#// I know I haven't done much with her yet because I was mostly choosing to load Raphael or Varian's blogs
morethanthedarkness · 8 months
THRAEYA & LOLTH-SWORN // @morethandarkness
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I haven't said much about Thraeya's backstory, as I've been fighting with my old laptop and just didn't have the energy for much usually by the time it booted and then I had to wait another hour for the page to load once I clicked 'new post'.
But! New laptop and here we go!
I don't 100% know if all of this 100% fits DnD lore or not—as I am still learning and researching—but Thraeya isn't Lolth-Sworn and never was, though she did spend some of her earliest years in Menzoberranzan.
She and her family were part of a group of wanderers/nomads who just roamed through the Underdark. [ I have kind of turned over the idea that if they had a little business they ran where they would gather things down in the Underdark, like the couple you help with the Noblestalk. No storefront. More likely just out of a wagon they would bring into town and sell from when they needed to reup on other supplies. ]
Regardless, their group came under attack by a group of Lolth-sworn. Some were slaughtered. Some were taken. Thraeya and her older brother Szaryn [ who is actually her middle brother but she was so young at the time she didn't remember and Szaryn wasn't going to remind her of someone else lost ] were among those taken and put to work at a noble house, mostly doing chore type work.
Within my own self-contained verse, it was the same house where Halsin was a "guest", and she was, in fact, there at the same time. Though she didn't fully understand because she was so young, she knew something wasn't right and she would sneak him food and water when everyone was busy. She treated him with kindness. Asked him questions about who he was, where he was from. She was a very curious little one and Halsin seemed friend-shaped.
Szaryn realized Thraeya was sneaking to talk to the other and, worried for his sister, he approached Halsin, too, talking to him to decide whether or not he trusted him... and then asking that if he managed to get out at some point, would he take Thraeya with him.
[ "We both know it is only a matter of time. She is too kind for too cruel a place, and one way or another, it will kill her." ]
Now, when the attack happens wherein Halsin escapes, what follows is verse and other writer dependent.
He either gets both children out, manages to get just Thraeya, or he can't find them in the chaos and has to flee [ in the latter scenario, Szaryn grabs Thraeya and runs, though they are caught not long afterwards and separated ].
If Halsin managed to save one or both children--again, within self-contained lore--he practically raised them. If he had to escape without them, he may or may not remember them to start, but once he does, I can't imagine that there wouldn't at least be a little bit of guilt over what happened.
I say all of that to say this.
In the 'blog-run' of the story where all things are possible:
When they encounter the petrified drow, she plays tank the whole fight from the moment she realizes the Spectator will keep releasing the drow if the fight continues. She makes sure everyone is onboard and knows the plan, draws the attention, takes the damage, and doesn't give word to kill the thing until the very last of the drow are free of stone. This included one loss, Dhourn, who was snapped out of it after taking a hit from one of them , attacked the Spectator, and then was subsequently killed. That was how Thraeya realized they just had to take the hits and not hit back until everyone was freed... and then attack only the Spectator. Though not possible in game, she will--or more likely get her brother to do so--invite the un-petrified drow to join the camp. As per blog canon, at least two of them do so: Moy and Tecothy. The latter is more than a bit hesitant and wary but agrees at the encouragement of the former who sees it as "Anything is an improvement from returning home, isn't it?"
She will not kill Minthara. First of all, this decision is made because Halsin quite plainly states how the True Souls are basically made puppets to the Absolute, carrying out its will, and she struggles to find a definitive line where a True Soul can be held wholly responsible for their actions while still under the influence of the Absolute. She will not kill someone who she cannot even be certain is guilty in their hearts of the actions taken. Second, she is willing to help Minthara and give her a place in the party later. This is because she understands what Lolth-sworn society is--has seen it and suffered it for herself--and, in her mind, it is equally difficulty to condemn someone when they have never known anything different. She can also see, whether Minthara will openly admit it or not, that the woman has been through something traumatic. To abandon her would be cruel.
She will not kill Nere. She accepts the task from Sovereign Spaw, having seen through their eyes someone who was slaughtering their people without remorse and being worried for the safety of the myconid colony. But when she gets there, she sees someone afraid and a little disoriented after his ordeal. She grieves the loss of the gnome--though in EA, apparently, he didn't kill anyone so I may stick with that?--but, again, she struggles to find a definitive line where a True Soul should be held responsible for their actions while still under the influence of the Absolute. She talks to him. She convinces him to free the gnomes. And the longer they all remain there and she talks to him, the more his demeanor begins to shift. He becomes uncertain, almost addled. He goes from talking about himself in the third person... to talking in the first. He seems... confused. And, while it doesn't completely exonerate him, it does affirm for her that he deserves a chance. Even if it were to break her Oath, she would spare him, because she felt it was right. And, again, though not possible in game, in blog canon, she offers him a place in the camp, safe from the Lolth-sworn that he betrayed--however unknowingly--and safe from the influence or command of the Absolute. As with Tecothy, he is wary of her, but he doesn't see that he has much choice under the circumstances...
Now, if/when Halsin goes off about sparing and bringing in Nere, and later about doing the same with Minthara once he realizes, regardless of which path they walked to this point, Thraeya will look him dead in the eye and telling him that everyone deserves a chance. They both know what the Lolth-sworn society is like. They have both suffered from it. In different ways, yes, but still suffered even so. How then can they condemn someone who has never known anything else? And with a tadpole on top of that? He said himself that True Souls become little more than puppets for the Absolute! The only thing that protects their little band is this artifact. They HAVE to give them a chance. She will not condemn someone when there is no possibility in the moment to discern what level of accountability they hold for their actions. Which, at least with my Halsin, I feel would likely sway him, even if he still wasn't happy about it. [ Particularly if she also brings up the matter of "If we will not condemn someone even for their worst decision when the consequences were so dire, how can we condemn another for a decision we cannot even know was theirs." which takes a direct jab at Kagha and with him not dealing more harshly with what she did and intended to do. ]
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a-doubleh-x · 6 months
Why I like Charlastor
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The other day I noticed there was some negativity in the Charlastor tag, including antis and people feeling the need to defend against antis, so I thought I might as well take a step back and just write candidly about why I like the ship.
I only got into Hazbin in October of last year, but already it has inspired me a lot to write and fantazise about it. Like most people, I started with the classic "they look cute together", but as I kept looking I couldn't help but think there was something else to these two than first met the eye.
For starters, I love Pollyanas! I think they get a bad rep for being naive, but I just appreciate an optimist like Charlie who just wants to make people around her happy because it makes her happy. I also like bad boys 😳 I'm a pretty heteronormative guy, so I haven't had a big chance to explore that part of myself yet, but I do like the danger and excitement someone like Alastor brings to the table.
I will admit when I started writing Charlastor I felt like I was handling dynomite. It's a lil scary to ship a boundless altruist with a manipulative sociopath, but bear with me.
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I think each of them has something the other needs. I think Charlie needs someone to challenge her, someone to steer her in the right direction while she's mostly isolated. At the start of the series, practically nobody but Vaggie takes her seriously, and Alastor is no exception. He mocks her, teases her, but she still listens and I think it's because somewhere deep down she understands there's something he's trting to communicate in his annoying, but curious way.
Of course, I also love the fanon Charlie who's down bad for Alastor, and even if that Charlie is a little naive, I think it's also sweet and she can use some indulgence while most people treat her like a child.
On the other hand, when it comes to Alastor, this is a bit of a theory on my part, but I think he's secretely lonely. He has friends, certainly, like Rosie and Mimzy, but they're not good enough friends to live together with him. They don't seem to be able to save him from "pure, absolute boredom". But Charlie, for some reason can, even though she's a stranger at the beginning when Alastor chooses to move into the Hotel.
Alastor is not as much of a cynic as someone who chooses to see things in a perspective that benefits him. He doesn't think redeeming sinner is "hopeless", but "hilarious" instead, which has interesting implications to me. That's why he chooses to hover around Charlie, not because he thinks she's lame, rather because he thinks she's silly. She makes him laugh. Which I think is kind of how Alastor sees "love".
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And then you have fanon Alastor who, depending on the writer, is either a horny animal, a wisecrack edgelord or a soft boy who's mean to everyone but Charlie XD I like several of those interpretations, but I kinda prefer mine just out of personal taste. I think the best part about Alastor is that he doesn't *care* what anyone thinks of him and always does what he wants, even at the expense of other people, which I find pretty enviable.
They're kinda both outcasts in their own ways. Charlie by being unable to fit in and Alastor being unwilling to compromise. But they don't judge each other. He supports her in his own weird way and she houses him and is delighted of him in general, which is tasty food for his ego. I do wonder why Alastor is interested in Charlie, both in canon and in a fandom vacuum.
There's some cool potential for drama there, but also growth and healing, in my opinion. Personally, I think Alastor doesn't want to actually *hurt* Charlie, but he may hurt those around her, which will be a moment to start settling compromises if Charlie puts her foot down.
That haz bin my review so far! I'm honestly pretty grateful for Vivziepop for all of the work she's done so far, I know directing, animating and writing two shows over the course of 5 year or so ain't easy. I'm also grateful to the fandom who shares their thoughts and vision, which calms the terrible voices I started hearing in my head since I bought this weird old radio.
I'm in the middle of a break, but if you're interested in my fanfics I'll get back to writing very soon. Cheers! 🌈❤🦌
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An Americano, Please? Part 3
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Word count: 1.3K A/N: Just an FYI, I don't usually upload twice a day, I just felt particularly inspired today. As always, italics in quotation marks signify the speaking is using romanian dialect.
Y/N's POV:
I gotta admit. It hurt when Jenna didn't send me a text immediately. It's been two days, and still nothing.
Maybe it was a meaningless banter. Oh well. I guess I just really thought something could come out of it.
"What are you sulking about?" Nessa asks me one day after our shift. 
"I'm not sulking, I'm just a little sad because I didn't get a text from someone," I explain, "It's not like she owed me a text or anything, but I don't have to be ecstatic over the fact that she hasn't done so."
"Oh my god, you're into the American one," Nessa exclaims, "I knew it! I mean, she's gorgeous. Like if I were into girls I would definitely be into her." I take a sip of my cortado (half espresso, half milk) as I listen.
"Well in any case, she's probably not interested."
"Stop sulking, Y/N," Nessa scolds me, "Let's do something fun. Gotta get your mind off of this girl."
Since our shift just ended, and we have a whole afternoon ahead of us, Nessa and I take her car to Predeal, the closest thing to a modern city we have around here.
It's about seven miles, so about twenty minute drive. The town's mostly filled with ski resorts, but there's a few fun places to shop.
A great deal of the afternoon is spent sitting outside a store judging the tourists. 
"Oh my god she's probably saying something stupid like, 'I know it's winter but my husband will love this hawaiian T-shirt I bought in Romania,'" Nessa mimics the normal thought process of the typical tourist.
"This guy's even worse though,"  I stifle a laugh, mocking his actions.
After a thorough mockery of all of the Predeal tourists, we head back to our town, content with our afternoon.
I still haven't stopped thinking about Jenna, though. I wish I could have gotten to know her better. It's so nice to finally have someone I can talk to in English.
All I can do is hope that she comes back to the shop. Even then though, she probably won't want much to do with me.
Nessa drops me off at my apartment, waving goodbye. Almost instantly, I shed my winter coat, relieved by the warmth of the building.
The first thing I do is turn on the TV and open Netflix. A new baking show just dropped, and I'm not the type to turn down new entertainment.
The show turns out to be a combination of baking and engineering. It seems cool, but it's hard to tell from the first episode.
My phone lights up with a bright reminder Remember to feed Cupid!
Sighing, I get up from the couch and grab my fish flakes.
Cupid is my purple betta fish. She's about a year old and as of yet hasn't had too many health issues, which is super lucky for both of us. She's at the point where she recognizes my face. So when I go up to the tank, fish feed in hand, she eagerly swims up to the glass.
"Hey Cupid," I laugh, sprinkling some food into the tank.
After feeding her, I head back to the couch, where I continue watching my cooking show. Before I know it, I'm five episodes in and the sun is starting to set. I look out of the window, trying to gauge the temperature and weather condition.
It's a fairly clear twilight right now. There's a good chance I'll get to see stars tonight. Actually, I've decided I will see stars tonight.
I don my winter coat and make my way down the apartment complex stairs. One of the perks of not living in a huge city is that I can see the night sky beautifully.
One of my favorite places in town is on the outer edges of it. At this point, all of the buildings are housing, be it apartments or actual houses. The long stretches of pavement are perfect for strolling down while admiring the night. 
Not a lot of people choose to come out here late at night, which is honestly their loss. I wouldn't necessarily say I'm super into nature and the great outdoors, but when I am outside, I can find an appreciation for my surroundings.
So that's how I found myself strolling the streets of Bușteni Romania, not looking at the cement in front of me.
BAM! I find myself crashing into another person, almost knocking both of us over.
"Fuck, I am so sorry," I find myself defaulting to english, "I- I mean, I'm so sorry, are you okay?"
"Y/N?" A familiar voice asks.
"Jenna?" It may be dark, but I can just barely see the details of her face. God I hope she's not mad.
"Yep, it's me," I hear her faintly laugh.
"Are you okay? I almost knocked you over."
"I'm okay, just a little rattled."
"Sorry for that again," I apologize, "I should have been watching where I was going." 
"You could make it up to me by walking me to my apartment?" she offers.
"I'd like nothing more," I laugh, linking my arm with hers and we start to walk.
"So, Y/N, tell me about yourself," she starts the conversation.
"Well, my name's Y/N L/N, I work at a coffee shop. I speak English and Romanian, which is useful for when people like you come to the shop."
"I know that stuff," she interrupts me, "what do you like to do outside of work?"
"You know, the normal things, be around the people I care about, watch shows, I read sometimes, listen to music, that kind of stuff. What about you?"
"Well for starters, I'm Jenna Ortega, I also love to read and listen to music," she tells me, "I also like to write though, I have like, twenty scripts and stories sitting in my FinalDraft™ folder."
"Damn, you must really like writing," I respond, "that's pretty awesome."
"I guess so," she shrugs.
"Have you ever considered publishing your work?" I ask.
"Yeah, I actually published a book called It's All Love," she answers proudly.
"That's like, the coolest thing anyone's said to me all day," I tell her.
"I guess I'm just a cool person," she jokes, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding, only an arrogant person would say that."
"No, you have reason to say, it. You're a published author, the lead in a TV show, and fun to talk to. Don't discredit your own awesome-ness." 
She laughs, "thanks for saying that."
"Sure thing." 
"So, does your offer to take me around town sometime still stand?" she changes the subject.
"I'm a woman of my word, Jenna, if you still want a tour, you have my number," I remind her, trying to sound kind and cool at the same time. Which is kind of challenging.
"Oh my god, I forgot to text you, didn't I," she gasps, "I'm so so sorry, Y/N. I've just had so much going on." She starts to talk herself into a panic, "I have work for like, eight hours a day, plus cello lessons, plus german and fencing, it's just so much." If I had known how busy she was I never would have felt so hurt. That must be so overwhelming.
"Hey, it's okay, I'm not mad about it." Which is true. 
"That's such a relief," she exhales, "again, I'm so sorry."
"Hey, Jenna, it's okay. How about the next time you have a day off, we get in touch and I take you around town."
"Well, conveniently enough, my next day off is tomorrow, so how about I see you then?" she offers.
"I wouldn't be opposed to that," I smile, doing my best to hide how excited I am for this.
"Well this is my place," she announces, "thank you for walking me home." 
"Anytime," I reply, sad to know the night is ending. She heads through the door to her apartment, leaving me to walk the short five minutes to my apartment alone.
As soon as I get home, I dash to my bedroom, putting on pyjamas and getting ready for bed. I'm tired from the day. At at the same time, I'm so happy I got to see Jenna. I'm so excited that she wants to see me again, maybe tomorrow! I can't wait to get to know her better.
My phone lights up with a text from a new number
                       +1 ***-***-****
Does 11 AM tomorrow work for you?
I smile, quickly texting back 
                               Sure thing, see ya then :)
I can hardly wait.
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starlightshadowsworld · 8 months
Thinking about if Atsushi wasn't saved in time. Fukuzawa orders the Agency to go after him but it's too late.
The ship he's on has left their waters, they have no legal jurisdiction.
And because Dazai hasn't returned, they don't know about the Guilds involvement.
There's nothing they can do but Fukuzawa doesn't give up hope. Neither do Junichiro and Naomi who were all for rescuing Atsushi from the start.
Fukuzawa says how proud he is of them, and that quite frankly, he's disappointed in the rest for letting their comrade down.
That hurts more than anyone is willing to admit.
The ship is seized by the Guild, seeing the explosion.
Atsushi is captured.
A Port Mafia helicopter comes to collect Akutugawa but Kyouka has gone into hiding. She hates leaving Atsushi but knows there's nothing she can do right now.
Fitzgerald does his gloating and Atsushi is sent to his cell.
The only one he sees on the regular is Lucy who says nothing to him. She only slides a tray of food under his door at random times.
He thought about using it to count the days but gave up. Atsushi's used to the sporadic nature of the Orphanage.
Having time stolen from him so much so that the lack of knowing what day or time it is doesn't freak him out like it should.
The only thing he does know is that every time he wakes up it's 5am.
Because it's always 5am.
Lucy looks at him like she can't quite figure him out.
Until one day she snaps "why haven't your friends come to find you yet?!" She doesn't get it, because her idea of Atsushi is that he's someone who's been prized since birth.
Atsushi just looks at her.
"Why would they?"
Is he suprised? A little, he had really started to buy into this whole Agency = family stuff.
But maybe family just never included him?
No yeah that sounds about right.
It's so easy for Atsushi to convince himself that he was just there for his ability to be controlled. The second he became a burden he was going to be abandoned.
His parents did it.
The Orphanage did it.
Why would the Agency be any different? No one has ever wanted him, he knew this from the start.
... Than why does it hurt so much?
Atsushi doesn't notice the tears falling until Lucy hands him a tissue. The confusion in her eyes has cleared to understanding.
Along with handing him his food, she starts to talk to him. Atsushi usually listens but they learn they have more in common than they realised.
Someone else starts to visit him too.
Lucy introduces him to Poe, someone who seemed rather intimidating for all of five seconds.
Not that Atsushi thinks Poe couldn't be intimating, but he's nice if awkward at times.
Something Atsushi understands. When they do talk it's mostly about books. Apparently Poe's a writer who met Ranpo years ago.
But for all Poe's respect and devotion to him, he sounds... Disappointed when Atsushi reassures him Ranpo that wouldn't try to find him.
"I mean it's hardly worth his time, greatest detective and all."
"Hmm.. I suppose so."
Atsushi does try not to ruin Poe's image of Ranpo. It's not like he's lying either, Ranpo would never choose a case like this.
He pretends that knowledge doesn't hurt.
Karl slips through the tray gap and given Atsushi hugs. Poe was suprised at first, apparently Karl takes a while to warm up to anyone.
It makes Atsushi feel warm to be trusted like that.
His food had something in it,. And he knows Lucy knows because she always looks apologetic handing him it.
But Atsushi never comments on it, he thanks her anyway. They make it so he can't sleep much. Which definitely doesn't help any hope of keeping track of time.
Poe and Lucy often have to repeat themselves, he can't get the words to work sometimes.
And the Headmaster hasn't left the room.
His arm hurts, he watches it impssively as his hard grows back. Fitzgerald wanted to see how just how powerful his ability was.
Atsushi hadn't really cared to fight back, not that it would've done much the man was powerful.
It's a while later he learns the true plan. He doesn't look at not speak to Lucy or Poe after that. It brings him no joy to see their sadness.
They were the enemy and he let himself get attached.
It was his own fault.
Most things were.
He wonders if he'll be doomed to die behind bars. If he was always meant to be locked up in a cage like this.
Like a monster.
The rescue is unexpected.
Atsushi doesn't register it, not at first. He thinks he's hallucinating, it wouldn't have been the first time.
Junichiro sighs in relief, Kyouka at his side who runs to him. Atsushi hugs her automatically even if he's more confused.
"Why are you here?"
Junichiro frowns "to save you I'm sorry we took so long." Atsushi shakes his head "that doesn't make sense..."
He doesn't notice he's said that out loud.
"Atsushi?" Says Kyouka, concerned. Than it dawns on him and he nods like everything makes sense now.
"The Agency knows about the plan, that's why their here." He nods to himself, it's so obvious. Because why else would they come to save Atsushi.
"Gonna put me in another cage so I don't ruin everything."
Junichiro shakes his head "no, that's not why we're here." Atsushi snorts, "why else? What? You came cos you feel bad? Cos the Agency cares about me?"
He laughs, because it's truly the funniest thing he's ever heard.
The saddest part is Junichiro knows he wouldn't have gotten this far if the President hadn't ordered everyone to help.
He wants to say that he cares. That Kyouka cares, Naomi cares, Dazai had been horrified and done everything he could as had Fukuzawa.
But he knew that won't reach Atsushi. Maybe later when the drugs were out of his system and he'd gotten some rest.
He'd make this right, somehow. They all needed to make this right.
Because Atsushi was part of the Agency. And they were supposed to protect their own.
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sketch-guardian · 26 days
Is it okay if I ask for all the students with a mate who loves horror and insists on it everytime it’s movie night?? (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
I don’t know if you’ve done this already!! So sorry if you have!!
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Of course, it's more than okay✨don't worry, I haven't written about such topic yet☺so I'll try my best with the headcanons, adding little details🙈:
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Demya wouldn't have too many problems with horror movies, often having to deal with blood and gore, especially in battle and during her hunting sessions, however scenes of torture or imprisonment would make her rather uncomfortable, pushing Demya to hug MC and seek comfort in their arms, a guttural growl rumbling from deep in her chest, since it would bring back memories of her childhood spent in a human circus as part of a freakshow, basically in slavery, chained up and malnourished, MC better give Demya lots of kisses and caresses to make the movie night worth it. For the rest, Demya would be mostly happy to take care of the snacks for the evening, such as popcorns, candies, making sure there are also options that MC would like, playfully feeding them from time to time, to be romantic. However, Demya has quite violent reactions to jumpscares, so she might instinctively throw something at the TV. A movie she might like, even if not exactly horror, would be "Predator", because the yautja would remind Demya of her old tribe (fauxsaeva)
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Domnra is the type to get frustrated and shout insults at the protagonists' choices during horror movies, especially if the cast is made up of rather stupid individuals, it would challenge his sanity, but it could be quite funny for MC, otherwise Domnra wouldn't feel much fear, at most he would tense during moments of suspense. Furthermore, movies about hexes or curses would remind Domnra of how Mobim came to exist, in this regard he would agree with MC to forbid Mobim from participating in movie nights if the movies were to result too scary, because the last thing he would be need is for the little curse to have nightmares. Domnra wouldn't mind if MC cuddled up to him if scared, he'd be pretty smug about it actually. A horror movie that would be fun to watch with Domnra would be "Child's Play", because it would be funny to see him screaming at the TV that Chucky is just a fucking doll and that a kick would be enough to send the little freak into orbit, at least it would be easy for Domnra, being a demon. If Mobim managed to secretly watch the horror movie, the little curse would have trouble trusting dolls in the following months
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Azul would prefer anime movies or musicals if he really had to choose what to watch on TV, however he wouldn't disdain horror movies from time to time, especially if they dealt with ghosts or similar beings, because Azul would like to comment on the scenes of the horror movie, make fun of them if they aren't realistic enough and explain how he would have acted instead in the antagonist's place, proposing absurd ideas just to make MC laugh, he could also tease MC if they showed fear, only to then scream like a banshee if a jumpscare were to catch him off guard. Azul would be enough of an asshole to phase through the TV like in "The Ring" just to scare MC, they would have every right to make him sleep on the couch after such antics by the way. A horror movie Azul would be interested in seeing would be "Nightmare On Elm Street", because he would find Freddy and some of his ideas fucking hilarious, plus being able to manipulate dreams like that would be cool
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Zuri wouldn't be a fan of the genre, not because she doesn't like horror itself, she knows how to appreciate it, the problem would be that most horror movies would be ridiculous for her, not scary at all, so she would end up choosing more psychological horror movies, mysterious ones, where her intellect would be stimulated to try to interpret the plot or find out who the culprit is, which she would pick on pretty quickly. Zuri wouldn't appreciate too splatter or gore movies, because she would find them exaggerated and without class, after all to arouse terror, quality would be better than quantity. If MC had trouble sleeping, Zuri would let them spend the night in her bed with the lights on, promising to watch over them until they doze off. A horror movie that would intrigue Zuri would be "Silence Of The Lambs", especially Hannibal Lecter, because it would be interesting to see a cultured villain for once, even if the cannibalism detail would remind Zuri of Demya
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To be honest, it would be a hilarious scenario, MC watching horror movies with literally an eldritch abomination next to them, it would almost sound like a joke and Odon would grasp the irony of the situation, joking softly about the fact that evidently their being an ancient eldritch horror isn't enough for MC and that they need to compensate with movies. Horror that would cause existential crises or morbid themes would have no effect on Odon, who would simply watch with a curious gaze while chuckling occasionally, mentioning that some things would remind them of their younger days, when they committed even worse actions. MC, as a horror lover, might want to listen to Odon's stories, if they feel up to it. It would be difficult to be afraid during horror movie nights, considering that Odon would be able to obliterate any present threat even with just a glance, so it would be a pleasant evening. A horror movie that MC could watch with Odon would be "The Mist". The eldritch abomination would analyze the other monsters, pointing at those similar to some beings they have actually encountered in the past
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Remiel would not understand MC's desire to view horror material, considering that it would be enough to watch the news every day on Earth to experience dread, she technically experiences sorrow every day, dealing with souls to be led to the afterlife, however she wouldn't mind keeping MC company, willing to learn, especially since it would be the first movie she would watch in her entire life. Remiel would remain quiet during the horror movies, studying with rapt attention every single scene, as if to analyze them, therefore her silence and apathetic expression at the beginning wouldn't give much feedback, MC would just have to wait until the end to get comments from the angel of death. Remiel wouldn't be afraid, considering everything she witnessed in the past, she would allow MC to cover their body with her wings if they needed to. A horror movie that could be interesting to watch with Remiel would be "The Sixth Sense", because she would be able to grasp some aspects better, given the resemblance of the covered topics to her celestial duty
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Nathaniel would prefer to watch documentaries about nature or animals if he really had to be sincere, not that he can't handle horror movies, his poker face wouldn't reveal anything about his thoughts, however Nathaniel wouldn't understand the pleasure in being disturbed, themes that would bother the angel in particular would be possessions or stalking, because one of the things he can't stand most would be the sense of helplessness. Nathaniel would tense up at jumpscares, but otherwise he would manage quite well during horror movie nights, which if not accompanied by chatting with MC, could end with him dozing off on their shoulder, not out of boredom, but out of tiredness. A horror movie that Nathaniel would be interested in watching would be "Coraline And The Magic Door", the idea of discovering and exploring a new realm would be fascinating, moreover his favorite character would be "Other Wybie", because he's of "few words" as well
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Uriel would quite criticize most horror movies, she would comment on how most of the protagonists have no survival skills or instinct and that if they followed rules and were respectful, perhaps they wouldn't have found themselves in such situations to begin with, she would honestly think some of them would deserve their demise and would only root for those she believe to be worthy of surviving according to justice. If the horror movie involved evil humans, Uriel would be disgusted by how close their cruelty would be to that of demons, consequently she would become even more protective of MC for a while, moreover themes such as cults or sacrifices would make Uriel uncomfortable. Horror movie nights might be one of the few times MC would be able to convince Uriel to stay without her armor in order to relax, however she would still keep her sword at her side. If Uriel saw a horror movie like "Hellraiser", she would be disgusted by the concept of ​​cenobites, finding them blasphemous and repulsive. During the horror movie, Uriel would describe in details how she would defeat them one by one, ignoring the fact that they would likely enjoy pain
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livingfast04 · 1 year
Hi! Love, love, love your Monster AU? fic! Gimme that sweet angst mixed with aggressively protective love *grabby hands*
I was wondering about Robin’s stance on how the pack was rejecting Steve when they had the House. I know they didn’t know he was supernatural back then, but they all know that humans aren’t unfeeling beings and are still capable of being hurt by rejection. Did she ever admit to herself that Steve was probably pulling away because they’d already pushed him most of the way out?
I think you’ve said in a reply to another ask that if Steve was human, Hopper would have let Steve be kicked out of his own home. Even though they assumed he was human, wouldn’t this have had a negative impact on the pack, as some of their own had imprinted/bonded with him?
Anyway, I can’t wait for more Eddie defending Steve against the pack, and for the pack to slowly learn just how bad things got. And maybe for Steve to eventually let some of his monster show through in front of others - spooky Steve is my fave <3
I haven't done much Robin yet, Which is a crime, but it is a different tone than my other fics. So we haven't seen much of her- Robin is incredibly upset, mostly because she's starting to realize that Steve distancing himself for her, is her fault. Not because "Human Steve" is uncomfortable around Supernatural! They know that Humans are unfeeling, but the view is through rose tinted glasses, because as Humans don't know how Supernatural work really, Supernaturals don't know how Humans work. But they are all fully aware that Steve has feelings, they just choose to ignore them. Like a bunch of Assholes. There will be more Robin!! I promise, I love Platonic Stobin, they are my beloved.
Hopper wouldn't have cared! Sure, the idea was let Steve stay in the house, he stays out of the way, and the people who are bonded to him, get basically their "exposure" to him. BUT! When the Steve's parents show up, they are actively a threat to Hopper's pack, and he is not above removing the entire family to keep his Pack safe. Is it a good option? No, actually- if Steve was actually human it would have destroyed very solid (if fraying do to their treatment of Steve) bonds, and probably would have emotionally devastated Robin and Eddie more than it already did. But because Steve is supernatural, Hopper gets slapped in the face with "We could have killed Steve." And I think that's great. :D
Protective Eddie is my favorite, so there will be much. And Spooky Steve is becoming also my favorite- <3
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
Do you have everyone's majors decided in the college au?? And the classes the professors teach??
Yes! So this was further explained in An Academic Proposal chapter 14 and 15, but I've had their majors decided since about chapter 5 of An Academic Achievement! Feel free to ask any questions about Academic Achievement and Proposal since I know not everyone has read either
Rodolfo: Rodolfo's major is a little tricky. So, he's Pre-Law which isn't one specific major, but I've settled on Sociology being what he takes before he goes to Law School and switches to Criminal Law (Originally going to be for Custody Law which I think has a bit more specialized of a Law degree.)
Alejandro: Alejandro is actively a business major, he's also in Alpha Lambda which is a business frat. However, once he gets through this degree, he's going back into college to get a BSW (Bachelor's of Social Work)
Soap: Chemical Engineering. This was sparked because what he's supposed to be was split down the middle as half wanted Engineering, half wanted Chemistry, so I found a middle ground. He's not too passionate about his degree at the current time for reasons I can't say due to spoilers.
Ghost: Ghost is forensics with no specialty. He's kind of just going to college to have a degree, he has enough family money he doesn't really need to find a career. He plans on going as high as he can with Forensics and then teaching it.
Roach: Roach is Digital Forensics, which he picked because Farah is forensics and he has a mild interest in technology. However, he's reconsidering his major for Entomology, because he has more passion for insects than computers. I cannot explain why he didn't go with Entomology to begin with because of (you guessed it) spoilers.
Valeria: Sociology. She's also Pre-law and will be a prosecuting attorney when she graduates Law School. She's been on this track since she started.
Price: He's mostly just the coach of the football team as well as a few other very small sports teams. He also teaches a couple Sport related courses. He has a degree in Sports Management with a Sports and Society minor.
Laswell: She primarily teaches Criminology, but she's a Prosecuting Attorney for her main job. I should state this now I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT LAW AND I DON'T FEEL INTERESTED IN LEARNING, SO ALL THREE LAWYERS ARE GOING TO BE FAIRLY INACCURATE
Laswell's Wife (Jen): She teaches Chemistry Courses, whatever ends up being most convenient for plot. Not super accurate for her character, I would probably choose Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree if I did another. However, she has a PhD in Chemistry.
Gaz: Business major. He's fairly undriven at college because he had other things going on when he joined. He's about to look over everything he's done and see if switching majors is something feasible for him.
Alex: He started out also as a business major, but switched to Criminology in his second year about a fourth of the way through. Laswell helped him do it and he'll likely join her firm when he's graduated. He used to also be in Alpha Lambda, but had to leave when he switched majors because it's a Business Frat
Farah: She's a basic Forensics Major with no specialty. I have no major reason, I don't really think it fits her character, but it did fit the story. If I was to do a new College AU, I think I would pick Social Justice or Social Work
Malika: She's a computer science major because she has a special interest in all things computer! She and Roach actually bond over a similar major quite a bit!
Graves: Business Major, current Chapter President of Alpha Lambda. Not much really needs to be known beyond that, tbh
Lucas: (He's important to the story.) He's also Pre-Law and his degree is in Criminology. He hasn't quite figured out the full scope of his career, yet.
Again, feel free to ask whatever for this AU. Here's the original headcanons post and here's An Academic Achievement and An Academic Proposal if you haven't read them, yet. I think I just recently reached a 225k total wordcount for the series!
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scarlet--wiccan · 2 years
what did you think about issue #3 of Scarlet Witch?
I haven't really shared my thoughts on the the series yet, so I guess this is a good time to check in. Issue #3 definitely highlighted all of Scarlet Witch's strengths, but I think it also brought some of its weaknesses, and directions that I wouldn't personally choose, into focus.
First of all, the artwork was the real star of this issue, and I have to say that Pichelli, D'Amico, and Wilson are doing amazing work. Going into this series, I was worried that the artistic sensibility was going to be a little too "superhero" for my taste, but this issue blew me away. Pichelli's fluid lines are complimented perfectly by the painterly, organic finish that D'Amico and Wilson bring to the colors and inks. This journey through the fantasy world of Subatomica was a great showcase, compared #1 and #2. I'm looking forward to seeing more of this vivid magic as we enter into the Bacchae storyline.
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Composing an issue almost entirely out of montage can be tricky, but Orlando took advantage of the extra page space to tell a story while also delivering his thesis on Wanda's character. This issue nails down who Wanda is, where she's at, and what she wants moving forward. Orlando has really imbued her with grace and wisdom from all of her experiences, but he also allows her to be vulnerable, and arrive at these moments with a very human touch. I think that's important, and it's something I've been a little worried about, because it would be easy to overcorrect with Wanda and make her too infallible. I appreciate that she has really complex emotions and personal reactions, which is something I find missing in a lot of comics these days.
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I've said it before, but Wanda's affinity for chosen family is a core aspect of her character, and I think it was smart to illustrate this with Viv and Lorna in the opening arc, because those two are the least obvious choices. Bringing Tommy or Billy in would be great, but it wouldn't necessarily allow Orlando to say anything new. I appreciate that Viv challenges Wanda and creates a sort of tension, just as much as I appreciate Lorna for accepting Wanda as a sister in a way that she hasn't done much before, showing that Wanda is more well supported now and her family is stronger than in has been in years.
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Having said all of that, there are some things that I am struggling with.
As I've said, I don't love Orlando's approach to writing magic. Previous Scarlet Witch stories have made the effort to distinguish witchcraft from other forms of magic, and the current developments with Agatha are promising to expand its role in the Marvel world. So far, Orlando has ignored all of that, and is just defaulting to a very Doctor Strange sensibility-- mostly invocations of fictional entities and whimsically named artifacts. That's annoying, but I'm more frustrated by the lack of internal thought and effort behind Wanda's spellcasting. This is her book, and she's the POV character, so I think there needs to be more detail and intentionality with her powers.
I really liked the scene where Wanda and Lorna forge that sword together-- Wanda didn't just conjure a sword, there was thought and detail put into how it came together-- and I just wish we were seeing more of that.
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Issue #3, for me, also called attention to the glaring lack of Romani perspective. I love the way Wanda and Pietro are being drawn, and I love the inclusion of cultural food in #2, but this is surface-level representation, and it's not enough to balance the decades of flawed material. Don't get me wrong, these changes are huge, and they're going to make a difference, and there's just no excuse at this point for the lack of Romani contributors. I literally know people who would take the offer, myself included.
Anyways, I was thinking about it a lot when Mardj was describing hte nomadic marauders that have invaded her home. I was uncomfortable with the language Orlando used in that scene, and I just don't think that very many Romani writers would choose to characterize a displaced people as unquestionably evil.
This lack of authenticity comes up a lot in Wanda's language, too. Orlando's research is still faulty at best, and again, there are a lot of people who could've been paid as a consultant. Mostly, though I'm just disappointed by the fact that Wanda is a small occult business owner, and there's been no acknowledgement of the complicated history Romani people have with magic/fortunetelling as businesses and cultural trade work-- or the very real discriminatory laws and policing of fortune teller businesses and "scam artists," which are designed to target and profile Romani families.
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spamgyu · 5 months
Hi love,
Alright, I'll start off with this, the wonwoo fluff, girl, I hope you know that good fluff IS about the most mundane things and yeah, you got me all giggly while reading this one, so I'd say you're fucking good at writing fluff( as if your pretty boy series isn't enough proof of that).
Next, the Alex Kwon update, it's absolutely hilarious, but the way I can totally see this happening, like, alex having to pay them to stay away from Alex!yn and telling her they're all red flags. Also, Andrew, Sam and Chris not being on his close friends, loll, girl I was laughing reading them complain. The cutest thing though, the Alex or alex✨️ was so adorable and I loved the update, it felt like early compensation for the pain you're about to put us through with the hoshi idol angst.
Now, minghao with lv, god I've been wanting to see this happen for so long but oh god, ge looked so gooooood. Seeing him Jackson makes me so happy, I love seeing the members interact with their friends. You see, I have quite a weird connection, I started off as a bts and blackpink fan, got to know Jackson through namjoon and then svt through jungkook, so watching all these groups interact is like my source of happiness. When I tell you, I was over the moon seeing lisa and mingyu interact, they're absolutely hilarious, the way gyu looked so done with her while she seemed to have the time of her life annoying him. Sorry, I got distracted, the whole point is Hao looked absolutely fucking amazing in that denim on denim look.
Okay, I see people talking about how they can't afford to stan more then one group, and I totally get that, like I have serious brainrot because of stanning more than one group(can't say I regret it though). To give you an idea of how deep my brainrot runs, I stan 5 groups, 4 boy bands and 1 girl group. When I tell you that I'm rotting, I mean I genuinely am, because just one grp is enough to drive someone crazy and yet, I choose to do so with 5 groups. The fact that I started off as a cubic doesn't help my case either, because I was instantly drawn to these 13 men being unhinged. It's been years and I still haven't gotten used to this, and to be quite honest, idk if I ever will.
As for disconnected calls part 2, umm, I would actually love you even more if it was angst(just a personal opinion) but like, I can't guarantee I'll be alive to tell you how much I love it, because, well, cheol angst is one of my weaknesses, I can't say I've fully recovered from the pain from the 1st part and the apartment we don't share.
Anyway, how have you been?
hi omg – wow im so late replying buuuut
thank u i KDNWKD i think i think too much about fluff bc ??? idk ?? i hate cheesy things and i feel like people wont like what i think is cute so then i never actually go through with it but AHHH THANK U
alex kwon just dont want the boys annoying him in the gc bc lbr the guys wont ever comment or swipe up on Alex!yn bc like theyre dumb but theyre not pigs... anyways its alex's way of not wanting to show his lover boy side to the boys
i loooveeddd the denim look sm and i loooove when we get svt interactions with other idols (imo it humanizes them) anywaysss
KFNENF yeah i stan multiple groups and im mostly casual stan for all but svt (but tbh some carats may think im casual for svt bc i dont really go crazy with purchasing merch) anyways now that it's concert season my pockets are HURTING
LASTLY disconnected calls pt2 will be angst and maybe equally as painful as the apartment we wont share....... i havent fully written out ehe BUT NOTED
also i am.......... okay ish.... work is.... work and i am ....... surviving lmfaoooo
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bettsfic · 7 months
Hi betts! I've been reading your fic Training Wheels and it's super well done. I love all of the truth and wisdom you have in the fic about relationships and how sometimes they end and all the character details that really sketch them in and make them three dimensional.
I haven't finished reading TW yet, but something I noticed is that there is a lot of journey and time jumps in the fic. Compared to some of your other fics like ASE and Lemon and A Long Way, I was surprised to see Clarke and Bellamy break up and for Clarke to spend a lot of time on her own first. I'd love to hear more of your thoughts and writing process of the fic. What made you choose to take it in the direction that you did? Did you know how the story was going to go when you started writing it?
i can't believe TW was 6 years ago. mostly i was using that fic to work through some stuff that i realized during the me too movement the year prior. iirc i was adjuncting and had a crazy commute to campus, which i spent plotting TW in my head so that when i got home i could start writing immediately.
because it was kind of an unending flow state for several months, i don't really remember much about the decisions i made or why i made them. i do remember that i didn't do much plotting beyond "sex during detention" and general vibes, and i'd intended for it to be a one-shot PWP but it spiraled way out of control.
i remember i got a bunch of asks about TW while i was posting it, so the tag probably has more insight.
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nellectronic · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
thanks @marvellouslymadmim for the tag!! now I'm tempted to spend the rest of the evening/weekend writing fic rather than doing my tasks...
idk who to tag so if you're reading this and you write fic, consider yourself tagged!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently mostly the witcher, but I've also written for the worst witch and a few others. and I have wips that will probably never see the light of day for more fandoms than I can count.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
(1) those heavy days in june when love became an act of defiance, (2) i promise you the truth can't hurt us now (i want to love you but i don't know how), (3) i'm so human, (4) i was looking for a breath of life, (5) her eyes and words are so icy (oh, but she burns).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes!! I love interacting with people and making friends through fandom, even though I'm super shy and a bit of a loner irl. I think I do have quite a few comments that I haven't replied to yet, but I've definitely been meaning to get around to that...
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm, I'm not actually sure. almost all of my fics have happy endings; I haven't really done angst in a while. I'm guessing it's probably my oldest fic on ao3, which was a kepler's ghost ex fic (idk if that's still a thing in the wolf 359 discord but it certainly was at the time), so I doubt it had a particularly happy ending.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
somehow this question is even harder than the last one. pretty much everything I've written (other than maybe some of the stuff I've deleted from the internet) has a happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, and I'm very glad I don't :)
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
not usually, but I do have one crossover idea that's been sitting in my head for years begging to be written. possibly one of the best ideas I've ever had. I don't even want to say what it is because it's just so good. hope I manage to write it someday.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of, but I think someone once copied a specific turn of phrase, which they mentioned that they stole but didn't specifically say from whom. honestly it still made me really happy - it was a minor enough thing that it felt more like taking inspiration than stealing.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no, but it would be extremely cool if someone did want to translate one of my fics.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not really - I once had a conversation with my dear friend @stardreamerl0ve about vampires that spiraled into a whole she-ra urban fantasy AU that we were planning to write, but we never did.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
don't make me fucking choose. I feel like I have to say calanthe/eist because they've been the hyperfixation for several years now
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
so, so, so, so many. you have no idea.
16. What are your writing strengths?
idk really. I'd like to think I'm pretty good at humor.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
probably a whole bunch of things, but most notably, I never fucking finish anything.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
if there was another language I was proficient enough in to write dialogue, and it fit the fic, I'd do it. sadly, though, the only language I know well enough to write in is english.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I don't remember and I don't want to remember.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
oof. probably and they were soulmates. easily one of the funniest things I've ever written
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goatsorcery · 8 months
>:3 Alright Frank, my turn. Please share your bg3 brain worms (tadpoles). Favorite character(s)? Preferred companions? Do you have a consistent party? If not, how do you choose your members at any given time? I am very curious if it’s the latter because as I mentioned, I don’t really ever switch it up.
you said in the tags of your answer to write as many paragraphs as my feelings can fill… and well… it’s a lot haha :)
i love all the characters so much! they're all so unique, interesting, and charming in their own way. i'm only in act 2 myself (about to finish it though i think) so i haven't gotten to see everyone's full stories yet. narrowing down a favorite is so hard! i change up my party every once in a while, but consistently i still always bring wyll or shadowheart so I guess they would be my favorites!
i love wyll so much, im always a sucker for characters who are able to stay postive and optimistic even through the worst of times. I also love characters (especially in fantasy) who are primed to be the main character either from their backstories or narratively (alistair in dragon age and aragorn in lord of the rings are other examples); wyll, who is a monster hunter but is first and foremost a protector of the people, (there are other details about him that I wont spoil for you that also lend to this) has all the makings of a classic fantasy protagonist, but he never expresses the desire to be the leader (i guess, unless the player plays as him haha) or to get any recognition for helping cure the tadpoles. other possibly-spoilery tid-bits about him that break away from or invert fantasy character archtypes help to really round out his character in an interesting way.
I loved shadowheart pretty much instantly (shadowheart and lae’zel being the first two companions you meet is everything, i love them both and their dynamic so much) shadowheart is a bit of a mystery, even to herself, which is fascinating to me. I find her whole story, so far, really interesting, and I’m excited to see where it goes and what else is learned about her through the rest of the game. i love characters who are so dedicated to one goal to the point that it’s all that matters to them and it’s all they are, but then the story challenges their dedication or pulls them from it for a larger cause.
i switch up my party every once in a while, but its usually just to swap out characters for quests that are relevant to them or that i think will prompt dialogue or approval from them. i think my game is a bit bugged, because i didn't even realize there was party banter until very late into act 1 (also just might be  because i fast travel a lot) so i've been switching out characters more to see what conversations they can have.
my go-to parties in act 1 were wyll, shadowheart, and lae’zel or wyll, karlach, and lae’zel (this was mostly because of combat game play, karlach and lae’zel with their extra attack or shadowheart as an extra healer was so helpful when I was still trying to learn the combat system).
in act 2 my go to party is wyll, shadowheart, and karlach, or wyll, shadowheart, and halsin depending on if im just exploring/doing side-quests or if i know I’ll run into heavy combat. karlach regularly one-shots enemies with 30+ hp and having her extra attack is the only way i get through combat most of the time (even on the easiest difficulty, combat continues to kick my ass).
when I reach act 3, I plan on mixing up my party more, depending on what’s in store for act 3 (I have surprisingly not been spoiled on anything that happens in act 3).
combat is the main reason why i don’t switch up my parties more since i get used to having certain spells or abilities. on my second play through (which I’ve already started planning even though im not close to being done with my first lol) i plan on trying to mix up my groups more to get more banter and to spend time with other characters I haven’t had much chance to. I rarely take gale or astarion with me (unless there is a relevant quest) but only because of combat, i feel like other characters have more useful abilities then they do. which is a shame because i like them both a lot, and want to get to know them better. my tav is a cleric, so that also factors in to party make-up. gale’s party banter is always bugged for me as well which is a bummer, the captions will pop-up but his voice lines never play.
one thing i like so much about the characters is that they all have interesting interpersonal dynamics. it really only comes up in banter and the occasional camp conversation but its enough to make it feel like they're all actually interacting in camp. whether or not they fully get along, they still all seem to care about each other which i love! its the friend group you'd never expect (most of who would probably not get along or get the chance to interact if the circumstances were different) but they all end up being close in some way or another. shadowheart and lae'zel's dynamic is especially a favorite of mine, i always love characters who don't get along on the surface but are actually "no one's allowed to be mean to them except for me". shadowheart and astarion are a bit like this too, with each other, and astarion with the rest of the companions as well. another one of my favorite party dynamics is wyll, shadowheart, and astarion; three people I wouldn’t have expected to really get along but the first time i had them all in my party I triggered like three conversations in a row where they were flirting with each other (my favorite of their banters is astarion saying he’d drink from wyll if he could chose anyone in camp after shadowheart asks him and then her sounding disappointed that he didn’t pick her. in my play through shadowheart then asked astarion if he was single less than a minute later lol).
my favorite character dynamics are:
wyll and karlach
wyll, astarion, and shadowheart
shadowheart and lae’zel
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kedreeva · 2 years
You had answered a question about Steve and Eddie flaws and traits recently, and I was wondering what you think Robin’s flaw is? Because I love Robin so much, and I think she is perfect and has no flaws, can do no wrong ever /j
So the thing about Steve is that he's a main character in the ensemble cast for the entire show. He has a clear journey he's on to develop his character, he's got his own narrative outside of the main narrative, and one that is NOT just a romance. Not that romance can't be a narrative, but just that it's often used to sideline a character.
The thing about Eddie is that he's one of the main characters of one season's arc, which means they tried to give him a clear journey to develop his character (knowing they would have a definitive end to him). but they didn't give us much outside of his involvement with the main narrative. We've extrapolated stuff, mostly.
Robin is a character who joined the ensemble cast halfway through, and although she's technically present and involved in the main narrative, they haven't really... given her a journey of her own, except for the romance one, and they've done... kind of poorly on that front mostly because we just... haven't seen her romance stuff? They tell us it's going on, and we get a few glimpses, and idk about you, but I know fuck all about Vickie except that she's in band and had a boyfriend. So there's just not a lot of space to move in that narrative (yet?). Outside, and really even inside, of that, the narrative hasn't forced Robin to make any conflicting decisions that would reveal character development. It certainly hasn't punished her for making any decisions in ways that would tell us what the narrative thinks are her flaws. She's there, but she's not particularly a catalyst for the main story (and not everyone can be, that's not BAD). She's not the hero; she's a support character and that's fine.
Look at it this way. She gets herself involved in Steve's business when Dustin arrives and starts talking Russian Spies, but ultimately aside from being scared and drugged she... doesn't really suffer any negative consequences of that choice. In fact if anything she comes out the other side of that unscathed physically and with a new best friend who loves her dearly. Season 4 rolls around and her biggest conflict is over her feelings for Vickie, but ultimately there's no actual confrontation for her and the season ends with her gently getting along with Vickie. She goes with Nancy to the asylum, but her ability to ramble and stress out is actually what gets them into the basement to see Victor. She almost has conflict with Nancy, over Steve, but she cottons on quickly to Nancy's problem and heads it off at the pass by assuring her they're just friends, and then staying out of their way the rest of the season, even becoming Nancy's friend in the woods. She goes into the Upside Down with them but aside from being briefly bound by the vines, she doesn't suffer injury.
As a character (not a person), she's mostly there to be there for the main characters- translate the russian so they know there's a base to break into. Get captured with Steve so he has someone to defend. Extra body during fights so they aren't outmatched. Help Steve get a job at the video store. Be Steve's friend so he has someone to talk to. Help them find and calm Eddie down. Help nancy find the weird tabloid news story. Help nancy get into the asylum. Help prepare for the fight with Vecna, help in the fight against Vecna. Help, help, help. The only solo narrative she has is with her love life, and that's barely on screen.
On the one hand, I have no interest in ever seeing her suffer any consequences, or suffer at all honestly. She deserves to be happy, I'm cool with that. On the other hand, I'm pissed they're not paying attention to her narrative more. On the third hand (whose hand even is this), there's actually (kind of) a reason; her core is probably the same as Steve's- loyalty. She chooses him. Even when it's stupid, even when it might get her killed. She follows him. The difference is that it works out for her. The difference is that Steve's usually the one taking the brunt of the narrative punishment for choose loyalty for them. They'd have to separate these two in order to avoid that, in order for her to be forced into a corner that could make it a flaw for her.
So, in a way.... you're kind of right. She doesn't "have" them, because the narrative hasn't shoved her anywhere uncomfortable enough to show it, yet. She's got some surface traits that could be called character flaws (the things some people or Robin herself points out like that she's anxious or she talks/overthinks too much, or whatever people who like to complain think), but... not really. Those really are quirks, flavor that isn't to some people's tastes maybe, more than flaws or strengths, and the major core strength I see has yet to be pushed into becoming a flaw.
And who knows! Maybe we'll go through Season 5 and something will happen that causes me to look back and go Ah, okay, I can see where they built a thing. I'm rewatching S3 at the moment so maybe I'll see something I didn't before and have an epiphany.
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lonesome-witching · 1 year
heya! :D
here from the get to know your fic writer post, i chose quite a few questions, so you can pick and choose from these if it's ever a lot hehe <33
1, 2, 4, 13, 17, 21, 28, 39, 45, 61, 62, 77
hope you have a good day/night! :>
Oh my God, thank you so much for this insane amount of questions. I love you for sending this!!
Okay, I will answer all of these, just because you asked.
If anyone else wants to send me questions, you can. Here they are.
Do you prefer to write one shots or multi-chaptered fics?
I think probably one shots. I like writing something I can finish and multi-chaptered fics take a lot of time and effort and I often end up abandoning them or losing interest in them over time. The exception seems to be the unnamed fantasy au I'm writing but I haven't posted any of that yet so we'll see.
2) Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
I actually recently started to plan ahead. Probably not each chapter, except for with the fantasy au, but at least an idea of how the story needs to evolve. I still also write as I go because I cannot think of certain plot twists or certain scenes until I'm fully in the story. Also my stories tend to get out of hand and lead somewhere different than I intend at first. Miscommunications Lead to Places is a great example of this, that ending was supposed to be very, very different.
4) Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
Pretty much everywhere. Miscommunications came from a tiktok i saw. I wrote I Can See You, clearly based of the Taylor Swift song. The fantasy au was something that evolved through conversations with a friend. So, everywhere. I think music helps a lot, sometimes reading, and dreams. I have a lot of vivid dreams that help with scenes for my projects. And of course I do prompts so then the idea comes from other people.
13) What's a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
I don't really follow writing tips. I think the only one i usually follow is to just write. Even when you think you don't have inspiration, because writing something shitty is better than not writing at all. But mostly I just do whatever the hell I want to do.
17) What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
Other than complain to anyone who will listen, I mostly try to find inspiration in the small things. Usually when I get stuck in my writing it's because I'm too close to it. So, I listen to music, I read a book, I go for a walk or go to the gym, just anything to not focus on the writing. One way or another something will end up happening that gives me inspiration. A certain song will come up on my playlist that throws be back into a new scene for the story or I'll see something on my walk that reminds me of one of the characters or I'll read a book and see a word that I didn't know and I look it up and it makes me think. So, yeah, a lot of things but I try to not do anything that is related to the story. Sometimes it's good to step back and get some perspective.
21) Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story?
Oh hell yes! I think it would be super cool. Would I advice other writers to work with me? Hell no, I'm very stubborn especially when writing. But I do think it would be super cool and I even suggested as much to one of my friends but they refused. So if anyone is interested just let me know.
28) On average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
Right now, not a lot. I have been a bit lazy when it comes to writing. But if we take my average over a longer period I would say somewhere between 250 and 750 words. So, let's say 500 words. Although some days I'll write 2,000 and others I don't write at all.
39) Share a snippet from a WIP
Of course. I will share a snippet from the fantasy au, because we all know I'm obsessed with that one.
The sand turned into cobblestones under Nancy’s feet. She didn’t really like the feeling. The stones were cold and pressed into her skin in an uncomfortable way, as if her feet were meant to fold over them. Robin didn’t seem bothered by them nearly as much. She just kept walking and kept talking and Nancy followed. It was all she could do. Her eyes scanned the houses built in bright colors and odd shapes. The buildings nearly jumped out at her from both sides of the road, the higher levels covering the small sidewalk that Robin refused to walk on. Instead, they were walking in the middle of the road, where the buildings couldn’t hurt them, and Nancy was glad for it. Even if there were carriages and horses waiting behind them, who for some reason did not complain.
45) Do you want to break your readers' heart or make them laugh?
Honestly, at times both. I think a great writer can find a good balance between the two but I'm leaning more toward making them laugh. Something you might doubt when you see where the fantasy au is heading.
61) Why do you continue writing fics?
I've never thought of that. Should I stop? Just kidding, you're not getting rid of me that fast. I continue writing fics because I continue to be obsessed with ronance and somehow I can't stop them from possessing every idea I have. And also because it is great practice. I used to hide my stories with my life, this is a way for me to share them without too many repercussions. Oh and of course because of all the nice comments.
62) Thoughts on cliffhangers?
I love writing them but I am surely shit at them. Something I should practice in my next multi-chapter fic.
You might notice I did not answer question 77. That is because I didn't know if you were referring to a specific fanfic or not and because 99% of my favorite scenes are part of the fantasy au. I clearly have a favorite story and it's that one.
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zippers · 2 years
random note...i really liked Wyll bg3 during my first playthru, but at the time i didnt explore the druid's grove until after I had met with the absolute/done most of the goblin quests so he was a lil broken when I recruited him and I was a warlock on top of that so I didn't unlock a lot of his cutscenes i'm sure. But now that he's in my party while I'm going thru the goblin camp, i kind of hate his character.
look. i love goblins so much to the point where if Sazza was romanceable i would choose her, so i admit my bias. i get that he was seriously injured by specific goblins, and the cutscene in question was after i told him he was extreme for killing one of those goblings... after he surrendered. and that the goblins are atm tormenting my people as I am a tiefling... but the language he (and only he) uses towards goblins just feels like they wanted to make the Black main character say racist things. like...the language he uses is straight out of 1930s germany. things that would be dogwhistles back then but today are baldly antisemitic. it's pretty appalling... I kicked him out of my party after that but I haven't had the literal power in my house/time to play it again so I don't know how I feel. I have no idea if he has a good arc yet since i have never finished the early access...
but mostly i'm disappointed that my favorite game studio went this route... and yes i do have the option to side with the goblins... and possibly wipe out my people in the druid grove in doing so? idk. in my first playthrough i ended up having to kill all the goblins (except for Sazza who strangely never went aggro even after i killed the absolute) because a goblin went aggro out of nowhere when I tried to talk to him. so I really don't know if you can save the grove AND the goblins.
why are all fantasy rpgs like this... why can't inter-species fantasy conflict stem from "we have conflicting goals/economies/religions/morals that make the powerful people in society use lives as pawns in their conquest, but the actual population has diversity of thought and action" instead of "all goblins are cockroaches that need to be exterminated and if you disagree you're not only a Bad Person you have the Evil Alignment"—of course we are only seeing the representation of goblins that choose to live in a camp that is currently sieging a peaceful people for no apparent reason other than the love of killing. but still. that's not only who Wyll is talking about. or if at some point he goes "wow I was saying some really alarming things back then" (but since real world dog whistles dont have any historical significance to fantasy worlds i would feel that to be a bit out of place? idk how to explain that fully) and I have no idea if that is something theyre hearing feedback on in early access.
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venustrape-arch · 2 years
○  NAME: dee
○  PRONOUNS: she/her
○   PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: often <3 i mean mostly discord but ims are fine too !!
○    NAME OF MUSE(S): they're all over here + moon mcconnell ( @moonesq ) + sam larusso ( @oncefroze ) but these days i'm mostly here
○    EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS/YEARS?): *old lady voice* a lil over a decade
○    PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: dumblr and disc
○   BEST EXPERIENCE: it's a tie between the teen wolf fandom a few years ago and the jatp fandom in its prime (': i was so immersed in those fandoms and those friendships, they brought me so much joy. i'm a really nostalgic person ( *looks at my blog* no duh ) and i'm getting a lil sad that i don't really feel as much ease as i used to being on the dash but !! i still try to make this a happy place !! and i'm soso grateful for my friends and the people who encourage me to be my silly little self because they help me do that. ps: remember that interacting with your moots through the littlest gesture is appreciated and seeing a notification from you can make their day <3
○    RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS: ✨you do you boo✨ i'm chill as can be as long as you're not rude to your fellow rper, are aware that this is a hobby and act accordingly and are overall a decent human being. we'll get along just fine <3
○    FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: i love me a little bit of everything ! i am primarily a fluff person ( because i love happiness sue me ) but angst is soso fun, i will never be able to resist inflicting some pain <3 as far as smut goes, i keep it clean here, but in some cases, i occasionally end up writing it on disc. just as much fun !
○    PLOTS OR MEMES: memes are the best way to interact with me, hands down. my meme replies can almost always be considered starters & often enough, memes can spark ideas for plots which is super fun ! i wish i was a natural at plotting, but even if i vibe it 9/10 times, i do want to match my moots' rp love languages. so if you sprinkle a concept on me, i will try my darn hardest to turn it into something bigger with you <3
○    LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: short to medium length is where i'm at. i don't have the ability to write novellas and i don't ? want it dkhfgl
○    BEST TIME TO WRITE: my muse does what it wants is all i'm saying. as long as i'm awake and have the time, it's the best time to write and i'll be here. most of you might not tho because it's usually daytime for me when that happens and living in eastern europe is Fantastic but yeah 😂
○    ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): sure thing. to some extent, i always relate to the characters i choose to write. sassy, optimistic, guarded, caring, various degrees of traumatized ayooo, there's a lil bit of me in all of them. or the other way around.
TAGGED BY: @ttrgrl <3
TAGGING: it's been a while since this was going around sOoO do it and tag me if you haven't done it yet xo
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