and supported us, and it means a lot. you’re now my favourite UA. mwah.
special thanks to @thetriangletattoo , flo, who was basically part of the team without being a part of the team. she was so so so supportive of us, making gorgeous art, and giving us permission to share it on that bird app! they always used their twitter account to use our hashtags and boost our tweets. we always shared those tweets in the server, and every time we confessed our undying love for her. they were even featured in the staff post, and that’s huge! she was literally the sweetest angel ever, and we love them a lot ✨ (ps they also introduced the found family trope to this project, so yes flo, now you are my family)
lastly, a huge thank you to all the content creators of this fandom, whether you made fanart or gifs or graphics or wrote a fic. this was all made for you. sharing love and kindness is what fandom is about, and i hope this month highlighted that. this fandom has become my home, and i’m so happy that i get to share it with you wonderful people. thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for taking part, giving this project your time, and making this happen. thank you to everyone else who participated, whether it was boosting tweets or streaming or simply reblogging posts. your contribution is priceless.
thank you.
love, rae
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bee-kathony · 5 years
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The Oath | Ch. 18 “I Promise To...” 
a/n: I loved reading all the comments about what you think will happen! Normal posting schedule is still Wednesday’s but I couldn’t wait to post this one as it’s one of my favorite chapters of the story so far! Thank you @lcbeauchampoftarth for being my beta and doing two chapters this week with your busy schedule mwah! xx
Arc I | Ch. 16 | Ch. 17
December 8th, 2019
Jamie kissed Claire goodbye as he left for his morning run. She looked so peaceful with her curls fanned out around her face. The last thing he wanted was to leave her side, but he needed to clear his head.
He ran at a much slower pace than normal, going over the events of the last two days. It was all such a mess, and now he was wishing they never bothered with the paternity test in the first place. Knowing that Frank Randall could have any part of Mads’s life was killing him. It was Jamie that had been there for Claire. It was Jamie that loved them both, and he’d do anything to protect them.
As he rounded the corner and approached Holyrood Park, he picked up the pace. He thought of Claire and the future they had together. The past few months they had spent together and the love that was growing day by day. He thought of Madeline and her sweet gummy smile looking up at him as he rocked her to sleep.
His legs carried him through the park, his chest heaving as he banished all fears and doubts that were trying to cripple him. Jamie slowed down to catch his breath, his hands on his hips as he walked down the path. Without thinking, he walked up to a tree, pulled back his left arm, and punched it. After all… trees were safe.
Madeline was being fussy and, frankly, Claire was growing restless as well. She’d just changed her shirt for the second time that morning after Mads had spit up on it. If she stayed in the house for another minute, she’d go crazy. Jamie had gone to the office to work for a couple of hours, even on a Sunday, and she missed him already.
“Wanna go for a walk, darling?” She looked at Madeline in her crib, laying on her stomach.
“Mama will get you all bundled up and we’ll take a stroll down the road or mama will go crazy!”
She made a gurgling noise and stuck her hand in her mouth. “I’ll take that as a yes,” Claire smiled, heading over towards Mads’s small wardrobe to retrieve her warmest articles of clothing. Fifteen minutes later, Madeline was dressed in the cutest cream knit sweater and tights, paired with a light pink fluffy coat. The last bit consisted of a warm beanie to cover her small red head and a teeny tiny pair of gloves.
“No, sweetie, don’t take those off.” Claire pushed the gloves back onto Madeline’s hands, and once they were secured and her arms were under the blanket, Claire pushed the buggy out the door and made her way down the street.
Thankfully, it wasn’t too cold for them to be outside — just a light chill — but Claire wanted to make sure Mads wouldn’t catch anything. She seemed to be content, smiling up at Claire as she was being pushed. Every time she did anything remotely cute, Claire fell in love with her all over again. Even when she spat up on her cute new coat, Claire couldn’t help but smile. She grimaced too, of course, but she was too infatuated to care.
“You’ve got to stop doing that, little miss.” Claire stopped pushing the buggy and sat down on a nearby bench, pulling out wet cloths to clean the mess. She’d stopped in a nice little park near their house, one she hadn’t ever paused to really look at before.
Once Madeline was mostly cleaned up, Claire tucked her back under the blankets. Remembering that she needed to call Hawkins Laboratory, Claire pulled her phone out of her coat pocket to look up the number lest she forget.
“Just a minute, baby,” Claire grinned at Madeline. “Mama’s got to make a very important phone call.”
All she wanted to know was who had handled their case. It rang three times before someone answered on the other end. “Hello, this is Moira, thank you for calling Hawkins Laboratory, how may I be of assistance?”
“Hi Moira, this is Claire Beauchamp. I recently had some tests done at your facility and I was just wondering if I could get some more information about it.”
“Yes, I’d be happy to do that,” said the woman. “Can ye just give me a little bit more of yer information?”
“Of course.” Claire placed her finger close to Madeline’s lips and she started sucking on it; she’d need to get home soon to feed her again.
“When was the appointment and who was involved?”
“It was just a few weeks ago, November 3rd, and it was for a paternity test. James Fraser and Frank Randall were both tested. But I’m more interested in finding out who was the lab technician that handled our specific case. We received the results just the other day.”
“Was there a problem miss?” said the woman. Was there ever…
“Well,” Claire chuckled, “if I told you all the problems I’ve been having, we’d be on the phone for hours. Are you able to give me the name of the technician?”
“Yes, miss. Let me just look up yer file.”
A few moments of silence passed while the woman on the other end typed in more information and brought up their case file. “Yes, the technician primarily involved with your case was Mary Hawkins.”
“Hawkins?” Claire’s brow furrowed. “Is she of any relation to the owners of Hawkins Lab?”
“Why yes!” Moira said cheerfully. “She’s the niece of the owners. We’re a family business here at Hawkins Lab. Do ye ken Mary? Such a sweet lass…”
“I think I do,” Claire muttered, her mind beginning to race. Mary Hawkins… the name was very familiar indeed. “Um, thank you very much Moira. I think that’s all the information I needed.”
Hanging up the phone, she turned her attention back to Madeline, making sure she was all bundled up before continuing their walk towards home. Mary Hawkins was a name that sparked something in her memory. A name she had first heard from Frank Randall a couple of years ago.
Jamie had gone to the office for a couple of hours, but not for work. At least, not for his usual work. He’d been trying to write again, and had texted Claire to let her know where he’d be if she needed him.
Ever since he had taken over his father’s whisky business, Jamie had put aside his dream of writing — it didn’t feel important anymore. Plus, he didn’t exactly have time for it anymore. That’s what he told himself, anyways. He knew Claire wanted to read something he’d written, but he never felt it was good enough.
But ever since that day he bumped into her at the cafe, her belly round with child and her eyes shining back at him, something had clicked inside of him. It was that same feeling he’d experienced the first time he met her. As if a puzzle piece was clicking into place.
The words seemed to pour out of him when he sat down to write. Jamie was working on a children’s book, and he was nearly finished. The reason why it was taking him so long was because he was attempting the illustrations himself and his hand wasn’t always so steady.
The title of the book for now was, “I promise to…” and it was about a father and all the promises he made to his daughter. Technically speaking, it was an autobiography of sorts — the story of the love he had for his own daughter, Madeline. He kept all the files on his computer at work, just in case Claire stumbled upon them at home. He wanted to show her it when it was just perfect.
With all the mess surrounding the paternity issue, Jamie felt even more compelled to finish the book. There was no way of knowing if anyone would even read it, but he was writing it for Madeline, so that she would know how much she was loved.
“I promise to…” he said out loud, finishing up one last page before he headed back home.
When Jamie arrived home in the afternoon, he didn’t see Claire or Madeline in the living room or kitchen. He ventured upstairs and finally found them both asleep — Claire in the rocking chair and Madeline on her chest.
“I promise to always let ye sleep,” Jamie whispered and smiled, shutting the door to let them keep resting.
As he plopped himself down on the couch, he figured now was was as good a time as any to call the other lab. Jamie googled the DNA Centre again and pulled up the number, hoping they would answer.
“Edinburgh DNA Centre, this is Louise, how can I help you?” said the voice of a heavily accented French woman.
“Uh, hello. My name is Jamie Fraser and I’m calling to book an appointment.”
“What’s the appointment for, sir?”
“A paternity test,” he said.
“And what time would you like to make the appointment for? We have an available time slot tomorrow at 3:15 p.m., does that work for you?”
“Yes, that’s perfect! Would I need to bring in my — um, the child?”
“You can bring in the child or take your own swab of the inside of the child’s cheek, but I recommend bringing in the child for our nurses to get an accurate swipe. Is that possible?”
“Oh yes, I can do that. Thank you very much, I’ll be there tomorrow. Goodbye.” Jamie hung up the phone and entered in the appointment details into his and Claire’s joint calendar with only a slight feeling of apprehension.
Claire woke slowly and then all at once, her head popping up. Madeline was tugging on her hair, and Claire smiled down at her. “Did you want Mama to wake up, darling?” Yawning, she scooped her up in her arms and walked downstairs to the living room.
“Jamie?” she called out, noticing his shoes at the front door.
“On the couch, a nighean,” he replied, and then she saw his mop of red curls as she came into the room. Claire came up behind him and placed Madeline down on his chest. “Hello, a leannan, did ye have a good wee nap?”
Madeline reached for Jamie’s nose, trying to pull it off, and he blew a raspberry with his lips to make her laugh. Claire smiled and joined them on the couch, leaning her head against him. “We both had a good nap. Did you get your work done at the office?”
“Um, yes. Just about,” Jamie said and kissed Madeline on the cheek. “I also called the DNA Centre, they have a spot open tomorrow. Would ye be able to bring Mads?”
“What time? I’m meeting Geillis on her lunch break with this wee beast.” Claire scratched her daughter’s back.
“3:15, I’ll send ye the address.” Jamie kissed her temple. “I dinna know what ye had planned for dinner, but I ordered a pizza. Seeing as how ye were asleep and we don’t have any groceries right now, I thought it best.”
“Very wise decision, Fraser,” Claire grinned. “Did you get my green bell peppers? Thin crust?”
“Aye, of course!” Madeline squirmed in his arms, kicking her chubby legs out. He laid her against his chest, cradling her head in his large hand. She looked so safe and small there, so protected. “Should be here soon, a nighean.”
“Bless you.” Claire kissed him and then leaned over to pull a blanket around them. “I was thinking about our wedding just before I fell asleep earlier.”
“Hmm,” Jamie let his eyes close. “And what about it? Still want to marry me?” He cracked one eye open at her, a smirk on his lips.
“Oh yes, very much.” Claire laid her hand on Madeline’s back lightly. “We’ve set the date and the place.”
“Aye, Lallybroch. Tis beautiful in the summer.”
“Well, I guess I wasn’t thinking of anything in particular except how cute Madeline will be in a little flower girl dress,” Claire smiled and looked up at Jamie. “And you, so dashing in your kilt. I don’t think I’ve seen you in it yet.”
“Ye’ll see me in it on Christmas,” he grinned. “I always wear it on occasions like that. Speaking of the wedding, I need to get a new kilt for the big day! And have ye thought of yer dress?”
“A little,” she shrugged. “Nothing too over the top. Just a simple wedding with our friends and family.”
“That’s all we need, aye,” Jamie kissed her, buzzing with excitement for the day he could finally call her his wife.
“I was also thinking about the cake and the food,” Claire admitted, just as her stomach let out a loud growl, making them both laugh. “I might have been hungry when I fell asleep.”
Just as Jamie opened his mouth to say something about Claire’s insatiable appetite, the doorbell rang, signaling the pizza had arrived.
“I’ll get it.” Claire stood up from the couch before he could, his arms still holding Madeline. She came back holding a giant pizza and a two liter of coke. “You really went all out, huh?”
“Tis no a proper Sunday night w’out a pizza and coke, a nighean.” Jamie sat up, shifting Madeline on his chest as he rose to place her in her bassinet so they could eat. “Maybe later, we can add some whisky to that coke.”
“Or just have the whisky,” Claire smiled as she opened the pizza box. “I’ll feed Mads and then put her to sleep after we eat, should be safe to have a dram.”
“Aye, no coke then,” Jamie smiled in response.
They finished eating and cleaned up quickly. For once, Madeline didn’t make a fuss when Claire went to breastfeed her, and was quiet as a mouse as Claire laid her down in her crib. With all the legal issues they were about to face, all Claire wanted was a stiff drink and her husband to undress her.
And he did. Slowly. Only slightly tipsy, Jamie had removed her clothes, layer by layer, until she was bare before him. Then, he’d done his best at making her fall to pieces with his hands, tongue, and cock.
They lay together, limbs intertwined, and Claire stroked his head, soft curls between his fingers. “Sassenach…” Jamie mumbled against her chest.
“I promise to always love ye,” he said sleepily.
“I promise to always love you too,” she smiled and kissed the tip of his nose.
Chapter 19: Round Two 
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