#// Yoo I hope this works for starters?
muses-inn · 4 months
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[⭐]  After another successfully performed concert, the Battletoads disappear behind the curtains of the stage to refresh themselves before spending a little time with their fans afterward. Their After-Parties are the biggest fun as far as it concerns Rash. You know, just talking to the fans, giving autographs, enjoying good drinks... that's life. Does he miss the days back in the arena and on the streets, where they would brawl against thugs and competitors day in and day out, though? Eh, sometimes. Letting off some steam by beating bad guys and being celebrated as heroes never gets old. But the Battletoads themselves, they don't really get any younger as the years pass, and Zitz, who's the oldest, would complain that he feels like he's grown out of this whole 'fighting business'.
While sipping some undefinable booze from a rainbow-tinted bottle, he's spotting a very massive character in the crowd. He looks familiar, actually. But where has he seen that Shell-wielding fellow before? The Toad places the half-full bottle back on the table and makes his way to the huge Turtle.
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"Hey big guy! Do I know you from somewhere? I'm pretty darn sure I've seen that big ol' snaggletoothed face of yours before!"
@nightwatchr (Rise! Raph)
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xinnamcn · 3 years
starter #2 for @thevictoryofthepeople​
muse: aries yoo
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                    usually  aries  is  the  queen  of  pick  pocketing,  but  today  she  attempted  to  steal  the  wallet  of  someone  who  seems  to  pay  attention  to  their  surroundings  well.  the  young  woman  stood  embarrassed  as  she  was  caught,  cheeks  turning  red,  not  being  able  to  hold  eye  contact,  extending  her  hand  that  has  the  wallet  in  it  toward  the  other,  “i’m..  i’m  sorry..”  
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itsbitmxdinhere · 5 years
St♥rter for ➳ @gaydemonwolf
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“I’m going to say it “ he mumbled to Deucalion as he saw the other alphas arguin over some stupid issue “I told you so ... “ , the pack had been fully formed after he joined and he was starting to wonder if that had been a good idea, if it wasn’t because they had a common enemy he would have totally passed and made his own pack.
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peachyuus-arc · 5 years
"If you keep sighing like that, Caleb, I swear I’m gonna make you be the model for my graduation project.” She was joking, of course, but sometimes Raon forgot that not everyone had the same type of humor as her. Even so, she was sure the words came across lighthearted enough not to sting as she playfully smacked his arm. “You look so out of it today. Is something going on? It’s Gem season, Kale, you should be bouncing around like a puppy.” @virgohqs
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selfsaving · 5 years
*  &  →  @collectedbooks   //   g.o  starters  or  die  by  my  blade .
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              THE  RAIN  THAT  POURS  FROM  ABOVE  is ,  perhaps ,  a  NOT - SO - SUBTLE  sign  from  the  almight  that  aurora  is  not  where  she’s  supposed  to  be.  but ,  hey ,  london’s  a  big  place     //     and  the  MAP  clutched  rather  pathetically  in  her  hand  has  pretty  much  been  ruined  by  the  bad  weather.  what  exactly  it  is  that  draws  her  to  the  bookshop ,  she  isn’t  sure     /     even  now ,  still  GETTING  USED  to  this  whole  divine  sense  thing     /     but  even  aside  from  any  feeling  of  heavenly  presence ,  something  does  feel   wonderful   about  the  old  building  as  she  hurries  up  its  steps.        “    hello    ?    ”        it’s  locked     /     she  COULD  open  it     /     but  decides  it  would  be  rude.  she  knocks  carefully ,  peering  through  the  glass  as  best  she  can  past  clouded  raindrops     &     her  own  SODDEN  hair.        “    hello ,  can  i  come  in    ?        it’s  raining    !    ”
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elderflowergin · 3 years
Hello Gin-nim. Since many people are discovering Beyond Evil for the first time I was wondering if you could tell us your thoughts about the show? It seems you didn't like it and I am leaning towards agreeing with those who have criticised the show.
Hi Anon!
It's true - I didn't like it that much! I know lots of people enjoyed it. Full disclosure: it's been a few months since I've watched it, so as Queen Betty says: "recollections may vary":-
I think my first roadblock with Beyond Evil was the sheer awfulness of the violence against women, and the ways in which old, hoary tropes about women kept getting used and reused. A perfect girl dies horribly. A kid (a kid!!) who loves the nightlife and the occasional male company as her only escape from an incredibly shitty home life also dies horribly. When you think they've suffered enough, you are made to learn that their deaths were even more horrifying than you initially imagined. (TVN Signal had this quality too in a couple of its arcs, but maybe there was a first mover advantage that show had that Beyond Evil didn't, and I think it helped that it was a woman who led the team solving those crimes in that show.)
I think - and I mean this across media everywhere - there's a point when violence against women in the narrative takes on a voyeuristic quality. I think it did on this show on a way it didn't in Signal. Maybe it helped that the leads in Signal suffered their own, private pains, unrelated to the dead women around them; Beyond Evil doesn't offer that distance, and all I could see was male pain being centred in a show that is about dead women, rather a lot of them, some of whom are dead because of the men whose pain we have to witness.
I could have seen past the violence if the team was fun to watch, but I was not - and I'm going to commit blasphemy here - very invested in them. Shin Ha-kyun and Yeo Jin-goo are great actors, but I think their chemistry either works for you or it doesn't, and going by the general reaction to the show, it did work for a lot of people! Total YMMV moment, for sure.
There were some characters and things that worked splendidly for me: the whole of Yoo Jae-yi's arc, for starters, altogether the most painful part of the show for me. All she has is a butcher shop and rumours that her mom ran away from home. In her flashback, she's shown walking around shady Busan motels in her school uniform, hoping for a glimpse of her mother. It got the point of this lack of closure and inchoate loss across without showing any explicit violence (I think? It's been a while since I watched!). Choi Sung-eun is a babe and a star, and I'm looking forward to whatever she does next.
The musical motif of If I Go To Busan was truly gutting, and conveyed the melancholy, the unending grief and the lack of closure felt by the entire town in a way body parts and gratuitous violence could not.
Some of the actors were truly excellent - Chun Ho-jin, reliably lovely in this paternal role he's taken over his substation; Kim Shin-rok, who's great as Oh Ji-hwa, and Choi Dae-hoon, stellar as Park Jeong-je. CDH in particular is really good at playing someone who's trying very hard to live in the present and is continually haunted by something he can't grasp or understand. Gil Hae-yeon is distinctly terrifying in this, like someone took her awful mom role from Something In The Rain and twisted the screws.
I felt like I could have watched a show focused entirely on Manyang and the way it copes and grapples with suppressed grief and a lack of closure; I could have also watched a mother/son interplay between Park Jeong-je and the Councilwoman, or a show that centred Oh Ji-hwa uncovering this mystery herself.
Hope that answered your question, Anon! Thanks for asking!
(If anyone's in the mood for a Park Jeong-je special, please dive into Deer Heart by the brilliant wordsmith @drivingsideways (please heed the tags and warnings!!)
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fmdjake · 2 years
This is awkward... but Jake knows that it’s something that needs to be done. He knows he’s got a past that he needs to take accountability for, and as he’s working hard to change as a person and grow from the mistakes he’s made, he feels that it’s important to have this conversation. It terrifies him, that goes without saying, but now that he and Duri have decided to embark on a journey of love together, he knows that he needs to not only inform Haesol, but also apologize to him for what occurred between them years and years ago. It’s not something he’s proud of. In fact, whenever he does remember that era of his life, Jake physically cringes at how he acted and how he treated the people that put their hearts on the line for him; that cared for him even though he was not mature enough to commit to them; that loved him hard only to be treated to apathy and ice after a couple of months. Much like his father, he’s incredible when it comes to the honeymoon phase, but the instant the mood shifts and a deeper attachment is on the verge of being formed, he bolts for the exit and leaves little fires in his wake. Haesol is only one of many he’s burned.
He reminisces about the hours they spent together—the good, the bad, and the ugly—and he lifts his cocktail up to take a long sip of it; knowing that a light buzz would help him get through the inevitable silence that’ll befall them every once in awhile. He knows he deserves whatever treatment his former fling gives him, and if it all ends with a drink being thrown in his face, he’ll accept that and get his clothes dry cleaned. This could go in a variety of directions, but he likes to think he’s prepared for all of them; hoping for the best, but completely expecting the worst. Haesol was always someone that seems cool and collected, but Jake knows of the anger that exists inside of him and how treacherous—and infernal—it is. A person’s heart isn’t a punching bag, he’s aware of that now, and all he can do is try to help bandage the damage he’s caused. It’s only fair, but in the end, that’s a decision he can’t make.
Eyes avert up whenever he catches a glimpse of Haesol turning the corner into the private room he reserved for them; Jake’s heart stopping momentarily, then picks up its beating at a pace that is indicative of his fear. “Hey,” he murmurs; standing from his chair. “Thanks for coming... I, uh—well, for a second there, I thought you weren’t going to.” He half-smiles, making light notice of the fact that Haesol’s roughly twenty minutes late. “Sit down, sit down... I’ve got some apps ordered and they’ll be out soon. I hope you’re hungry ‘cause it’s kind of a lot. I got all your favorites. That cool?”
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dimensionsunited · 4 years
Members may earn 3 points each (up to 6 points) for writing, by the end of March 7 KST:
A solo para of 400+ words based on their monthly schedule (does not count toward your monthly total).
A thread of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) based on their monthly schedule.
Threads do not have to take place directly during an important date listed on the schedule, but must be related to what the muse is mentioned to be doing in the paragraph explaining their schedule/the company’s schedule for the month and/or their thoughts on the mentioned activities or lack thereof.
These schedules may be updated throughout the month if new information needs to be added.
Reminder: January schedule posts are due by the end of February 7 KST. Please do not post schedule posts in the fmdschedule tag.
As usual, all idols under the company will get three days off for Seollal unless they have any individual schedules taking place over those days.
Important dates:
February 11-13: Seollal holiday (no activities save for any individual schedules).
The A&R team is in the final stages of finalizing everything for her to begin work on a new comeback this year, but it isn’t quite ready yet, so they’re sending her out to do some press instead. She’ll have a longer break between comebacks than the company’s other two soloists this year, so they want to make sure she’s kept in the public eye enough for her to be able to reel in attention for her comeback. These schedules include three different radio show guest appearances and a video that will be filmed for a Spanish channel aimed at the idol music fan demographic where she’s tested on her Spanish knowledge.
Important dates:
February 5: Guesting on KSB Cool FM Kiss The Radio radio show.
February 15: Guesting on KBS Music Plaza radio show.
February 16: Hola82 Guess The Spanish Words video filming.
February 24: Guesting on FM4U Song of Hope radio show.
With most of the promotional materials for his comeback shot and the album recorded, he’s set to film the comeback’s music video at the end of the month. Being a fandom-based soloist can only sustain him for so long, so Dimensions is hoping to aim the promotional tactics of this comeback a little more toward the general public, while still keeping his base of fans in mind. This means an emphasis on him practicing having strong live vocals with an engaging performance and a special acting lesson, the date of which will be based around his own availability, aimed to help him prepare for the acting aspects of his new music video.
Important dates:
February 27: When It Rains M/V filming.
It’s been confirmed: she’s not a one-hit wonder. “Rain” is a big success on the charts and proves that “I” wasn’t a one-off lucky success and that she has genuine appeal with the public and fans who will remain around to support her as a solo artist. Promotions for this single are sparse save for music show promotions since Dimensions would like to focus on promotions around her planned mini-album later this year instead, but she will be making her first ever solo appearance on Yoo Heeyeol’s Sketchbook a few days after making her comeback, where she’ll perform ���Rain” in addition to two tracks off of her debut mini-album: “I” and “Gemini”.
Important dates:
February 3: Release of “Rain”+ press showcase, music show promotions continue through March 3.
February 6: Yoo Heeyeol’s Sketchbook filming (to air: February 12)
Management has booked Gal.actic another photo shoot gig for the March issue of a magazine. Their goal seems to be to give the group a burst of press a couple of months before their comeback to rope in interested fans. Speaking of their comeback, Dimensions will be bringing the members into the studio this month to record for their next comeback mini-album. They appear to have some success in their slight marketing shift to appeal to female consumers, so this comeback sticks with that market goal more in mind than has been their historical aim.
Important dates:
February 3: Photo shoot for Dazed and Confused Korea’s March issue.
It’s the final full month before their comeback, so the members to have to work on getting the final promotional contents finished, including their photo book and teaser photos and a series of trailers that will be released leading up to the comeback. The music video will be filmed only two days after the trailers, right after their return from the Seollal holiday. The rest of the month will be spent rehearsing their performance.
Important dates:
February 10: Comeback photo book and teaser photo shoot.
February 14: Fantasia X trailers filming.
February 16: Fantasia M/V filming.
They release their Japanese album this month, but they won’t be traveling to promote it and meet fans until next month. In the meantime, they’ll use the time they have between their Japanese album release and the need to travel to head into the studio to record for their next comeback mini-album. This comeback concept stays in line with their darker, theatrical side that they tend to be associated with. Dimensions is proud to advertise them as a group that can a variety of concepts, but they’re also aware that darker concepts are what people think of first when they think of MARS and don’t want to risk losing that brand identity.
Important dates:
February 17: Release of Depend On Me Japanese album.
Right before Seolla, 7ROPHY has their photo shoot for their photo book and teasers for their comeback, but that doesn’t mean things slow down once they return. In addition to continuing to rehearse to prepare for their M/V filming at the very end of the month, Dimensions has arranged a partnership between the group and the district of Seongdong in Seoul. They’ll be helping to promote the area by filming a series of solo or duo choreography videos for previous b-side releases of theirs in different parts of Seongdong.
Important dates:
February 10: Comeback photobook and teaser photo shoot.
February 18: Lead dancer/vocal “To The Sky” choreography video filming.
February 20: Main rapper/vocal ‘Show” choreography video filming.
February 22: Lead vocal & maknae/rapper/vocal “I Need U” choreography video filming.
February 24: Leader/main dancer/lead vocal “Breakdown” choreography video filming.
February 26: Main vocal & lead vocal/lead dancer “Summer Kiss” choreography video filming.
February 27: Oh My God M/V filming day one.
February 28: Oh My God M/V filming day two.
Between Gal.actic and MARS’s scheduled recording sessions, Unity will also be back in the studio after the lax schedules last month. Their next comeback album (line distribution) will be album one will be part one of two album parts under the theme of “resonance”. It will take nearly the full month to get all of the album recorded to the quality the producers want this go around and members being called in to re-record parts will be more common than usual.
Important dates:
No schedules for the month.
Important dates:
Their comeback is near the end of the month, so they’ll not only be expected to continue to practice to keep their performance up to the high expectations set for the group, but they’ll also appear on Weekly Idol to film the first of their comeback promotional activities. After their comeback, they’ll have a few promotional videos to film for various online channels and will also be making radio show appearances in addition to their music show appearances. Around the time of their comeback, they’ll be informed by management that this will be the first comeback they’ll be receiving payments for a comeback without their debt taken into account as they’ve now paid it off.
Important dates:
February 16: Weekly Idol filming (to air: February 24).
February 22: Release of “Fingertip” & The Awakening + press showcase and comeback VLive, music show promotions continue through March 22.
February 23: Let’s Dance video and Waiting Room Live video filming.
February 25: Relay Dance video filming, Guesting on SBS Power FM Cultwo Show radio show.
February 26: Guesting on KBS Cool FM Kiss The Radio radio show.
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Korean MVs that came out in 2018
~Since i’m not into most kpop groups i might forget to write a comeback so feel free to tell me some that i haven’t written yet or if i have done a mistake.~
*The songs are not in order
**I’ve already made 2016 and 2017 lists
Drug Restaurant - Her
Trcng - Wolf Baby
N.Flying - Hot Potato
Momoland - BBoom BBoom
Oohyo - Honey Tea
Mamamoo - Paint Me
Block B - Don’t Leave
Infinite - Tell Me
JoWoochan, ParkHyunjin, Achillo - OGZ
Stray Kids - Grrr
Stray Kids - Young Wings
Kim Dong Ryul - Reply
Sunmi - Heroine
Chungha - Roller Coaster
JBJ - My Flower
Girlkind - Fanci
Cheetah - Stagger
Ohhyuk, Cifika - Momom
Jane Jang - Button
Ashmute - Ghost
Oh My Girl - Secret Garden
Jay Park - Run It (ft. Woo Wonjae & Jessi)
Kassy - I Want Love
Jimin - Hey
Holland - Neverland
Sik-K - YeLowS Gang (ft. Herr Nayne, Woodie Gochild)
Jonghyun - Shinin’
Jonghyun - Before Our Spring
Dean - Instagram
Red Velvet - Bad Boy
Standing Egg - From the Star
Ikon - Love Scenario
Penomeco -  L.I.E
Suzy - Holiday (ft. Dpr Live)
Suzy - I’m In Love With Someone Else
Golden Child - It’s U
Jeong Sewoon - Baby It’s U (ft. Kiggen, earattack)
Davichi - Days Without You
KCM - Dawnpark
Ravi - Nirvana (ft. Park Jimin) + Alcohol Remix
Vav - Spotlight
Rainz - Turn it Up
Jay Park x Yultron - Forget About Tomorrow
Na Haeun - So Special
BoA - Nega Dola
Jong Shin Yoon - Slow Starter
gugudan - The Boots
Seventeen - Thanks
CoCoSoRi - Miamor
Jung Seung Hwan - The Snowman
Jung Seung Hwan - It’s Raining
Ailee - Rewrite…If Can
Eden - Good Night (ft. Jukjae)
Naeun, Jinsol - My Story
Hong Jinyoung - Good Bye
Yang Yoseob - Star
Yang Yoseob - Where I Am Gone
Vav - Gorgeous
Hyolyn - To Do List
Roy Kim - Only Then
Suzy - SOberR
Nct U - Boss
Min Kyung Hoon x Kim Heechul - Falling Blossoms
Kim YoungChul - Andenayon (ft. Wheesung(Realslow))
Kang Hodong x Hong Jinyoung - I Kicked My Luck Off
I.M - Fly With Me
CLC - Black Dress
Weki Meki - La La La
Vromance - Star
Cheeze - Just as a Lie
Hash Swan - Wang Like Alexander (ft. Gray)
SF9 - Mamma Mia
Red Velvet - I Just
Nct U - Baby Don’t Stop
WJSN - Dreams Come True
Cheetah - I’ll Be There
Jeon Soyeon - Idle Song
I.C.E - Shameless
Sha Sha - You & Me
Yoyomi - Who’s That Guy
Kisses - Blue Lagoon
J.yung - Can I
Trax x Lip2shot [STATION] - Notorious (ft. Sophiya)
Roydo - Crzy
Martin Smith -  Crazy (ft. Jung Sungha)
Kim Sung Kyu - True Love
Marvel.J - Really (ft. New Champ, Olltii)
Got7 - One And Only You (ft. Hyolyn)
Junhyeok - Stay
DongWoo - My Half
Joypark - Missing You
E Hyuk - Come Up To Me Like The Wind
Chris Kim - Miss U
BeautyHandsome - Where Are You
j-hope - Daydream
Jooyoung - Dive
Sleepy - iD
Nct Dream - Go
Nct 127 - Touch
Got7 - Look
Heize - Didn’t Know Me
Heize - Jenga (ft. Gaeko)
Heize - Mianhae
Mamamoo - Starry Night
Mamamoo - Everyday
Suho x Jane Jang [STATION] - Dinner
Jane Jang, Suho - Do You Have a Moment
Noel - Our Last Day
Minseo - The Grand Dreams
Suzy - Midnight (ft. Yiruma)
April - The Blue Bird
Cheetah - Bumpkins (ft. Minos)
Golden Child - Lady
Most Badass Asian - Want
Most Badass Asian - 2018
Choi Ye Geun - To Say Sorry
Junoflo - Grapevine (ft. Jay Park)
Yong Junhyung - Sudden Shower (ft. 10cm)
Wanna One - Boomerang
Yeesang - Here (ft. Loco)
Filmisland - it’s Love (Vocal by OFA)
Monsta X - Jealousy
Stray Kids - District 9
Stray Kids - Grow Up
Jung Joon Young - Fiancée (ft. Microdot)
Samuel - One (ft. Jung Ilhoon)
Hoya - All Eyes On Me
Kisum - It’s Okay (ft. Heize)
San E, Mad Clown - Butterfly (ft. Bumkey)
TVXQ! - The Chance of Love
Super Junior [STATION] - Super Duper
Honey Popcorn - Bibidi Babidi Boo
Crazy Music - We’ll Always Love (ft. Yejoon.E)
Sunwoo Jung A - Fine (ft. Lim Heon Il)
Marmello - Wake Me Up
Kid Milli - Why Do Fuckbois Hang Out On The Net
Sweden Laundry - Scene
Nct U - Yestoday
Oh My Girl Banhana - Banana Allergy Monkey
Pentagon - Shine
Winner - Everyday
Exid - Lady
The Boyz - Giddy Up
YDPP - Love It Live It
Flowsik x Jessi - Wet
LOONA / Olivia Hye - Egoist (ft. JinSoul)
Jeong Jinwoon - Erasing
TVXQ! - Love Line
D:amant - Sick
CLC - Distance
Bigone - Wavywavywavy
Primary, Anda - Moonlight (ft. Xin Seha)
Primary, Anda - Dressroom
Primary, Anda - Zeppelin
Primary, Anda - The Open Boat (ft. Colde)
Twice - What Is Love?
Eric Nam - Potion (ft. Woodie Gochild)
Eric Nam - Honestly
Noir - Gangsta
UNB - Feeling
GreatGuys - Ganda
Hyeongseop x Euiwoong - Love Tint
Badkidz - Just One Day
Exo-CBX - Blooming Day
Ten [STATION] - New Heroes
N.Tic - Once Again
Jo SoJeong - Stars
Gunmin x Heedo - Don’t Worry
Lee Hong Gi, Yoo Hwe Seung - Still Love You
Yoo Seonho - Maybe Spring
Mad Clown, Ailee - Thirst
Super Junior - Lo Siento (ft. Leslie Grace)
Drunken Tiger - Yet
The Rose - Baby
E Hyuk - I’ll Live
Vanilla Acoustic - Travel
Eddy Kim - Whoa Whoa
Jo SoJeong - Lost Sea
WeAreYoung - I Know
Carla - I Don’t Need You
Shin Yong Jae(4Men) - Today
Young Jun (Brown Eyed Soul) - Don’t Leave Me
Imfact - The Light
Soma - Spring
Vixx - Scentist
Whee In - Easy (ft. Sik-k)
JBJ - Call Your Name
Hyo - Sober (ft. Ummet Ozcan)
Hoons - I C U
Highteen - Timing
Jo Hyun Ah - After You
June - Sérénade
Sei - Nobody Knows
HA:TFELT - Pluhmm
H.U.B - When A Blossom Day Of Cherry Blossom
In2it - SnapShot
Apink - Miracle
Cando - Rain Drop
Yoonmirae - KawiBawiBo
Nano - Punishment
Solar - When The Wind Rises [original: Kim Kwang Seok]
Solar - Nada Sou Sou [original: ??? (jp)]
Solar - It’s Been a Long Time [original: Love & Peace?? (not sure)]
Lovelyz - That Day
Hyolyn - Dally (ft. Gray)
Yun Ddan Ddan - It Will Be Okay
Yun Ddan Ddan - In My Room
Yun Ddan Ddan - Let It Flow
Stray Kids - Mirror [Performance]
Hwang In Sun - Dead Clock
Jackson Wang - Dawn of Us
Snuper - Tulips
Hwang Chi Yeul - The Only Star
Luna - Night Reminiscin’ (ft. Yang Da Il)
TheEastLight - Are You Okay
Kim Bum Soo - I Love You
MeloMance - Just Friends
Monday Kiz - Every Moment
Bang Yongguk - Portrait
Zai. ro - When Are You Coming
BrotherSu - What’s Wrong With U (ft. Gaeko)
Sunwoo Jung A, The Barbarettes - Outside The Chart
Kyung Dasom - Fall In Love
Gfriend - Time For The Moon
JBJ - Just Be Stars
Iz - Granulate
Park Hyo Shin - The Other Day
Temperature of Saying ‘hi’ - If You Tell Me
Halo - O.M.G
Colde - Your Dog Loves You (ft. Crush)
Jay Park, Simon Dominic, Loco, Gray - Upside Down
Iz - Angel
ii - I’m Already You
(G)I-Dle - Latata
Jung Up - Nothing Left
Loco - Party Band (ft. Punchnello, Thur)
So Soo Bin - Sweet Nothings
Gaho - Stay Here
Crush - Bittersweet
Teen Top - Seoul Night
Vinxen - Sinking Down With U
Yong Jun Hyung - Go Away
Dreamcatcher - You And I
Seo Eun Kwang, Changsub - My Day
K.Will - My Star
Cross Gene - Touch It
Woodz - Pool
Jay Moon - Fire
N.Flying - How R U Today
Kanto - Salty
Doko - Don’t
Paul Kim - Additional
Bts - Fake Love
GB9, Park Bo Ram - If You
Eyedi - Luv Highway
Uni.t - No More
Trei - Nike
Eluphant - Welcome
PLT - Hocus Pocus
V.O.S - Door
Jisook - Edelweiss
Gross Gene - Believe Me
Moonbyul (ft. Seulgi) - Selfish
Moonbyul - In my room
Victon - Time of Sorrow
Jinjin (Astro) - Like a King (ft. Superbee, MyunDo)
Khan - I’m Your Girl?
Bang Yongguk - Drunkenness
Shinee - Good Evening
AOA - Bingle Bangle
NTB - Dramatic
Boyfriend - Sunshower
The Rose - I.L.Y
TST - Love Story
Eyedi - A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Junoflo - Real Ones
Adoy - Young
Han Yo Han - Helicopter (ft. Kid Milli, No:el)
The Night of Seokyo - Falling in Moonlight (ft. Dawon)
Bol4 - Travel
Bol4 - Starlight
Bol4 - Wind
TheEastLight - Love Flutters
24K - Bonnie N Clyde
Risabae - E.N.C (ft. Kisum)
ii - I’m Already You
C.A.P - For
Sung Si Kyung - Eternally
Pristin V - Get It
Marmello - Moonlight
Crucial Star - Night Alone
Jane Jang - Seoul Noir
Samuel - Teenager (ft. Lee Rohan)
Thama - Like That (ft. Giriboy)
Elo - Osaka (ft. Zico)
Hyukoh - SkyWorld
Hyukoh - Love Ya!
South Club - Outcast
Pudditorium - Paradise
Stagger - DnA
Stagger - 4 Your Eyez Only
Girlkind - S.O.R.R.Y
Shinee - I Want You
Shinee - Our Page
A.C.E - Take Me Higher
Yu Seungwoo - Slowly
Dpr Live - Playlist
Blackpink - Ddu-du Ddu-du
Rothy - Sullae
Kobel - Don’t Hit My Line
Longguo - Clover (ft. Yoonmirae)
Koh Na Young - Humming
Jay Park - Soju (ft. 2 Chainz)
Like A Movie - Twilight
Yubin - Lady
1sagain, Nuun - Fade Away
Minseo - Is Who
Red House - Endless Night
Taeyeon - Something New
Kim Dong Han - Sunset
Bloo - So Rude
Busters - Grapes
Katie - Remember
Melodyday - Restless
Day6 - Shoot Me
It’s - Sleep
Momoland - Baam
Tenny - 159cm
UNB - Black Heart
d.ear - Rain is Fallin’
Onf - Complete
BTOB - Only One For Me
Kang Gogh - Stay
Arkay - Because Of You (ft. Le.Ju’ce)
[HNB] Woo Jin Young, Kim Hyun Soo - Falling in Love
Park Kyung - Instant (ft. Sumin)
Nano - Maladgjustment (ft. Yezi)
NeonPunch - Moonlight
Lee Jin Ah - Run (ft. Gray)
Apink - I’m So Sick
Gyeong Ree - Blue Moon
Yoonmirae - You & Me (ft. Junoflo)
Jay Park - FSU (ft. GAshi, Rich The Kid)
Holland - I’m Not Afraid
Holland - I’m So Afraid
Jessi - Down
Twice - Dance The Night Away
Oohyo - Papercut
Golden Child - Let Me
Hickee - Fragrance
Epik High x End of the World (Sekai No Owari) - Sleeping Beauty
MyTeen - She Bad
Aivan - Tell The World
Sugarbowl - Getting Better
Target - Is It True
gugudan Semina - Semina
Seenroot - Paradise
MeloMance - Tale
Jeonghan - Think About It
LambC - Beauty
Crush - Cereal (ft. Zico)
Jaejooboys - First Trip
No:el - Parrot (ft. Giriboy, Han Yo Han)
The Boyz - KeePer
Moti - Blue
Suran - A Pleasant Meal
Louie, Geeks - Penalty
Park BoRam - How About U
Jvcki Wai, Kid Milli, No:el, Young B, Swings - Work Out
Jvcki Wai - Enchanted Propaganda
John OFA Rhee - Brightest Star (ft. Kim Minseok)
Geupsik-Dan - Geupsik
Prep - Cold Fire (ft. Dean)
Mamamoo - Egotistic
Seventeen - Oh My!
Han Yeoyoo - Bang Bang Bang
Lee Seung Hwan - For Your Ears Only (ft. Stella Jang)
Ashley - Here We Are
Uniqnote - Like Gentle Rain (ft. Crucial Star, Park Jeonkoo)
Myteen - Martian
TaPi - Croquette
Triple H - Retro Future
Chung Ha - Love U
Varsity - Flower
Saturday - Mmook Jji Bba
Bassagong - HBD
GFriend - Sunny Summer
Hyolyn - See Sea
Mudskipper - Universe
Seungri - 1,2,3!
Seungri - Where R U From (ft. Mino)
Aoora - Harder (ft. $mili, B.E, Eili)
Woodz - Different
Rocoberry - Telephone (ft. Punch)
Minseo - Zero
Super Junior ~ D&E - Sunrise {Japanese}
Standing Egg - Oh, Wait
Jeong Sewoon - 20 Something
Choiza, Microdot - Hit!!!
FtIsland - Pretty Girl {Japanese}
FtIsland - Summer Night’s Dream
Astro - Always You
MaseWonder - Love Me (ft. Choilb)
In2it - Sorry For My English
Kard - Ride on the Wind
Laboum - Between Us
yeesang - Game
John Park - Understand
Boi B - Neymar (ft. Ted Park)
Ben x Kim Won Joon - The First Night
Band 88 - Windmill
Carla - Hate U
RPR - Dang Diggi Bang (ft. Beenie Man)
Leo - Touch & Sketch
Zico - Soulmate (ft. IU)
SixBomb - Hiccup Hiccup
SF9 - Now or Never
Joo Jin-Woo - Ever
Park Ki Young - Mercy
A-Yeon - You & I
Kevin Oh - Lover
Miryo - Yellow
Kisum - 100%
Hanscur - Toomuch (ft. Charles Shin)
Jo Gon - Old Notes
Heygirls - Nog-Yeojwo
South Club - Grown Up
Ikon - Killing Me
Btob-Blue - When It Rains
Voisper - I Believe
Yerin Baek - La La La Love Song
Yeoone - Pat Pat
Glabingo - On My Body
Cho Kyu-chan - Deja Vu
gracie - 25/7
Villain - Manitto
Nature - Allegro Cantabile
Stray Kids - My Pace
Red Velvet - Power Up
Loona - favOriTe
D-Crunch - Palace
Giriboy, Kid Milli, No:el, Swings - Flex
Apollo, No.11,  Ekko, SungJoo - Honey
WooIn - That Night
Hollen - Shimmer
DailyNote - Where Are U
12Dal - A Second
Honk - Perphaps
Aivan - Curious
Somdef - One Plus One (ft. Loco, Bravo)
E Mel - Tomorrow
Cherry On Top - Hi Five
Yoo Hyung Kyun - Diamonds In Your Eyes
Sundae - How?
Imfact - NaNaNa
Super Junior-D&E - ‘Bout You
Hyolyn - Bae
Mc Sniper - Skyfall
BerryGood - Green Apple
(G)I-DLE - Hann
Penomeco - Coco Bottle
Coco - Sugar Cake (ft. Microdot)
Jannabi - Good Boy Twist
Hoons - Sweet & Salty, Sweet & Salty
Bigflo - Upside Down
We Higher - Like You Better (ft. Douner)
Yang Hee Eun, Sung Si Kyung - You
GrimGrim - Rooftop Bird
Loona - Hi High
Red Velvet - Power Up
Gaeko - Vacation (ft. Sole)
10cm - Mattress
BTS - Idol
Sha Sha - What The Heck
Norazo - Cider
Shinhwa - Kiss Me Like That
Leebada - Night Dream
Rothy - Burning
Stray Kids- My Pace
Stray Kids - Awkward Silence
NCT Dream - We Go Up
Jin Longguo - Friday n Night
Part Time Cooks - California Butterfly (ft. Jay Park)
Baekhyun X Loco [STATION X 0] - Young
June - Sérénade
Drug Restaurant - 403
Jooheon - Red Carpet
DyoN - #Life_Is_Pain
Ovan - Twenty (ft. Shaun)
EZ Kim - Straw
Young B - Polo
the Night of Seokyo - City Girl City Boy (ft. Dawon)
Jeong Jinwoon - All I Need Is You
Nana Mellie - Falling
KwonMilk - Guitar Man
100% - Heart
Nam Woo Hyun - If Only You Are Fine
Nam Taehyun - Star
Blanc7 - Drama
Sumni - Siren
Jimin Park - April Fools
James - Up [not a korean mv but a lot of us know james]
WINee - May
The Boyz - Right Here
GWSN - Puzzle Moon
SoRi - Touch (ft. Basick)
Great Guys - Illusion
Elaine - Wake Me Up
Bravo - Sunny Day
Yook Sungjae - Confession
Thama - Nuuh
Jjangyou - Koki7
Blue Lamb - Universe
Chanyeol x Sehun [STATION x 0] - We Young
Got7 Jackson - Made It
Got7 BamBam - Party
Got7 Jinyoung - My Youth
Got7 Yugyeom - Fine
Got7 Youngjae - Nobody Knows
Got7 JB - Sunrise
Got7 Mark - OMW
Got7 - Lullaby
Haon - Noah (ft. Hoody)
12Dal - Day Off
Day6 - Beautiful Feeling
Pentagon - Naughty Boy
Oh My Girl - Remember Me
Jay Park - V
SHINee - Countless
seizetheday - Ocean View (ft. Sleepy)
ms. isohp romatem - Trauma
ms. isohp romatem Distance From You And The Stars
Hyomin - Mango
Giriboy - Used (ft. Kid Milli)
Hoya - Baby U (ft. Hanhae)
EB - Wanna Know
JooYoung - N/A
Gavy NJ - I’m Fine
S.I.S - Say Yes
Orange Fang Fang Boys - Ready To
Roy Kim - The Hardest Part
Uni.T - I Mean
Uni.T - Begin With The End
Lucente - Your Difference
DinDin - Insomnia (ft. Lee Hongki)
Mommy Son - Shonen Jump (ft. Bae Gisung)
PLT - Igoholic
Vinxen - Yoo Jae Suk
Modsdive - Buran
Lof.T -  밤이 피네
Dreamcatcher - What
WJSN - Save Me, Save You
Day6 - Breaking Down {Japanese}
Gwon Youngchan - Weak
GFriend - Memoria {Japanese}
Spectrum - Dear my
Girls’ Generation-Oh!GG - Lil’ Touch
Heo Seongjeong - Sound
VeriVery - Super Special
Onewe, Oneus - Last Song
Giriboy - acrnm (ft. Goretexx)
Boy Story - Enough
Amber - White Noise
Eyedi - Red
Vanmal - Unification Road March
Bambi - Violin (ft. Dunkin Downer)
Park Sanhee - Over The Blue
Soran - Zamianwa (Can’t Close My Eyes)
JooYoung - Inn
The Black Underground - Slow Life
Krr - The Night Time
Shirts Boy Frank - Foam
Jay Park - Sexy 4 Eva
Seulgi x SinB x Chung Ha x Soyeon [STATIONx0]  - Wow Thing
Tiffany Young - Teach You
Woodie Gochild, Haon, Sik-K, pH-1 - Kitkat
SOMDEF - Slip N Slide (ft. Crush)
Sik-K - XiBal
Lee Hongki - I Am (ft. Cheetah)
Lee Hongki - Cookies (ft. Jung Ilhoon)
Park Won - Rudderless
Ikon - Goodbye Road
Nu’est W - I Don’t Care (ft. Spoonz)
S.O.U.L - Get Myself With You
Noir - Airplane Mode
Hangzoo - Drive Thru (ft. Gaeko)
Lay - Give My A Chance
Cheeze - Everything to
Yoo Hwe Seung (N.Flying) - Expectation
Soyou - All Night (ft. Sik-K)
Seven O’clock - Searchlight
Seven O’clock - Nothing Better
Epitone Project - First Love
Super Junior x REIK - One More Time (Otra Vez)
Ashmute - Summer’s Gone
UV - Who Am I (ft. Yoo Hee Yeol, Jung Jae Hyung)
Loco - It Takes Time (ft. Colde)
fromis_9 - Love Bomb
NCT 127 - Regular
San E - Wannabe Rapper
Wheesung (Realslow) - Breaking Down
Haebi - Wolfboy
Yoonhan - Saryuni Forest
Weki Meki - Crush
VAV - Senorita
NakJoon (Bernard Park)  - Still (ft. Luna)
NC.A - I’m Fine
Park Bo Gum - Let’s go see the stars
John Legend x Wendy [STATIONx0] - Written In The Stars
The Black Underground - Love Is Love, Life Is Life
Eddy Kim - Trace
Yu Seungwoo - Always
Deepshower - Summer (ft. Jeebanoff, George)
Yang Da Il - sorry
April - Oh! my mistake
Zion.T - Hello Tutorial (ft. Seulgi)
Crush - none
Kim Dong Han - Good Night Kiss
Jeong Eun Ji - Being There
The Rose - She’s In the Rain
Sohee - Hurry Up (ft. Bol4)
Stray Kids - I am YOU
Monsta X - Shoot Out
Charari Danchu - 노잼시기
Hoody - Sunshine (ft. Crush)
Sam Kim - Make Up (ft. Crush)
Sik-K - Fire
Hailey - Truly
the Night of Seokyo - Hug You (ft. Dawon)
RM - Forever Rain
RM - Seoul
son&johwa - Mokhwa
Lee Moon Sae - Between us
UV - Sorry
Golden Child - Genie
BoA - Woman
ATEEZ - Pirate KIng
ATEEZ - Treasure
Horim - Street
Lee Kichan - 지구인
gwon.u - Home Sweet Home
LYn - Run to you
Kiha & The Faces - Cho Shim
N.Flying - Like A FLower
Jin Ju - Petal
Flowsik - Bbung
Eian - Me in the A.M
Ha Hyun Woo - Home
Horan - Wanted
Marychou 2018 - Beacuse of Weather
IZ*ONE - La Vie en Rose
Paul Kim - Me After You
Black6ix - Swamp of Despair
Richard Parkers - Stay with me
Eric Nam - Miss You
JBJ95 - Home
Monday Kiz - The World That is of You
Samui - Today Of All Days
Peterpan Complex - Ghosting
Fromm - Hold Me Like It’s Forever (ft. car, the garden)
B.A.P (Jongup) - Annoying (ft. Zelo)
South Club - I’m Crazy
Twice - Yes or Yes
Bloo - I’m the one
Hwang Chiyeul - Learn to Love
[i’ll do this month soon]
Hong Jinyoung - Seoul (ft. Bray)
H M Moon - The Poet’s Winter
Got7 - Miracle
Sam Kim - When You Fall (ft. Chai)
Kream - You can take my youth away, but you can never take my dream away
Holmes Crew - Holmes Delivery
O.O.O - Seesaw
Avatar Darko - C U When I C U (ft Jay Park)
Ezen - Fly Away
Jung Key - Star With ME (ft. Yoo Sungjae)
Jung Key - Honest (ft. Minseo)
Onew - Blue
Soran - Happy
Up10tion - Blue Rose
Laboom - Turn It On
Minyong - I can’t do that thing
Junoflo - Autopilot (ft. BoA)
Starship Planet - Christmas Time
Bay P - Snow In Your Eyes
Coogie - Justin Bieber (ft. Jay Park)
Well - Settle (ft. Realslow)
Rira - Love Spoon
B1A4, Oh My Girl, Onf - Timing
Day6 - days gone by
anna - Let It Snow
Changsub - Gone
982 notes · View notes
xinnamcn · 4 years
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starter #3 for @avenuc​
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                aries  was  provided  a  deal  that  she  couldn’t  refuse.  she  would  be  the  arm  candy  to  this  guy  and  she  would  get  paid  for  it.  maybe  she  would  finally  be  able  to  pay  rent  on  time  without  having  to  steal  from  people.  it  was  the  day  before  an  event.  she  wanted  to  get  with  jihoon  to  see  what  would  be  best  for  her  to  wear.  so  she  gave  him  a  call.  “hey,  jihoon,  i  have  a  few  questions,  do  you  have  time??  and  can  you  facetime??  i  want  to  show  you  some  outfits  for  tomorrow.  i  need  your  okay.”  
1 note · View note
fmdxjerome · 7 years
hello people from old and new! naomi is back in action with her son jerome. i’ve been stuck in my sisters house for the last weeks of my absence because she went on vacation and i had to take care of a sick rabbit who peed everywhere. i might have a disease now at the amount he bit me but what can you do. im joking. you might ask “but naomi doesnt your sister have wifi” yes she do but i’m an anxious wreck so spending my days on a first floor apartment  with my sister on the other side of the world w an infected foot had me fucke d upppp boiii but now i’m back in my own home and my sister + her boyfriend are safely home!! foot all fine!! and everyone is calm again!! so!! i can return with a good heart. i’ll be sliding in the dms of the people who bear emoticon’ed me 600 years ago and bc i suck w introducing myself to new people i’ll just hi!!!!! i think when i wake up i’m gonna do a “bio reading” marathon as i write bc i need to appreciate. also shit i need more threads wow i suck might see me replying to some open starters and def need to get back to plotting bc there are some people i’ve been dying to thread with ;^;
its like 6am now so i might b heading 2 bed now but under the cut there will be a reintroduction to jerome (one i promised in januari i believe) as im rewriting his bio (no major things change really its just minor things nd its time for an upgrade) so yes! hello (ims will come tomorrow as well ;3;)
also fact. mullet daddy jaebum is jerome rn dont drag him dont @ him its gone before you know it. probs after idolized its a look tho wow i love- a chic farmer (... the short bangs are tragic tho jerome honey i kno u liked them on wren but ur not wren. jerome: but i- me: no. this this not this jerome: :( ok fine me: fuego 
anyway before i pass out here is reintroduction. the triggers are; adoption, racism themes??? like yeah ok!! apologize if this is shit. hope everyone is having a good day though you all are great!
Jerome Gauthier aka Yuddy
-Anti idol
-Has an okay reputation but that’s because he’s smart about things.
-BC eyeing him tho *eyes fake friends with good reputation for him to hang out with* (hmu for fake friend plots. funny the person w the best rep of all actually likes jerome. bless jisoos christ. guess that praying on knees worked out in the end huh jerome. /dont/ sainthood is waiting)
-Talented™. (ask him to write songs for you) (Actually have a few songs in my library i want him to write but not sing so *eyes*)
-Passionate as fuck don’t mess with him in the studio (passionate all over tbh)
-Adopted and in search of his bloodlines
-Hoe but not really
-Actually, scrap that. Nicknames him JerHOEme
-Is actually lovely
-But acts like a shit
-Slips up and is soft to people sometimes before being a complete and utter asshole the next second
-bc soft jerome whOMST i only know deMON
-Suave Fuckboy who’s nonchalant about everything
-Will call you baby at some point in your life
-Signature smirk
-Egotistic???? Narcissistic??? a lil bit don’t stroke his ego
-Secretive™. not much info on his time in france
-Secretly a dad without children (except for his actual biological son insoo aka chorizo sausage who he goes to play ball with- i mean work on songs in the studio. seriously catch him picking up his son from soccer practice i mean shit no i mean- ok insoo is really his son dont fight me on this.)
-And also has a daughter an Oriental shorthair cat called Edith who he is so soft with he kicks out girls to cuddle with her. (one meow and he’s home)
- we support WISH hating jerome in this household. please people who have girls in WISH dont let them like him (or be a rebel and go against the mothers wishes but you’ve been warned)
-Dont let him get in your pants too like ask wren you dont want that (or i mean with the list of kinks i peeped maybe idk who am i to say what your muse wants or does not want idk im just protecting people from satan)
-Unlikely he’ll get in any pants now anyway tho bc he a proud shopper at papa juliens pizza and y’all some other brand type ish domino lookin asses NAH *throws hands up* rome’s in the house (no but guys. this is his soulmate THIS IS HIM. dISgUStiNG- )
-In 2016 interview took him out of context and it looks like he hates all idol rappers but is not true. He just doesn’t like companies making rap out to be like this thing you can do if you’re pretty and you can’t sing and he doesn’t like it when said pretty idols know nothing of it. he gets the grind but will side eye (benjy nd jerome already have a rivalry bc of this shit thank u interviewer)
-Dating scandals?? EHH. He almost had one with a Japanese model called Momo in the beginning of his career but BC did well of spinning them as friends and he legit had one with his ex last october which?????????? shit she touched his *spoiler* and it was *spoiler* . BC about to ban him from fashion shows damn. yoonah and him have to go to paris fashion week quick
-BC has yet to force him into a relationship tho. but damn he gonna be angry when that ever happens yoo. 
-Studied to become a cinematographer. Now is annoying as fuck during recording MV’s bc he butts into everything (BUT thats why his his mvs so AESTHETIC. eye for beauty bois)
-Holler at ya boi if you want a nice mv he’s involved like that
-Also to the girls who have been in an MV with Jerome.. know he probably flirted with you between takes bc during he’s grade a professionalism but he still a ho
-Actual catlady no questions asked (he feeds stray cats and gets cut up by edith when she smells other cats on him rip)
-Actual wife material no questions asked (to quote the great Halit Yilmaz during that time Jerome stood in the kitchen for hours making baklava and other Turkish treats for Halit’s Eid al-Fitr: “Shit, Jerome if you were a girl i’d marry you in a heartbeat.” and its true. we would ALL marry jerome. who says no is lying. )
-Ok the ego thing btw its weird its an act but hes weird about it dont ask
idk what else to write ok short rundown of his bio as again i’m writing a new one and i cringe every time i look at my old one. im probs forgetting a lot but EYO ITS 6AM WHO CARES
CHILDHOOD age 0 to 10
-Born to a single mom who got fucked over by a smash nd dash dad. (we side eye Ok Chanwook in this household.)
-Moms family discouraged her from taking care of him herself so putting up for adoption it is.
-Very emotional not ok mom boram cry a lot pls. (got v angry too like boi if she ever sees chanwook again he can change his name to no dick larry)
-Adopted by a French couple called Lucas and Daphné (previously named Annelies). pretty kool peeps
-JK racist assholes who fetishize jerome a lot. PLEASE. the yellow fever runs deep. take him away from them,
-Raised in a small town in France and knew 0 Asians growing up. so thats nice
-Loves his adoptive grandpa to death tho (who’s he named after u3u)
-Actually hates the rest lol
-Ok uncle Rémy pretty cool bc he laughs at teen!Jerome shit talking his parents and aunt Camille. She a sweety ;3; a bit odd but a sweety #stanauntCamille
-Basically the people on the Gauthier side and born from Jerome and Clemintine are ok, the rest is shit (except for his dad Lucas. He a Gauthier but he shit)
-Junior/Senior relationship w granpda ;3; “Pépé!!” “Junior!!” *tiny jerome swings around grandpa’s neck* LOVE
-Grandma passed when he was 9. (he loved her very much and would always show her his drawings on her bed ;-;)
-Hard time adjusting at first when he was a tiny toddler. had a lisp talking french. ;3; baby rome
-young jerome had a bad case of the abandonment issues he literally held onto his dads leg for like 30 minutes before the teacher finally peeled him away from him. my smol boi
-Elephants. remember this. is important. /sob
-TLDR; biological mom didnt want to loose him. adoptive parents and dad are fucks. grandpa is kool. jerome had a good childhood until he didnt. thank u ignorance
TEEN YEARS age 10 to 20
-middle school very nice
-kids are mean. teens are mean. young!jerome v lonely
-honestly he had no friends. except for like maybe this one kid on his sport called mattheo but he kinda a weeb so uhhhh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-the time comes that he feels uncomfortable with everything korean. he already learned korean along side french and english when he was growing up but now distances himself from further learning. he clings to french culture a lot and even to this day he refers to himself as french and european, and rarely refers to himself as korean or asian.
-feels disconnected from both though. its like.. his parents took his korean culture away from him by using it for their own amusement. it was not his to have basically. and french- a lot of people around him give the vibe he’s not “allowed” to call himself fully french. they see him as korean, korean-french but never just french. he feels very misunderstood. lack of identity and just not fitting in
-around this time (or earlier i’m musing still) his cousin Antonin (moms side) kind of fell out on him. like. wow. not good. fucked jerome up a lil. (issues intensify)
-inferiority complex inbound/ is he ok? no he isnt. he starts writing to get his emotions out.
-Blessed Freddy rolled in teen jerome’s life like: guess we need to do history homework together jerome: aren’t you gonna make a ‘do my homework bc you’re asian’ joke freddy: why would i jerome:
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-they bond over music, freddy is the one who gets him serious about getting into it (we thank our lord freddy for this gift of life we call singer/songwriter jerome. pray to freddy 10 times a day *srry jisoos christ but ur out*)
-literally young jerome would be a great soundcloud artist in this day and age. he was like joji meets rei brown with more of an rnb tinge. he liked ambient because it calmed him.
-in his old bio thats still up bc im a slow writer his old name was some dumb shit like l.only DUMB its romeles now (get it.. jeROME LESlie gauthier. im smart)
-had a big ass fall out with his parents when he was around 15? was like “UHHH FUCK Y’ALL” and moved in with his grandpa (he was very disrespectful like damn boy but you know what. i support)
-best decision of his life because grandpa v lonely after his wife died and Jerome^2 is… so soft.
-Jerome dancing/singing to old tunes and being engrossed with old movies
-Learning how to cook ;3;
-I mean bc his middle and highschool were in Laval he spend a lot of his time w his grandpa already so he already had a bed and ;-; #jerome^2
-Halit rolls into his life. Braces, huge smile, lil prepubescent stash ohmygod. My child.
-BLANC is born. Freddy/Jerome/Halit’s musical trio. Stan the Three Musketeers
-Found his first best friend and a purpose in Freddy. Found a home in Halit. (sob)
-Finds solace in rnb and hiphop. People start noticing him because of it. Writes songs and performs them in café’s. Found his niche. 15 to 19 where his “best”  years
-THE BIG MOVE. After a concerned halit mom, a proud freddy mom and a “WHAT THE FUCK JEROME NO DONT GO” jerome mom they pack their bags and PARIS HERE WE COME
-Enter ex who haunts his life, Seo Yumi aka Marie (now model, v pretty, makes me cry)
-Spots her in the summer doing yoga in the park and boi he an assman so he got fucked up (jk he saw her face and was like wHAT love at first sight
-enrolls in film school, meets her there again and wow falls in love hard like wow calm down boy
-Dating~~~v possessive not good at ALL cALM DOWN JEROME
-ok he got his issues nd marie was the first one who openly listened to his problems and understood and made him appreciate his korean heritige bc she’s korean and showed him cultural aspects without the gross fetishizing that came with his parents and he just- he got intense ok. he already got a v intense personality so- still not good tho he needs to dial it down
-she thought so too and like after a year she was !!!! what the fuck. she is not one for serious relationships but jerome was like ehhh why not in the beginning its v nice to hear nd be seen as the most beautiful ok but then it got suffocating but instead of breaking up with him she kept him around. he a safe haven ya know. reliable. someone to built on later. *i wanna say she also didnt break up w him because his emo stories but marie,,, eh...* (funny tho like she got a thing for bad boys so she just “this is the fifth time you called me beautiful just degrade me lil like choke me idk” and jerome just “w-why would i do that you’re beautiful i dont want to hurt you” ah *looks into the future* ohhowthetableshaveturned.mp4 )
-Marie cheated on him the second she got the chance which was when jerome went to america w his bros
-Got offered a job as a songwriter when in ny. Wouldnt think he’d take it but after getting kicked out of school for beating the shit out of the guy marie cheated on him with and with marie out of the picture nothing held him back from starting a new life.
-TLDR; emo era. silver era. emo era 2 emo harder
ADULTHOOD age 20 to now
-Seoul make way for the rise of YUDDY™
-the name yuddy is from the film days of being wild. the character is kinda yuddy-ish too so he saw the film again and yep. thats my name
-Visits his orphanage. they like “nah boi u aint got no papers boi”
-Parents can give him access to his birthmother btw, aren’t doing it lol
-Drinks. Sleeps around. Gets a reputation. You kno how it is. (gr8 ride tho. highly recommend. 5 out of 5 stars on yelp)
-SMASH ND DASH. Chanwook is that u??????
-One girl who he got with multiple times reminded him of Marie tho and that fucked him up for a bit (PSST ITS A PLOT WINK SO IF YA GIRL OF AGE IN THE 2013′S HMU BC ITS DRAMATIC HE GHOSTED THE SHIT OUT OF HER)
-Writes a lot of songs, a few for BC (knight baes). BC like *eye emoji* who dat boi who him iz
-Gets sign w BCreate and is like eyy life pretty good
-but lmao he debut and oh who’s that pretty girl promoting that lipstick?? oh.. its marie ;3;
-Joins main label and literally joins w a blessing stream limbo on spotify
-wgm era was a great era of jerome lmty his hair was great, shared cute personal things, manager was happy, slept with his best friend, was married to a sweet beautiful girl ya know the good stuff  👍 no im not crying you are
-triple fantasy era was awful we dont talk about that he looked like his brother and i’m still emotional about him wow. 
-instagram is a great song
-Interviewer: u mention an ex in ur song tell me more Jerome: *SWEATS*  
-Marie: my short hair DOES look pretty thank u babe ur red hair was cute too <3<3
-The fact she linked to him now is spook
-But ok he still flirty, still daring, still yuddy™ but definitely less of the whole “sleeping around” thing now bc he… he uhh closetoyou.mp3
TLDR; he turned into his dad but romeo is rising AND HE IS SCARED!!!!!
also never forget jerome is the messiest king in this ok non y’all are as messy as him. he fucked his ex’s friend oK THERE IS NOTHING MORE MESSY. dONT COME FOR HIS CROWN
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rebel-band · 4 years
Track 1. Into the Light
On a January evening, a week after his seventeenth birthday, Ko Yoo-mi set his foot in Tokyo for the second time in his life, and this time with the intention of staying for good. With a guitar case on his back, 100 000 yen in his wallet, a gym bag light with just a couple of thrift clothes, and a heart half full of apprehension and half of assurance, he stood in front of a two storied white building that he never had expected would turn out to be a café.
After checking the address again in his wreck of a phone, and realizing the battery had way too little power left in case this plan fell through tonight, he knew the only way was to go in, and hope for the best. With a deep breath he pulled the glass door open.
Blackbird, as was the café called judging by the minimalist logo on the door, was full and hot like an overflowing cup, steaming with conversations, coffee scent, and a feeling of companionship. The merry patrons were sitting at two tables by the full length display window in the front, as well as by a long wooden counter, attended by two baristas - a pink-haired woman, and a man. Before Yoo-mi even considered finding a spot for himself, the man behind the counter gestured to him and then to the door over the heads of the customers.
"Sorry kid. It's past 7 PM, and a bar night, so adults only."
He was a man nearing his thirties, of a rather muscular stance, with stubble and a no-nonsense expression on his face. Under a barista apron he was wearing some band t-shirt.
Yoo-mi straightened up, chest out, confident look on his face. "I'm twenty," he lied. But the man was not having it. "Can I see some ID?"
"I don't have it with me," he shrugged in reply.
"Then I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."
As the man crossed his arms over the chest in a no-joke manner, Yoo-mi noticed a sleeve kind of tattoo of what looked like a bird in a branch on his right arm. Somehow the sight gave him a queasy feeling in the pit of his stomach.
"I'm looking for Mika," he got himself to say. "Does she work here?"
The bartender shifted in place, arms still crossed, eyes narrowed and scrutinising Yoo-mi from head to toe.
"She's out for a while." His tone was sharp if informative.
"Look, can I just get a coffee. I'll wait outside." Yoo-mi tried to excuse himself from the man's company, and the man agreed, still closely scanning his appearance.
"Sure," he replied absentmindedly, looking around while the man tended to the coffee machine.
The chatter at the counter made it hard to focus but he managed to notice a black iron shelf full of hard liquor on the white painted wall of exposed brick behind the baristas (so it was a bar after all), and a door frame just opposite the main entrance at the far end of the room, leading to what looked like a stage in the back of the venue, with a band setting up for the night.
The barman handed him a black paper cup with a lid in exchange for cash, and politely but firmly nodded towards the door again.
Outside, the sun was already gone, and the white stucco of the building turned grey with the twilight. Yoo-mi moved sideways from the well lit entrance under a wooden pergola, which in the summer must have served as a small outdoor sitting space for the guests. It looked eerily abandoned now.
As a train rattled on the tracks somewhere close-by, he startled, and suddenly noticed he's been clutching the handles of his bag way tighter than necessary with a nervous grip.
This was a mistake. What was he thinking coming over? Old man Kobayashi said she'd be waiting but, honestly, why would she bother with someone she'd never even met.
He took a deep breath, and then a sip.
The coffee had a rich flavour, unlike the ones he knew from the vending machines and 7elevens. But for that price, he'd be surprised if it tasted bad.
Checking the battery on his phone again, he thought about his options.
Without an ID, he'd have to find a manga cafe, and soon, to get a spot for the night. It didn't look like the kind of neighbourhood to have any, so he needed to get closer to Akihabara. The sounds of the trains nearby gave him some hope to get there in time. Then in the morning, he'd try to find her again. Maybe.
Just as he threw the paper cup away into a nearby bin, and leaned out of the pergola to look around for some signage directing to the nearest station, he heard two women walking by.
"I tell you, if he keeps spoiling her like that she'll be too jealous of the baby," one of them nagged with an exaggerated sigh.
"Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be a good big sister anyway," the other simply laughed, as they moved towards the cafe entrance.
"Sorry, are you Mika?" Yoo-mi followed them into the lit area in front of the display window, addressing any of them really, clinging to some last hope.
The woman in a grey hoodie over a long dark dress gasped as he appeared in view, and nearly dropped a Family Mart bag full of groceries.
Yoo-mi paused in his steps and straightened up. As she eyed him carefully he became painfully aware of his appearance. 
Shoulder length black hair. A mildly irritated face expression that seemed to be almost permanent. Tall and skinny frame in black jeans and an olive green parka. Chucks. A guitar on his back.
"Ah! You must be Ko-kun!" she perked up surprised.
He simply nodded.
"Why aren't you inside? He didn't let you in, did he?" she answered herself not even waiting for him to speak. "I'm going to have a serious talk with that man, I swear."
"Well, I'm going in," the other woman gestured at the door. "Let's see if this band's any good." She sent a small smile to Yoo-mi as she excused herself.
"So, I'm Yamaguchi Mika, nice to meet you" the woman bowed slightly with a smile.
"Ko Yoo-mi, likewise."
Not much of a talker, huh, she noted to herself. "How was the journey?"
"Fine. Came by coach."
"A coach, huh? But that's so long."
"It's a lot cheaper though," he shrugged.
Mika sighed, knowing that all too well.
"OK, let's get you settled then" she smiled at him, and moving back towards the pergola gestured for him to follow. Only then Yoo-mi noticed, there was actually a fence with a gate there, and a very narrow garden path by the side of a neighbouring building. It led to an iron wrought staircase attached to the side of the building. He followed her up.
"This used to be my parents' house." There was a hint of nostalgia and affection in her voice. "Then we converted it to a business with my husband. It's not much really, but we got to live here, the three of us, till our daughter needed more space." She fidgeted with the key in the lock. "So I think you'll be pretty comfortable here on your own."
She opened the door to what turned out to be a studio flat right above the café.
"We took almost all of our stuff out already, there's two more boxes in the kitchen by the window. Kotarō promised to take them tomorrow." She took her shoes off and stepped right in, then placed the bag of groceries on a wooden kitchen cart that doubled as a kitchen island and table.
Yoo-mi stepped into the genkan, and looked around the flat.
Just opposite the step up, there was a door which probably led to a small bath unit. On his left, over a half wall stood a kitchen counter with a portable counter top cooker visible, a small sink nearby it. He glimpsed a window at the far end of the room, it was probably overlooking the cafe entrance.
"Come on, shoes off, what are you waiting for?" She laughed, rushing him in.
He untied the chucks and stepped slowly over the genkan step. "Sorry for the intrusion." he said, head bowed down and avoiding her eyes.
"Now I know what gramps meant saying you're a bit...feral," she said amused, but with arms crossed all the same. "You're not intruding, for god's sake. This is your home now, right? So what do you say in a home?"
He shifted in place. "I'm...home."
How strange that word still was, Yoo-mi thought.
"Welcome then!" She gestured with open arms, happy to show him around. "This floor is soundproof so nothing coming from below will bother you. There's a new futon for you in the corner. Also, a welcome gift," she pointed to a nearby guitar stand, then moved to getting the groceries into a small fridge under the kitchen counter. "I brought you something for starters, but you can easily find a konbini around if you need more. There were no bentos left, though, they sell out pretty quickly after six because students live around here. It's quite close to the campus."
He looked around uncertain, not moving from his place, as she continued bustling around the kitchen.
"There's no washing machine, but a coin laundry is around the corner as well. Sorry there's no real balcony, we had to remove it when we extended the venue into the garden for the stage downstairs. The view wasn't that great anyway because of the train line behind the house. But the door still opens, and you can use the roof to chill." She smiled, then looked at him again.
He still had the parka and guitar case on, gym bag in hand, as if ready to leave any second.
"Here's the keys" she handed him a lanyard but it took him a moment to reach out for it and accept it.
"Thanks," he muttered in reply.
"I know it's a lot to process but remember, I'm here to help." She smiled a reassuring smile. "Now get yourself settled, and then come down to us once you feel like it, OK?"
For a second, Yoo-mi thought she wanted to give him a hug, but stopped herself at the last moment. With a wave instead, she said she'd see him later.
Once the door closed after her, Yoo-mi let out a deep breath and sat on the floor. With the keys heavy in his hand he suddenly felt the weight of the journey behind him.
It took him about an hour to get back downstairs. He didn't really have to unpack, there was not much in his bag anyway. But he took the time to carefully check the locks, and the balcony door leading to the roof of the building extension below. The building, he noted, was not high enough to give him full vertigo but it was probably too high to jump off safely if needed. As he was going back inside, he felt the roof vibrate slightly with the sound of the band playing below.
He plugged the phone to charge, checked the fridge stocked by the woman with food, and took a bite of a spicy tuna mayo onigiri, only then realizing how hungry he had been. It disappeared in one go. Before getting into the shower to get rid of the traveling fatigue, out of habit, he checked the locks again.
When he entered the café, most of the patrons had cleared into the second room to listen to the band play but the bar still seemed crowded for his taste. No longer in the grey hoodie, Mika was sitting by the counter between the customers, soda can and glass beside her.
"You never listen to me," she raised her voice but clearly only teased the man Yoo-mi has already seen behind the counter tonight.
"I do, it's just you never said it'd be today," the man laughed back.
"I didn't say? You forgot, that's what it is. Honestly, I don't know how you still manage to run this business." She rolled her eyes, finishing her drink.
"We all know it's you who runs the place, Missus," one of the customers butted in, hearty laugh from the other patrons following his statement. "He's just here to serve the coffee."
"And play your music, mind you," the bartender pointed a finger at the customer in a half-joking, half-warning kind of way.
"I'm sorry! Please let us play here again soon!" As the man pleaded, everyone erupted in laughter again.
"Hey Ko-kun!" Mika gestured to him smiling, while a large group of people entering the cafe, clearly late to the concert, pushed Yoo-mi further inside. "This is my husband, that rude man, who didn't let you in," she grinned at the man.
"Nice to meet you, Yamaguchi Kotarō." He bowed to Yoo-mi with an apologetic smile. "Sorry for the trouble before."
"Ko Yoo-mi. No problem. The coffee was great."
As another group came back to the bar from the other room to get drinks and swiped passed him, Yoo-mi felt his body tense up and stuck closer to the wall, trying to lean away from the coming crowd.
This was the most people he's been around since last summer.
"Too crowded for you?" Yamaguchi asked, seeing his reaction. "You want to hop onto this side of the counter to help out?"
Though surprised at first, Yoo-mi did a mental headcount, then quickly exchanged his parka for the apron the man handed him, and got behind the counter through a latch door for employees. With only three people on this side, it felt better already.
"Ever worked in a café?" Yamaguchi asked, as Yoo-mi pulled his hair up and tied it with a hairband from his wrist.
"No, but I'm a fast learner."
"You can't just ask people to work for you like that," Mika objected, but the man just hushed her with a wave.
"Hey, that's how I got the job and I'm not complaining," the pink-haired barista moved closer towards Yoo-mi. "I'm Kate, by the way." He noticed her Japanese was great, even though she was a foreigner.
Mika was still not pleased, a frown visible under her evenly cut bangs.
"I'm fine." Yoo-mi simply moved to the sink as instructed by Kate to wash hands. "I don't mind working."
"See?" Yamaguchi smiled at his wife. "It's always a good idea."
Was it a good idea? That Yoo-mi wasn't entirely sure. What he was sure of was you didn't really say no to a man with that many tattoos where he was from. He also felt it a fairly easy way to return a favour. After all, it was their hospitality he was relying on, and he was painfully aware of the fact.
The band played in the background while Kate, bouncing from foot to foot to the tune, explained to him the basics of adjusting the grinder, tamping the grounds, and making an "excellent espresso" which he was sure won't happen on his first try.
"Here you go, boss," she offered the first of Yoo-mi's attempts to Yamaguchi who was observing Kate's teaching and Yoo-mi's progress with a wide grin. He took the small cup, he took a sip, then finally bent almost in half and grimaced.
"That under-extracted, huh?" Mika laughed at his reaction. She knew her husband much preferred his coffee dark and sweet.
Kate snickered, and Yoo-mi's eyes darted from one to the other, a frown on his face.
"It's too sour," Yamaguchi explained, "But some twenty dozens more and I'll say you learned how to pull a passable shot. It's a painful learning curve, much like with the guitar," he added. Yoo-mi relaxed his expression slightly.
"Oh yea, gramps mentioned you taught yourself how to play," Mika remembered all of a sudden. "You even did some gigs back in town, I heard."
Yoo-mi immediately stood taller, a small yet knowing smile on his face. "Some."
"When did you start?" Yamaguchi asked, passing the unfinished espresso back to Kate who tossed it into the drain and the cup to the dishwasher.
"When I started drums at fourteen, my parents wanted to kill me," he laughed in response, and for just a moment Yoo-mi thought he wished he had that problem at the time. "What's your gear?"
"Favourite axeman?"
"The Samurai."
"He plays a Taylor T5, right?"
Yoo-mi nodded. "What do you play?" he asked the man.
"Good ol' Yamaha. You can check it out in the back later." He gestured with the head towards the end of the room. "The band's using it now."
"Yamaguchi-san lets people borrow it for gigs sometimes," one of the customers added to the conversation.
"Not every indie band can afford to bring their own kit."
"Not every band should". The woman Yoo-mi had seen heading to the cafe with Mika before sat down at the bar, resting her head on the left arm. She was wearing a deep sea green blazer over a white shirt, and a tired expression on her face.
"Come on, they're not that bad." Kate rolled her eyes at her, and asked Yoo-mi to pass the Hendricks gin bottle from the iron shelf above his head. He reached for it without a problem, while she would definitely need a step ladder to do so.
The woman at the counter happily accepted the gin and tonic that Kate served her without even being asked. 
"Well all in all, no. Just their guitar sucks." She tapped the side of the glass before having a sip. "I mean, what's with the volume war? You can't hear the goddamn vocals, or bass for that matter, over how loud he's playing there. Why do so many goddamn guitarists have to show they think they're better than the rest of the band?" she addressed one of the patrons, who simply put his hands up in a defensive gesture.
"This guy here plays guitar too. Why don't you ask him," the man pointed at Yoo-mi.
The woman eyed him with a slow building up smile, and leaned in forward on the counter.
"So what do you think, newcomer?" Her green eyes flickered with a playful gaze.
Yoo-mi gave her a half smirk. "Nothing wrong with showing you're good at something."
"When you're flying solo," she replied without hesitation. "See, that's the thing. It's different in a group of people, in a band. You can't really show off all the time. You need something else, like a connection."
"I think you need more than that."
He shook his head.
"Trust and respect."
She raised one eyebrow at his statement over the glass pressed to her lips.
"They probably don't trust his skills, and he doesn't care enough to respect theirs." Yoo-mi gestured with the head towards the stage room.
"Oh, interesting. So you don't think a good band needs chemistry?"
"Take away the tinsel, it's just another day to day job."
She blinked twice, forgetting what she wanted to say.
"So show up, apply yourself 100%. Trust others do the same, and respect the work they put in. That's what you need."
He saw Mika smile to herself seeing her friend’s bewildered gaze, and realized he must have sounded pretty much like Kobayashi right now.
"Good work ethics, I like that," Nanami smiled at him. "Oh, I don't think I've introduced myself. Miwa Nanami, Hex Records." She handed him a business card promptly. "Now all I need is to hear you play."
Yoo-mi looked at the cream cardboard card with a black logo showing two female hands holding what looked like a half moon, half vinyl record. He smirked.
"I'm not looking for fame."
"Well then, just give me a call if it finds you," she grinned.
After paying for the drink, Kate charging Nanami’s card and showing Yoo-mi how to use the point of sale system, the woman put on her black coat.
"See you next weekend, guys." She waved a goodbye to the group at the counter.
The band finished the set at 11 pm and came down to the bar for drinks and friendly banter. Yoo-mi busied himself with cleaning the glassware Kate collected from the patrons from the stage room, and was carefully loading the dishwasher in a small kitchen nook to the side of the counter.
From there he had a good view of the guitarist who, though seemingly engaged in the same small talk, kept a distance from the rest of his group. Seeing him react with impatient snorts and grumbling at what the others were saying only made Yoo-mi certain he was right about the dynamic in the band. And sure enough, the man left with his guitar case without even saying goodbye to his mates.
Last call came and went, and so finally did all the patrons. When the café emptied, it felt to Yoo-mi as if it suddenly contracted cooling down. He couldn't really believe how many people had come and gone through the door in the couple of hours he was there.
While Kate tried to go over the cleaning and maintenance of the coffee machines with him, Mika was looking into transactions in the POS on a tablet, and Yamaguchi disappeared to the stage room.
Kate soon dismissed Yoo-mi, seeing how he wasn't really paying much attention, his mind already way too tired to register all the details, and simply gave him a broom to sweep the floors. That he could do, even if tired.
First thing he did, he walked over to the other room, the broom a good excuse to take a look. It was wider than the bar room, with wooden parquet on the floor and wooden custom looking acoustic panels on the walls. A small ledge ran around the wall, probably for patrons to leave their empty glasses safe during a gig. On the far right, a black sturdy fire door led outside to the area under the pergola. The room only had artificial lightning, no windows in sight. He thought the acoustics here must be pretty great.
Right opposite the door frame, there was a low stage, stocked with mic stands and amps, a vintage looking carpet underneath the equipment. The amber coloured Yamaha stood in the right corner of the stage, Yamaguchi busy with giving it a thorough clean.
As Yoo-mi moved across the room with the broom, the man moved methodically from polishing the rims, cymbals, and metal hardware, finally to the wooden parts of the set. The wood conditioner he used was, unmistakably, lemon oil. Yoo-mi smiled to himself at the smell triggering a fond memory.
He didn't know much about drum set maintenance but the attention with which Yamaguchi treated the kit was similar to how Yoo-mi treated his own guitar. The appreciation for the craft and the love for it was almost palpable.
"Ko-kun, come down here when you're done!"
He startled hearing his name coming from the bar room. Mika had a surprisingly strong voice for someone of her posture.
He quickly swiped the dust into the dustpan and returned to the front of the café, evading Kate who was sweeping the floor here with another broom. She took the dustpan from him, while Mika patted the bar stool next to her for him to sit.
"I've got something for you," she said, handing him a white envelope. Inside, Yoo-mi found, was a stack of papers with the title "Tenancy agreement".
"You don't have to look into it now, I'm sure you're tired," she added seeing him shift uncomfortably on the chair. "But it's something we could go over tomorrow."
"Sure," he answered, looking down at the envelope clutched in his hands rather than at her.
"There's also your paperwork to discuss. I asked a colleague to help sort things out for you. We've been working on similar cases of...unaccompanied minors before," she looked for a good way to put it. "Did gramps mention it to you?"
She crossed her arms with a worried look on her face, yet she didn’t comment further. "We're opening at 10:30 to customers, so if you could be down here at 9 that would be perfect. Bring anything you think may help."
He only nodded in reply.
Kate said her goodbyes and hurried home, and shortly after Yoo-mi excused himself from the Yamaguchis too. Envelope in hand, he climbed the iron wrought staircase and opened the door.
Inside, he kicked off the chucks, and closed all locks carefully. He grabbed another onigiri from the fridge and sat down by the kitchen island with the stack of papers but it was no use, they'd have to wait until morning. With a tired sigh he trailed to the bathroom to have another quick shower after the work done tonight.
Boxers and tee on, he assembled the futon mattress and covered it with the new sheets. Sitting on the ready made bed he took another look at the studio.
This was a good place, he knew deep inside, better than anything he's ever had for himself. Maybe that was part why it felt so weird.
As he swept his eyes through the items in the room, his phone charging, gym bag still packed, parka neatly folded by its side, the guitar case in his immediate vicinity, he noticed the guitar stand that Mika mentioned casually during the home tour.
It was the fold away, simple ‘A’ frame type but it had nice padding for support and a safety strap attached. Naturally, Yoo-mi reached to open his guitar case.
The vintage sunburst of his guitar stood heavily out against the red lining inside. He carefully picked the instrument and stood up in front of the stand.Hesitating for a moment, he decided against using it after all.
"Sorry to keep you waiting so long," he thought, sitting down on the futon to tune the guitar after the journey today.
Strumming the strings, Yoo-mi felt a wave of comfort come. He could only think of one song to play after tonight at the café.
Just before 2 AM, he put the guitar back into the case, and heard the black metal shutters fall down outside on the display window and the glass door like heavy eyelids. And just like that, Blackbird was finally silent in the darkness of the night.
0 notes
namjhyun · 8 years
First, thank you @aeinmaterial for tagging me is this challenge. I do love to participate in the community! That said, this was hell to figure out.....
According to the instructions, I picked my Top 10 biases (I choose to do it kdrama based only) and randomly pitted 2 against each other.
Here are the results:
Ji sung vs Park Seo-joon: The Oppa Love Fight! Why choose when these two love each other as much I love them? They even won Best Couple (that’s right) for their awesome and hilarious performances in Heal Me, Kill Me (MBC) back in 2015.
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Yoo Yeon Suk vs Seo In Guk: The Reply Showdown!
Fine, I will choose in this one... and I will have to go with Seo In guk. As much as I love Yoo Yeon-suk and his ever growing career, Seo In guk has a special place in my heart thanks to his boyish charm and killer three piece suit look.
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Jung Kyung ho vs Jung Il woo: The Heart Eye’s Dilemma!
GAH! As much I love Jung Il woo’s heart eyes when he’s on a romcom, I will choose Jung Kuyung ho. For starters, and from a career point of view, I like the choices Jung Kyung ho does much better than Il-woo’s, who I wish went for more diverse work in recent years.
That said, Jung Kyung ho also has an undeniable charm and amazing smile that will make the coldest heart melt. From mafia boss to single father and redeemed entertainer, he is a true chameleon!
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Choi Siwon vs Nam Joo hyuk: The Choco-abs Dynasty!
How can I forget Choi Siwon and his surprisingly growing career as an actor that has proven he is more than just a pretty face or choco abs. And I can talk about this all night long, Siwon did good work in his two last kdramas. 
So, I’m picking Siwon over Nam Joo-hyuk, only for the reason that the latter is still new to the scene. But I have great hopes for Nam Joo-hyuk after his work in Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo, which was one of the best dramas of 2016.
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Park Hyungsik vs Jo Jung suk: the Skilfull Oppa conundrum!
I have been following Jo Jung suk career and I always thought he was good, although it wasn’t until Jealousy Incarnate (2016) that he really won my heart. I also adore he loves working on musicals and jumps at any chance to dance.
But my hearts tells me is Park Hyungsik who I should be talking about because I love him. To pieces. AS AN ACTOR. Just to make things clear, I have never heard one song by ZE:A, but I have always been impressed by his acting skills even when he was relative new to the scene. I see a good future for him in Dramaland and I couldn’t be more excited about his first lead role in Strong Woman Do Bong Soon!
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I SURVIVED!!! And now I pass on the challenge to @lavenderbyun @leeskyung @joowons @dingax and @gimme-a-chocolate. Have fun!
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saviormysticmeme · 8 years
Okayyyy I read your rfa reaction to witch MC and omg YES IT WAS FUCKING EVERYTHING PERFECT 10/10 would you be able to do one focusing on crystal healing specifically please? (Btw the sevens part in the bath oh my gods yes just yes)
For starters: I am so so sorry because I’m pretty sure you sent this after my first HC which was the Witchy MC on which must have been like 2 months ago and and and basically I’m so sorry for the wait
When I first read this prompt I was like “Oh man gotta research my crystal stuff” Cause I just know all the go-tos like the Quartz family, and Hematite and such and I wanted to look into and find more unique ones but I haven’t and ahhhhhh
Anyways, I was out with a few witches tonight and we made cute little gem charms for love and I was like “It’s a sign. Time to write the fic, Jackass” So here we are
Anon, if you see this please let me know because I’m gonna feel really bad if you never got to see it (TᨓT)
RFA + Crystals
You made him a charm, he could decide to put it on his phone or bag, or anything really
Actually you could have even made him a hair clip oops
Anyways, you had put a bunch of Tiger’s Eye stones on a wire and bent it into the shape of a star before adding a little strap to it
His eyes lit up when you gave it to him
“Whaaaa? For me?” He clenched it tight in his hand and pulled you into a hug. “Mc you’re too nice to me!?!?”
You chuckled as he pulled away, his eyes looked wet like he was about to cry
“It’s Tiger’s Eye!” You began to explain as he tied the strap to his phone case “It’s for motivation and success! So I figured it’d help you with school and with LOLOL.”
His eyes shot back to you again, even wetter. 
“Y-Yoosung you don’t have to cr-”
It was too late
He pulled you into another tight hug “I’M DATING THE MOST THOUGHTFUL PERSON EVER” He wailed as he squeezed the living daylights out of you.
“Yoo…sung…pls” You swear you saw your soul leave your body
The blonde boy just smiled as he pulled back, only to dart in for a quick but deep kiss on your lips.
“Jaehee! Hold your hand out I have a surprise for you!” 
She just stared at you for a minute before closing your eyes and putting her hand out, open and waiting to receive. 
You ignore the open hand though and slide a Bracelet made of Rose Quartz beads on to her wrist
Her eyes open and she looks at the light pink minerals
“Mc? This is so pretty…It must have cost a fortune I can’t accept this!”
“Jaehee not at all, I made it myself!” A proud smile grows on your face as she stares at the bracelet in awe 
“Well then…what did I do to deserve such a wonderful gift??”
Your eyes and smile soften as they meet your girlfriend’s. “Well, Rose Quartz is supposed to be really soothing, you know, reduce your anxiety and stuff. I know you worry a lot..about our future in with the cafe and about plenty of stuff I’m sure you try to not tell me about..”
She looks towards the ground, a bit guilty
“Don’t worry!” You reassure her. “I know you just don’t want to make me worried to. But in those times when you don’t want to ‘worry me’ I want to make sure you can relax a little more and worry less…So when you wear that bracelet I’ll feel better knowing I’m helping in at least some way”
Jaehee just stared at you for a moment, mouth slightly agape. After a moment of silence:
“Mc….I know this bracelet will help, because from now on whenever I look at it I’ll remember that we’ll always have each other. That no matter what worries are troubling me…I’ll have you by my side. And if we have each other…well then there’s nothing that can worry me that badly.” 
You were ready to cry
Gdi Jaehee this was supposed to be a gift for you not a motivational speech for MC pls 
You two just stared into each others’ eyes for a moment before leaning in for a soft, reassuring kiss.
You made him a necklace. It was simple, just a black cord with one stone hanging off of it. 
“What is this?” He mused as he rolled the wire wrapped stone in his fingers.
“Blue Lace Agate.” You said with a smile
Honestly Zen was pretty well rounded and healthy aside from his smoking habit
You had a hard time thinking of a stone he could use
But you remember Blue Lace Agate
It’s said to aid in easing stress on the shoulders, neck, and most importantly, throat. 
Zen spent hours in rehearsal singing and monologuing, and sure he always drank his hot honey water and did warm ups, but some extra metaphysical cushioning couldn’t hurt ^^
A sweet smile plays on his lips as he turns the stone over and over before turning to you
“Mc…would you do me the honor?” He held the necklace out for you and bent his head downwards
You smiled as you clasped it behind his neck
When he tilted his head up your faces were inches away from each other
He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on your lips while your hands were still on his neck
You marveled at the chain once you finished
It was an average silver chain at first, but you managed to tightly wedge and place small Hematite stones in between the coils
The black and silver combo was perfect for Jumin, as well of the anti-stress properties of Hematite.
It’s supposed to absorb negative energies and turn them into positive ones, and even promote healthy blood flow to prevent headaches
You waited on the couch, chain held in your tight little fists, eager for Jumin to walk through the door
As soon as the lock of the door undid itself you jumped up
“Honey!” You exclaimed as you took his hand, giving him a bit of a shock
“Kitten? You’re exci-”
“I made something for you!” You didn’t even wait before putting the chain in his palm “I thought it’d be a nice new chain for your pocket watch, I remembered you saying you weren’t a fan of the gold one..”
“Kitten…it’s beautiful” He said staring at it. “Where did you buy this?”
“Well I got the chain from the jewelry store down the street, but I put the Hematite in myself.”
You read off your mental notebook of Hematite’s purposes and explained that you thought the black and silver was also a nice color combo
“You’re so thoughtful” His half lidded eyes fell on the chain as he ran his finger across it. Eventually he pulled out his pocket watch and swapped the chains.
He continued to muse with it for a second before looking to you, a grin on his face. 
He put the watch away and cupped the sides of your face in his hands
“Thank you, Kitten” And you two shared a passionate kiss
If you could you’d dress Seven in all the gems
He needs all the healies for his feelies
But you figured you’d try to pick one stone
And you know one stone that is basically the grandaddy of dealing with grief, pain, and overall internal healing
You went to the local Health and Wellness store and browsed, looking for just the right piece of Amethyst.
You ended up seeing an already made ring
It was a gold ring with a messily cut piece of amethyst. Rough around the edges, varying shades of purple, a little cloudy but when you held it up to the light you could see it was a little translucent in some parts.
It was perfect.
You had the clerk wrap it and you practically skipped all the way home.
“Saaaeyooounng~~” You called
He poked his head from around the corner “You rang?”
You all but ran over to him, excitement pulling the corners of your lips up. “Close your eyes and put your hand out”
“Oooooo a gift?” He sang as he closed his eyes. “Gee I hope it’s not a kiss or anything~”
“Why would I have you put your hand out for a kiss??”
“I don’t know, so you can hold my hand while you do it?” His smirk turned into a joking pout. You rolled your eyes and ended up giving him a peck on the lips while you placed the little wrapped box in his hand
“oooOoOoOOOo” He started unwrapping it, his fingers working fast, but delicate enough to manage to not rip the paper anywhere aside from the tape.
Once he undid the box he marveled at the gift
“MC….are you proposing to me?” He giggled as he held the ring up to the light
“Not quite yet” You rolled your eyes for the second time in the last minute, but returned to his gaze with a smile. 
He put the jokes aside
“Mc…it’s really beautiful..But why?”
“Amethyst is supposed to help with, like, everything. It cleanses your aura, allegedly improves memory and clear thinking, helps sleeping, and balances your energy to be more calm or energized depending on what you need….But most of all it helps with inner healing”
You see a small glint behind Saeyoung’s eyes, a spark, a memory of something painful.
His smile shrinks a bit, but you decide to press on.
“It’s supposed to relieve feelings of guilt, of sadness…of pain.” You took a small step towards Saeyoung and slowly wrapped your arms around him. “I just want you to be happy, Saeyoung.”
The world was quiet for a moment and Seven didn’t move.
You were worried you might have overstepped his comfort zone by bringing up the past
Slowly he wrapped his arms around you as well and pulled you in tight, his lips by your ear
“Thank you, Mc”
You stood like that for a moment, just holding each other.
Eventually one of you pulled back a bit, but only for you both to meet somewhere in the middle where your lips pressed together in a loving kiss. 
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gwynne-fics · 8 years
jeonjuns replied to your post “Things to Avoid – Rachel & Young-Do little turtles “I could do a drive...”
All of young do's are very eager to be father except in Starters. I hope their turtle will be healthy�� I wonder will rachel have sth like that in starters too?
Yes, for the most part, all my Young-Do’s want to have the family that has been denied to him for so long.
That is a good question! Starter’s main story will be about Rachel’s desire to have a baby with both men juxtaposed against their desire not to have children and what it means to sacrifice for the person you love. Any more than that would be a spoiler ^^;
wei50-blog replied to your post “Things to Avoid – Rachel & Young-Do little turtles “I could do a drive...”
Yes! More YoungRa! Aaawwwwww! Little baby boy! Young-Do cries! <3 But then, he always does because he is a softy! Oh, no! Don’t let them lose the baby!!! Besides the added stress, Rachel is also at risk because the baby will take what it needs from her! How would the reporters know when her appointments are? If not the doctor, maybe someone on his staff? Ack! The doctor and nurse now know who the father is?! Is this going to be a problem???
I feel like men should cry as often as possible when presented with proof they will be fathers >.>
All reasons why Young-Do is trying as quickly as possible to resolve this. He wants Rachel to be healthy so she can give birth to their baby and he wants a healthy baby.
As for where the leeks are coming from...>.>
Yay, Young-Do coming back and taking care of Rachel and the situation! Doing well for just knowing for two weeks! Wonder if he will ever be able to acknowledge the baby as his? And can their unusual relationship be accepted if the public finds out?
He is doing such a good job and focusing so hard on this to show Rachel that he deserves to be some version of a spouse and father. It’s also good that Myung-Soo is supporting him during this and keeping any jealousy or fear he has in check. They will have to talk about it though, because that’s what having a healthy open relationship means--respectful communication.
Rachel willing to compromise what she thought she wanted! Not a true ot3, but an understanding reached? Seems like the three of them are living comfortably together? How does that work logistically? Rachel seeing him as more than just the boy she managed. Now, she is starting to see him as a man who can love and support her in the way she needs.
So Young-Do is in an open relationship with both Myung-Soo and Rachel. They prefer to just be in a relationship with him, so that’s kind of closed on their end, but they accept he is with the other person as well. 
It really helped that Rachel and Myung-Soo were able to establish a friendship while he was gone, especially during the last five months, as they lived together during the scandal. It will be Young-Do who has to figure out how to fairly split his time between his two partners.
Haha, Yoon Yoo-Rae! I guess she is an entertainment reporter for YGN!!! She’s good! Questions so pointed, no wonder Young-Do immediately suspects Tan as her source! Makes me think of In-Ha/ Eun-Sang, and how the Silent Scream scenario was set up! So the story Young-Do is ‘giving’ them is that their companies are being bribed to do this story? Wow, bold to ask them to investigate their own company!
I need to keep my dopplegangers to a minimum ^^;; I think though it is safe to say that this crosses with Hiccups ^^;;;;
He is being bold but he’s going to push it until it happens. At the very least, they might investigate each other >.>
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227's™ Facebook Fries!¡' (aka YouTube Chili' NBA) #Nike'Spicy'Tunes Trending News! #Nike'Spicy' NBA Mix! Spicy' UFC star Chili' McGregor facing criminal charges in New York #Walmart'Spicy'Tunes #Nike'Spicy'Tunes Spicy' NBA Mix!
NEW YORK (AP) — UFC star Conor McGregor is facing criminal charges after a backstage melee injured two fighters and forced the removal of three bouts on Saturday night from UFC's biggest card this year. Video footage appears to show the promotion's most bankable star throwing a hand truck at a bus full of fighters on Thursday after a news conference for UFC 223 at Brooklyn's Barclays Center. The New York Police Department says McGregor was charged, facing three counts of assault and one count of criminal mischief. He's making a court appearance on Friday. It was not immediately known if McGregor has an attorney who could comment on his behalf. UFC President Dana White said Friday he spoke to McGregor via text and the brawler said the confrontation "had to be done." "It was probably the worst conversation we ever had," White told FS1's "First Things First" on Friday morning. "We talked yesterday before he turned himself in. "It's not that I don't think he understood what happened. He justified it. It was justified to him." White said the 29-year-old McGregor said he was sorry about the fighters who were injured, but, "this had to be done." Video showed McGregor with a group of people causing chaos Thursday as they took an elevator to the loading dock at Barclays Center. He can be seen tossing trash cans and being prevented from throwing a barricade at a bus during his unannounced appearance in New York. Michael Chiesa was sent to the hospital with injuries sustained in the attack and was forced out of his scheduled fight against Anthony Pettis. "A decision was made by the New York State Athletic Commission to pull me from UFC 223," Chiesa tweeted. "I'm devastated to say the least. @showtimepettis I hope to run this match up ASAP. June 9th in your backyard. That's all I have to say for now. Much love." Flyweight Ray Borg suffered multiple cornea abrasions in the wake of the McGregor attack and his fight against Brandon Moreno was also scratched. "The organization deems today's disruption completely unacceptable and is currently working on the consequences that will follow," UFC said in a statement. "Individuals involved in the incident are not welcome at tomorrow's ceremonial weigh-in or Saturday's event at Barclays Center." https://www.yahoo.com/news/ufc-star-mcgregor-facing-criminal-charges-york-city-114526007--spt.html
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