jcinteyvet · 3 years
starter for @stcrconch​ ft. huajian & childe
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Huajian reached his hand out and brushed soft fingers over the soft cheek of the male in his lap. He found the poor male unconscious, surrounded by many dead bodies. He was quite impressed at the damage he had done.
He could feel the taint within the other. What did the humans call it now? The abyss? A stain on the Earth from something Huajian had a minor hand in. Who would have thought the other Gods would take his words so seriously? Passion, he guessed.
“Wake up, pretty boy,” Huajian cooed, wiping blood from the other’s cheek, “It is time to wake up and see the pretty picture you’ve painted.”
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lstintyvt · 2 years
starter for @stcrconch​ ft. kaeya & ajax
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"My, how can anyone get anything done with someone as pretty as you?”
Kaeya leaned against the counter, smiling ear to ear as Katrina blushed. He couldn’t really help himself. The best way to get these Fatui to do anything is to flirt with them, he learned. He had to think his sweet Ajax for that.
Of course, he was there to see Ajax. He had joined the Traveler for a trip to Liyue (steering very clear of the Chasm, of course) and decided with his evening to see if his docile Harbinger was there. 
With him being a Knight, many seemed to have their eyes on him. Especially one who ‘tamed a Harbinger’ as he heard one of them say. Oh, poor Ajax.
Seeing sight of his favorite ginger, he rose from his comfortable position and smiled, “Hello, Childe. I think we have some things to discuss, don’t we?”
He never called the other Childe unless they were around the Fatui, which wasn’t often. Otherwise, he was ‘my sweet’ or just ‘Ajax’. He knew the other was going to be annoyed with the flirting, but if he didn’t, the chances were Ajax wouldn’t have found out he was there until he already left the city.
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jc-ocspam · 3 years
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“Ah, ah, ah. You said you could get away.”
He spoke with an icy tone. With a snap of his fingers, the abyss pyro mage was frozen solid. Kaeya’s smirk soon turned into a frown as he took steps over to the now frozen being. He rested his hand against the ice and closed his eye, “I am sorry I could not save you. May the stars watch over it.”
His pray was in a language not known to the people of Teyvet. A language he had not spoken in a long time. The prayer of his people.
The ice split into a thousand pieces, the being was gone now. Kaeya stared down at the ice for a moment before his usual smile was on his face. He clapped his hands together before turning on his heel, making his way back to the Traveller’s party, only for his eye to catch sight of Childe. 
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This was a problem, he thought, but his smile did not waver. He waved a hand at the other, “Ah, you found me. I was worried I’d get lost in the cave. Well, shall we return to the Traveller?”
Play it off, he told himself as he walked to the other, attempting to pass him.
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jc-ocspam · 3 years
starter for @stcrconch​ // tw violence & tw torture
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Everything​ stood still in that moment. Seeing the traveller get hit and fall to the ground, Kaeya waited for them to stand, but they didn’t.
They just laid there, motionless.
The room grew cold and ice started to form at Kaeya’s feet as the anger slowly started to fuel his entire body. The boss they were fighting made a mistake. 
It hurt Kaeya’s closest friend.
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Kaeya had not used his true power in a very long time. He wasn’t even aware that an icy wind picked up as his icy-blue eye focused in on the Abyss Herald. In the past, Kaeya had shown minor sympathy for those that were corrupted by the Abyss, but Kaeya wasn’t thinking clearly. He didn’t think about how this used to be someone - a Khaenri’ahian. No. This was an enemy now.
With a lift of his hand, ice shot out and slammed into the Abyss Herald. It was pinned to the wall by the ice and could not move. Kaeya took slow steps forward, completely forgetting about the rest of the party except for their unconscious leader. The Traveller was protect by a shell of ice that Kaeya formed around them to keep them safe. Even in this moment, he was going to make sure he didn’t harm them. But the Herald? He planned on torturing them.
“I will freeze your blood,” Kaeya’s usually silky-smooth voice was etched in venom. His usually dull blue eye seemed to glow a bright blue as he stared at the Herald with a dangerous look, “I will freeze your blood slowly... you will choke on your own saliva... as it freezes.”
He smirked as he spoke in the ancient language, “May the stars watch over you...”
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jc-ocspam · 3 years
It’s not everyday he gets to celebrate a birthday. Especially with someone he cares so much for. So of course not mentioning to the other he was in the area he found himself in the captains room. Give him a scare before opening up to him on the bed. A smirk on his lips as he store up at Kaeya. A hand running over his bare thigh as he spread his legs. Showing off the lacy red lingerie that was surprisingly missing the bottom half. What a mystery. But even without it he could tell the harbinger was ready for him. All of him. After all he’d only wear something like this for those he truly cared for. He felt handsome for once.
“Happy birthday Medovyy, it’s been a while hasn’t it?”
// horny birthday for the boys
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Kaeya was bored. He was told by Jean not to come in and that it was his day off. He went for a walk. It was strange. Usually he'd just go drink, but he felt no desire to even drink. It was just another day. He's not sure why Mondstadtians cared so much.
When his door opened, he sat up in surprise. The surprise only lasted for a moment before he smiled at the other. He was going to say something, but no sound came out. If he thought he was surprised before, the sight left him completely in shock.
"Uh...," he blinked several times before a slow smile spread on his lips. He reached out and gripped Childe's waist and tugged him roughly into his lap. With his other hand, he placed it behind Childe's neck and pulled him in for a deep, heated kiss.
He pulled away after he felt a bit breathless. He licked his lips, "I appreciate this present. I'd very much like to unwrap it now."
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